ttt o) 0) SURE APPETISER .... IRON .BITTEKSare ,hig iy ing a cervix .Tr"" 1 p;, rAnsia. Intermittent levers, 1 . A n "I UTTI I'lHIlL 1,111 g&engfo. lack of 'Energy, the muscles, ana XJVl dDti7symptom8, such as Tasting the Food, digestive organs, removing all dnpepuc S?P A onlv Iron Prepa- 2&fi, iwy. TftiS teetli o? g&e headache. SSSSSi11 tSteTBooi, 3? pp. of useful an, amusing SchemicAI, CO., Baltimore, Md. f7om Kenersl de- ilittf V : ttan of onti did not give not glwme ot permanently abated. 1 have oseer SfthT ever did in tbe sams tinw durmg my f and vigor of body, has com. ale w work, Iknow not wnai. i IThe Iron Tonic n I preparation oflro I Joxide oro. JVf- wtfwls- null VO0- Iphates, aumofiatrti XeUH thm Vegetable U Aromatic. It serve 1 een n", la Tnnir is neeeraT. LAIUrAGlUstB "1 vn. - mm vii r r - I -VV7. . . . ucniriuc r.O.. ID. 213 InViihfli'l " WMOOIl.Maiijitonrer.WMoiiJ.C. U " 1 1 ' " ' VT RICHMOND EN&fiWIHSCO., L CHAS. R. SoleAg?t,Charlotte,N.C, A.J.Bea to, GENERAL FEED DEALERS -1ND- COMMISSION OMMISSION M F. R C R A N T MERCHANT S, CHARLOTTE, N. C. WE HAVE NOW ON HAND : JUST RECEIVED, ONECAR LOAD 1,000 ,BD3uIEL3 OF NEW WHITE CORN. BARRELS OF PEARL GRIT3. 1 CAR LOAD BRAN, 1 1 2 CAR LOAD CORN and PEA MEAL MIXED, CAR LOAD PATAPSCO PATENT PROCESS FLOUR, CAR LOAD3 TIMOTHY HAY, AHD WILL GLADLY PTE PRICES -TO- TJOTH THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. Respectfully soliciting patronage, we are respectfully, decl8 A. J. L L A! DEALKB Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, Tinware & House Furnishina: Goods. MANTELS and GRATES WnOLESA.LC and RETAIL. Particular attention paid to -HOOFING AND SP0UT1NG.- tut Ant hus hands employed. Call for tne fVWirf mowmw - - BXRLEY SHEAF STOVE. Mt20 Ct wilf tti brand of .tobacco known as Tbe rH rM Oftkefi Bucket, i tm bound bucket m mremwmn mii'.i Tb"ibuntotnowep, k,i ' - ,r, Ml JONlfl. a share of STOW J-ft 1 w A V I linn II I A TRUE TONIC A JJ nil lOAaaoa ronmr -TfndJeTtioni Want of Appetite, ass wau Vi " iVi ot . m . - nSlT v tike eai J"oeio. A" I VkI.Mi psttt, tienernJ I i ni.3i.. sYmiIe Dis ... itmoui IVottro- r bai eucn an exu.v. , ""T-VrT was followed b. mucttei,DTO -- which I re d with double the mm. With the tranquil nerre lf wnojed. Hthe Tonic ha not done the 7t pTWATBOy'artor Christ! Phriatian Chnrch, Trey. O. MUHJIAII IV8MT. JONES, MEDICINE i IN EITHER LIQUID OR DRY FOBS That Acts at the some time on TBS LIVES, TEE BOWELS, AlW TEE KIDNEYS. WHY ARE WE SICK? Because tc allow these great organ to i become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the biood I that thouldbe expelled naturally. WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, . LIVER COMPLAINTS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, TJRINAKY DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, AND NEKYOU8 DISORDERS, by causing free action of these organ and restoring their power to throw off disease. Whj inffer Biliooi paini and aches! Why tormented irith Piles, Constipation! Why frightened oier disordered Kidneys! Xthj endure nerrons or sick headaches! Use KIDNEY-WOttTanti rejoice in health. It is put up in Dry Veretable Form, in tin cans one package of -which makes six quarts of medicine. Also in Liquid Form, very Coneea trated, for those that cannot readily prepare it. tylt acts with equal efficiency in either form. GET IT OP YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, $1.09 WELLS, BJCHABDSON A Co., Prop's, (Will send the dry post-paid.) BTtKLEIflTOS, YT. Mireh427 d&ly mm Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos- tiveness, Headache. Itassists di gestion,, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. A liook sent free. Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. FOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. am 18 deod eow ly. P. C. WILSON, Cfl ABLOTTE, N.C., . Sole Agent for LOUIS COOK, Co Was Buggy AID THS WATEBTOWN SPRING WAGON OOMPANIZ3, KB TEX SALX OV BUGGU3, CARRIAGES, PHABTORS, BPBTNQ WAGONS, AO., , WHOLXSALS AKX RKTATL. ' OPEN BUGGIES, 55. ;; 165. S pedal lndocementa to tne wboleaale toads Correspondence oucued. ' f Jnnll - -V..-- v ' ST CHARLES HOTEL. HEADQUAETEE3 TOK DE ulQIERS. states vilije, s. a z.r i THIS house has been leased tot a term 01 rean hv Mn. Dr. Kaeves. whose Intent! OB II U) keep a strictly flrst-cJass bonse In every KBpect- Commodious sample rooms on first ana BecVSa floors. .TherwrronageottbepTjb'lcliiillittea,., t , Julyl,dtL . r j II THE ONLY net n Harsm nikmA NTS M tS tCEBIUJ BlJ V VK.dHBWUIIV O BEALL CO. Wj I She ChaHoOt Iwiiir, ' - -If'-' ! SUNDAY, DEC. 25,' 188L DEIIOCKATIO FOSTIUSTEB8. Chapter ef Diplomatic uorreepvu- dence tht has not been PnblUhed Tbe House Committee on elections. Baltimore Sun. POSTMASTERS IN PERIL. - Washington, Dec. 22. One impor tant result of the incoming stalwart administration of the postoffice depart ment wilL it is understood, be the -wholesale displacement of Democratic nnnntrv nostmasters and the substitu tion of Republicans. There has. been fh onmnlaint amontr Republican politicians for five or six years, but more particularly during the period of thft Haves administrati n, about the annointment of Democratic postmast ers. Both Mr. Howe, the new postmas tr.crftneraL and Mr. Hatton, the first assistant nostmaster-eeneral, arestal warts of the most pronounced type, and bitterly opposed to putting or keep ing political opponents in office. Their friends sav that they will turn their at tention as soon as possible to the coun trv noatmasters. In the boutn, wnere the Democratic postmasters predomi nate, it has been more lrom tne neces sity, of the case than otherwise tnat such appointments nave ueeu uiauc, and the department will find it very difficult in many localities of that sec tion to find competent men wno are not Democrats. One of the ideas or tne stalwarts is that the Republican party in- the South can be built up and strengthened through the influence of the country postmasters, if the right men for the positions can only be ob tained. an unpublished letteb. Some of the intimate friends of ex Secretary Blaine are waiting with a good deal of interest to see if his suc cessor, Mr. Frelinghuysen, will include in the volumes known by the name of diplomatic correspondence a certain dispatch sent to our minister to China, Mr. Angell, many months ago. , The dispateh has reference to certain mat ters of difference between China and Japan, in which Gen. Grant had a hand ana maae iiimseij. ouuionuai wuoiiivu ou3. The two Eastern nations in ques tion seemed to have a ratner exaitea and erroneous idea of Gen. Grant's high position, and supposed that ne naa great official power in his own country, ana nis meaiation was sougut uy uum countries. The subject was brought to the attention of the State Department by Mr. Angell, who also seemea to think that Gen. Grant's power was still potent in this country. Mr. Blaine, in his dispatcn to .angeii, saiu an uie guuu ),e could devise of Grant that he was a great and an honored citizen or tne republic; that his services to the coun- try had been incaicuiaoie, ana mat it gratified every true American s heart to see tne nonois mat were ueing lav ished on him by the princes and poten tates of all foreign governments; but Mr. Blaine also called Minister An gell's attention to the fact and desired hira to impress it on tne government oi China and the Japanese minister to China that Gen. Grant was at the time merely a private citizen of the United St ite?, traveling