Ti i "i ifrwaMaaaBiisgitaSaanannl - til UK W FOMTltiAl. BIOTEHENT lit THE SOtTTH. - Daily the evidence increases of a purpose on the part of the administra- .L8SSLi in the South by a coaliUon between the Republican party ana gucurwiuiw If nan nin nvfir from the Democratic orttr This is not a" new movement. yui ij e . It dates back to tne time wneu was put forward for a third term, and SUNDAY, DEC 18, 188L , Senator Voorhees's son plays Hamlet very well, they say, out in Indiana. 17.1881. 1 " ' aw. treason to say se, but it mafie jrropei HABKETS BX;TxuuJfcfcArxi -a a fa a XW WIaamU AM 1 : - . fMnVtrKT fnr t.hftmaAives tnese aavs, ear ae 1 " - and t.tiav rin not nil aerfie with either ' GovK Vance or .the StdraB this.quea-, tion. Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys and Children CANNOT FAIL TO BE SUITED IN The courts have throttled the death bed insurance business in Pennsylva nia. PRODUCE. WrLMUCSTOM, H. C-Bplrttt turpentine qufct at E3c Bostalto; strained pwdwratotd 81.95. Tax steaay as v&w. vruuo tuiy. steady at JvS.25 hard; 860 for jeltow dip; $2 80 lor virgin Interior, corn .unchanged. ..Min wwi-TiMTf anil and unchanged; S0.02U I , ' nju m hi i iir w . ...ww. when he took his trtP inrou" J rl k waa made to-the "Mud Cut aibeTf i.4atl8i o. l MTif? SOUinem omscd, i - . . -tthAfssne between Uor. 1 f XZl'ZT. "ai muami SsI1 January ANOTBEB IiETTEB. We publish to-day a letter-from Col. w alter uiars: m reui j w y i Fsstsxrz" "rrr. ";s ; o rn o w r.ri i;a h t observation, but really to boom up tne uu. - iIThb Obseeveb WfiOgBmL l'jlHP! new movement to which he . was ,o.u ;;-.t we puWish this fflrSSSS Tel! OUR STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES FOR THE FALL AND WINTEK TKAJJK. guarantee that ererj pair ol 8H0KS we sell sbaU be lound lust as represented, and 3HaU allow no house to give you better goods man we do for the i W ". ... -f.tnthwRnte of all classes ol customers, and comprises a full line of beautiful and seasonable money. Our uoca nas Deen carciuuj v goods, ol the Tery llest an&Mty end all grades, from the finest French Kid Button Boot to the Heaviest Brogan. If you wish to get your boots and shoes to Central Hotel Block. Trade Street. . T- r.nt,nn new : Th.- WfiAthlnir'todo.'bat we puDllsn inis western Jower and doll-. Southern wnue oj. i Ann i jnLTM.il nauia ijauv i itia thAnrrnra unci HuniKiwt - th. rTured i itat Is thi. ouDBtaglitUe moTementta VirgTnU date, letter M part of the raj ol r... Tk . rn Orant? . T Jr. rf it ia more road embroglio, ot which the end dor. t UUUgCVlwuu - do. yellow 67Vi- I ' . ' iAAfn. , i Viurtxm-rnahi oau dull: Bomnem bmi jjxkuvuv . . . , I A ...knurl n flf WniCn I.I1H UUU b I 1 iTTafO. 1 ifiAiia. P.nmlU odge of John to retire wnw back to that time, too. ana it T 7,7 and to show the tanTOttSi 'KSSa I r.'"' T.pnt thanlikelv bad Grant been nominated, seem to be yet, and to snow in I75 meau-shuiaer and clear xfr Wainfl retires ior the present than luteiy. uau ..l,,, ... :ia amnnff certain ISkViSiL naeked aBu. BaeoB-ihoaidera v? wi;iifL but will devote him- it would have taken aenmW ruX7 kt, to KSS2lSSs&' " tn nUlliDZ wires for then, and perhaps m nw wua 1 1--- " r" on I TnLbr'umnVvt BCli luwid w. - - " : ffc. Cnnf horn St.atA9. (irant wmcn We WOK UUCaawu w I r.r ;-t 1-7 V.trht. nnnh&nmri. RllCCeBB 111 Utliti uvuvuv.u I ... y-v I uvueijtuai" ' . a..j .:i;,l!nn arm I nirnrial in VeSieraSV B jtK,cu. xo- the next few years. 'JL -- talked well talked conciliation, ana eaiioriai hi j kw toM-Wheat-iewerand ciosinf dbs- GoveTcameron, of Virginia. gSSkTo well, especially with the There is evidently a lack ot accord at SSX Sensibly declines any public dis- men whohadmethiminbattle,andwere the head centra . MinS av or demonstration on the occasion captivated by his generous utterances. In this connection we occasion t oj. lay oraemousuouvu mmwu u!a frt ottpnt.inn to two editorial ex-, w.rtiW Ne. 8 48. Hops unchanged and duu. TOYS ! JMlTOYS ! :o: :o: very th ion "."w w utterances. In this connection we take occasion piay or ueuiuu. . " Zi" Haf hi. inattention to two editorial ex- of his inaueuration as uoveiuui. We naye Deiieveu u us v"-v ' w ... tt,z.. - - . . policy then, although he turned a com- tracts, one from the dsville Times, Silk culture is becoming