-Mil - ' "' " 7TllV l - 7 - f? U lKil4vl A IlXiJIS OF IIVXERESTT. SURE APPETISER ind eauaeat uiiuu, Ii';- . . Tiea f ine a certain and efficient SrinfEerr.ete. It enrffches the blpo0. BUen it- ort a lire n cnariu IiOSS Of guiens on tli' la ".j - ,afl the muscles, and gives efW' " 8uch M .y Ae Food, !h,ftteai Roia bV air drasrttisSVVrtterjr lT?J!rSJSHK only Iron Prepa. 2?eZcAn,ilVVnt tiie teeth or give lieadaclie. THURSDAY, DEC-iVi881. 3 I a - . rw iu.ajf .VMriZ AM) MS-. Gbntlemin : 1 suffering T . A Ation Of I w - a ZHrsa ' tterl ra. Want of ital-1 cenceroi"cer,fce i .neb an extent tbas my ,Y, ?T t from eon .TCTSlThTSn th contrary, wm follows dcnaoins to ma. At tfa tiinal bogaii tfas was '.roprlBOlf xoetiu, n nttnrnl irn Thaold mrey returnea ana I re force m Unit nsn nnnn iiiiiw uw w nniR. ninua umuK " : ,. tpernuin nor taut l BTor oui m n ' -i 11....M nH Mnm enjerwu c u w .nd Tiiror of body, him come cieeroe- v ''7pwMMtPMtor CSrton tmiircti. xruj.w. work. I know not wnai. 1 givr ib m"" Irm Toni a' I tn-riit or iron. M-em- Ivian Bark, nnd Phom pHatmm, ammociatv irMMfM Itmerpm W.W.WOOI),Maiijiktnrer,lffinstoii.lI.C. ff CHAS. U. JONES, II SoleAg't,Charlotte,N.C. JJ HHscctlaneows. Grand V aned Peculiar REPRESENTING N0YELTIE3 PfTHE ONLY - OJ THE OLD 1 NEW WORLD. Everitxxly should aitand; to coritlriiie until after CHKI3TMA8, at PERRY'S. MEDICINE IS EITHEli LIQUID OB DBI FOBS That Acta at the same time o. TBS LIVER, TSEBOWSLSA AWD TEE KIDNEYS. WHY ARE WE SICK? BecauM we allow these great organs to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous hvmorsare therefore forced into the blood that should be expelled naturally. WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVbK uomftAin 1 a, PIXICaCKSTIPA,5IOH, VRVSAJB.X DISEASE, FEMALE WEAK" KSBJue, ANT KEItTOUS DISORDER!, . &y causing free action of these organs and restoring their power to throw off disease. Why mffer Billons pains knd achest Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! Why frightened owr disordered Kidneys! f Why endure nerrons or sick headaches! Use KIDNEY-WOttTand rejoice in health. It la put np In Dry Vegetable Font, In tin cans one packa of which makes six quarts of medicine. Also In Uqsid Ftrm, Tery Caaeea trated, for those that cannot readily prepare It. I ylt acts with equal efficiency In either form, GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, $1.00 WEILS, RICHARDSON A Co., Prop's, (Will send the dry post-paid.) StStttSSOtOn, Xt Marcti 27 dSwly , THE CiCFRJLIPiC MATCH. '; 181,; iJ.sj Betraylns; ScotcH Attempt on me fart ox victor unso. fsaeyHunUejlitfrOoklTTi Baade.. . . Uurlin g Dears wQ-retauuu tu uoao uckx that the Vendee bore to thereVolatiOn. Thaf is they catffcboth succeed at, the -- Base Dan piayea wna bucks spheres. A fPian hits a spnere wun a stick and legs out. Another man catches the sphere ana senas -w w , nrst, second or third,, accorainR to n na tionality. The JSormari sends it to first. Th .Gasfeori sends it to second. The Aaaan put; it to third. . , ' ThiSn all hands cry : J uagmem j The referee ays: "Not out!" . The Roman played base ball with the Greeks, and the history or mower intJerrtTrrtes looked down oh a score ot fitteen to wreo m itsvtuuiumo. tnrlfnir is different. It is played on the tcerarttl is composed Jbf havy stones. beotenmen ana not wiupej. Ririgs are drawn on the ice. i A Scotch man stands ihi fche ring and whirls the 1 stones into tbe other umerjcoicn- men rush ahead of the stones wun brooms, and sweep sdow out of the way. It helps the snow . : . n When play ing. ywf will hear a Scotch man yell: . . "With an out turrn, Mester Retchie, that's guW.?' Well, ' dune MCster Eeichie! Sweep1 awa: lads; sweep awa'; well dune!" . The man's name is Ritehie. The Scotch pronounce it Retchie. The out turn, is a twist to the, right. The in suiti to tne leie." tiigiiiauueiTs dufi turn, mwlariaers the in turn. Both sweep with the right fcahd above, iheUeft. J . ! After each stone is, cast, they drink hot whiskey. There are seven hundred, casts in one play.