gmrtt- and' goirisiltt " THEOBSERYEB JOB DEPARTMENT, , Hai beenhoroughlT supplied with" erery needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of , Job Printing can aoirbeAflJiwlHi neatness, dispatch and.Chephees. ' We can fat nlah at ahort notice, 17 BLANKS, BILL-HKiDg. -,r. r-Vr UrTTEB-HSADS, CABDet, vm y ' ' I TAGS, BECEIPTa POSTKOi ' PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS. PAHPHXEraCniCXJLABa CHECKS,. RVB8QUTPTION BATE8: paHy, om year, jxxtvaid,in adxmo. . , $8 00 fti ((w'A ........;............. 4.00 TWt month ........ . 2.00 ttne month 7S WKBKLT SDlTTOlf: . Wtekiv (' omtv), to sw. ., ,$2.00 OutOftJuHxmtV, fa . ;..r.i.M. 2.1w gixmontht . ........ 1.0S Xi6e" RtdnationfOT Club. VOL. XXVI. CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 14, 1881. NO. 3,975 Charlotte bamies. yrnV if Some da? this week atd get a pair of- BLANKETS, or a- Si l l1 of READY-MADE CLOTHES, or an 0 ApE R C O AT, CLOAK or a WALKING JACKET, or a- Fair Flannel Shirts or a Carpet, -OR AM of the obovo goods and you will find plenty of oilier at'.nctive goods to look at ALEXANDER & HARRIS. Stools an a J5ft0cs We are dally receiving our FALLS WINTER STOCK which will be mere complete than ever before and comprises the LADIES', MISSES, CHILDREN S,' GENTS', BOIS. AND YOUTHS FINE BOOTS 1 SHOES A SPECIALTY. Lower grades all goods hi oar line In variety and all price. KULL STOCK Stetson and Other Hats. A PRETTY LINE TRUNKS, VALISES AND SATCHELS ALL SIZES AND RRICES. Cali find see us. PEGRAM & CO, septi This great specific cores that most loathsome disease . ' WHETHER IN IT8 PRIMARY, SECONDARY OB TERTIARY STAGE. Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. Cures acrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL! , Malvern, Ark., May 2. 1881. we have cases in our town who lived at Hot tarings and were finally cared with S. & S. MOCAXKOH & MtTBBT. , Memphis, Tennessee, May 12, 1881. we have sold 1,296 bottles of & 8. & In a year, u has given universal satisfaction. Fair minded physicians now recommend it as a positive specif ic, g, Mansfield A Co. . Denver, CoL, May 2, 1881. Every purchaser speaks in the highest terms of S.3.8. L.MSSBXTKB. Louisville, Kentucky, May 18, 1881. 8. 8. s. has given better satisfaction than any medicine 1 have ever sold. J. A. Fuezhxb. v Richmond, Va., May 11, 1881. jou can refer anybody to us In regard to the merits of 8.8.8. Ppp MJU.KB 4 Co. Have never known S. 8. a to fall to cure a ease ojptuis, when properly taken. h. l. dxkhabd, Eli Wabrkn, Perry, Ga. . i tie above signers are gentlemen of high stand m8- JL H. Colquitt, Gov. of Ga. take your case. TO BE PAID 0H w HIN CURED. Write for particulars, and natl the UttIe b00lt "Me"18, to the Unf orta whftl'P-BltWAB1 win t Paid to U chemist on nJHA00-on analysis of 100 bottles of a 8. 9.. minifJ?lclS ot Mercury, Iodide Potassium, or any mineral substance. 8WIBT 8PKCIFIC OOy 8oid h , . Proprietors. Atlanta, Ga bj druggists everywhere. - - ,t J!i tk ' larS or regular size reduced to ..EP'e-andsmallslzeholduig half the Female College, GREENSBOBO, K. Ci ' I $ " Ilife Session of 18.82 Win nth i-i.. " cuuosubj, January eek'8. P' esslon of twenty wa.hl" lUjhU ncuuesaay, January. fish (Mn'iPJ?' mu n- -a moderata w.10-" 'H aw-diea vwucuuuiapj as M. JONES,: -V" " r- utn. ecl3 tt " vv: ITS IDIUf est Brands Latest Styles Sti 00jfls, QlotUiUQ, Set'. 1 Sd Ski OF NONPAREIL VELVETS, JUST RECEIVED. '3 Some beautiful Soma beautiful INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS For presents. We. will close out our remnant stock of light weight DOLMANS, At manufacturers' prices. Bemembef we are 80ie agents for the sale of Warner's Corsets. A full assortment of sizes always In stocc decll T. L. SEIGLE & CO. medical. TOieumtlUsm Neuralgia, Sprains, . Pain in the Back and Side. I There Is nothing more painful than these diseases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. This remedy la not s cheap Benzine or Petroleum product that must b kept away from fire or heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor la It an untried experi ment that may do more harm than good. Pain Killer has been In constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world