m i -n r-, -a iiairrn ----- : - . i : I S A jes. -.11 ! 3 'fill jfttlT if V RATUBPAYj DEC. 17, 4i84i t5iJIlii weu 1 always reer gwa uutvirwi. oro j tie mmSBCttXirttmT-, vjuaa - hi tit n Tn n risT rinn n i lri m Miaahs - I J :ir 1 N 11 . I A TRUEtTONJC, fe-VV. as .Vw SURE APPETISER 0). 0 IRON BITTERS archly rTSSS. ag a certain andefficiet of AppeUte, ISS "of nciii. Tntermittent severs, r.. 'f-Lcri.- fiSSriAdc of Energy, etc. W eiirunes we TZ. inff a certain and efficient tonic, pe the muscles, and gives new ti";tom"s such as Tiling the Food, ,i:f;Mrn. removing all dyspeptic ymPls' BU. S t , ri. uiEvuM vn rr .ai.., 'i iih inn xiuu j. vp JMcHea headache, rifinn that will not blacken tflOjeeiu or Mo .Bafni ..- Sold byail druggists., Write for the A j u v. - amusing reScnonCAIi Ca, Baltimore, bopyme, , uiieau s uuum, j wBual - he rdeceaaal .was ASM I f "mil wn n i ri T7Tr ' r I . at 1 II II I linillll IF.hl H II . DeeBum Til i wftrflaimbT6l.trtllreceLVffttrerjenem; tuna irora raeifi iiuillif llilllf t 'w4ww -9 i r... ence wad acpa)l; DIM. l)U DWWWlFriTUVUUU FYUVV TlV ML -1. L ' J J I r . '. A kitnam V A A nUnHw) th. ,iA6tnTer. vrnen ne mail i a.uhpm4pmiu y.., with tbatBinaifcUBat tie rliadmotitlw f.iwuaana,aoiiars mqie P?Ww"""5 Okmtlsmxm onmmfl to me i ii irnnH nrmttrfttlon i r"rt i Ai in t.ha muni tun daring and vigor of body, has com also cltaToM work. I know not wnat. igxveu The Jrm Tonic preparation o Mro- t toondr ofIron. Frn- j ...adML tori v mn Jrotr- It ion. and Conale-l lcenornjwrc.j .nh n extent that my labor waa leeeamwa I 3inHenng irora 8o - .Tnnphrritol bat on the contrary, waa iouoww u. Aracationof amonth did not gl8 me mnch . J.,,, Tokic. from which I re and unking enuia, ,4-Tl .d I fonnd that my natural iora .ml wanderrol reBUwa. - - -- --..-.. t h done twice tna ia- ued three bottles ol tne x .( Lo rh th. tioil nerre my f - j, the Tonic ha. not done the a oi T'B url'uto Christian Chnrch. Troy.v;. Ivittn Hark, and J'ft"rZ I Aromatic. ItmervcmW every jtn ertere KaIDFaCTUIEI BI I nr. ln. - - iuwi Tr i ? V . 7 . i. nf indftjaTorintf to i.:.v kiv n i.m'o.iA thia.it.w I flriv vfiar vrAviouB. This'Cfirtlemafi'is- expecting. talr Xml, nd)Mlie1iwlfiiotrione nJtebUmpg2' line PujHyiIiTrt sumDtioa that ne was a sane manr ana tw uiPjuv uuyu via "" J.r hart na )xi nn inn unsuner n us w vwuranw vvuuio. u,vh.i - and. not a single letter J&aa by them to mm as a sane on him to.epent and tirri Dlause.l ijiineteeD-twent thrata against his life and not moral :R6jgl!imfi3r..' than two oar three breathed a ehnstian. TsbbrOinBw.vVMrrk, jUnOsay;' spirit. He criticized the acUou of. Judga ;wfe0f .Uease .fl.Ulsay,, of Ureenl-i Davis In a recent murder case in New bonkiiediatt Wednes4ay-Caai York for going outside.of the case and 0iintT.ierid!i, fiottoa tOiGreenslwmTTV; instructing the jury iff the Guiteau pientyitrifkeyft ix jnarket at5ttntsi,! wouiu uuo give, . ud v'" tt i jjoonvm Bft.C0HnWt;wasJSjai not mistaken. Applause. .1 dentjyrmKWMlneja;iwhil( In' .the, -course of his remares tne 4eav4ffhBrei JrlH special feral speaker saHl that he was satifled, ha4 ot Gilford -county Superior iCoud' good rrSason,.,to tnmK, gooa reason uj rfnne thefoiu-thMoaday4aJ4anuat3 5i Aove: i Have you seen our lino of Beautijj, r, . s tArior ITIfinsv rAfnnlarl attw !7jrttr' i , i ! -vim jcarsuse iHiSSPis. ieT l lnc- Koih'n? saved by rJHmn ?!f26 y?, very So )s ; ?PWnaWa8v ma ; unaf acture better feoodsifMajaoiMsyihan ever. Adilxess. rr call rf-v .