for his own pleasure and in his . private capacity, with no more power to represent the govern ment of the United States than any other traveler. The letter of Mr. Blaine ... i 1 L 1 J is saia to De very pungeni, uuu uuouiu it appear in the piplomatic correspond ence it will be likely to create for him a good deal of abuse among the Grant stalwarts. CONTESTED SEATS IN TOE HOUSE. The present House of Representa tives will have before it as many, if not more contested election cases as most of its predecessors. With but two ex ceptions all of these contests are brought by Republicans against Democrats. A committee on elections, constituted so as to inspire confidence that there would be at least some show for fair play, was expected from the Speaker, but the Speaker has appointed two thirds of the committee from straight- out Republicans, and of the remaining third of tne committee one is a Vir ginia readjuster and another a Green- hacker witn aeciaea ltepuoiican am na tions: There will not be much show for Democrats before such a committee as this. In fact, members of the com mittee are already reported as intima ting that they, intend to make short work or awarding tne seats oi a nau- dozen or more Democratic members from the South to the Republican con testants. That there may be no delay in this work Mr. Calkins, the chairman of the committee, has obtained leave for the committee to sit during the re cess. I)Oj. Fayettevllie Examlder. We have been reauested to call atten tiou to mo corning sheerkilling dogs. B.f hptL? section 2, of Battle's Revisal, concern- ing sheep-killing dogs, was amended by the Act of 1875, so as to read as 101 lows : CHAPTER 38, DOGS. Sec. 2. as amended by the Act of 1875: Any person owning or having any dog or dogs that kill sheep, upon satisfactory evidence of the same being made before any Justice of the .Peace of tbe county, and the owner duly notified thereof, if the owner of said dog or dogs refuses to kill it or them, or refuses to have the same done after such evidence has bean made, and shall permit such doeor dozs to go at liberty, he shall be guflty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned not more than one month, and the said dog or dogs may be killed by any one if found , going at large. Thus it will be seen tnat a sneep Kill ing dog is an outlaw ; liable, when go ing at large, to be exterminated by any person whatever. The only prerequi site is the establishment before a justice of the peace of the fact that such is the character of the animal. Not the Regular 'rhing; in Waiters San Franclsca Post A crusty-looking old gentleman, ac companied by the regulation well-fed consort and a couple or wen iavorea daughters, entered the dining-room of the Del Monte, ana as ne tucsea nis napkin beneath his generous chin, turn ed round and nxed a nerce glance upon the waiter behind his chair. "Look here, my man," said the party, sharply, atnrtL X niira mtt rvrAttr T wnnt t nalr you a question. Are you an Italian count in disguised Dlvil a bit," re plied the surprised coffee jsplasher. "Nor an English" nobleman, the unac countable delay of whose remittances nas temporarily compelled, etc.? 'Naw.sir, "Nora graduate of Har- vard, and estranged from your father, a rich Boston banker, whose haughty pride is as unyielding as your own, etc.?" Ol am not." "All right; here's a dollar, and you can bring in the grub. Now that I know- that f.u are not the regular, thing , in waiters nowadays that you are not going to ran :off with one of my daughters or pick my pocket I can eat in peace.? , k si i m i'i aw - w mA wmiM wfiifaflrly disturb tbe comfort of a publle gathering oy constant oouguiuK. -. - ieel that U is the proper thing to calk tbe ftentlon ot those afflicted with eoughs and colds Bull's cougn sjrup which always cares. iJw 258. ' mi.. Ji.i.ll.lMri fnm1 at taaC'Ask druggist, .... i iHUMU VM ' ..t.