ts, It never falls. It not only effects a permanent cure, hut It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, It Is safe in the hands of the most Inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Pact Killer would nil volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried It think: Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn. , says : About a year eince my wife became subject to severe Buffering from rheumatism. Oar resort was to tile Pain Enui, which speedily relieved her. Charles Powell writes from the Sailors' Home, London : I had been afflicted three years with neuralgia MdytoJeBt spasms of the stomach. The doctors at Westminster Hospital gave up my case in oespair. I tried your Pain Killkb, and it gave me immediate relief. I have regained my strength, and am now able to follow my usual occupation. G. H. Walworth, Saco, Me., writes : I experienced immediate relief from pais in the side by the use of your Pain ' . Tork says : I have used your Pain Ktlutb for rheumatism, and have received great benefit Barton Seaman says : Have used Paw Kn.T.gR for thirty years, and have found it a nmr-failing remedy for rheumatism and lameness. Mr. Burditt writes: . r,J.KnZlaili tq, give relief in cases of rheumatism. Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writea : From actual use, I know your Pain Kiixeb Is the best medicine I can get All druggists keep Path Killer, its price Is so low that It Is within the reach of all, and It will save many times Its cost In doctors' bills. 25c, 50c. and 91.00 a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. !. sept d&wept a oct. - indorsed: BY -.0 PHYSICIANS, CLtRQTUEW. AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST il EDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPTOM8 OF A TORPID LIVER. liOM of appetite, Kanees-bowela oostlre, V.! TV. iTTa4 with a. Hull aanaation in the peek part. Painunder the houlder- biaae, luuness etter eat with a dlsln- clinatlon to exfrtiou 01 oooyormuia, Irritability of temper. Low spirita, lxae of memory, with a feeling of having neg r4 : n M JfL A ' i-T lected some duty .weariness, uizamass. Tlatterlng of the Heart. DOts before the eyes. Yellow Bkin, Heaaeone. teswes. ness at night, highly colored Urine. 1; tezsz WAsjrnrQS iu wbsxdtd, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TU IT'S PILLS are specially adapted to saeh eaui,oiis dots ffects suehachange of feallng a to astonish tha sulrersr. Thsy Uowm UnAmatud cause the body to Taketa rOu iSus the 7nmP duSa Price esnt Is itmrmy atW.T. TOTTSai&lfDYE, Osat Haik or Whisk em changed to a Black by a single.. application of this Dyb. It Imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously.. Bold k j Druggwt.! x Mat bj express on receipt of fl. Office. 35 Murray St., New York. CBr. 'I tin KiVCak sf Vshsbl lafMnosa sa- Tebv. 'SltdeadAwr - - - ' ' . - in. Min- TShTlTnii. BBd winm of tnatbest mSt ,.-iUufdtePadcera Ginger itjmk varied power, as BestHealth AStrearth J U cut Rheumatism, ' SleeplesMaesSi & diseaos :i of the Stomach,;. Bowds, v t : a. V : J u Parked Hair Ralsflm A"61 MBSr! tad otoJTohks. b :oot22 - THE COMPARATIVE EDITION m sw rTcsTAnrvTiili Q:T!fcra -r!--r- -SAiAO. i t uroRi fMl sSKUlS JAMES A FEYlSEB TtKSryTIS 'in a O K T FifTomTors.aasawa2at;ai HMMMMIIimw- VIUT V.. MW Jb. mn H ' " . . ? v's rrrr,' "-"r: .Tr . j- 1 aJaCVlOl KTO1A Jafcayavaaj . waswMaaaaaaj WWW 1 sa 1 GENTS 1 YT" t r, ,1hSMmutK9 x WANTED $1.0 p If 3 IV M jp3lw8iao MISSISSIPPI POLITICS. A Delegation In WMhinfrton-ConauIt-tbsr with the President. Philadelphia Times. Washington, Dec. 11. Quite a dele gation of Miasissippiahs are in the city. General W. F. Pitzgerald, who was last month the candidate of the indepen dent Republicans for Attorney-General of that State, ia here, with other promi2 nent Republican politicians, to consult with President Arthur with regard to the independent movements in Missis sippi. General Fitzgerald has an ap pointment to-morrow night to talk the matter over with the President. Ttoe Mississippian says there is no doubt that his State will be the second in the South to throw up Bourbon rule and that everything is ripe for a Mahone