-v -w-. . ... - Wasnlntrtnn Nov T Mkew Styles ofdhromo' Ca with name, or in New Years' Carda.. 1 rv . iu i sa tt Ila r. 4 -v -lie. i Id !4 . tiJ ft! -St1 X . CHEAPEST BOOK-STORED i . t va taTrr rHwiHM m i nil iyi venlaway. Grand Bollday Catalogue tree 7 f iT.TTaa AT PT?nc 81iiamra treet neaj; Broadway, New York. l WONDERFUL BiaCOYERY. . . IPatM De. 71860. . (lFAHlliiaj BHawaBawaaaaaaaajBaawaBwaBB TAG. jvtag WcW.W0QD,Hai8i belieTothatittie prisoner would not live It. nnr.Ti tnecouciuaiuu uj. mo uim. jj-o i HeubaWa; $ci&tcaLttmbatio7 ficuikdcU, Sonriiss of " the Cmt,: i pout, Quinsy , Sore Throat, Swef- , f , " fains, "' Toothj, Ear , aiwf. &ddacji9?. Frosted : -rwc ana Gars, ana an tffaar , rVSofca atoricii'-' '' hi 5 iiV.,!)M !-.: We Hye an Bssortaient pf f s ,flje 6oocl3 .as jatsX -. V V. 1,4. ' ' T .if J Gives BrHffiaiCWMte arid Steady iMsllt'',ie(iulres no trtmmlrig. and lasts for months. onujjfic wick. hk. a witks ztC, 12 Wicks 75c, post P5?Te f our size8 Ko. 0, 1 , 2. & Agents l..S"' MtTlTi Tai.lUB.1lTi7 r"-i J . m.wi y r. w . , t 70 Cortlandt St., N. Y. . . rPLUOTAJND LEATHEB COVEEJSD - (Scoville)irw here -to see that Guiteaa Mri Gftrriidii Byton iota tfi. J : jftfe afl s,aadalj had a faiii triar under forms of law, hut- . Vc?wc.' V ; , ' ! -, tMf JTcAe. he was not -here to guard the prisoner . . -;: ' . J j; -. v ;. 'o'1rinifloii;m ' eniMiiisir J.? I - with a tmon of soldiers. L.etthere- rvAsummujs,ire. i-uDiJWrwV Rnonsibilitv rest where ftttiffht. he cave Cric rerrfoduced a paragraph from the -this warning and he knew, whereof he Cincnati.jgtirTrrrwTnng SPOKe. J.L was 11UL 1U1 luo hid ui niio - - j C ii " n '4tJ lean that he gave. it,, but.becausehe Boynton and mdersed by Mrs. Garfierd, wanted to see order preVail,. and be- as follows: x... .. cause he did not wanttheAmericar i On the 8th of August, while m the people disgraced hy having aTnan on ! Resident s bed-chamber, the pres trial for his life assassinated Uk a dog.: ;?hce.of his. wife, he said to me that he Set JimW -OnT a a r inp2 and chtsvp - Eitemal -, KeKaqy,. uiai Dtall8 dut, ine comyaranveij txirliiie tmOarv of fiO1 Cents, and ey-a ttffiering- jWia-peii jn jkave UaapQd positive proof of. it 80t0 BY AW- BSUSGISTS AUD DEALERS j .(PrJEIL4c CO., The lecturer declared that the greatest nevwat apyum.e mawew "Pfin''"' sJu TOILET CASES f JtiL .ri , . AJMJ UJJUtl STAISUa. 5entaV ajf. fjsej,: 'lwoii(and- : Odor Case combined, Baby's Case, Chdrn'jCQy, cases. Stand traces ard Toilet Waters, Hair. Tooth and Nail nov30 L, R.,WBIStON & CO, tllnW and Gulf Coast Canal and Okee K "ihobea Land Cd. . ; WiftW'sa 'no us AtflPwIftibolftTa tf 40 cts for eacb 10 shares f ; om choice lands of the "Wsston parehase" OFFtacs- jTb,r1 4i 'Chestfiut Sl.r'Hnadelph'a. n f ; I 1 1 o Broadway: n. Y:. Hoorns 111. 113 Petaile$ Prospectus wltnlreserlptlve maps mailed and Souvenir, yrench ftiate Haodandl Mirrors, Lqbihs, f etlows'ad Colgate's M m.innnai.'lDAb tn. ntBa(rA I Df frr tv.a rr TAhm fi tV.ft nriaon van. that position Graving beei occtoAed. hv and pointed out the danger that some PWt!8'11 desperate man would stab the prisoner he had no.recollectlorx dhttnisres- with o riirb- oni aiumna virnnnr nprpt. i ciiu iiilicdo ui uatuiK nut i j-. tion. He expressed in the most earnest I ind did not knqW hor be haDpenfiito fnr 1 be in the case. ' 'w 1 have teaa Judea Cox, and then branching ofttrponl this letter and it la.true to mraisinctLlt another suoiect spoKe or tne evidences i twuncuuuu. . . of Guiteau's insanity. - 4 . ' 1 - J-ucretiR. G-BFTO). iA . -, ; A Critic fepdrter. who calld"Don 4 ' I"n. Dlinn mmTliA O of Q ffllTl on ' flA1l 4? that gentleman, part of wtneh.xea4.as CHAS. R. JONES Sole Ag't, Charlotte B.N-C. JJ I as ira annwrnfl Triemorv or -"nfir rmn- .Ameri- . k it.'raav h rA' fiXhlatnfid: AS? Of Jrana 1 T W Mnt . mrmHim .OAioiinTi T GENERAL FEED DEALERS -AVD- OM MISSION MERCHANT MEHCUANT nojiMi COMMISSION CHSRLOTTE, N. C. WE HAVE NOW ON s, JUST KECEIYED, ONE. CAB LOAD CAB LOAD BEAN, CAB LOAD C0BN and PEA MEAL MIXED, CAH L0AB WHITE COBN, CAB LOAD YELLOW COBN, CAR LOAD PATAPSC0 PATENT PB0CES3 FLOUfct. CAB LOADS TIMOTHY HAY,. RTiscs lexicons. y I E ONLY MEDICINE IX EITHEB LiqCID Oli DBX F0BX That Acts at the sane time on mELlim, TEE BOWELS, AifD TEE 2IDEE7S. WHY ARE WE SICK? Because tee allow the$ great orgara to I become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into tne Mood thai should be expelled naturally. Stsri. AND WILL GLADLY QUOTE PRICES -TO- B0TH THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TBADE. t" Bespectfully solScltlng a share of patronage, we are respectfully, novl3 A. J. BE ALL & CO, your COMMISSIONER'S SALE WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, I , LIVER COMPLAINTS, VlWr.9, CdjrrnPAtTWT.'rrKIXAKY DISEASES, TBMAUt WTSAKAE88E8, AJID KEKVOU8 DISORDERS, by causing free action of these organs and restoring their power to throw off disease. Wby suffer Eilions pains and achesT Why tormented with Piles, Constipation Why frightened oer disordered Kidneys! Why end are nervous or sick headacheil Use KIDNEY-W0H.Tand rejoice in health. It is put up in Dry Vegetable Form, in tin cans one package of which makes six quarts of medicine. A:o ia Liquid Form, very Concen trated, for those that cannot readily prepare it. tsrlt acts with equal efficiency in either form. GET IT OF YOCIl DRUGGIST. PRICE, 1.00 WELLS. BICHABDS0X A Co Prop's, (Will send the dry iroat-paid.) , BrRjJIOT0. TT. nnicins: Two Co6tlitent. a A1 .V. nt-..et An The most attractive enterrmseoyheJyW- present year.su uoM!4Tn ield.8 actions .V1.ir. ,TA,? id Her actiens dnrimf eilnesa o: or me PWKSS hebaira hnd ginwh.te deathwre road now being surveyed tbatj&to bind. 4rnkiV'fltetoiLiI'',lMevBsl together North and. South America. 