THE pBSXRYXB JOB DEPABTJUMT Has beenhownar applied wiuterery BMdea want, snd wim the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job Printing, can now be done with neatneeiidlspatcUand.cbeapneas. We can fur- tnttiat snOriiociOBV f .-.i f .' SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 paily, " V1- VMtrVoM, Awm. ., . ... 98 00 jtijtnonthx " 4-00 Three month 2,00 f s inuftth 76 W SICKLY EDITION: weekly (in ths eownXy). in advmee... ....82.00 (nilQfttueouniv, Pwtymd I .......... 2.1 ixmonth 1.05 fg-liierd Stductionjbr Ohitm. BLANKS, BILL-HEAD ; s ' 1 5' : ' UTTER-HEADS. CAS&3T ' " TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTXES,' : ! CHARLOTTE, IT. C., 3ATimiAX, DECEMBER IT, W 1 i NO3,978 VOL. XXVI. "FB0QltAK!ffE3, HANDBILLS, PAMPBlJreS.aRCTABS, CHECKS,. some day Ibis week, and, get a pair of BLANKETS, ota sn T of READY- or an OVERCOAT or a CLOAK or a WALKING JACKET, -or a Pair Flannel Shirts or a Carpet, -OR- Ai of the above goods and yen will find plenty of other attractive goods to Iookht " ""' - -decf, "ALEXANDER ft HARRIS. We are daily receiving our FALL & WINTER STOCK Ml, which will be more complete than ever before and comprises the - Best Brands i Latest Styles. LADIES', MISSES', CHILDRESS,' GENTS', BOIS', AND YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS 1 SHOES A SPECIALTY. Lower grades all Roods m our lino all price. In variety and FULL STOCK Stetson and Other Hats. A PRETTY LINE TRUNKS, VALISES AND SATCHELS ALL SIZES AND RBICES. Call and. see us. PEGRAM & CO. This great specific cures that disease most loathsome WHETHER IN ITS PSTMARY, BECONDAET OB TERTIARY STAGE. V Removes all traces of Mercury from the By stem. Cures scrofula, old sores, rheumatism, eczema, catarrh, or any blood disease. : -CUBES WHEN HOT SPRINGS FAILtr : MhIvptti. Ark.; May 2. 1881. vh!iM in our town who lived at Hot fprlnga and were Anally cured with 8. 8. 8. MOCAHMOH & MUBBT. Memphis. Tennessee, May 12, 1881. We have sold 1,298 bottles of 8. 8. 8. to a year. It has given unlvereai satisfaction. Fair minded, physicians now recommend it as a positive specu 1c. .... 8. MAHsmoj) 4 Ca Hvftrr nnn.hMr aneaks in the blxhest terms of 3.3 3,' ( L.MU88KTKB. Tnifoviii. itenmckv. May 18. 1881. 8. 8. a has given better aatlsf action, than any medicine I haveevei;Bpltt, , . JA KJOQ18! ' ''Rlchmbnd,1 1rk,!!May ft, l&V l refer anybody us Lregardlatbe Ton can merits qt . . $. Have never known 8. & S. toul to cure a ease. ot Syphilis, when properly taxeu. H. L. DglTSaBD, The above signers are ntiemen of hhih Stand mg. J P ft T caiio-tePAin: If you wlsnV'we win take yow FOB WHEN CURED. wi rite for particulars, and . copy of the little book": Messsxe to the Umorta- nate." i iuui nnr i tt IT1 k. naM to SDT I who will find, on analysis of 1 00 hottles of -f -? r . 81 .75 per bottfeTand small sttfl hnidtagrhatl ;i quanaty.prlceJV ,,..,-,,,1 nltfJU nov4 GREiKSBORfcjl ; 'T'HB Rnrtnr ftaaslon of .! wuivx., JL beirin on .Wedneadar. laDOsry 11th Charges pel aeseloa Of twenty weeks: 'Hoard (exclusive of lights. and washinff) a; I and tuttion,in full gilsh course, 876.00, moderate.- For particulars V$ti decifi tt . i JfrtrTES: f President, j 1881 Fi d Winter; 1881 a. AYLi A 1 88 00ds, lotfetufl, Set. OCR OF NONPAREIL VELVETS, JUST RECEIVED. 13 Some beautiful Some beautiful INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS For presents. We j will close out stock of light weight our remnant DOLMANS, At manufacturers' prices. Bemembef we are soie agents for the sale of Warner's Corsets. A full assortment of sizes always In stocr. Cecil T. L. SEIGLX & CO. Neuralgia, Sprains, Pain in the . Back and Side. i There Is nothing more painful than these diseases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. This remedy is not a cheap Benzine or Petroleum product that must be kept away from lire or heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor is It an untried experi ment that may do more harm than good. Pain Killer has been in constant