hc Charlotte fosjetftfev rr L0( AL -MATTERS. TUESDAY, DEC. 20, 1881. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. ( halanx Lodge No. 81, a. . & a. M. -Regular i reeling every second and fourth Monday nights. Excelsior Lodgr No. 261, A. F. & A. M. Bee alar meeting every first and third Tuesday night Chaslotts Chatteb No. 39, R. a. M. Begular roeeiimj every second and lounh Friday nights. Charlottk Command ah t No. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. IKZ. OF EC. Kstghts of Honor. Regular meeting every eciTid and fourth Thursdays. IK- OP i. Knights oi Ptthia8. -Regular meeting nights Hist iind third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. atMa- simic Teaiple Hall. , i. o. o. nr. charlottk Lodob No. 88. Meets every Mon day night. ilEKLKNBtTBO DECLARATION LOD6I NO. 9. Met".;, every Tuesday night. Dixie LodgxTJo. 108. Meeta'every Thursday flight- Catawba Ritrk Encampment No. 21. Meets iixt and third Thursday nights in each month. index to New Advertiwmeni. " wittkoskr Baruch Just the thing -Hrof . A. Campbell Pro Bjno Publico. Jos ah Asb try-For Rent Prof. N. rtchmitt Music. M. V. Trotter To the City Trade. mjsi,Es mor ices. A CARD. 10 all who are suffering from the errors ard ln-li.-.eretlon of youth, nervous weakness, early decay o-s ol manhood, Ac, 1 will send a recipe that will c ure ou. FKKK of CHARGK This great remedy wits discovered hy a missionary In South America. ,en(i a self-addressed envelope te the Kky. jufcEPH T. IN MAN, StaUon D, New York City. To promote a vigorous growth of the hair, use Paikei'sHuir Balsam. It restores the youthful coior to gray balr, remove dandruff, and cures tching cf the scalp. Who is Mrs. Winslow T As this question Is frequently asked, we will sim ply say that she is a lady who for upwards of for ty years, has untiringly devoted her time and tal ents as a Female Physician arid nurse, principally unioiiK children, she has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous class, and, as a result of this effort, and practical knowl edge, obtained in a lifetime spent as nurse and physician, she has compounded a Soothing Syrup, lor children teething. It operates like magic giving rest and health, and Is moreover, sure to regulate the bowels. In consequence or this ar ticle, Mrs. Winslow is becommg world-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do rise up and bless her; especially Is this the case in this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are dally sold and used here. We think Mrs. Winslow has immortalized her name by this In valuable article, and we sincerely believe thous ands of children have been saved from an early grave by its timely use, and that millions yet un born will share its benefits, and unite In calling her blessed. No mother has discharged her duty to her suffering little one, in our opinion, until she h;is given it the benefit of Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup. Try it, mothers try it now. Ladies' Visi tor. New York City. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. Tlcuj axrevtlsenxettts. Absolutely Pure. Till powie r never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholes' meness More economical than the ordlnaryi Unds. and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short wt-ight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., nov23 r NewYork. LeRoy Davidson, Sole Agent, Charlotte, N. C. 10! S IN Fine Neck FurnishiDgs EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS, MADE TO OUB ORDER, Just out by Express for the HOLIDAYS. ACCEPTABLE -CHRISTMAS Cardigan Jackets, Plush, Otter and Seal Skin Caps. t- We challenge criticism In our Beautiful Blsplay of IMPORTED SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, three glass cases embracing entirely Foreign Pro ductions. We desire the attention of all whose inclination Is to make "others happy" in the choice of Serviceable Christmas Presents. declS E. D. LATTA ft BRO. ohday THE CHOICEST COLLECTION OF FANCY GOODS -AND Silverplated Ware, ever exhibited In Charlotte, at the - CHINA PALACE OF GRAND OPENING ON Monday. December 12ft! nn.cfi. , in nil it hrarehes. and everything will be exhibited. Call early and avoid the rush and get first choice. , . China Tea and Dinner eetts. Chamber Setts, Piaaues and Vnut Platen. BIsaue Figures, Wrtttng Desks, 