a thriving &umeTSAulthen he went upon the other from the Wilson Advance, indnstrv in Louisiana. The mulberry J". - rival, which will give some idea of the cur- -zCHRISTMASi- trees are doing well, and the silk worms ld ;ursued af ter Mr.Arthurbe- rent of thought among the people, and are increasing in quality and numbers. Pre8ident, and that one of his the view they take of the discordant i, - . ... t..s.j mia. HffrnAs that Drevail and that jeop- zi q ma wnn (1 Dfi IO uuiiu uu au a"1"""" l a ' Mt,-ft r,artv in the South, which would radize the success of the party. liXCtb&wu Walter P. Williamson, ol lamoro, writes a communication to the Greens boro North State asking -why not im peach Gov. Jarvis?" Walter has blood in his eye for the Governor. There seems to be an explosive prin ciple in flour dust, which within the past few years has destroyed over 81, 000,000 worth of property, and scientists are trying to find out what it is? The State University of Virginia has received benefactions from citizens in various States of the Union amounting to $450,000, 8110,000 more than the total . annuities paid by the State of Virginia since 1865. enable them to hold the government without being absolutely depenaenu up on the solid North, which could never ted on with anv certainty, and which would be, perhaps, impossible without such assistants as John Kelly, whose timely aid has twice given them the State of New York, first for Ur- nell.then for Garfield. If a break can be made in the solid South, and several of these States be weaned away from their allegiance to the Democratic party, New York ceases tn ho a battle-eround to the extent sne has has been, and victories might be ithnnt her electoral vote. There T V V ia no doubt, either, that this movement has had its influence in shaping in some degree public sentiment, whicn is less ly active; e. s . nop? Snc?5ufs!t St,i. Coffee-unchanged and dull;, Wo 10-. Sugar- iMiiiIrt-' nfllruul flrt &CUTe. HO- S1mS will soon be upon us. ni.rhned and dull: doinettle fleece 8560; Texas 14ffi31. Pork-stUlTery dpU and nomina!- ly lower: ld mess if.uu; new uo dies dull and Jow: lopgclear9; ZZZinr, ai.t. sii.tiAASii.i& Freighta to Liverpool market :flrmea r- COTTOJi. A magazine in the oil region of Penn sylvania containing 1,300 pounds of , . unj loaf nroolr nnrl nitro-eivcenue wuiuucu n D . , ! lZgJ n, thro anreii near bv was prone ta look with aversion on such sDlintered. The earth trembled as if overtures than it would have been a shaken by an earthquake. few years ago. In some Southern jour- snaKe J - 4 nai wfi find exDressions like these from Mrs. Catharine Gruber, of Reading the jacon, Ga, Telegraph, which as- Tennsylvania, was falsely accused of serta tnat sectionalism is dead, and at- larceny, was arrested and discharged triDutes its death to investments in the for want of evidence, but the charge gouth by Northern men : prayed so upon her mind that she be- Wnere tne money is,there the heart is came violently insane. ai8o: and the millions which have been i anfl are Deing pcureu mi,u uui Augusta Chronicle: The power ol enterprises, coal and iron regions, waste . . i: .noTA in tho hands nnAa lnmhor Hinfrip.ta and COttOn faC- Th Weather.' ' . & Washington, Dec 17. Indications: Middle Atlantic States, warmer and fair weather, southerly veering to west erly winds, stationary or lower pleas ure, i neni uu. w au South Atlantic, slightly warmer and NoMoi:-Bteiyj fair weather, variable winds, generally WffitfBS shifting to soutneriy anu www fco: UIEast Gulf States, sligntly warmtt and fair weather, winds mostly easterly. nearly stationary preaaure. Westuuir taces,iair weaiuw, wuo mostly easterly, stationary temperature and pressure. . , Tennessee and the Ohio Valley, fair weather, southerly veering to westerly winds, stationary temperature, station ary or lower pressure. lie; good ordinary 10, net rwlpU 2,4 8; SSStj&ft. to Great 'Britain ; to contl- nsnt inn: ta jnance . rec-pu oaat- SiM 2.897: ealee 286: experte to Great Britain ; to continent , Biltthoo Quite ; nUdflllng llks; low mid dling 11 U; gooo ordinary aow; jeirece ip-j-. mu km 7 : aaies ; 47.928: export exports to ureal eoastwvw ; spinners 150; Britain ; w wwnnmn . BoffTOK-Quiet: middling 12ie: lew ng llw: good ordinary 10: nejreeelptt 