V NEWS If OTtES. mil i A TRUE TONIC o) u y y is SURE , APPETISER ing a certain andefficient Igf? Appitite, IXMM of pepsia, Itottent Fever vv Strength, Iiack ol Jersryv Jt nke a charm on the the muscles, and gives new 6?ttos BUCh as Tasting the Food, EdchiwHeatiritheSumwg, o teetSor triVe headache, amusing regTCHEMICAI, CO., Baltimore, Md. H r II M 1 D 17 7 fP f I F-fll lljrx 0 0 -w it -j h ill r Jft r n- - - r r r r r r sTsr sr use ii i FRIDAY, DEC. 23, 1881 ANOTHER LETTEB. Dr 1 -naH1 1I1U V IUUU 7. - . a fn nvAfl n GKNTLEMKN: 1. - sunering xru . j- -v- m6 nlnch reUef, but on tne nr. w --v-.-y - . . , : mAHDt ann snnuuiui w " . auzea almost uiuuou."-. - ----- j thrM bottles 01 tne Vnot oermanently abated. I have nt???,l??r " a " " 7 .1 ! .1 i mil T-oei. "or I ease. SJ""- tiin. and Jp0 ceneerromx wotw-i S""- . 1 M-aMUu11n0lf hill .uch.an extent tnw 157 olloed b. 1 1 TO i fores E7 ru,n". twloe the la- Tonio. pincw umn? f.-:'r- nRrTn - - SrIkioW not what. 1 give it Tfce Iron Tonic m -irJ. or Mrro Irian Hark, and XeitH tHm KeetWe ArcmaHM. Mtmervem every purpose wnere Tantfe is necessary. UAIOFACTvRls si vn. ViSnr of body, has com also ciearnw v. -, d watbok. Pastor Christian unnrcn. 111 I B M B ft If f I f ffffff ' ff fl l I V. dtcd aimeiNE CO.. 0. 81S MIWIWTKlT,.1NlBI)l Fe Sl W.W.WOOB.MaiuiEtnrer.Winstoii.N.C. c II II WV, ywiA, RICHMOND EHSBWIHSCO. 1 r- CHAS. R. JONES, Sole Ag'tCharlotte.N.C. IJXisccWaueotts. I UliacellaueottB. 1 J.Beall&Co., GENERAL FEED DEALERS riOMMISSION fOMMISS I o N MERCHANT MERCHANT S, CHARLOTTE, H. C. WE HAVE NOW ON HAND : JUST RECEIVED, ONE CAR LOAD Hthe only MEDICINEl ii IX EITHER LIQUID OR DRT FORM That Acts at the same time on TEE LIVES, TEE BOWELS, AWB TEE SISEEYS. WHY ARE WE SICK? Became we allow these great organ to I become clogged or torpid, and poltonout I humor tare therefor forced into the Hood thai should be expelled naturally. Ljwi MKIDI 1 000 BUSHEL8 0F NEW WHITE C0RN- 2 BARRELS OF PEARL GRIT3. 1 1 1 2 CAR LOAD BRAN, CAR LOAD CORN and PEA MEAL MIXED, CAR LOAD PATAPSCO PATENT PROCESS FLOUR. . CAR LOADS TIMOTHY HAY, AND WILL GLADLY PTE PRICES -TO- BOTH THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. Respectfully soliciting a snaie el your patronage, we are respectfully, dec!8 A. J. BE ALL & CO. L L CAST ON, WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, A LIVER COMPLAINTS, PILES, CONSTIPATIOIf, UKISAKI1 DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, XSfo NEKVOTJB DISORDERS, by causing fret action of these organs and restoring (heir power to throw off disease. "Why enffer Billons pain sad aches! Why tormented with Piles, Constipatiomt y& Why frightened oier disordered Kidneys! U Why endure nerrons or sick headaches! I Use KIDNEY-WORTarui rejoice in health. II Tt la rnit no In Drr Tecetable Form, In tin J cans one package of which makes six quarts of medicine. Also in UfCMi mrm, Tery trated, for those that cannot readily prepare it. j -grit acta with equal efficiency In either form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, S1.00 WELLS, RICHARDSOS A Co., Prop's, (Will send the dry post-paid.) BUTtLTJGTOH, Tt. 1 1 a n ) DrSSNFORD'S DEALER IN Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, Tinware & House Furmshins GoodSs MANTELS and GRATES WHOLES AIL E and RETAIL. Particular attention paid to ROOFING AN D SPOUTING. Done but nrstelass bands employed. Call for the ma sheaf stove. oct20 Mvl?w.onlIthe bran1 of tobacco known, as The i M It THE old Oaken Backet, V The iron bound backet, voi " ' The moM-cotered bucket, That hung in the wel 1MVIG0RAT0SS Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Taun-. dice, Biliousness Malaria os tiyeness, Headache. ItassistsdU gestibn, sf rcfiigthens.the system. regulates the bowels, purines the blood. A Book ent free. ! Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Yr r salu , by , ALL amis deod eow iy. f Wortb tb Cssatbam Hola tion4Iiel Us Stop tjbe War,', Cor. Balelgh News-UDserver. Ia yoar issue of th SSd of November you publish a communication reporting tne proceeuiugs ui. fuuui' tt; held at Pittsboro, in the interest of the Midland Nortn juarouna xkaunar, an which meeting resolutions were adopt ed charging Goy. Jams and myself with violating our contract, thereby de faatinff the Midland North Carolina Kail way scheme and disparaging tne commercial integrity of the State. I at first thought that I would not notice it but upon a careful reading I found the charges so untrue and so uncalled for that I decided to write at some length, which 1 did, saying hard and harsh things of the principal actors in the meeting. On jeviewing, it did not read -exactly like a peace offering, and I therefore threw it in the fire.' I now write with the full intent of let- ting every ooay unuerstauu iuo truth about this whole matter, without usinfc any unkind word. I am acquaint ed with all the parties named in the meeting and do not believe that they would have permitted any such resolu tions to pass if they had understood the matter, in reading me piowseuuijjo the meeting it is evident that Messrs. W. J. Best, John G. Bencher and H. A. London, 4 r naa uiem . sm yicpaicu m advanee. I cannot see any inducement for their hot haste in passing resolu tions which, if true, were to disgrace Gov. Jar vis and myself, nor can I see how disgracing us was to build the MldlandToad, which it appears was the object of the meeting. There can be no possible excuse fdr the adoption of the resolutions if the truth about the matter had been understood. Let me state the facts as they are. . The law authorizing the sale of -the Western NTrth fiarnlina Railroad appointed three commissioners, and in section 23 says that -should the said grantees or their assigns be hindered or delayed by any cause for which they are not re sponsible, then the said commissioners shall allow a reasonable extension of time for the completion of the said lines of railroad." On the 30th of April last Col. A. B. Andrews made applica tion to the commissioners for an exten sion of time to complete the road. At that meeting they agreed to give an extension of four months' time upon the condition that the application be made direct from Messrs. Clyde, Logan and Buford, and upon other conditions named in the memoranda agreed upon between that day and the time the ap plication was returned. Gov. Vance gave notice that for reasons he had he would not sin it. If 1 hmi found out something Wmt I thought a sufficient i eason I should have felt at liberty to decline giving the extension. If I ever hid one purpose more firmly fixed than another.it was that the Western North Carolina Railroad should never fall back on the State, and I thought then and I think now that the only way to prevent that was to Rive the extension asked for. About this time Mr. W. J. Best made his second appearance, pro posing to build the Midland North Carolina Railway from Goldsboro to Salisbury, finish the Western North Carolina road, &c., upon the condition that he could get possession of the At lantic and North Carolina Railroad. I wax red hot for the project. The pro posed road would run through the cen tre of my county, and would greatly enhance the value of all our manufac turing establishments and greatly in crease the value of my own property. To say that I would violate any agree ment I had made that would hinder that work is very absurd. Now for the agreement that I am charged with vio lating. At a long conference with Mr. Best and his associates on the 25th of May, after reciting all the conditions in regard to the Atlantic and North Caro lina