. 4T!vlrtT.t lift riYviw III . ' , r. THE OBSERVER JOB DXP1BTMINT Has beehlthoionghly supplied with ever needed mot, and witb the latest styles ol Type, and ere ry iwnnwit of Job Printing can now bedone wtth neatness, dispatch andjatieapneav We flan far nlah at snort notice, i BLAWaBTT.TrHIiTn- TX63,RSCEIPT8,POSTiaa. . PBX)GBJQafE3, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS, CntCULABS, CHECKS, SUBSOKirTiOM HATES: vilV. VMr' Pmh"paid in wtvanct. . . . ' h S8 00 4.00 fhtff truths. ongtmmtA.- 2.00 75 wMir EDITION: hu (fn the vmntu). e . S2.00 l! Lift' PV . 2.19 1.05 CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1881. NO. 3,976. it VOL. XXVI. - Literal Rtduciionjbr Out. 91 some day this week and get a pair ot BLANKETS, -or a SITNTODY-MADE CLOTHES, or an OVERCOAT or a CLOAK or a WALKING JACKET, or a Pair Flannel Shirts or a Carpet, OR- AH of the above goods and yon will find plenty of oilier at rnctlve goods to look at dect ALEXANDER ft HlBRIS. We are dally receiving our FALL & WINTER STOCK which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the LADIES', MISSES', CHILDRENS,' GENTS', B01S. AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS! SHOES A SPECIALTY, Lower grades all goods In our line In variety and all priee. FULL STOCK Stetson and Other Hats. A PRETTY LINE TRUNKS, VALISES AND SATCHELS ALL SIZES AND RRICE3. Call and see us. PEGRAM & CO. sepB This great specific cures that disease - most loathsome WHETHER IN ITS PRIMARY, SECONDARY OB TEBTIARY STAGS. ' Removes all traces of Mercury from the system. Cures scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. CURES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAIL! Malvern, Ark., May 2. 1881. We have cases In our town- who lived at Hot Hp rings and were finally cured with 8. 8. S. MOCalOtON MUBET. Memphis, Tennessee, May 12, 1881. We have sold 1,296 bottles of a 8. 8. In a year. It hus given nntvprnai sAtisfaction. Fair minded physicians now recommend it as a positive specif- , ic. a. ALuranxLS to. TtanvAr. Col.. Mht 2. 1881. Every purchaser speaks in the highest terms of 8. 3. S. L. MK8SXTXB. Louisvnie, Kentucky, May 13, 1881. 8. S. S. has given better satisfaction than any medicine 1 have ever sold. J. A. Flixnxb. Richmond, Vs., May 11, 1881. You can refer anybody to ns in regard to the merits of 8. a 8. Polk Mttj.ib A Co. Have never known 8. a a to fail to cure a ease ot Syphilis, when properly taken. H. L. DxxhaRD, Xli Wabbjw, Perry, Ga. The above signers are gentlemen of high stand tag. a. H, Goiajoct, Got. of Ga. if you wish, we will take your ease, TO (ubw hkn cuRSD. writs tor mi of the' little, book Message 81.000 REWARD will be paid to any chemist 1k win and, orl analysis ot 100 bottles ot a a a, one particle of Mercury, Iodide Potasslrmi. or any mineral substance.' SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Proprietors. Atlanta, Q Bow by druggists everywhere. - i J Greensboro : Female College, GRTC NHTWlTtO. X. OL t : il r- tit THE Spring Session of 182 will Uth Charges net session of twenty w vv vuuvvuiut eaHiwf weeks noara (exclusive ot ngnu , glish course. s7fi.OO. : Xxrra atadles 1 full jen- ITS IB Sit M Brands Latest Styles rfV "W moderate. ForpsjUcolars app wir A Sen I Stool OF NONPAREIL VELVETS, JUST RECEIVED. Some baautlful Seme beautiful INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS For presents. We, will close out stock of light weight our remnant DOLMANS, At manufacturers' prices. Bemembef we are soie agenis for the sale of Warner's Corsets. A full assortment of sizes always In stock. decll T. L. SEIGLE & CO. Neuralgia, Sprains, I Pain in the. Back and Side. t There Is nothing more painful than these diseases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. This remedy is not a cheap Benzine or Petroleum product that must be kept away from fire or beat to avoid danger of explosion, nor is It an untried experi ment that may do more harahan good. Pain Killer has been In constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world is, It never fails. It not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, It 