- This much is necessary to understand tne game. ' H. Ylneville Macdonald was a bcotcb JnananS a curler. M. Boisberthelot Macfeod?was a Highlander and a cham pioffat the game. ; i , f Mademoiselle Hdrtense Macslottery was Scotch, but did not play. She was an enthusiastic admirer of those who did. The whiakev was Scotch. The whole business was Scotch. -Proarject Dark was a small resort m the Canton of Kings, America. It was densely wooded and contained a lake. A lake is a body of water squirted out of a pipe into a hole prepared for its reception. Sometimes the lake was frozen over. Tais was the case in 1879. Hayes was president. France was tranquil. Rus sia was at war. England was engaged in shipping explosive turnips to India. The lake was frozen. . "Guid mornin', M. Macdonald 1" It was Mademoiselle Macslottery who spoke "Bon jour, ma m sellp! .replied M. Macdonald. .' : i ; ' ' "1 hear that ye may be curlin the dav." said Madimoselle. Vi theMacleod," replied Mr. Mac donald. "End I may be marryin' hem that is vector," said Mademoiselle with a smile. , v : i , : M. Macdonald botfed gravely. : Then she told M. Macjeoi jthe (same thing. i f i I 11 i ' "I might be saying tae Ihi Ma($dobald that I be marryin' the vector I'tUe day's motch!" and she blushed. M. Macleod smiled and spat on his hands. M. Macdonald, a Lowlander. played the in turn ; M. Macleod, the Highland er, played the out turn. The Highlander and the Lowlander do not agree, except on the whiskey. I&'ttiatthey are a unit. A unit is one. Madamoiselle Macslottery . sat on the ice.:She was tough and didn't mind it A French woman sits . on a sofa. A German woman sits on a stooK An American woman sits around. A Scotchwoman is as comfortable on the ice as she would be on a red-hot stove. The rings were drawn. Most rings am round, but a curling ring depends on the one who draws it. These rings were oblong. . . Then the men began to play. Made moiselle hadj a canteen, and after each cast the players sought her, M. Macleod scored swiftly iM; Mac donald was; nervous, j Mfdemoiselle looked grave. "'";' Th' in turn does nae seem taebe the proper racket!" she said. u She meant that the in turn was mx . Senator! Vporhees' son - persists -in nis theatrical aspirations. Next, .sjyring he will tote the roaa with- as company va. his '. ..i..'.i TTw An mn VuM." onlri a lfu?T to herffleBd, to aDDear bo happt all 4he. time?" a,alway have JParker'8 Ginger Tonic handf was vpepP'y XB turn T am well I alwars feel eobd naiued.", ea OUIBTEUIIIIUII. , , ft laent or ine iare uooieaeracy, ut cum arouse. fS. decll WW COMMISSIONERS SALE . ' ?-v iLO -P.iSP i. :of:- VALUABLE LANDS. BY VIRTUS ot a decree ot the Superior Court of the county of Mecklenburg, we will sell at public auction, at the court house door, in the city ot Charlotte, on Monday, 16th Day of Jannary, 1882,' the lands which were owned by, the late Mary M. Wallace. THE HOME PLACE, 4 mllM front the city of Charlotte, on the Lawyers' road, contains 408 acres, with a large Brick Dwelling House, good barns and other improvements. THE ALLKtf PLACE, contains 267 acres. Is 4 miles from the city, adjoins the Home Place, and" lies Detween ine Lawyers' road am the Monro road. . . ftUB A njwq - MWh vu blip ivuat 1UH1, wur tains 188 acres, adjoins the Home Place, and Is about the same distance from the city. THS WILSON PLACE, on the Lawyers' road, 6 miles from Charlotte contains 822 acres. THE BRU11LET PLACR. Atv ttmtrl CiwaIc. 