n rwif n?n Hv1! e to n i c rr n crn era fP I7T Yr SURE APPETISER rnnv B17FTERS a& Wrfily amusing readiMtrf- (Vznti.kmen: 1 .ssaffi fromseaeralde Jiity 4..n 4a nut A Vacation Ol Inklna chills. sliced almost immediate and wonderful Jesuits. or? BbaUi I bve uwd thr.bptU,- UMOia SSw JS12S,"! ajMi.TUr oi wui, - I vHtMli work. I know not what. J give It IMenoo. THm Iron Tonie a' teiMiatis r JV- (iavesde of Iron. Peru vian Bmrte, ana JPhmm- vWIt Js VeamtmtHe , Mimmrvem lilramoMai, """"TT. J" " . oireuiriii aju;. v. ucxSJ --- , t . - I v r " - AlOrAETIIEI I! Ill UWm 1111 1 fnwivf" 'T; .'T? - : W.j!k& BVs W.W.WOOD.Hajiiiktiirer.Wmstonl.C. y V RICHMOND ENWAVIM6C0.H CHAS. R. JONES, SoleAgCharlotte,N.C, Charlo 1 EEPEE3NTING N0YELTIE3 - OT THE - OLD 1 NRW WORLD. Eyenbody should attend; to continue until after CHRISTMAS, at PERRY'S. decll COMMISSIONER'S SALE .... .. - VALUABLE LANDS. BY VIBTTJE of a decree of the Superior Court of the county of Mecklenburg, we wlU sell at public auction, at the court bouse door, in the city of Charlotte, on . , . . Monday, 16th Day of January, 1882, the lands which were owned by the late Mary M. Wallace. TflB H03IE PLACE, 4 miles from the dty of Charlotte, on the Lawyers' road, contains 408 acres, with a large Brick Dwelling House, good bams and other improvements. - TttI ALLBN PLACB, contains 267 acres, to 4 nines from the city, adjoins the Home Place, and Ues between the Lawyers' road and the Monroe t THB WifHKNS PL ACE, on the Potter road, cW tains 188 acres, adjoins the Home Place, and is aDOUt tbe Ram riltfnruwi hnnt h. tt-m ... . . nnrSEH0 0n Lairs' road, 6 MS2.?Ta.riS600ntalll 822 acres. n. JfL PLACJS, on Reedy Creek, 7 -: miles from Charlotte, contains qtu. . . We will also sell a valuable Gold Mine, in TJn- iiPL6 xm ct; and the WDson tract, each, will ttret be ottered in lots and then as - ThU sale ifrroa robjoct to ft. mufieatton and annrornl of the Court. - . Terms: One tenth cash; balance in twoeaual - instauments at om ana two years, wtta security and mterest from date. -s Deeds and l can i be seen at the law office of Oshnme A Maxwell. Charlotte. N. C. : A Parties desiring to examine the property will ap ply to 8. H. FAHUOW.atttieBrtck House plaoe.v neoemDer l, i bbi. r-W'Myi as Am Mnilm 4r ' Chew only the brand lot tobacco toown as The Uld oaken sucKet. . mtxMt nii npjrah Bucket. ' . X The Iron bound bucket. The moss-corered budiet, -. (That bong in the weir Cnarlotte.'N. C.,8le Agent Liberal terms jo dealers.. eta in Grand Varied Peculiar 11 v ) ii i 1 i?-i -iL ; i recommended for alj dase requir . ; ATinfvHt.fi. iJosS of nflt the rr.- Ttaltlmore- Md. ImouiClI 6u fflmU-l t wifummtl and I Iltysvrpaia, General Debility, sTetnalm JHs-1 sal vrareMMn, yri lfan. and Oonval- euoh.au extent that my wr TLi"it of the TonlBince using i energy raturnaa no iuimu mov Tonio. eines using uin uuu"'" Tonic ha. not-don. th. ! tot ease, mui ui viuiquu uv t p v.Tsmr. Putor Cht J. P. WatbOTC, Pastor Chrtstlan ennrcn. jroy.w. mn. 9i iniTI HIM tTUET. ST. llfitSi' EITHER LIQUID Oil DRY FORM That Acta at the same time on . M TEE LIVES f TBS BOWELS, AND TEE K1DEEY5. WHY ARE WE SICK? Because we allow these great organ to I become clogged or torpid, and poisonous I hvmortare therefore forced into the blood M that should be expelled naturaMy. I WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, '4 LIVER COMPLAINTS, p DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, ASI NERVOUS DISORDERS, by causing free action of these organs and restoring their power to throw off disease. Whj inffer Billons pain and aches! Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! fi Why frightened oier disordered Kidneys! Why endure nerrons or sick headaches! Use KIDNEY-WORTand rejoice in health. It Is put up In Dry Vegetable Fans, In tin cans one package of which makes six quarts of medicine. Also in Liquid Farm, very Camaen trated, (or those that eannot readily prepare it. CFlt acts with equal efficiency In either form. GET IT 07 TOUB DKUQGISX. PRICE, l.wO LiCE.sa.aoU , Prop's, LUGTOH, TT. k WELLS, RICHARDSOH A Co. Will send the dry post-paid.) BUBXUOTOH, Marea27'4&lT Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, arid cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, "Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. Itassists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purines the blood. A Book sent free. , Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N, Y. rOB BALE BY ALL. PBUOOISTS. aml9 deod eow-I'y.: T, t . P. C. WILSON, CHAR L-0 T T X, N.C, i r i Sole Agent for LOUIS COOK; WATIBTOWR SPRINO WAGOH . C0MPANIS3, . VOB THX BAXJi 01 BUGGUta, CABBIAGX8L : PHASTdlfSJ'' 6PBH7G u - . - mar a tirvKia .--.-!.. r wHOLXSALX AND MTlTT - OPER BUGGIXS, t55V" TOP BUGGIES. $85. oyeciai inaucements to the wholesale trade reapuuueuoe TCUCUea. - ' . ' - 1ST dnZiriLE2i!!OT2It; rpms house has been reajtea for" a term Of years JL by, Mrs. Ir. . xeyes,- whose intention iff to keep a strictly nrst-ciasa hmiM in-mm ni Commodloua sample rooms en first aad eeeotid floors. , .' . - ', ; The rtronage 01 me puoue is Bouciteai j-t" ' Julyl.dtf. - - -.- .-", ; ssssbsbssmswssssssssws fTHE ONLY MEDICINE I Bf y J1?, 11 Dr-SANFORD'S 1 n r WEDNESDAY, DEC. W 1881. GUITKAi; IW BIS, CELL.. Talking: to yiiltort and GlrlBgr HI AntgTpIi-rTli.Slck JTiiroTsJ. ; Special DlsvatcbloTli Times. -f -' ; f . ; . WASHiNGTOBr, December 1L Tne re? fusal ot the authorities to admit repre sentatives of : the pres and yisitors" to the fail last Sabbath ha!l -tendency : to decrease the demand for admittance to that institution ,toHiaTi' r wmie many 4 were refused, a iarored Jew were ad mitted to the corridors! Your corres pondent, accompanied by aa artist, called upon Warden Crocker, who first called attention to the scaffold upon which Guiteau will be executed lr tne jury find him . guilty. Upon this in strument of death three criminals have already expiated their crimes. Among the number is one whose head was torn clear from his body. The structure is firm and well braced and commands a f ult view bf the corrider which crosses the rodunda tojGuiteau's place of con finement and in passing to and from the jail he is given the full benefit of its appearance. After making a drawing bf the scaf fold the hall was crossed and the iron gate unfastened which gives entrance to the narrow passageway where Gui teau isconfined. He had been removed to the far end of the passage for "the1 day, where he might enjoy more light and room. ' When your correspondent entered he was found reclining upon a narrow cot, attired in a red nannei un dershirt and a shining old cutaway coat. He looked brieht and fresh and said he was feeling much improved in health, as he had had a good rest from court service. As to his feeling toward certain members of the press, he said it would be all right in the end, and with a smile shook! hands with those he met. He said he would give his signature to the document he intended to read in court when first arraigned to-morrow. He seemed much pleased to know that three of the jurors were unwell, but did not express himself upon the subject He said the furnishing of his autograph to callers had become quite a feature in connection with his confinement. He signed himself Charles Guiteau since he had entered politics last Jane a year ago and Charles J.' Guiteau prior to that time as an attorney He then pro cured his ink and paper, and. kneeling at a chair, furnished several autographs. He said that his brother had not been down to