-j... for RMglTai Banrear. oat iats, mice, icachesTflles, bed-bugs, 15o boxes. . . i , - . NEWS NOTESfc , ThA Rt fiothard I tunnel has been completed, and will be officially inspect ed nextweek. : It is said that the findingsof tne court of inquiry in the Cadet Whitta ker case are that he was guilty of cut- tine his own ears. It is, not Known wuk was the action oi tne ju 'o-u?vj-general. but it is understood that he ap proved the findings. -"'.The Governor of the Province of Havana has discovered false certificates by which 170 negroes who ought to be free are held in bondage. A J udicial investigation has been ordered. CoL J. Howard Welles was Thursday in the Court of General Sessions, New York, indicted tor writing and sending annoying and threatening letters to Jay Gould. Welles at present is out on $500 bail. Gen.andMrs. Grant will not be at' the White House New Year's Day, but will be the guests of the President for a week or two in the latter part of January or in the month of February. Information has been received in Philadelphia of the arrest at Bergen Point, N. J of Wm. Tully, Jr., another of the gang indicted for making irauou lent election returns. The bridge on the Kentucky Central Railroad at d nthia, Ky, was m washed into the river on Wednesday night. There were thirty-two deaths from cholera at Elwedj, Egypt, during the week ending on the loth instant. Some of the caravans have broken through the quarantine by avoiding the ordin ary route. . 8 Complaints are being received at the Postoffice Department from postmas ters of .the inconvenience and loss oi revenue to the department under the present system of partial prepayment of postage on first-class matter, and an abolition of thejpractice is being agitat ed. Mr. Howe has telegraphed to the Postmaster General that he will reach Washington and assume the duties of his office some time between the 1st and 6th of January. A general weeding out of clerks in the Departments credited to States from which they did not come has be gun. The record and "influence" of every clerk are being investigated. Those who are weak in either particu lar must go. EKICSON'S LATEST INVENTION. A Novel Tarpedo Beat that Can Sink tne Ureatekt of N w York world. A successful trial of Captain Erics 8)n's torpedo-boat Destroyer took place &j then vy-yard yesterday. The strong tide off the Ordinance duck compelled a change of plan, and the target, a square frame covered with wire-netting, was successfully placed in the cove. The Destroyer was made fast to the old Constitution. The target was submerg ed 3U0 yards away. Everything being in readiness, Mr. Larroe, the represen tative of the Delamater Iron-Works, the builders of the Destroyer, notified Captain Selfridge and Commanders Pythian and Crowninshield, the board appointed to examine, the tests. At 3 o.clock the signal was given and the gun was fired. There was but a slight report, and all that could be no ticed from the outside was a trifling disturbance of the water under the bows of the vessel. Almost instantly the portion of the target which was above the water was seen to vibrate, and a second later the projectile, a wooden log fifteen feet long, leaped from the water some three hundred yards beyond the target, with a motion exactly similar to that of a porpoise playing under the bow of a ship at sea. From this point it ricochetted along the surface of tbe water for some two hun dred yards further before it lost its momentum. The target hiving been raised, it was found that the netting had been pierced almost exactly in the centre and about five feet