movement there. He says the indepen dent ticket down there would have been elected last November had they receiv ed one-tenth the support accorded to Mahone in Virginia. He cites as an in stance of the progressivespirit in Mis sissippi the fact that bull-dozing and in timidation are things of the past. There is now no difficulty in the way of a Re publican candidate making a thorough canvass of the State. There was, he thinks, some ballot-box stuffiing, but so there is in every State. In the last elec tion the issue was the return of Lamar to the Senate and this defeated the In dependent ticket. The re-apportionment under the last census will give one additional Congressman to Mississippi. The General thinks it will be impossible for the Democrats to re-district the State to capture this Representative without leaving at least three Congres sional districts doubtful, and where anything of that sort is doubtful in his State it means Democratic defeat. The Independent movement in Mississippi, it will be seen by this, is to be made, as was the movement in Virginia, by way of Washington. General Fitzgerald is confident that if they can secure such co-operation from the administration as was accorded the Read juster movement in Virginia the Independents in his State will triumph in the next election. A conference was held to-night at the Metropolitan Hotel between Governor elect Cameron, of Virginia, and a dele gation of Independent and other Re publicans of other Southern States. The object was to get Cameron's views on the general Southern movement con templated. A North Carolinian present said, with the recognition of the admin istration the effort to Mahoneize his State would be successful. Iron Ore Prod action In Maryland and Virginia. The production of iron ore in the United States during the year ended June 30. 1880, was 7,061,829 tons, worth $20,470,756, besides an "irregular" pro duct by persons not regularly engaged in mining of 909,877 tons of ore. Num ber of men and boys employed 81,668, receiviug wages of $9,538,117. Five counties of Maryland report thirteen mining establisements, producing in the census year 89,620 tons of ore, worth $421,691, employing 329 men and boys at $61,138 in wages, Maryland, by the cen sus of 1870, ranked seventh as a produc er of iron ore and Virginia twelfth, but the census of 1880 places Maryland in the ninth place and raises Virginia to the eighth place ; Alabama, which had no rank at all in 1870. taking the seventh place in 1880. The States lead in the order Pennsylvania, Michigan, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Missouri, Ala bama, &c. Virginia in the last year produced in her 26 establishments re ported 183,326 tons, worth $439,888, giv ing employment to 939 men and boys, who earned $186,279 in wages. A Proposed Independent Movement in Texas. Baltimore Sun. Washington, Dec. 11. Texas is the next State of the South which it is pro posed to inaugurate an Independent movement, and those who are interest ed in it profess to be quite satisfied of its success. Representative Jones, of that State, who left the Democratic par ty in 1876, is most prominently spoken of as the candidate for Governor. He has been twice elected to the House as a greenbacker, but dn party questions outside of the currency he has general ly acted with the Republicans. The regular Democratic majority in Texas has been enormous, and it is perhaps not improbable that the party may dis integrate somewhat by the force of its own weight The young men of the party complain there, as they do so in many of the other States of the South, that leadership and patronage are mo nopolized by those who flourished be fore the war. There is also a very large German element in Texas, which is naturally Republican, or at least anti Democratic, which element is constant ly increasing. Tbe Puritanic Ladles of Brazil. From an Interview with Paolo Marie. "That's it exactly," Mile. Marie chim ed in, "they are awfully stupid. Why, if an innuendo or a mot leste is spoken when everybody would laugh here everybody there would first very care fully look round to see who would ven ture to initiate the laughter, and from sheer