see him during the day. His callers were here saluted with a smile and a hand-shake and Guiteau was left alone in his glory. The artist present made a portrait of Guiteau in his Sun day attire and in nis Sunday ceil. The sickness of tne lur jrs is toe suo- ject of much speculation. Mr. Scoville said this evening he should waive none of nis rights in the case, if a j uror is taken ill the tnal must be postponed lie 13 of the opinion the case win go over on account of the jurors sick ness. The jurors in the Guiteau case were all out riding to day excepting Worm ey. Kalph Wormley, the colored on& of the twelve, is still confined to his room at the JNational Hotel. Kegard ing his case Hr, Smith Townsend said this evening that be had cured him of the gastritis he was suffering from and that erysipelas had now set in. He was suffering great pain in the face and eyes, but he hoped to be able to relieve him of that He had had much fever, which was now broken, yet there was a possibility of his taking a relapse to-night, which might result seriously. The hotel diet the doctor says, has something to do with the origin of his trouble. Mr. scoville will take advan tage of every opportunity offered of this character, and should Wormley die a new trial will be asked for and proba bly be granted. California Salmon i a North Carolina Mr.Stephen (Jr. Worth, superintendent of fisheries, has written a letter from Morganton to Forest and Stream, in which he says in regard to that fine fish, the California salmon : It would appear that a California salmon, arrived at maturity, has been taken in this State. Major J. W. Wil son, former president, now chief engi neer of the Western North Carolina Railroad, informs me in a letter of No vember 25 that he enjoyed one on Thanksgiving day, which was over 20 ncnes long, and weigned about nve pounds. The fish was taken near Mar shal, west of the Blue Ridge, from the French Broad River, on a trap. Other smaller specimens have been taken. Th fiah nnnfaino a. rnur an rtAarlvHrta that it was not eaten. A few land-1 ocked salmon and California trout were sent to tributaries 01 this stream in the spring of 1880, but they could not have grown so large in so abort a time, ana we are obliged to credit the speci men to a plant of twenty-seven thou sand California salmon made there in December, 1877. I have other evidence of the presence of salmon in that stream, as they -were taken and eaten j its 1 year, major -m iibou, . now ever, 1a better acquainted with the salmon in a fresh state than most, of : our citizens, and his $ statement is more conclusive. Whether this specimen had ever left he headwaters to seek the Gulf of Mexico is a question. Clinton and Point Caawell Railroad I Meeting' in Clinton Wllmlngten Star. . An enthusiastic meeting or tne citi zens of Sampson county was held ai Clinton on Friday evening, the 9th inst, to consider and subscribe to the proposed railroad from that place to Point Caswell, in Pender county. judge A. A. McKov was called to tne chair and made an excellent speech. Mr, Ferrell was made secretary. Re marks were also made by E. W. Kerr, Esq.; Col. John Ashf ord, J. A. Ferrell and R. P. Paddison, Esqs., which were received -with applause and much en- 11 i , r The: books of subscription were open ed. Several thousand dollars were im mediately subscribed by those present, and the opinion was confidently ex pressed that $25,000 would be sub scribed in Clinton and $25,009 more by the three townships through which the road will be located. A-committee to solieit subscriptions and report to an adiournad meeting to be held on the 29th inst was appointed, consisting of the foilowirig named gen tlemen : Hon. A. A. McKoy, J. A; Fer rell, J. R. Beaman, - G.C Patrick, J. A. Asbford, Everett