7 miles from Charlotte, contain! 97th acres. . 1 We will alto sell a valuable Gold Mine; in Un ion county, near Matthews', known as the Henry PblferMlne. r , .. . . , , . . xne. tract, e a whole. DlSANFORD'S Piv.tr tiitni V renlied M. Macdonald. She poured him a quart. He quaffed it at a gulp. , : , - The game lasted four hours. M. Mac leod was winner, v. ; -1 : ; - , "I might be askin' ye tae keep the pledge," said he, holding out his arms. MariAmniselle flew to him. "I sh'u'd geggle!" she murmured. -Crash! !!".,, A million lights Bwam. , Theheavehs turned into blue fire. Shafts of flames darted hither and thither. Incandes cent balls shot athwart the horizon. Pnrple flashes illumined the air. "Crash! I F- -M. Vineville Macdonald was avenged. He had smashed them both with a curling stone, anddriyen them through, the ice like two pegs. . T Anmnl QMnnna Among thsMiWBf uUndoSef umn-, ventions of tfii UmdB istb nSdqpn;. blast. Suppose y ou-desire a mece oi marble for a gravenkeipjpe stonewith a sheetfof WiiiB61 thari st wafer : theri yot; MWttw wax Ahe tatne, date, eUiKlMims W young W0mao,witll fiarJliairapdes,; an extremeiy: pate race ana an -exprejsr, ion of intense reservev. i ; . : ; ". j .. , -i - Some of theTlheatf ical warabbe wornT by J. Wilkes. Booth, is. now Vised by, Denver actors. Gdt. !Tjdrig; of Massachusetts, and Mayor PrinciB, of Rpston, both write ciever verses b,iB - k : h At recen .fashionable weddings in England a; youthful relative ot the bride bears ber train. He is fancirnuy dressed in the style of the old Venetian or Charies: period. . It will cost :v$5i5,20 tb run the .cily government of Savannah the next fiscal year. . ' , ;: -:- PhiladTrAa manufactures more car-j pets than "the whole Of h Great : Britain, and twthirds of all roade in the, Uni ted States. It is . fiitther; stated that many of.thejcarpet manufacturers are rich, and are growing richer every day i Webt Virginia- according to the, late census report,; ranks rtJurty-ninth, in; srross area and also in. total .land sur-i. face among the States' and -TerritorJes as drganized iri 1880. V The gtoss, area is 24.780 square mnesof wbicb: the rivers and smaller streams are- credited-' with 135 square nilies,',the remainjder: being laud. ' '. : - ' - -. ' r - ... Two Philadelphia mechanics- claim to have discovered a device for running street cars bv a series of powerful steel springs. . At the. end of each trip the cat la. to be wound up like a clock. A.; 'new speed indicator, 'called the Btrathmograph, for indicating the speed of locomotives, has been introduced on the Hanoverian railroads. By it the engineer can read from a scale the ac tual speed of his locomotive at any moment, -besides a record of the trip kept on a strip of paper. . The following figures indicate the wide difference still existing in the economic conditions of railroads in Eu rope and America. Operating railroads cost in 1880, in England, 42.14 per cent, of the receipts ; Germany, 45 per cent ; Belgium, 58.6 per cent; Switzerland, 55.4 per cent; Italy, 61.5 per cent; America, 58.5 per cent The gross re ceipts"per mile were, in France, $13,000 ; in England, $17,450, and in America, $6,240. Through to the Pacific. New Orleans Democrat. Five hundred and twenty-one days ago, the work on the Texas Pacific was begun at Fort Worth and gradually the track traveled westward at the rate of one mile daily. Five hundred and twenty-)ne miles of iron have been laid, and Thursday evening,-the Texas Pa cific and the Southern Pacific were unit ed at the great Blanco Peak just as the evening sun was sinking in the West Thus has been accomplished a de sideratum that has been longed for by the people of this section. Slowly, day ty day, the wearied laborers, toiled