Railroad, &c, the commissioners did agree and promise that they would use all the means in their power as commissioners and as individuals to procure the surrender and reassign ment of the interest heretofore convey ed by the State of North Carolina to W. J. Best and others. The commis sioners did write to Messrs. Clyde, Lo oran and Buford. asking them to sur render and reassign their purchase, offering to repay them for their ex pense, which they declined. A forfeit ure would liave thrown the road back on the State. Now the Best, Rencher and London resolutions declare that Messrs. Jarvis and Worth did violate such agreement by refusing to declare a forfeiture of the contract under which Messrs. Clyde, Logan and Buford claimed possession of the road. If any body will show where we have forfeit ed our word or agreement, I am ready to make an unconditional surrender. I was elected to the position I hold for the reason that the people believed me to be honest and truthful, wnenever I forfeit either I ought to be driven from that position. I was appointed commissioner by the Legislature with out my knowledge or wish. I have frequently visited the work on, .the road, and can safely say that since the extension of time was granted, . the work has been pushed rapidly, ana is now nearly finished to Paint Rock, and seventeen miles of the track is laid on the Ducktown line, and the grading has advanced to Pigeon River, and con tracts already made beyond that point. . I notice that the Pittsboro meeting adjourned to the 20th. If I were pres ent I would propose amending the last resolutions and making them read thus: , Resolved, therefore, That we do most unqualifiedly commend the action df Messrs. Jarvis and Worth, and do here enter our warm thanks for the same, and as fnearhrt ever before. Zebulon B. Vance has the hearty confidence of the Rev. T. M. Hndson, the oldest Metho dist minister in West Virginia, died at Wellsburg; in that State; Staturday,; aged 8S years. , . . . CoL JcTimberlake Snead, a native p Kentucky, but for some timer a resident of New York, died Saturday. He serv in GenvJos. E. Johnston's command during the late war, and was wounded three times. , ,?t r,.. A sanitary inspection of Newport, R. I bv erovernment officials shows that over two-thirds of the welli in the city contains water unfit to drink. Dr. Isaac L Hayes, the distinguished) Arctie explorer, died at his home in. New, York city on Saturday. j A corrected list of the victims of the Ring Theatre fire, In Vienna, gives the total number of victims 5S794, of whom the bodies of 144 have been legally iden tified. The English newspapers are .still wrestling with the. Panama question, the Clayton-Bulwer treaty and Secre tary Blaine's dispatches. A telegram from Poughkeepsie,N. Y states that Mary L, Magnes, a student from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, had been ac cused iby. the officers of Vassar College of stealiner Sl75 at various times from other students. She confessed, but beg ged that her father should not be in formed. He was, however, informed, but before his arrival the young girl died of paralysis of the heart. Edward Sanders attempted a feloni ous assault upon Mrs. Seymour, in Lan caster some two months agd. The poor woman died of heart disease a few min utes after she escaped from the ruffian's grasp, which was evidently superinduc ed bv the fright Sanders was accord ingly indicted for murder, and on Sat urday the jury before which he was tried found him guilty of murder in the second degree. In Rochester, New York, Sunday, Bishop B. J. McQuaid denounced the Irish land league as revolutionary and unworthy the support of Catholics in either America or Ireland. He severe- lv criticised Rev. Mr. Sheehy and the recent Chicago convention as being directly in