give (ClxnxXotU KszKvtic. LOCAL MATTERS. WEDNESDAY", DEO. 14, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. vai-nx Lona No. 31, a. K k a. M. Regular , r, ' ;very second and fourth Monday nights. Kxcklsiob Lods No. 281, A. F. & a. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. Chaklottx Chaptbb No. 89. R. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights. CiiAKLOTTB Command akt No. 2. X T. Regular meeting every first and third-Thursdays. HZ. OF EC. KNiGirre of Honob. Regular" meeting every econl and fourth Thursdays. TZ. OIE1 IP. KNisHTS or Ptthiab. Regular meeting nights firt and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. atMa- snlc Temple Hall. v X. O. O. 3T. charlottb Loios No. 88. Meets every Mon- il.-iy nlht. MKCKI.KNBUKfl DKCLA RATION LoD8 Na 9. Meets every Tuesday night Dixib Lodok No. 108. Meets'every Thursday night. Catawba Rtvkr Enoamfkint Na 21. Meets irst and third Thursday nights In each month. Index to New AdTertittement. Lntta C. Johnston Strayed. Koddlck & Co Auction Sale. BUSINESS NOTICES. Throat Diseases often Commences with a Gold, cough, or unusual exertion of the voice. These incipient symptoms are allayed by the use of "Brown's Bronchial Troches," which if neglect ed often result In a chronic trouble of the throat HOW TO GET 8ICX Expose yourself day and night, eat too much without exercise, work too hard without re t, doc tor all the time, take all the vile nostrums adver ted, and then you will want to know HOW TO GUT WJILL, WMch is answered In these words: Take Hop Bit ere. WE CONFIDENTLY ASSERT and can Satisfactorily Prove there Is no Instance on record of a case of dyspepsia or torpid liver that cannot be relieved and positively cured by the systematic use of Simmons Liver Regulator. This is no vain boast, but an established fact; and suf ferers from these diseases deny themselves the blessings of health and comfort by refusing to give the Regulator a trial. It is no compound of adventurers, but a meritorious medicine which nas won its high reputation in countries where torpid livers prevail and where nature supplies the roots and herbs to cure the disease common to Its climate. Mrs. Lydla E. Plnkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., is rapidly acquiring an enviable rep utation for the surprising cures which dally result from the use of her Vegetable Compound In all female diseases. Send to her for pamphlets. A CARD. i o all who are suffering from the errors and In discretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay oss of manhood, Ac, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE of CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self-sddressed envelope tc the Ret. JOtEPH T. IN MAN, Station D, New York City GIVEN UP BY DOCTORS. 'Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey Is up and at work and cured by so simple a remedy?" "I assure you it is true that he Is entirely cured, and with nothing but Hop Bitters; and only ten days ago his doctors gave him up and said he must die!" ' Well a-day! That's remarkable! I will go this day and get some for my poor George I know hops are good." To promote a vigorous growth of the hair, use Parker's Hair Balsam. It restores the youthful color to gray hair, remove dandruff, and cures tctilng of the scalp. BED-BUGS, B0ACHE3, Rats, m!ca. ants, flies, vermin, mosquitoes, in fects, 4c. cleared out by "Rough on Rats?' 15c boxes at druggists. 2lctrj fttyertisemcuts. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., nov23 New York, LeEoy Davidson. Sole Agent, CharlotteJN. C. iins Still Ahead! A New Kind of Household Ornaments JU3T RECEIVED. KALOMEDA, WALL POCKETS, GIPSY BASKETS, LADIES' WORK BASKETS, SCRAP BASIET3. LUNCH BASKETS, WHISP POCKETS, Christmas Stockings, t VASES, EASELS, CANES, Ac. Ac -iSk This is an entirely new Parisian style of Orna ments, and has never been offered In this mar ket, and can be bought only at nov24 I DDINS BOOK STORE. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE NEAR HUNTEBSVILLE I WILL sell at the court house In Charlotte, on gotten Farm, near Huntersvllle, N. C on which Adam 8tenhMiA nm m.triaa TM fa mfridered ?Jl!.of lS best otton farms tn this eounty, con- ..uUg zw acres, well watered and witnin nan one mite of th a t - n mtirafid. and ter?ttu"s th&a tnree mile of depot at Hun: Terms u na-r. .ri' IhIn eighteen months, with interest at eight per FOR SALE. tornevs. (f ROYAL KKffit Jk NJ ' ws iand can be bought at private saw .any T&ttn f1 ' J.lL MeADEN, a8 tds Agent for Sawyer. Wallace Co. A IalHabJ9 city residence, within 5 minute to wtf.WSHP partlcnlarsappiy - "-iiax or riAXX V, WAUAika,iir uov20 lm HOWE CHI FLEX. SIn lithography Claire Scott is a pretty woman. But the pictures are not infallible. H2T Yesterday ranked as a thoroughly disagreeable day, and the prospects are that the end of the trouble is not yet.' t2TThe two geese captured by the policemen, Sunday morning, have been returned their owner. Yesterday the register of deeds in this city issued eight marriage li censes, and it was not a favorable day, either. ISfSeveral cases of minor impor tance were disposed of at the mayor's court yesterday morning. Monday night a man was arrested for drunken ness, and when he was taken to the lock-up his dog followed, and both the man and dog were imprisoned, as the latter would not be separated from his master. The ticket office of the Air Line road was yesterday temporarily moved into the "McSmith Music House, where Mr. A. L. Smith issued about 150 tickets to parties going to Atlanta. This party was the largest that has yet gone from this place to the exposition, and the manner in wljich Happy Mc and Lill Smith managed the affair was most satisfactory to the pilgrims. Exposition Twrnlp. A turnip was shown at this office yes terday which is worthy of note, as it is to be placed on exhibition at the At lanta exposition. The turnip was raised by Mr. J. L. Sloan, of Davidson College, N. C, measures 32J inches in circum ference, and weighs 1 pounds. Bingham School We are in receipt of the catalogue of the Bingham school for the year end ing December 13th, 1881, being the 174th and 175th sessions. The catalogue con tains a full and comprehensive history of the origin, location, character and management of the school, with all necessary information as to the modes Of instruction tmrsued. Thflr wat-a ah ihe session just closed 258 students en rolled. Within the last five years nine teen States, the District of Columbia. South America, Europe and Asia have oeen represented at this popular insti tution. Reception to a. Charlotte Lady. The Louisville Courier-Journal of the 10th has an extended notice of the reception given by Miss Beckurts to Mis3 Louise Morehead, of this city, from which we take the following: The reception tendered Miss More- head, of Charlotte, N. C, at the Gait House last night by Miss Beckurts, of ihis city, was the event of the season so far in Louisville, and never was a more brilliant and fashionable crowd assem bled together in the parlors of the Gait House. Miss Beckurts acted as host ess, and received the guests with a grace and pleasantness that won the hearts of all, and, together with her guest, Miss Morehead, shared the at tention of all present." Complaint About the Weight of Cot ton, Complaints reach The Observer that cotton weighed in Charlotte by the city weigher falls short of its actual weight. We should regret very much to learn that such was the case, and at present certainly do not believe any thing of the kind. The cotton weigher is a city officer who is paid a salary without regard to the number of bales handled, and he could have no object in falsifying the weight of any bale, be cause he could not profit by it except in collusion with the cotton buyers, which is not to be thought of for a moment. However, our motto is to do justice to all parties, and if anybody knows any thing on this subject on either side, we