.1 II r- I?, J ;3 rkn iwill J1UU1I 21Il2lIlLfi Ol u U v n U l SURE APPETISER tl -vU 1 hni I, J ( n f7 nM'Ji 1 i '11'' I i! " "I i tM-"t I I i IRON". BITTERS Me MgklyTrecommerjded iner a certain uiu riuutun w"vj - 1 " . t'.. tws. tlwt muscles, and rivea new life to the removing aUdyspeptic digestive v. it i . : Bclchina Heat in the, Stomach, Heartburn, etc. x xic -a" tiVw etening,jea inj, kiWiti thn tfietli or trive headache. o - .-. . t ,, llcartbur gff V.L IdSSSfeT WtoWm 0 Book, 32 pp. of useful amusing reading-jtee., 9iHnmmrMdr-- r ill Gkntlkmim: 1 jtuflering from general de Uitrt- not KiT me this time I A vacation of a moot am i incre&eed prostration and sinking chilla. AM allKl almoet Immediate and wonderful re?nl.i" wa.notperaaanem,iyB?-r hnr that l eer aia in me ni um uuru " -i . end vigor of bodj, hae com. alw a ciearnea. 01 tnougn and vigor of body, has com. alM i work. I know not what. 1 give it i uur um a " . .1 i iThm Iron Tonic i n preparation of tfro I toacide of Iron. Pern (vian Bark, and Phom pHatom, attmoelated teitH tHm Veoetablo A.rmmati. It mervem every purpose where a Tonie if neeemamrm., KAIDFACTUIH BT lt PR, tIAK I CIS CHAS. K. ' tTAG. " W.W.WOOD.ManiMiirer.WmstonJ.C. k V RICHMOND EN&RAVIH&CO. g Sole Ag't,Charlotte,N.C. flisccllaueons. THE 1I2 PLAY OF TOYS, TOYS, di'iiias Gooi candies, cmm, &C, &C, AT P E RRY'S, PurpbSfcs anj thing of the kind EVEIl SEEN IN CHARLOTTE. Go as early as posslb'e to make your selec tion". Frer.cn Candles at 40c per pound. J decl6 !I OF- l,20.v Afei'es -:or. VALUABLE LANDS. BY VIRTUE of a decree of theBnperlor Court ol the county ol Mecklenburg, we will sell at public auction, at the court house door, In the city of Charlotte, on Monday, 16th Day of January, 1882, the lands which were owned by the late Mary M. Wallace. THKHOME PLACE. 4 miles from the cltv of Charlotte, on the Lawyers' xoad, contains 408 acres, with a large Brick Dwelling House, good bams and other Improvements. THE ALLEN PLACE, contains 287 acres, Is 4 miles from the city, adjoins the Home Place, and lies between the Lawyers' road and the Monroe mnrl. ... THE WfRZNS PLACE, on the Potter road, eon- tains lad acres, adjoins uie nuine .riace, ana is about the same distance trom the city. THE WILSON PLACE, on the Lawyers' road, 6 miles from Charlotte contains 822 acres. THE BBUMLEY PLACE, on Heedy Creek, 7 mtiaa fmm Charlotte, contains 971& acreA w win also sell a valuable Gold Mine, in Un ion county, near Matthews', knowa-as the Henr Pblfersilne. -1 ' , i The Home trae;the Allen tract: and the Wilson tract, each, will oral be ottered In lots and then aa This sale Is made subject to thVratlflcation afad approval ! the Court , :'v, . ' 11 Terms: One tenth cash: balance in two equal Installments at one and twoyearSj with secudtf Deeds and Plats can be seen at the law office of u-Dorne a aiaxweii. vnnuiw, . - . Parties desiring to examine the property win ap ply to S. XL KAHttO Wi at the BrtcJfi House place. JOHN- K Mt'B'. iCommlss'nrs. ' W. C..MAXKKLL. 4 r e ember 1, 1881. u ' wlds-da11y4t ) : if j :;r rr 1 Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket. , UUfs r tlY.K THE old Oaken' Bucket, A Thn Iron honnd bucket. I The moss-covered bucket, ,That hung In the well. .. x OiartottS. NrO.. Sole'Ageot. 