opposition to the principles of good government and the will of the head of the church. The State superintendent of public instruction, Springfield, 111., has issued a circular to all the county superinten dents, calling oh them to give effect to the regulations adopted by the State board of health relative to the vaccina tion of the pupils of the public schools for the purpose of restricting the spread of small-pox. A large number of Tammany Hall men, headed by Eire Commissioner Purroy and Senator Korch, met Satur day evening', and, after adopting an ad dress that reviewed what it called John Kelly's selfish career, adopted measures for reorganizing Tammauy Hall, with Mr. Kelly left out of it. An unknown man died in New York Saturday of starvation. ft Uw TVf lilMlElEBI I .'.-r FOR Ho liny Goods. HOLIDAY GOODS ! ! Have you seen our line of Beautiful Goods 1 RH EMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Genera Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches, Ho Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jacobs On ss s safe, sure, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails bnt the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Csnts, and eyery one suffering with pain eon hare cheap and positive proof of its minima. Directions in XleTen Languages. 80LD BY ALL DBT7GGIST8 ASD SEaLE&S IH MEDIOTJTE. A. VOGETJER tfc CO., Baltimore, JStd., V. 8. -A. dec 80 dA w ly 3 m nr i rviDri ado aw sr No 12,000. 27 stops. 10 full sets (ioldea Ton rue Reeds, 80LID WALNUT Highly Polished Case. New and raluable Improvements just ad ded. 6tool, book, music. Boxed and delivered on board cars here, price ONLY SIXTY Dollars Net Cash. Satisfaction guaranteed in every narl tlcularor money refunded after one year's use Every one sold sells another. It Is a Standing Advertisement, oraer at once. Nothing saved dt correspondence My new factory Just completed capacity 2,000 Instruments every 28 dsys. verv latest labor-saving wood-working machinery Vast capital enables me to manufacture better goods for less money than ever Address, or call upon uaniKL f. beatty, Washington. New Jersey. 50 New Sty'es of Chromo Cards with name, or 26 New Years' Cards. IOp- Nassau I'nm (JO. , Nassau, N. Y. CHEAPEST BOOK-STORE In the I lontt oiHguuic-iii trill COOKS; UOrgROU Juveu lie Books; Superb Bibles and Prayer Books aim st given away. Grand Holiday Catalogue free LEGGAT BROS., 81 Chambers Street, near Broadway, New York. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY BLETAL.T1P1.AMP WICK t Pat'd Dec. T, 1880. twinlft of Chatham countv, 1, was powerful gjaa oi meaeciara- tion of confidence in Got. Vance. I DKuaazsTS. have always been for him, am for him now, 'and expect to be for him all the time.' Review your Work, gentlemen, arid instead-of misrepresenting your State officers, resolve ta give $50,000 to aid in building the Midland North Carolina Railway, and go: to work shoveliner the dirt, and in that way you may get a railroads Resolutions will . not build : : itw ;; Quarreling ; and abuse will not bnild it. Let us stop the war and unitedly and peacefully go to work and build the road. , J.M. Worth. r a Carton Caatom, ' " . " 1 .... .:, .!-. . .. -. Oil City Derricks j ' ' .' Monsieurixl cuscovare one curi ous custom in your conn tree, madame I" Mwfame-What is that, monsieur?" XIt ees ziai Ven a young ladee she cret vat vou call it married, she ; bag Eer ieame; I link I hear you say?; ;M.t We sometimes so remark, monsieut" X-And ven ayoung ladee the tell a yotirig manaberno haf beemi youi say hftgeefilheemrW sackr; M'Quite tue monsieur. xNow.Jnadame,T WAGONBrJw., i 6 , 1 .. j Whpn T riad irl v.A' rlic-i-in-'T.e dicshun-n wrjBATjriwriAWX lie vat yon call eetl I'find' ze sack and open buggies, $55. top BUQarES, 5. f K6 bag are ze