279: 3 118: sales i 4,800; exports to great Britain : to Trance -. Wnnreroif-6trongi mWdilnii n3;iowid- MTOBM i ' : III IT WW loivovi WtwtM 8,186; to Great Britain ; to continent . PheUdzlfhU Quiet; Maann 100 gross jzi; J " ' v Zz7-Zt 2l)228. exports Great Britain ; to continent SiTAKsiH-Jlrm; middling llfte: low ntld Sm wJstwtse 1.109: to Great Britain 8.442; to srance -. w wiuuma . v.ra .atMn. mMillIn lllbe: low mta uTorUlWlO net reeelpU xpArw to Great Britain : to jwioe 6,43 1 , eoastwlse ; to continent 2.201. vr,im -Blirhur: mlddllna liuio; ww mraqiiDR A H mini stration Datronaee in the hands of a business man is almost omnipotent That is Arthur's stronghold. A suc cessful competitor must create popular tidal waves. Senator Kellogg says the Republicans will elect three or four Congressmen next time from that State, and that there is no need of a Mahone move ment. Kellogg is talking just, perhaps, to hear himself talk. An nrnn ion ore vafls in Europe that the French policy in Africa will result torles bring with them an amount or cood feeling'and awaken a kindliness never Deiore areameu ui iu uui trun cal philosophy. Taken disconnectedly there is no par ticular political significance in such ut terances, but it shows the advance nrViih has hppn made in the way of W A-A A V- wvr wv " obliterating sectional feeling, which has had so much to do in the past witn keeping the South solid on one side and the North solid on the other. Practical business questions have taken the place to a great extent of mere political ana Hotel rire 1st HcnpkU. Memphis, Dec 17th. The Peabody hotel caught fire this morning. The fire origmatea in tne uwuen uuiug breakfast hour, and the flamea commu nicated through a defective flue with the roof, in a very snon. uiue uw cu tire western portion of the building was on fire. After an hour's hard fight the fire was gotten under control. 1 ne prin cipal damage to the hotel will be from afor aithnnorh t.h kitchen Dantrv and servants' quarters are .oaoiy wrueu. 10e; Kooa fl,2ng kTST exnorts The hotel was filled with guests, and oss 200 5V03. xport. iL. i nm oroa rrtiwturAfi nv a. rm. i " UI6 MUUI Ul Ul imo.v.ivn.- r. eral rush trom tne ouuawj, xnwij pci A 1 4 1, n 4V,A1 AND We wou'd be pleased toThare you call and examine our BtocK or QOLIDAY GOODS. Our assortment of TAVC wsf selected f s neel&Uyfor the Be 1 J I O taU Trade, and comprtseVeyerytbtag New and Novel to interest tul that we know your wants.. It will be to your j raterest to examine our stock: Deiore purcnasug. -AL80- Fresh Fruits of all kinds, Nuts, Raisins, ' FIGS, 0ITE0IT, 0UEBAHT8, &c. We are now receiving orders for CHRISTMAS CAK.KS, ana U jou assu wjuiuig m line we would be glad to hare you can on u. - r .fc . gfc 1L BURGESS NICHOLS, F ALL IINkl or URNITUR i BEDDING, &G. a ruu, un osj Cheap Bedsteads, AXD LOUHOXa, Parlnr Ar f3inmr finfta. ''i oomxa a au Em ca wn. J wist nui mm. Y. T. BLACKWELL & CO. Durham, N. C. Unn&etarrt of the Original and Only Oennln OUR TOBACCO Our claim for merit is based, upon the fact that a chemical analysis proves that the tobacco ! grown in our section is better adapted to makcaGOOD.PUHE, j satisfactory smoke limn AXY j OTHER tobacco gioivn in the! world; and being situated in the HEART of this fir.e tobacco - nv-w i i rT-iTr -c eUTSJLAVIJ) AJ A-C, U t-.'l-VJ X AVil. Ul Ireciatc this; hence our 6ale:-jf! EXCEED the rroducts of AIb K the leading manufactories cW' M bined. jS"2.one f V, vi.V.- ilfO iear8 A trade-mark cf ila Sv.ll. S MMMMMSHWMPHwn winiunsfwnnRDa Mar221y Wn minnf APttlie OUT OWn CAKTJIXS dally, and can guarantee them FDRJE. .JEt See us for XMA8 GOODS by all means. D. M. RIGLER, SiJtterijes. decll sons carrying snouiaers their trunks on their A LeaMn to tbe Frcnr. 