(HjailotU bsnwr. Scrofe atxja loir Jgrlttlinrt ; -" . -36"V ' tVEmjUITTiON MiTtt: Arty, mnt yjr, podixiU, in tdmmm , (8 00 aKxwtontM ......... r......,... 4.00 M$tnomtH. , 71 ' - - VMXZ,r KDlTtOBt t SDN), flhm. cm fiAMM, roMi w r.. lit TKK OBSX&TEB JOB DEPABTMINT Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and with the latest styles ol Type, and every manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can fur. Utah at short notice, BLANKS, BILL-HZADS, LET TEB-KKADS, CARDS, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, 4 c. fwmamim..... ,. 1.0 vol. xxviLfrvflNg CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY JANUARY 1,1882 IMxrdL Rttkttttambr OMt. NO. 3,988. Sifii R n it Soots a-n tl tiroes : : : 0 :- boss' Patent MIlie Stiffeiers PREVENTS Boots mi RUNNING OYER, Weiring off it the Sides it Ripping IN THB SEAM1. Johnson's Silk and Felt Uts PREVENTS RHKCHATIC CBAMP. COLD STOT BOTWOH8 AN tHBIAIIV PEGRAM & CO 80LB AIT av to nu 1 sn Tenia, Alterative fld md DlureOe.'' -Medical ABMelancm, larla and Dlpb- rhoea and serofnhV'--ProL 8. Jadcsoa, H. D., Paiable as a nervous tonle-Hon. t C. TJS2MSSifla as a' prophrtecat in malarial districts.'! D. R, Falrex, M. D., N. p. -Bres debUtteWsrstema to heaim.M-T. a "lnteAbwnle 4larrha, axsrefula, and WnAfni in dlnhtherla and neuralgia,"- J. P. teeenVfor Srtala apeyai to wo-mra."- Prot J.J. wman, M. D.. Ta. "Prompt in relieving headache, sick and ner vous." BeT. K. C. Dodson. . , . Datd wltagreai benefit la dyspepsia,"-. Me- feedtobrMaandidla ol diastlv organa,"- F. Houston, 1. Ala. Meet valuable remedr known tr female ls-, ases."-Jn. P.Melteeur, M. P., L. ..D- M teojve virli" bof. feneida! !n WVSIaato smooth, elew, sert i2L!a an- "Tbeprtnee ot aatoeral Umlee." " netoatonW;and ,arK ter ewuire. . v.j.'--li-J,-. w ftTOXTT".r"v;'o . fiw -r Tine appeuzer m piw John HaniM li f U,n ( Hae real inerlfc"-an; - anfita. SeatnoeHHUdaBTwnere.'r; SoameieMMm e Iprloejl begue in u .f.lfaBilWI .f tie J. It McADXN, and Goo I " :.r t-... v-iiS OUR lew Years Goods ARE ALL IN, And every ene In search at PRESENTS for their friends should examine our stock of oliday Soodfi9 Before making selections. WB HAVE THE PRETTIEST AND CHEAPEST Initial Handkerchiefs, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, Lace Collars and Fichus, To be found la the city. T. L. Seigle & Co dee 3 rr ' Rkenmatism Nenralgia, Sprains, .Pain In the .Back and Side. There la nothing more painful than these diseases; but the pain can ba removed and the disease eured by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. TWa remedy ! not a cheap Benzine or Petrolenm product that mast be kept way frem Are or heat to avoid danger of axplvalen, nor Is It an untried experi ment that may do more harm than food. Pain Killer has been la constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts ef the vrerld la, It never falls. It not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieve pain almost instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, It Is safe la the hands' of the most Inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Pact KiLLia would nil volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried it think Edgar Cady, Orratonna, Minn., says : Abeut m yejr ainca my wife became auWect - to aavera nnrlnir -from rheumatism. Oar naorVraOa tbeFAis Ktt.i.w, which apeedOr Charles Powell 'tfrttai from the Sailors' Some, Lendon: I had J" aflUcted three years with neuralgia anAvtoUat apaama of the atemach. The doctors at Wasamlnator Hospital gave np my case in daspatr. I triad yoti Padc KliuiR, and it yT ike tanmediate aeUef. I have regained my vaesta, aad am new able to follow my mmal O. HKOworth. Baco, Me., writes : I azpaanced immediate relief from pain In Ujs alaa by the uaa of your Patw Kxlijui. Z. York says: I have eaad vonr Path TCTT.T.mt fnrrhnmniHm, ana have racelved rreat banenb Barton Seaman says : Have uaad Paw Eillb for thirty years, and have found it a nnrr-faiUng remedy for rhenmatiam and 1 tmm (m Mr. Bnrdltt writes : I:"'1' toalve relief in cases of rheumaOam. Phil. Jbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : rrom aetual use, I know your Pjlik Knxsa is the best mediatne I can sea All druggists keep Paw Krmra. iu price Is so low that It is witmn the reach of all, and It will save many times its cost In doctors' bills. 