use tor forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world Is, It never fails. It not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, it 13 sale In the hands of the most Inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Pain Eilleb would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried It think: Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn., says : About a year since my wife became subject to severe Buffering' from rheumatism. Our resort was to the Pain, which ipeedily i8li&vd farr Charles Powell writes from the Sailors' Jiome, London : i&SSSSSE I naa tieen afflicted three yean with neuralgia and violent gparfrna of the stemach. The doctors at Westminster Hospital g-ave up nay case in despair. I tried your Pats Ktt.t.itb, and It gave . rae immediate reuer. i nare regained my strength, and am now able to follow my usual occupation. O. H. Walworth. Saco, Me., writes : I experienced immediate relief from pain fat the side by the use of your Pain E. York says : I have used your Path Ktlmtr for rheumatism, and hare received great benefit. Barton Seaman says : Have used Pain Ktllkb for thirty years, and hare found it a never-failing remedy for rheumatism and lameness. Mr. Burditt writes : It never fails tqgive relief in cases of rheumatism. Fail. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : Prom actual use, I know your Pain Krr.T.irn. Is the beet medicine I can get All druggists keep Pain Kuxkb. Its price Is so low that it is within the reach of all, and it will save many times Its cost in doctors' bills. 25c, 50c and 81.00 a bottle. PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors, Providences, R. I. sept dw sept oct INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN. AND ' THE AFFLICTED EVERYWfltRE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OP THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID klVER. liosaof Tpetite,iyaqsea;bowels eostlTS, tain in theHead.with adnll sensation in the back pari Pain under the saonider blade. fallneas after eating, wltn a disin clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper, Low spirits. Juoaa of memory, with a f esMnsrof -hayinf neg- Iaeted some duty, weariness, u justness, ; glnttering'of the Heart. Pots before the veyes. Vellow Skin, Headsehs, Ktleee ness at night, highly colored Urine. , , IT THESE WASXUI68 ASS UJI tutkbtD, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. ; , TltrrS TILLS are especially adapted to noh dose effect raehachange of feelinr as to astonlsn ttie smrerer. . L-.7r. .ww i --i- ax or Keedfrios ITwfc fe wy t-K.T. Turn '. Imports a natural color, at I by QriilgisU, or eBt Office. 35 tvlurrny t Hw tot. Ht, inn SKCAIi tt T1M laaw 91 Teby. asdeodswl Gingen Uuchu, tuxar drake, StuungM, and mapyof the Mt tne. cloei Vaowa are con blaed in Parkers CHngor 7oac.iato ajnsdiane of such varied powers, as to ilnake ft the greatest Blood Fanner and tue BestHealth AStreagthl Batterer Ever uses. 51 T lr cures Rheumatism, -acplessness, & diseaeu of the Stomach, Bowels, Iain p. liver & Kidneys, m Parkers 1 A U entirely diSerantfiroml a . jt -ate, ana it itot.' Lr. SaTlng both uoumr - OCX22 ATI VE EDITION OF I ; , 'xorr ... 1 lAlrOKt I es tmeM:OtmnubimaU :- i 1 um.n ynly on --y.T f j. tWA i iww rtW.' SPTWal saaMunw w&TEDliW G&rsi epfixUrwSmcs HAIRIYE, tnraai oataipl ot ft. NEWS NOTES. Walter Sumter, a voubk but reckless man, Hancock county, Tenn-,. Tuesday, shot and killed his wife In a drunken quarrel. . r: ;. ..; " .Vis '?y Aaron G. Lyman, of Hadley, . Mass acred 7 Tears, fell down staka and Years, broke his jieck; Tuesday ; ; i f t 1 i A rineton Lockhart, aged I8i werje drowiM ed in HumDhrev's Dond. near Monck ton, N. by breaking through the ice Albert Judson, an old engineer on the New York Central Railroad, was killed Wednesday by being struck by an ex- Eress train just as he had stepped off is own engine. Hon. Thaddeus Crane Banks, the business manager of Hhe NeWftYork Forest and Stream, died Wednesday morning