want of courage they'd appear perfectly serious and unmoved." "Perhaps they are too virtuous a sort of people for opera bouffe," it was light ly hinted. "They're rather puritanic," visa Mile, Marie's response. '.'When I, in the 'Cloches de Corneville,' did the dance with the slight, graceful lifting of tbe petticoats, which is so popular here and everywhere else, they appeared shocked the ladies at Rio Janeiro especially -and they put their fans before their faces. It was too ridiculous," and Mile. Marie laughed heartily. "And yet I don't believe the women are a bit better; than ours in Paris." Eicptri ExhihUion Bon art . Qf the 600 diplomas and medals awarded by the judges of the Parii Electrical Exhibition, eitissens of the JJnited States received but twenty-nine. There were seventy-five gold medals, of which three were obtained by Ameri can exhibitors, Prof. Gray.Mr. Taintor and the United States (Maxim) Electric Idght Company. The British exhibit was entered by an English company, and so the gold medal awarded it went to Great Britain. There were 150 silver medals, and of these American exhibi tors received twelve. Americans re ceived nine of the 250 bronze medals. Of the honors of the highest "rank that is to say, diplomasrrone eash was re ceived by. Prof, A. Graham Bell, Mr. Edison, the Signal Office, the Patent Of fice and the Smithsonion Institution. - 't.i ' Ifow Tork Stexsk Market. ;"; . New; Yoke, Dec. 13. The stock mar ket opened feverish, showing but little ehange from' yesterday's closing prices, except in the case of the Metropolitan Elevated, which opened at 555Q as against 53 at the close yesterday. Up to 11 o'clock - prices have changed, but fractionallyXake , Shore advancing and Michigan Central falling ofLU-- ITEMS OF INTEREST, An expert testifies and tries to prove that the best anthracite coal mines of Pennsylvania will be exhausted in 204 years, and the worst in 23. ... " Miss Mildred Lee, daugb ier of Gener al R. E. Lee, is passing part of the win ter in New York. " -Nearly '$1,000,000 worth of property has been sacrificed by explosions in flour mills within two or three years. - Prince Victor Napoleon, heir to the Bonapartist hopes, has just taken his degree as batcbelor of science; He was one of eight successful candidates out of fifty-eight who were examined. Miss Braddon has written a story in French which is to appear in the Paris Figaro. A Mr. Porter Rhodes, who owns a South African mine, rejoices in the pos session Of a diamond worth three hun dred thousand dollars. Mr. Paul HHayne, the poet, lives in a rough cottage near Augusta, Ga and his surroundings have the simplicity compelled by the poverty which per sues the traditional literary man. Mr. Hayne's health is much broken. Madame Patti is a great linguist as well as singer. She speaks all Euro pean languages and many of their id ioms. The Mexican, Spanish, Portuguese, Chilian, Haytian and Hawaiian Minis ters all have unmarried daughters, who take an active and graceful part in Washington society. A portrait of Columbus is reported te have been discovered &t the Spanish Colonial office. It is in good condition, and is inscribed "Columbia Ligur, nobi orbis reporter." The great navigator is seen in middle life, with smooth brow, black hair, and keen eyes over on acquiline nose. y It is now proposed by some enterpri sing New Yorkers to build a line of American passenger steamers of un paralleled speed, which will have ac commodations for 500 passengers, and each cost from $1,000,000 to $1,250,000. They will not run to Liverpool, but land at Milford Wales,' which is 200 miles nearer London than Liver pool. Thousands of dollars will be thus saved this side by escaping wharfage assessments, as the boats will anchor in midstream as do men-of-war. It is claimed they will run from New York to London in less than six days, and will be called the American Express Line. In the past season Minneapolis, Min nesota, has built over a mile of busi ness blocks, 1,561 dwellings, and mills and other buildings enough to bring the total cost up to nearly five million dollars. STATE NEWS. The Wilmington Star: Point Cas well, Pender county, claims to be the best naval