LOCAL MATTERS. SUNDAY. DEC. 18, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY, MASQlTia KHiJuxi Lodob Ma 81, A. if. ft a. L Bwgalar meeting every second and fourth Monday nlghte, Kxcklaiob Lodsb No. 261, A. F. & A. M. Bet ular meeting every first and third Tnoertsy nights. CEiBLom CHArnn Na 80, B. A. K. Begular meeting every second and fourth Friday nlghta. CHABLom CoiaiAjn) ast Na 2. r T TUnnlar meeting every first and third Thursday. ZKZ. OF n. khtshtb of HoNoa Regular moating mo econd and fourth Thursdays. OF 1? o'clock p. m. at Knights or ftthhs. Regular meeUnc nhihta J9, 4 Drst and third Wednesdays, sonic lempie uau. I. O. O. IT. CHABLom Lodob Na 88. Meets every Moa- day night, Mxcxlbkbitbs Dbclajutiow Lomi Ma B Meet every Tuesday nlghL Dixib Lodob Na 108. Meetvery Thursday ulgiit. Catawba Rttbb Kmcaxpmbbt Na 21. Meets lrst and third Thursday nlghta in each month. Tbe Ch arches ToDr, Young Mkm's Cbtustiam Asbooutiom Devo tleaal exercises In the afternoon at 4ft o'clock. Bt. Pxteb's Catholic Chubch. Services In the morning at 10ft o'clock, and In the afternoon 4ft by Kev. L. P. O'ConneU. priest. 8t. Pbtbb's Episcopal, Causes. Services tn the morning at l o'clock and In the evening at 7 o'clock, oy Eev. J. B. Cheshire. Sunday school at 8ft o'clock. KIR8T PrBSBTTSBIAB CHtTBOS. 8errtCM In thO morning at 1 1 o'clock and In the evening at 7ft by Kev. Or. A. W. Miller, pastor. Sunday school at 4ft o'clock. Baptist Chcbch Services in the morning at 1 1 o'clock and in the evening at 7 o'clock, by the pa-tor, Rev. Theo. Whltfieid. Sunday school at 9ft o'clock a. m. Tbton Stbsxt (M. X.) Cbtjbch. Serrtoes In the morning at 11 o'clock, bv Hot. J. T. Bagwell, and in thft evening at 7 o'clock, by Bev. N. M. Jurnej. Sunday school at 8ft o'clock. Prayer meeting at 7ft Wednesday evening. Associate Rxpobitkd Pbbsbttbbiah Chapbu Services In the morning at 1 1 o'clock, and In the evening at 7 , by bev. W. T. Waller, pastor. Sun day school at 1 0 o'clock. Caltabt Mission Chubch (Mbthodist.) 8er ces in the morning at 11 o'clock by Bev. Dr. attoon, and In the evening at 7ft by Kev. Dr. vices Mattoon Lawrence. Sunday Meeting at 4 p. m. school at 0 a. m.; Class- Colobbtj Pbbsbttkbias Chvbch. 8ervlces In the afternoon at 8 o'clock and In the evening at 7ft by Rev. Mr, Wyche, pastor. Sunday school at 1 1 o'clock a m. index to New AdTcrtlMesmeaM. HVgraves & Wllhalm Grand 1 isplay. A. J Beall 6 Co-Corn and OrtU. T. L. Mtg'e Co -The last Week a lexander & Harris Christmas Goods. Photograph frames at Tan Megs' Gallery. Christmas Goods at Rddtna Book Store. K. D. Latta Bro Christmas Novelties Waiter Brera Strayed. Wanted Address "8. ' BUSINESS NOTICES. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and In discretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay oss of manhood, Ac., 1 will send a recipe that will cure you. KKXk of CHABGK. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. bni a sell-addressed envelops tc tne bbt. JOfcEPH T. In MAN, Station D, New York city. - To promote a vigorous growth of the hair, use Parker's Hair Balsam, it restores the youthful color to gray hair, remove dandruff, and cures tchlng cf the scalp. Who is Mrs. Wlsilow t As this Question Is freauently asked, we will aim ply say that she is a lady who for upwards of for ty years, has untiringly devoted her time and tal ents as a Female Physician and nurse, principally among children, she has especially studied too constitution and wants of this numerous class. and. as a result oi this effort, and practical knowl edge, obtained in a lifetime spent as nurse and physician, she has compounded a Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It