pit GlmvlotU (Dfrgjertxett LOtML MATTERS. THURSDAY, DEC. 22,1881. OCIETY DIRECTORY. Phalajti Lodob Na 81, A. If . A A. M. Regular meeting ever second and iourth Monday nights Kicklkioh Lodob No. 261, A.F.41 M. Bee alar meeting every first and third Tuesday night? CsABLom Chaftbb No. 89. R. A. M. Regular meeting every second and founh Friday nights. CHAXLOTT COMMAlTDi.HY No. 2, K. T. BegUlAT meeting every first and third Thursdays. Knights or Honor. Regular meeting even second and fourth Thursdays. - 3C. OP Khishts of PTraiAS. Regular meeting nights Bret and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock d. ro. atMa Bonlc Temple HalL I. O. O. IF". Charlottb Lodob Na 88. Meets every Mon day night. MXCXLBNBCB8 DICLARATIOH LODSB Na 9. ueeis evei j ruenaaj nigni. Dim Lodob No. 10a MeetsTevery Thursday niguu Catawba bivbb Kncajouxnt Na 21. Meets irs. ana imra inuraaay nignts in each month. Index to New AdvwiiMme t . Read HcSmtth'i advertisement in to day's paper. Mayer A Ross Wanted. IK YOU ARK 3 ICE, READ the Kidney-Wort advertisement to another column, and it will explain to you the rational method of getting Wrtil. KldueyWort will save you more doc tors Dins man any otoer mediclue known, Acting with rpeclflc energy on the kidneys and liver, it cures the worst diseaies caused by their derange ment. Use It at once. In dry and liquid form. Either It equally efficient, the liquid is the easiest, bui the dry Is ihe most economical. Interior, HORSES, CATTLE and CHICKENS. For colic and grabs, fer lung fever, cough or blde-bouud. I give Simmons Liver Regulator (liquid) In one ounce doses; or, one teaspoon nil of the powder In a mash twice a day. Toucan re commend It to every one having stock as the best mealone known fer the above complaints. In using It with my chickens, -for cholera and gapes, 1 mix it with the dough and feed it to them once a day. By this treatment I have lost none where the Regulator was given promutly and regularly. E T. TaYLOR, agent for U rangers of Georgia - Fer Coughs, Colds aid Throat Disorders, ase "Brown's Bronchial Troches," having proved their efficacy by a test of many years. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and in discretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay osa of manhood, Ac. , I v. ill send a recipe that will cure you. FREE of CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope te the Basv. JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, New Yoik City. To promote a vigorous growth of Ihe hair, use Parki r's Hair Balsam. It rsto-e.i the youthful color to gray hair, remove dandruff, and cures telling el the scalp. FADED OR GRAY HAIR gradually recovers it youthful color and lustre' by the use ot Parker's Hnlr Balaam, an elegant dressing, admired for its purttx and rich perfume. . Absolutely Pure. This powde r never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Bold only In cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDEB CO., nov23 New York, LeRoy Davidson, Sole Agent, Charlotte, N. C. NOT m 1 s JJU -IN- Fine Neck Furaishicgs, EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS, MADE TO OUR ORDER, Just out by Express for the ACCEPTABLE -CHRISTMAS PRESENTS,- Cardigan Jackets, Plush, Otter Seal Skin Caps. tW We challenge criticism fin our Beautiful Blsplay of IMPORTED SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, three glass cases embracing entirely Foreign Pro- dnctinna W ri1ra th attention Of all WHO 6 inclination is tn make "others happy" in the choice of Serviceable Christmas Presents. decl8 E. D. LATTA A BRO. louday THE CHOICEST COLLECTION OF