at his residence in Brooklyn, Y., at the age of 52 years. Washington Wilson, living ajb East Rah way, N. attempted rto drive, a large boar a few days ago, when the brute turned on him and mangled him so severely that he died on Tuesday of lockjaw. ; ; '"'. James F. Walsh', who'stabbed and killed his sweetheart, Barbara Groen thal,in Brooklyn, N. Y was for , the second time sentenced, to be, hanged, last Wednesday, Janriary 20, 1882, be ing fixed as the day for his execution. Tax Receiver Hunter, of Philadel phia, explained to a sub-committee of the finance committee of councils the processes by which clerks in the tax office under former administrations systematically extracted from $5 to $500 a day. A meeting was held in London Wed nesday to promote the emigration of women to Canada. A bill was introduced in the Virginia Legislature Tuesday to incorporate "The Harper's Ferry Gap Railroad. The Italian "crank" who threw a re volver at Sienor Depretis while he was t speaking in the Chamber of Deputies aexiouie, lias uecn ocuicutcu w a jem o iriiprisonment and a year's exile. JA land company with a capital of 500,000 has been formed in London for the purpose of promoting emigra tion to the Western- provinces of Brit ish America. The company proposes to buy lands, erect buildings thereon and then lease the farms with a view to their ultimate sale to the tenants. The Keely motor stockholders held their annual meeting at Philadelphia Wednesday. ; T0 the annual report,; Of the directors was appended resolution. requesting the inventor, for the' protec tion of the stocfcnoiaers, to communi cate to some other person than himself the secrets he had discovered, and take out patents covering his invention. The resolution was adopted. Miss Rebecca Bates died at Scituate, Mass., Wednesday, aged 88 years. Miss Bates aud her cousin Abbie were the heroines of the "scare" in 1812, when the two girls, hidden behind, rocts on the beach, with fife and drum sounded the roll-call and put to nigut several boatloads of troops from a British man-of-war, who were about to make a landing. Miss Bates's consin, Abbie, is still living, and is 80 years old. The rerxrt of the Western Union tel egraph company for the quarter ending on DecemDer 31, lesi, estimates uie neu revenues for the quarter at about $2,- 010,627.57. A dividend oi li per cent, is declared, payable on the 16th of Jan uary next. Three eastward bound cars, contain ing 250,000 cards of silk worms's eggs, each card having 30,000 eggs, passed through Chevenne, Wednesday. The total value of the eggs is $250,000. They came from Japan, and are bound for Milan, Italy. Four Italian merchants have charge of the precious freight. Political Affaire Soma. Wash. Cor. Philadelphia Times. rvtncrressmen are iust now actively discussing the condition of political af fairs in the south. There seems to do a general impression among members of both parties that a general break-up in the solid Democratic soura is imm- ent. This is'not the expression of a few, hut a belief that obtains among quim numberof leading .Democrats ot both. North and south jm curious paw u the whole thine is that Southern Demo-' crats are inclined to welcome sucn uis- . 1 1 integration, while Northern memDers of the party generally deplore it In a nartv of five Democratic Southern and two Northern men to-day every fSouth- ern man aeciarea it uia uiuiuu bua wic success of the national Democratic par ty depended upon breaking tne soutn ern machine, and while some local po litical loss might be felt it would insure to the ultimate oenentoi tne national organization and commercial prosperity, of the South. The two Northern Demo crats dissented. The crowd of repre- sentatire Southern- people anon me hotels is a novelty not experienced smce the war, and the discussion, of Southern interests is a common topic;, '. SlBgalar and Fatal Accident. Blowing Green, Va Dec. 13. L mnst distressinK accident occurred several miles from this place last "Fit day. Mr. Wm, Wri fa. younjc man Who had not Deen marneu inure man six or eight months, , was choppine in tne-wooas.