operates like magic giving rest and health, and is moreover, sure to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this ar ticle. Mrs. Wlnslow is becoming wortd-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children e? rtalnly do rise up and bless her; especially is this the case In this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are dally sold and used here. We think Mrs. Wlnslow has Immortalized her name by this In valuable article, and we sincerely believe thous ands of children have been saved from an early, grave by its timely use, and that millions yet un born will share its benefits, and unite In calling her blessed. No mother has discharged her duty to her suffering little one, in our opinion, until she has given it tne neneni oi juts, winsiow-s Bootaing Try it, motners try it now. iaaiea- visi- SrruD. tor. New York City, cents a bottle. Sold by ail druggists. 25 Absolutely Pure. Ttiis p wis r never varies. A marvel of purtty. strength and wholesomeness More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold to competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders, sold only in tana, luff ALT BAKING POWDBB CO., TJ5v23 New York. LeRoy Davidson, Sole Agent, Charlotte. N. C ly There arc nine prisoners in the jail at present all county prisoners ex cept one. IST The force engaged on the water works glret lower Trade street a lively appearance. IST The time draws nigh for the dram drinker, smoker and chewer to do his annual swearing oft, BTMr. T. T. Smith, agent of the con solidated railways at: this place, last week visited the Atlanta Exposition. Hf At a meeting of the Fleas are Club held Friday night Mr. W. C. Max well was elected president, tfc Mr. A. L Smith, resigned. t3T The Observer staff returns thanks to the management of the At lanta Exposition for an invitation to be present on editor's day. GST A German was given Friday evening at the rooms of the Pleasure Clubby Mr. J as. Osborne complimen tary to Miss Baldwin, of Montgomery, Ala. EFT" Clarke Hall has pitched a tent on the classic Catawba, and is devotinghis talents to hunting and fishing. He will likely turn up in the city by the 25th, which we may have due occasion to notice. t37""Dnink and disorderly is the pre vailing complaint in the city court. Three or four cases were disposed of yesterday by fine of 45 for each offense, while several parties failed to put in an appearance to answer for similar sins. BTMessrs. E. D. Latta A Bro. make an announcement in our advertising col umns this morning that will be of in terest to those wishing anything hand some in their line. The reputation of the house renders commendation un necessary. 3F"Mr. Geo. D. Allen, formerly of the firm of Spencer & Allen, of this city, will next Thursday sail from New York for Nassau. He will spend the winter months in Nassau, Cuba and the Bahama Islands the land of perpetual summer. fJTPink Crow, convicted at the pres ent term of the United States court of selling liquor without license, and sen tenced to one month's imprisonment, was yesterday taken to Cleveland coun ty and placed in jail. He is said to be but about 18 years old. t3TThe lawyers had somewhat of a monkey-and-parrot time in the federal court yesterday, on the McD. Mclntyre and Thompson ease. The whole day was taken up in its consideration, and it will be present at the opening of the court Monday morning for further ac tion. tW It is asserted on good authority that more people on their way to At lanta have stopped over in Charlotte from along the Carolina Central Bail way than from all the other reads combined. The exposition has in this way materially benefitted