stores market in the State outside of Wilmington. The new rail road will help it amazingly. We examined yesterday a beautiful article of molasses manufactured by a Mr. Mallard, of Duplin county. It is apparently as fine in quality and as agreeable to the taste as the best New Orleans molasses. Greensboro Bugle: Last Saturday Deputy United States Collector Worth seized three teams and wagons near Jamestown, loaded with blockade whis key, the property of Webb Swain, who lives seven miles south of Greensboro. A. T. Shaw, a United States gauger and storekeeper was found dead Sun day morning on the road home, at Mc Knight's bridge. He left town late Sat urday night, somewhat under the infi ence of liquor. No foul play suspected as $147 in money and a gold watch were found on his person. When discovered his horse was standing by him. . Mrs. Rosa Houston, daughter of P. H. Bilbro, died of consumption on Sun day last Sherman's Three Per Cent. Bill Fa vorably Regarded by the Finance Committee Secretary Folger Invit ed to Express Hie Views Upon It, Washington, Dec. IS. The Senate committee on finance had their first meeting the present session to-day, and took up the bill introduced by Senator Sherman, which provides for an issue of three per cent bonds-to the amount of $800,000,000, payable at the pleasure, of the government after January 1st, 1887, in exchange for deposits of an equal amount of legal tender notes, which when so obtained by the treasury are to be devoted to the retirement of the extended fives and sixes, commonly known as 8 per cent, bonds. The bill appeared to meet the unani mous approval of the committee, but action upon it was postponed in order to hear the views of Secretary Folger on the subject, for which purpose he will be invited to come before the com mittee next Thursday. Convicted of Murder In the Second Degree. Uniontown, Pa Dec. 13. The jury in the case of Patrick Dalan for the murder of Maurice Healy, last evening brought in a verdict of murder in the second degree. The prisoner seemed well pleased, with the verdict. It is un derstood that not one of the 12 was in favor of acquittal, and the uncertainty as to whether Healy was the one to whom the two. speakers referred at the Hibernian meeting prevented a verdict in the first degree. Cure for Dropsy. Wilmington Star. A gentleman of this city gives the following, which he terms an infallible eure for dropsy. To one quart of sweet Cider put one quarter of ounee of salt peter, together with a sufficient quanti ty of horse-radish and parsley root to make the mixture taste strongly of those ingredients and take a good draught three times a day after eating. Our informant says he has known it tried in various instances and always with success. Quality and effiacy considered. Dr. Boll's cough syrup ts without exception the beat cough prepar ation In the market. Price 25c a bottle. ' IJeuteiiAntCornmanderGorrlngelnbringlngtie Obelisk to -New York has performed lndee 1 a monumental work. So has Dr. C. . W. Benson, Baltimore, in enrmgtha nmans' disorders of the world, wh hl Celery and, Chamomile-Puis. ' ' Bkdiokd alttm ahb iboh 8ntnss Vim ahs Mass. The great tonic and alterative, contains twice as much iron and fifty per cent, more alum tnum than any "alum and Iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half. ; marll-tf ": - - OVEBWROUGHT AND TXKBLS HXRVKS are Quieted, digestion promoted; and' the system Btrengthened by the Lleblg Cos renowned Coca Beef Tonic. " :" ' -' - -:- - ' , .) :;;' : BBAJN and KBtV' 't. . ' Wens' Health Benewer, :- greatest remedy "oh earth for impotence, leariness sexual debility, Ac. fl, at druggists. Depot J.H, MeAden Charlotte., A SUGGESTION WOBTH ADOPTION. At New Orleans, on the 8th day of November, at the 188th Grand Monthly Drawing of the Louis iana state Lottery, $30,000, the first capital prize, was captured by ticket No. 46,358, half of which was held by John T. Garvin, a driver for many years on the Metropolitan Horse Railway, No. 8 Thornton Place. Boston, Mass.; tbe other half by J. BnsseuYof No. 144 Main street, Norfolk, Va., through the Exchange National Bank there. The second prize, $10.OOO. by No. 64,372, one-half held