FANCY GOODS AND Silverplated Ware, ever exhibited in Charlotte, at the Oil TAT A "DATA C lr.mm AiiXa. A o-OF EDI GRAND OPENING ON Monday. December ill' Oar Stock is complete In all Its branches, and everything wilt be exhibited. .Call early and avoid iue rusn ana get nrsc enoioB. am. i and a vases, uoioeni e Setts, caps na rSiSSS PlaauM and Fruit Plates. Uesks. Bmofclnc Sedm Tor I, xoot VIWSUl and Banks, aner Baskets and wora 0m ' ' HOLIDAYS Goods. BROOffl Jspanese Boxes and Trays, the dji "cu"" DoVli. Banks, Buboer Bab, Chimes, Musical Top and Ton. Ktii . YIcl . T " I!-''-' i -- H OKIE GHIPLGT8. t5Uncle Josh at the opera house to night. - ' , . t . ' (Notices ol pur advertising jpa trons will be concluded to-morro, C2FBut three more days remain in which U secure return tickets to the Atlanta exposition. KSMcSmith is in trouble, and he states his case at some length in our advertising columns this morning. tThe bedraggling rain of yester day cast an effectual damper on the trade, as the streets were virtually de serted in the after part of the day. tF. W. Clark, with his family, passed through the city last night on his way to the Atlanta Exposition for a few days recreation the first he says in several years. E"The man Wilson, of whose assas sination in Cbeoterfield countv. S. f!.. ' mention was made in yesterday's Ob server, was formerly a resident of Fayetteville, N. C. t-The german, to have been given by the Pleasure Club to-morrow night, nas been indeunitely postponed on ac count of the absence of the Italian band. Thanks are returned for an invita tion to be present at a musical concert introducing the Christmas holidays, to be given this evening at the Salem Fe male Academy, under the direction of Sig. D'Anna. K""The fighting justice of the peace from Paw Creek was in the city yester-' day, and during the day took occasion to flatten a granger's nose. Several blows were passed, but the parties were separated Going fer the Ration!, Night before last a sneak thief en tered a house on Church street and carried off a supply of provisions which had been laid in. A member of the family heard a noise during the night, but supposing it to be made by some one of the household, gave the matter no attention, but the extent of the depredations were fully realized when the hour for preparing breakfast ar rived. There is some clue to the thief, hence we give no names at present. Death of an Aped Citizen. Mr. G. J. Freelund, an aged and well- known citizen of Mecklenbursr. died yesterday at his home in Crab Orchard township. The deceased was in his 83d year, was highly respected by his neigh bors, among whom he has resided for many years. The funeral services will take place to-day at 12 o'clock, from Sugar Creek church, to which the friends and ac quaintances of the deceased are respect fully invited. marriage of a, Cuarlottu l.udy- Itev. . Welling E. Thomas, a Presby terian minister of Ashley, Ohio, and Miss Emma W. Mattoon, of this city, were married Tuesday morning, at the residence of Dr. Mattoon, the father of the bride, who performed the marriage ceremony. The facility of Uiddle Uni versity ana a few otner mends were the only guests present. After an ele gant lunch had been served the bridal couple left on the mid-day train for At lanta, from whence they will go to the home of the groom at Ashley. Reception to JUiea Julia Jackien. The Atlanta Constitution of Tuesday has the following: "A number of At lanta ladies and gentlemen have united in tendering a banquet to Mis3 Julia E. Jackson, daughter of Gen. Stonewall Jackson, the reception to occur at the