-auuuk vuo his k X a S . Srk A 111 I A AT t nsa About the middle of the day his wife came to! bring bimia luuch. lie had USt CUC uown a larKO-uoo which had lodged against anotner, and called to his wife to run, as it was com ing to he groundrbut tfce -unfortunate woman rani direct! v ill jtheSvav Of the tree, and it fell upon her, pinning her to the ground. She was not killed, but lav under toe. tree lerrimy B usu?u,iai. conscious.' and hriekihg with; pain, while her nusDanu, aione ana unassist ed, set to work with all the energy of despair to put the tree Jiwp feet in jdi- ameter,m iwo. AiierwnaSiaeeu, I t-hpr ronT)le an see. Mr. Wright, severeu I mncAa. another lontr houtwhile he went woods another long boutwhiie he went fnr naeiatartde tacret-her J hbme.bait she was almost gone wnen he returned, and, L died that night of her injuries. ThsltalLTeaa ceieurawpia a v Raleigh News-Observer. aoi , T.ast Tnesdav was a errand affair. A large partf rdifipforf elk JrtntSoEdenj ton ana were receivea uy marui uotuar wav. of the latter place, m a awnna speech, yrM mSv- o thi raUroaoT itjn resrwnded. Maior jonn uauing, oi x.aieigu, mauo anAtreftfepl 05toE.Ptne. speakers wete Ooloirel l3.5DStark of Norfolk, and Colonel B. Creecy. of the - Eliiabeth' City Economist, i&k taia new:Toafc4uwuw. rmUurf as .:e)sffrJMS Norfolk, VADeftrie. D. Hofheimj er & Son. wholesale clothiers, made an I assignment ' Teir liabiUtWt areS75j- 000; asseia iun ssaxxau imwutmwr z - - - n w" w n tm raj nwi- n - t I v T . Hneirixv,' . a :a ' ... ;i il t : (ri-i.i A H: Mlttlt A-BtTBl? EB; J i Thi Strantre cretnr. W1m 1st wa Ex - lilbltlan Iii Ytenna. ' - & "Th MtrarjcresCDiunomenon .we seen for a long iime,1 says correspon dent of the London Glob "is-, now on Tiew in Vienna. s'Der Gumnumensch,' m the India-rubber man, is quite the le, flaccid man, withrefl. hair and a bilHous complexion He. wears black velvet Knicser Docters, ana is very po lite. He can seize the skin of his chestj with both handspuja it away from bis body about eighteen, inches, and raise it to the levelf his bead: and vet , when. he leaves go, instead of this skitL.hang-tstm. ing in noma rows h goeBpreaiujg, M 11 1 5 1 L V k self again, so tnat nop a erease is. to;r De discovered. ; The skin.ot -his r W fa can stretch six inches, sothathiahands look sizes Nos. i or sa He drags at the calf of his leg, and behold a goodly and translucent membrane) in which can be seen the ramified net-work of arteries, pink and pulsating. - i "This doea not hurt him. He can but enough.! Yon Bee that he wel de serves his title of VGumminaensch What with his cadavenms, face and gluey elasticity lie much reminds one of Dore'a : ghastly -portrayal. , of ; the oned in tlie fjrand illustrations of the 'Inferno The medical facility are higbiv exercised anentuthis ; rnan, and they have begged him for the! smallest strip of akin lor a; microscopical inves tigation. There has not been sucb, case for two centuries, and in those days, of course, the microscope .was rather primitive. 'Gummimensch. is a Bavarian, tnirtyrtwo years ox age(.mar ried, and has three , normal children. He charges two florins to show him-, self. His skin feels like velvet, or per haps rather like the breast of a plucked fowl, but it is not a sweet sensation, to touch him." Horrible Death. Milton Chronicle:' . ; On the evening of f the 7tb lost. Cow nelia A. Jcmes,! aged 23 years,-Of ' this town.' came ' to her death to a- most; shockine maTHjer. Bbe was- the- snb-j- iept ot spasms; at intervals ifor jmany. years, and on the 7th ' inst. heri -detoted mother steDDed out of the house to tend to the store for a few minutes, leaving her daughter alone in the bouse by the fire. The mother was gone longer than she intended to stay away, and uDOh her return she found Corne lia had had a spasm and fallen with her head into the fire and that she was, burnt to death. The deceased