8mo). tag Setts, Toy Wa.ti09.JlX Japanese Boxes and Tras, the finest collection of "una, BanKs, KuDDei nana, ubxbko, 0m rH fuwtG. Nw hf f ROYAL PSIWIt J Goods. BROOKFIELD HOME CBIPLETS. BSTCalvary church will have a Chriat mis tree. tRev. Mr. Wheeler, the new pastor of Calvary Mission church, is expected to arrive in the city to-morrow. tS"A farmer yesterday brought to the city a turkey, which weighed 27 pounds said to be the largest ever sold in this market. C3TMr. F. J. Pilling, the well-known, advertising agent of Coup's circus, than whom there are few more clever men, is manager and proprietor of the Claire Scott Company. ' J""The time and attention of the United States court was yesterday t iken up in the hearing of the McD. Melntyre and -Thompson case. Argu ment was begun yesterday evening, and the case will be given to the jury to day. E3PTheatrical people say that the tax imposed on companies by this city is the highest of any place in the whole country. In many places larger than Charlotte it is less than $5 while here it is $15, which is thought to be rather steep. CITY AFFAlltS. Proceediaga of tbe Board of Alder men The board of aldermen met in month ly session yesterday afternoon. Pres ent : The Mayor, Aldermen Scott, Mil ler, Schenck, Long, Hutchison, Walker and Adams. Joseph Prim, on motion, was allowed to transfer his liquor license to J. C. Springs. F. I. Osborne, Esq., appeared before the board and made a statement of the circumstances under which the old sign of the Singer Sewing Machine Company had been taken down; that the mayor pro tern, had permitted the old sign to be taken down that a new' one might take its place, and the mayor, on returning to the city, ordered the same to be removed. The company asked some relief at least to be allow ed to replace the old sign. After a lengthy discussion on the subject, Alderman Schenck offered the following resolution, which was adopted : That hereafter all signs which may be erected in the city shall be attached to the building, provided the same shall not project more than four feet from the building, shall be securely attached to the building, and shall be placed not less than ten feet above the sidewalk. The editor of The Observer appear ed before tbe board and asked, that in asmuch as the newspaper tax had been remitted in one case, that it be also re mitted in the other, whereupon Alder man Walker moved to repeal that clause of the city revenue bill imposing a tax on newspapers, which motion was adopted. The law as it now stands taxes job printing offices $10 each, while the newspaper tax i3 abolished. Application was made by two liquor dealers for relief by the board, which was granted. In each case a malt liquor license (-575.00) had been taken out, and afterwards a liquor license ($300,) and rebate was asked on the first icense taken out in each case. The sum or s?eo was reiunaea 10 one party, and $65 to the other. The oyster dealers of the city asked a repeal of what is known a3 the fish and oyster ordinance, preventing the sale of either of thbse articles within the cor noration on Sunday. A motion was made by Alderman Long to allow deal ers to dispose of oysters and fish on Sunday up to 8 o'clock, a. m., which was adopted by a vote of 5 to 2. The mayor stated that under the in struction of the board he had the coun ty surveyor to make a survey of the citv. and suggested that stones be placed to mark the corners and lines, y W ww The street committee was instructed to attend to this matter. Attention was called by the mayor to he bad condition of the hose belonging to the fire engines, and stated that 1,000 - m m : j mi. or 1,200 ieet were requireu. iuo mo committee, with the mayor and chief of police, were instructed to investigate and mi rr. base, if necessary, not more than 1,000 feet. -r a. I.Rft & Co.. cotton buyers of Raleigh, asked to have reiunaea tne $50 cotton tax heretofore paid the city by the firm, which request was referred to the finance committee. The Richmond and Danville Railroad company asked that .tneir waicnman at the depot, Mr. W. M. riummer, oe invested with the same authority as a rpicrnlar citv Doliceman. On motion the m Dowers were conferred, with the provi aionthat he shall act under orders of the chief of police, ana report an ar rests and breaches of the peace to that officer. Aldei