8tateTllle Landmark. TK ,Vnrf. nnttrkn ftrftn. onnasioncd bv the drought of last season, haa taught the farmers a severe lesson,and one that will, in all probability, be of great ser vice to them in the future. It is that too much commercial fertilizer will not nnl that fortillTITlO' WU.n RniDDOSl pay, uva buuu i;uiift ... r is proving more effective,, as well as much cheaper. Let the farmers begin now to make up their compost heaps ny-f troira' crftiu that t hflV mSV bfi thoroughly decomposed before the time the Frencn policy in ivirica win icaun iq a great cxteuu uj. ujco i iooruuKuijr uewmu a in a conflict with Germany, something abstract ones, and the Democrat of the arrives for depositing it m the ground. . . ii u rif nYtiant. fo if Cn.i)k nnA 'Ronnhlipan of t.hft North I v.ih UranoR would not object to if she felt herself in the condition for a brush with Bismarck. Some boys in blue-grassdom a few days ago sang "Hang Jeff Davis on a sour aDDle tree" and the old gentleman smiled. No doubt the boys thought he would get mad, but he smiled to en courage their vocal efforts. Rev. Henry Ward Beecher thinks that if Guiteau was "sane enough to or ganize the elements of a crime and ac complish it, he is sane enough to be hanged." There is a slight difference of opinion between Beecher and Gui teau on this point. Guiteau says he is sane enough for everything else, but not quite sane enough to be hanged. Mr. Frank Powell makes his saluta tory iu this week's Tarboro Southerner. In announcing his principles he states that the Southerner shall be a Demo cratic organ, so far as" the party shall confine itself to Democratic principles! and no further." Will be devoted to the cause of national progress, educa tion, immigration, &c. The returns of the last election in New Jersey made the Legislature 29 Democrats, 30 Bepublicansoind 1 Inde pendent, but a revise of the returns gave a seat to a Democrat instead of a Republican in one the districts, and last Monday a Republican member died, which now gives the Democrats 30, Re publicans 28, and l Independent. Wlfile Germany's population is annu allv increasing, that of France remains about stationary, the reason assigned being that while in Germany there are at least a half dozen children to a fami ly, in France there are but two or three. ' At this rate it is only a question of time 'when Germany will swallow France up. Wilmington Star: It you think it does not pay in the Northwest to plant tree?, and if you think walnut does not fetch a round sum, read the following which we clip from an exchange: A black walnut grove that was plan ted by a Wisconsin farmer about twen ty years ago on some waste land was recentlv sold for $27,000. The trees are now from sixteen to twenty inches through." Mr. Scoville makes the singular statement that not a single minister of any denomination has made the first effort to bring Guiteau to repentance.lt seems strange that ii Guiteau has a soul there is not one among the number who would trylto save it. Perhaps they think that hanging will not be a sufficient atonement fori the assassina tion of a President and that be ought to be damned to meet the requirements of the case. South and ReDublican of the North find themselves thrown together in the work of material progress ; ere long both will find themselves parting with some of their extreme notions and coming to irfit.hpr to Dromote objects in which n - - they have a common interest. Shrewd Republican politicians recog nize this fact and will endeavor to turn it to advantage, hence the friendly leg islation suggested by some, such as the abolition of the war taxes, appropria tions for education in the South, im provements in the Mississippi river, etc, all of which.while they have merit, have a political motive at the bottom of them and a political significance. What the result of all this is going to be. is. of course, still a problem which the future must solve, but its success I or failure depends in no small measure upon the course persued by those who havft the Democratic Dart? in their keeping, that is, the men who shape the policy of that party. GOV. TAttCK AM trAB. The Wilmington Star ot a recent date contained' an article under the head of "War," with all that the term implies, and which undertakes to de fend Gov. Vance in bis position on the railroad question. The article , begins with what pretends to be a quotation from Scott, as follows: to Great Britain wmnmro Firm: mtddllng lUfee receipts 4,mT shipments 1,926; sales 2,260: stock 97.412. AtJWBTA-Bteady ; mlddllnt 10o ; low m dltni TlWfee! good ordinary lOo; receipts 1.494. hlpnwnt : sales 785. ChaRLKSToK Firmer; mlddUnfl ie lomJ dun lKtee: good ordinance net reeMnt. 