was a member of the Baptist church, and lived rather a retired and secluded life, esteemed and respected for her woman ly and christian virtues. A Freeh Crunk. Greensboro Patriot A middle aged man called at our of- fice Saturday morning and enquired if there was any one suffering trom euner "bodilv or physical ailment." He was prepared to cure either, from the con tents of a huge grip-sack he carried on his shoulder, lie was a glib talker, and appeared to be well educated. He had a perfect horror of . the use of tobacco, and said be expected to see the cultiva tion, use and sale of it completely ex terminated before he died, and for that reason he was traveling by foot through the country in order to reach the farm ers. He was given a diagram of the country ad jacent?and departed evident ly happy. Stuck on the Galveston Bavt Galveston, Dec. 16. The steamship Guadalupe, 2,839 tons register, laden with a caroro of cotton, tallow, hides. wool. &c for New York, and drawing 13 feet water, while crossing the bar encountered roueh seas' and her keel drasrsred on the bottom. On getting into deep water it was disco verea that she was. leading Dadiy. ne was men run upon the bar where she now liesi in a critical condition, with 5 f t of water in hold. Transfer of Texas BaUroad. Dallas; Texas, Dec. 16. A stock holders of the Dallas and Wichita Rail road at the annual meeting yesterday made a formal transfer of the property to the Missouri: Kansas &' Texas. The stockholders authorized the issuance of bonds in the'sum of $20,000 per mile to pay the indebtriess and for improving and extending the roaav J - Ben j. Bee 'JPnv for At . yVsrsoyJaojaV ' WasSington, Dec. lfl.-t Jie Presi dent eent-to the Senate to-dav the nomination of Benjamin "Harris Brew ster, of Pennsylvania, tb . be AUorney- fcrenerai)! tne U mted states; The greatest eff eetshsve sometimes, the small est cause. A.ue is consunuy saenncea or nesien efoeughs and colds, when a 25c bottle ot Dr. BuU's cough syrup would save the strfferer. - ,; tw"anjtesna Democrat 1 each inxts place. : ; While the pealing fraters ef ;Wau)ceshs hav bsen. the meaha ' pf cnttibHiainerabie tases tf hbicnre chronic tMnble. so also has St. Jac6b 011 been the bright particular star "hi the flrntsmeot ot remedies which nnjaiongiy rswves ;M cures rheumati6mneuralis."an4 an bodiry pains, t. i Ym. art JnitaWftf 'the toosular Amert- lgiw with(ii wesi. iii m I S ' r' J " - . ' . i V . . .,--. - ' . ja. bu 'Jaoobs mfoif lamWtaj-andK tyutfi me, , Aiaveusu iueu tyi i uuwa bwuvw wlUi taq best suceesa, and eto erfqlly reconi- Aneod it to all. ' -! ;r , ! i ; 'i eTiST.RSCZrtlB. EALQ-MEA, ; ; -: j-ffri--!:'o-nsii u- Jit v:-; "- r.i'-.i LADIES'. W)RX BASKET ti'JV03 Hartp afflfrrbJ xitrch baskets. VBU? i;i w) -.a u::a 'MCfJaTapsoa; -S esiiiiK I V! W5T 1:. fen Siii.'i'j iiir. Oj iSISLl-i.J ThlaU an entirej jsaw5rrlslani; mJSV , ,.anta.-jiiiii haa iitm Sjceix oflered In this iiR itjutjiaitutuov muiu xjjoU ,stn t mi1 n rii II l'ri'rfim4 V till M V A t tt I I- m Krt. ft iu j iti . . i - : ";:': . HABnUAL COST1 VESES3 is tns. bane of Dearly every American woman. from tt usually' arises those disorders that - I surely oodermrne their health and strength, avery . woman owe!t to bene h and te her family to bm that celebrated medicine, AWney-worw it is ins sun remedy for constipation, and for ail disorders kidneys Eaually ana uver. Try u in liquid or ary efficient m etthez.