Turner. H. B. Gid- dings, W. H. Moore, A Johnson. The meeting adjourned with san- truine honea of success in this new and important enterprise. '' ' u ;' ' - f ' Tito Lien Law1. Charleston News and Courier. The House of Representatives acted wisely in voting down the bill for the repeal of the lien law. and the maioritv in TTn...A n I J. 1 1- A. J propuruvii, . w large as .tne jmajoruy agamst in tne state generally.: 2 inero was a inorougn discussion or the whole subject In all Its tihases: and the corjcifnmed at wad ihrehsly uie one uiab w iarmers can be trusted WjtaKfriisarerior tabielves,i asdthat this is jno time ,.to deprive any. farmer pf any mtoxici3&l! ,AnB Terusai tto repeal ?ine jlien? latr will not. tnaka; any'xronble In the Stated xruv inacaown ana rememDer iu-Any trouble thatmay come; will foiveaome Other source. x ?J,Ji;iK X. ? I I JS SMI Ta,i&,f?t.-r ' ' HaDDlnees and ronoerttT axe so lnitiaavinKt. linked with good health, that all those miSerine ' wiui w - whaw... vw,, auotita Lrw Dnll mffb nmn nH hAMiMil -. t) i jlr tJujtj j.- r - Ajuti BDQi Friday night Mrs. Cassie Rathburn' shooting t herself through the.heart at i Shamokin. Pa. j .mihn Archie Campbell, of Scrantoh, Miss.; who was .a well known' Confederate scout, attached to Gen. Jubal Early's division during; the late; war, died last week. ,. ' ri:--C. Mrs: Ellen Mooney. who was brutal ly beaten by her husband Saturday in New York city, was found dead in bed yesterday morning. The-husband has been arrested. " - Shocks of earthquake." causing slight damage, have occurred in the Canter bury district, New Zealand. - , The fund promoted by the Lord May or of London for the relief of ladies in distress through the non-payment of rent in Ireland, now amounts to 3,500. S. Iversori. alias Georee Nelson, one of the masked burglars who attempted to rob Tax Collector Twitchell at Bea con Falls, Conn, on Nov. 28, was ar rested in Boston Saturday and sent to Connecticut. The number of lives lost by the burn ing of the Ring Theatre, at Vienna, is now put at 917. ' Cincinnati has had a serious accident by a line of an electric light getting on a telephone wire and sending a dis charge which melted down the tele phone instrument, set hre to 'tne-varnish and wood work, and left the clerk whose ear was at the telephone, stunn ed. Col. John S. Mosby, United States consul at Hong Kong, China, in a let ter to a friend in Alexandria, Va- says that a good dentist could make a for tune, in uong Jiong in less tnan ten years;, that good dentists Are hard to find, and that the charges for any kind of dental work are enormous. Mr. McPherson, clerk of the House of Representatives, has promoted John Bailey, late disbursing clerk, to be chief clerk in 111s omce. Jefferson Davis has telegraphed to the managers of the Atlanta exposi tion, stating that circumstances will prevent the acceptance of their invita tion to visit the exposition before its close. A Boston dispatch says that the well known stallion, Kentucky Wilkes, bought by his present owner a year ago for $10,000, nas received injuries which will, it is feared, render him use less. The directors of the Pacific National Bank of Boston have decided to reor ganize, and have requested the comp troller to levy an assessment of 100 per cent, on tne capital stocs. The South Brooklyn Oil Works were totally destroyed by tire Saturday after noon. Loss, $25,000. The large four story brick warehouse m -v-v sr .rf-v r . . 