under the water. The officers pronounced the trial eminently suc cessful, and ordered another for this morning at 9 o'clock. The Destroyer is an iron boat with hull almost entirely submerged. Upon this hull, placed well aft, is a deck house of sheet-iron. The hull is 130 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 11 feet deep. She is a double-ender, and is propelled by an engine of 1,000-horse-power. The steering apparatus and the torpedo gun in fact, all of her effective appoint mentsare below the water level. Tbe armament consists of a single gun placed just above the keelson in the for ward part of the boat, its muzzle open ing directly into the water, which is ex cluded from it by a permanent valve hung by an elbow -joint to the stem, and opened or closed by a piston operated at the breech of the gun. When tbe gun is to be fired the valve is raised out or the path of the projectile, and its place i3 taken by a temporary valve of wood and robber cloth, which fits the muzzle fhtirTrl ia nlaced in the eun afterit is loaded. This is shattered when the gun is fired. As the projectile leaves the muzzle the permanent valve again comes into position, the little water that rushes in runs through the breech tothebilee-and lis pumped out by a steam siphon. The toroedo which it is proposed to use in actual warfare is a chamber of iron or copper, large enough to contain 340 pounds of dynamite, and it is claim ed that against . this little vessel the most powerful iron-clads will be help less, as the submerged gun will pene trate them beneath their armor, and her great speed and facility of manoeu vring would enable her to get in her work among a fleet of big Bhips almost at will, and witn entire sarety. Seaboard snjl nalelgU Railroad. 3 Ralslgh Newa and Observe. We are informed by Major Henry J. Bogers, vice-president of the Seaboard and Raleigh Railroad, who called to see us last evening, that an engine and iron sufficient to lav fortv-five miles of the ijrack of this road have already been purchased. CaptCharles L. McAlpine is one of the moat eminent engineers in the country. He bad charge of ,the railroad construction corps of General Grant's army around Petersburg dur incr the war. Colonel Henry D. Roberson, of Mar tin county, has charge of clearing the old roadbed of bushes, etc., between Tarboro and Williamston. He has a force of over two hundred hands at work now, and will complete this part of the work by January 1st He will then commence the construction. Major Rogers says that he expects to complete the road from Tarboro to Wil Itonston by May 1st, 1882. Tue company have secured a fine wa ter front at amesvijle, which place will ha thfl eastern terminus. Raleigh's CDnneitionwitn the east is a thing of the near future, we congratulate our peo ple. ' At the present time the country Is flooded with DreDaratlons for mniha and colds, bnt lar ahead tioi of all others Is Dr. Bull's coogh syrup,' that old and tried remedy for eoughs, colds, consumption, efc. . ---- " . ; t- : ' SKINNY MEN. - LWe5'? HaMb Renewer. Absolute cure for ner-T,0."8-1111' and Weakness of the generaUve f uno- lotte druggists. Depot J. H. Me Aden, Char- "i . t ssi A )CABD. noe it i. " .T J wvnauvsBlsariJ UCCH7 JOSEPH '&n&S&J2&ta 5? tbe. Rst. - r uuauvnt Uf new lorn, city, EUMATISM, .' L r i ; neuralgia, ociaica, Lumoago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, - Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals "St. Jacobs Oil as a afe,mure, gimpl and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively trifling ouUay of SO Cents, and every one suffering with pain con have cheap and poaitlve proof of its claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DBUQQIST8 AJTD DEALERS 15 rpPTrii mb. A. VOGEIiER & CO., Baltimore, ltd., XT. 8. M deo80dw ly 1 SOETHETJC EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW. There exists a means of se curing a soft and brilliant Complexion, no matter how Soor it may naturally be. agan's Magnolia Balm is a delicate and harmless arti cle, which instantly removes Freckles, Tan, Redness, Roughness, Eruptions, Vul gar Flushings, etc., etc. So delicate and natural are its effects that its use is not suspected by anybody. ho lady has the right to present a disfigured face in society when the Magnolia Balm is sold by all druggists for 75 cents. Jan 23 North Carolina Railroad. 00SDEHSED SCHEDULES. TRAINS GOING EAST. Date, Nov. 20, '81 No. R5 No 51 No. 53 Dally. Dally. Dally. Leave Charlotte, 8.10 am 4 40am 5.45 pm " Salisbury. 4.42 am 6.30 am 7.27 pm " High Point 7 53am 7.50 pm Arrive Greensb'ro 6.25 a m 8.28 a m 8.44 p m Leave Hreensb'ro H.85 am 9. 15 p m Arrive Hlllsboro', 11 42 a m " Durham... 12.17 pm " Raleigh.. 1,25pm Leave Raleigh,-. 4. 1 0 p m Arrive Goldsboro' 6. 20 p m No. 17 Dally, except Saturday. Leave Greensboro', 5.40 p. m. Arrive at Raleigh,. 8. 04 a. m. Arrive Goldsboro, . 8 00 a. m. No. 55 Connects at Greensboro' with R. 4 D. R. B, for all points North and West Ne. 51-Connects at Greensboro' with R & D. R. R. for all points North, East and West, via Dan ville. At Goldsboro' with W. & W. R. B. for Wil mington. No. BS-Conneets at Salisbury with W. N. C. R. R. for all points in Western North Carolina dally; at Greensooro' with R. D. R. & for all points North, East and West. TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, Nov. 20, '81 No. 54 No. 50 No. 52 Dally. Dally. Dally. Leave Goldsboro' 1 0.00 am Arrive Raleigh,.. 1 2.25 p m Leave Raleigh, . . 2 35pm Arrive Durham,. 3 49 p m Arrive HUlsboro' , 4. 26 p m Arrive Greensb'ro 6.45 pm Leave Greensb'ro 9. 15 pm 7.05 pm 9 80am Arrive High Point 7.42 pm 10.02 a m Arrive Salisbury, 10.54pm 900pm 11:14am Arrive Charlotte. 12.25 a m 10.45 p m 12 40 p m No. 28 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Goldsboro,' ..8.00 p.m. . Arrive Raieign, 7.80 p. m. Leave Raleigh 6.00 a.m. Arrive Greensboro', .3.00 p. m. No. 60 Connects at Salisbury with W. N. C. B R. forAshevllle, Ac, at Charlotte with A &C Air Line for all points in the South and Southwest No. 54 Connects at Charlotte with A. ft C A.-L. Railroad for all points South and Southwest No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with A AC. A-L. for points Sooth and Southwest; at Charlotte with C c. ft A. R. R. lor all points fcouth and South east If. W. W. C. BAILBOAD. 60ING WJS8T. NO. 60 Dally. i Leave Greensboro. 9.51 p m Arrive EernersvUle. 11.07 pm Arrive SaUta 11.50 p m NO. o Daily, except bonoay. Leave Greeiisboro. :TH 1 0.00 a m Ar lve KernersvlUe 1 1.00 a in Arrive Salem...1 11.80am GOING EAST. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7.80 a m Arrive Kernersvlile 6.04 S m Arrive Crgensboro.. 9.00 4 m Leave Salem.... f80pm Arrive Kernersyille. '. . . . e. 1 0 d fi Arrive Greensboro '. .... 6 80 p n pmiian Ms Cars Wlout Wm On Train No. 54 Danville and Atlanta. On Train No. 50-New York and Atlanta, via Washington and Danv le. On Tram No. 62-Richmond and DanVUle, and Washington and Augusta, via Danville. Br"Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro' Baletgb, Goldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and principal points South, Southwest West North and East Vvt Emigrant Bates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest address, Jim' POsPR General Passenger Ageot dec3 , Richmond, Va. TRUSTEE'S CAS H S A L E TY Virtue of a deed In tnat mnifa tn ma n Aa Brown, I will sell for CASH, to tbe highest viuuer, a puoiie auCTion. an oi me stock or dux GOODS. GROCRBTItS. VARMItRM' a Chariotte N C.' Jiruue suee ; ! DECEMBER 24th, 1881, ' aus wjuunuBBnoi au is soia sale without re- 1 i. " , y .. - aerre. M , 1 J. A V eT.nre la snthnrl7A1 tn mllant- nil receipt lor all notes and accounts due to the said Brown. Such neraons win niam Mm inmni Jtfl and save costs in nur absence,, with Mr. .i; aaMUEL H. HILTON, . wpmi ,t4 , , . Trustee. Holiday Goods. HOLIDAY GOODS ! ! Have you seen oar line of Beautiful 2 If not, call at once. We hare an assortment of as fine Goods as was ever brought to this market PLUSH AND LEATHER COVERED TOILET CASES AND ODOR STANDS. Gents' Shaving Cases, Ladles' Work Box and Odor Case combined, Baby's Case, Children's Toy Cases and Souvenir, French Plate Hand and Stand Mirrors, Lnblns, Tetlows and Colgate's Ex tracts and Toilet Waters, Hair, Tooth and Nan Brushes, 4c, dec. Call and examine. nov30 L. a WBISTON & CO. FRESH MINERAL WATER Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Received, at 'ARATOGA From Saratoga Spring,' N. T. A new water re sembling the Imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid, cures dyspepslit, aids diges tion. Is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Haten Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, K CASES CONGRESS WATER, 10 CASE3 ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, 10 CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINAR) AND Hunyadi Janos Waters. TI GREAT EUEOfM NOVELTY ! prUNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Doss: A wine glass full before breakfast. The Lancet' Huny t. dl Janos. Baron Lieblg af firms that Its richness in aperient Baits surpasses that of all other known waters." The British Medical Journal "Hunyadi Janos. Tbe most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Prof. Tirchow, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scanzoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Prof. Lander Brunton, M. 2., K R. 8., London. "More pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses mem in emcscy. Prof. Atken, if. D., F. R. 8., Royal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pullna and Fried richshau." JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. 0 North Trron St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water jnst as fresh and spark ling as when It flows from tbe spring at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block un reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J H. McA DEN, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 "pOB, the purpose of engaging more extensively and exclnaivelv In the line of W MTi.T.TKiraY 4.1. . . .. " GOODS the coming year, whpiesaie and r talL we now offer all other lines of Gcods now In our stock at very low prices to close out The stock is large, new and well af sorted, consisting of full lines of WHITS GOOD8, LACES, EMBROID ERIES, ell kinds of TBIMMING8, plain and FANCY HObDSRIES, flLCfFS, NOTIONS, NEfJ WEAR, CORSETS SKIRTS, . Cloaks, Shawls, Net Goods, LADIES' and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR DRESS TRIMMINw, BUTTONS, TABLE LTNIN, TOWELS, DOILIES, NAPKlNS.fta.lnfact a com plete stock of lilies' andCkildreES TanushinffGoods Chris Goods IHaS Mr. McAdensUrn Store wlcerwithouteatprlee. aWwm1t9Ut2K goarantee their immediate sale. Terms of ttla alewmbesWcujeash. OUR STOCK OF MILLINERY Is the largest and most eoarp!ete of any in t State and is eonstanOy being added to as sew styles and noTelUes appear In New Toik. ' ; MRS P; quer y: j ABEAVriFVIt OBGAFf, the "MOZART," new stvl No. 12.000. 27 stops. 