95Sifc24al. LT .VV snbscnbtd lathis letterW forher Mexico and on through Central ca down throusrh the Isthmus ma. into. South America, piercing UuaJ WiniouVersation with the late pr4i lJP. 5"?laT ; t dent on the third of, Julyln refereiSeaf Auo 6uiY CJ rrXni to the treatment of the case, .OnlyJIrjU the route. It is proposed m rrrnning Gaffiel6V -was presents ; I asked1 wbo through Cen tral America to hujg the should conduct the case. The president gt?Ihnii9?Si Jaid be Sed that I should IqJL.I and in South America to hug the ' State - . d . 8bould assist. He replied line or .Brazil. . v ass suosiuiea tb r w48 better quaUfied to select mf ready been secured from Mexica i and SsisUntstban he? wC..lSu: arfielj Central American and South American chimed in and assented. I named sever- governments, and ,we are assured that , h vsicians lor assistants, and the one tnousana mnes oi raiiroaa is a.- ident Md Mrg;Garfield both said .onHw nnrior rnTr5irr. Mr. .Ifinri VV . I r. - . i ,ri"l rof'hnna tin i at W periecuy satisiacipry. the neaa or tne enierprise-, ana nas promised to devote ar much of his life miilm0n 8un as may ue necessary iu iu cwmpieMuii. This is a stupendous undertaking, and yet the first thing that strikes the public upon being informed of it is the wonder that it should never have been undertaken before. It is an axiom of railroad building that the ideal road is that which runs north and south, bring-' ing the products of one clime for ex change for the products of another. While roads running east and ,west traverse sections raising the same pro- SOMETHING EVER3f.LA.DY OUGHT TG KNOW.' 'I .pliers Exists ffifc&qs of seu laUevS V ! Compiixion, ip matter how ; . HdgJtti's Magnolia Ralmisa f 1 delicate aria harmless hrtf- z 'dO,hich instantly removes Fr e c k 1 e .4 ,l ''Tan Rediiess, Roughness, Eruptions, Vhl- gar Fftrsjiings, etc.yetc. 80 ; delicate-"and natural are its : j 'eflfects' that its use is not ' ! suspected by anybody. " JNO Jaay has the right to present a disfigured face in society "when 'the Magnolia Balm is sold by all druggists for 75 -cents. . -.-.. Soth Foreign and Ddnfeslfcr : Just Beceiyed, at 1 IfKiE. BO IB PrD A! cal Work, warranted the best and eoeapost, lnQnnensable to orery uwinviMBu ww ocianoeot idle orf-Preaervation : bound in finest French mnaltn Amtn.uj full eflt,9U0 pp.contains beantif ui Fteel trnmvmm, 125 presenp. neqs, -.price, only $1.25 sent by Bail..iilnstratedsainple,6cenU; send now.Addrei PnnhnHw t,A IcaUnstituteor Dr. W. H. PAR, KER. No. 4 Bulfiuch et. Boston. tf THE OHlCItERING n. 1 TT If 1 1 jgABAToiJA -yi TlCEY I. 'A Frpm.earatoira5Drng4..N Y. A. eew semDiiiigineniTporrea-vicny. KecomrBemiea acanaotacid: cures yDpaii, akisdiges tlon, Is a posverful tunic and strong j - -'aiureac. Also, . . .u . ... Be commended Tfiry highly- as a. pathartlc and al ' ' teratlve and In in fdriasef dyspepsia; ALSO, ' .. : -. :-- .' , ;. 5 clsES CONGRESS WATE3, ' -QCASEg BOCK BBIDQS ALUM, 20CjtS3 BOTyALO LlTHIA. And a full supply of IHPaRTED.APQLUijARl ,A, eev water re- Now 8tn.ta. JSatttoafls.' states into the uru.iuW. aeadj North CrouiiaIuiilroad. VCCU V AAJX AaA xugwiiuf va. i aawmmw f urges-the admissipaof New. WexicQ, j . 