4 Liberal terme.to deaiers.j Alt GOMHEE'S SALE A TRUE TONiC- 0 5M fittk d foraU-qisei BiUfsrefetio r " . . . - Want of Armetite, loss of tfe jnerves, it acts lira, iaxw uwy ( . Bymptoms,.8ucft, u 4in9m 1 i raMB. a a iir w ar" a-ava izs.am' VY J , VXlXlilUVXLU : . Immilcd All the -1 leal vrofemaion, for ItcbilUy. gemote in- EXT" wiu AYCAftdiAsly but much relief, but on the contrary, wm followed began the nee ofyonr Iboh Tonio, jmj''hih ''77,. H h done twice the la- donble the ease. With the tranquu nerre : L " ; a If the Tonic hai not done the '" ChUn Chnrcki. Troy. O. 1 JONES, MEDICINE 15 EITHER LIQUID OB DEI FOBS That Acts at theiame tttao'mi ' miwiiiiw.wiiw.iwT- BiTHE ONLY n 2 2RljK iixn nrrrnr wWteiT- I lJi ..,.-."- 'i ....Lt .. ' , , - i A&U AiaVaVawM. M VHY ARE WE SICK? II Because tee allow these great organ became donned or tnrmd. and voUonoutl tj&hvmors are therefore forced into trie blood . ' ' - i that thouldbe expelled naturally. WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, PILES, COXSTIPATIOS, CRESART DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, tycavsiwfree&lionty thargant and restoring their pfHoerlb throw tfJVtiease. Tfhy gnffer Bllions pains and arhest Wliy tormented with Piles, Constipation! Why frightened oter disordered Kidneys! Why endure nervous or sick headaches! Use KIDN'E V-W'OKTand rejoice in health. It is put up in Dry Vegetable Form. In tin cans one package of which makes six quarts of medicine. Also in Liquid Form, very Coaeea trated, for thor-c that cannot readily prepare it. ylt acts with equal efficiency in either form, r GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. I'lilCE, tl.OOr WELLS, CICIUKDSOX A Co., Trop's, f CWill send the dry post-paid.) BUHLBGTOif, TT. T EMarsiT.dSswiV mum I l ''aay m if -v -. a-ar ' r mW m Db.W0RD'S ! AmU - -..-SMP!We rum ttv , aa --mka- m M-T inn Oirrr VespetableCom pound that-H6 ..r .j i acts airccu y iie .iver,ana cures .Liver complaints, jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di- blood. A Book sent free. . Dr. Sanford, 162 ihiM3V.M V FOB BALE BY ALL DSUOOIST8. gestion, strengthens Ae fSystem. regulatesthfe bcrWelspiiiifiestnii antlft r ill. 1 1- MTt. - r v . . - - i ,lUX IIIUCU Care. 4 TO mWTMB01IS10HrtVArC . , ? . . . . r -V -mT sole Agent tor WATEBT0WN SPBIM$ JjaJV nr. airs na. .'-( rA -!r7Ttf'flur';,io Sfrp WHCdUtaAXJ JLliD feSTATL. OFEir BUGQIES.dT90I BDGOTEa. jmk. a-, w a. f i.lt A 8pedal inducements -'tne SrfiolelaW8ite'TlKlK vorrespoooeooe oiicMea scitiOiisioil - A . , . . H fbf-MrA DV. -eeVAaWirBm llntmnMllBMAa an - keep trtiy flrtJaas booa ka msx&nmvtmB tHISSaiul 'npiuiaMBfimmjutajHiauiaM floors.vivii i-"'t A r.'iU aawiJiA .tuia The rjerronaee -ox me domm w souctteo. Vi a .n ,j lulrl.dtf. " vi ivt .a.f THE COMBAT DEEPENS. W3 .UJlLlLiS'i AAilTKl TMH MUD CUT BOOn CO. TIES TO THE Kepi y to Got Jarrin. Ral,eigii. in. C'D!: f5.I1iaV tSK- en no part in the controversy with Gov. vande. Mr. liest ana otners wicn wnicn Gov. afrd't! li x tnave occipseo. mvself solely with the duties of a pri- tfatp btatiomi'ifws. IhejreffitarM to find in the three column