ft f4f nit cat ,3c'fl Miii 3? i11(Qiv ' t s ; i 'J . ''ill ..L11VY rl 7 A TRUtTOMC SURE APPETISER moil BraBsxStoi iSaSSSy ing a certain and efficient iS" Appltite, IS8 of -scf i-oriftli. LiacK ox liJiergy ei-. ... ftn the Sdb?attl WriJflr the A B C Book, 32 pp. of useful amusing regMcHEMICAI, CO., Baltimore, Md. J'How do you Manage",' said a ladyto he friend, nnMr ao hanoy all the time?" I always .vnrrrrillll. JROlTTfi -CkCltl44U 1 hOTO nOfeOnlV COnymceU ino WU"u waw T 4.TnI an hnmiv nil th timer1 itiflnwia ttt !b ft' memoraDie eyuyn. i we nay WwHMwn,,YmBy;v,r - ;s' a?v-!ji,j Una grains, w t .ri V TiTrf.' .l"hFTwU -Ji! V.-i-i I f ff f iffV ' W "J ni'una Convniff-l front o tion, and jfVIe extent thlt my lab eilnBly bu. I .nffering from eenerjl d. Uifcr 1Jurf bnton th contrary, wa. followed b. A vtca tion of a month M.ghAKuoH TOKIO, fm which I re and Binklng cnum. T'TaZ, ntnniad and I found wmw """".V"'."" .4 Mnnfiaptnl IMUIU. i um r " . , : 11 I I.ova llnnfl TOBB Ul W l.i TAMIA. MlUfl A m.w irgy retursa ana ou Tonlo. Since using li i ,"T v nid three bottle, of the 'ronlo. Bince um; 'with not permanenwj - t . mT mnw. and wlta -ZTi: -riri,, that 1 ever am in wi bu. i . thonj,t Dmr before oapyaa. I . Jr. T ATBVUi M tranquil nerra l not done th nrch. Troy. J- MtoimA fco TDK a..MaaoH nmntrfttiOD allied almost Immediate was bor ?2kJrt'Tl& thecredit. Th Jro TonJ f weiafaflon of Iro-1 I vton Hark, ana I ri. h. Vegetable t Aromatic. It " I - H-ntaseit wfterci I WW.WOOD.Maniiktiirer.Wmston.N.C. lj VT RICHMOND EN WWINSCO. -v.frj -u.iUr ."'it v: he 'j'; ; j; j i,L AitorHt.' wonderful lamp. Wiien toe, tmaerims u m itiiJ . , t T" t centennial annerBEry trf thWnder dia terial of Cornwalli9, the troops of tne KbrtK rafltbtid (jompawos and: ppmbiBations pf aiicfthV.Sokh fortbefixst time, eiApe the fthps3outhihen we behold,tiie wonder. f fVa lt. mvil war, met on fui and inffenKrad display of the machin- that historic badieT& to esniacei ; . ;; more the ties, the sentiments and . thV or the hrawnj. muscle Qf a; by-gone ; I ' . I i x. yi I i - feelnnrs-Trf -the .fathers .;.towli;1ge; or wnen we ga.u?un gfr- other- at Atlanta au aatEerenoescetween uirai prouuuto w. mo 6. , tke seWons-and thrrar"cfi-' ated Soiitb,: whether it be'the buckwheat to have beeni completely oMteVdtoaM and hempf,,from northern Kentucky, or really for thWfeiW'id;. ;goes andnanW, oranges .and lern ihe North begin ioertiiidf the :pe tmsirom Florida, we stand amazed as it pie of the Bmfk' M ha:Win the twilight of.this.new ciyxhZa beentotheJnteriBhaw new order of things. teach the SouthWffitothatjth IUU"! WD BW was a simple render 4ffeji;nutmeg8 ' Urhat pouring m upon -...r.Ll.rKvtitfkeKa.w.- :i,...-.fhA rATutalist .of the old worla, o-nrl it; WA Rfl RnCBTlLetU iUV J- V vuv 1 'uot r JT": . -.1 .. ' ! j'lU1i.fi:ff4lA! . nf:hia(Wl.nn WTnCrAlf COntetlt tO CUUtOU tne , n O bqpts carried' a';slftVdrtve- 'wSlpa '-cwp bHh'e J percent. Government and Sprains, Burns and hShand a pistol iWs na&'fe .'iio; ' seethe prices of our lands Scalds, General Bodily mean whisky. 'The " nWsrlL!. in4-0rTr?Wd . e t . twenty yearsigo-were- Wai'iha-; ij&mii. W&te"9Pt Tooth' E" H!!itl'J truth in neither case.slwidd see the hpt We see the development ol manu- and Aches. of dav The intercourse which -has, be ' ifa'cturing interests, not merely -of all the 1wratlon on eartji qwaf Jaowj on ul . . . . . , , . . ... , , a 1 ;i . .i-4. -, iae, turti Hmvi and cheap External t-ii-ii' 'nVviii"hw 'tn' .il-sdtf 'and tiile. cotton erown on Southern son. out or Rem-dT irui entaiia imt the comparatiTeiT - 1 n- i iil-i. V VWrfol' fn-J-o 1 IriinrlrAfla and tnOUfcandS 01 aiTlCleS S.v .i I?: v. " -;" nic nronf nf ite est oOfce eopwiOi.