on, while their course lay over wide and arid plains where but seldom the foot of white man had ever trodden, and the sound of the workman's mattock or the carpenter s hammer for the first time btoke the sepulchral silence that had for? untold ages brooded over the soli tarVTexan plain. Where the buffalo sought the tender est herbage and the antelope its favorite diet the tracks of the Texas Pacific now mark the way to the distant ocean ; and where the wild though gallant Comanche but a short time ago roved free and unrestrained, the undisputed lord and master of the vast herds of game and wild cattle of the almost un known Liiano Jistacaao, tne snort or me iron horse now disturbs the quiet air. The connection of our city with the Pacific slope by this new route will mark an era in the commercial history of this seaport A vast field of com mercial enterprise will gradually be opened to the merchants of New Or leans, and the gold flecks that burden the beds of the mountain streams of Southern New Mexico and Arizona will be the spoil of the hardy miners of this section who will flock in crowds to the New Eldorado. The mountains of the Southwestern Territories groan under the weight of the precious metals they bear, while wide fields where outcroppings of coal, irpn, lead and even tin are visible, have been sfeen bv adventurous prospectors who at the risk of their lives, ventured over the : rfountains where the Hill Apaches hold their ferocious sway, and explored i fertile ,valleys where the Apaclies of the plains have always made their home. These precious metals are the legiti mate property of the people of this sec tion, for they, and they alone, are the natural possessors of that vast and un known territory that will now be open ed to travel and traffic bv the two great railroad lines thai were dus a iew uuura ago united at the Blanco Teak. The Eastern States colonized, and their sons have held possession of the great range of territory north of the Mason and Dixon line and west of the Mississippi river, bulj the new Southwest is destin ed to be settled by our own people, and tne States that will eventually be carv ed put df Western Texas, New Mexico AnidJATizbna will be inhabited by peo- ' m ' i a! r HOLIDAY GOODS ! ! ABKAl TlFl L 0R6AN, the " M0Z A KT," new style No. 12,000. 27 stops. 10 full sets Golden Ton- rue net-as, ouiau w a, la ut Highly Polished; Case. New and valuable improvements Just ad ded... Stool, book, music.. Boxed and delivered on board cars here, price ONLY SIXTY DOLLARS Net Cash, tfatlsf action guaranteed In erery par ticular or money refunded after one yeai'suse JSvenr one sold sells another.; It Is a Bunding Auverusement. order at once. Noih'nir saved hv correspondence. My hew factory lust completed capacity 2,000 instruments every 28 days, very lHtesi lubOMavinjr wood-working machinery Vast capital enables me to manufacture better goods ior less money than ever. Address, or call upon . DANI8L F. BEaTTY. Washington. New Jersey. Have you seen our lino of Beautiful Goods ;'Hetiratqia. Scmtca. Lumbago, Backadhe, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat; Swell . ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily ; Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Fains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs .Oil. as s safe, sure, sitnpl and cheap External Kenedy. A: trial entails tut the comparatively trifling outlay aof 50 Cents, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AJTD DEALERS . IS MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., &altimorMd.,U.8.J 4ee80d&w ly " If not, call at once. We have an assortment of as fine Goods as was ever brought to this market. PLUSH AND LEATHER COVERED TOILET CASES AND ODOR STANDS. Gents' Shaving