article. which tie GofieAior I red off lttJS cjm- comity .tlffi&frfpaj MTpe Mud (jut circuiar.cconceivei irit of spite and issued in secrecy, of TOi&reitfeieritftUoas' -xam chief, created in the Slate a conditi of things which -trJad& LheifmaxBtjtthei Westerw JNortn ijaroiina UHiiroaa very uncei-tain.tosay the least ''of 'Wtm propbsUiant Mr. .,to buy and cam,. uletei tne roaa -wnironi mrxutr cosr ra the StMMrawg..UHR-.tliM bf the mud Cut boom, precipiialeiF1? ihaeU, precipiraleaupoB me ajconaauoQ o nga tw fiOT It qu 1 apeQ - - . . . I ea me to trust nim. i was cauuuueu in This attack is the more unprovoked because entirely unnecessary for the ar- Our pondition is indeed intolerable if a private citizen, pursuing his avocations, is liable to ave his character ndrepti' tatioh assailed at the ehdieetendritl ef' authority ie-W6w being weighted by 1 thekhiirh tat-positie--occttped- by-f-? t I j narson inaTrinis-uracrHirasaTjrniponirre-i jjwson tnarmisomcraT assanmipon fcifizen is made. I sho-Ld-berrecreant to A Belo-Saxon tradition' if the "hammer AM to the secrecy with which he is pleased to charge me in putting forth the sbreaUediMud Gut circular." I -was not 4 ware of For. umt&toawtt In n nuyti in ii i v . aiur r. rafni iuii 11 111. kj had inveetigated; the .facts before he made the charge a very moderate regardJ ror u-ufii eou40Jriave. mw i.ux, sup - i - press it, "JL uttuucuKo tt iouut ly urifoirnded: Bht molv banyi'nf Tins ? worqj -m uiu yt.it inui-m lwiWMTrffifaj that tWdy pWlkW I IntvttQ JuATultfn ' fli W has brought down upon me an LlbiMifSaiSM fto those Jn-we? and pesi- which he is not a party-tvM years after ManarM. W-BaWI the word spiteTis' tne he should-wlsb presen eye. as .to the manner-or motive of . . i ,..,tt i WmWrr'Trv vri'a '.TriTi . T'l-M-'y WWo.ilo"! Kr ''rvrirrrr f? vw.y.vWv. . UitOtVll WVUMUWWUi . . ... I In: the verr weattt m -Which .the above assanlt uTkm me' Is made: the to "trust Mr BesTlbughTicasUoneaV: against him, arid called A. special sea- sirtnito coll triA mad tn riim A nrl ia this ;theeffeetnhW GeVn'gslS will allow ,eir(iirV,ftiriftf MraiTrAaljl',9 sentations't havfripoti Win- ftt! j with a-ieatSSta Fio hirTBiTety daya after Vhe; "Mod CateiTOlr'GoTr Tarvl &rirl hf ht&utiJrtA ihpfa-fprfl ' XtlTMlAfek ltothpebpto.jrtt W, SiZm ! - rio.-.-ii A-i. circuitoflT.ine,the'bafh htoorofma' over ule proposea - . -..- T PAtvrlk "r o trtiii at TfAnn coon r n n h the cost of efedhtdf toe taiailoii: k. '.-xi.i v ' -4 complained) aL o.if -my circular', was his aqd,'lB4lPi statements. snd. borrowex; it3. arcu- came raaox.rej.-and nMjoa.sk tbaLJbut whenttwas x?afe-tr- popular lirmrsJ .,ftr nn h,-.aa mwu.u Now, thenXtfskGrWrnor Jaf&ik revDecttallv msJc his revlti fn A fecetct9rs confife WW WrfiC Ji)a &o riiH eMi nnt nnt-AnMai Wti.a..Udnfl.DuiiDiDS oz anoioer roaa irom mis the truth hdleaBthi3 at:?stifci toUhe?! vaAva, wu Avw.waw (vwa auuM;u uio oavjsd afA. 1 rwnrilfi. iMtearl itTinfftfnAth Avfii 1- f T T. ?