-P9bM.;p!iy vv - . ' " o iheTorge, on ft 'fstitf IStJ I II -il II III 1 1 II II ..t t.HAfiMtniT 01 im' epyit nor Dy.stwi TOuwiriuaiyrafTtLrT t-.,. i HHEOfiTISM, r HOLIDAY GOODS ! ! Have you seen our lino ol Beautiful CHAS. R. JONES, Sole Ag't,Charlotte,N.C. A. a i vy X Vi- v-a. v -b. vliv" a na THE DItPLAY OF TOYS, TOYS, Christmas Goods, CANDIES, CANDIES, &C. &C, AT P ERRY'S, Sii) passes anj thing of the kind EVER SEEN IN CHARLOTTE. Go as early as possible to make your selec tlons. French Candles at 4Cc per pound. decl6 COMMISSIONER'S SALE IN THE ONLY MEDICINE IX EITHER LIQUID Ott DET FOKV That Acts at the aame time en ffiELIVEB, THE BOWELS, AWD TEE SIDNEYS. WHY ARE WE SICK? Became ice allow that great organ to I become clogged or torpid, and poitonoutl hicmort art tliercfore forced into ttu blood that thouldbe expelled naturally. n B WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, PILES, OOTSVtlVXTlOTtf'zVRISXKX DISEASES, FEMAXE WKAJKSESaKJa, AND JfEEVOTJS DISORDERS. by causing free action qf these organs and restoring their power to throw off disease. Why suffer Billons pains and aches! Why tormented with Files, Constipation! Why frightened oier disordered Kidneys! Why endure nerrons or sick headaches! Use KIDNEY-WORTand rejoice in health. It is put up in Dry Vegetable Form, latin eana one package of which makes six quart of medicine. Also in Liquid Form. Tery Craeea trated, for those that cannot readily prepare it. i tMTt acts with equal efficiency in either form. I GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICK, $1.0 WEXXS, BICH1KDS05 Jk C4 Prop's,'. (Will send the dry post-paid.) BUKUafltOI, TT. ti th Jmttfffin.Methc? tlie( people the stores. both at' torktoVhlMd atilantar. hare j oped as it Idas" never been developed be- broken the epeH fiidt white tbe Yankee, wit't .a market for almost every as- a general ihls.tWicarna conceivable article of production at the meg-vender, the representative of Dixie: farmer's door. We see the lower classes is a gentleman "Whose heart overflows- ef-ur people no; longer willing to live in with patriotism, and who feels that he rude log JJouses, witfe clgp-bord rpbft has a country, to te proud of, to' aed. dirt chimneys. We see the idle, velop,to labor for ahd to protect. More shiftless, lazy, negro laborer, whose chief liberal ideas will prevail "in future, and oceupatioij ail -present is to attend politi the result cannot but be beneficial, in the cal cdnreiltions, ride on cheap qxcur highest sense of, the word, to the, people sions, and pick up a precarious living by of the South. The hand-writing on the doing odd jobs of menial ltibor, growing wall points to he fact that the Exposi- fewr in numbers, wJte Jlh.q morethrifty tion will resuftT&I4cwer And ithnftlir; enter with zeal into the march, of progress: method in theuiK.firl thefhiSbindirgwti thd white -man.. We see our forests as well as the Sievelopment dF the? matning 112 varieties of native woods rial resources of this section, and, at the come into the njarkot : to "bo transferred same time, convince the people of the into articles, useful ;in commerce; and in North that ours is not only a great and our social industrial and domestic ecori- grand section j of te United States, but : oiny We see our phosphate and marl that it is