Cases, Ladles' Work Box and Odor Case combined, Baby's Case, Children's Toy Cases and Souvenir, French Plate Hand and Stand Mirrors, Lubins, Tetlows and Colgate's Ex tracts and Toilet Waters, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, do., &a Call and examine. nov30 ' r: L. B. WRISTON & CO. J FRESH MINERAL WATER Both Foreign and Domestic. Just Received, at Dr.J.H.McAden's Driiff Store ABATOGA V SOMETHING EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW. Th ere exists a means of se curing a soft and brilliant Complexion, no matter Low poor ;it may naturally be. Hawaii's Magnolia Balm is a delicate ana harmless arti cle. which instantly removes Freckles, Tan, Redness, Roughness, Eruptions, Vul gar Flushings, etc., etc. So delicate and natural are its effects that its use is not suspected by anybody. No lady has the right to present a disfigured face in society when the Magnolia Balm is sold by all druggists k cases congress water, Item ttcrtistmetxts New styles of Chrorao Cards with name, or 25 New Years' Harris irv Visain I'ltn CO. .Nassau, N. Y. 50. CHEAPEST BOOK-STORE '.".IS? 17572 Magnlflc nt Gift Booksf o7o4A.w .t. He Books; Superb Bibles and Prayer Books almt st given away. Grand Holiday Catalogue Tree LEGGAT BROS., 81 Chambers Street, near Broadway, New York WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. fllKTAL TIP LAMP Pat'd Dec. 7, 1880. I ii Ik. ItW 'tlWrjpLaja.Wa OOCTgSS I Gives a Brilliant. White and Steady light, lequlres no trimming, and lasts for months. Sample wick 3 wicks 25c, 12 wicks 75c, post age pa. d. Have four sizes, No. 0, 1, 2. 3. Agents wanted. Address MKTAL TIP LAMP WTCK CO.. 70 Cortlandt St, N. Y. Atlantic and Qulf Coast Canal and Okee chobee Land Co. 50,000 SHARES, SHARKS, EACH EACH acres for each 10 Dlsston purchase" ICHY, From Saratoga Springs, N. Y. A new water re Bembllng the imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges- . tlon, Is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Mom Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in ail forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, At PAR with a BONUS of 40 shares f i om choice lhnds of the ' nvmntR. i Third & Chestnut St"., Philadelphia. ufttcts. -j n5Broadway,N.Y.,Roomslll. ll3. Detailed Prospectus with descriptive maps mailed the Anther. A njw and great Med ical Work, warranted the best and cheapest, indispensable to every xnanntitled "the Scionce ol Life or.Self-Preeervation ; bound in finest French moslin, embossed, full eiltOO pp.contains beautiful steel vngravines, 126 prescrip tions, price only $1.25 sent by maU . ulnstrated sample, 6 cente ; send now.Addrai PKwiw MSPT P tcallMtjtafce or Dr. W. H. PAR. Orjlil . K.ER. Na 4 Buffinch st. Bostoa THE CHIGKERIMG mm. THE HIGHEST AWARDS m the GREAT WORLD'S FAIR in LONDON, 1851 ; at the GREAT EXPOSITION in PARIS, 186T; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION in CHILI, 18T5; and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION In Philadelphia, 1876. All persons) wishing- to purchase (or ex amine) instruments are respectfully in vited to visit oar Wuerooms. Send for Circular and Pries List. CHIOKERIKG & SONS, 130 Fifth Avenue. N.Y. I t56 Tremont St., Boston. Nov29 dw4 10 CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, Jan. 22 10 CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. See J flats ! ailrrmds. And a full supply of North Carolina Railroad. IMPORTED APOLLINAR! CORN ! CORN ! CORN ! CONDENSED SCHEDULES. TRAINS GOING EAST. - ANB Date, Nov. 20, '81 No. K5 No 51 No. 53 Daily. Dally. Daily. Leave Charlotte, 3.10 am 4 40am 5.45 pm " Salisbury. 4,42 a m 6.30 a m 7.27 p m " High Point 7 53am 7.50 pm Arrive Greensb'ro 6.25 am 8.2Kam 8.44 pm Leave wreensb'ro y.35am 9.15 pm Arrive Hills boro', 11 42 a m " Durham... 12.17 pm Balelgh,.... 1.25 pm Leave Raleigh,... 4.10 pm Arrive Goldsboro' 6.20 pm Hunyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! H ! H UNYADI ANCS. BAGGING AND TIES No. 17 Dally, except Saturday. Leave Greensboro', 5.40 p. m. Arrive at Raleigh, . . 3.04 a. m. Arrive Goldsboro,. .8 00 a. m. Mo. fi5 Connects at Greensboro' with R. & D. B. B. for all points North and West No. 61 Connects at Greensboro' with R & D. B. B. for all points North, East and West, via Dan ville. At Goldsboro' with W. & W. B. B. for Wil mington. No. 58 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. O. B. B. for all points in Western North Carolina dally; at Greens coro' with B. 4 D. B. B. for all points North, East and West. . TRAINS GOING WEST. nlB'f rotn this sfection. 'rhtfflKa! neiir South and anew countnr BaiCTeSh ooened to our enterprise and industry by the completion of this great railroad enterprise, i ne country wiu loon be settled and developed, and the fertile rallevs that lie hidden among he tall mountains of the Southwest 1 Jrvill return bountiful harvests wnica , Date.Nov.20,'81 No. 54 No. 50 No. 52 Dally. Dally. Dally. Leave Goldsooro' 1 0.U0 a m Arrive Balelgh,.. 12.25 pm Leave Raleigh, . . 2 85pm Arrive Durham,. 3.49 pm Arrive Hlllsboro', 4,26 pm Arrive Greensb'ro 6.45 p m Leave Greensb'ro 0.15 pm 7.05 pm 9 30 am Arrive High Point 7.42 pm 10.02 am Arrive Salisbury, . 10.54 p m 9. 00 p m 1 1 :1 4 a m Arrive Charlotte, 12.25 a m 1045 p ml 12 40 p m THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Does: A wine glass full before breakfast Tht Zancrf "HunybdIJanos. Baron Liebig af firms that its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." TTte British Medical Journal "Hunyadi Janos. The most agreeable, saiust, and. most efficacious aperient water." Pro. Virchow, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." . Prof. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scambni, Wurszburg. I "prescribe none but this." Prof. Lander Brunton, M.D., P. B. 8., London. "More pleasant than its 1 rivals, and surpasses thorn In ftflftrta Prof. Atken. T. D..F.R. 8.. Royal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pulina and I rled- rlchshalL" . We are agents for THE WATT PLOW Will sell It LOW KB than you- can boy an other good plow. Full assortment always on hand. Call and See uslJelore purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. aug26 JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. Guano North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Nt. a& Dalrv. excent Sunday. Leaye Goldsboro,' -8.00 p. m. .. . Arrive saieign...... v.au p. m jesvetuuign,... Arrive Greenaborp', a. m. p. m. A Perilous oAirht Ttn;:Ut;rli- J remove the lace and yiHihaYe- a adacrie.. a assists cu? J fc m Md b ewaQia gUMai&aj gestion, strengthens tne system, 1 glass. In thia -way lutiliilfl regulates the bowelSjpurinesthe! blood. A Book Vent free. A rBr.f aruis-Hleod ow It: 'J'" : ' "'" Journey tvnd : Escape ', a Narrow and the sand wiut ttt it away EeHiOYe( Wih find their way to the sea through Fw v wK-n rm rf. nftttiera' I "WiiiBnriftaTifl. and t.hfl hnllion torn from tWwflV knrt ouiiVn trm cnt uettersj FXeiTOrleans. and the bullion torn irom d-fti-ir VthrrVlb 'rrWrninrTrl ttiatl Take a iieIoiIlii&-lpiala1 I Wbl4Cf!ructanfe grasp of the . rock, ttat Only Ve-getaWfe tOrrlpouriathat fx f eefcMSaace( rolds it, will be coined into broad shin acts directly upon the Liver, and I and pass it under ihJsVWastaaauaot a I Ing pieces of money, by the mint of this cures Liver Complaints, Jaunr.MiSKg dice. Biliousness, Malaria, Cos- I everitiSinotcovereAiyiiaNoy threness, Headache.; Itastsdj. StSSSSSS. belatiulflfirnre$W. all kinds