2.R49: cross ; sales 6,000; stoek i l.ooo. exports eoastwlse urea n -, to continent ; to France ; to channel Nw Yori -Cotton nommal;sales 452;mWdng . - ..... ..iuiin. ArlMiu 12 R-IBc: con- nP""? Av:- " r." ot aoaTTTTrtk xa Great Britain 7.B01: to France 6,488; to continent 2.901; to channel . nMrfllnv nnlands LITUIfwb nwu : , - rnn. S&ejrS SSflSSi KSu'EKI; December ana January muu " - 615-I6d; July and August 631-3237 31-3-Jd. I in.T,.t nii antmber . Futures nrm. 22 DBBG8, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, LAMP GGOD8, SEGARS, TOBACCOS, &c, Ac. rUTUBBS. JUST Ef celved, a full and select line of Per lumerles and Perfumery Cases, oiogne Bot tles, Ac Toilet Powder Bouges, Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Brushes of all kinds, Combs, &c., and a full line ef all goods usually found In a flrtlass Lrug Establishment. Careful attention Rhen the preparation of pre- Pmi? ?h nnbllc will, as heretofore, extend me a share of th-lr patronage. Care will In even in stance be given the pre paction and dispensing or all mertlrines for which demands are made, and satisfaction In every m every In sUnce gua'anteea, by W. P. MARVtH. ig't. & CO. declO t eX V Particular Notice. 411 the drawings will hereafter be wndwr the ex clusive super ldlon and contr-uJ of ftEKKRALS . T. BlSAUKKG AtiD aud JUBA.L. A. ElBLY. DIEND OPPOBTTJNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE BUT10N, CLiAda A, FIRST GRAND DK-TRI-AT NEW OttLEANd, Bales 1CUU ivoouu - v who, when water gets scarce, refill the tion, await the pleasure of Providence on the ram question. Nkw Tokk Futures closed barely steady. 179 000. 12-96 86 i a.oeffl o7 13.1H.17 18.266)27 12.570 59 11.8331.85 11.65a 87 musemietxts. Hew liter FJo In Kentucky, Coorler JoumaL According to a Boston journal, while the pious people were pointing morals over an Arkansas man who was strick en with paralysis for cursing uie .uoru January t xTT ttatto tt for not sending rain, the papers brought February OPERA HOUSE. news of a Maine deacon who was visit- Mar n 12.82e 88 w ed in the same way while praying long;-";;,; rain. Maine ana Arsansas measnuum i June. learn a lesson from the Kentuckians, July.. September October November.. ONE NIGHT ONLY! Petition Grsutted Nashvixi.e,Teitn Dec. 17. The Su preme Court to-day granted the petition of the State Funding Board to have ad vanced on tne docket a mouon oi me board to dissolve an injunction against the funding of the State debt at par at 3 FINANCIAL. KW TORI. Exchange,-.- Government weak-- New 6's. Four and a half per cents,. Four per oenw ey,. 4.80 1.021 1.1448 1-18 836 Thursday, December 22nd, 1881. DENMAN the funding of the State debt at par at 3 Tennessee...- - ..n,,. L.-TH TT O M P S O Nl- Urcenttaterest wiUxcouwnsreceiv- -1 XX U iVl r O W 11- aDie ior i I ni.. .n MtA wki "Tbe war for a season which did fall, Now trebly thundering shook the gale." . The editor of the Star is usually very accurate, but in this instance he has missed the mark widely. In the sixth canto of Scott s Marmion, 32d stanz?, occur these words: itrmA waa tit at fr a rwv AA ffltl Now trebly thundering noetted the gale." WASHINGTON, Dec. tl'-S? (S'nl mirand BMgJ. gleton and Chalmers, of JOmmtg. Now, if the defense of Gov. Vance by our esteemed cotemporary is not more to the point than is his attempt to quo.te Scott's poetry, he must pick his flint and try it again. Gov. Vance neeas no defense at our hands. That he is on the wrong side of the railroad question we have really and truly believed, but we have not thought it necessary to even insinuate that he has been actuated by any but the purest motives. He. more than all other public men in the State, is responsible for the sale of the Western North Carolina Railroad to the Best syndicate, with Fisk, Tap pan and Grace thrown in for good meas ure, but we did not then, nor do we now, imnnts dishonest motives to him. He has probably made a breach in the Dem ocratic party in this State that may be hard to patch up, but that was his misfortune. Governor Jarvis is now ranged on one side and Got. Vance on the other, while a good many people who acknowledge allegiance to the Democratic party are crying out: "Every fellow for - himself and the devil take theliindmAsL" 7 p We shall be very glad if the railroad war shall be remanded to the shades of A ' ' AV ' Ilk. ' A.A.1 ODScumy oeiore