apkrtjc4 this- gre$Vf taon,? Vedspoeeome tho sources of wealth that which is to-day the grandest on this the God of .Nature intended tney snoum earth. It also marks the beginning of be when their constituent elements were the Industrial era in the South, which, thrown whirling into space at the begin- can only be delayed longer by. the politi7 4fng of time. We see the development cal sycophant, who fears that the inaugu of our mines of gold, of silver, of iron ration of such a reign will remand him and of copper, (not to mention all the to the shades of obscurity. With Buch other, of our 180 varieties of minerals,) men, North and South, politics have been until we shall be ashamed to acknowl- a trade too long already. We must edgejthat our forefathers grew both grey think that their political death-warrant and poor at the same time, in plowing will be signed, sealed and delivered, and ing over our fields of mineral wealth. that the victim ia only to wait for the We see the silk industries of fifty years guillotine of the executioner, when the I ago revived, until it shall rival the pro- light of the new era shall have fully duet ' of France, and the mulberry be-, dawned upon us, in all the fullness of its come one of the cultivated trees of the regenerating splendor. orchard. We see the grape-growing But coming back once more to tho an(j -wine-making : industry developed, subject of the display of the material re- until our home-made, sparkling vintage sources of the South on xhlbitfon, we Bnaif outstrip the products of the valley may say that there Is a belt of country J 0f the"::'Hhinej both in quality and tJ Directions In Xtaren Languages. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ABD DEALERS IS MEDICTIfE. A. VOGEU2R & CO., Baltimore, MdU, V. S. JU dee BO OA -. I? III Goods If not, call at once. - i Itva dtrertisemcuts. A BEAUTIFUL R6i.tt, the "MOZART," new style' No. 12,900. 27 8tqps. 10 full sets wolden Ton- cue ueas. 9UL.IU waljsut Highly Pollshta Case. New and valuable linurovementa ii,sr. ded. Stool, book, music. Buxed and deliverer! on board ears here, price uNLY SIXTY D LLARd Net Cash, atisractlon g-'ranteed In ev? rv par ticular or money refunded after one year's use very one soia sens anoiner. it is a Uttndlng Anvertisement. Order at once. Noih'ntc saved by corresponden,e. My new factory Just completed capacity 2,000 instruments every 28 days, very piveav iHuor-saviiiifc. wooa-wormne macn nerv Vast capital enables me to manufacture better goods for less money than ever Address, rr can upon HAMKL K. BETTY. washlneton New Jersey. rrt NewSiyiesof Chromo CaTds with name or OU 2R New Yt-ais' Cards. 10c. NAfcSAU CAKD CO .Nassau, N. Y. CHftPEST BOOK-STORE lu th i mz BiHgninc nui;n books; oonpou Juven lie Books; Superb Bibles and Prayer Books alnn st given away. Grand Holiday Catalogue free LEGGAT BROS., 81 Chambers Streat. near Broadway, NiwYorir, WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. METAL TIP LAMP WJCK Pat'd Dec. 7, 18 SO. 1 ' in. h, st w-rt uMimmww We have an assortment of as fine Goods as was ever brought to this market. PLUSH AND LEATHEB COVERED TOILET CASES AND ODOR STANDS. Gents' Shaving Cases, Ladies' Work Box and Odor Case combined, Baby's Case, Children's Toy Cases and Souvenir, French Piate Hand and Stand Mirrors, Lubins, Tetlows and Colgate's Ex tracts and Toilet Waters, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, &c, &c. Call and examine. nov30 L. B. WRISTON & CO. Gives a BrUliantWhite and Steady lieht, lequires no trimming, and lasts for months Sample w,ck 1 e H wicks 25c, 12 wicks 76c post age I'H'd. Have four sizes, No. 0, 1, 2. 