Kimball House at 9 o'clock to-night. The affair will be the social event of the season, at which the elite of the citv will "triD the lieht fantastic." Mis3 Jackson has a large number of hand- Bome badges and medals, presented to her by the admirers of her distinguish ed father, and we learn that they will be worn by her at the reception to night." Perhaps there is no other young lady in this whole Southern land who has such a hold upon the affections of the Southern people as has the child of the gallant Jackson, and this feeling is ex- pressed at every opportunity, but in an appropriate and delicate manner. Supremo Court Boclelona Tn thfl Raleiirh News "Observer of Tuesday are given the following opin ions, delivered Monday, in causes here tofore argued ; W. A. Barrett et als vs. J. M. Henry et als, from Anson ; no error, judgment affirmed. shate vs. Stenhen Efler. from Mc- TVnrai no error, iiidement affirmed. State vs. Wesley Sullivan, from Ashe; no error, judgment amrmea. Harry U urKe ana wire vs.d. m. jlui ner et als, from Iredell; judgment mod ified, and and reference to the clerk. Harry JiurKe ana wue vs. o. no.. j.ui ner et als, from Iredell; no error, judg ment, affirmed. star va. Solomon WMtaKer, irom Henderson; no error, juqgmeni WWVVV 1 - . af- firman W. L. Henry vs. xnomas ju. ijiayiuu, from Buncombe; no error, juuguieuw nffivmarl State and Bacriel tstewart vs. oouu Tnfrram. from Henaerson no enur, f affirm Ad. . j -rs ..o Tamaa kollTT Turpin ana x erKunuu d. vama m..vj and -wif. from Havwooa; no error, rtirm an t. gffirmd. -T" . i nnwi Mgffin AT. ala from Burke: error, judgment re - Versed. ' " L w a. Krown ana'wxie, vs. x. o. Cooper, from Mecklenburg; error, new trial ordered. TTarnr Williams, vs. mary . - noma It. als. from Duplin ; error, tur- fka. m-nnAAilinors directed. I rnC iA -rr -Jnrlo-ment affiirmed, m. t. Leacn vs. o. a. x 1 tfJJ V0fe"ri: vs. Richmond and DanvUWvRaiiroad Company, from Burke ; no error judgment affirmed. cf5?-: v. iTSrrhraim Woodfim from -r..4.AmKa. Annfl.i dismissed. ' "ifiTK no" vs"3harl0tte. Col- nlii . and " Augusta Railway Com pany, 'from Mecklenburg; error,- new Erie City Ironworks vs. Richmond -na.vniA Railroad Company, from Mecklenburg no error, judgment af firmed. . ... , m T First X "Onai rjanK vs. x. j. a't o.TAr irom MecklenboTg: error, jadgilKy hft iotb of next month. Necessary ' mentoraerea ioraeiBuuui.. , Young , & iirown - vs. a.., w? JSSSUT"-i,7 - ar w mvv i Tin. sarnir Auanuc, jl eiiutrsBCD, auu. v-.y - VS1 Ji5friL .SJJwiw"TrnV I -.nariOLLB. iiuui e KRIS KINGLET SIGNS. CBBISTAIAS HMTSIC lit THE AIR Thing- Substantial to HI alee Glad tlie I Cllver aa Well am turn Receiver of ChrUtmae Preeente Where to Go ana Waat to Got. "Xrer, when that sea on comes Wherein oar Savior's birth is celebrated, . ' The bird ol dawning singing aU nhjht long. And then no spirit stirs abroad. The nights are wholesome; then bo planets strike: No fairy talks, nor wlteh hath power to charm; So hallowed and so gradens is the time." So said 'the bard of Avon, and thus have said the generations that have suc ceeded him. But for the inclemency of the weather yesterday the "gracious ness" of preparing for the happy season would have been much, more enjoyable. Yet as we were not responsible for the weather, and our duty to our patrons is to see and report, The Observer repre sentative continued his rounds: T. L. SEIGLE & CO. This house has long ranked as one of the foremost dry goods houses in the city, and by the business judgment dis played by its head, has secured a lion's shar of the Charlotte trade.That the pro prietors have