by Mr. L. Edwin Motter, of Emndttsburg, Md.. and the other hair through j. M. Selxas & Co., of New Orleans. $5,000. the third capital prize, went to No. 10,101. held by Mr. John Beatty, No. 101 Christopher street, New-Tork elty. The fourth capitals. $2,600, two prizes, No. 48,414, won by Frank WelbeL, No. 71M First street, New Orleans; and No. 15,200 by S. F. Jacobs. War rensborg. Mo. Next drawing Is on Tuesday, Jan uary 10th, 1882. Write to M. A. Danpbln, New Orleans, La., or at once send him two dollars. gatettl ptellcities. "Screw the finger as tight as you can, that's rheumatism; one turn more, that's gout," is a familiar descrtntlon of these two diseases. Though each may and does attack different parts of the system, tbe cause Is believed to be a poisonous acid in the blooa Purify this by the use of TABBANT'S SELTZEB APERIENT It will do the work speedily and thoroughly. It Is the great friend of the sufferer from rheuma tism and gout. Sold by all druggists. un5 d&weod6mo IN HOSTS OF FAMILIES Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Is as much regarded as a household necessity as sugar or coffee. The reason of this Is that years of experience have proved It to be perfectly reliable In those eases of emergency where a prompt ana convenient remel dyls demanded. Constipation, liver complaint, dyspepsia, indigestion and other troubles are over come by it. For sale by Druggists and Dealers, to whom ap ply for Hostetter's Almanac for 1882. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. Pat'4 Jaac 13, 1878 WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' 'TRIAL, Electro -Voltaic Appliances to rusto? suffering from NervoBsWeaknesses, Gen eral Debility, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Oth et. Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. Speedy relief and complete restoration to health guaranteed. These are tbe only Electric Amliaiices tbat have erer beeneonslrneied upon neientific prin ciples. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically provvn with the most wonderfnl suceeaa, and thoy have the highest endorsements from medieal and eelen. tlfie mesi,Aud from hundreds wbo have been quickly and radically enred b their use. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, givln' u luiuttuiiuuii uve. Auureis, VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Slch. July 13 Coffins and Metallic Cases, ALSO, A IABGK LOT OF C- -H- -R--0-M- -O- -S AT WHOLESALE or RETAIL. E. IY1. ANDREWS, AT WHITE FRONT. dec2 Atlantic, Tennessee t OMd Railroad . RTTPrRTWTWll-gW1g TYvWTfrW ' " . 1 Charlotte, N. p., Nov. 24th, 1881. f On and after Saturday, Nov 26thi 18S1, the following schedule will be run over this road: - - i : ; XQQaiQmBm 5 Leave Charlotte,. K 45 p. ra. . " Davidson College'...;. ... 7 18-p. m. " JfooresvUle .;,... V7 52 p. a. Arrive aiStatesville, ..... ......... 0 00 p. m. :; :-; u: v GOING SOUTH. V.-:.. .. ,, , Leave Statesvllle,, ...... 7 00 a. m. 'f iMooresvllle 8 18 r v3 Davidson College,... ... 8 47 a, m. aiuvb at vnanwtte,.i......,..i......nno a. 1. J. SOXMLTV v 1 garafer- MIITME, Lar go and Ifetive Stock ! OUR SECOND FALL STOCK Is now in, and customers will find it to their advantange to examine it before purchasing elsewhere, as we have all the new novelties in Dress tods and Trimmings, And at prices, that will save you money. We have added to our DRESS TRIMMINGS STOCK MGRIE BATONS, The newest thing out. Cloak Clasps, Cords and Tassels, Iridescent Beads, Ornaments and Fringes. We have the handsomest and most varied stock of Passamentrles and Beaded Fringes ever shown here. Ask to see our new Beaded Fringes, a handsome piece at 75c per yard. Our stock of Walking J ackets Is large and attractive. Ulsters, Dolmans, a few handsome Cloaks at a sacrifice, Cloaklngs. Bepellants, Flannels, Underwear, Gloves, Hosiery, And in fact everything In the Fancy Dry Goods line. A small lot of Kid Gloves at 25c per pair. Call early and secure bargains. All Wool Momle Cloth at 25c HARGrRAYES & WILHELM. Complete -Stock. OUR PREPARATIONS TRADE BEING NOW ENTIRELY WE cordially invite our friends and the public generally to an inspection of the attractions display ed, confidently