-'-Beston Sunday PREMATURE LOSS OT tSeHAIR May be entirely prerenled by the use of BUR-1 SETTS COC0AINK. No other compound pos sesses the peculiar properties which so exactly suit the various oondlUonsof the human hair; ft oftensthe hair when harsh and dry. It soothes ?ie.lrrttated scalp. It aflords the "richest lustre. It prevents tie hair from failing off. ' It promotes tts healthy,. vlgoroas grosth. It is not greasy nor B leave a, no. disagreeable odor. It kins landrnfft - ' Burnett's Flavoring Extracts areknwnto be the best BED-BUGS, ROACHES, Rats. Bibs. anta. flies, vermin.' moeauitoes. In sects, e., cleared out by "Rough on Rats." 15c. boxes at aruggists. ' Btofobd AUK AMD Iboh SPEtHes Watxb av Mass. Ths (treat tonic and alterative contains twice as much iron and fttty per sent. ore alumr I mum than any "aiura ana iron mass" Known. Just the thins for the "spring weakness' now so eeneraL Sold by all druggists of any standing, rnoes reoucea xie nan. msjll-tf BRAIN and NERVE. "Wells', Health Renewer, greatest remedy oh ;earth for IniDOtence. leanness, sexual debility. Ac SU at druggists. Depot J. H. MeAden, Charlotte. IN HOSTS OF FAMILIES Hostetters Stomach Bitters Is as much retarded as a household necessity as sugar or coffee. The mason of this, la that rears of exoerience have proved It to be perfectly reliable In those eases of emergency where a prompt and eonveirlen t remej dy Is demanded. Constipation, liver complaint dyspepsia, Indigestion and other troubles are over come by It For sale by Druggists and Dealers, to whom ap- ply for 1108 tetters Almanac lor issa. 80 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. -.rrTniMtJur iumt It, 1S7S WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, DR. DYE'S Electro -Voltaic Appliances suffering froinServenaWeakseMes, Gen. cml Debility, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Othkt. Causes, or to any one afflicted' with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralvtist Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. 'Also wokxk troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. Speedy relief and complete .restoration to health guaranteed. These are the only Electric Appliance that have 'ever been const meted upon destl0e pyln . eiplea. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven with the . most wonderful success, and they have the highest endorsements from - medical and scien tific men, and from hundreds who have been quickly aud radically cured b their use. ' Send at ence for Illustrated Pamphlet, giviBT all information free. Address, v . .- VOLTAIC KL? S mMsiwdl, JOtylS: ( .-.fir i: Perry fi Co. Pens jrenaaen tortnusy ,oa reeaipf35 cents, aKeman. layior & C0v may20--d2tawxiyr Coffins and .i;.:'i ; i. : also; a lab&s lot o . r i.v.8 :al ' HajBa " irl n r i ni T i a Ki iT iH I I iTild III ' sy-u Metalfew 1 i 'T-f'" Tk C : f JLAiCljliJL ita.. arVnonaJtehiUtr. Xostiianhood. etc. Tlj".,TXL! mJX TJiZafl 7J W3 " ' iVV", AT, WBOLE8ALX or RETAIL S-v EL M. ANDREWS, :'.-it ? dec2 . -AThew only the brahd'or tobseco knowBssThe trraieKl Oaken BaefeeM-):! u -.isr j . i t -1 i-ftia line mhiil it n , n- .' ' .bus U.tM-jmadm Bownied huefcat ..... i,n ,ifnt mim ta t ff R i-J i viia iints J3i i, met I GBA& Bi WWICfi I TL49SWienasiosaMn..wsiOr ivJ M5ai5rm si;i.0 jadf msn vbm ii ..t - i 31 s'yis i 1 " Lame anlfwpe OUR SECOND; Is now to, and customers wfQ find it to their advantange to examine :it before purchasing elsewhere, as we have ail the new noveUlea In iress Goods and 1 riniiniDgs. And at prioes, that wm. save yon money. We have added to our DRESS TRIMMINGS STOCK MORIE SATINS, The newest thing out We have a new line of Cloak Clasps, Cords and Tassels, Iridescent Beads, Ornaments and Fringes. We hare the handsomest and most varied stock of Passamentrlea and Beaded Fringes ever shown here. A sk te see our new Beaded Fringes, a handsome piece at 75c per yard. Our stock ot Walking Jackets is large and attractive. Ulsters, Dolmans, a few handsome Cloaks at a sacrifice. Cloakings, Bepellants, Flannels, - ' Underwear,; Gloves, Hosiery, And in fact everything in the Fancy Dry Goods One. A small lot of Eld Gloves at 25c per pair. Call ; ' cany ana secure Dargams. au HARGRAYES Complete Stock. OUR PREPARATIONS TRADE BEING NOW. ENTIRELY WE cordially Invite our friends and the public generally to an Inspection of the attractions display ed, confidently asserting that they will be found In even respect up to the standard. In submit ting this we would call special attention to the styles of our own design and manufacture, which