secured the key to success is evidenced by the extensive and lib eral advertising of their business, by which they keep themselves constant ly in the public mincLWhen the reporter called yesterday it was to find the house wearing the busy air of the holidays, but in readiness to meet the wants of the Christmas trade. In their stock will be found specialties for the season in handsome and cheap wraps and neckwear tor ladies, new and styl ish laces, silk and initial handker chiefs in boxes. The best brands of kid gloves, hosiery for ladies, men and children, all appropriate for holiday presents, and at low pnees. in tneir regular stock will be found all kinds of dress goods and trimmings, water proofs and cloakings, ready made cloth ing, and something new in hats. The salesmen,, who are competent and cour teous gentlemen, will take pleasure in showing you anything in specialties, and if you don t see what you want, you will find it a difficult matter to catch Seigle on a "call" for what is not in sight. L. BERWAKGER & BRO Of course every man, and especially everv voune man. will leei it incum bent unon himself to wear handsome clothing and "neck attachments" duriDg trie holidays at least, ana uerwanger Bros, have their counters loaded with the former and their show-cases filled with the latest designs in neck-wear. They challenge the town on this special ty, and say tneir display is unequaiea. They also have a large lot of fine silk and cotton handkerchiefs, fine gents' hosierv. suspenders, and anything that may be wanted ia gloves. An elegant line of overcoats is also shown, and if you calL and fail to find anything desir ed in the way of clothing, your measure will be taken and sent to tneir mer chant tailoring establishment North where vou will be fitted faultlessly. A novelty, and the only thing of the kind vet seen by the reporter, a miniature bicycle in cold, to be worn as a cnarm, will be found in their house, and it is the most perfect little vehicle imagin able. H. MORRIS & RRO. This house is rapidly selling off with a view of closing business on me ist or January next. The firm have already prosperous houses in larooro ana Greenville, N. C, and the closing out of their business at this place is tor tn purpose of establishing another house in Washinpton. N. C. In their stock will still be found many articles well suited to the season, besides a large lot of dry goods and clothing, all of which is being disposed of at less than cost. Those in need of anything in their line will certainly securvbargains by call ing, as the goods must be sold, regard less of what they bring. In the closing of this house and business Charlotte will lose one of its popular merchants and business men HARGBAVES & "WILHELM. This house, although comparatively young in business, has attained a splen did position in the estimation of the public, and there are few in Charlotte now enioving a better trade. The pro pnetors are young men ot nne Dusiness Qualifications, and fully realize what the public expect of the live business man of the dav. Tney carry a very large stock of all kinds of dry goods and notions, hats, shoes, &c., and for the holidays will be found novelties in the wav of walking lacsets, sue ana hem-stitched handkerchiefs, gents. scarfs and scarf pins, choice lot of la dies neckwear, tidies, tray covers, nap kins, doylies, shawls, gloves, laces, kc, all or wnicn win maxe aesiraoie guts for the approaching holidays. If you wish to please your wue, aaugnter, or - . snmn nther man's daughter, purchase for her one of their handsome dres3 pat terns and you will