Charlotte, as every through passenger stopping in the city contributes to the business of the town to a geater or less extent. Httnrs v Excnrlitt. A portion of the excursionists that went to Atlanta Tuesday arrived in the city yesterday evening, and the re mainder, except a few who returned several days ago, will not return until Monday. The two trains which left Charlotte Tuesday night were boarded by parties at different stations along the line, and by the time of arrival at Atlanta had the largest crowd that has yet gone from the up country. Dositk ! Cksta. Talk. Intelligence was received in this city yesterday to the effect that Mr. Chas. Talbott, of Richmond, Va, died sud denly at his home in that city Friday night The deceased gentleman was senior member of the firm ef Talbott & Sons, prominent machinists of Rich mond, and by reason of his extensive and successful business was well- known throughout the country. The branch house of the firm in this city was closed yesterday and appropriately draped. JLaetfcor AUsusua Cist. As several applications have been made at The Observer office for club rates to Atlanta, it has been decided to open a register for a club to leave this place next Tuesday night at 10:45. par ties desiring to go can enter their names and thus secure the lowest rates to be bad, provided a club of fifty is formed. This will in all likelihood be the last effort to raise a olub, as it is not proba ble that many will wish to go to Atlan ta from this place during to holidays. It has been a custom of Tax OBsxfc ritEttaaatttipmsat taisisac&tk ct the close of each year, and just before tne Christmas holidays, to give its ad vertising patrens the benefit of notices calling attention to the special Unas of goods which they may be -prepared to offer to the trad daring the holidays, Miss Claire Scott, the jogs Ytf4 tctrtiJ with, hef e&a pany, will appear at the dpSra house to-cnorrew night. In Atlanta, Augusta and cities of the Southwest, her acting has recsi ved the tppreral of the critics; the support Is said to he good, and the costumes elegant.,. The Augusta Cew- ttitutloruaut has the following notice will make a moteof the spedalttes in of her -Borgia -Thejrta which ComSiSSI 83 SnlcSiSIS, USM MWVUejw ewe ISP Awmwmwmm -""- Victor GENERAL FEED DEALERS their lines, as it will facilitate the re porter in the discharge of this duty. A portion of our advertisers, if not all, wlU be visited to-morrow with this Tiew. IBM Street Commissioner Hunter has re cently made much-needed improve ments at a number of places on our streets by putting in stepping-stones and otherwise improving the crossings. At the following points werk in this line has recently been done: Corner Fifth many anxious to hear her in Hugo's great play, with all its accom paniments of terror and denouement of grief. Miss Seott is an actress who improves on acquaintance. She is a woman of striking personnel and im posing stage presence. Her voice is strong and full at times a little harsh; and her manner impassioned and force ful. Miss Scott in her cast of acting is not unlike Mme. Jananschek, and we trust to see her fill the mould of the queen of tragedy in time. There were moments last evening when Miss Scott CHARLOTTE, II. C. awSMBM WE HAYE NOW ON HAND: JUST BXCXrVKD, 01TOeCAB LOAD i r l lwirpaMeaL and Graham. Graham and Eleventh, Sixth and Poplar. Fifth and Poplar, I showed real power-rher interview with Seventh and College, and C and Fifth. I her lord for the forfeited life, and her Improvements have also been made in the bed of North Tryon and West Trade streets, by adding broken rock where the streets have become rough. Other needed