1 fJQJSfDEKSED SCHEDULES. ' WulCll 11 au, uy luo vcugus,ta iujju- latton of 118,430, consisting of 109,m "whites" including 0,600 Ihdrahs and 55 Asiatics, and 648 colored - The Mex ican element is said tc be-pretty large, I Datef,Wori'2V,rJi of a rather, .worthless, character. , and . . ... J I" " 4 I . that it ma; De conwQereQ jpea4Aiq.viS' VtRAIKS GfG ElsT. ' t.'j "i 1 Leave Chirlotte, , " rMisbnry. " High Point Arrive Greensb'ro Durham '. L Balelgh,.. . are Balelgh,... ATftroGoldgboro' traverse secuom raK V1 tioh whether the population, taken .as ductions, yet. there, are several rads hn vetFfffr thetierf ormat5r traversing this continent iromeasi to f Uti duties.'. Senator Wiodrfnji LeavobiwrMb-roj west, and none have pierced; !t train a JtSSS nJWrh nvenmAwo J.i.?!1 admission of Dak(Ha,WthIbouadaries: yona computation. . Anere no aou -r. . -f orth raHttlda. - This wllUeave iiitiL1 "zzttsxi about half ot. vmwp mm UUUV ya,.jm) www w w - v - man has turned his attention. -. It is but . . . A J 1 , . tms t t a nirrri tvuv iii i.iih iw in in m i.rnv aavs r- uu luo bw, .n"". r idtlcedTJllls eovenur the same-pu Daily. - 8. 10 am 4.42 am 6.25 B tt Ko 51 Dally. 153 naily. 4 40 am rt.0 a ml 7 53 a m K2HBm V.35 a m 11 42 am 12rTTti m 4.10pm s.ae.pm n.43 pta 7.27 fcm 7.50 p m R44 p m 9.15 pm No 17-Ially. except Saturdi Arrtve lit Balelgh... 8 04 .nxS.i', Leave Greens borp', " Arrtve at uaieign, . . ;Am?a Goldgtro..8 00 a. m. .A4 Hi 8mnetsaDWtiisborotwlth B. &.W ;B, Bior alLBgln h'orth and West. t ! So'.' sr-C&naeWs oiJsDW'frlft H.tcK- KBirMl4olntNartb, BRstewl'Weel vfeltenr J a. mm IHEHIGHEST AWARDS were granted our TTANnl irftheGiaWORLD'SPAIR In LONDON, 1367: at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION iri CHTLTriSTB ; "arid at the grand 'CENTEN LKgjWTjON inPhiladelpMaj-i87C.. ' All ptrrsons wishing to purchase (or ex amine) instrument Ue respectfully in vited to Tiait oar -Wmrmfommsm SforkXeaOmihiJm List ' ,130 FiftklpiafTN. YL;6Jrempnt &t.rBton. Novil- - AND M0 M GREAT- EDROPM 1 , nroposes.the name rempina rorrfonn' 'vuiaosDoro-) wun y w- w wu- xeau-B. v,.,, Dakota has a straggling, rroar ar .- a .thoueht to mining .population, wmte ,ana reqor hGTeensroro' wifn-Ba b.' nnrito attpomtsi . . - - .. .. T-I...T . March.27.d&wly WORD'S or 1.200 Acrefr tiuuiuunuiuii The Amount of Food ' One 9Ian in Meysmty FeWDarsons: ftrer cive tVia amnnnf. rt frmr virMoh t.riiiv U1UUUU W V Mwu wmw j I' ,..,.. .... a a . i ; Ucentfy puSdVe extfa ffa iWirf iQuqwiD esumaie oi wow uumu Bam r that he . lived : Ten oxeriSOOr I old States like lYogntttwCht rrqpuU-. sheep, 100 calves, 200 lambs,' fipigs, tion ci,512,8Q6,o..hwk 100 fowls, 300 turkeys, 150 geese, 403 Wewark WW ducks, 260 pigeons. 