shall be glad to lay the matter before the public. Death of an Estimable L.adf. News was received in this city yes terday to the effect that Mrs. Jennie Cobb, nee McBee, wife of B. C. Cobb, Esq.. of Lincolnton, died in New York City Monday morning, from the ef fects of a surgical operation. Mrs. Cobb had been in bad health for some time and visited New York with the hope of being relieved from her suffer, ings. The deceased was about thirty years of age, and was one of the most popular ladies in her section, where the sad intelligence of her death will be heard with deepest sorrow by a large circle of friends. A number of citizens from Lincoln- ton came down Monday evening to take charge of the remains of the de ceased, which arrived on the train last night. Personal Mention. Col. C. A. Cilley, of Lenoir, was in the city yesterday. CoL A. B. Andrews, of ltaleigh, ana Col. G. J. Foreacre, of Atlanta, both prominent lailroad men, are registered at the Central. Messrs. Woodhouse, of the Concord Register and C. T. C. Deake, of the Asheville News, were inthe city last night. Mai. Montzomery. of Concord, ana W. S. Ball, Esq., of Greensboro, are in attendance on the Federal Court. MrJ. P. Caldwell, of the States- ville Landmark, went with the gang to Atlanta last night, Gen. C. G. fsawteiie, or me uniwsu States army, is stopping at the CentraL W. A. Graham. Esq , of iron sta Hon. nassed through the city yesterday nn hi Tturn home from tne. meeung nf t.h Southern CottonFlanters' Associa tion, held In Atlanta last week, to wnicn h a wa a mnresentative from this State. This is the first connection our ouws baa Avr hsui with this association, ai thonffh it has existed for a number of years In the Southern States. Mr. Gra ham was elected vice-president of the association for this State, a compliment worthily bestowed,,. , , , v, ? iirt wro nv Tnv PBESS. ' i In no way is the power of the prew rawly shown than in the universal knowledge that bM taleSlhanayear been diftasedthrooghout JW millions of people of the wonderful curative prop erties of that splendid lemedy Kidney-Wort. And tnepeople from the Atf antic to tl Pacttejhaje shown their intelligence and their knowledge of vnrtthfllr household remedy for aU diseases of the kidneys, liver and bei Herald. . , TOTE FEDERAL COURT. Yeatexday'o Proceedings. This court met yesterday morning at 11 o'clock, and the following gentlemen were sworn as grand jurors: Levi Black. L. D. Haynes, CP. Stowe, Nath an McGinnis, J. B. Shelton," A. Stokes, coL, R. Pickenpack, coL, B. Black, W. B.Butledge,T. & White, B. F. Smith, Calvin Rogers, E.H. Walker, R. W. Mc Dowell, J. B. Robinson, Jas. D. White, J. B. Swann, Jasper Robinson and D. B. Best His honor's charge to the grand jury was brief and to .the point. In the charge he gave them instructions as to their duties under the law, and that portion relating to the petty violations of the internal revenue laws in which there was no disposition to defraud the government was especially commend able, inasmuch as the jury was instruct ed to use their discretion when such cases were presented, and if the offense was not in their opinion of such gravity as to warrant an indictment, to return the bills without action. The duties of revenue officers and deputy marshals were also dwelt upon at some length, and their relations to the government fully explained. The following compose the petit jury : Jas. F. Wilson, J. H. Walker, L. G. Heilig, E. C. Davidson, Samuel A. Gar rison, D. A. Caldwell, J. C. Hasty, S. J. Wearn, W. F. Nisbet, F. A. Archibald, Jeff Hagler, col., J. W. Widenhouse, H. T. Rhyne, J. E. W. Austin, Jas. H. King, W. A. Leper, Asa Bost, W. W. Duncan and A. J. Hood. The civil and criminal dockets were called, but no criminal business was transacted. In the case of the Hollyoke Machine company vs. J. H. Wilson, Jr., and oth ers, judgment was taken for want of an answer. A final decree was filed in the case in equity of W. S. Gregg vs. Z. Young and others. The counsel for Messrs. Clyde, Logan and Buford, in the Western North Carolina Railroad tax case, made a mo tion for an injunction against the coun ty commissioners of McDowell, Burke and Buncombe, to prevent the collec tion of taxes from the road. The coun sel for the respondents were not ready to enter into the hearing of the motion, and it was postponed until the first Monday in next February, when argu ments in the case will be heard at chambers in Greensboro. On motion of complainants' counsel the order granted by Judge Dick some time ago, by which the collection of the taxes is restrained, was continued in force until the date of hearing the arguments on the motion for an injunction. In yesterday morning's Observer Col. P. J. Sinclair was represented as counsel for the commissioners of Bun combe county, when it should have been McDowell county. William H Bailey, Esq., of this city has also been associated with the counsel for the county commissioners. No calen dar of cases has yet been made, and it is impossible to forecast the business of the court. The dockets are not special- y heavy, though several cases of inter est appear on them, which will proba bly be disposed of at this term. Ignorance or Prejudice 7 A prominent agriculturist of the county, and one who is identified with the effort to bring about an improve ment in the agricultural and stock in terests of the State, has handed us a clipping from the Cultivator and Coun try Gentleman, which is suggestive, to say the least, and is anything but credit able to the manner in which our State Agricultural fairs are managed. Here is a case in which the gentlemen serv ing as judges in a certain department are convicted of ignorance that is in excusable, and -which is will calculated to work serious injury to one of the first interests of the State, viz: The improvement of our stock. It demon strates very clearly that if the Agricul tural Society would have its awards- worth the paper on which they are written, it is necessary that men must be appointed who can appreciate the difference between a "scrub," a "grade" or a "thoroughbred. The action of the judges in the case noted is about on a par with the spirit which sometimes awards a premium of greater intrinsic value to a collection of fancy but worthless hot house plants than the ex hibitor of a selection of useful farm products can secure on his exhibit, We give below the extract in ques tion : a straniye case of lenorance or pre judice in connection with the North Carolina State a air ac rtaieign, nasjusi come to my notice, and I ask this state ment in von r columns, because the case is closely connected with some of the best jersey neros in me siaie oi jmow York, and, unless corrected, will tend to lessen the usefulness of a valuable animal, in a section or tne country where he is capable of great good. xnrougn an auverueuieuu m mo nn-mtrti fJent.Jj'men- Mr. William Burns. proprietor of Melville Stock Farm, on Haw Hiver, jn . u., last spring purcuaseu the four-year-old Jersey bull Butter Bov. No. 3243. A. J. C. C from Hough ton Farm. Upon exhibiting this bull at the fair named, last montn, accom panied by his complete pedigree, the Wees ruled him out entirely as "not a Jersey" . NOW Jsutter xoy is not omj a ucru register Jersey, but comes of stock both fashionable and productive. Besides thin hia own o-pt fin the herds of his former owners, Mr. Wing, Mr. Faile and Mr. valentine) are witn iew ex ceptions animals of great promise. His sire Balsora was at the head of Mr. Ed win Thome's herd, and was also sire of Enigma, who averaged 15 pounds of unsalted butter per Week, for three consecutive weeks. The dam of Butter -n, raa Mr Winor'a well-known Oak Aivi if net V jf Leaf, who made a butter record of 16 pounds 10 ounces in a wees, ana wuoso i?.nhn And sister MaDle Leaf did almost as well. Through Oak Leaf, Butter Boy traces by , different lines, four times to saturn ana tnree umes hrnnrh .Tn niter 1 tn Rhea, the parents a ttiA famoiui Alnhea. and also to the v wuw i m it -w . - a.. .a VJif h imnortATl : with SAtnm and Rhea, by Mr. R. M. Hon. ;. Other: branches of tha r Duir peaigree run u the herds of such breeders as Messrs. c.mnai . Trail. J. . P. Swain. Kittridze. Wat nn. Huffhes. Taintor. and the M9- usettsty-; -.V Tham m h v na nHLXfr hulls iiuau. rnif. ter Boy in North Carolina but v when "judges, pass mm vj , "nw rforaoy, maVo a mni4 miniate, and really injure the dairy stock interests of their own otate. ; . -xno x ju al v uxu. v Mountain Ville; N. Y Nov. 12." Important movement. ' Last night the Hornets' Nest Rifle men held a meeting at their armory for the purpose of placing on foot a scheme to raise funds with which to build an armory for the company. Several of our prominent citizens were present, and after a statement by Capt. Young, of the company, of the scheme pro posed to be carried out, an interchange of opinions on the subject was had. Adjutant-General Jones was present, and pledged his official co-operation and support to the undertaking, as did also the editor of The Observer, Colonel William Johnston, Messrs. Schiff, Wads worth and others. The result of the meeting will be the appointment of a committee to map out a definite pro gramme, which will be laid before the Chamber of Commerce, with a view of securing the co-operation of the busi ness men of the city. The proposition is to hold a military fair at a time to be decided upon, and have an encamp ment of the State Guard ordered for this place at the same time. The plan is perfectly feasible, and one that no doubt will enlist the support of the whole community. We shall have more to say in support of the measure when the arrangements are completed, and it can be presented definitely to the pub lic. The invited guests were served with champagne, and the meeting closed with the success of the proposed enter prise virtually assured. A Run to be made to Pig-eon Rlrer In January, To the Editor of the Observer: Asheville, N C.Dec 12. I have just returned from a visit to my old friend, Harvey M. Ramseur, for some time a resident of your city, now engineer in charge of construction on the Duck- town division of the Western North Carolina Railroad. I found him as I expected, the busiest of the busy. He was rejoicing over the completion of the fifth crossing of Hominy Creek, and the rapid work on the grading beyond, was in nigh spirits over the prospects of being able to run a train through to Pigeon River early in January ; asked me to come up ana see now ne was go ing to celebrate his "wedding day," the 6th of January. He hopes to run a train to Pigeon River on that day, and I am satisfied that if it is in the power of man to do so, he will find the way. Mr. Ramseur has always had the repu tation of being one of the most ener getic members of the profession ; and i.L -- t i i a i 2 tc m taougu nave nearu mm cussea ior working too hard, I certainly wish him success in this undertaking. If the work is not accomplished in tne time specified, I'm sure 'twill not be for the want of energy and pusn on nis part. Col. Andrews and Mai. Wilson nave certainly been lucky in getting the right man in the right place ; I've seen mm tried and Know him. i tninK you can safely say to the public, that the Western North Carolina Railroad, will be completed to Pigeon River early in January next. Yours, M. Still Removing: the Bodies. Vienna, Dec. 13. Twenty-seven bodies were removed from the ruins of the Ring Theatre yesterday; also a quantity of fragments of bodies, such as feet and hands,which were not burn ed. The Florence Nightingale or the Nursery. The following Is an extract from a letter written to the German Reformed Messenger, at Chambers burg, Penn.: A BKITKFACTBK83. Just onen the door for her. and Mrs. Winslow will prove the American Florence Mghtlngale of the nursery. Of this we are so sure that we will teach our Susy to say, "A Blessing on Mrs. Wins low" for helping her to survive and escape the griping, colicklng and teething siege. Mrs. wins low's Soothing Syrup relieves the child from pain, and cures dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the gums, reduces inflammation, cures wind colic, and carries the Infant through the teething period. It performs precisely what It professes to perform, every part of It nothing less. We have never seen Mrs. winsiow mow her oniy tnrouen tne prepa ration of her "Soothing Syrup for Children Teeth- ins." ii we naa tne power we wouxa mane ner, as she Is, a physical saviour to the infant race. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a botue. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 13. 1881. PRODUCE. Baltikobx Noon Flour aulet and unchanged: Howard street and Western suner S4.BO0So.OO: extra S5.26S7.00;famUy $6.6287.25 ;cUy mills, Buyer ei.uuu-ou-ui uui oo.ouuju uui uuiiu S7'50$8.76 Bio brands S7 26$7.75; Patapsco Family SS.26. Wheat Southern scarce and dull; Western dull and lower; Southern red ; amber ; No. 1 Maryland red ; Southern winter red spot S137: December SI.88U1 asked: January 1.39l&ffiSl.89; February ?1.42S1.42Vk; March 81.4514. Com-Southern easier for white, and steady for yellow: Western dull and lower; Southern white 65808; do. yellow 68& BiXTmosx Nlsht-Oats dull: Southern E0354: Western white 60053; mixed 49050; Pennsyl vania 60053. Provisions quiet and unchanged; mess pork: 818.00. mils: meats sheulders and clear rib sides, packed tt Bacon -shoulders 9Ul: clear rib sides 11: hams 18013. Lard refined 12V4. Coffee firm; Rio cargoes ordin ary to fair HWttum. snear dull-a son w. Whisker-quiet, at Sl.170Sl.17H. Freights un changed. Naw Tork Southern floor dull and weak: common to fair extra S5. 75086.75; good to choice do S8.8O0S8 87ft. Wheat opened feverish and unsettled, and closing very strong: ungraded spring Si .27: ungraded red Si. 8 1081.42; ungraded white ; No. 2 red and December 81-40 0 81.42ft. Corn opened strong, and afterwards declined and closing stronger; ungraded 68071; new southern white ; do yeUow 70; No. 2 De cember 89ft07O. Oats lower and closing firmer; No. 8 49. Hops about steady and very quiet Coffee unchanged and demand light; Bio 9U0- llft. sugar about steady ana iair inquiry; lasses sugar 45061U; centrifugal ; fair to good refining 7$07ft; refined closed steady; tandard A 8w. Molasses foreign nominal; New Orleans firm, at 50064. Rice steady and mod erately active. Kosin auii ana weak, at yz zuts 82.25. Turpentine dull and lower, at 54054ft. Wool quiet and steady; domestic fleece 85050; Texas 14031. Pork very quiet and prices with out decided change; middles dull and easier; long clear 91A; short clear 9. Lard opened higher and more active, and closing steady, at at 811-20081125. Frieghta to Liverpool mar ket firmer. COTTON. Oaltbstos -Steady; middling lU4c; low mld'ng 10c; good ordinary 10c; net receipts 2,601; gross : sates tbu; stock iut.&3; exports coastwise 506; to Great Britain 2,051; to conti nent : to France . Nobtolx Nom'l ; middling 11 7-16c;netree'pta 4,454; cross ; stock 76,297; exports ooast- wise 1,558; tales : exports to Great Britain ; to continent 2,098. BALTOfOBX-8teady; middling llfto; low mid dling 111? good ordinary 1044; net receipts ; gross 1,855: sales 200: stock 46,287; exports coastwise 250; spinners 150; exports to (ireat Britain ; to continent . BosTON-Qulet; middling 12c; low middling 1 lAc; good ordinary 10e; net receipts 8,454: gross 4.212; sales : stock 4,800; exports to Oreat Britain 1,085: to France . -WnJdKGTOH Firm; middling lllAc; low rald allng 10 13-16: good ordinary 9e: receipts 1,760; gross ; sales ; stock 23,631; exports ooMtwtse ; to Great Britain ; to continent PnTT.iTVKT.pmA Steady; middling 12fto; low orddUng llftc: cood ordinary lOftc; net receipts 205 ktoss 1318; sales 485; spinners 442: stock 19,888: exports Great Britain ; to continent Savakhah Quiet; middling lli&c; low mld rTtins idsiie: rood ordinary lOKxs: net