25o., 50c. and 81.00 a bottla PERRY DAVI3 & 80H, Pmriobra, pr qvla?nci F?. I. sept d4w sept a oct. INDORSED BY PHYSICIAN., CLERQYMER, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OP S TORPID LIVER. taahnarU u with a diain dy oir anind, jrritabfirtf at memory. wlThjfaellnf ef hi lrtta, Ajoss IT THESE WAXHTJIftS ABE UNHJCKDEB, SERIOUS ilSEASEl WTU SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S FILLS are esaeeially adapted to aaaeh eaaea,ne atoae effeota aaehaehanfe of feailas; as to aaaonlah the a offerer. Thaylnerse tho ApaoUto, and eaaae the Hfldy te TaBto Fleita, thus the system is o.HahaV ana ay their Toaile Aeetoaiea the blgtautt Orpuii, fccnlarStoate arejrre eeeed. Prtee eeaVa. fc Marrmy a Sf.w. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. OfTloe, 38 Murray St., New York. Bt. TtirS SiAStAL ef ValnM IafknaaOaa n a IMal India win ba aultoa IUS ea apUaaUa.v Tby. 2Sdeodwl Giage Buchu, Man drake, SaUingia, and many ef the best aoedU ciaaa ksowa are cam. blned at Parker's Gbeer Tealt, late a atedkuie af aud vria4 aowera. as ta aaate it the graateat BeT altsi AStreagth ur Ever Used. It aasM aeaiaanam, ccpleauaM, A dheaosi eftae StaBaash, Bowali, liver Kidaeya, emareatneai Oll. M It .aa f nl i -- T s-t r- W Ti , n iniliU TT T V-siTaTLIKIQ O? DISCOVERYI . ha aaiMia emu un, -j: - .Mm. j ai. Tjoaa ef ay petite Jf aawa.bcett eestiT. Pain in theHead.wltn a duJU sensation in Cha bull nart. Tain under aha ahonlder- nffeTUg ef tee meart, Dos befere the eyes, Yellow Sklsj. headaehe, Hestless- ..Vl VT1X T,AV TaA TTtTt, - RtiT Wat or WirisiKHB cnaegoa to a ulosst Black by a sin fie aaalleatlen ef this Dm. It lm parte a Batumi eoler, act Znatantaneoasly. kinrlniili trml kw mm rtuilt af SI. Parkert: , OBSERVATIONS. The worst kind of rheumatism Is the spare roomatlsm. Many an unhappy guest has crowded In between Its ley sheets ana died of It. Barllsg-ten-Hawkeye. A little heat that can't be beat, the window open wide; a little breeze, a little sneeze, and you're the (lector's pride. ' Seventeen dollars and twenty five eents for ten visits. " The erection of telegraph poles In Norway has, It Is said, scared away the wolves. Here It has attracted whole herds of bulls and bears. New Haven Palladium. "Whatever yon have to do, do It with your might Many a lawyer has made his fortune by simply working with a wUL Tonkers Mtatesman. Beeeher contends th$t he can cure the moat rabid Socialist in five minutes by Klving him S500.000. Henry, we are a rabid Bodallat by in spiration, and if yon can guarantee a cure on one application you ean send on your medicine. Low ell ClUzen. '-. ... !- , Sympatfietle old lady Cetvmg money to solemn leo king tramp), "is It your Inability to procure work, my good man. that causes your dejected air?" Tramp (prepailng to light out), "no, mom; It's my IlaDlllty to get suthln' to do that keeps me all the tune pensive and east down." .. Young Man: ft'sair right for you to want to Sim tho earth. Get as much of It as you can in a decent sort ef way. But don't Imagine you own the whole of It That's where lots of folks make a mistake. Boston rest '" Why are doctors called physicians, mamma?" aid an inquisitive little girl to her mother, who had Just been visited by one of them. Pfaysl elan, replied mamma, who was seldom at a loss for an answer, "comes from fee-eeek,' as the doctor rides all day seeking fees." NEWS NOTES. Disturbances continue in Ireland and the number of arrests are increasing dairy. Oat of about a dozen of divorce cases disposed of the other day in the courts of Chicago one half of them were where husbands sued on account of drunkenness of their wires. The tataLamount of the fund for the endowment of a Garfield professorship at Williams College now. amounts to about $35,000. An effort will be made to raise $15,000 more. The San Francisco Chamber of Com roerce has a memorial to Congress ask ing' for a sumcient appropriation to co mp lete tne survey or Alaska. . Extensive veins of coal have been discovered three miles south oT Grand Junctien, Iowa, on the Qhicago and JNoxtn western Kailroad. Emma J. Morrow, Thursday, entered suit in the District Court at Denver. