m I. ; . . .. . . . - . it j 1 jL ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' . 1 Z 7 - i m iM ia . im - - m t i - , lew, iw sa reu ar -an. . a SURE APPETISER n?ON BITTERS are highly recommended 'foraH diseases requir lKUiN isxa xxva k y indigestion. Dys- lug a curiam aiiu the muBcles, and gives new life to the nerves. It actfrkke actarmontb . digestive orkns, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tatting ,tte Food, BdSdnl 1 the Stomach. IteartLtn, etc. The only Iron Prepa rion'tlSt vTill not blacken tho teeth or give headache. fiSdby all druggists. Write for the ABC Book, 32-pp.. useful. BBOTVWmICAI. CO Baltimore, Md. TiKNXLEMBM : I .offering from stwera. a. jui v in (mnnonaioriuiiv deometom A vacation of, iMjtt aw ?S v. fi a ., i nf m month did not tare increases prouwTiwuu omUMUS , y , allied almost Immediate and wonderful reeulta. increasea proetreuon ami - --.V The 2fm Tonc a nrrnarafion o lVa Mtoxide of Iron. Jef. Irian Bark, ana MVio nhatea, aaaoriat IxcitH th r6W ilrmaHet,. Jtrvmm every purj)0i ' Wlln rf t.Tia r?' i Vh-T.: i nnHni m Ulns. nd with double .or7r l.o . ireari. of thought aerrfor. tiAMiKARTUIci It TMC DR. HARTER MEDICINE:CO.j HO W.W.W0QD Ham&itDier.Wmston J.G. IV V- RICHMCNDEN&RAVIW&CO. CHAS. R. Sole Ag't,Charlotte,N.C. HltsccnaneoixB, i ,-(J GENERAL FEED DEALERS -ANP- CO M O M OMMIS I 0 N I O N MERCHANT MEBCUANT s, M I S CHARLOTTE, H. C WE HAVE NOW ON 0.4ND JUbT RECEIVED, ONE CAR LOAD 1 000 BUSHELS OF NEW WHITK CORN. 2 CARRELS OF PEARL GRITS, -j CAR LOAD BRAN, CAB LOAD CORN and PSA MEAL MIXED, -I CAR LOAD PATAPSCO PATENT PROCESS 1 FLOUR, 2 CAP. LOADS TIMOTHY HAY, AHD WILL GLADLY PTE PRICES -TO- BOTH THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. Respectfully soliciting a shaie of your patronage, we are respectfully, dec!8 A. J. BE ALL & CO. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF- 1,200 icrcs :or. VALUABLE LANDS. BY VIRTUE of a decree of the Superior Court of the county of Mecklenburg, we wHI sell at public auction, at the court house door, In the city js Charlotte, on , Monday, 16th Day of January, 1882, the lands which were owned by the late Mary M. Wallace THE HOME PLACE, 4 miles from the city of Charlotte, on the Lawyers' road, contains 408 aeies, with a large Brick Dwelling House,: good bams and other improvements. . ' , j TUB ALLEN PLACE, contains 267 acres, is 4 miles from the city, adjoins the Home Place, and lies between the Lawyers' road and the Monroe road. THE WfNENS PLACE, on the Potter road, con tains 133 acres, adjoins the Home Place, and is about the same distance from the city. THE WILSON PLACE, on the Lawyers' road, 6 miles from Charlotte, eoutalns 822 acres. THE BRUMXEY PLACE, on Reedy Creek, 7 miles from Charlotte, contains 97Vfe acres. We will also sell a valuable Gold Mine, to Un bm county, near Matthews', knows as the Henry PhtferMlne. - - ' a . i i Tbe Home tract; the Allen tract: and the Wilson tract each, will Brat be offered in lots and then as whole. ThU sale is made subject to the ratification and approval of the Court. Terms: One tenth cash; balance in two eaual installments at one and two years, with security and rnterMtfrom-dato. ' Deeds and Plats can be seen at the law office of Parties desiring to examine the toroDertV will an. Ply to 8, H, VABROW, at trie Brick House Dlaoe ' W. C. MAXWKLL. C ComiplBs'nrs December 1, 1881. w-tds dally 4t ; . ; . r '-f Chew only the brand of tobacco known as Tha Old Oaken Bucket ... . , THE old Oaken Bucket, The iron bound bucket, r I The.Tnoas-covered bucket. . . ' That hung la the wen. ' . CHA8. B. JONES nanotte, N. C. Bole int m ew T JhAral farms tn dealers ' le Agent. &Co., WifirpiiaMea IK' 6 B I f I? .IT MIX :IA flAa'i of Atnetite; IiOSS Jf J IhulaHari and "ec ImiamiImI fttf the medi I eat mrofemmton, wor i I itkllitrt trmntale LUe- I My. A'ervvtte IT-omtra- . . JI , L. . manu w rt . w ir "t,. f allowed b me muon raiiei, uui uu " I hin n m ofroar iBOW TONIC, from which I re W ri ritarBd and I found that my natural force ionic. Eiaoe minKn n iBiOTaa. II um iodic dh uuv uuu. uib SIS RT(I JONES, 19 EITHER LIQUID OR DRY FOBS That Acts at tho same time on TSBLim, TEE BOWELS, AlfD TEE SIDNEYS. WHY ARE WE SICK? Because v allow thest great organs tol j hecomt clogged or torpid, and poisonous httmorsare therefore forced tnto Vu blood that should be expelled naturally. WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, URIXAIIY DISEASES, FEMAXK WEAKNESSES, AJTD ITERVOTja DI80KDER8, r by causing free action of these organs and restoring their power to throw off d isease. "Why luffor Bilioui pains and achest Why tormented Trith Piles, Constipation! Why frightened over disordered Kidneys! M Why endure nerrous or sick headaches f Use KIDNET-WOBTond rejoice in health. It is put up In Dry Vegetable Farm, in tin cans one package of which makes six quarts of medicine. Also in liquid Farm, Tery Cracam. trated, for those that cannot readily prepare It. t7It acts with equal efficiency in either form. GET IT OF TOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, $1.09 VTELLS, RICnARDSOS & Co., Trop's, (Will send the dry post-paid.) BtTEXnOTOS, TT. March .27 d&wly Only Vegetable Compound that 1 acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos- tiveness. Headache. Jtasistsdi gestion;' strengthensthe sVsi:etri, regulates the bowels, purhQs tie blood. Book sent fre& 1 'Dr. Sanford, 162- BroadwayN. ,Y. FOB SALE BY ALL. iDatJOUXSTB. anjl8 deod eow ly. 1 . P. CaTWILSDNn CHARLOTTE, N. C, 8oie Agent fW LOjJIS COOK, Mafflks Boggy AJTO TH ' . WATEBTOWN 8PRING WAGON COMPANIES, iT -. ; 1 COB ta 8AUT OK BUGGIES, CARBI AGTS." PHAIXOKS,' 8PB1NQ nr a nrtKta- m.tt . n- WHOLESALE AN1ETAttC i OPEN BUGGIES, $5& ttOP BUGGIE3, 6K. Bpeclal mducernenU-tO" the wholesale trade" Correspondenoe solicited. 1 . ST ;t ''i in .!! lit I'S i I housejbeetitejisedrfsor a twin reaW JbiJ-p- whose intention is tq: aeep a strictly nrst-clnxH hmu in . -Ta Boor?100?1 aBWe rooms on tot and'seoond j y U lni) 1 I III f 'J&, 7 y', f(AHITRST. ST. LOUIS. J TtT! ATMY1T a 1tftA W-sMi er THURSDAY, DEC. 22, 1881. A VISIT TO CUITEAtV The Atiassin's Former Wife and Her Uuhband Call at tbe Jail Washington. December 18. Are- oorter of the Post, accompanied by Mr. iScoville and one or two other persons, visited Guiteau in the jail yesterday. WLile theyerp.tlwre a lady, and gen tleman. the.5formex iaccompanied by a little girl,' entered the door. At first Guiteau appeared to do odhviohb col their Dresence, out, raising mseyrasuu denly, they fell upon the face of .the laay, wno bo nis Burpi iac piuvcu w w Mrs. Anna Dunmire, his divorced wife, together with her husband and their lit tle daughter. This unexpected visit rather unstrung the prisoner, and for an instant he hung his head, but bright ening suddenly he walked forward, took the lady's hand, and said he was pleased to see her. The lady was visibly affect ed, and tears welled up in her eyes, over flowing the lids and rolling down her Checks, as ah said: "Charlie, X am sor ry to fiud yuu.in-this conditioa," !"Oh, never mind that, ' said the prison er.calmly, "I am , sorry that the whelp tairiAantiv rflfHTrini? to District Attdr4 nay OdrkbiU) brought you here. But ha iwas disarjfpointed in his purpofeu i 1 did;: hothyigj jo? see,;to embarras8yo6 . ' rl hayecaltea: cto say goqifbyfe; Char- lie," Mrs. Dunmire said; evidently'de- Birous or enaing tne interview, -ior 1 fnay never see you again ;" and then, weeping, sue-beld put her hand to, the prisoner as; ii td say f arewell. : Guiteau was not satisfied, however, to stop the interview there, and, as if to prolong it, turned toward the lady's little girl and asked how old she was, adding, as. pe culiar lookuassed over his race and his thin lips twitched nervously: "Anna, I can wish vou no harm. J hope your life mav be DrosDerous and happy. Mr. Dunmire, wjio had been a silent sDetotator all 'that itime, then walked over to Guiteati and said: "Guiteau, must bid vou farewell also. We may never meet again." Guiteau took the proffered hand, but turned his head awav. and it was evident that h was impressed with thetruth of his visitors' remarKs, Without waiting for Guiteau to reply Mr. Dunmire added: "We say good-bye now : for I hope we will be oft to Lead ville again by Monday. It s too close around here f or me." "It is too close hereabouts for me, al so, DroKe in tne prisoner, wun a gnasi lv smile. "I wish that I was a laborer out at Leadville." The Dunmires then departed. Guiteau shortly afterward went back to his cell, announcing that he would positively be engaged for the rest of the day. A package received ny &eoviiie ior Guiteau. and consigned to his back yard under suspicion of containing some ex plosive, has been cautiously opened ana found to contain a coil or rope witn a noose oil its end. Xt also contained a noteeaying: "With the compliments of the Garfield and Arthur Club of Meyers- dale. Pa." Mr. Scovule has received a postal card, dated Mauch Chunk, Pa., signed "Dale, ex-Molly," containing a warning of an intended attempt on Guiteau's life by members of the Mollie Magture Or der. The police here have received a com munication from Oiiell City. Nebraska, stating that a "crank named Utley had started for Washington for the purpose of killing Scoville. A photograph of Utley accompanied thi3 communication. In regard to this communication the Star of yesterday says : "The police in vestigatiiic the mvstenous communi cation from Oriell City, Nebraska, to Mr. Scovflle have discovered that it is a practical joke on the postmaster of that place, who is nere, and mat it is intend ed to injure his chances of reappoint ment." Clark Mills, the sculptor, to-day took a plaster cast of Guiteau's head. Skingr Placca in Washington. Washington Post. "Never in the history of the Ameri can ilepublic. remarKed a veteran Senator, "was there gathered in Wash ington such a gang of political cormo rants. For the Lord's sake, give me some sort of civil service reform !" The hotel corridors at night are crowded with strangers. The uninitiated spec tator forms tbe conclusion that each one is an aspirant for a foreign mission, but the old-timer, distinguishing tne gold from the tinsel, puts each one down as an earnest applicant for a House-clerkship at from 5720 to $2,200 per annum. The positions open to these political tramps" number 325. The place of Clerk of the House, salary $4,500, is pre empted, -as are those of cruet clerk salary $3,000, and reading clerk, salary 3,uuu. Anomer reaping cieraas want ed and two other S3.000 positions those of the journal and tally clerks- are open. There are five $2,500 posi tions and twenty-two $2,000 places The sergeant-at-arms, of .Course, gets $4,000. The average pay of the fifty messengers is $1,200 each; The assist ant librarians get from $1,000 to $2,500 each. Thirty-two clerks ef Committees are paid $6 per dav each : the twenty nine pages get $2.50, and the thirty folders .make from $720 to $1,200. The ldweriay is that of the laborers wlio get rroan $4W to $si2U a yeary xaa serr geantratr-anna. (by the way, is allowed $500 for horse fcire. The capitol polif & men receive $i,iuu. Itlddleberg-er Getting- His Work In. Richmond, Va., Dec. 20 In the Sen ate to-day ftiddleberger introduced two bills, forerunners of a bill for the settle ment of the State debt known as the "fiiddleberger bill." It is intended to pBvent-the receiving of coupons in payment of taxes. They are so framed that one bill, if its constitutionality, is questioned it will be acted upon by the E resent Court of Appeals, and the other y the new Court which coines in on January 1st, 1883. The first bill alleges that many illegal coupons are in circu lation and prohibits the use of- coupons for the payment of taxes -rmtil their genuineness has been duly determined in court. The second bill makes it un Lawful faraav collecting officer to re ceive anything but money, for taxes, The payments may he made under pro test, and persons so paying may then sue to nave their money refunded. Iinmenae lTortnne Disposed of. The late Wm. F. Weld, formerly of Boston, who died in Philadelphia on the TTtb; instant, left aniestate wbah!is esti mated to' be valued at $21,000,000 By his will, which has been admitted to probatein Boaton. he left $3,000,000 to eaeh of iHS-fetir1 ttrandVebiidrerhr-Wm F.Weid third. Charles G. Weid,a nihe year old daughter of Mrs. Langdeu Pratt, and a daughter of. captG. Per kins: United States armvk To his wife he leaves $20,000 a year income, also the sum of $100,000. To his nieces and nephews, twelve in.number, he leaves $1,000 each ; For charitable purposes he leaves $7,000. $3,000 of which is to be devoted to theinterests of t he Woman's Hospital, bf Bbst6tj.; VT6 hli tw6SonB, George W. and William G. Weld, !be leaves-$500,000 each. And, finally, $3,'- oow.oeo is -to M taid. .according to the I will, to the residuary legatees f p& Shot; andKJUld in Quarrel. GapfiWm. Vandegrifti aaoted';x-Cbii federate officer, was shot and ftmed Aionaay nignt ny Henry uegg atiriqg iuttiiei.jiAj;Bg is in jail. iNCATiOHoirecl 2K The bo etfeV Charles&r WarapecialBavfr i ills i ij i Oomptrolller Knox informs; tbe direc- tbrs of thft Pacifier National .Bank in that an asiesspiBnt of lOOpercenU must be letiea. he5 pfeiaent of .the bnk,; Ben'yen, was reported to be. flying of pataiysis of the Drain yMtor,dayv; - aj , Tbosi J . is orton was shot and killed bv Policeman Fifzoatrick in KeW York in a'quarrel Saturday night. The shoot er escaped. , ,'r . , - - Vessels arriving . at New York the past few days report rough times at sea. Several reports of: wrecked ships found and crews rescued, and much floating wreckage seen; -The missing steamer, City of Baltimore, is supposed to have gone too the bottom. Wm. Sindram convicted in New York Monday for shooting his landlady, Was sentenced to be hanged February 10th. A prison is being prepared in Ireland for "the" incarceration of female land leaguers whom, the government pro poses to arrest. A meeting of the land lords has been called to express their dissatisf rction with the workings of the land act. There were 494 births. 748 deaths and 180 marriages in New York city last week.. Twelve Catholic priests were ordain ed' on Saturday at Baltimore, and as many more at Troy, N. Y.: A fire in Nds. 14. 16 and 18 Crosby street, New York, on Saturday night, resulted in a loss of $200,000 to A. S. & E. Wailacb, fancy goods dealers, and to the Hessar Brothers s Co. or $50,ooo. John B. Knight: who murderously as saulted his mother last Wednesday at Keene, N. HM has been pronounced In sane, and will be sent to an asylum. Captain Gilbert Manson, of the schooner Henry Sutton, charged, with kidnapping a colored man from Hamp toriv V a was--on Saturday, at New York, released on $250 bail to await requisition from' Virginia. Henderson Jones, colored, aiter nav- ing had three' separate trials, in each pf which he was found guilty of the mur der of a young white man named Har alson, at McBean, Ga., was on Satur day, at Augusta, finally sentenced to be hanged Sanuary 20th. On Friday last August Albert and wife, residing at Harbor Spring?, Mich temporarily left two children alone in their dwelling, and upon entering found the children and house burned by an accidental fire. January 17, 1882, has been set at Nashville, Tenn., by the Supreme Court for a hearing of tbe motion to dissolve the injunction against funding the State debt at par at 3 per cent interest. Rev. Joseph Funkhouser. an old min ister of the Baltimore conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and for some years before the war a preacher in the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, died near Keezle- town, Rockingham county, Va., last Thursday. TWO LOVEIIS WHO L. UGIf. A Comedy of Errors, In which a Plot ting- Father Is Outwitted. From a New Orleans Letter. The talk of the town is an elopement that proved to be a "Comedy of Errors." A rich old Creole opposed the marriage of his only daughter with a poor artist One evening there was a carriage drawn cautiously up to the corner of the grand boulevard Esplande. There was an air of mystery in its movements. The driver looked around, and then, appaJ reiiuy iium sumo siguai, uibu his eyes at the window of a mansion very little distant irom nis naiting place. A le male form, cloaked and veiled, threw open the casement, at the same moment bidding the driver to advance. He did so, and when the carriage stood imme diately at the door, beneath the lighted window, a tall and handsome man jumped out of the vehicle and entered the house. Shortly after this two cloaked figures passed hurriedly down the steps of the principal entrance and hastily entered the carriage, closed the do0r and requested the dri yer to "speed like lightning." An old gentleman, the proprietor of tbe mansion and the father of the artist's inamorata, was a spectator of the whole affair, and, gliding softly from a private door, mounted tne rumble or the car riage and found himself whirled on the road to Milneburg, the lake port of the Mobile packet. The old fellow had caught them. Tbe lovers ware in the carriage, but he was on the box. On rattled the carriage to tne steamboat landing. Down jumped the father and opened the door. What did he see! Could it be! Yes, it was his own hostler and hi daughter's maid i Tne arxngnted servants de scended from the carriage, and in an agony which was so exquisitely comic tnat tne disappointed pater iamuias could not refrain from smiling, fell oh their knees and begged forgiveness, The prevailing mania for elopement had seized them, seeing a carriage be fore the door, and being under orders from the millionaire to watch the ar tist s movements, they thought to thwart the elopement of their mistress by using the artist's carriage for their own. Meanwhile the artist and the lady were married at the house of friend. Tho Nebraska Liquor Iawi A new liquor law goes into operation in JNeoraska on January 1st, 1882, and under its provisions municipalities may impose very stringent regulations on the sale of intoxicating drinks. In Omaha the councils have fixed the li cense fee at one thousand dollars and the bond at five thousand dollars. There are one hundred and seventy retal liquor snops in tne city, and the pro prietors have been talking of an organ- izaiion to ngat tne raw, out tne Mayor has recently issued a proclamation warning all dealers that unless they procure licenses under the ordinance they must close their places permanent ly J an. 1st The marshal and police have been ordered to arrest all violators of the law, and the intention is to enforce it strictly, believing that a thorough test will either make it popular or odious at once and will enable the pep- pie to make up their minds whether or not they wish it continued. After an ineffectual effort to unite in not taking out licenses the liquor mtn have broken np, and sixty nave-applied and deposi ted the money, leaving over a hundred to quit the business. An Unlocked For Uesult. The vagaries of an invalid are illus trated in . the. case of a Long Island woman, who, being convinced that her end was near; and being unduly solici tous about the fate of her six children, implored her husband to marry her younger sister. He promised to do so after the funeral, and the sister was equally accommodating, but the sick woman was afraid that they might not be as good as their word. She entreated them to give a dying woman the conso lation of knowing that her children would certainly "be 'cherished After, tier departure, r Worn out with her Impor I tunity, they finally consented to be mar- "ou,aii yuuB. yt iicn every ining was settled fto'l her satisfaction she derived ouiwuvu, conieovmeni; , irom contem plating te fatorer of Oier : little ones tnat she Rapidly convalesced. !: .' rV7m- .'l:7:;if.Mta'j; , - ie'thlnj desired lofmd at laWl Aslt dr for Rough on Bats. ; It clears out rata, roaches, flies, bed-bags, 16c boxes. 1st ce, How do ton VanaMT "nid a lad to her friend. to appear so happy all the time?" "I always have Parker's Ginger Tonic bandy J' was the reply,, "and thus keep myself and tamlly in good neaitn When I am well I always leal good natured." See other column. ... r- ... , . , .-, tta TOE GREAT. NEEDY. FOR "II Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago,' Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodilj Pains, tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted . Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ho Preparation on earth equal Sr. Jacobs On as a safe, ure, sdtnpl and cheap External Bemedy. A trial entails but the comparatiTely trifllDg outlay of 50 Cents, and every one offering with pain ejui hare eheap and poeitiTe proof of ita claims. . Directions in Eleren Languages. SOLD B7 ALL DBUQOISTB AHD DEALERS IS MEDIOLHE. A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Md., V. B. J dee 80dAw lr SOMETHING EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW. There exists a means of se curing a soft aud brilliant Complexion, no matter Low poor it may naturally be. Uagan's Magnolia Balm is a delicate ana harmless arti cle, which instantly removes Freckles, Tan, Redness, Roughness, Eruptions, Vul gar Flushings, etc., etc. So delicate and natural are its effects that its use is not suspected by anybody. No lady has the right to present a disfigured face in society when the Magnolia Balm is sold by.all druggists for 75 cents. Jan. 22 North Carolina Railroad. OOITDENSED SCHEDULES. TRAINS GOING KAST. r Date, Nov. 20, '81 Na R5 No 51 No. 53 Daily. Dally. Dally. Leave Charlotte, 8.10 a rn 4 40am 5.45 p m " Salisbury. 4.42 am 6.30 am 7.27 pm " HighPolnt 7 53am 7.50 pm Arrive Greensb'ro 6.25 a m 8.28 a m 8.44 p m Leave wreensb'ro 9.85 am 9. 15 p m Arrive Hills boro', 1 1 . 42 a m Durham... 12.17 pm " Ba)elgh. 1.25 pm Leave Raleigh,.. . 4. 1 0 p m Arrive Goldsboro' 6.20 p m No. 17 Daily, except Saturday. Leave Greensboro', 5.40 p. m. Arrive at Raleigh, .-J6.04 a. m. Arrive Goldsboro,.. 8 00 a. m. Ko. 55 Connects at Greensboro' with B. St B. B. for all points North and West. D. No. 01 Connects at Greensboro' with B 4 D. B. B ior all points Nerth, East and West, via Dan ville. At Goldsboro' with W. & W. B. B. for Wil mington. I . 53 Connects at Salisbury with W.N.CB.B. for all points in Western North Carolina dally; at Greensboro' with B D. B. B for all points North, East and West. TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, Nov. 20, '81 No. 54 Daily. No. 50 Dally. No. 52 Dally. Leave Goldsboro' Arrive Raleigh,.. Leave Raleigh, . . Arrive Durham,. Arrive Hlllsbore', 10.00 am 12.25 pra 2 85 pm 3 49 pm 4 26pm 6.45 pm 7,05 pm 7.42 pm 900 pm 10.45 pm Arrive Greensb'ro Leave Greensb'ro 9.15 pm 10.54 p m 12.25 am 9 80 am 10.02 a m 11:14am 12 40 pm arrive High Point Arrive BaiisDury, Arrive Charlotte, No. 28 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Goldsboro, . ..00 p. m. Arrive Balelgh, 7.80 p. m. Leave Raleigh...... .6.00 a. m. Arrive Greensboro',.8.00 p. m. No. 50 Connects at Salisbury with W. K. C. B B. for Ashe ville, 4a, at Charlotte with A. AC. Alr Llne for all points in the South and Southwest No. 54 Connects at Charlotte with A. A C. A.-L. Railroad for all points South and Southwest No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with A A C. A.-L. for points South and Southwest; at Charlotte with C C A A. B. B. for all points houth and South east M. W. Kf. C. HAILHOAB. 60ING WEST. NO. 50 Daily. Leave Greensboro. 9.51 pm Arrive Kemersvllle. 11.07 p m Arrive Salem. , 11.50 p m NO. 52 Dally, except Sondajr. Leave Greensboro 10,00 a in Anlve Kemersvllle -. 1 1.00 a m Arrive Salem 11.80 a m GOING BAST. no. gi Dau, etoept bundar. " Leave Salem fo Arrive KernersylUe 6.04 Arrive Greemboro ; 9.00 iht im ; . . NO. 58 Daily. Leave Salem...... .. 4,80 p m ArrtVe JEernersvlUe 5. 1 0 P arrive Greensboro . 