reeelnu 5,963; gross r : sales 2,600'. stock 101385; exports coastwise s.nsoi to urea rmuun x.uui ; to France ; to continent . Niw OBUAHS-Qulet; middling . llfte; low middhns: l ie: rood ordinary lOftc: net receipts 6,279; gross 7.441; sales 5,000; stock 814.836: xpona w anxH ihuiwi ,uuih - w jiyng o,vi 1 1 coastwise ; to continent - VrrRTT-Oulet:mlddllnt' lllAe: tow mlddlfna: lQSAc; good ordinary 10ie; net receipts 1,720: coast ,121; Fiance ; to ureas umam WraTHis- (Met; irdddllng lithe; roeelpts L 1.015: shipments 812; sales 800; stock ATJGTJSTA-Qnlet; mlddnng 10a; - lorn mid dling lOftc; good ordinary ioc; receipts 1,864; shipments , hmi 000. . ' Cbaklkstojt Easier: middling lift; low mid dling llftc: good ordinary low; net receipts 2.974; grsss V-i sales 1,000; stock 107.512: exports coastwise ; to ureai muain -; to Trance to channel Haw York Cotton easier; sales 838; middling uplands 11 15-1 6c; middling Orleans 12fte; con solidated net receipts 80,742; exports to Great Britain 11,152; to France 7,141; to continent 2,098; to channel . Lrvxspoox, Noon Dull; middling uplands ee-16d; middling Orleans 6 lM6d; sales 6,000; speculation and export 1,000; receipts 15,700; American 8,450. Uplands low middling clause: December and January delivery ; January and February 6 9-16d; February and March oftd; March and April 62l-82d; April and May 628-82d; May and Juno ; June and July ; July and August ; august and Sep tember . Futures steady. Lmaroau 5 p. m. Bales of American cotton 4,600; uplands low middling clause: December delivery 6 9-16d; December and January 6 19 82d: January and February 6d: February and March -; March and April 6 23 82d: April and May; May and June 6 18-16d; June and July 6 27-82d; July and August . Futures dosed firm. FUTURES. Nxw Tork Futures closed aulet and steady. Sales 85,000. December..... 11.910.98 January 12110.12 February 12.820.88 March 12.510.52 April 12.680.69 May... 12.810.82 JunerfT. 12.920.98 July. 18.020.08 August 18.120.18 September 12.44d.45 October 11.170.18 November. .7 11.570 58 FINANCIAL. NXW TOBK. Exchange 479? Governments quiet: New 6's, 1.03 Four and a half per cents 1.14ft Four per cents, 1.184b Money 608 and 1-64 State bonds-Inactive Sub-treasury balances OokL. 888389,606 -currency,... 4.700,798 Stocxs Quiet but firm: Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 81 Alabama Class A, small 81 Alabama Class B, 6's 1.01ft Alabama Class C, 4's. 83 Chicago and Northwestern 1.25 Chicago and Northwestern preferred, 1.40 Erie 6ft East Tennessee 15ft Georgia, 1.63 Illinois CentraL 133ft Lake Shore 1.20 Louisville and Nashville 105ft Memphis and Charleston 71 Nashville and Chattanooga 87ft New Tork Central 1.83 Pittsburg. 134 Richmond and Allegheny 69 Richmond and Danville 1.401A Bock Island 1.84Vi Wabash, SL Louis Pacific. 41 Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific prefeir'd 82ft western union. sow CITY COTTON MARKET. Office of Tex Obshbtxs, I Charlottk, December 14, 1881. t The market resterdav closed steadv at tha follow. lng quotations: GoodMlddllne. 111b 8trictly middling lift Middling. 11 Strict low middling. 10 Low middling. 10ft Tinges 910 Htorm cotton 809ft Sales yesterday 149 bales. Charlotte Produce Market. DECEMBER 7. 1881. BUYING PRICES. Cokn. nerbuah'l RK Msal, " 90 Wheat, " Bxaks, white, per bushel 1.25a.50 PZAS, Clay, per bnsh. QOal.OO tiaay, - 1.50 White. " 7fia80 Flotjb Family 4-25a450 Extra. 4.00 8.75 56a65 4fta6 15a20 7al0 8a6 75 1.00 15a20 20a22 Suner Oats, shelled DKCKD Fbdtt Apples, per lb. Peaches, peeled . . . M Unpeeled Blackberries Potato xa Sweet Irish BxrrrxB North Carolina... .. Egos, per dozen. JrOULTBY Chickens 12fta20 8pring 10al5 Ducks 20 Turkeys, perTh. 8 Geese 85a40 Bbxf, per lb., net 5a6 Mutton, per lb., net POBK, " " 8a9 SELLING PRICES WHOLESALE. Bulk Meats Clear rib sides 101A Coffee Prime Bio UalBft Good 12ftal6 Stjgb White lOallft Yellow. 7a9 Molasses Cuba 82a85 Sugar Syrup . 