mun Scott referred to the establ ishment under tne &tate law ol graded school in the city ior woiwjb on Macts seDaratelv. and asked that the board appropriate a sum not to ex ceed $300, with which to pay rental for Droper school houses. The sum was ordered to be paid by the city treasurer frt tv,a chairman of the school commit- WW V" tee upon his application. - Alderman Scott gave tne reasons fnr r.haneine the city funds from one place of deposit to another, and stated Kof tha bank in which the funds are now deposited offered 4 per cent, inter Ast on deposits and proposed to make i o 4rt thA rnt.v. whan they may be luauo tw -- w j - of. an Interest of 6 Per cent. ucdiicu, ----- - r: ii v On motion or Aiaermau muiei, mo mayor was authorized to use his discre- finn in relieving the sick ana aesutuie who may require aid, by an expenai v ,i ture of money in his judgment neces- to rennrt the same to the 1 Af te transacting some other business of minor journed. importance ; the Doara aa- An Arm Broken Hurra Aidrich. wife of Rev. N. llTS; ! !SF ij ;V, fnrmnrlv. of this City, nOW ncn,iormeriy,.vu -- " ' '. In Newport, Virginia, had the misfor- tune to break tU large bone of one Of her arms last ween Dy an t L At last accounts the injured lady was, said to be doing very well, considering uie THE CHRISTMAS TRADE. JOTTINGS FBOnL'AN OBSERVER REPORTER'S NOTE BOOK, Saata Clans on th Wlnjr If ew Goods and. Plenty of Them What ear Pa trons are Prepared to Offer to the Trade. Christmas is in the air, and the bright, beautiful weather yesterday was calcu- lated.to make one think that the holi day season would be quite an improve ment on the weather a year ago. The God of nature has so arranged it that we must all te young once, and at first blush it would seem that Christmas was set apart especially for the young, and yet we see a brighter smile on the cheeks of the aged and care-worn, as the little fellows enjoy themselves, and their feelings are reflected in the older faces. If there is any time in the year when the average citizen relaxes his purse strings more readily than another, that time is Christmas, and the shrewd deal er in fancy articles is not slow to ap preciate that fact. The merchant loads his shelves with a tempting display of good things" and the a. c falls into line. In conformity with a long estab lished custom of The Observer, we give this morning a few seasonable notices of the specialties offered by our advertising patrons to the holiday trade. The reader will find in these notices, and what will follow hereafter, a brief mention of the wares offered by our patrons, and a careful perusal will be of advantage to the purchaser in making selections : D. M. RIGLER, As has been his custom for the last fif teen years, has made special additions to his stock to meet the wants of the holiday Trade. On his shelves, taste fully displayed, will be found a very choice line of candies, nuts, foreign and domestic fruits of all kinds, fresh and tempting. Toys, embracing everything in the line, are displayed in profusion, ana bis general stock or goods will be found equal to the best Special atten tion will be given to orders ior Christ mas cakes, and Riglers reputation in this line of business is well known to be A 1. A visit to his store will satisfy those in search of anything in the con fectionery iline that he fully realizes what 13 expected or a live dealer, ana prices will be round satisfactory, it you are not satisfied here, go to perry's. Here will be found the largest stock of toys ever shown in Charlotte, as his storeroom is literally and positively filled with the ingenius handiwork of yankee-land, besides which a large stock of fancy candies, nuts, grapes, apples, oranges, and all kinds ,of fruits, are found arranged to attract the eye and tempt the passer-by to part with his lucre. A large corps of .holiday clerks have already Jaeen engaged, and every effort will be made to meet the demands of the public. His prices will be found reasonable, and courteous attention will be given to customers. The pro fuse display will be a surprise to the visitor, llis regular stocK. or confec tioneries, cigars, canned goods, &c, will be found very full. TOUR PICTTJRE? If you want it, Mr. J. H. Van Ness will not only take you a photograph, but will put it in the handsomest frame you ever saw. Me