samectin. pf mame, : Brjerial- mdiiMnentata tha whnlniu.1 W trsilA I find m zat itis Z6 custom ID Z18 COUE- -l"ino .onsri iTOimntepf fsheputzflyottimaMn'ztf'bag; and tsmfnm venzeyomigiaaeeshr Bne mase nr ze - Dag preseuw y .lb lowgttiffiWytMrt enrious gtistpm' 1'findTin yoaTiCOuntree, madame, and it ffloognterests me, j appear so nappy ail the tttte?4 "P always Letting: a Dog Loom. Detroit Free Press. Some days since a saloon keeper on Gratiot avenue paid certain parlies in Chicago 825 for a stuffed lion to add to the attractions of his saloon, and the other morning as the place was being scrubbed out the lion was placed at the front door to keep him out of the wet. Half a block down the street a farmer was having his wagon repaired and a big bulldog was chained to the bind axletree. He grew uneasy the minute the lion was rolled out, and it needed only a few encouraging words from the boys to render him half frantic. He growled and plunged and tore around and attracted quite a crowd, among which was a man who remarked: "That's a purty brave dog of yours, str&n qqt" "Brave! I'd like to see the man or beast he wouldn't tackle I" replied the owner. "I dunno about that. Never saw a dog yet who'd stand before a lien." "Well, here's one who'd stand before two lions. See how anxious he is to get there." "Yes, but he puts on because he's chained. If he was loose you couldn't get him within a rod of that speci men." "Couldn't eh? Maybe you Want to hear yourself talk." "Well, I dunno. I'm opposed to bet ting, card playing, dancing and all that, but seeing you are rather sassy about this. I've eot half a dollar here which says that you can't get that dog to go ithin six ieet oi tnat non. "Put up the money put up the mon- . 1 .1 f t A ey I snoutea tne iarmer as ne went down into his pockets after the coin. The moneys-was put up, the crowd fell back and the farmer's face wore a smile of triumph as he still further ex cited the dog and then slipped his col lar. With a yell of rage the "canine" made a bee line for the king of beasts, and in another moment there was rea son for a terrific yell of applause. Dog and lion filled the air, so to say. The lion was rolled over and over, grabbed by the throat and shaken around, drawn across the street and back by the ear, and when the dog finally let up on the corpse the battle ground -was covered with hair and bay and saw dust and glass-eyes. At that moment the saloon-keeper rushed out, a police man came up, and for five minutes the air was rent witn snouts ana exclama tions and expostulations. "It was all in fun," explained the farmer. "Dot lions cost me $25 in ShecagoP protested the saloon man. Who put up this job ?" demanded the officer as he glared around on the crowd By and by a deep silence fell upon the crowd, and in a voice 'which had only kindness in it the owner pf the lion said he must have his $25 or he would start for the police court. The policeman said it was certainly a case for the courts, and the crowd said the farmer might have known what would happen. He protested, but finally came to time, and when he had passed over a $10 bill and given4his notefor the balance, he had only one sentence to utter. That WHS "Now, then, I'll give any of you five acres of land to put me face to face with the outlaw who put up this job on a hard working, innocent man'-' SOMETHING EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW. There exists a means of se curing a soft and brilliant Complexion, no matter hour poor it may naturally be. Hasan's Magnolia Balm is a delicate and harmless arti cle, which instantly removes Freckles, Tan, Redness, Roughness, Eruptions, Vul gar Flushings, etc., etc. So delicate and natural are its effects that its use is not suspected by anybody. No lady has the right to present a disfigured