10 ru;i sets (iolden Ton-' eue Keeas, bolio WAI.NOT Highly Polished vxvjo. nun nuu vatuaoie improvements lust ad ded. Stool, book, music. Boxed and delivered on board cars here, price ONLY SIXTY Dollars Net Cash. .Satisfaction guaranteed In every nar Ucular or money' refunded after one year's L avery one soia sells another. It Is a Standing Advertisement. Order at once. Nothing saved by correspondence. My new factory just completed capacity 2,000 instruments every 26 days, very latest labor-avlng wood-workinz machinor Vast capital enables me to manufacture better goods for less money than ever. Address, or call upon DArtlEL P. BEaTTY. Washington. New Jersey. 5P, New sty'es of Chromo Cards with name, or 25 New-Years' Card a. 1fV NAftSiir cidh Co. , Nassau, N. Y. CHFAPEST BOOK-STORE Wf 175072 Maenlficnt Gin Books r GrXl, ,,. t " J- He Books; Superb Btoles and Prayer Books aim st given away. Grand Holiday Catalogue free LEGGAT BROS., 81 Chambers Street, near Broadway, New York. WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. OCETAL TIP LAMP WICK P&tM Dee. 7, 18 SO. Gives a Brilliant. White and Steady light, ieyutre8 no trimming, and lasts for months. Sample wick lie. 8 wicks 25c, 12 wicks 75c, post age pwd. Have four sizes, No. 0, 1,2. 3. Agents wanted. Address METAL TrP LAMP WICK CO.. 70 Cortlandt St, N. T. IF1LJMM ! Atlantic and Gulf Ooast Oanal and Okee chobee Land Oo. 50,000 SHARES, SHARES, $10 EACH EACH At PAR with a BONUS of 40 acres for each 10 shares from choice lands of the "Dlsston purchase" rum-mr. i Tnlrd Chestnut Sta., Philadelphia. offices. 115Broadwayi N y., Rooms 111. 113. Detailed Prospectus with descriptive maps mailed other. A bow angTeavHS teal Work, warranted the beat and cheapest, indispensable to every maBntitied "the Sciencoof Lif a or,Self-Preeerration booad ia fineet Freeh muslin, embossed, roll gilt 00 pp.con tains beautiful steel ensravines, 13i prescrip os, Pnce only 81.18 sent b mail . Ill nctrated sample, 6 cents i aend IMW.AHiImm Pa.h1.U1 OIJjI . KER, No. 4 Bulfinch st. Boston. THE CHICKERIMfi 11. THE HIGHEST AWARDS: 'were granted lour PIANOS In the GREAT WORLD'S PAIR in LONDON, 1001; M.uewiuuiT liJLt-usrriun m i"AKis, 1867; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION in CHILI, 18T5: and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION in Philadelphia, 1678. All persons wishing to pnrchnse (or ex amine) instruments are respectfully in vited to visit our Wareroomi. Send for Circular and Price List. , CHICKERING & SONS. 130 Fifth Avenue, N.Y, I 156 Tremont St., Boston. Nov29 (J6tw4w 3E?a FOR CIBCCLAR9.5 Yictor Sewing Made Co, MIDDLETOWX, COXN. SOUTHERN OFFICE Baltimore, Md. novll d&w No. 8 N. Charles street, To the City Trade. I wish to Inform the public that I am now killing and " dressing Beeves on the Mew York pun, by which the meat is rendered whiter, tenderer and superior to that butchered and dressed In the usual way. Housekeepers will please make a nete of this fact, and give the new process a trial. , M. V. TROTTER, East College street. dec20 lw Next to Chambers' Livery stable. All Notes and Mortpp GIVEN US LAST FALL FOR i . 1 I J ( j 7 ARE ROW DUE (NOVEMBER 1ST, 1881.) J3 Please call and arrange ihe ame.-SJ nov2 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE, A vaaixuLBUK residence, three blocks from mo nubile snnnnt In rharinH. m k. A hfn "wtabie rooms, brick kttehen, fine well of wa.- tar, etc. The bouse la adpibAbTy adapted I or tW residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacher, batfnil an admirable library or f tody room, built for the fpHE Lot on the comer of Ntath street and tbe North Carolina Railroad, fronttng 140 feet on Ninth street and 196 feet on the North CaroU"8 Railroad, will either be sold as a whole or divided SiJ0 fot of 70 by 190 feet Suitable either for glrtoctorrp toffliupa 5&&tma l WM... s m i 2 Am il s .jug s Guano Gil 1

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