- J . i- w lar, or i f eelintKbihTjeilerlJbV iOe Mr. Best andfJhristfFale c4hCrdaoT to iimwhenV 11 Jatesily cautioriecE "full of mjsr:pr; ntaQotsA hf did noti;he OoTtrncr olJSorth Crclina witostanfVir "t-iJ cS, -jajlsld to its innn6C3 r r.j caiiiEuif'rT va special scsslca to fall ir tt proriertj-to Rrir ,iir.:tT - miUlheiyss 1 - jc :V?A?Vt -as the wV:z o ,1 ' : trvtr. nvwasliot .' ' c.er f rial defect i. : snta a,l l culat, andiGavfanijfsr .rnyiU- tenst out H anv "nSSlrS ableLfish commissioner, returned yeste? ??n y?inW.w he daytrom WashingtOaV-Ir. CVbringintr XrKfV?viUi; i:uAItt9 mm treasures m tne snape ot !, mrfla. it la this: JWhi.t lfcxnnnarel i A. 2- AL: .TOLJ. i-v.. . M anrj triagnitude and folly or thafift a. m. Aat , . a I anrtH tr. Ka MnH fnt R0iUalll?l .taxation. It was also snon nlHfctf?iN S, wrSjSTra V V mvmy V IwaAf jWtfml.WA MMiWlavW.W IIIW, I raSfM Btarnpederjamans' fljjoaewiifcv bi rMde-tfflIL.atOI!iL Ltft nnr. fr,o tar nrwMi no ..BrfxiUa4 vt. i 6 dr.r,V' X. r' r;i iT b taVA AA CKat WUU Ski AAA A aV -.aia-a lima 11AAJ M Ll AalVl UllMllL iuo iwupieino'sax'pmyeravwkB wnosBOexieiUYjiaxi.aavcLth Ania is toe wnoie story 017 cute iW4an4llteta-Mtf ha facte whic rilhtiWrol forrjoAi aTtottflti 'cliscussrif ' f onevaarir.wa;iar to assailed, and am even tnxx at ifeia date airalii.asaailedfeifciwHiiltthe aii i " 1' - i . 1 ' . - frevaflcsB'fraa that I had "turn ghts: torn tne : . faM tnit Itr acMeVecr bjectandsecutodrtbCilttKapof the vjdii me. m mm us taxation in Jonr.mooLna-.ui IJAJ is eqoaiiy-cn ear lirp trdaift aa., iJaaa ' W. aw.' JaA.? A. j HfifleVtt whon sould priakciaMU j for Junes In an attemptH carry w JUrinlaULWAa amera slAtemeniTir. WUVOiUlUK ImAC-Jf IrmVUl BsMkmHsW1! SBMamJ tia9jitvtiavWlfci7xia uoTernQr SByffcoveeaAitffM cmuta spe cial; sferl-i Th&tefld1. MvfeH my facts and flKUry,'f ia violently TltheTl 1 a 1 1 it v a T is as ear 1 iUsb i rjship east of A she v ill e for 1L- a a JI . a.1 1 I ii e- avaF VMMA T rZJZZTTj TV? O IS TJTl AiT a - saw ItniOPMivtrt JttaM3nIS3&eX0H Tfowrnor .a?ia .his Trie elbotediifytfle rWarM thfVefeWdl'Icp tion peefiiieildghi4cr ti " j i 1 1 tax. the peTftrtoe?9tfaiseitf fiarct conswetahirover 1 to ktidTtM &s&xlfr)te&im 61ftic4?B ilrfcad tisclire growrtttangrjBr QMta)k( iiucaiieMwraVfL&aBK U4ii4' ettires aireacrriDiwa:yaE3mTQa uu tao"nienufutnra attauieiK, ij iuct ai e to sejve-ticetir-notodnwicn the tircularavyjd iU .-7- 1 r J I t J 1 pvuiic euuoraemeukJfeU'U bpftralleled in the annuls liha, nun t! jj. BivRtfW Mil ieve Jhe Toeti0'T)r ihar!tembieT- 1 1 be allowHd feoar. aiiich xmrlnetimaAo i-iSPnmmasX 1. I I (ILrlljlW n II OU LaA Lim U li k: I A .U Tl - .mm i B-I mmj r mBmw A mamma -mma aa ammma H mm ammj II I I I I til y..a .a:r ft . . . . . I. Bl ijk mjmi u i a w. nn H I I I II oiJXjortn uaro- ..w.,. ...ii..... . ...... - . lzzledathe .Gavemor, an4 doubt- a m Q ii Ii a f k'T4 1 a J tyLU UUOTU Iinaf WX LWVA a7M WU - V-i AU ayiaTrT 9 which is more familiar to iffilrsJo(f lain facts to a candid puhlic, and ork was done. ikJO-I ask that same public if, propfer, th their! gift (and in no small degree for tne lmsacea merit, t)Etnatwaririciev.ii edpt that circular) should gratuitously asrail the mouve and, tee character tne private citizen wno tnat puoiic . ... . . enaorsea. e.fllr.iEdi isadvanttge Iml ixnder in aatftaftssalkit so tnrecCe(Smiii oming from the official head tate. With. sfts ,unarore irttt bterances are nMf maA trflmrtnindftVoTlittfdl KwTa4 n nrKArifiT" fA rmfOr'j jnnrvmAi A . 7. ? I ' .- an unjust fax, woviSnfluf Quinsy, SorW'Tnfvttr, 3ti&1P' has m 1 less 4 ;moiiy him J ISilit! L wduk bit bl LLTvlLA i 'tK - as e we. II thl dri But i eixlp ZEfB JL ..VI 1S Igp .witi this, record, ut is A at the f&att WUDcftJ tueiJ Bntrraseti It tha a-esivt 1 1 unsidexfidL. jis uoansweia- iJVBUQf hnrt At An n nr. thfiv. DrrftAh.hiir nf nnh- iili i mj 111 1 v;i i. a. u a un m itii w mni uuuLaiua- 1 1 st i-.fMmr.rk I rrndr Iwtfliviatkrr rmKaoiro- tinirfv to that senRof fi&firZhA. fair -- . . kjay !WniCn na3 alwavs ; characterized . W 1 )-!tfVI : wWWi.iilelicate and natural are its Fayettevl t , i Last ve nofi ineope ku row m m rftne ayetife. 'yW RailAai he pre me obxai d'frbm the SSfKal Assembly a favorable charter, they propose, we learn to build the Kd from this towrt t0 AVmiton and P? westward up the valley of the xne route mey nave ttoM rr'Wnrrt hwont nrrl I v naaaincr smith nf River, by Asheboro and High LHmr t.n Winnt.nn. Mr. Karnnm anrJ arid ex ress tpemsf res as well ilsed with tbe,rtsotirt iJA nivAralAtiTlTittiPfliiJ .1 1 i'a prominence Riven to tne proposal of 'IA. Canedo by the action of the Gov ernor in calling ttpxthex Xhe cqwmis iners empowered to sell the C. F. & . !N. Railway has hxed public atten- l?41? Uon,OAApMoSir,ve6nt3 ofJirJ no avnu i$, liUioYviiiCii ne sents to the apparent neglect of Mr. Farnum's scheme. But there is not the of tne F. & W. Railroad will greet with heaAy Rood will any effort by the pro- ar fes Fayetteville is concerned the v . 1. u . . . . - ... tWeyW cannot, out oenent us. wnnsc it -jrnuld confer oreat advantages on the t ri aa rti-wtmf-rr. i h vi 1 rrV mVtinK t wbuld pass. It would Te a North Cardlina work in the fullest sense and Ceservin2Af.verjF eacwirj snpUort faJvffPtfW AiWp unfMsta hasualre cpmznenced on the road, which affords vidfinca on the naitnf.ita nroiert.orfl USabthey aAtrimg8tvU)i havi undertaken. i - , j German Carp. leth N baar-Vr. P, K A. 4TT rIwlMJ ..J. u -a i" i t t vra- fuuoiitMK' felWorts-finlitferr! TTT! . r,; r ..6u 4ee present. We understand that he present. t will! soon build about vwx ponds for via tirj. These ponds, which will be of LC W ttul SUWr,ilil UH neartQe ..11 ..A J 1 1 I I A z a t a .11 j a culture, as indeed h doesll food i II. m, .1. aV a. 11 Oi.l - J A . bUer known and CUWWOUKfW read y qutttlfe ta-areVSd 4t6v StJe mort of the Committee on the Iftfxafclrf JetkJpefiH 9 bfotsfct W ll B nBiaiaBcrB) in. IVBa.tot 1.1 T rffm xlfra w: h e he PH WiraiJV T 1 1 arenvnJL MQ. lf-hasuMrearW 11 V u Cftptfe AsmauaeDiM ffMrWt oraLl;eih V M , A A 9 A MVl -JDBSCanfJsH Uarv a&e Him eTOCTOfu I Rlatseaclii iaai)STON. Dec? tee ap- ..i. .... . . . . . . i j i.ii.r nr dbedience oUT ierly kAnd uneentiemarirYcDmiTJtt. "are true JiAirnincit tmnatvpaXMnAhejra Af ;dtha ceofil! BrionScTiarffafl oTteallnff cheaDlesi )rtsorj,ate frrot- peett ubstanUatfL DrderaJiave been SMiLWWWStW 01 i lira l nil m nai in mm 1 1 n .i 1 1 nil n li fc-noa to leave its a to leave Its ce 8iea mama. wwtw.uu nr iris reciTi- trarml-" .mam A a .ml 4 -u tft 1 iml'C'lZ. a. mma I i a -4ifOte MdMb ,S "' Sena for circular to the oe 9imkaAmH &S&SES!3& trari toot ffiMf BB4seM4iri w l iahtfnI orn'tcarrTDtadca Tanl ni i T iT Ti iTifl ! I Ta nl .. ft 4.nl a I iset . ' . . - - L. I i .Ckw Ranartl UnHv,., - i ; ' -.y t, "I bam umimivuspdi wolla c J X&miEati tthd HBadcrch&f Frosted lffr.urej. simple and cftap EiterhaK suay toaij enuilf tot tbe f PSlaj f 5ft. Cento, and every one suffering ialrfftiti kare -cheap and poeifiw pwotPra with claims 4i actfon 4 VOGEIiER fc CO., JLta RO ilA m 1 - - . , . 