succeed. E. A. RANKIN & BRO. These gentlemen are prepared to nfrr tn the trade a splendid stock ot fine hand-made shoes, both for ladies and o-entlemen. A member of the firm is connected with one of the largest shoe manufactories in the North, and their facilities for securing first class o-nnda are second to none. The goods in store are of the best makes, and spe p.ial harcrains can be secured during the holidays. A specialty is made of child ren's shoes, of whicn a very large biock is always kept. LEROY DAVIDSON t on of the live voung business men nf r.harlotte. as is evidenced by his suc cess in business, which may be partly atrxihntftd to the fact that ne never hoi rats to nav for the privilege of thinner The Observer readers what he has in Store, iie IS one oi mo ueavioau adr-flrtisers in the citv. and as a conse- his croods reach nearly every household in Charlotte. For the Christ mas holidavs he has maae extensive nrnart.inns. and those in need of fan r.v or ataole groceries will do well to ex aminft his SLOCK, lie IS ma&lHK a buvvl- alty of fruits of all kinds, both foreign onri dnmnnMR. TlllLS. raiSlUS. CUlTttUUii 1 :rTOT, cranberries, plain and fancy can- I dies, canned goods, all kinds of meats, 1 ,-oiiin fanav brands or cneese ana me nest crackers in the market, pickles of all kinds, (wnicn are very paiatauie su: 1 .r t.ha hnlidavs. as VOU cernaps snow, an( a -mil line of fine cigars. For the roCTiiisit.inn Christmas fruit cake he can fill your orders with the finest ingredi- nt.q rrift cicv arrorus. xxia itwio mtou store has been made a strictly retai: house, while his staple ana neavy gro- rwriea will be found at the wholesale house on College street. Purchase Betnrns. Under the laws of 1881 it will be ne cessary, that, a return of all purchases made for the six months ending Decem ber 3lst be.rendered between this time and thend f tho month. - Privilege licences wilt also have to brrenewed :-J. ...... .. . ja Y I blanks, m, wnicn is a scneuuia mo ,a h made; will be furnished - a iduuiiui wv mr- a . -r in: 'te Tto.W i ana a laiiuxo w wuijiy xnisdemeanor,i)unisnauio I v.. OKt A. imnriiinnmpnL Cltr Court. At the Mayor's Court yesterday, four cases of drank and disorderly were on he docket, and one case against a ne gro man for assault The former were finished with a fine of $2 50 and costs in each case, while the latter was re quired to dance up to the tune of $7 50, in default of which he was incarcerated in the city penitentiary, where he will break rock until satisfaction is given. Lone Jack, Mo., Sept 14, 1870. I hare been nsmc Hod Bitters, and have receiv ed great benefit from them for liver complaint and malarial fever. They are superior to all other medicines. P. M. BARKIS. ONI VOICK all over the land goes up from mothers, that Bars: jay aaurntem are so ieeDie ana saa, wun no strength, all oat of breath and life at the least ex ertion. What can we do for them?" The an swer is simple and fall ot hope. One to four weeks' ase of Hop Bitters will make them healthy, rosy, sprightly, and cheerful. MARKETS BT TELEGRAPH DECXMBBH 21, 1881. PRODUCE. Baitdiobx Noon Flour quiet and steady: Howard street and Western super $4 50S5.00; extra S5.25S6.50; family S8.50S7.75j city mills, super S4.50S5.00; Bio brands 87.25 S7.87; Patapsco family $8.25. Wheats-Southern dull and lower; Western dull and lower; .Southern red $1.30081.85; amber Sl-87(tS1.40; No. 1 Maryland red 81.44881.41; No. 2 Western winter red spot and December 8l.84KJanuary $1.8681.8614; February $1.39, bid $1.8 7ft. uorn Boumem steaay: western auu; Boaxnem white 6bViQ6G; da yellow 68. BAiiTDfou