face in society when the Magnolia Balm is sold by all druggists for 75 cents. If not, call at once. We have an assortment of as fine Goods as was ever brought to this market PLUSH AND LEATHER COVERED TOILET CASES AND ODOR STANDS. Gents' Shaving Cases, Ladles' Work Box aad Odor Case combined, Baby's Case, Children's Toy Cases and Souvenir, French Plate Hand and Stand Mirrors, Lnblns, Tetlows and Colgate's Ex tracts and Toilet Waters, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, &&, Sec Call and examine. OOT30 L. B. WBISTON ft CO. FRESH MINERAL WATER Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Received, at Dr. J.H.McAden's Drug Store Gives a Brilliant. White and Steady light, tequlres no trimming, and lasts for months. Sample wick He. 8 wicks 25c, 12 wicks 75c, post age paid. Have four sizes, No. 0, 1, 2, 8. Agent wanted. Address MKTAL TIP LAMP WICK CO.. 70 Cortlandt St., N. Y. Atlantio and Gulf Coast Oanal and Okee chobee Land Oo. At PAR with a BONUS of 40 acres for each 10 shares from choice lands of the ' Diss ton purchase'' nwrrra. J Third Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. offices, "j H5 Broadway, N.Y., Rooms 11 1.1 13 Detailed Prospectus with descrlptlvs maps mailed gABATOGA V ICHY. From Saratoga Spring. N. Y. A new water re sembling the imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid: cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, Is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Morn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al teratlve and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, ; CASES CONGRESS WATER, 10 CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, Jan 22 10 CASES BUFFALO LIT HI A. And a full supply of North Carolina Railroad. IMPORTED APOLLINAR! 00ITDENSED SCHEDULES. TRAINS GOING EAST. - AifD Date, Nov. 20, '81 No. R5 No 51 No. 53 Dally. Pallr. Dally. Leave Charlotte, 3.10ara 4 40am 5.45 pm " Salisbury, 4.42 a m 6.30 am 7.27 pm " HighPoint 7 53am 7.50 pm Arrive Greensb'ro 6.25 a m 8.2 a m 8.44 p m Leave Ureensb'ro 9.85 a m 915 pm Arrive Hlllsboro', 1 1 42 a m ' Durham,.. 12.17 pm " Raleigh.... 1.25 pm Leave Raleigh,... 4.10pm Arrive Goldsboro' 6 20 P m No. 17 Daily, except Saturday. Leave Greensboro', 5.40 p. m. Arrive at Raleigh,.. 3. 04 a. m. Arrive Goldsboro,. .8 00 a. m. D. No. 55 Connects at Greensboro' with B. & B. B for all points North and West No. 51-Connects at Greensboro' with B & D. B. B. for all points North, East and West, via Dan ville. At Goldsboro' with W; & W. B. B. for Wil mington. No. 55 -Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. B. B. for all points In Western North Carolina dally; at Greensboro' with B- & D. R. B, for all points North, East and West. . : TRAINS GOING WEST. Dale, Nov. 20, '81 No. 54 No. 50 No. 52 Dally. Dally. Dally. Leave Goldsboro' 1 O uO a ra Arrive Raleigh,.. 1 2.25 p m Leave Raleigh, . . 2 35 p m Arrive Durham,. 3 49pm Arrive Hlllebony, 4.26 pm . Arrive Greensb'ro 6.45 p m Leave Greensb'ro 9.15pm 7.05pm 980am Arrive High Point 7.42 pm 10.02 a m Arrive Salisbury, 10.54 pm 9 00 pm 11:14am Arrive Charlotte, 12.25 am 10.45 pm 12 40 pm Hnnyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EDROPEAN NOVELTY "prUNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATUBAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Doex: A wine glass full before breakfast The Lancet "Bvaxjbil Janos. Baron Lleblg af firms that Its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The British Medical Journal "Hunyadl Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water. Prof. Virchow, Berlin. "Invariably good and Dromnt success: most valuable." Prof. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scawont, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Prof. Lander Brunlon, M. T., P. R. 8., London. "More pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." Prof. Aiken, Jt. V., P. R. 8., Royal Mllttary Hos pital, NeUey. "Preferred to Pullna and Fried- nchshau." 50,000 SHARES, SHARES, $10 EACH each 0010 MED At AWARDED tha Anther. A naw ana great Med ical Work. warranted the beat and cheapest, indispensable te eTery man.entitled "the Seieneeof Life relf-Piaaervation ;" bo and in finest French muslin. AmruucpH fall pilt.800 pp.contains beautiful Bteel ngrannga, 125 preaenp ktiena, pnee only (1.25 sent by ' mad . ill os trated sample, 6 cents ; end mnr.Afidmiu Pajiw1. MoH. THE CHICKEBIMG PlflfJQ. THE HIGHEST AWARDS ESGKol In the GREAT WORLD'S FAIR in LONDON, 1851 ; at the GREAT EXPOSITION in PARIS, 1867; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION in CHILI, 1875: and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION in Philadelphia, 1S76. All persona wishing to purchase (or ex amine) instruments are respectfully in vited to visit onr Wareroonu. Send for Circular and Price List. CHECKERING & SONS, 130 Fifth Avenue. N.Y. 156 Tremont St., Boston. Nov29-d4w4w TKE ca eo 8 3 CO t jeySEND FOU CISCULAliS.-t3 Victor Sewlns Mm Co, MIDDLKTOWX, CONN. No. 8 N. Charlea street, SOUTHERN OFFICE Baltimore, Md. novll dw JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. : No. 28 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Goldsboro.'.. 8.00 d. m. Arrive Raleigh, 7.80 p.m. Leave Raleigh 6.00 a.m. Arrive Greensboro',.8.00 P- m. No. 50 Connects at Salisbury with WVN. C.B.B. forAshevllle, &c at Charlotte with A &C. Air Line for all points in the South and Southwest No. 54 Connects at Charlotte with A. A C. A.-L. Ballroad for all points South and Southwest No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with A 4 C. A.-L, for points South and Southwest; at Charlotte with CC.il. R. B, for all points fcouth and Southeast DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J. H. McADKN, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night Joly28 To the City Trade. I wish tii inform the public that I am now killing and 'VkJUf dressing Beeves on the New -t.-VVA. York plan, by which the meat Is rendered whiter, tenderer and superior to that butchered and dressed in the usual way. Housekeepers will please make a ntte of this fact, and give the new Drecess a trial. M. F. TROTTER. , East College street. dec20 lw Next to Chambers' Livery Stable. (&VBCZXIZS. Gn Guano ! ! CLOSING OUT SALE nr. N. C. HAILKOAD. 60ING TET. NO. 60 Daily. 1 i Greensboro. ...... 9.51 Dm Arrive Kemersvllle 11.07 pm Arrive Salem, i 1 1.50 p m NO. 52 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 1 0.00 a m Ar ive Kemersvllle 1 1 .00 a m Arrive Salem 11.80 a m GOING EAST. TJ r TI7TT cwr A V. , TV AAjkpLA , CBABLOTli VLCh .y Sole Agent tot LOUIS COOK, Columhs Bpggy AND TBM WATEBTOWN SPBHG WAGQM COMPANTES; BUGGIES,. CARRIAGES pkAETOl4s,tePRINa Rnnia Sends Supplies to the Jeaa ' nette Crew New York, Dec. 22. The following is a special to thNew York Heruld', i TParis, 21st 0 St. Petereburfi: cor- responaerit teiegrapris ; '.Tne uovernor- uenerai oi s jasiern iAmx& who cap- Sens to be at present in- St. Petersburg, aving received information of the ar rival of the .ship-wrecked crew of the Jeannette in tne region under nis com' mand, immediately proceeded to Gots qhiri 'ad saw ? the Emperor who per sonally Ordered that alt supplies that were necessaryrT-goojCLCioining,' money rand trRnsporUtion-ihould be placed : a their dlspoial. , t ... The thm desired found at last Ask drnggist for Rough on Bats. It clean out rats, mice, roacnes, rues, Dea-Dags, ioc Doxea. Well's Health Benewer. Absolute cure for ner. vous debility and Weakness of the generative func 1 tlons, fl at druggtata. Depot ii U afeaden. Char lotte. NO. 51 Daily, except