1 1 JSOIV2 ETHi ESC l A -J.saw mm mmi A.w :i am bba Oil;.'. B)jj Ji Tl: ; I. TijerA exists a laeaHs ofsi t. cUXLriff.a soft ,aniL bFiiliant, Tan, Jfedne runriuns.- in . '.i suspected by anybody - iJQ Jady has, the riUt to , present a disngured face id I TnTTTTigM lima i i Jaa M orth Oarolitm Railroad. GOffHENSED SCHEDULES, T t g. i I ' i a' I ; ' Date.kov.20, '81 Na K5 Dally. No. 53 Daily. Daily. Lefvachririoue, , I jSAliaburj. 3.10 a m 440ar1 t.4r5prJr' .4,42 a J 7.27 pm , j an i.nu p m Arrive! QrKtosb'r G.o a in 1 Oflvd l4MannK'rol L -aa nu .K44 pm H.3ft a in Arrlv HUkooUi v 1.42 am " 1 Durham . 12.17pm -1.25Dm iava ttf ieKn,..-.w U 4.10PU1 o.OT p m 1 no.jl 4 iiauj, excepi caiurtyiy, I Ikiia aKanshArK' -K . Leave Qreensborb' , K40 C m, j ,. Arpveaniaian,..3.L)4tt. f Arrive roMsbbro,.-. 8 1)0 a: m. a---- k K.!fua31 ootnts NflJ-t K Aim g-t . i . . , -iir, 1 oo VKonec at u inshorh' wtl h K . T). R. R.tora1 ville.1 At-QoMsOori mtngwav i ,T ' v-; .- - , No.f 55 r-Connects at Salisbury wfth W. N. CbIIb! 1 11 r hu n 'ihkmht iwniiK,HaikairnuiK m a for a9 aolBts 19 Western StirW Caolna dallys l for ah aouW woita, TOKnawe8t. . " - - - r ki DateM$t,'8if WofA; DaHy. -aDailA. Leave eukltfOoiw' L Arrive Raieigh 12.25 pm '85 arra ijeav nuaiRai, . lpPd Arrivfe HlllBbOTo? ' ftuttve eraensb'roJi 51 f Mivn-; i ?iv Leave ureensrro arrive BlKnPaisi 7.05 n mJ Arrive Salisbury. llil4am KaVrrivfe Chatiotte? vfeChaTlotwni5a-mT0.481 o Darlr Wcept 'Bunday:"'' v t0.45inl 12"40tm I XT- O liletft dab9Wr.H,00?p.mj 1' e n ' Arrive -- j O v A.CW oa.MnJ taMiai .9:V.00 aAtfi iiiK!i:v.0O rmi3 Arrive GfbaroJ,.pO,mli Nol K0 -Connfiets at Salisbury vfnrw.TT. C. S:"R. forAlheville, &c, at Charlotte wHff!t 0ifif LlneSor all DouitaJn the South, and do; No 54e8Wecfs Railroad for all points South 8Jltatmthw8BW,)n No. SrConnests at ChArlwtte with; A? A C,A.rLj for DOlnbi South and Southwest: at Charlohe with a. C'ARJi Bjslor airikdlM ffeoitnvatid: a)attt-1 W. W. Pi. C. JtiIHgOXfKT-.i t m m Arrive Salem ,r.L44a.i,M,i.ia Al:fi(lA nr ? oaiauy, except sunqai. Leav eeifbo;; tu . 1 iU .i . irri0iiiri B ATA awn :! 1 - y " " GOING' EAST. NCffallr, et BTmdaf. Leave Salem. . 7.30 a ve Kernersviili B OA ft m ,lm do you Manage1 said LTS2di l!li!fll..h.l lW Ik I VT. ,.7t TIB Vf II IKjf. WImiltlalBlaaT hd W UHTllft ilmrf ktr i II dfcllQaJe ancLhaymlega , arti-; , liaaiaines&.E 1 jarife 1 WlIli.frrneril?:?.T. .latvl 1a??SJ ilroTOJf. W-Hi.W w. Train-No. 62-BJchmond and DanvUle, an - W S-'cMiSW9-.0?8 at Greensbor. --( A Bah Kapa" -:,ivraKWnn BJjiisonrviniTmtmm tei a4 ilMmv &3etal ParVmMk- aV . i .wbuusu, , aay otl Sffecti your remaA. if 4V 1 His I kFn . 7 -n.-um,w ie ha as) T m"awmwMWTfiavninnremvt . 