improvements will seon be made at different points in the city. supplications in the face of the gleam I ing dagger for her own existence." aflovor "Jty ngniiw OXM Y07X tholaaigoosap from IN Of taajMfi: AsJttesj torsy A bill was introduced in the Virgin ia Legislature Thursday by which it is proposed to allow the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company to pay its indebtedness to the State of Virginia, being? a balance of $420,000 on a loan made to the road under an act of 1863. The proposition is to pay the debt by transferring the bonds or certificates of indebtedness of the State, held by the company, at par; when the full in debtedness is satisfied, the State to re lease the mortgage, security or other specific lien which was executed by the company when the indebtedness was contracted. is simple, and faU ef hope. SO Of J Ufa atUktl for Banar The ae- ef hone, one to rHooBtttenwmaiakattJOBaM raoy, BvrigMty,a4 she strut, 331? $Avtxti&txxtutx J QQQ BU8HXLS OT NXW WXFT2 COKN. 2 BABBXLS OT FXABL obits. J GAB LOAD BRAN, CAB LOAD COBS and PXA KZAL BIXXD, 1CAB LOAD PATAPSCO PATMTT PBOCX89 IXOUB. 2 CAB LOADS TDfOTHY HAT, -urn- WILL GLADLY QUOTE PRICES m OUR BUSINESS WILL BE POSITIVELY CLOSED BY- jFJXTSKVjjim.'W 1st, 12. X: And in order to dispose of the balance of our stock during this tb'?If concluded to OTFEBGREAT SACRIFICES. Do not fail to take advantage f this important sale. We offer extraordinary bargains in BOYS' AND MENS1 CLOTHING. BT Pot sale at my residence-one Crimson Parlor Set, Waliiut Bedroom SetTone Handsome Walnut Sideboard, Two Poplar Bedroom Sets, Centre Tables, and general household furniture. Possession given at once. . dee a H. MORRIS & BROS. AUCTION SALE ! ! ! RODDICK & CO., TRYON STREET. lii order lodfM oat tbeboiaaoe of oar stock we wUloSer all our FANCY GOODS and TIN WABB at AUCTION, ON ClMwky- L Hirschburg, formerly of this city, but now of Wilmington, last week visit-1 ed the races at Charleston, and on his arrival deposited with his landlord a I roll of bills amounting to 952a When he called for his money the landlord handed him a package containing a lit tle over 9100, which Ike refused to receive. Thereupon the landlord blandly gave the information that it might be well for him to take it, as the proprietor ef that hotel was not worth anything, and he could not recover if he succeeded in getting a judgment. The matter was placed in the hands of a lawyer. Ceatarr sel u NlcfceIOM The Century for December comes full-freighted with choice literature ; and resplendent with gems of art, em bracing no less than seven copiously illustrated papers, besides the usual variety of entertaining miscellany, poe try, editorial, etc. The magazine is fully up to its standard, and cannot fail to find a welcome with its large num ber Of readers. The holiday number ef St. Nichola comes with a full-page Santa Clans on the cover, full of the brightest writing for children, and with illustration of an excellence no other child's magazine even attempts. The letter press of this number is of more than usual excellence. Fine Neck Furnishings, BXCLUBTVB DB9X8BS, MADS TO OUB OBDBB, Jajt oat by Xxpreu for tfee HOLIDAYS. accbptablb CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, Cardijm Jackets, Plash, Otter til Seal Stin Gaps. tar We thaUeage ertUeism ta ear Beaatiral Uplay ot IMPOBTJtD SILK SUM esmfcCHIXIS, three gUat ease esrimauif espial? Fewlgn Pre doeaea. We desire the attention et all wbeee taeOaatteo is to make "ethers hawoy" la the ebete at Servteeable Christmas Presents. . a. n. iii deelt latta bbo. DO IT fin BOTH THX WHOLXBALB and BIT ATX TBADB. tV Bespeetroll solldOng a share of