fcJunday. Leave Salem 7.80 a m Arrive Kernersvlle , 6.04 a m Arrive Greensboro 9.00 am NO. 53 Dany. Leave Salem 4.80 p m Arrive Keraersvllla 5.10pm Arrive Greensboro 6 80 pm Pullman Mig Cars1 WBtafQiW On Train No. 54 Danville and Atlanta. On Train No. RO-New York and AUanta, via Washington and Danvi le. . On Tram No. 52 Richmond and Danville, and Washington and Ahgusta, via DanyUie. . , erThrougb Tickets on sale at Greensboro' Raleigh, Goldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and principal points South, Southwest. West, North and East Kit Emigrant Rates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest adflreaa. A POPE,! General Passenger Agent" - -dec8 Richmond, Va. TRUSTEE'S C A S II SAL E', - - - - -, . r ' BY trtne of a deed In trust made tome by R. H. Brown, I win sell fpr UASH, to -the highest bidder, at public aoctlon, all of the 'took of DRY GOODS; (GROCERIES, i.RMBBa' BUPPLIlg, NOTIONS, &o , now to .his' store, Trade street Charlotte11. C.', en 77; u- r. : r. . .-. ; bsCKMBSB 24th, 1861 . . , ,. .i a And continue nhtll JpOR the purpose pf engaging more extensively and exclusively In the line of tW MILLINERY GOODS mtWu the coming year, wholesale and re tall, ire now offer all other lines of Goods now in our stock at very low prices to close oat) The stock to large, new and well assorted, consisting of. full lines of WHITE GOPDS, LACES, EMBROID ERIES, all kinds of TRIMMINGS, PLAIN and PARC? BObEEBJJB, LOYFS. NOTIONS, NEC WEAR, CORSETS SKJRTS, LADIES' and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR DRESS TRIMMING, BUTTONS, TABLE LINEN, TOWELS, DOILIES, NAPKINS, 4c , In fact a ccm- plete stock of . andChildress TQraisUnirGjOoils Whlcli we oftof without Ireserre at prices tiaf ld taraaiiuierr , immediate sale. Terms pf this palp pljlbjj strictly cash. . XILLINXRV- 8TATI msiq house has Deen leased for a term ff fetttV L by Mrs. Dr. Beeves, whose tatetrtloi U te keep a strictly firsts ass house In every resDCC. Commodious sample rooms on flm and seiond floors. - The patronage of the Dubllfl eollctted.l . JuiyiHt. . . - - ia errors. "to appear "and thus kee When lam wt other, oe'.umn. nave Parker's Ginger Tonic handy," was the reply, sd mvseii ana tamnr m eooa neaun When I am well I always feel good natured.M See discretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay oss of manhood, Ae.,I will send a recipe that will euro you. jtksb oi uiiakus. xnis great remeuy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Bend a self-addressed envelope to the Bxv. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Stattjqn P. New loik CJty. an'B6la. ' saJe;vdihoutre-.l?TB-Ptete of enyjlri tt auesanlsidue-to; I 3 ' y ich' wrsonswiir nlease edine Torwafrf 1 v mI, v, tZuiiT!"1? lTt air. i lrDD it. rvrrvsTir iYAXtOa T UU 111 IX X , receipt tot Brown. 8i I and settle and save eoats-ln- myLabsnce, ,wlth aacLiure. SAMUEL a HILTON, poy29itds Trustee. pies All Notes and Hort GIVEN US LAST FALL FOR ARE KOW DUE, (NOVEMBER 1ST, 11 ) Please call and arrange the same.J 1 1 .liller km ) 1 nov3 FOB SALE. A DESIRABLE residence,' three blocks from public square in charlotte, will be i sold -(WW and on reasonable termsto the i right Wni oi purchaser, i The dweUlng Is on fall lot. hw nD comfortable rooms, brick kltehen, fine well i o ter, etc The bouse is admirably adapted lor " residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacher, nav g - j . ... ... K,,iit lor vl am auniirouie uurarj or biuuj ivum, tpnDS, THIS QifFIf bo. - Jfor te.1 apply at. 1uly20.dtf furth8r ..particulars. vrcc. ;.Rv-iW.;f:SaIe Cheap. Notth CarollM,Raflrbad.fronW Ulhlh street and 198 feet on Jth9 North J BAilroad, will either be sold as k whole .or am Into two lots of 70 by 1 96 leet SulteWe either

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