01 u. jsa. usoorne jo timcago, was destroyed by fire on Saturday. Loss on stock, $280,000, and on building, $400, 000. Insurance, about $200,000. Capt. Eads's Ship Railway Project. Capt. Eads returned to St. Louis from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec last week in excellent spirits and as confident as ever or tne practicability of his ship railway project The matter will be presented to Congress shortly by a bill "J 11 1 - r 1 - . . . cunBiaeraoiy mouinea irom tnat re portered during the last session. These modifications are in favor of citizens of the United States and Mexico, and are designed to render the enterprise more acceptable to the government In tbe course of a conversation which illus trates his determination and confidence Capt. Eads say : "My visit to England last August satisfied me that every dol lar which is required for the work will be subscribed there within sixty days after the United States declines my proposition; but I have no fear what ever of its being declined by the gov ernment I have received within the last three days from Eng land several letters from the very high est possible authorities upon such sub jects, fully indorsing the entire practi cability of the ship railway. One of these letters is from Mr. Barnaby, the present chief constructor of the British navy; another one is from Mr. William John, the chief manager of the ship building establishment that has just finished the City of Rome, the largest vessel afloat in the world except the Great Eastern; another is from Mr. Pearce, the sole owner of the works which build the White Star steamers." Oresjon's Strange Lake. Jacks onyllle (Oregon) Paper. Several of our citizens returned last week from the Great Sunken Lake, sit uated in tne cascade Mountains, about seventy-five miles northeast from Jack sonville. This lake rivals tne famous valley of Sin bad the Sailor. It is thought to average 2,00 feet deep down to water all around. The depth of. the water is unknown, and its surface is smooth and unruffled, as it is far be low the surface of the mountains that air-currents do not affect it Its length is estimated at twelve or fifteen miles, and its width tenor twelve. There is a mountain in the centre having trees upon it It lies still, silent and myste rious in the bosom of the everlasting hills, like a huge well scooped out by the hands of the giant genii of the mountains in the unknown ages gone by, and around it the premseval forests watch ana ward are Keeping. The vis iting party fired a rifle into the water several times at an angle of forty-five degrees, and were, able to note several seconds of time from the report of the gun until tpe .bail struct the water. Such seem .'incredible, but is vouched for by our most reliable citizens. The lake is certainly a most remarkable cu riosty. . ... - . Summary of National Bank Failure. From the report of Comptroller Knox it appears that in addition to the Me chanics' National Bank of Newark and the Pacific National Bank of Boston, there have been, since the institution of the national bank svstem. 86 failures of national banks, or. to sneak in the terms of the report 86 have been "placed in the hands of receivers prior to November 1, 1881." The claims proved against these banks aggregated' $25,066,602, Of Which $18,561,698, or about 70 per cent, has been repaid to creditors. Of the $7,601,750 "of assess ments, levied on shareholders for the purpose of enforcing, their individual liability but $3,000,000 has been collect ed! The affairs of twelve banks whichr failed prior to November 1, 1880, have during the, year just past been closed with this result : that one of them was able to pay 60 per cent, of its obliga tions, another 63.6 per cent; another 84.83 per; cent, another : 100. per, cent without interest,, and the remaining eight principal and interest There are sixteen besides the Newark and Boston banks still in the hands , of xeceivers credited with dividends paid to their creditors of from 25 to 100 per lent Deatn. Warrant Signed for One Wnr . verr-Anotlier. Posjlponed for . 