3. Atjen wanted. Address MtCTAL TIP LAMP WICK CO., 70 Cortlandt St. N. Y. Atlantic and Golf Ooast Oanal and Okee. chobaQ Land Go. L SOMETHING EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW. There exists a means of securing- a soft and brilliant Complexion, no matter bow poor; it may naturally be. Hagan's Magnolia Balm is a delicate and harmless arti JesWlilcb instaqtlyremores Frec-kles, Tan, Redness, Roughness, Eruptions, Vul- far Flushings, etc., etc. So elicate. and natural are its effects tliat its use is not suspected by anybody. No lady has the right to present a disfigured face in society when the Magnolia Balm is sold by all druggists for 75 cents. fen. 22 Fill FRESH MINEHAL WATER 50,000 SHARES, SHARES, S10 EACH EACH H PAR with a BONUS of 40 acres fcr each 10 shares f , oiu choice Ihnds of the "Disston purchase" OFFinirs- i Tb,rd Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. ujrnoES. -j j5 Broadway, N. Y., Booms 111113. Detailed Prospectus with descriptive maps mailed KKJtE. P0tDh MEDAL AWARDED the Author. A n jw and great Med teal Work, warranted the best and cheapest, indispensable to ere-?, manntitled "the Sciences! Li'f a or,Seli-Preeer7ation j" eonnd ia fnf8. French mosUn, embossed, lull gut,30Q pp.coBtains beautiful 8teel eniOfavinpi K5 presorip. .nc omy S12Smd by pail . lflostratedsarnpla.Scents- Sendnow.Acirlrona P..tu..fAH SOW THtSELP teXmKo North Carolina Railroad. 1 " 00UDEKSED SCHEDULES. If Both Foreign and Domestic. Just Received, at Dr.J.H.McAden s Drua: Store gARTOGA "yiCHY, From Saratoga Springs. N. Y. A new water re- semDHng ine imported Vichy. Kecommended don, Is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, g CASES CONGRESS WATER, Q CASES I10CK BRIDGE ALUM, 0 CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARI - Airo Date, Nov. 20, '81 No. K5 No 5 1 No. 53 I Dally"- Dally. Dally. Leave Charlotte, 8.1(1 am 4 40am .45 pm " Salisbury, 4.42 a m 6.80 a m 7.27 p m " HlghPolnt 7 53am 7.50 pm Arrive Greensrro 6.25 a m 8.28 a m 8.44 p m Leave Hreensb'ro . k35am 9.15 pm Arrive Billsboro', 1142am Durham. 12.17 pm M Raleigh... 1.25 pm Leave Raleigh,... 4.10 pm Arrive GoMsbpro' . i 6 20 p m No. 17 Dally, except Saturday. Leave Greens boro', f.40 p. m. Arrive at Raleigh,.. 3. 04 a. m. ! Arrive GcOdsboro,.. 8 00 a. m. Huoyadi Janos Waters. TEE GREAT EUROPEAN MELTY JJUNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Dosej A wine glass fullbefore breakfast THE CQICKERIN6 PlfltlO. asBBSBSaDBsBBBSBSlSBSHs1 THE HIGHEST AWARDS SSfrfSSi in the GREAT WORLD'S FAIR In LONDON, 1851 ; at the GREAT EXPOSITION in PARIS, 1867; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION in CHILI, 1875- and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION in Philadelphia, 1S76. AH persons wishing to purchase (or ex amine) instruments are respectfully in vited to visit our Warerooms. Send for Circular and Prio Lift, CHICKERIN8 & SONS, 130 Fifth Avenue. N.Y. I 156 Tremont St., Boston. Nov29 d&w4w Seel k jS . CORN ! CORN ! CORN ! FLOOR ! and the South of the Appalachian chain Loom," tind the 'wearing fabrics of our of mountaiiwbichbegii ii orth Ala-- Jadif a, no longer brougMJ&m ' Ehode bama and includes a part of Tennessee, Island : of Massachusetts, but they will TronnAW rA Cihin hit i Kr fWnrrii.'west.. v i'ifii VI .-UJ -kw.U fkM&AeiS w I l . 