Nlaht Oats doll : Southern 47S51: Western white 4951; mixed 4748; Pennsyl vania 48051. Provisions quiet and easier; mess pork $15.50. Hulk meats-sheolders and clear rib sides, packed 7tt&9Ut Bacon -shoulders 8Vi; clear rib sides 101; hams 12U&18. Lard refined 12. GoSee firm; Bio cargoes ordinary to fair 99 10. Sugar- quiet; Asoftgifc. Whis keysteady, at 81.17V Freights doll and un changed. Chicago Flour nominally unchanged. Wheat easer; No. 2 Chicago spring S1-24SS1.24 ash: S l.24Ui January. Corn steady and In fair demand, at5960cash;59i59 January. Oats fairly active and a shade higher, at 44V&u 44fib. Dressed hora dull, weak and lower, at $6. 80S6.85. Pork easier: old $16.00: new 816 87. Lard - active and lower, at $10.75- l u. ou. 0ULK meats sieaqy ana unonangea; shoulders $5 80: short rib $8.70; clear $8.90. Whiskey steady and unchanged, at $1.17. Nrw Tom Southern flour dull and declining; common to lair extra S5.75t286.75; good to choice do $6.80$8 00. Wheat Ieverish and and unsettled, cash lots lower and options closing a shade stronger: ungraded spring $1.22081.25; ungraded red $1.22081.88; ungraded white ; No. 8 red and January $l-89$1.40tft. Corn somewhat better; ungraded 66069; southern yellow 68; No. 2 'January 68&68J4. Oats un settled and closing a shade better on options; No. o 47. uops aDout steaay ana quier, iraae ugni. Coffee firmly held and demand fair, and prices unaltered; Bio 1094. Sugar steady and quiet: Cuba 7; fair to good refining quoted at 7o71&; refined quiet and unchanged; Standard A 808. Molasses foreign dull; New Orleans 50065. Bice unchanged and demand moderate. Kos in firm and quiet, at 82 26082.80. Turpentine- dull, and at 65056 Wool quiet and very steady held; domestic fleece 86050; Texas 14031. Pork held somewhat stroDger and demand very slack: mess SDOt S16.621A0S16.75; middles un changed and quiet ; long clear 9: short clear 9. Lard - higher and fairly active, closing strong, at $10.97. Freights to Liverpool market firm. COTTON. Galvbston firm; middling lllfec; lew mid'ng 1114c; good ordinary 10c; net receipts 2,708; rross : saws vs.ouu; stocx luo.itoi!; exports coastwise ; to Great Britain ; to conti nent : to France . Noktolx Steady ; middling 11 9-l6c: netree'pts 13.886: gross ; stocic 71.807; exports coast wise 5,490; sales 810; exports to Great Britain ; to continent . Baltimokb Steady; mld'ng 11 18-1 6c ; low mid dling 11 fi-1 6; good ord'ry 10 7 16: net rec'ts : gross 561; sales ; stock 49,701; exports coastwise 100: spinners 150; exports to Great Britain 1,800; to continent . BosrroH-Quiet; middling 12lc; low middling l4c; o ordlnarj 10c; net receipts 1,418; gross 2,767: sues : sroca o.vuo; exports to Great Britain -; to France . WrumiGTON Firm: middling lllfec: low mid dling U 11 16; good ordinary 10 3-16: rec'tr 687; cross sales : stock 18,679; exports eoantwUe ; to Great Britain 1,621; to continent . Philadelphia Quiet: middling 1216c; low middling Utfec; good ordinary 10 Vic: net receipts 162 rross911: sales 428: spinners 4.008 to?k 22,712: exports Great Britain ; tq continent Savakkah Quiet : middling 11 5-16c: low mid dling 10 15-16c; good ordinary 105-16c; net rec'ts 4,795; gross : sales 8,700; stock 120,949; exports coastwise ; to ureal ttniam ; to France ; to continent z.iuu. New Obleaks-Quiet; middling 115fec; low middling llUc; rood ordinary 10c; net receipts 8.365; cross 5.127: sales 3,000; stock 822.752: exports to Great Britain ; te France ; coastwise 3,863; to continent . M'bilx -Quiet; middling llttc; low middling HVfec; good ordinary 10o: net receipts 2,283; cross : sales 1.2UU: stock 04.000: expora coast 1,091; France ; to Great Britain . Memphis Firm; middling llVfec; receipt 2,726: shipments 1,317; sales 800; stock 100.U5W. Augusta Firm; middling tic; low mid dling lOtyc; good ordinary 10c; receipts 1,550, shipments ; saies st. Chablbotom Quiet; middling 11C; low mid- dllng 1146c good orainary lUffic; nei receipt 3,731; gross sales 1,000; stock 103.605; exports eoastwlse : to Great Britain ; to continent 1,860; to France ; to channel New Tohi Quiet; sales 2,016: middling up lands 1 9n: middling Orleans 12 5-1 6c: consoli dated net receipts 26,156: exports to Great Britain 2.U21: to France ; 10 conuiiem o,ou: ui channel . r.mrjpnni. Noon Steady : middling uplands A 1 i.iftrt-miridHni? orlean fl 13-I6d:sales 10.000: speculation and export 1,000; receipts 6,600; imMiM.11 n MMi. iinianaa tow miaaiuiK oiiuibo: December deUvery 6 ll-16d; December and Jan uary 6 ll-16d; January ana jreoruary o 29 02a: February and Marcn ; aiarea ana apni a 151-1 Ad? a nrti and if t ft 97-H2d: Mav and June 6 29-82d: June and July 6 15-1 6d; July and August 6 3l-32d; august and September Futures auiL FUTURES. Nsw Tom Furores closed 6teady. Bales 74,- 000. rwmKAT 12.10a.ll Janoarj 12 21 .23 H-Mhmnrv. 12.450).46 uarcn i.ooi.oo Apru 12.84.85 u. 12.98. 99 June. 1S.1011 juijT...... ia2oa.2i inS.,t 18.80a.8l September 12.64 65 October , U November. i oo FINANCIAL. Nsw Tobx. Exchange 4.79 Governments firm New 5's J 02 Four and a hall per cents i'iig Four Der cents l-Iqw Money o aiatm hnnili InAMiTA fiub-treasury balances Gold $84,555,459 Stocis opening weak and lower and closing firm: Alabama-Class A, 2 to 5 1 Alabama Class A, small 82 Alabama Class B, 5's 1.01 H llihania CnAK G. 4's Chicago and Nerthwestern 1.24 Chicago and Northwestern preferred, 1.88ft Jsne East Tennessee . 14Vt fltknTtrln. . . . . L . no nimols Central. Lake Shore -18 Louisville and NashvUle 1 024 Memphis and Charleston New York Central. , 89t Nn anvil in htiii VinHLUuruuira. Pittsburg. -.. loo BichmoDd and Allegheny 40 DiAhmnnd ann nan vii in i.oo Bock Island 1-83 Wabash, St Lords Pacific 88 Wabash, 8t Louis & Pacific preferr'd 73 western union. . CITY COTTON MABKET. Omci of Ths Obskbtkk. I CHiBLOm, December 22, 1881. 1 Th market veaterdar closed aulet at the follow ing quotations: eood Middling. Btrlctly middling, fiddling. Strict low middling. Low middling. Tinges.. Storm cotton Sales yesterday 235 bales. 10 1014 nam We eontlnustaaet asSoUdtors for Patent, Caveats, uort nnnTriBhta. etc. for the United States, rnada. Cuba, Eugiaod. France, Germany, etc Wt h. hui thiptrfive Testrs expertemee. ihitantAhtalned through us are noticed In the SCt- KNTino Ahirioah. This large and splendid lllus tiwekiTnaner.iS.20ayoarJhows the Progress of Science, is very interesting, and has an enormous Xni.ti. AddrMa MtlNN a CO- Patent Solici tor, pub's. tt Scnumno Ajckkkajt, 87 Park ow. NeW YorK. ' tltmu mmnwui i -Mutno. ?lcar fluertlBtmcuifl. Wanted Immediately. ABOOXMZPIB, Mutt understand double entry, be of sober and regular habits. Ad dress by letter, In own haodwrltlrjg. stating salary expected, MATXB BOSS. dec22 Charlotte, N. a WLy&ttlVxutans. TOY CANDIES, limits, ISTiAts, AND -AT- PERRY'S! KOTICS THIS: Finest llae ol FRUITS and candies ever seen in Charlotte. dec21 -FOB CHRISTMAS. -W 4-B- FANCY HOStEBY, l: Handsome Custom-Made Clothing, GLOVES, Cf JEL K. P 3ES "J." Sa LOVZLT DKSIGS3 OF NSW SmyrnaTap.Velvet S DoquetRngs, EXQUISITE Ingrain Tap. Body Brussels IVeliet Garpets IN THI NEWEST 8TTLES. aVSILXS of every description and style, Laces aad Lace Goods, and any number of useful articles soluble for HOLIDAY