foar patronage, we are respeetrnDr, deel8 A. J. BBALL a CO. VALUABLE FAKM FOB SALE NEAR HUNTERS YILLE T WTT.T, nil si fhm eotrrt hooam ra Charlotta. on X 8ATTJBDAT, DXCBMBBB 81st, that Valuable cotton rarm. near uontenviue, . u, on wnwn Adam Bteohoase new resides. This Is eonsUered one of the best eotton farma m this eoanty, eon talnlnc 209 acres, well watered and within less than one asOe ef the A.. T. A O. Railroad, and within lea than three miles of the depot atHun- tarsvuie. Terms U eash.tbe other Darmeritslnstx. twelve and eictateea mdntbe. with Interest at eight per cent. , . This land ean De hoognt at pmam saw any ttme before day of tale. l. H. neADJUi, deeStds Agent for Sawyer. Wallaes & Co. A GOOD mvESTUEirr ! Suited to the Wants of Old and Young! Attractive to the Home and Fireside I 8EXD P0B A TEAK'S 8UBS0BIPTIOT. 90 THAT CHAKVfRO And WeTl-EsUbllshed Magazine of literature, Science, Art, History, Biography, Travel, Adventure, and General Information, AT HOUE AND ABROAD, NOWlSSCSD AT CHABLOTTB, K. 0. ! I The Attraetlens for the Kew Tear ' have been Prof. Von and, Th. D , wUL from time to time, Con Friday, December Id , Bale to eommenee promDUy at 7 o'clock p. m. RODDICK & CO. GRANULATED -AND- TO CALL AT Are too nvmeroma to specify, and prevloosly mentioned editonauy. Jmamnnd. Th. D . wUL from time tribute sketches of German History and Life. tnrilHnc and sraDhio deserlDUon oi the "Mat- tie of Sedan" will shortly appear, from the pen or tnu ante vmter. ur. xn nomas F. Wood, the EDDINS' BOOK distinguished rhysielAn, Botenist, and Natural ist, will furnish an interesting paper on "In sectivorous runts." rror. n. u. rnuups, oi tne STORE BBTOBB TOU MAKB collisions .on rail- which is -T Your dfistmas Purchases. We will not here attempt botU foo wtU eail we will satlafy yea that we have the fhiest assortment ef -HOLIDAY GOODS- The frequency of roads has raised the question. the place of greatest security in a rail road train? The Railroad Journal gives the following as an answer : It is verr well known that the car nearest the engine is exposed to the least dust, and that the rear ear of a train Is gen erally safer than the front car. The safest is probably the last car but one, in a train of more than two cars; that is, there are fewer chanees of accidents to this than any other. If It is a way train at moderate speed, er any train standing still, a collision is possible from another train in the rear; in which the last car receives the first shock. Again, the engine and the front cars of a train will often run over a broken rail, or a cow, or stone, without detriment, while the last car, having nothing to draw it into the line of the train, is free to leave the track. Next to the forward car the rear car is proba bly the most unsafe in the train. The fMf ! nrnhahlv naar the centre of the last car but one, and in a very A IVi H LS lone train, in the centre of the last two I A. IV AlUik or three cars next to the last. University ot North Carolina, will continue bis spicy article called "Only a Tramp," in which ne aeeenDee a root-excursion mrougn we almost pathless wilds of Western North Carolina, ti ra. O. T. Branch, one ot the most talented writers ot the South, and a daughter ot the celebrated authoress. Mrs Caroline Lee Hentz. will ten us au about her recent visit to was "uina oi Wonders" florida-wtth its gorgeous scenery, delightfal climate, aad lavish products. Mrs. Clara Damn Maclean, that most gifted and charming Southern writer, will contribute regu larly to our- columns ; ana a mow toucning story of real Ufe, entitled "The Frozen Heart," will appear In the January number. Poems may be expected from