nas a large lot or picture trames, suitable tor nonday gifts, besides handsome mouldings, pic tures, &c. His gallery is one of the in stitutions of Charlotte, and he will be delighted to have hisfriends call du ring the noiidays. Jotning is more ap propriate as a gift for a distant friend or relative, and no gift is more appre ciated than an artistically executed photograph, and Van Ness stands in the front row of his profession. EDDINS' BOOK STORE. In order to get an idea of what is in this establishment it is absolutely ne cessary to see it. The handsomest arti cles in the city will be found on the counters, among which a few deserve special notice. Fine box papers are rouna rrom idc. to o, wnue in aioums the designs are elegant, ranging from 25c. to $20. In this line will be found DhotoeraDh. scrap, pocket, autograph and floral albums, all suitable and espe cially selected for the holidays. Some thing new. pretty and novel is shown in Kalo-meda ornaments, plush albums, and Christmas cards. The standard poets are offered in binding of unusual attractiveness, making the most desira ble articles for holiday presents. Gold pens and pencils, the prettiest designs, from $1.50 to $28. Handsome writing desks, cut glass ink stands, picture f rames,Bibles, prayer books and hymnal in cases, nymn hooks, uioie stories ror children, and a large variety or games and luvenile literature oi a choice character will be found, from which the most fastidious can be supplied with suitable articles for the season. A lot of musical instruments violins, guitars, music boxes, drums, &c. will also be found at Eddins'. who has suc ceeded in getting together the choicest lot of fancy articles tnat nas ever Deen offered to the trade of Charlotte. A visit to this store will repay those In auest of appropriate, handsome and useful articles ior unnsunas presents. Mt . ? J E. M. ANDREWS. Though but a short time in the furni ture business. Mr. Andrews has already shown himself to understand the wants of the nublic as evidenced by the rapid growth of his Dusiness. i ne specialties be offers is in easy and fancy chairs. parlor suits, wardrobes, enromos ana niriture frames, hall racks and bouquet stands the latter especially novel and a few handsome oil paintings ana steei engraving. A large lot of Christmas cradles are in stock, which Tom will show on application, as he gives special attention to these. WITTKOWSKY BARTJCH. ThA nnlv drv croods house that we shall mention this morning is this old and successful establishment, whose prosperity may be said to have been aided not a nttie Dy me nueri ubo ui printer's ink. They have bought very largely this fall, and their trade has been good. The customary figure of old San- r . 11.:. 1..4-4-1a A taciausis missing iui jetu.uuu tuo fellow's progany seems to nave naa a wondeful increase during the last year, fnr we nnW see fifty where we had but one before. On their shelves arebeautiT fulsilk handkerchiefs, fancy nosiery, irl nves and handsome custom-made clothing, beautiful carpets and rugs, sliKS ana iace guuu uiooij cov.iPvjy inst the thing for tjnristmas presents. "haraom mmuiv DrBLLT uiujks bUDio that one is tempted to buy out tj?e whole concern. Go there, as we did, and then tell us how you feel over it. BemoTlng Them. A tmtnhAr nf railroad men have been discharged- f rom, -the. Air-Ione,within . . .t- ! t nr i thA nasL weeK an juowobv "uu a A n1 n n m arA n a acntirM H the r dad. - ifa&tii&mvi'btiifr t"Wm9mf j;vffin$iS?L rtHSlilliW'm wruM ats been 3efy Seriously SuShpse neersconductorsananagmeu.. ,.. ,. M; 1 place of Dr.-BuH'sAxoiigh eyrepw cougns, i Br X,ftStmfh-' Miss Claire Scott and company played at the Opera House last night to a rather small audience, but one which gave decided approval to the powerful play as rendered by Miss Scott, She is unquestionably an actress of merit, and ; her rendering of some of the thrilling I scenes in the tragedy was. very, affect ing. She personated the idolatrous mother and diabolical duchess In a highly creditable manner. Her support is good. Death of nra, li J. McLang-hltn Last week we mentioned the fact that Rev. L J. McLaughlin, of Crab Or chard township, had lost three sons from typhoid fever within three weeks, and that his -wife and a daughter was seriously ill from the same disease. We understand Mrs. McLaughlin