14 partridges aid mmJL quails, 600 woodcockSr hesKiecveoo hares at scruu.ea.i3 Hai.pMw and rabbits, 40 deer, 120 guinea fowls, ioa of S9iV-W AIW 10 peacocks, and 200 wild f qwJ-c ,rL latwn,, as Indicated by the yobA enr In fisbi00 turbots, l40.aaIm6BV20 sus, of 2,84 and Nevada admitUdy codf 60 trout, 400 mackerel, 400 flora- thejattf e W?tTtelW?wit&W&k- ana lo.oyu smeiis ; aiso, ou iurueaiwuu ovfttfltw: R.RftO lnhflteraand craha. SOO.000 fawns, shrimtos. sardines and anchovies. I XVajih Cat. ami aniumw.Kigi w mcitr i " Thethaia(mmitircttr appjpria drid thousand i inirtritoheitfaevIrlVSileatiofe 1 piumDS, green-gages, appies ana ears, i olofcOf the 'BBermanjseBaipttieTrwite TRAINS GOING "WEST. tT rt,NT.20,'gI Leave Ijofdstxlrcr Arrrf eRaieigh pq leaye uaieiyui. , AVrlTe lnrhairJ,:. ! JUrlnSUllaftoroU Arrivfi Gresnsiyror K'.6irB 12.25-fw AjcrtveBigh Potot Arrive 8arlsbuTy, ArrrTftCharUt, 50.(649 ,pHlly.ti .uo.Jkl lDalyr lO.trDBm B49P 2 pm O pro 1(35 Ijml TFTTTT .u?.yer4'. i- it Writers1 wMh rniar1cale siicdsv a tJj nd j waSrJlJM. ifVi..-AmLondyn t "More Dleasant than Its. rivals, and surpasses nwMfficiy i7 o 1 -c Jit ura x;a b.vl jplUtleWferle 1 PtinW iFrledi riTPKf rr ii.it ritrT.iiij 106 firaf aaQajaa: -..az pmiiu.ua a.m 6prohlll4-ii.nS 1 40 pm. BBalelgh... .6.00 a. m. , T bava I -.. -. - Av.Lal U A i w j e. irrro,GreeBsoTO,,.8.O0p. rii. li ii : i :of: pies, ,2,000 peaches, 1,400 aprTcbtflTziO J tions to-day signified its intention oo melori; Aift afhjnTaJIria joufand I iijtf jhto'theilhey lowest and mmionB or-tJhemes. straw Dernes,i in nrt .nvfistrfffttifiimtiifriha exrflpa Only Vegetable Corhpoud that SgSST'& ?. 'XZSBSSESk SfC - I Z I " ' T " , , ' . I TtAAVVU Vfcw vv- -' - i--- r ; acts airecuv upon xne i-iver, ana . ainus, 5,410 puuauayvcnui,; auuui, r of senator Sherman imnr tbj- maiwr - - .1 QQ4 nAnnrld rf hnffor Triirkiio n fori! Connectaat vflle taTat rrrr- thW.ir.d:'B.-B: IB A. cHJ ADC VALUABLE LANDS; ComPja!n'Ju: c . . .. . dice. Biliousness. Mdan "I j m 1 ai j . - m . rw . festion. StrenPtftens tne SVStem, guons or spiriis, a.av gallons 01 couee, aoorsTrle Drrmfir8tdn-l 1 - . , . ' ill .11 . - .1 ' . .. I -- - I w v w M.I . I 1 111 1 i.i.hm I . U 1 .1 llll Lin UI LlUT7 U XX reiatesinepqwQipuTineamc '2.7361168 of wateri 'i .n-ln TlliiViSdm ni.nai JWnqall pcts ineouthand outlmest. ... ,, . ltos54-Connects at Charlotfe wlfti' A. 3t C. A.-L; Banroad for all points Bout&'aOToT(Urffen. 11 L. CiA;-L. arrottis with jahdouttt of Charlotte, on Monday, 16th Day of January, 1 the lands which were owned by the late Mary M. wanace. . . - i THE DOME PLACE, 4 miles from the dty of Charlotte, on the Lawyers' road, contains 408 acres, with a large Brick: Dwelling House, good barns and other improvements. . - THK ALLEN PLACE, contains 267 acres, Is 4 miles from the city, adjoins the Home Place, and lies between the Lawyers' road and the Monroe THE WfNENS PLACE, on the Potter road, con tains iaa acres, aajoins me iiome I'lace, and la about the same distance from the city. THE WILSON PLACE, on the Lawyers' road, 6 miles from Charrottecontalna 822 acres. - THE BRUMLET PLACE, on Baedy Creek, 7 Dues irom wiarwwo. cuotaus w iyi soes. j. 9, in un 40 hoes- beer, 584 blood. A Book sent free. JJr. Ton salik by all, PBtroorsrai 1 French-American -Claiina Commln ami 8 deod eow ly. yfJxsm&:ivtiJttLQei.t a meeting jj&o' of the French-American claims comt Treas nartment is unwilling, however," that tblis