6.30 p m FLUiinaii ieiiig cars WiM CMBge: 8n Train No. 54-Danville and Atlanta, n Train No. 60-New York and Atlanta, via Washington and DanvMe. - On Train No. 52 -Richmond and Danville, and Washington apd Augusta, via Danville. Through Tickets on sale at Greensbore' Balelgh, Goldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and principal points South, Southwest West; North and East Fur Emigrant Bates to Louisiana. Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest address, : A. POPE, M General Passenger Agent oecS -Rlchuond, Va Quickly and Permanently Prtu'sAStluaiRamedi is nn&qnaled as a positive Alterative aad Onra for Asthma aadDytpepsla, and all their attendant evil It does not marelr afford tern; erary relief, but la a permanent cure. ie. of Belmoro. fL. aava at its; T,mn tymrvriteA attAf Medy tffecLt 6 vour remedy. Hi MH medicine in tlx year that Mas laessneH my eouo and made expectoration eat.--Ioote sleep U night without eouehnq."'irjoot draggisi doaTnoa w"i kiiuiw mhb aoa teBmoDiaia.to -f6;t-r-a';8W Brwwlway, Mew Yi 0CtBTdAw3m CURED if i i n S If' .-- frlSfoSMil HOLIDAY GOODS ! ! Have you seen our line of Beautiful 1 If not. call at once. We nave an assortment of as fine Goods as was ever brought to this market PLUSH AND LEATHER COVKESD TOILET CASES AND ODOH STANDS. Gents' Shaving Cases, Ladies' Work Box aad Odor Case combined. Baby's Case, Children's Toy Cases and Souvenir. French Plate Hood and Stand Mirrors, Lublns, Tetiows and Colgate's Xx tracts and Toilet Waters, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brashes, Ac, &a Call and examine. novSO L. B. WfilSTON k CO. FRESH MINERAL WATER Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Received, at Dr.J.H.McAden's Drug Store s ABATOGA TTICIiy, V From Saratoga 8pringi, N. T. A new water re- BemDiing tne imported Vlcby. Becommended as an antacid, cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, Is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forms of dyspepsia, ALSO, CASES CONGRESS WATER, J Q CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, J Q CASKS BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED ftPOLLIHlRI - AND Bunyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! JJUNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Doss: A wine glass full before breakfast The Lancet "Hxmjrdl Janos. Baron Lieblg af firms that its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all ether known waters." The British Medical Journal1 'Hunyadl Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Prof. Vtrchou), Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scanzoni, Warszburg. I prescribe none but tbla." Prof, lander BrwUon, M. D., T. & 8., London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy. Pro. Atfcen, Jf. D.. P. R. 8., Royal Mmtary Hos pital, Netlev. "Preferred to Pullna and Frled rtchahalL" JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. a DONT GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water ust as fresh and spark ling as when It flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled agalri every week. ' J. H. $fcADBN, Druggist and Chemist. Preserlptlons care fully prepared by experienced and oompetent druggists, day or night July28 Z. B. vakca W. H Bailxt. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Oonnsellore CHARLOTTE, N. C PractJca In Supreme Court of the United State, Supreme Court ef North Carolina, Federal Courts, and counties of ; Mecklen burg, CabarruSj Union, Gas ton, Bowan and Da- ytdson. BaV- Office, two doors east of Independence Square. may29 tf BO. D. GBAJLAM, ATTORITEY A.T LaW IN the state and United States Court Coilee 1 -Bona, Home and Foreign,, solicited. Ab tracts of Titles, Surveyi. Ac. fumlabed for com "npnsstion. . - Charlotte. N. C (Jan. A, Victor SBWigaciBCfc Ho Gins Goods MS No. 12,000. 27 stops. 