1 Ai .a Ti!l5iSSiaim-mra T'J . U a,. ' ' J I llla-aUammaa-m UMruv.Mu.iaf. ii .a. id tm7fa7a:iPalll Uf II ATI iaVmlLiCag ,rIf your drueiriat MUMfrann Warsaw. L -tUtTaui! 91LU1 SIM J podi Tlsvil 4 biui j oboi iswtif j bum isiomr ,is 'a-i if A,i, 1 ..IC WQfti&AY" GOODS H I m m atijT nxiJA odl Iff ! 11 1 J3. J-f2ii.iTl5J1 Tatn i tT 9ll .llU frtfotWatony B 1 1 . i Jtjua t " u a. 7u4t.-j.::f,- .E ATHEB PO.ViaiD ,, , . ; mi.u 1 :t ft . rvi max A air-M v a PB STANDS, I osncjsi i J,h?2 hestnnt 8t.. Philadelphia, ih 7. iJ.i j ... .Kia-1,T;, - - V'Uo Broadway. N. v.. Rnnmn 1 1 1 1 1 o ens; Siiaylng ajes, laOlps' Work Box and Oaor Case combined. Bahv'a flajfl niiMran'a tw I! Vt ?Na WfWWtFW ?m Hand and.. 1 j'J V " aw rr a aV . 'C A : . ; i trcs fard Toilet Waters, Hair, Tooth and Nail, l&TUShfes. Ac. Ac. Pall 'anrl pxaminn noyao . .1. R. waiSl aiSTON &,ccf. 4s4 Both Foreign and Domestic, ! -Mti; ?t -.. ' j . . Just Received, at ) ' . -, . r. i. . : . MI H If 2 14 rri'sDiuii Store 'abato'3a 'V ICHY. Fom Saratoga Sprjng-i. N. Y, A new water re. semblihgthetimporieyl Vlctit. Recommended' ' "as; a antacid jjCURa djsprpst i, aids dlss- I . . ; tion; Is apoerful tojiic and strong ! ' drutetia '' Also, - , , , . j Baiboiii Natural .Mineral Water, i .Reomnrended very highly as a cathartic and al- i terative and te an forms or dyspepsia. ALSO, a t; CAS53 CONGRESS WATER, ', ' I CASES ROCK. BRIDGE ALUM And a full StrpriTy of r i iHPORTEq.apqmNflRi AND ; Hnnyadr Janos; Waters. IE GREAT EtiPEAN NOVELTY ! JJUNYADI TANOa .t , THE BEST NATURAL , APERIENT. . . , , :, . j ; AS A CATHARTK!: ' '' Dos-A wine RUtts Tult oerore breakfast The Xinert--Hnnyr aTJanos. Baron Llebig af firms that ate rkjuef "ta-aperleiit. salt .surpasses that of all other known waters." 'The British AftrfiA .cfca-"HunyalJ Janos. The most agreeabie, satist, and most efficacious aperient-water." ' -- - Pro;. . FireAoar Berlin.--TtororiaDly good; and prompt success; most valuable." Itfaese writers wlUh remarkable success." . . . . , . Prof. Scemzom.1 Wurszbure. I Ttresoribe1 non "ifj?'- JmAer Brunton, 4f. 2., 8., London. '-Indrti nltaxAnt rhn Sta iMvifla. ind- hithui if. D., F. R. f., Royal Military Hos- rreterrfd to ratna and Fried- jc;chsriall." ) :ia(i A i " JOimil!; McADEN,' , " f riiportf'ng ancl Dlspf csui'c Pharmacist J " ITortli Tryon St, 'tCHiB'tOTTS.'Iv.e. .-' vi, , ',;,! aeiO'i ; y-j DON'T. GO TASABATOGA when ftfi can get wafer' Just as tresh anI spa Imtfas.wben it flows from the swine atlaratrj n eet wafet' 1r)st us frfish anrf snart- Jmyas.wben it flows from the spring atiaaratoga. s w receive, this.water m large block tin reservoirs -which wA-ettrrri fcs seon- as emptied tobe-reflHeff K8tuesfr weelf, f : .vJ H. AIcaden, PrBcrirdM'earefrihy' prepafd: bf eipHencerl K !anfrcmpetent djJsts,Jay pyfit.' July28 B. VAHci Arunr. VA'CE '& BAILKY, Attorneys aitl Oonnsellbrs ' -;:t 1 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice In Supreme Court ot the JPnited, States 'JJuprfcMe Court of North Carolina, Federal fCOurtsj arji eountlea.-Ofi-Meclden buu. Cabarrus, Wuonk(iaa-. . , win Uvnnj cuu vo- ..'. ... vKTson Iquurer-j a;;i4j ;i i ij taa29-tf . olnsiP n T7I .-. ,.fi 17t A ,1T A-Hf 1 -a-V" - JLVX A JAAn8VATAi 7 the State and. United. 