30 fBajrfc - ,- ''J 1 New Oklsaks, Dec. ' 13. Gov.MIci Enerr vesterdav sitmed the death r waiy rrant of Charles Butler'colored; convic- tea oi tne : murderof i osepb Jsorei in St.Marv'fl nariah. rThft fJnvftrnor fixed the date of the execution orn ?'the thlrdJ x naay in s annary.-' TpjB GovernorJ in the case of John Mahel, of .DeSoto par- u, woo was sentenced to be nangea Dec. 30, has postponed the execution for thirty days. ...'.U-it, T".:.- irtj?.If ?' m0Bi D1 mr dutyia to proloes 1?'.?':: BulFa cough ayrnp tor ..-t,yTOnc!tisy hoarseness, etc . Sold "How do you Manas." said a lady to her friend. 10 aitoear so nanny an .tne timer" 1 always have Parker's Ginger Tonio handy," was the reply, "ana tnas Keep myseii ana ramuy in gooa neaiin When 1 am well I always feel eood natured." See other eolumiL- r - r 3 v - , RHEUMATISM, Neuralgidi Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of tne Chest, Gout, Quins, 5ora, Throat, Swell ' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs On as a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Eemedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and. every one suffering 'with pain cjua have cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ABD DEALERS IS MEDICINE. A. VOGELER fc CO., ii.iJtitm.re, HiL, V. B. J aee80Uwly 1 SOMETHING EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW. There exists a means of se curing a soft and brilliant Complexion, no matter Low Soor it may naturally be. agan's Magnolia Balm is a delicate and harmless arti cle, which instantly removes Freckles, Tan, Redness, Roughness, Eruptions, Vul- far Flushings, etc., etc. So elicate and natural are its effects that its use is not suspected by anybody. No lady has the right to present a disfigured face in society when the Magnolia Balm is sold by all druggists for 75 cents. Jan. 22 North Carolina Railroad. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. TRAINS GOING EAST. fteiU ; THE CRErlf nij Date, Nov. 20, '81 No. r.5 No 51 No. 53 Dally. Dally. Dally. Leave Charlotte, 3.10 am 4 40am 5.45 pm " Salisbury, 4.42 a m 6.30 a m 7.27 p m " HfchPolnt 753am 7.50pm Arrive Greensb'ro 6.25 a m 8.2s a m 8.44 p m Leave reensb'ro 9.35 a m 9. 1 5 p m Arrive Hlllsboro', 1 142 a m " Durham... 12.17 pm " Balelgh,... 1.25 pm Leave Raleigh,.. . 4. 1 0 p m Arrive Goldstaro 6.20 p m No. 17 Dally, except Saturday. Leave Greensboro', 5.40 p. m. Arrive at Balelgh, . . 8. 04 a. m. Arrive Goldsboro,. .8 00 a. m. Ko. 55 Connects at Greensboro with B. & D. B. B. for all points North and West No. 51 Connects at Greensboro' with R. & D. B. B. for aU points North, East and West, via Dan ville. At ooiosDoro' with w. a w. it. H. for wu mlngto& Ho. 58 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. B. B. for all points In Western North Carolina dally; at Greensboro' with B. & D. B. B. for all points xtorw, Jtasi ana west. TEAINS GOING WEST. Date,Nov.20,'81 No. 54 No. 50 No. 52 - Dally. Dally. Dally. Leave Goldsboro' I 10.00 am Arrive Balelgh. 1 2.25 p m Leave Balelgh, . . 2 85pm Arrive Durham,. . 3. 49 p m Arrive Hlllsboro', 4 26pm Arrive Greensb'ro 6.45 p m Leave Greensb'ro 9.15 pm 7.05 pm 9 80am Arrive High Point 7.42 p m 10. 02 a m Arrive Sails bury,. 10.54 p m 9.00 p m 1 1 :14 a m Arrive Charlotte. 12.25 a m 10.45 p m 12 40 pm No. 28 Dally, except 8unday. i Leave Goldsboro,'.. 8.00 p. m. Arrive Balelgh, 7.30 p.m. Leave Balelgh. 6.00 a.m. Arrive Greensboro',. 3. 00 p. m. No, 50-Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. B. B. lorAsneviiie, ta, at Charlotte with A.&C. Air Line for all points In the South and Southwest. No. 54 Connects at Charlotte with A. A C. A.