are pat ia glass( and at small e?ctriaB. The orknicaii.ffoiatheiE nanus unaer tne uiast wiuwui umuj, even when it is rapidly cutting away pfe?fa?deBt cutting glass. Iron or stone, britthrev must look out for flnsrer nails,- . T . - rf .... a,.,,' M - Tl. Ai L i.1 i for they will be wimtieaon ngnuflasi-; it on steei unmDies u pro- CHARLOTTE, N.C., p - Sole Agent for a LOUIS. COOK, Thm Home trsifthe kflen tract: hd(he Wtlfch 1 tract, each, wul first be offered In lota and then as- TbU Wlf4ff'subect 10 th ratification and K, c:-e tenth easb: balance in two eana) ...nmnfi ut- one and two yean, with security jora Jfc"5JOMWnls'nra,. recember'1,1881. wtd-daiiy , , . .)t Chew only Did Oaken B the brand fit tobacco known as The ticket. rpH. old Ottennur i mt i a n. JONES. 'V, 'Charlotte, N. C.Sore Agent pr Liberal tmnt.o dealer. A mm lv. If thev out on steel thimbles to pro fecftfte nafis.it wiW lo; ut UtUe good, ior me sana wiu wuiiuojueuiyj ftvav: but if thev wrab a piece of soft fcotfrin aroriDdheni Key are-saf A Voa; The 8and:whittle ;away. and (destroys ny har4rshbBWnCfi :glas does not affect subsIth ate Vof t, and yiewinjrviiK wax,50iM)niijnoia(;e, Ai v WATEBTOWN 8PBXNG WAGON COKPAKIXSi BUGGIES, CaBBIAGIfVPrlAlTbm SPBTNG ; 1 iAWAQOMSt)b0ii,'iNr. WHOLESALE AJrtfttttJLlL qPEN BUGGIE5, $55. r "TOP BUGGIES, 85. ODMnai anouoesneTia hi tzim wotmamm mam junn ; jg. h j ? H s f u 4- j ;;l,:.ss':ssT;lnV,;;:-- enifitTffmwrtTr S.I flttm JntentlOi j by Mrs. Dr.3Beve keep a strlotly nraHs ass. house In every respect; Commouious sainpra rooms ea art aoa floors. --i ..." - Tpsonage of the public is soUclted.1 r: .1 wmuui. uunmu , . w 1 , S ladrwho hafeeeirefwrceq from net sum a iiapge number of photographs'; r.hftTri? '-fthis fizti tad little in-J and busineBsi na. r cJ with her hnsband'fa AJetroit" - and has Uvea in jraria wauj Ko. RO Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R. for Asheville. 4c.. at Charlotte with A. k C. Air- Llne for ail points in the South and southwest No. 64 Connects at Charlotte with A. A C. A.-L. Railroad for all points Sputh and Southwest. . No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with A. & A.-L. for Dolnts South and, South west; at Charlotte with C. C&A.B, B. for all points isouth and South' east; .!.;, . N W. N. C. BAILKOAP. ' GOING WEST. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga, i We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs Which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled aeain every weeK. J n: mcaub.in. ... r . . .uruggisi ana vnemisu Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced - and competent druggists, day or night Juiy28 All Notes and Mortga GIVf N US LAST FALL FOB Z. B. Vahox. W. H Baxlxt. VANCE & BAILEY, Gr TJ A. JNT O , Wilmlneton Star. U30r. Everett, of Burgaw, Pender amiMifcv- was on his wav to this city on Sunday last, ana was in tne act 01 uem ferried across the Northeast River in a flat when his horsewhich was attache ed to a busrsry m wnicn ne ijar.w npatpd. became frightened at some- hintr riashpd tnrwarn ana SDrane iuw the river before he could be restrained in hi mnvftinfints. Mr.' Everett made a narrow p.sp.ane frorrr. beinic .'Carrieu over in the buggy, but fortunately suc- ceeded m jumping rrom tne uuguy w the1 flat just in the nick'. M time. ,The r,rmtx ?ar,A hn crv . Rank, immediately to ihv hnttarrL'and the animal, said to bo irol rthhlsvr.no -wjta rir course arowiieu, vv-- , . . i 1 J wTviTa.f h tititftnn nr..iasE accouubs uau. inottieen recoverea.