13 safe In the hands of the most inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Paut Killzh would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried It think: Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn., says : About . year since my wife became subject to severe suffering from rheumatism. Our resort was to the Pats Ko.ua, which speedily relieved box Charles Powell writes from the Bailors' Home, London: I had been afflicted three years with neuralgia and violent spasms of the Btemach. The doctors at Westminster Hospital gave up my case In despair. I tried your Paxn Kjxlib, and it gave me immediate relief. I have regained my strength, and am now able to follow my usual occupation. O. H. Walworth. Saco, Me., writes : I experienced immediate relief from pain in the side by the use of your Pain tctt t tm . York says : I have used your Paw KrLtru for rheumatism, and have received great benefit. Barton Seaman says : Have used Pain Ktlteb for thirty rears, and have found it a new-j'ailing remedy for rheumatism and lameness. Mr. Burdltt writes : I,t"tak tqgive relief in cases of rheumatism. PhlL JSUbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : From actual use, I know your Paik Killeb is the best medicine I can get AH druggists keep Pain Killer. Its price Is so low that It Is within the reach of all, ' and It will save many times Its cost In doctors' bills. 85c, 50c. and $1.0O a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, , Providence, R. I. sept d&wjsept a oct. INDORSED BY : -v: PHYSICIANS. CLEROYMEHr ABO THE AFFLICTED XYERYWHEBE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of a; Lrjnetite.Nausea. bowels costive, Pain in tl haHead.with a dull sensation in the back part. Fain under tne shonlder- blade. fullness after esung. wilq m oum- ng. witn a ousin ' body or mind. clinataon to exertion of Irritability of temper. Low spirits, Aioai of memory, with a feeling of having neg lected some duty, weariness. AJUalness,. Muttering of the Heart. Dots before the eresyeuow Bkin. Headache. Hestless nessat night, highly colored Prine. IT THESX WABBTIfOS ASZ UHHUBED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTTS PILLS are esp.clauy adapted to twhcaieitoMdoM effect, amebacnange Digestive Organ, duced. Price cents. S3 M ;s Steel, are pro- irrayaw, w.x. TUTT'S HAIR DYE, Obay Haik or WHisK'wtn to a OicesT BLACK DJ imDarts a Offlcei 3Jk Murray SU New York. CM Rwdfto will fc. jasUf rBU U-Xi.P Febv. 2fldeodAwl A. 's - ' ' .' rdrike, , Stilllngla, 'and .nnea kmovn. are fi. Parker's Ginger .Tonit: into a medicme or such varied powers, as tor sake it the greatest VJiwI Punfiw and toe . Hcstn.ftlthAStrsairtk j..j BsstereE ver. used. It cure Ktieurnatmw, &dlseae - -'.',41m' StoeKBoiweltj MU5il JW?rSt d ouWonics, as it ootga s .-v.iti;'.:4 u irvox jmjj aw-i a;. TTTHt COM PA RATI V E EDITION rtl ? e o .'VERSIONS rfHMa8:mEJ.MI0ISi ra, p.ptt.T.lI; raJttJCBu? ijawwai Jhm tram era-aages rtown sa Klaooa. Uuir UMX. tsooavniiviuuu.B, iMtkm. ;:WAMTpUl.df- A4Uate.&ewia. ox xeemur as xo unnuuia nuHnn- Tbey Increase tbe AppItand eanae the body to Take mm Vleeta, thus the system is Sri XhrntheirTecileAettMOB the L ranter HEWS NOTES. Dr. Thomas W. Grimes, aeed about 60 years and a prominent physician of (Joiumous, (iSL, aiea suaaeniy, wnue sil ting in a chair, Monday morning, of heart disease. . John H. Knox, who went from New York to Chicago, some months, ago, to practice law, nas mysteriously aisap- Sared from the last mentioned city, r. Knox is a nephew of the comptroll er or currency. Oscar A. Rice, the defaulting inter nal revenue collector at New Orleans, who last week pleaded guilty to embezr zlement, has been sentenced by Judge Billings to pay a fin of 010,304, the amount of his defalcation, and to serve two years at hard labor. The grand jury of theCourt of General Sessions, at New York, had under con sideration Monday the case of Jay Gould against J. Howard Welles for blackmail. TJp to a late hour in the af ternoon it was said that no indictment had been found against Welles. At a meeting