we con stantly keep on hand during the entire season. We are Justified In asserting that the long experience and standing of our House, is a full guarantee that our Clothing Is the mrst reliable. The garments of our own manufacture are strictly first-class. We are constantly and carelu'ly studying the de mands of our patrons, and invariably insuring them absolute bottom prices. Our object has always been to bring about a display every season of a full line of garments of the newest styles. The work manship ef eur Clothing Is equal to any of the best in the country. We don't say that our produc tions are superior to all others; we are reasonable end never exaggerate; we tell every customer the truth, allowing no one in our employ to do otberwke, or in any instance to misrepresent goods In order to accomplish a sale. Our endeavor 1s to rlease, and to give to each customer the value of every dollar he leaves Twlth us. Our line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Is complete In all branches. NKCK WEAR A SPECIALTY. Very Respectfully, oct9 L A. 9 DEALER IN Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, oods. MANTELS and GRATES VWH0LI31.Ll.ud RETAIL. -J Particular attentton paid to. Eoornra and spouting.- Nonebulfoilass hands employed. Call for the ' BARLEY ShW STOVE. oct28 CheVoniy the brand 'iol tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket. . THE old Oaken Bucket, , . The iron-bound bucket. The moss-covered bucket, TJu&hung in. the welL -v . r: .:.! CHAS. R. JONXtS, Charlotte. N.C Bole Agent. tl4tenj tems t4ealers.v - - STARTLING V" DISCOVERY .1 LOST"1AWHOOD RESTORED. 'tl t4riMiUiriSanaiiieaM MtmXiw. Prsma- sllVJnatoeWnowffremeo.rdis- ! reoveredaetoptol .aWe.frlfow-sanererJU 43 Chatnam u, n. sepis TRtJSTEtfS BT Virtue olaeXdia ttrajLmade to me by R, H. Brawn. I adll sell for CASH, to the highest bidder, srmbWsaetAmBfr ".tr tkwwtock of dot : NOTICES, nowtn tu'Srrae saeev klii .IWf-XWMA t e!f t t;rt fff t U iHf. a-mi! Mrmnm flsai; laftl. ; m... And eontinoe until an is sold. Sale wuhoot if.1 At'ncLore Wathorlied to coUeet and receipt sOrsUBOtessadaca)iuMdas said Browav 8Doh psrsunsrwfll i please .eomei forward arWseweeasTSJJOstsia say ainsncciWUfl ku. ' . AiXUXL H, BLTC&ir ' : nov29 tds -Trattee. Iisl1 edt t-J -STlwrt one t.ii.s ir Furnishing G Stodt ! FALL STOCK wool jaomie uoin at zoo. & WILHELM. FOR THIS SEASON'S COMPLETE L. BERW ANGER & BRO., Leading Clothiers and Tailors. 50 Bushels EASTERN YAM POTATOES 50 BUSHELS -RUST PROOF OATS,- Just received on consignment, and MU3TBE80LD. MUST BE SOLD. CHAS. R. JONES. dec9 JOR the purpose of engagtng more extensively and exclusively in the line of 3J HLLLINERT GOODS the coming year, wholesale and re- tall, we now offer all other lines of Ooods now In our stock at very low prices to close out The stock Is large, new and well assorted, consisting of fall Hnes of WHITE GOODS, LACES, EMBROID ERIES,' aft kinds of TRIMMINGSPLAIN and EANCT HOMESIES, GLOVES, NOTIONS, NECK WEAB, CORSETS, SKIRTS, - Cloate, Shawls, Net Goods, LADLES' sad CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, DRESS TRIMMING, BUTTONS, TABLE LINEN, TOWELS, DOILIES, NAPKUVS.&clnfact a com plete stock of . ; : : . , , , , t A Ladies' andChildrens TaMsblngGoods , Which we offer without reserve at prices that will guarantee their immediate sale. Terms of this sale wffl be strictly eash.. , -OUR STOCK OF MILLIKIRT- Is the largest and most complete of any In t State snd la constantly -being added to as new styles and novelties appearin New Tork .. "Chew only the brand of tobacco knewn as . ThS WswBBCkstv i.ovivibLa .-. i ' rpHI oia OskeaBoekeU --nf- -., , JL. Xhe iron-bound bucket, ' ' The moss-covered backet, i; h-.v. -cu-Thathnnghiitbeweu. il n ; ; ?i'ti!ijiy i'y CHAS. R.JONES,, 'v. i, ,k Charlotte, N.C., Sole Ageinv B2U)erutexaatoaeeMrsi - - ,., .n ;,iu ! H A' 1 T' VElii, S 'V. til I'll m ft- R I! r t? KM 14 I, i 3i' 3 m N 1 1 ;1 r '1 fe.'JtTltyTii

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