mVestt" raUOH SDOBia DeOIllHlQtUpWAil;;tyllI i6Q-aotsi ihft JUrrioav. be.madeiubUc.: -0. Ws! r8enathermanihr;oii2h hrijnds Arrive Kemersv xni thrrhmitt?'ojeetSi- iUm tvil "reasury Department ' whTOTrVaS'f I Arrtve1 Salem . lia'i&Js. L50 i m BoTneftvriai, (irf,Kl$0a m Mem,..,. .,..,4....;il:80m Lew We will alio sell a valuable Gold Mine, tfer Mine. on county, near uaonews'. Known as the Henry nine, i ' : y ft- The Borne tract; the Alien tracts sod the Wilson tract, each, will first be ottered In lots and then as This wale Is made subject to the ratlffiadldli and xoraiJlnaTiweTCwrorei toea rini(lforiilarioiajr ffleWTti ses themselves. Miveri&ai. wutj WATEBT0WH IT) discharged employSiri;wirjoFii8ci lata )Sr 'fwnf throat irriril imefVn,.da&orthfe ,ti,ve.ju mrmgjmmmimt xTrtewh cash; balancJ -llT Installments at one and two years, wltfi wlecurtty BflaaitS,,aitoijm PHAETONS, SPBIKI lesalb and BETAIL. Deeds add Plats can beiseen t the law office of Orals' deswSpQamr Mr to 8. H.ABOW.at the Brick House place, 1 Bpelar lndaoelneTatatoH-a-w: December 1, 1881. w-tdsHlaUy4i , , T. -r ,v . ajGKJTjra, 185.' ilesallido iXiThelJOntooqBAbucraw y t JL i The uon povsq uc That hong m the wejl CHA& B. tfOSES. iChartotte, H. C Sole Agent. Liberal terms.to dealers.i rmp srii&iS2 r'tiM : V U A UJJ . 1 IS, N.JUW. . I fha nomaa nalu nfootul wo I lAjfl 111 uaiuco vi ..a.fu.yico xuw&cowcu, new denied upon the motion of the United States. The claims of Bertrand, Laborv I nillQ rnnif! dent and RGaMfttismissed. A6 VMwrMWM'i ditlonal tfrAAJtA TflarrfeA 1 waa a n:L n L I lowed claimants to take testimony 1: IHJlUUmllS Mm tha case ofjlaussman, Dreyfus, Mark! . i urrn nmnninn , rm a rinairnnn counselindTedTD sirbstrtntte anexec tor for the claimant in the case of Jean TV mi . a m .a TT-ll..ia.J.iii . . m I api:eiUai9wieXixoB JuJWfiu.?tM wet jffHMPM ;utv -wcoaX States iMYea WidarrilsOhe'c wwn bt :ft Artnur ievy on tne grounu tnac ne aq- Another BUbieAtafEJOTeW as th-e cTaimhhttrptirtVfor other par-1 orttltrtCryirtaSr ue. AxgumenitwaB poafcuuucui wiror.:fiiift8lL. Aeinlual of Bocnef ore saving Ditit. Tiaa i A Ilia AVITULLai OX AL. J.ATktno. BHbtuu uu tue ouuio - r- -i j ' t uui Juiena Wl 1 1 .-tiHt lIOisiTlDtM Mrf Kfilt hearinj? or tne-t?ase nau xtei. rfimtjftnAjjftT-rtTtft uinwritirirf ,H nntninn whir.h unauestionablv I the rftRnit'":; r"rr,iw,fs mni mr, oaken Backet, ? t 'SfSL bearing of the-case had .iieai :p'ta-rp art Oram?! tnefratK tat, riHlaWUBe YiMteTeiilie ftlr1aaYfkei! lLt b Mrs. Dr.' RMtMtioM. intArrtlan teepistrllrflrsass fitosetaWrtrtsoaaa, 1 1 lnnuencecr tuw- .riV 1 1 --3munoalotissaairt--aixitt passes by implication a ?orir6 floors. v. I iiDOn M. Barthelly 6 Aiuueranu 41. 1 wSSi57' aey are aaaci iTif. : waddington. ATEL IPUOIIC, opinion "Wmcn uuqutuuuauy lH jtetinfreWetrr ?'adict Mdond I Tu(Lbv lmDlication a strong tflrtirt AJOO.U I?U ;uvO.O Tl efnsfci; and die. ir. rwr xri;.Tfc . mui uu uaeiuuy. IrTloe 200 a bottle. TT IV. W. N. C, SotltO"vrB8,l'. ha 1 1. ho Ad; .. 1 1 .1,.. 1 11 1 . .1 'Si' -'Jf!3Tf 1; - 1.0: . . H .51 n m fl.07 5 m a , uumu fiAar, . . AU-. U A AtaUJ it8tuiaay: TTTT W.' 7.3 a'mi ArrivA KernftravUMj. . (uIIM 1 ... , .04 a J3X . 