of the directors of the New York Maritine Association, Mon day, a memorial was approved asking the department of state to remonstrate with the Spanish government against the unwarranted charge of 10 cents per ton levied by the Spanish consul upon all cargoes for Cuba ana Jrorto itico. Grandison Harris was arrested at Augusta, Ga., Tuesday, for exhuming bodies from the city cemeteries, mis business has been going on for some time. Harris makine steady shipments of bodies in trunks to Atlanta for med ical colleges there. Advices from Hong Kong, China, state that A. B. Lewis, marshal of the United States consulate at Shanghai, committed suicide on October 20 by severing an artery in his arm. It is understood that the directors of the suspended Mechanics' National Bank of Newark, N. J., have agreed to contribute $700,000 to pay depositors whose claims amount to $200 or less in full, and other depositors 75 per cent, of their claims within three months, provided they release the bank and the snarehoiders from an iurtner aemanas In addition to the payment of 7o per cent., the amount that may be recover ed from Nugent & Co. will be divided pro rata among the creditors. General and Mrs. Grant will visit Mr Arthur at the White House about New Year's Day. They will remain a month. It is reported the Prince Roland Bo naparte has sold his interest in the Monaco gaming tables for 920,000. nsonkhlne Sketches in North Care Una. Cor. Baltlm re Fun. Greensboro, N. C Dec. 11 Bear ing in mind the terrible, startling ac counts of the "moonshiners' and their doings in this section, it was with cau tion that I broached the subject last evening in a country store near this place, where were gathered around a stove, redolent with tobacco juice, a group of loiters. But I soon found it was no secret here, and the profits and losses of "blockading" (that's the true vernacular) were as freely discussed as any otner "legitimate Dusiness. "lis no more risky than farming, I reckon," said one ; "you ketches the drought thar about as often as the revenue ooys geis the blockaders." "But isn't there heavy fines and imprisonment r "Oh, yes, but" putting finger in the corner of his eye "it's all thar. Maybe, if you got money, you're katched, and that goes thar" slapping his pocket and in timating by a grimace tnac it naa rei- erence to tne revenue mans poc&et. "You see if blockading's stopped, the 'revenues' gets nothing; one depends on the other, and both is good about these parts." "How do the revenue men find out where the illicit distilling is carried on T "Well, thar's lots of old snasrs laving round with notning to ao, wno start on alter squerreis, or pat- ridsfes. mav be. and they lust runs across the blockaders: tnen ine -reve nues' lets them alone till they makes a little monev and cets a start then tney drons on them, but the boys got plenty of time to int out or tne way. ana ine 'revenues' just cut of the still, they used to do it with a hatchet, but now thevse eot a a hammer with spikes that cuts fifty holes at a iick. -mow ao me revenue men make money r "wen, in the place, they gets five dollars a day and expenses, which mav be two dol- lars and a-naif more, ana tney gets niiy dollars for every still tney cuts up, Whfin there is a lot o' whiskv the gov ernment gets n somen mes, a icuu. 1 i . !1 i T V "Don't, thev ever arrest the menf "Yes, when he s got money. Tnar s a man up in- Roxbury got ketched -with 2,700 gallons this year, but he give bail and is at it again, I reckon, whar thare s as nice a little stream of water as he had hAfnrfl the bail aint much account.' "If the revenue man cut up the still, how do they get others?" "Go down to Greensboro and thar s a man as makea them " "Do the revenue men know this V. "Of course they do; the maker's a erreat temperance man. Oh, he's all right," "Would you mind if all that von sav was printed in tne .Daiti more Sun?" "Not a bit; but you bet ter not put my name on to it, may be I am a 'revenue.' and mav be 1 am not l uuu. it's all right, though." T dnn'fc mind if I do a little V" "Well sugar in mine. "Rill " "If vou are up in these parts agin, sir, I'll take you out squerrel hunting, may be. "Yes, she's loaded, but she won t nurt you uoou mgm,, sir." We find the above mass of stuff m the Baltimore Sun, over the signature O. A. G., and it is only worthy of no tice because it appears in as respecta ble a journal as the Sun. O. A. G. takes for granted the statements made in a gossip of loungers around the stove in a country grog-shop, and gives them to the world as if unquestionably true. by inference at least, when the fact is that moonshining, as it is understood, In 'the section referred to oes not ex isL That there is illicit distilling ana blockading to some extent, is doubtless true-but the inference from the aboye letter s that it is carried on extensive ly; which is not true. ' ' Writers e O. A. Q. ure the goad, name of a people by .catching at stories pa the flj ' and publishing as facts the mere drunKen twaddle ;or . oar-room loungers, without taking- the trouble to inquire as to their twh- in -thia ase the whole tenor of the letter, leaves the tinpression that moonshining ahd bloci-i ade running are the order; Of toe daynd tbe;talicised yow at tte bottom would liaplyithat : the ahot-gUa pla part in tfiejtmsi)iess mass of rrubbish i was never crowded within tjaeaame spcV:id,3lri does'"botlftitself : anCth0J;ecttou;to wbicH it refers gross injustice by - STATE NEWS, Raleiah News and Observer: The Su? oreme Court has finished the hearing of cases on the regular dockets. Old bonds amounting to $13,400. were received at the Treasury yesterday for exchange. ; irinx eye tne new norso. disease, uas struck the State, coming by way of Nor folk into the northeastern counties. Mr. M. T. Leacn. wno nas Deen gun ning up in Chatham, says he never saw so much lana sowea aown m smau grain in his life. The cotton patches are sowea in wueai. suu uuj au ui which are up and looking well. The people up that way don't propose to run any risks next year, and are arranging for big crops of breadstuffs and for age. Winston Leader: Mr. Robert Mat thews, an aged and well known citi zen of Stokes, died near Germantown on Monday night. Clarence, a little nineteen-months-old child of Mr. John Petree, of this place, met with a fearful death. last Tuesday morning. -The mother sent the little fellow into the house to Warm. While eneaeed in her household duties she heard a kettle fall and a scream. The child had turned over a kettle of boil ing water, scalding itself in a dreadful manner, from the effects of which it died on Wednesda y morning. ,A sad death, for which much sympathy is ex pressed. Goldsboro M essenaer: We regret to learn that the condition of Dr. W. H, Moore, at present superintendent of tbe Eastern insane asylum near this city, is very precarious, and that the doctor himself feels that his time on this earthly sphere is but for a little while longer. Wilmington Star: The receipts of cotton at this port from December 1st to December 12th footed up 13,001 bales as aeainst 9.948 bales from December 1st to December 13th last year, showing an increase of 3.058 bales in favor of 1881 and one day to spare. The re ceiots to date foot up 871581 bales as against 84,502 bales for the; correspon ding period last year, showing an in erp.asflin favor of 1881 of 8.079 bales. The baeeaee car of the fast mail train from the North, on the Wilming ton and Weldon Railroad, Saturday night, was burned, with its contents, at at a point about two mues rrom liocxy Mount. The smoking car, next in rear of the baggage car, also caught fire and was consideraoiy aamagea. xue origin of the hre is not Known. ASoath Carolinian Banfred In Ar kansas. Little.Rock special to New Orleans Democrat: Howard G. Edmund, who was execut ed to-dav at Warren, the county seat of Bradley county, was guilty or tne most inhuman crime kowu to tne annais oi - . - - . 1 B butchery and deviltry in this State.He not only ruined the young, beautiful and accomplished sister of his estimable wife, but in order to prevent aetection when her condition oecame xnown, ne killed her with an axe. There is not one palliating circumstance connected with the horrible aiiair. 