anotner pouticM, ratue Uke place between, the two contending parties,because without har mony, unity ana coBcertioi cuon bv order of the court come up for hear ing on the ntn or January. FauU Inanasutwss Tf 17 The dams near Al v.o fimm T?Aiiwav nave Durst and the ilneis flooded. Many UvesthaTe been lost by the mnnaawon ana bbtmiu vessels in the coasting-trad have foun dered. - " "j ; ba t,BM m miiiv' eontraeted: so are eotds. andboth.are very hard V ot,,. The eelde are qulcuy anasnreiycurea ui -ui. wu, syrup. - va Throat Diseases sat Caci-MBreva,s Bronchial Troches.'' Qke eH ether. teaHy good thin am imitated, and TtmSissetf enoold be earetul to obtain Uie genutaeartleie prepared by John L Brown Ions. ,:i - "I've lived and lored." said an unhappy old maid. "When I was young. Dr. Benson s cam Cure, for tetter, eczema, and plMples ouiae race. was not to be bought AS I nan a rougn biou, kept out of company and am -now aa old maid. Lone Jack. Mo.. Sept 14, 1879. I hate been using Hop Bitters. "4'haw weelr- i Alabama-Class A, 2 to 5 Alabama uiass a, buiw ' a .riu. R. R'n Awnuw v..." i Aiabama-Oass C, 4's. Chicago ana runnwrowm. ........ .. Cnicsgo and Northwestern preferred, Bast Tennessee I&nol Central. Lake Shore ..... i LoulsvUle and NashvUls Memphis ana tiumwwu Nashville and Chattanooga, i. New York cwnirai Rlchmood and Allegheny Blcnmona ana ajuutiuv Bock Island Wabash, 8c Louts VHtAt..- Wabash, 8t Louis & Pacific pref err'd Western union. - CITY COTTON MABXET. 1U 1.00 128V4 1.89 48 15 1 ttfl 1.81 11 Ms 105 76 87 186 1.88 42 1 KO 1.33 88 78 85 -AS- JOSHUA W H I T C O M B Supported by the tame Company which has ap peared with him during 219 NIGHTS IN CBICA60. 1 k KTrtHTS TO SIW TOHK CITY. 103 NIGHTS IN SANFBANCISCO akd ELEVEN WEEKS IN BOSTON. HOW DR. C. W. BENSON'S ICKLEBY AND CHAMOMILE PILLS Build up the nervous system and positively cure Sick Headacne. Nervous Headache. Neuralgia, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and Dyspepsia. It ha been troved that they successfully ward oft all danger of Paralysis, Apoplexy and Sudden death. Their effect uion tbe Nervous System is some thini wonrtftrful. and there is no wonder that thousands of people avail themselves ol such a valuable remedy, while It may be found, In these days of Nervous Diseases. The simplicity ana purity of these pills are at once in their favor, as they do not physic. Paralytics that have not walked for two years hftvn hfiftn full? restored by these pills, and tnou sands of cases of Nervous Weakness perfectly mired, while the cases of fclck and Nervous Head ache and Neuralgia that they have cured are In nnmf.rfthle each year and add to their popularity, Tnn mnh cannot be said In their favor, for while they cure these terrible Nervous Diseases, they also tmnrove t he eer.eral health, and especially ine complexion and skin, and Invariably Improve the digestion. Sold by all druggists. Price 50 cents a box. De pot, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for $1 or six boxes for $2.50, to any address. DR. 9, W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1882. 140tU MONTHLY DRAWING. Louisiana State Lottery t Compy. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000.000 -to which a reserve fund of $.s50,000 has since been added By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBKB DrawUs will take place monthly. It never scales or poatpouea. Look at U follow ing msiriDunon : CAPITAL PRIZB, $30,000. 100.000 Tickets at Two Dollars Each. HaU Tickets, one Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES; 1 Capital Prize f 30,000 1 i apiwn rrizo 1 Cartitdl Priee K OOO 2 Prizes of $2.500 fi.OOO r Prims of l.onn Fumn 2n Prizes of Ron lo.oon 1 flO Prlzea of lOn.. If) 00ft 200 Prizes of 50 10,000 ROO Prizes of yft lO.niH) 1,000 Prizes of 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 82.700 Approximation Prizes of 200 1.800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 le Warranted to Cura ECZEMA. TITTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, g ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, 5 mac ABES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCSnUprtof the Tt TnnVna thm akin white, aoit ana amooui tan and freckles, and la tha BEST toilet ttttb WORLD. Eletrantly pat up. two bottle la on passage, oonairtiug of both, internal and axtero&l treatment. All flrt ola drugaiata oave It. Trloeei.perpackaffa. 