the most versatile of routbern pens ; and the usual standard, In an the depart ments of Literature, will even be excelled. Comments from all quarters testify to the fact that the South Is awaking to an existence of prosperity never before dreamed of : then let our people come forward, and aid the Editors of AT bomb ahb Abroad in their efforts to encourage Boutnern inaustry ana aeveiop some taunt. Hnmlasions to sen rhere. Price, $2.50 HIBILILCD W 66(D" Bend your subscriptions early, before our new uoenu commissions to year bei and weal ai year. Bin mts evei ;eneral per one eoDie. a cents. Address Bolton ot Ax Boxs abi abboad, Charlotte, N. a 3 tu e vet brought to this Call and se our Displaj whether you buy et net Atne lot of MUSICAL KSMEN1S ef an desertpttoms, none ea deel8 buy eu us. J CHEAPEST IN THE CITY. TO THBB I OlTB KSAXTK. GW Goods. THE CHOICEST COLLECTION OF FANCY GOODS AND Silverplated Ware, GsUfaerlas; TBemi lau Mr. J. C. Weaver, manager of the Taylor Manufacturing Company, oi this city, was married to Miss S. Smyrke, in Baltimore, last Thursday. The couple reached this city laal nignt by the train lrora the North. ; On the same day Mr. A. H. Alexan der, of this city, was united in marriage to Misa Lizzie Campbell, of cnariocie township, at the residence of the of ficiating clergyman, Bev. waiter Pharr. On the return of the parties to the city a reception was tendered the couple by Mrs. Geo. Houston, at wcicu a large number of invAteg gueeis were present. 4 Sr taisia Btw ever exhibited in Charlotte, at I Bev. M. Lu Wood, presiaing eiaer ox ... the CbarlotU District, nas maueue PTTTIM A PAT A fF leilowinej appointmenu lor tu nr billJN A trALiAvjrA rrtnn, nf hia uitaUons: Wadesboro -OF- I 1st; Holtgrtvma No servicts at the Second' Presby terian church to-day. Rev. N. M. Jufney, a minister well known in this city, will preach at Tryon street Methodist church at the usual hour for service to-night. Dr. Mattoon will preach at Calvary church this morning at 11 o'clock, and Dr. Lawrence will officiate at the same church at the evening service. There will be no preaching at the Lutheran church to-day. No definite action has been yet taken by this con gregation to fill the vacancy in the pastorate. The district stewards fot this dis trict are requested to meet in Monroe on the 7th of February. They are: W. K. Jones, J. L. Elmer, T.M. Carr, M. E. CrowelU W. S. Turner, J. u. Winches ter, D. P. Belk, J. L DnnUp, H.W. Bobinson, L. J. Kiker, A. M. Livingstone. A series of religious meetings have - . . m a been la progress in the rresoyteruu 8PLEHDID ABSOBTItXHT and Diph- PuOtoapyraM, j. p. nheanent Tonia. Attentive and Murette." I edteal Asseetatton, Lynchburg, va. Osed wtth great beneSt In Malaria tharla." finnon. M. D.. Qa. "flaoceesfiillT used in dyspepsia, cnronie qiar- ihcea and eerof ula." Prof. 8. Jackson, M. D., ynrr. Famv "Invaluable as a nervous tonk.Hoa. L C Fowler, Tenn. . "Ueeommenaed as a prapnyiaene m maianai dlstrteU." D. B, Talrex, M. D.. If . O. "Beslores deourtated systmna to neaun." x. v. lener, M. D., Ind. "Adantad is chrante AanhOBa. aarofdla. and dytpepsia.''' iieo. t. uamson, bl d., m. i. "Soeeeesful In diphtheria and neuralgia." neoee, h. n., . u "Bxeenem ior cenam aneaseB peeuuar w ' sn." rror. . . aioerman. bl v.. va. krrompt la rellevlnf headache, sick and na" Ba. B. C Hodman. "UsmI wtth KTat baoeflt m rsMDala.,,W. Ke- Sotted to bronehlUs and diseases of digestive rana," J. r. Bougnton, BL aib. EMoet valuable remedy known for female die- Van Ness' Gallery. fcgg .-. Imam BdltkMiLH a. SL VaU. M. Tx. Ohio. Charmtog ea the eomplexton. makmg- B aaaotk. alaav. aafl and van." Mlm MJotsTc. "The prinee ot sameral tenles."