'ine nena came to Arkansas four years ago, settling in Drew county, near Monticeiio. lie was born in Fairfield District, S. C, and was onlv 26 years of age. His family con nection in that State, as well at this, are all people of education, refinement and wealth. Tne crime oi wnicn ne is guilty is the first damning spot on the family record. Soon alter maKing our State his home, he fell in love with his cousin, a fascinating young widow, and a woman of brilliant attainments. Af ter a brief courtship thev were married. Everything that love or money could procure was at tneir commana, anu . . . . o thev were counted as among the most fortunate and happy people in that sec tion. Mrs. Edmunds' younger sister, Sallie Watson, was a frequent visitor almost a companion, tone was at Ja- munds' house a eood portion lot the time. Edmunds, from the first, seems to have planned the destruction of Sal- lie' and so cunningly did he plan his cruel game that his wife's suspicions, if she ever had any, were lulled to sleep in the absolute confidence in which she held the honor of her voune husband. All this time he was guilty of the vilest crimes. The dreadful finale came at last Toward the close of the month of June last the Edmunds, Watsons and other families got up a party to go on a fishing excursion. Howard Ed munds was a member of the party. While the nartv was on the trip Ed munds was abstracted and absent mind ed to a degree that attracted the. notice of his corjQDanions. on tne return oi the party to their homes, they were hor rified to hear that Sallie Watson was missing. Her parents had supposed she was with the excursionists, ana couia not be brought to believe that such was not the case. A party was at once or- eanizedtohuntfortheirirl. the alarm became general, and the people turned out en masse and scoured the woods. The party of which Edmunds was a member, found the body. His face turned an ashy hue. His knees smote each other. Guilt was indelibly Written on every feature. There, on the ground, before his eves, lav the girl, the victim of his passions, her clothes in great dis order and lier head split in twain. He was at once arrested and lodged in jail at Monticeiio. Several ineffectual at tempts were made to overpower the of ficers and lvnch him. The iaw-and-or- der people in a body cried out: "Let him have a trial, and if guilty he shall hang." His trial came on, and the case under a change of venue, was taken to Bradley county. A startling chain of evidence entangled him. At length he made a full confession, and acknowl edged the crime in all -its-sickening de tails. The murder was committed June Sd, and tbe monster executed December Sth. No pen can describe the grief ;of the family, the sorrow-that this- man's crime has caused, ana, tne great excite ment producea among the people.1 : -" iJt. mm n m i.m, t .i , , : . Killed in AUesBPtlnar Jamp rrom Petebsbitbg, Dec. 14. Inf onvation Iras been received here of the death of R. E. Bailey, a well knawn citizen of of Southhampton county, who was run ! over and" killed by arreieht train near Ivor Station onr the Norfolk and Wes ton Railroad last Monday. He attemp- ted jump irom the train while in mor won,- . . .."tohh Hasran was thrown from an ox nart in Powhatan county. Va- on Sat- urday, breaking his neck the third fa tal acciaent in vnat coudlj ; wiuiut . jear resulting from runaway ox teams. T BiytOKP AUTJf AHD iBOV SFEUflS WATia. ABB-. HASBi-i.Xhe great ion us ana ouer&uve oonuuns twice as much iron and tftr :Per cent, morealum- tnoia than any "alum and iron mass known. Just the thing lot tne '-spring weajmess now so general. . Sold by . all druggists of any standing. Priees redneea one nau; 4 . . " ' Tr, i na won w Wells Health Benewer, greaseet- remedy -on eartli for impotence, ieanneas, sexoal debility, to. Sivat duggUts.' Depot J. a McAden, CharlottB Tfce Committee on Revr! Affair, Washington, Dea 14. The Senate committee on Naval Affairs to-day held their first meeting of the present ses sion, and distributed