54-onnect Greensboro', with B. & D. iivuiuva; - - i i Uv vy wvcii in uui u" laiwfjycy w. r , -i B R. f or, all points NoxLU and west, onrl 3"rHfirn Alarinmft "Nnrthern Geor- I mj-na'mtiA Wnt nnavaiaA Jivnnrl " No. 1 Connects at Greensboro' wltn R&D, gia, a large jjuw jo , yy v-vuiJayo y I.OWD, uOpjg. :;?, fw improveu Jna. im-.1 ti -i ,wiwre wuu .-. a. ivi nu- North Carolina' VirgiBiavWefcirnaa ltiirneiitt: a'ridmwoved stock' bWomdnie,! ; iso. MD'necuatsaiisbiOTThw.N.c.B.B. t; 1 : a- a. fiAu.m -If: t . ."-U -.JL -tt. 11 i - ca. Lx: rlf4rtt.iMloto in. WetNoraiCaroilnaiaJiT; at I W,, ; 1 . aim. x euuBvivauii uwuiu-nsDn, t rjenerai - UirouKnouii . iuo ..ouu.vu; ,auu I Greens toro' with B. 4 D. R. R lor all -points I toj. imjkkt tsmnwn, jh. u., r. n ionaon. r 1 ,. I V. 7? ' .'' iii lj . i rV "North. Bast and West -"More pleasant tnan its rivals, and surpasses tqem in emcacy. The Zancrf "Hunyrdl Janos. Baron Lleblgaf-i nrms mat its rienness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The British Medical Journal "Hunyadi Janos. The most agreeab:e, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." . Frot. vircfiow. merlin. "invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Bomber aer. Vienna "I have Dre scribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scaraom. wurszburg. I Drescrioe none r a March 27d&wlr which for on the face r the invention withheld until improved up TRAINS GOING WET. Prof. Aiken, M. D., F. R. 8., Royal Military Hos- puiina and jrned- wiu wtw.pmuug hot nigD.fr plane oi euncaiion,rvFnicn. meanq tiAtsnAid:;'4, P&$t$$!i -i jApibtof WiV.', tM$. pt'Tgtf, :efel pressi presided "over by men of 81 16.54 Daily. No. 50 Daily. pital. Netley. "Preferred richshaiL" to No. 52 Daily. Leave Golds bore' Arrive Kateigrv -OF 1,00 teres :of: VALUABLE LANDS. BY VIRTUE of a decree of the Superior Court of tM county of Mecklenburg, we will sell at public auction, at the court house door, in the city of Charlotte, on Monday, 16th Day of January, 1882, the lands which were owned by the late Mary M. Wallace. , ... a - THE HOME PLACE, 4 miles from the city of Charlotte, ou the Lawyers' road, contains 408 acres, with a large Brick Dwelling House, good barns and othei improvements.. THE ALLEN PLaCB, contains 267 acres, Is 4 miles from the city, adjoins the Home Place, and lies between the Lawyers' road.-and the Monroe road. - :' . ..ii . - ...... THE W i NENS PLACE, on the Potter road, con tains 133 acres, adjoins the Home Place, and is about the same distance trom the city. THE WILSON PLACE, nfhr Lawyers' road, 6 miles from unanoue contains ra acres. tin ODTIirl.W PI.ir.R ! m, Rmu1(' 1 D-Bt u miles from U7 Brill Alan Ion county, nearMatttoyaown as -the- Henry " Phtfer Mine. LOttv J. -..I SX - The Home tract; the Allen tract: and theWnson ' tract, each, will first be offered in lots and then as ' Thtosaie li made abject to the ratification and ? - w&8: OMtenTrcash; balance In twoeqnai , T'pirTbe seen at the law.offlce of Osborne AMaxwelL rCbarlotte.W; ;C ParUesde,.r,ngUxamrM December 1,' 1881 w-tds-dailyw lllVff VaAi v avaavua v i am -Old Oaken Bucket. -''r'J-ii.: f fTHE old Oaken BadteVr iTir f ? X The iron bounrl bnckeft JX ,, ' The moss-coverea wtc.- . . That hung in the well. ' 7 - m as.il' JONES, : - Charlotte, K.C., Sole Agent, Liberal terms to dealers. DuSANFORlrS Leave Greensb'ro jirrive High Point Arrive BausDury, Arrive Charlotte, tmwm -a. I : 3 f-Zt'.j.