8ts,Curt3. .CoUec ons. nume miu rureiKU. soiicnea. ad 1 .-JiinTTfar t7rrti'W'e.Ti,, WBWfflXM 8 JMfl aaSates,frrBTte. ruJtalshoarotai4: " 'GTrica : N. Jt Corner Tr Tmn atrfluT 7TT !iaa TlL':tA v f. uyi irratmr !rr WIPB J3rt aavBE CS lit UJit' ooia&li ufffi TO tfl i tuu.fl -?Tt 3lt ifaeiirefl:. 1 I Cfti FPUiimm naiiwmiTjMJ. . ! I'i ."Ml. ii .irat-r. t i rAHlMnilQlTrill ui-wiiii ii nnraii r U W NV II AU Jrl Ao. 12.000.27 amna irtfaii. ZiL.w1iylpi ew and vaTuable JmprovenSnts lust m Auverusement. order at onc: Kb: hnw 'a-, Mr.Bew fuctorj Jusv omDleted latest , at capftat. enabled m te8 forTes motley th ,HF3 AjtW.J jute, ia .manuxacture better iin ever Andres, nr call Washington-. New Jersey. l5flr?KvLyvSor,9,ronw :am wftn ame.or J U JO New YArs' rrta rw. - w i oo . . . . U ' Ley., Nau." ,7 CHFflPEST BOOK-STORED . . I lto Booklpea, BIWeV aodKta aim 'at 1 tiwuuaji vaiaiogue iree. 81 ambers Street, near Broadway, New York t .t a . '.r ' ' WONDERFUL C1SC0YERY. i,flLPTAL,qpiPi1AjIp WICK ? 1 Gives a BriflirmU. White and Steady f 2,'etJU ,es, no trImmIrg and lasts for months. SarnDle wk 1 1 c ,H wicks 25c, J 2 wicks 75c, post- . . rti i'MSTAL TIP LAMP WICK CO.. .,'... t' -.v . 70 Cortlandt St, N. Y. IDA! dui, ciobee Land Oo. SHARES, 3 HARES, $10 EACH EACH M'PAR wfrtr'rf fiONrS of 40 acres for each 10 shajpsjr. oni choice U.nds of the ' Dlsston purchase" I .. .K .r ' Aeraiiea; npspectua with descriptive maps mailed LCvT Work,w!UT&nted the best and heapett, indispensable to eve-v nnled"tleScieceofLijfe or,Self-Preaervation ;' bound in French mnalin, embossed, f aU glltX) pn.contairiB beimti fr,i steel ansravinca. 125 QSTavinn. 125 rjn-in. treria. nniv, .in i o Oil OR . if rriail . fllnstratedsamnlo fi sow rWsmF rihSSS THE, THE HIGHEST AWARDS2TF!SSSJ f 8"! f the INTERNATIONAL EXPOMTIOl? in VHILI, 1875; and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EiHLBITIpN in Philadelphia -lSa. All persona Visblnc to pnrchaAe (or om7i) iutraments are respectfully in vited to visit aurWareroomi. Send for Circy,laT and Price List. CHICKERIN6 & SONS, 130 Fifth Avenue. N.'Y. 156 Trempnt St;, Boston. a- Nov29 04w4 rocjerteBa CORN ! CORN ! CORN ! R! EAGGINGAJnD ties ' . - : d We are amenta for " theivP Ptow Will sell ItjpBwi.R pian you cat-boy an other good plow. Pull assortment always on hand. Call and see ns befoteinBcliasing. . MAYER;R()SS. 'B.ug26 .a : - e lima G1V1N CS LAST FALL OH IRE ROW DIE, jffif. O ,V E,M B E B 1ST 1861.) Please call and arrange the same. set UtrndLAlWDlTi ITS' A hi flats ! Ti ; "1 r i rill r . l I,. Jf linllf 1 1 HI r.l V, 1-M 111 t -.ww FUiaMUVasW J Alks f wr raj sfe-'-1 tWTTVl 1TJ(nfm T rr.-.r kJ,?ABL1e resIience, three bleaks from the public square in iharlotte, will be sold ohefcp 'SJSo ast51? JfFtM the right kind of a i28LaJleZ Th6 Owelnhgls On a full lot. ha nine comfortable rooms, brink kitchen tn. ..n wo. ..Am . .1 . w... vuv v. .... e D0USO M Adtnlrublv ftrisintarl Inr lhA Kffi-a 'aFiMJdwgr r; pfcacW, having Purpose. For lunnsr particulars, price, terms, ete;.;a! annlv at hifojyQ.dtt THIS OFFICE. ?PfWfnUaibw4, fronting 140 feet on I'liv 1 nf ' ' 7 ' SudtAfnik it. . emianio either lor i tt kkDX.r factory purposes. Apply to S. PHILLIPS.