-L. uauroaa ior au points south and Southwest No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with A. & C. A -T,. for points South and Southwest: at Charlotte ith C. C. & A. B. B, for all points fcouth and -South east N. XV. Km C. RAILROAD. GOING WEST. NO. 50-Daily. t jueave ureensDoro...... v.bl p m Arrive Kemersville. 11.07 pm Arrive Salem : u.50 pm ' nut o3 xjiuxy, except sunoay. Leave Greensboro 10.00 a m Anive Kemersville 1 1.00 a m juuvo oaiem 11.80 a m GOING EAST. i . ; NO. 5l-?-Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem. 2. 7.80 a m Arrive Kemersville. . . . 5.04 a 9.00 a Arrive Greensboro..... '"f -' NO. 18-Dally. Leave Salem.... 4.80 p 5.10 n Arrive Kemersville Anive Greensboro. 6.80 p oiiiaii sieini cars wlont.CliaBB yu yam no. t4 mnvuie ana Atlanta. - on,Traln No. 60-New York and Atlanta, via w oBuuigton ana Aianvi ie. . 0n Train Na 52-Blcbmond and Danville, and BaleijJi;iGoldsi)oro', SaUflburrand Charlotte, and PPfi Points South, Southwest. West North r emigrant naies to Louisiana. I ex 6, Arunsas end the Southwest, address, t.-. H" , 1 ' A-'POPK, dec8 uenarai casaenger Agent. ; 1 fc. ; tycnmpno, ya, $ermarierity.l &tiQSon'ilAihmaRemedv "iM hroqumied as aposiuve rattT and Once for lanacyffDBtslA. 1 . ..elr nsdnt evils. Oom notavrely - ldD1?orrJ' reUef, bnt Is permsBent cure. ?f ?2lmre' O., aays of it : X an wn ana mad expectoration easv. - Inmo sUao JfAou couqhinff" If your dmpist 4oe poi keep it, aead lor treatise and teettmonisis to YT w't - - v - m. v is.. s-lCH JK. 1 .oct27 dAw8m je -f Tjc- loiinpnl B HOLIDAY GOODS ! ! Have you seen our lino of Beautiful If not call at once. We have an assortment of as fine Goods as was ever brought to this market PLUSH AND LEATILEB COVERED TOILET CASES AND 0D0B STANDS. Gents' Shaving Cases, Ladles' Work Box and Odor Case combined, Baby's Case, Children's Toy Cases and Souvenir, French Plate Hand and Stand Mirrors, Loblns, Tetlows and Colgate's Ex tracts and ToUet Waters, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, tc, &c. Call and examine. nov30 L. B. WRISTON & CO. FRESH MINERAL WATER Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Beceived, at Dr. J.H.McAden's Druor Store ABATUGA V ICHY. From Saratoga Springs. N. T. A new water re sembling the Imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a eathartic and al teratlve and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, CASES CONGRESS WATER, CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, J Q CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARI - AND Hunyadi Jpos Waters. Tl GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! JJUNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHABTIC: Doss: A wine glass full before breakfast The Lancet 'HunydI Janos. Baron Lleblg af firms that its richness In aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The British Medical Journal "Hunyadi Janos. The most agreeable, safest and most efficacious aperient water." Prof. Tirchow, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." JProf. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success."- Pro. Scanzoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." - Prof. Lander Brunton, M. J)., F. R. 8., London. "More pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." Prof. Atken, Af. D.,F.IU 8., Boyal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pullna and Frled rlchshalL" JOHN H. McADEN, A - Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SAEATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J. ELMcADEN, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 Z.B. Vance. W. H BAtLXT. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors CHARLOTTE, N. a Practice In Supreme Court bf the United States. Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal Courts, and counties of Mecklen burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Da-. vtdson. -IV Office, two doors east of Independence quare. may29 tf KO. D. GRAHAM, 'N the State and United States Courts. Collee tuua ureign, solicited. AO fits Of Titles. HnrVfiVS. 7 fnmialiarf fn. Anm hSalinn. ' ' . w O'fH! v Cfl" Tr Trron atnets Charlotte. N. C rjim. ft; ' 5 THE MB rT tZ X1 WW iS mm - l JWfcN r f Li : w r ? 3-SEND rOE CTJiaiJjLjJs--- ' i SOUTHERN- OFFTfTB KTa o m,' : . ' ; Goods IIMS flit th : Bui AsbbB Baltimore, Md, :"7Z "p" TVr A BEAUTIFUL ORGAN, the "MOZABTTneriT No 12,000. 27 stops. 10 full seta fa olden Ton" ue Beeds, SOLID WALNUT Highly PoVhid flSJ116 Improvements Stool, book, music Boxed and delivered on board cars here, price ONLY SIXTY rxir i iw NetCaahi Batisfacaon gntinteS flnmt: Ocular or money refunded after one yeaFgule Every one sold sells another, it te-a stwohur AQVerUsement Order at once. Nothing saved bf correspondence.- My new factory lust comnietRd capacity 2,000 instruments every 28 da??, vS Utest labor-saving wood-working machinery Vast capital enables me to manufacture better foods for less money than ever. Address orcaii uPon , DANIEL F. BEATTY ' Washington. New Jersey. Rfl NlKS?'isof,ConroJno with name, ot cl"N1!kM T 10c- NASSAU 0ARD CHEAPEST BOOK-STORE w the nrld lie Books; Superb Bibles and PrayerSs aim? st given away. Grand Holiday Catalogue free LEGGAT BROS., 81 Chambers Street, near Broadway, Nf w York. Juven- WONDERFUL DISCOVERY flIETAIi TIP liAJII P WICK Patd Dec 7, 18SO. Gives a BriHiant White and Steady light, jequlres no trimming, and lasts for months. m,D mts auc. o wicks znc, la wicks 75c, post- wSKf Aaour sizes' n- ' 2-3- MKTAL TIP LAMP WICK CO., 70 Cortlandt St, N. Y. FLORIDA ! Atlantio and Gulf Coast Oanal and Okee chobee Land Go. 50,000 lilHl; S10 AtPAB with-a BONUS of 40 acres for each 10 shares from choice lands of the 'Tisston purchase" Offices- i JPi Sestnut Sts., Philadelphia. ' 1 lloBroadway.N.Y., Booms 111. 118. Detailed Prospectus with descriptive maps mailed FREE. gO 10. MEDAL AWARDED the Author. A now and srre&t siod tcsi Work, warranted the best and cheapest, indispensable to every BP&kd"the Scianceof Life orli-Preeervation ;' bound in toest Frenoh mnslin, embossed fall cut .300 rjn.vmfjLin. k.t..l steel engravings, 125 prescnp- "os, price only $L25 sent by i ' "lu8trted sample, 6 cents THE GlllCti mm. THE HIGHEST AWARDS EFfGKSS In the GREAT WORLD'S PAIR in LONDON 1851 ; at the GREAT EXPOSITION to PABIs! 1867; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION in CHILI, 1875; and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION in PWhdelphia, 1876. All persons wishing to psrehase (or ex amine) instrnmenta are respectfully in vited to visit oar Warerooms. Send for dreviar and Pries List. CHICKERING & SONS, 130 Fifth Avenue. N.Y. 156 Tremont St., Boston. Nov29 dfcw4w CORN! CORN! CORN! FLOUR ! BAGGING AND TIES We are agents for THE WATT PLOW Will sell It LOWER than you. can buy an other good plow. Full assortment always on hand. Call and see us before purchasing. MAYER & HQSS. aug26 All Notes and Mortgages GIVIN US LAST FALL FOR G-XJJNTO, ARE KOW DUE, (NOVEMBER 1ST, 1861) Please call and arrange the sanie.fltl nov2 gov MX: ' C IT PROPERTY 1 - FOR SALE. - anq on reasonable . terms to the right kind of a WW cheap aiJLt.Tl aumiraDiy aaapiea ior ip lawyei. doctor or. preacher, having n-sZJl w a w """j nwin, ouiife ivi mo i; Ail QIi)Tore:,aeap. T5, on tfie corner of innUTBtreet and the kT2 p810!? BaUroad, fronung 140 feet on pwJ.Wert on the North Carolina K'1; !u' iS6' be sold aa a whole Or divided ,ot? 0,.7 b 1 98 eet Suitable either for illHo' tact01 Purposea,- Apply to. 6 mm hi Oafe! Guano Guano hr.m iZ.Zi.V- """" is un s mn kh, nas nia? tePSEtrtitcheii TV "3

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