1857 Prizes, amounting to $1 10,400 PaannnalhlA MrreannnrHmr novnta vranfAY All . .! V-...t. '.U vv. . ft vuu.ug u....w ..uuvwh u " points, to whom llbeml compensation will be paid. . ..-.1. 4.. . ....... rl.. .. .....n nlnn.ln I . . I . . . . ...11 Rddress. Rend orders by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mall, addressed only to New Orleans. Louislans. or M. A. DAUPHIN, at . No. 212 Broadway, new York, The particular attention of the Publlo is called to the fact that the entire number of the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing is sold, and conse quently all tbe prises in each drawing are sold and drawn and paid. ceo its a ,3 39th POPTJUtB MONTHLY DRAWING OF TEE 11M. iii. 10 10 90)10 ed freat benaflt from them ior HYercompiauiw " malarial fever, medicines. They are superior to au other jr. aa. BAiwaa . m nn nn IVUlTD aiVWra It youthful color and lustre by the nse otFajers Hair Balsam, an elegant dressing, admired for Its purity and rich perfume. PERSONAL. Dear Bro Meek. KL "The Central Jfatbod tot." I see In the last "Central" that yon want a reme dy for stek headache. If you that you advertise in your paper every wwk. I am sure you will be greatly wbMfli Je.1J J.T J believe, cured. 1 have been a sufferer from sIcK tHedevery wmedyleouidi get, and never ound anything to do me any good until I used Simmons Liver Regulator, prepared by J. H . ZelllB i .Co . I feel for any one that aufiers with that terrible dls- and i nope-rou win Sw ,3. Brownsville, w. Va. cleton and Cnalmera, ci wmibbjith uouy, unity wu. cuatwMuu called at the postoffice epartmenli to- am0ng Democrats, v e $uaU BtrusfRle in day and uied the restoration 01 we at the next electlonWe tell the Sanflower rlrers. ; ib? :.-- BIN6UAS1 SCHOOL, ISTBWSHgD JM 1793. " MEBANEVILLE, It. 0,, 13 PHE-BMI'HHHT Among Southern Boarding School for hova in ass. numbers and area of of patronage. - Meaalnr club fc .at a ' mile trom Baneeke foryooegmen 01 mall means. The 176th session be clne January 11th. 1882. I'or eata- fcgue gttmc lull Ptlcnl. adew . eel7 tt ' j copermteiidenL "FOR SALE. a -tr.ln.vi. tw raalrtntlfW WlthlQ R UlUteS ja a buubuw : vaaw - . - - " . Ornci of Th Obshbtbr. 1 Charlottx, December 19, 1881. f Th market yesterday closed steady at the follow ing Quotations: flood Middling..-. Strictly middling, Middling. Btnet tow mraauus. Low middling. I Hinges. Storm cotton....- gef yesterday 248 bales. Cksvrlatta J?rai Maarlaeii. DXOEMBBt 18, 1881. BTJTTNG FBIOSS. CoM.perbash'l..... IUUL. " WBKAT, " . 9K, EV) Bkams, white, per bushel doiiOO PAa.Cla,pertbn.h. 0J;0g T. 4.&5a4B0 KSa. Super .-r-1 tiitiiim ........ Oats, shelled. "'" Dbixd Fkujt Apples, per m... Peaches, peeled... " TJnpeeled. .,,... Blackberries POTATOaS SwooC . Irish... , : BU'i'taan- Norta Carolina... ?ruen..... HRS. LYDU L P1NKR1H, OF LYNN, MASS. Music by Our 0m Orchestra. 85 90 aaaa, nj awnvrpf Chlckene .Drtng a no 4lfca6 1520 7al0 Ba5 7K 1.00 15a20 25 Insecure your scats at the usual places; prices as usual, dec 17 5t - ' EnsalemeDt Extraordinary! 1 t OPERA HOUSE. Monday Evening, December 11. Snriu DOCKS Turkeys, per lb.. ;trrIXlr,," 21al6 f - Baw.per Ih-ipet... MDTTOai. per ut linn - 25a80 a6 8a9 SELLIKQ IICWHOJJ53AL. iialflW lZal& STTLK MaASS- ' ' Clear rib etdee.... Frime BW....-.-. waite. xeiiow r. v. j. puiiM. the well known metropolitan aager of Qrst-clai attractions and genetaj ad slng agent otW?C Coup's monstee stoowand first appearance In Charlotte of the phenomenally pVwertulTOUNa KKGLlhH TKA&1D1E&NK, CLAIRE SCOTT, , Supported by a most excellent company, carefully ' selected from the standard theatres of New York dpleT I 'AYORITS AMIRlCAN S. K. CQBURN. MfrS SCOTT will appear In the title role of Victor nogv pcaicH tmuuu. S In the City of LoulsTQle, on SATURDAY, DECEMB5R31.1881. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays eicept- provisionB 01 an a.c ml uio " I Aril nrwlAr sembly ol Kentucky. 81. Tna TTnitmi fltatea circuit Court on March rendered the following decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution CTir pany Is legal. ad its oawings are tair. , The Company has now on hand a large reaervs rand. Read the list of prizes for tbe DECEMBER DRAWING. 