10 full seta Golden Ton' r"" j"" t Ma ouuii ana delivered board can here, price ONLY SIXTY Tillars Net Cash, faction guaranteed in every it Ocular or money refunded after one yeaHsutT Every one sold sells another, it btsufi Aovertisement. Order at once, NoihlSg saed lr eorresoondenre. My new factory lust MmuuTtJd capacity 2.000 tostraments evTry 26 ummi latest lahnMAvlnir mnn--nryL very Vast espltal enables me to manufaeture better coods for less money than ever. Addrew orci AJAniau r . DJSATTY Washington. New Jersey. Ill 8t7's of Chromo Cards with name. r Cot, Nassau, N. Y. ' IW " P1EAPEST BOOK-STORE Wd! given away. Grand Holiday Ca&guefree LEGGAT BROS., 81 Chambers Street, near Broadway, New York. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. BIJETAI, tip LAMP WICK Pat'd Dee. T, 1880. ft llll MH M I I I I I I I Give a BrOha&t White and Steadr lisht. lAouliva nn trlmintiir-ml i..f. Sample wick U c H wicks 25c. 12 wicks 76c, post-vAddrf0UrBlZea-N0-0'1-2-8- A8eDte MKTAL TIP LIMP WICK CO., 70 Cortlandt St, N. Y. Atlantio and Gulf Coast (Mai and Okee chobee Land?0o. 50,000 SHADES, 8HABSS, EACH 3PAV EACH At PAR with a BONUS of 40 acres for each 10 shares from choice lends of the "Disston purchase" Onrccra: i T,bM Chestnut 8t , Philadelphia. 115Broadway,N.Y., Rooms in. 113. Detailed Prospectus with descriptive maps mailed FREE. iealWertwrnrrantod the best and SSggaS-riSe OTlf-PreeervBtion ; boned in SR?rt-v22en 1hn,einbesl. nU CUMOO ppoon Uina beautiful ueoa. . . ... I-TT . . . '"''.aonii reaDOay Med. ini DUJ .SlRTlTBalSch.H THE 6H1CKEBIMG mm. THE HIGHEST AWARDS r'tSS Jt,h0?RaAL5:SPAI:R " LONDON, 1851 ; at the GREAT EXPOSITION in PARIS 18T; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION In CHILL18T5: at th grand CENTEN. NIAL EXHIBITION la PhiladMaT 1ST6. All peraana wishing fm parchaae (or t. ffjwnj) inMnuneata mrm respectfully in vited to rlsit oar Wararoomj, Send for Circular an4 Price List, CHICKERIIIG I SONS; 130 Fifth Avenue. N.Y, 1 156 Tremont St., Boston. - ... . Nov29- dAw4w Pro Bono Publico. Prof. A. Campbell, SI. D., OF PHILADELPHIA, PA., HAS taken rooms at the Frakenthal House, ad Joining the Telegraph Office, Charlette, N. C, where he will remain for a few days, and will bo pleased to see all of his old patents and friends. Also all who are afflicted and wish treatment No matter what your disease is or who has failed to pure you call and see the doctor. If your case Is curable h wUl tell you so, if net he wUl tell you that The Doctor treated and cured over ONB HUNDRED AND FIFTY PATIENTS of tbe FIRST LADIES and GENTLEMEN OF CHAR LOTTE WHEN HE WAS HEBE LAST &PRINU. CONSULTATION FREE l3yAS WELL AS CONFIDENTIAL. IF- Come Early to Avoid the Bush. Si dec20 8t To the City Trade. I Wish to inform tho ntihllA that I am now killing and York Plan, bv which the meat la nndnrui ihu.r tenderer and superior to that butchered and dressed in the usual way. Housekeepers will please make a net of this fact and give the new pracesa a trial. M. F. TROTTER, East College street dee20 lw Next to Chambers' Livery Stable. All Notes and Mam GIVEN US LAST FALL FOB G-TJJNO, ARE NOW DUE, (NOVEMBER 1ST, 1881.) BF Please call and arrange the same Si llJir&Sis. cxv2 'gov gill. CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE. A DESIRABLE residence, three Moeks from the public square In Charlotte, will be sold rbeap and on reasonable terms to tbe right kind or a purchaser. Tbe dwelling Is on a full lot baa i'llie eomfortabie rooms, brick kitchen, fine well of wa ter, ete. The bona la admirably adapted for ice residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacher, having an admirable library or study room, built for t purpose. For further particulars, price, terms, etc.. apply at - THIS OIKICE. ,julT20.dtf . vlGhfJ;S Cheap. fpHE Lot on the comer t Ninth street .and we iJ-i-North Carolina Ratlread, fronting 140fee on Ninth street and lr3 feet on the North Cart Ballroad, wlU either be sold as a whole or (UvtdM lntotwolotaof 70 by 196leet Suitable either ior huortactorpurBoaeA, mLUF3. saaWdrm! mrmrwmz m ?H0W K.vtn

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