to the. suo-com- mittes most of the business thus far referred to them. - The nomination of Watmough as paymaster general of the navy, was however laia aside lor con sideration hereafter, by a full commit tee, i i i i f BED-BUGS, ROACHES, mice, ants, flies, vermin, mosquitoes, In sects, Ac, cleared out by "Rough on Rats." 15a boxes at druggists. : 'Screw the fimrer . as tleht as vou can. that's rheumatism; one torn more, that's gout," Is a familiar description of these two diseases. Though eacn may ana does aaacs amerent pans -oi me system, tbe cause is believed, to- be a poisonous acid in the Diooa. xTiruy this by tne use oi TARRANT'S 8 ElTZEB APERIENT It will do the work speedily and thoroughly. It is the great friend of the suflerer from rheuma tism and gout Hold by au druggists. Jun5 d&weod6mo IN HOSTS OF FAMILIES Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Is as much regarded as a household necessity as sugar or coffee. The reason of this is that rears of experience have Droved it to be Derf ectlr reliable in those cases of emergency where a prompt ana convenient re me ay is aemanaea. constipation, nver compiamt, dyspepsia, indigestion and otner troubles are over come br it. For sale by Druggists and Dealers, to whom ap ply lor lios tetters Almanac lor iss'j. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. WiQ ejejbelt: TtVt - 'S3iSWi Jm 13, 1876 WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, DR. BYE'S Electro -Voltaic Appliances suffering from NervousWeaknesses, Gen eral ueDUity, loss oi nerve lorce or vigor, or say disease resultin g- from Abuses and Oth sr. Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, iMralysis, Spinal Dimculties. Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. Speedy relief and complete restoration to health guaranteed. These are the only Electric Appliances that nave ever beeneonatruetetl upon scientific prin ciples. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically prow n with the most wonderful sueeesft, and tliey have the highest tnd.t eenien t from medical and tK-teiv- tinc men, ami from hundreds who have Deen quickly and radically cured b their ase. Send at once, for Illustrated Pamphlet, giving au imormauon iree. Aaaress, VOLTAIC BELT GO., Marshall, Kich. Juljl8 Coins and Metallic Cases, ALSO, A LARGS LCT OF C- -H--R--0--M- -0--S- AT WHOLESALE or BET AIL. E M. ANDREWS, AT WHITE FRONT.' dec3 i We, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad HJ-JJ. ' 801'CKiirnarDBR's ' Ornrai,' Y , '( Ctoaxtotte,.. Mer.a4li.88l. On and aftar Saturday. 'Kot 26Uv TSRlida foUowtng schedule will beiun eTsr.Uus toad: .in Leave Cfaariotte,.w, .w. ,r 45-b ra. Davidson WUeger.....,....., 7 18p. m. 'Moorestllle ..7.-..:.. 7'fia-n. n. iirtre t StafesvUla, . . . i;... ...i 9 -00 p. in. iu goJNQ SOUTH.' si il v-s LeaTeStatesvIIle, 7 00 a. n. v . oiiooresTirie 8 18a.m. "j DavidsonColleae.,... ...... K AT m. ArriTe at Charloyey,r . fTr,. ........... 1(1 jg a. m. FM1I lilll 1( tH: OUR SECOND Is now In, and customers wHl find It to their advantange to examine it before purchasing elsewhere, as we nave au ine new noveiues in ress (fioods and Trimmings, And at prices, that will save you money. We MORIE The newest thing out Cloak Clasps, Cords and Tassels, Iridescent Beads, Ornaments and Fringes. We have the handsomest and most varied ever shown here. A skte see our new Beaded Fringes, of Walking Jackets Is large and attractive. Ulsters, Dolmans, a few handsome Cloaks at a sacrifice. Cloa kings. Repellents, Flannels, Underwear, Gloves, Hosiery, And in fact everything in the Fancy Dry Goods line. eariy ana secure Dargains. au HARGRAVES Our Fa Complete Stock. OUR PREPARATIONS TRADE BEING NOW ENTIRELY WE cordially Invite our friends and the public generally to an Inspection of the attractions display ed, confidently asserting that they will be found in even respect up to the standard. In submit ting this we would calffipecial attention to the styles stantly Keep on nana aunng tne enure season, we are lusuuea m asserting mat ine long experience and standing of our House, is a full