35a5 Choice New Orleans 50a80 Common 40a45 Salt Liverpool fine l.OOal.25 coarse 85al.0O Whtbket Corn, per gallon 81.75a2.00 Bye. " S2.00a3.00 Bbandt Apple, per gallon. 82.00a3.00 Peach. " 82.50 Wibx, Scuppernong, per gallon. 81.50 txo &&vzxti&zmzuts. STRAYED Szgf From my house, yesterday, a solid liver colored Pup, about six months old. will give a liberal reward for the return to me of said Tup. LATTA C. JOHNSTON. decl4 AIM GENERAL FEED DEALERS -AND- COMMISSION MERCHANTQ OMMISSION MERCHANTS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. WE HAYE NOW ON HAND : JUST RECEIVED, ONE CAR LOAD freshYirgimaMea . 2 CAB LOAD BRAN, CAB LOAD CORN and PEA MEAL MIXED, CAB LOAB WHITE CORN, CAB LOAD YELLOW CORN, 1 CAR LOAD PATAPSCO PATENT PROCESS 1 FLOUR, 2 CAB LOADS TIMOTHY HAT, AND WILL GLADLY QUOTE PRICES BOTH THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. t9 Respectfully soliciting a share ef your patronage, we are respectfully, novlS A. J. BSALL ft CO. LOST OR STRAYED. A Milch Cow, In good orde,B The animal left my premises last Thursday, the 8th Inst. She was above medium' size and was red' and white speckled, had horns. A suitable reward will be paid for her return to me, or for information lead ing to her. recovery. . Mrs. J. EINTELS, deelS 8t t - - Charlotte, N. C FOR RENT. . A good house with 8 rooms and basemeot on comer of Church and 8rd streets,! within 6 mmotes walk of the imhlic square. IjlS. AddIt to X. U. JSOUUIM, v dec8 iw AtPegrara ft Go's store. to continent' 4o TOM usr 1 OUR BUSINESS WILL BE POSITIVELY, CLOSED IlBY And in order to dispose of the balance of onr ctock daring this month, we have concluded to OFFER GREAT SACRIFICES. Do not fall to take advantage of this important sale. We offer extraordinary bargains in BOYS' AND MENS' CLOTHING. t3T" For sale at my residence one Crimson Parlor Set, One Walnut Bedroom Set, One Handsome Walnut Sideboard, Two Poplar Bedroom Sets, Centre Tables, and general household furniture. Possession given at once. does AxrcTioisr sale i ! ! RODDICK & CO., TRYON STREET. In order to close out the balance of our stock we will AUCTION, ON Thursday, December 1 5th Sale from 10 a. m. to 12 m., and from 3 to 5 p. m. BARRELS -:o: TO A One Car m F Atwood's Cologne, H0YTS' COLOGNE, 4711 GERMAN COLOGNE, FINE NATL BRUSHES, FINE FRENCH E0AP3, t Just Received by WILSON fc BUBWELL. rrfDTHT1Cl "DTTUTT Is a superior remedy for all diseases of the BLADDER. KjJJJl JbjJtC o 15 U L-tL U soidomy .by - - - wllson & bub well. GROUND SAGE, q-bm T7T"TT? THTT TTT'nPT? OT7nTC Jewelry Cases, Puff Boxes, Hand Mirrors JtlllNJDi X WIJLJtlil JL XL OXLiXD, Odor Cases, in all styles and stall prices The largest and nicest assortment erer brought to thls7market. WILSON BUBWELL. TURKISH BATH TOWELS, Aflne u PUSS UVr"D A T TAIT? (HYDRA TED OIL). Hydraline has been proren of the highest XL X UXxlTLJxiy Xv, Talue in consumption, and all wasting diseases, lnrarlably prodne fng immediate Increase in weight. Fresh supply at - Wilson & Burwell's. Chew only the brand of tobacco known as T h Old Oaken Bucket THE old Oaken Bueket, The Iron-bound bucket. The moas-dorerea bucket. That hung in the well. CHAS. B. JONES, . Charlotte, N. C Sole Agent CT Liberal terms to dealers. We continue to act asSoucttars for Patents, Careats, Trade Marks. Copyrights, etc.. for the United states. Canada. Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc Wo have had thlrty-fiTo yesuro) experience. Patents obtained through us are noticed In the Sci mrrrno Akxricax. This large and splendid llius tratedweeklypapex,$30ayearhowstheProgT8S of Science, la Terr interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Address MTJNN A CO, Patent Solid ten. Pub's, of Scrmrmo ajokicav. 87 Park Bow. I caw tun, nwu uuu boouv raiynu irea. H. MORRIS & BROS. offer all' our FANCY GOODS and TIN WABE at RODDICK CO. H :o: TURKEYS, GEESE, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, NEW CBOP MT. O. IOL ASSES, CRANBERRIES, CHESTNUTS and KINDLING, S. M. HOWELL'S nor : ' . AMI. RR1VE! T