- ;oi 1.".: . '1. " aM)irt: :.' rr'-'f A Beautiful HnrRiar. rork Tomha' -taffiMm arery heautifal blppdeOf letters to JayGonMU;iBherlteat. wvH?Jh I8;years;: chargea. jvhtre ihiii,XaeB.attK'ecce Uvea for manyyeara,.iiLhe ewer yveues wss tinntitArl bv a mobid fear that He 5 maTtoing to lose his money; ; and that ne 8 KOIDk H CUB a puue v ovrted ellea'ff Bisters ia thevrife of lyrruarimg,xne" presiaenii wi l i'Vir .tttriti'RaUecFe. and another married the ' NO. 50 Dally. Leave Greensboro...... ............... 9.51 pm Arrive KernersvUle,... .. 11.07 pm Arrive Salem.'.' '. . i .1 1.50 p m NO. 62 Dally, exoept Sunday. Leave Greensboro Arilve Eerneravllle Arrive Salem.. .... , 10.00 am 11.00 am 1140 am G0IN6 EAST, NOf 51 Dally, except ttunday. Leave Salem...,. T'.30am Arrive KemersviHe.v... ...... ......... 6.04am Arrive Greensboro.. 9.00 am i . . NO. 53 Daily. . Leave Satefn..'.',V.'i'.x..i....'.. 4.80 pm Arrive KemersvlUe. ..... i -..r...- fi.l0pm Arrive Greensboro.'. ....... . . .'. v 6.80 p m with burglarizing; sLrwifeW dnzftn fashionable Doaraing- raaaa i hwn inshArA she had been snccesstve- ly a guest, was arrested Saturday. She 1a tha HnttAKfar f . Tr fnnnke. one Of tne mostrpromlnent pnysicianB oi wiy-i afcrUermanyw and . is -.highly . educatedl j On Train No. 54 Danville and Atlanta. 'On Train No. 50-N.ew York and Atlanta, wasningien ana vanvi le. : ' On Train No. 52-Richmond and Danville, and Washington and Augusta via Danville. , . , 'Through. TUjkets on sale at, Greensboro7 Balelgh; Gpldsbojro'.SaUsbary and Charlotte, and principal polnt'Soutli.. 8puUiw8st, West Npnb and East; rr Emigrant Bates to Louisiana, Tex airiJkariBaand.he Southesl address,: , anger JMtisuk. Attorneys and OotmseHors J CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice in Supreme Court of the United States, supreme Court of North Carolina, f ederal Courts, and counties of Mecklen burg, Cabarroi, Union, Gas-r , ion, iiowan ana ua-vldson. 'Office, two doors eaavof , XBdeoAndanc Sanare. , xnajtathrtfj RO. D: GrRAJBM. TN the8tBte'and uWtM:Sta Conrt8.' CoIIee x tions, Homo .and iroreigrL aollclted Btraca of Titles, Snrveys. Ac,, furnished for; pensaQon ' - ' - Qrr it H. R. Corner, Tri . ; : Tryon streets Chariott.N.C rjMt ARE KOW DUE, (NOV;EMBER 1ST, 1861.) 'Please call and arrange the same.3 llli '.tiLi'.ti'dl i;jJa'.4r-. ; lmond, Va, innTiinnl and atriklnffiv hoantif uL . She has heen I MtiaabifitslhjaafteBieir enirairedin nf srinm sivofiatiorra for the I i pwittye Ttet tvm . w-TSiiWif. ftMrt trw 1 KKL8L 5r wwpia sales ot seal-skin Bacquesx Amo OWUlfSZl. KTiCX Tf rivtif TW'sfciW swuu saiou uaii lis iini Permanently CURED 'i .-n i rmuii r i se i H W ; -wo jr...fl UKSffltt aigg, IS 7 91 slilsasj R5I Ix ClfY PR OPERTY :amca icmrKsnary reiie t; wit ia peripanot,ciuQ. ri i Wi r, Lea, of BeImore.O.,says ofitiTtosiri surpruea at th teeedy effect of-you rtmeaifr 'vlv tnu Km imm na tn u tirart mat nat innmiirr tnu yiemichtmd made expectoration easy : Inow sleep ait i tPVAi wmoui eouQMnff." if your draglst does not -'' i 93 AtrosMifrajr, w York. oct27 dAwSm SJ J W IfsrtrflonHJthr., mm mm mm a j rw " mum SALE. 'rilfeABjt tsldehce, three bloeks frpm tb? t pubBejsijuare ltt thnrlotte, wUl be solfl fcheap tuui vu reasonaoje lerms to the right Kina vi u purchaser.'' The dweBlrig IS n a foil lot, has nine comfortable rooms,' brtek kitchen, fine well ot wa ter, etc. Tbe bouse lr admirably adapted for the residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacher, having an admirable library orstody room, 'built for the purpose.; For furthar partieulars, price, terms, eta. apply at t THIS OFFICE. Baltimore, novll dw BE Lot on the irir fc- KUith stwet l.lli lforth.CBiallBa.- and the Iroad. fronUns 140 feet on feet o, the. North Caroina , t. "wiuiTesi'iHininBiMrtiiwi iuKfi BTW-MsmMtiM $t& 4 ailaol sjfll either; Weo)d asa whole or divided lUWpTMd. HWitMWftf XtototelwTotsOf 70 by 168Ieet Suitable either for 'uiiuiDgor iaciory pur noses. Apply to Jun25,tl J.aPHILLIPB