died Sat- i r lay night, and that there is no hope of the daughter's recovery. This is the fourth death in Mr. McLaughlin's fam ily within thirty days an affliction which enlists the sympathy of his en tire circle of friends and acquaintances. . Tickets to be Withdrawn. It is understood that the excursion tickets to the Atlanta exposition will be withdrawn from sale at this place on ; the 26th inst, and it may be well for those wishing to go to make a note of this fact. The exposition will close on the 31st, and no return tickets will be sold at this place after the 25th of December, for the reason that the time is too short to make the trip of six dayp, as allowed in the con ditions of sale. A party will leave the city to-night for the exposition, and those wishing to join the club can send their names to this office to-day. Complaints Unfounded. The mayor yesterday stated to the board of aldermen that from what in vestigations had been made he was satisfied that the complaints against the cotton weigher were without foun dation in fact. This is as it should be for no one man has it in his power to create more dissatisfaction than has our cotton weigher, and at the same time injure , the cotton business of Charlotte. Such rumors are calculated to gain credence, and we take it that the earlier they are brought to the at tention of those! most interested, the easier it is to check them. This was the object of Thb-Orserver in giving the matter publicity. A. High-Handed Imposition. A gentleman yesterday disposed of a gander in this city to one of our cred ulous citizens, representing it to be of a tender age, when, if he had told the truth about the matter no doubt the purchaser would through pure venera tion have liberated the aged bird. It is given on first-rate authority that the gander in question was purchased by a poultry-fancier, together with a fe male goose, in the year 1868, for which the sum of $15 was paid. It is said that the bird at that remote date had all the appearances of having reached maturi tywhich in a gander is put at 15 years and there is but little doubt that the purchaser will eat his elders when he tackles his Christmas dish. However, the purchaser is ignorant of the out rage perpetrated upon him, and if he was not he could have the consolation of knowing that he bought a $7.50 gan der for 30 cents. tW Prof. A. Campbell, who visited Charlotte as a specialist last spring, has again returned and for a few days will be at the Frankenthal house. Pen Picture of tne Editor Norristown Register. He is. perfectly harmless. You may go into his den without fear. But he has his Deculiarities. The sight of a Doet makes him wild. He is then very dangerous, and is apt to do bodily harm to all within his reacn. He is also much wrought up when a man comes in with a little trifle he has just dashed off. There is one thing must do saia in me editor's dispraise. His mind is so bias ed by long thinking in a certain direc tion that he disliked very mucn mviook upon both sides of a question. There fore, if you value your safety, never ap- proacn mm witn manuscript written on both sides of your paper. The business of tne eaitor is to en tertain itinerant, lecturers, book can vassers, exchange flends, and other phi lanthropists. He gives his wnoie aay to these. He writes his editorials at night after he has gone to bed. Brewster Conftrsned ne Attorney-1 General Washington. Dec 19.In the Sen ate's executive session. Edmunds, in behalf of the judiciary committee, re ported back the nomination of Brews ter as attorney-general, whereupon it was immediately taken up and con firmed unanimously. The Senate also unanimously confirmed tne nomination of J. C. Bancroft Davis; to be assistant Secretary of State. After tne Cowboy. Caldwell, Kansas, Dec 19. The cowboys who killed Michael Meagher 1 0f Deer Creek, twelve miles South f here. The pursumg.partsurroundea the ruffians and kept up firing on them till dark, when one or tne pursuers re ceived a shot above the groin. The cowboys then escaped. The party is still in pursuit. DON'T GET THE CHILLS. If you are subject to Ague you must be sure to k ep your liver, Dowels ana uaneys mgooa iree condition. . ween bo, you wui do who uwiu u tacks. The remedy to use ts Kldney-Woit. ' It is the best preventive of all malarial diseases that you can take. See advertisement in another column. "I've lived and loved," said an, unhappy old maid. "When I was young, Dr. Benson's own ; Cure, for tetter; eezema, and pimples en the face, was not to be bought As J had a rough sun, i kept out of company and am now an Old maia. , ; Ie'Jack! MoTfiept. 