- -4WUlJlllljfirA-fiAri( and it is claimed that at just. the right -fcflarlied genius and eriiihent ability M&veiwrhAm moment Watts bgatt1 ta experiment men lofantegrity of purpose, and honesty iolSeeKo witn tne power 01 steam, ptepnenson: xo of character men, too who riave been conceive ;th railroad, locomotive, Ark- the,iippefeiK .azin tlie -way through wright theierfoom "yThitoeyVlhe the forest of imoranoe and indifference, cotton-gin, a Jdorse theseience M . iaT:t0WBr.iWWkraeT-tlung8.': eCTanhrJ M ivoi&M more aiid:we ; whott 'iBofuth daron'whose breteft ejjeople had been iatmkea .j nw, wW .i 9.15 p. m 10.54 pm 12.25 a m 10.i0am 12.25 pm 2 35pm 349 pm 426 pm ft.45 pm 7.05 m 7.42 pm 900 pm 10.45 pm JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. ft 30 a m 1002 am 1 1:14 am 12 40 pm North Irjoo St, CHARLOTTE, N. C shall let Onlv Vegetable ComoouiH to the ' discovery ofi'nhWhate Souterirpgres J acts directly upon the Liver, and beds, underlvjngjhe surface of the land our kfM the dice, liihousness, Malaria, Cos- been of ihcalculable benefit to the cotton ainerent -Bwuona m rinia.-unwai w tivenrsssyHealO MiHTiMW. . ... I J Z j.s-a . m M-m- . -- 4-frk rv s O OF No. 28-Dally, except Sunday. - Leave Goldsboro,'..K.OO p. m. Arrive Raleigh, 7.30 p. m Leave Raleigh..... .6.00 a. m. Arrive Greensboro',.3.00 p. m. i No. r0 Connects at Salisbury with W. N.C.B B. for Ashevllle.aa, at Charlotte with a. scu Air- Line lor all points in the south and aoutnwesu No. 64 Connects at Charlotte with A. A C A.-L. Ballroad foi au points south ana southwest. ! No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with A. St C A.-L. for points Sooth and southwest; at Charlotte with C. c At A. H. a, lor au points fcoutn and. Jbontn- DONT GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the BDrinz at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J a. ucaden. : i Druggist and cpemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced ,and competent druggists, day or night : uly28 Z.B..VAHGC. W. H Bailit W. ft. C, KAILBOAD. 60IKO WEST. . NO. Leave Greensboro. 60 Daliy. gestion, strengthens the system, I dawn of rePTilate'sthe' bowels: Purifies tKe I ibllitv id . A Book sent free. Dr. ton is praetically -Minmesse t idbrbaiONlY. ISoleTpon our ca tUreMrdown page intne nie-oooK 01 , BAtB b AX.X. BucrOii iafTj: . tnettiory shall' mark the era in blood Sanford roa aml8 deod eow ly. our industrial extend ? the product' era, while our adjust whoute6ff dtSS SaV".::r:;::: AiJ tOt- disJibnbr' tnV otherTa rerf to the 0j 9.51 pm .07 pm .50 p m ArTfve Kernertvlile . Arrive Salem. , 1.00 a m .11.00 am .11.80 am GOING EAST. . NO, 51 Dally, except Sunday. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors - CHARLOTTE, N. 0, Practice in Supreme Court of the United States, - oupreme vourt oi norxn ijarouna, jreaerai Courts, and counties of Mecklem burg. Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Davidson. felT" Office, two doors east of Indenendennp oijuaje. mayijy tf LeateBalem. ArrtveKernerBVl'ile . Kieoa eow iy. - .a,,-,,..., v,ifTO TOa Ai WttlCtL '.t&e netOeS' Ol tne 'OOUin: i .30 a m 5.04 am 9.00 am CB A Bfc'dTT T f Sole Agent for-"' :,i .OUI ifll if? oi AHDTHS 'iM:t f -:iir i, kv,i. f i xr&st natriotiam and orincinle : but" !3&p,oop,OQO) rthree imndrea m,tusft w'im.m&h "frm'zm ""fy Ttt ons cidoUars,. with pur rice, sugar, ght;? 1 aau,gura , acco,( corn and wheat crops tarowii i mmmMnTi in for god asdre'-we vmsfcsotddjand: female w-shvEejOMSftan- tne iact the-dfeoovexy (for discovery it is) of uin.an eTa LSU' RT"S -KfV y ri tne i Leave Salem, L, . 