-Francis B- lum. m. xjl. n. u. "fsssiiiiiitleMatonK and m. Dm va. Atwood's Cologne, HOTTS' C0L0GNB, 4711 GXBMAN COLOGNB, Just Becelved by W VmS NATL BBUBHBB. ILSON & BTJBWKLL. FINK FBEKCH EOAPS, Frame Mouldings, k. deelStt WANTED, COOPER'S BUCHTJ KSfflJi8, GROUND SAGE, ffi&mL-B. T7TXTT7 rpATT TT'nm? CT7TC Jewelry Cases, Puff Boxes. Hand Mirrors f llNili U1J-J.11 1 Ljlt OJjlO. Odor Cases, in aU styles and at allprices Tne unest and nicest assortment ever brought to this market. WILSON 4 BTJBWKLL. TURKISH BATH TOWELS, B Ta ceelSlt prtiata faaafiy. Bex in. ta a ST- ao. TJVTA'D A T TXTT? (BTDBATXD OIL). Hydrallne has been proven of the highest XX X AAIAAJAll JJJ A line assortment. Just received by WILSON A BUBWSLL. LijLi. ia cgmumtiuvu, miu iu nastuii tnwelghtr Fresh supply at invariably produo- STRAYED, tee taemataiBtaf -"iSHL-jnr Wilson & Burwell's. I BROOKFIELD & CO. GRAND OPENIHO ON Monday, December .aKA let eaeav .innnerw sxauon, J "t uoiabnrT fr some Ume past. 1 )M - Tir.xuKAfMi inmir. rnintar riiiu i wm wrww - s i o;;: , ...7. iBevrMr. MeKinnon, of Concord, assist- .KZZtiTjXZtt danOWJ IM -, . tjx, T Dnn.nl. I ISSMlBlteSfr WALTldS January 14 and u; laiesvuie circwt, i V.T."; AMsWUIaWvi eww w ' I a A - PfKABfl sasi T bbTTI Til SIT'Sl I ' ' .a a. February 4 and o; Jionroe areuit,a Centre, 11 and 11; Mawnews circuit at Mill Grove, 18 and 19; imevuie cir cuit, at Pineville. J and Jo; Tryon Strft, March 4 and 5; Charlotte cir cuit, Big Spring, 11 andU; Pleasant Grove circuit, Pleasant Grove, iu ana 19th. ... St ' The tfceagbtteweeu ef people Is tegnat rv,,. caj. i. in it ita htarifhM. everything will be exhibited. CaU early and avoid the rush ana get first choice. . . China Tea and Wnner Setta, CbambwjBeMa, uesks, Smoking Setts, Toy inaiwe. Tod Cheat S1x?cBEetIi,C ' I Tr5SSid ahudoeTet the u I rcQMnd 739,41. commuBicants. to hold services. Tneyn conunipim rentin a store room to ha nsed ror this ; porpose while their new church ia go ing up. The pastor, Eev. Mr. Melissa, has had three mew churches en his hands to look after during the year. A Baptist almanac has been issued for this State. The Lutheran Almanac for 188 reports for the United SJaJea and Cana- 0B9X M. TJL. Oa. John Hanneo, late ef La, now of Richmond. Va. -Baa real aiero.- eoutrjem moo. journal. FamphleU free, upon application. -WatoTsTv eaeeThUM and PUla.B5, S0.7S soma, aeai pos paia am wuera. Summer season of Springs begins 1st Juae, B35 bj month. Address . daVIXS. Prasn at tbeOa, 7S Xata fit, LrnehDurgVa., P.O. Boa 174. OMOakea ealy the bi BBneket brand of tob acco knoan as Th TBI old Oaken Backet, Tmclet. m. BevtSth. 1SS1, OsS iwBlbei cBairO&m BOLD WTLSON BtJRWXLL, 4. a. bwapka, ana L. B. WBISTOil OOl. 7 Aim in u CBAa. B. JOSX8. Charlnrte.N.0. Sole Agent CBaiMte,X.& M SS bW eatsB JaUega...... ......... J If a. . . eoa aw i ................... ISajs. 47 a.m. t -HOUSE AND LOT- .......... uiumn j. t.wsssin FCBSAL1A3 DAVmeOSOOLLKflK, VL a TlwaeQae laaam, wtth, nJeaoa. For tarOeularseaUon or ad- dveaa SLOAN, THOMrsUN at CALD WXLL, Davidson faueaw, B. c aovSO dlt wtf wSoUdtan for Patents. Caveats. Trado-aaMrkm. CbovrhrhtB. etc.. lor the United states, Canada, cud, cnguaa, mnce, uermany, etc. we have had thvlrtyHlTo ytars1 axperlesiee. rfttaataohtaiaed through as are notfead m the Set mi Am '.--. rhia ml aBlMdli Jllu. trated weesJi uauor,SSOayearJfaowtnePrgrM of seianee. la very lateresting, aad has an enonneua erreulatloa. Address MUNN 00 Patent Solici tors, Pah's, of ScntHrrno amxbkub, 87 Park Bow, TURKEYS, GEESE, eawBBBBBW"7 BUCKWHEAT FLOUB, NEW CBOP ff. O. MOLASSES, CRANBERRIES, CHESTNUTS, and KINDLING, S. M. HOWELL'S, BOV dec 11