1 Prize 1. Prize, 1 Ttta in Prizes. 81. 000 each 20 Prizes. R00 each 1 DO Prizes. 1 00 each 200 Prizes, 50 each ROO Prizes. 20 each IUUO tnzes, iu eacn 9 Prizes, 8300 each. Approximation Prizes $2,1 a Prizea. 200 " " ' " l.ft"n Q Prima. 100 " " " " WJ 830,000 10.000 5.000 10.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 12,000 io.oou av.a LUCRETIA BORGIA. CuDa, ...... ...,.....v .. j 1119 BUMrmmm ...... v' - within IS minutes J ; Sugar synnv.". v walk of imblfe square. For para H. BAILXx or, fUA-x . t I Biur...... .......... ( ."'""..f-f thft'deleeaUon showed that by transferrlnjf the ser vice from the steamboats to the rail roads, that better worn was ueius v tormed at greatly reduced rates. Star nlainlf that We cannot Have this! b afinony if leading ;onrnaia like s it shall persist in its course in 'defending Vance by Seating down Jarvis and those who side with him.' It may 1 to i tomeys. norzu in oeeio i FOUND. ;ORRNCK. A a M rmT v m-m er-- - i IP Tl 8aTL' Liverpool fine . . . Corni per gaUaoi ; ;&le&e gaflon....... ..43.00a8.00 T"eachlftx, n f....,... 82.50 Wiaa,8emnon, per gallon. $1.50 f'fOal. 2K "-it .... ,..a poas.po In which she Is absolutely without a auooessfal rival. 'The- pres la. unanimous In pronouncing her the greatest of atf "Lucrettas." and also that be Is Indeed "tne oovalcg woman" of the tragic WARDROBES MAGNIHCKN1MN TlXTURB . jfifru&iCALLf cqaREC. ky Prices as usual; rest red seats secured at th MeSmltli nnate store and the Central Hotel cigar stand. neeio LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND. . Is a Positive Cure for all fcaaa Palafal Oplalata aS Waafcaaaaaa aa aaaaaa (arar mm iwan Tt win mit anttreiv tha worst form of FamaJa Coca . Vn lYwmmAmi. T-"-"-" and TJloara tion, railing; and Dlaplacamenta, aad tha eoaatqasaS Spinal Waakaaa, aiu) a putjouwy aoap jo m (n'n ol life, Tt wiri llualM and aniel tnmorf trosi tha tttaW fai an aarty sta-eof development. Tha tendency to easy arena humora thereto checked very epeeauy oj m aee, It ramoTM taintneaa, flatulency, deatroysaU eraving rft,i.nt. ...a MllaTaa waakneat of the atoiaaeh. It enrea Bloating, Beadachaa, Nervous Prostration, General DebUlty, uiuuiiiamiia , gestlon. That faaUng of bearlnf down, eanstng pain, valglit .fhInWoW ia alwava nennaae&tty cored by lta tua. ItTrlIatalltlTrtrfr nirmiiMtMiaefii i.ii h tliala-a-a that mTTirrn tht funalt sTatam - Trirtka enreot Kidney Complain ta of attbar tax this Qomponnd la nnaorpaaaed. I.WLA JL P1BI1U1 AlFB VEGKTABTJE MX POCMDis prepared at its and S Waatarn Avanaa, tynvasaRieatL fix bottlea forts. BentbymaU In the form of pills, also lata form of losenges, ea ; receipt of price, tl per box for either. KraFiakbaa freelyanswert aU letters of Inquiry. Bend for pamph. at, Adjlrsas as above. MaUion tXU rapt. Ha family ahornM be without LYDIA X. mXHAJTl UTEB FILLS. They core constipation, billouaaesia and torpidity of the llrer. ts cents per box. Sold by all Druggists. -a. 100 1,960 Prl?e ...8112400 Whole TlcJceU. S3; Half Tickets, 81; 37 Tickets. &u; ne ncxeis. eiuu. . Remit Monav or Rank Draft in Letter, or sena bj Express. DON'T 8 END BY MGISTKW'i LETTER OB PO8T0FFIC8 ORDER. Orders or S5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense, aaareas au oraers to BV M. BOARDMAN, Coorteisjoumal BuUa"J Louis vUla, Ky., or 809 Broadway New Tort.. aec4 To the Stockholders OF TH "NORTH STATE COPPEB AND iiOLf MTNIKG COMPANY": TAKE NOTICE An assessment of FIVE CEN T3 f JtR SHARE was, by resolution ot the Bo. of Directors of the above companj (passed on n 8rd day ot December. 1 88 1 .) le vlnl upon U m' omee oi me company, noom iu, .l,rther street, Baltimore cl&, Maryland; and It was furt n RjtsoLTKD.lhat notice of this assessment given to the stockholders ot the compsnj 'by aaw Usement In Ite American and of Baini ro' city, and CHaKLOTra obsibtkb, of North Caro'i" once a week for four succeerfve wetks prey to the day of payment; and upon the failure ot aw stockholder to pay such assessment oii or w'" the said 12th day of January. 1 8H2, sM l stcc any part thereof upon which said assessmeDtsu remain unpaid, as aforesaid, shall be and ben; U declared forfeited tot the benefit ofThe C0H" JOSEPH WILKIN3, secretary. President dec9 oaw4w