14, 1879, . t ii.M hMi natriv Rnn Bitten, and have receiv ed great benefit from tbera for Hrer complaint and malarial, fever. They are superior to all Other medltinea; i . 1 .no FADED OB GRAY HAK gradually recovers itt 1 youthful color and lustre by the use otPakert Hair Balsam. I aa elecant dressing, admired for its purity, and Hh; perfiime. PBB80NAL. ; . . . v.,:r,.,! Dear Bro. Meek, Ed. "TMCea Methodist," im vnn will ne creaur oeneaieo knoreuj : . . : w.. . 4.m aAir LIT vBiowneIUe,,-W?iy ' The Flower of the Holy Spirit In Washington there was a woman sick unto: deatfraikl: her husband left her bedside to look at the President as he lay in state in the rotunda of the capitoh as-ne passea tne casx.ee, ne plucked from Queen. Victoria's wreath a half loosened . flower that he knew was a nartlv blown tuberose, which he took to his wife and placed in water by her bedside. When it blossomed out the flower disclosed the perfect form of a dove in the centre. Having , never heard of this kind of a flower the ! Flower of the Holy Spirit the revela tion seemed miraculous to ner, ana tne lady began to mend from the moment she saw it, believing, she said, that it was Christ's flower, sent rrom tne Jfres ident s bier to save ner. The Cnlteau Case Postponed. WIshtnoton. Dec. 19. Owing to the death of Mrs. Hobbs, wife of one of the jurors, the Guiteau case was post poned until Wednesday. If jo are coughing or not, bat feel the presence of a eold in tha system, use Dr. Bull's ooagk syrup and feel Immediate relief. Price 26c a bottle. in nramoRiAJH. Disd. on the night of the 15th Inst, Dr. Cyras L. Hunter, of Llnooln ooi r, orai 4 a rears, xiew the roancest son ef the Rbt. Humphrey Hunter the eminent Presbyterian dlrlne and Berolutlon ary patriot, who Hred neat Tuckaseege Ford. Dr. Hunter was a retired modest gentleman of the old school. He appealed not to care tor wealth or the superfluities of life, was eonsenratrre In all his desires and Ttows, was a good neighbor and a gen erous Mend. He was a ripe scholar and possess ed of great learning. In the Lathi, Greek and German Languages, as weU as the Xnglish, he was well versed. His style was classic and pure. With the various branches of science he was equally familiar. He had devoted mnch attention to Geology, Mineralogy and Bottany. Could his fugitive publications on these and kindred sub jects be collected together in a volume, it would be worthy of any library, and enlighten tbe minds of the most highly educated. He was well read In general literature and fond ef the light and chaste as well as of the more solid works of his time. To history he was partial, and especially to that ef his own State and section, as his "Sketches of Western North CaroUsa" fully attest. In this volume will be found many new characters and events not chronicled except by his pen. For long years he was an officer and exemplary member of the Presbyterian Church, and lived and died a good man and pure Christian (as all who knew him believe.) Or. Hunter was married twice; first to Miss Sophia, youngest daughter of General Peter For ney. His second wife was Miss . Lyman, who with one sen, as well as one daughter, by the former marriage, survives to mourn their great bereavement With their tears of Krfef auwhe knew the deceased will join in deep sympathy and condolence, and lament the loss to the country of a useful, unselfish man, and pure Christian gen tleman. Tbe writer has known Dr. Hunter In the varied relations of life for over fifty years, was once his pupil and neighbor and knows whereof he writes. W J. ' ONI VOICE all over the land goes up from mothers', that says: strength, all out of breath and life at the least ex nrtlnn WHAt can wa do for them?" The an My aaaanters are so ieeoie ana saa, wita uu swer is atranle and full of hone. One to four weeks4 use ef Hop Bitters win make them healthy, rosy, sprightly, and cheerful. -FOB- CHRISTMAS. -W-A-B I FAHCY HGSIEBY, Handsome Custom-Made Clothing, GLOVES, CARPETS, LOVJELT DESIGNS Oi" NBW SmyrnaTap.Velvet s DoqaetRugs, -ixQuiain- Infijain