4.80 p m ; Arrive KemersVllie. . ............. : . 'MOp na- Amve wreensoore . . . . . . ,. w . . v . o w p m rotfTRinno. 54-Dsnvuieand Atiar Valuable eposits ar watestown sPRiNQ w4.0OT!itMPAlirEit 1 that exists in the known world. And imprBWH, as contras ::s.C ! .:-!t.r -' " I hi Li. av. -HPrL.j i. 1 tv. J att nf & oTMr-ir- ch (W,.'3 BUGGIES, CAStBXAOXS.' FHAETONflL BPRTNO 3 t WAGONS, JsJ L oirowot muuQeincD to . ue j wnussaie ST MV 'i rn&IS netae nas own r atermotyean I -T) urs. lrr. TiecrcBi' wnww iuian0g ) keep aTemottaJlatrerass hmise in frrery wwpetit. uminUtUUUa Hiuyw rmzation. thefact itetS! tWtoelti .arejQpd-jrive Bteaams oevef I h (tharlotte. N. Cu le&& 1881. 0- KSsspSS 9ldS?ffr ? P9 ewpoitwcian mitinerf iiaipkv iiiil The patronage ol the poM aoUetted. JuljltL v r ' 'WT' Pf'i-i f7 frjiUIW tun UJtnvUvnUf l vf Iliw be nuances oiMiAiiaoattwj-Mjpwii mw. ai pajxtjaeTWiww (M. M X - - - . KL'EJi!ITJPl m.rWv..I-TO Z-'f'h-AiJ'aJUL.I-W !1Ll.L. a, t . 1 ' splefiditt T 1 seitheyai:vjry indifferent about ite mecnanicai ana ;uiw.x " vva. i eiereise.'' : RO. D. GRAHAM, TN the State and United Slates Courts. - Collee jjs. muuo, jauuic. auu ioreign, soiicueo. AO :ivi iuivDrOunc9, osv., luTIalBGea IOT COm 'pensatJon . : .-. ' .', , . : offici Js. corner Tr Trvon streets Charlotte. N. C. . rim,. g wajihlniitnn &ruf risrvcl la. ij)d. Train N6Z52-Bichmond nd' Danville, and n.aaa..UUMj . n .1 utim..,! ... 3 rirTnrbut?B tickets Jnn'sal it. Gmensbtre Raleigh, Golds boroj tMUsbUry and Obarlotte. and principal points South, Southwest West, North and East X. r Emigrant Rates to Looislana, Tex as, at Kansas ana me isoutnw est.'aaaress, a T A . a nD if :a Smond?Va .THB 9 41 MAOTnnni i -'if i h a a., a ii a , runtniiiiniiii w nfcwjaiave l.'ta vnaqoaled sk Maftrva VIBTDRfl BAGGING AND TIES We are agents for THE WATT PLOW Will sell it LOWER than you can buy an other good plow. Full assortment alw tys on hand. Call and see us before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS, aug26 Gil Goal AH Notes and Mori GIVLN US LAST FALL FOR 3-XT A. INTO, ARE ROW DUE, (NOVEMBER 1ST, 1881.) Please call and arrange the sarue.5tJ -UQV2 tavmnqoaled ate piwitiy. Alterative and Onra for 0hllin aU JCTBTCPHn. CURED 1 .53 ill a P, and J1 their atUndQt avil afford temporarr relief, btrt is a twrftianent Mra.B. P. La of Beferre,-0.)Baysof it; '1 fJm- surorUed at tKa mim. i.m mm. nOAtttHiAOh m. s It does not nwralr. trti8 a persianent oreU ram. Air ifiitf tjfcrEND fob. crocniits."ca ystiti IncU kat iootenea yny t iaapitaendlvcireatlsa &nd tecttmonials i oct273daw3a (i-t aj a-, ac -ax,iA a 1,7 slreaMi wssyi Mew loreTMd ""iVJS S rtreet. Baltimore, Md. novll dw 0r 5 ale. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the public square in charlotte, will be sold theiip and on reasonable terms to the right fcii;d of a Purchaser. The duelling is on a full lot, has uine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, one eli oi wa ter, etc. The house is admirably adapted fpr residence of a lawyer, doctpr or preacher, havitiK an admirable library or study room, built for the purpose. For furthsr particulars, price, terms, etc. apply at THIS OFKICK. uly20.dtf p MM Cheap. ttii t&'im uie cdrnerol' Ninth strtet and the JL. rU Carolina Baltroad, fronting 140 feet on Ninth street and 1S6 feet on the North Carolina JUilroad, wHl either be sold as a whole or divided imoiwo iois or 7U Dy l y ieet. Buitaoie enner iw "uuaing or ractory nurtjoses. Apply to Jun25,tt 7 J. 8. PHILLIPS. 5 -