guarantee that our Clothing is the most reliable. The garments of our own manufacture are strictly first-class. We are constantly and carefully studying the de mands of our patrons, and invariably Insuring them absolute bottom prices. Our object has always been to bring about a display every season oi a run manship of our Clothing is equal to any of the tions are superior to ail otners; we are leasonaDie ana never exaggerate; we leu ever; customer me truth, allowing no one In our employ to do otherwii-e, or in any Instance to misrepresent goods in order to accomplish, a sale. Our endeavor Is to please, and to give to each customer the value of every dollar he leaves with us. Our line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Is complete In all branches. NECK WEAR a SPECIALTY. Very Respectfully, oct9 L L GMTON, DEALER IN ft Tinware & House Furnishiiig Goods. MAKTELS.and GRATES W.H 0 L E S A LJBJand RETAIL. Particular attention paid to ROOFING AND SPOUTING.- None but nret class hands employed. Call for the BARLEY SHEAF STOVE. oct29 Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket THE old Oaken Bucket, The iron-bound bucket. The moss-covered bucket, That hung In the welL " - CHAS. B. JONES, Charlotte, N. C, Sole Agent r Liberal terms to dealers. ' STARTLING DISCOVERY! Lb&T IMANHOOb -RESTORED. ' A viatira of youthful imprudence casing Pxema- :fcBe-Decay. Kervoos Debihty, Lost MtnUood, etc.. bxnnK trieq in rxm every rrown-raneny, bm ais eovered a staple Uttetu. which he will send FKEE tb his feDow-coffsiers. address J. U KHEVKai, 43xnauuun (., n. i. i sepl& ' TRUSTEE'S A S H ';S A L E 0 rtae of a deed In trust AadS to me by B.. H. Brown. I will tell for CASH, to the highest ekideiv at public aoctkMuall ,ef the stoekofDBT OODsTGBOCXBlXsTl'ArlMSEa' ' BTJPPLWS, WOTIONS, .', new in his store, ."Trade'street, And coijuimta aJl lasolL:8ale:irttho ret 1 t- J.A.MeLu?e ls aathoattdd to collect and TvMnt tn nil note luul artcnnntii dan tn thA aulA Brown. Such persona wM. Wease, corjje' forward Stoves Ream Ran Iain BViue tuiu buyv wstvta mr auwuw wba at. Stool! we - rw - "" FALL STOCK have added to out DRESS TRIMMINGS STOCK SATINS, We hare a new line of stock of Passamentrles and Beaded Fringes a handsome piece at 75c per yard. Our stock A small lot of Eld Gloves at 25c per pair. Call wool Momie uotn at zoo, & WILHELM. and Winter Display 1 ! FOR THIS SEASON'S COMPLETE of our own design and manufacture, which we con line or garments oi ine newest siyies. i ne work best In the country- We don't say that our produc L. BERW ANGER & BROT, Leading Clothiers and Tailors. 50 Bushels EASTERN YAM POTATOES 50 BUSHELS -RUST PROOF OATS,-- Just received on consignment, and MU3T BE SOLD. MUST BE SOLD. CHAS. R. JONES. dec9 JpOB the purpose of engaging more extensively and exclusively In the line of t3T MILLINKBT GOODS mSl the coming year, wholesale and re tall, we now oiler all other lines of Goods now in onr stock at very low prices to close out The stock Is large, new and well assorted, consisting of full lines of WHITE GOODS, LACES, EMBBOID EBEES, all kmds of TRIMMINGS, PLAIN and FANCY HOhlEBXES, GLOVES, NOTIONS, NECK WEAB, COSSETS, 8FJBTS, Cloaks, Shawls, Net Goods, LADIES' and CHILDREN'S UNDER WEAB, DRESS TRIMMING, BUTTONS, TABLE LINEN, TOWELS, DOILIES, NAPEINS.&c., In fact a com plete stock ot Ladies' andChildrens 'FurnishiDgGoods, Which we offer without Ireserve at prices that will guarantee their, immediate sale. Terms of this sale will be strictly cash. -OCR STOCK OF MILLINERY Is the largest and most complete of any in t State and la constantly being added to as new styles and novelOes appear m New York . MRS.: P. QUERY ChWonly the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Baeket r, ,u;,:;::-i.)f.0 .: i i rpHB old Oaken Bucket u : ; in , .X The iron-bound buckets rt .... The moBs-covered buckefi-1 i :J ' i-i Thalhwitlathe.welL , . in (Htm m Be JONES, Charlotte, N. floieAgenB' s-IllbetensdeaierB. (MS I OUT SALE m f it ml m If. I m mi jo- ft Si .1 1 hi, 1i 111 it-is fl i r decia tf - President. ep3AS8mos usnmg ib l ' ' i - .....