PRESENTS for both sexes and all ages. wrrrxowsxT babdch. dec20 FOR RENT. A Dwelling house on B street, between 6th. containing 6 or 7 rooms, with 5th and ooms, with a gooa well of water and stable, with good garden, ap ply to J08L1H ASBUBY or Mrs. M, E. FABBOw. aeczu iw TOYS! :o: :o: -CHRISTMAS- WILL SOON BE UPON US, A1TB We would be pleased tofhave you call and examine our Btock of HOLIDAY GOODS Our assortment of TYYVC w8 selected es nealallv for the R lUlOUU Trade, and comprises evemnmg nw ana novel to uuimi the children, with sixteen years experience we feel that we know your wants. It will be to your interest to examine our stock before purchasing. -ALEO- Fresh Fruits of all kinds, Nuts, Raisins, HGsloiTBoiT,oiraKAirrs,&o. We are now receiving orders for UHBI8TMA8 CAEES, and II yon desire saytning m mat line we would be glad to have yon call on us. fW We'manufaetnre our own CANDIES daily. and can guarantee tnem ruu. mMtM See us for XHiS GOODS by all means. , D. M. RIGLER. decll FOR SALE. A Valuable city re&idenoe, withla S minutes Xa walk et puoiK nne saaare. rorDaraeoiars apoiy to W. BL BAILEY or torneya. .. nov20 lm Canary re! Christmas Goods 1ST TIE llfi SILK HANDKERCHIEFS m w OUB BUIItB3 WILL ES THn7.R7 lst,'l2. And in order to dispose of the balance of our stock daring this month, we have concluded to OFFERtxREAT SACRIFICES. Do ot fail to take advantage of this important sale. We offer extraordinary bargains in BOYS' AND MENS' CLOTHING. t" For sale at my residence one Crimson Parlor Set, One Walnut Bedroom Set, One Handsome Walnut Sideboard, Two Poplar Bedroom Sets, Centre Tables, and general household furniture. Possession given at once. dec 8 AUCTION RODDICK & CO., In order to close out tbe balance of our stock we will AUCTION, ON today, December 11. Sale to commence promptly at 7 o'clock p. m. GEANULATED gg TE3T CCS" aa. -AND- I X V r f 1 n TP TT W m iU lh CHEAKEST1 Atwood's H0TT8 C0L0GNX.4711 QEBMAN COLOGNE, dUSt ueceivea vj n I nrAT-n"nin nTTrtTTTT Is a I UVVirJ2JA D J U VJuL U Soldonlyby - - WILSON a BUBWELL. GROUND SAGE, eromdeneFepGromaBwaCTrBiiWLLf. -rTr"VT"T7 rp"VTT "t?rVpij CTHTC Jewelry Cases, Puff Boxes, Hand Mirrors JjXiNjCi A JL1jTj JL 11 DJCiJ-O. Odor Cases, In all styles and at all prices The largest and nicest assortment ever brought to this market. WILSON & BUBWELL. TURKISH BATH TOWELS, A vrwv-h -r -w.T-r ravwiiTim g2Jii& fS&SSSSyT- anw&sant U8ea8e8' taTarlably pnxluc" "Wilson & MUSIC ! forming the general publie of charlotte that Be la now forming rliaine snil wfil rtm trwrrftirffrtnt m the follewlng nstnaMBtst vioun, nano, uuitar, camet and Flute, or any atnngJnstrament. can romish the highest lesttmoBlaia aato ability, and have had uie exnenenea oi juui a enuurr in teacuinc. nanos ana urgans nnea ana repaired ana satisiacaon guaranwea I tea always be found at my Music Boom on Church street, comer of 6th. ttaspeetrauy, 4ee20 Prof. H. SCHMITT. njMilr j .-rill m Prof. N. I-TiiTEsfea 1 I w J J 8CHMTTT :'tk" rfl takes pleai- -- mm. POSITIVELY CLOSED .l.BY- H. MOERIS & BROS. T T T TRYON STREET. oiler all our FANCY G00D3 and TIN WlBX at BODDipK & CO. tv T-VTTT ,- "Td O ft W N bbUJ IN: TIHIEfiClI T Y. Cologne, TIN! NATL BBTJBHES, FINE FEEKCH COAPS, uaua u. cua n jkuu. suoerlor remedy for all diseases of the BLADDER. line assortment, Just received by WILSON 4 BUBWELL. niu TTvdmiinA nas hAn nroren or tnn msnesi Burvell'Sa TURKEYS, GEESE, BUCKWHEAT FLOUE, NEW CROP N. O. MOLASSES, CRANBERRIES, CHESTNUTS, and KINDLING, AT S. M. HOWELL'S. I rr- 'nrArA ' noi more ui" w - "-rr deel ".int.

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