asserting that they will be found in every respect up to tbe standard. In submit ting this we would call special attention to the styles of our own design and manufacture, which we con stantly keep on hand during the entire season. We are Justified in asserting that the long experience and standing qf our House, Is a full guarantee that our Clothing Is the most reliable. The garments of onr own manufacture are strictly first-class. We are constantly and carefully studying the de mands of our patrons, and invariably insuring them absolute bottom prices. Our object has always been to bring about a display every season of a full line of garments of tbe newest styles. The work manship of our Clothing Is equal to any of the best In the country. We don't say that our produc tions are superior to all others; we are teasonabie and never exaggerate; we tell every customer the truth, allowing no one in our employ to do otberwii-e, or in any instance to misrepresent goods in order to accomplish a sale. Our endeavor Is to please, and to give to each customer the value of every dollar he leaves with us. Our line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Is complete In all branches. NECK WEAB A SPECIALTY. Tery Respectfully, octg 9 DEALER IN Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, Tinware & House FurmsliiDg Goods. MANTELS and GRATES BF- WHOLESALES and RETAIL. Particular attention paid to ROOFING AND SPOUTING. None but first-class hands employed. Call for the BARLEY SHEAF STOVE. oct29 Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket THE old Oaken Bucket, The Iron-bound bucket. The moss covered backet, That hung in the wen. CHAS. B. JONES, Charlotte, N. C, Sole Agent V Liberal terms to dealers. 3 TARTLINC DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. ' A Victim of youthful imprudence causing Prema tare Decay, Nervous DebUity, Lost Manhood, etc, having tried in vain every known remedy, has dis covered a simple self core, which he will send FREE to hi feUow-sufferers, address J, II. ItEEYES, 43 Chatham SU, V. Y. sepl8 , ?- - TRUSTEE'S CAS H S A LrE . TTIrtoeof adeedln trust made to me by B. H. Brown, I will sell for CASH, to tbe highest bidder, at nubile auction, all ef the stock of DBT GOODS. GROCERIES, FARMERS' BUPPLiJS.i utiu, c., now in nis store, xraae street, Charlotte, N. O, on;; r ; -..j - DECEMBEB 24th, 1881, And continue untn all is sold.- Sale without re- W & A- McLure la, authorized to collect and receipt tor all notes and accounts due to 'the said Brown. Such persons will please come forward and settle and save costs in my absence, with Mr. McLure.' '" . . . We have a new line ?t FOR THIS SEASON'S COMPLETE, L. BERWANGER & BRO., Leading Clothiers and Tailors. 50 Bushels EASTERN YAM POTATOES 50 BUSHELS -RUST PROOF OATS,- Just received on consignment, and MUST BE SOLD. MUST BE SOLD. CHAS. R. JONES. dec9 JpOB.the purpose of engaging more extensively and exclusively in the line of t9 MILLINERY GOODS the coming year, wholesale and re tail, we now offer all other lines of Goods now in our stock at very km prices to close out The stock Is large, new and well assorted, consisting of full lines of WHITE GOODS, LACES, EMBROID ERIES, all kinds of TBI MM IN GS, PLAIN and FANCY HOSIERIES, GLOVES, NOTIONS NECK WEAB, CORSETS. SKIRTS, Cloaks, Shawls, Net Goods, LADIES' and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, DBESS TRIMMING, BUTTONS, TABLE LINEN, TOWELS, DOILIES, NAPKINS.&c., tnfact a com plete stock of Ladies' andCMldrens TornishingGoods, Which we offer without ireserve at prices that will guarantee their immediate sale. Terms of this sale will be strictly cash. OUR STOCK 01" MILLINERY Is the largest and most complete of any in t State and is constantly being added to as new styles and novelties appear in New York. MRS. P. QUERY Chew only the brand of tobacco known as Thar Old Oaken Bucket ; r ; . . . , v riitusoiauaaen uucaei, X The iron-bound bucket ' i -? s . The moss-covered bucket, .. , That hung in the wen. ' ' cta&bCjontn " Charlotte, N. C, Sole Ageflfi CLOS NG OUT SALE Criherai teou te dealers. ,;.': Jtesident r:V':Vv-:!!.-:? '.V':

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