Tap. My Brussels IVeiret Garpets IN THI NEWEST STYLES. IVSILKS of every description and style, Laces and Lace Goods, and any number of useful articles ml table for HOLIDAY FBXSENTS for both ssxes and all ages. WITTK0WSXY & BA.BUCH. dsc20 - FOR RENT. A Dwelling house on B street, between 5th and fjtn, containing o or rooms, well of water and stable, with good ply to JOSIlH A.SBUKY or Mrs. M, dec201w with a good m. 4D- FaBBOW. To the City Trade. T wish to inform the public 2 that I aire new killing and dressing Beeves on the New Tnrk nitn hr hieh the. meat la rendered whiter. tenderer and superior to that butchered and dressed in the usoal way. Housekeepers will nlease make a note of this fact, and give the new process a trUL K. K TBOTTKB, - last College street. dec) rw Next to Chambers' Livery Stable. Pro Bono Publico. Prof. A. Campbell, M. D., OF PHILADELPHIA, PA.,! HAS taken rooms at the Frakenthal House, ad joining the Telegraph Office, CharietteN. C., where be will remain ior a iew aays, anawiu pe u.. sv uy ii nt hi old mUlents and mends. aim all who are afflicted and wish treatment. No matter what your disease is or who has failed to imrm von Mil anri Hftft the doctor. . if TOUT Case IS curable he will tell yon so, if net he will tell you that .. . . . . The Doctor sreawa ana coma uror na mrannn aNTJ VIFTV PATIENTS of the FIRST LADIES and GENTLEMEN OF CHAB- LOTTE WHEN HJS WAS OStlK uor orouiu. CONSULTATION FBXX i-A8 WILL AS CONFIpENTIAL.f EsT Come Early to Avoid the Bash. dec20 8t ' ";, : ': MUSIC! rFrofK: 'WHrnTtt i t. takes pleas-1 ure in m forming the" N,,.rwtuyu.. - - i wmm knf imnr mrnnmnk uui lamwa y Ptanee and Organc tuned Jand repaired -and astisfaettonnaranteea . , Can slways Jje toon at my Xoslc Boom on Chm-eh streeL corner of 8th. SILK HANDE CHIEFS ttatttT t i mrr NTT I "ITYn II i i w ff4 1 I) OUB BUSHfESS WILL BE POSITIVELY CIX)SEL2tBY Jsajstroffi 1st,1 12. And In order to dispose of the balance of our stock durtog this month, we have concluded to OFFERGREAT SACRIFICES. Do not fail to take advantage of this important sale. We offer extraordinary bargains in BOYS' AND MENS' CLOTHING. IW For sale at my residence-one Crimson Parlor Set, One Walnut Bedroom Set. One Handsome Walnut Sideboard, Two Poplar Bedroom Sets, Centre Tables, and general household furniture. Possession given at once. dec 3 A-UOTION SALE ! ! ! RODDICK & CO., TRYON STREET. In order to close out the balance of our stock we will AUCTION, ON Friday, Dwler 11. Sale to commence promptly at 7 o'clock p. m. GEANULATED m TU -AND- "H" JE IL IL CHEAPEST Atwood's HOYTS' COLOGNE. 4711 GERMAN COLOGNE, rrrTiTT 9C "DTTTJTT 1 a superior remedy for all diseases of the BLADDEB (JUUJr Hili O X U Li U Soldonlybr - - W1L80N 4 BDEWELL. GROUND SAGE, GdCwenepepGd tM VTC rnrvjT T7rPrPT? CT7TC Jewelry Cases, Puff Boxes, Hand Mirror J J jN ry J III I j Vj I JL lit kJ, Odor Cases, in all styles and at all price The largest and nicest assortment eter trooglit to this market. WILSON & BUB WELL. TURKISH BATH TOWELS, A TT"7T"VD A T TXTTf (HTDBATED OIL). Hydrallne has been -proven of the highest t jl jjAvixJUXlN JtI value in consumption, and all wasting diseases, Invariably produc ing Immediate Increase to weight; Fresh supply at Wilson & Chew of tob a ceo known as Th mm oia uazen uociei, . X The IroB-bound bucket. The mess covered bucket, ei,'? j That hungln the well. CH AS. a. JONES. 'si f ; -t Charlotte. Nifi, Sole Agent tIJherai terms to dealers. .u . waeoMtmne to act m Solicitors tor Patents, Caveats, Md Marks, omviuhte. ete. ior tbe United States Canada, (ba, England, Frariee,GeTaanT, etc. We have had uurrjpnTO yenrw experience - pnUiteiBMfBiousHiaareBooceamineHci Brrino AJmoesaHThis large -aad spleadid Jlhi tratedweektTiianer.tSO ayear,slowitt Progress of sclenee, is very Interestfhg, and has an enormous circulation, f tarns ae ;tu nuemmma- tort, pnva. 01 ecixwrmo AMfwcAS, w ran Jtow geWYOTK. Mana pook anom, i-aienu irem , r r He MORRIS & BROS. offer all our FA.NCT GOODS and TIN WA.BI at BODDICE & 00. CD W 66D" IN T HIE CITY. CJologne, FINE NATL BBU8HE8, FINE FBENCH SOAPS, .one assortment, WILSON Just received by dc BUBWBLL. Burwell's. TURKEYS, GEESE, BUCKWHEAT FLOUB, NEW CBOP N. MOLASSES CBANBEBBIESi CHESTNUTS and KINDLING, S. M. HOWELL'S nov auu j oys, JHC , KtC. Cecil tent 0 fcUO llijuij. : . .. . riT i . ,'; . .