1 . -IlTli- JT" . .- ii -wroasupro.. u.uubuc Leave Salem .s.,w,i.-,4.S0pm ive.KernersvlUe , , . . . B4fiP ve- 6reenBOor.'..v. .r.-n j. aau p TmrasMmiiUiiinraMi On TrattUJaJJtonrllle flnd'AUSnta.1'" ! 4T i On Train No. 50-Kew Tofk ahtl lUanta. via WashlattMMid timiffm un Train bo. 5aJUchraQna 1 WashlniTon-snd Aoeusta. via D; - a.uA. 3ilClinrA BaleGoWsbKBanAuir.afThalo Mpratiraujrom'mBisiii 01 .MLlSftSl..jrcilf SU'd" Jt jAH.UBeiakEaaseaeeage WJWaa .1 ..).. 1 f iifiit if iikrermaneiaiv. drr.MqW4 aa a, poattir e I MTJill fl 1IHI -4Jterauva an (T enrol Hrl V ! rsi n JaeiadkTaff netejd W9WJl!iraTMfi-but la a perrnanantr earei ti - - - Au-aill 111 Iii s mtr If I 1 laWaVl I 1 T ia hoM rlaHaamvBuii 1 I THE xiSSt SaTUBAL iPEfillNT:- . '; " ; ASACATHABTlCi1'5 " :' Dosx-A wine glass full before breakfast. on,Llehig4 T7i Lanaefr-"HunsdlJanos. : firfus that Its rfcnnessln irperlfjnt- that of aM other An own waters.".. 1 j.- J - ,. : ! T7i Eritish Uledical Journal !Hunylaf Jantts. Tn4careeahje8afeet; and :mosl jemcaeioas ffroPnn BllkTirVaTlablf c3g5oa promptisjMxsstaow'vaniapj' trqr. wanoeraer, Vienna .'Sis !" rt gW Vl Rl . 1' S r iTSiTrirrrtr . 1 . il if mm. mm GORN ! s3 ff i BArcrfiNfi TIES i'n-.armiu VjHATllicrTtB,vRb a.. i t 1., .l ilt When Hftg as'Wtien tl flows frora tiiepting at aT&WRa W receive this wafer In laxm hloK tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be re&itee? again every wees, J H. mcaden, TDrflgglst and Chemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by'elilAelifwf ' id3niptent drtigglBts; cay oYiflgJit iiilv28 i'' i,J,i'i ,at t null in - V We are agents for ; 'HE WATT PLOW WtH sellft LOW iB than you can buy an other ! rt : f j EOQf Y.1 assrtpDaSnalvjay 011 hand. I j WWWW .' i tll Jll 3 1. J ii j V 1 ' ' MAYER & ROSS. aug26 ,i Guano 1 1 'iii .1'!.. i W LWfvi-n M 2 1 1U rVr h t t CHABLOTIE.K.jfA Practice In Supreme Court .of. -the Unite&fates, Buprenre uonn 01 nonarenmr no imv v mm mil iiiiirim sa i :ul .mmr C3 to and Mortcases iA ,. .... G1VIN US LAST FALL FOR dson. l miJmA LSrrZAtSaSX tl XT V Tr TO 11 -n -.-i -n -- ---..i .ii . , , I..,-, ?vm -lAJuv aiJt.ri at-. - .r Aal - . RO. D. GRAHAM 8 iJ-ft ii" : vita Hifr. riT,vi-in.'i ,it t Ktfie State . and United States Cbuft&.'Cdi il-tterW Hme latiduFb lee teltOL? !sDitBjteai iAt lmtn at TUIak. Slirvprs .Vrv furslahMd far nam SSatfoi tTv-5rrnjsT .u-.fir J pmcaKEUraewJniaiaTTTfM streets srrt,aivA to r - jz,l Jj ;a.1J wi 23 tQJd I litis I ,iUl i-m- - I 0JjfiS9 ivQfn U ft IV UJ La" 1WU ni MWl f J.lifci;T-stj,d th etiJ-gitW 9JSW l f4 4iMioiil Aictiibta i AY I . i. aViin,ifli i 1 1 on, r v-v.ii t HOT Kf mm w thiigf AOS.-gt. nit JJ3V11 QAW t-tj-S. O, VffS -a U a-Mt:ia , . , . ARE KOW DUE, 1ST, 1W1.) arrange the same nov2 lMRTY ovseSdiritoably adapted for ihj irpamcwars, price. this irix. an adtnlrableajlir purpose. For -tm.fiflt for Sale Cheap. atreet and tbe nF 1 40 feet on d-tWWeroaje.MrU Cafollna Waoie er nwur bbleeiUieriui bffi5rtactH7Purp08e8' ttpmLLipa-

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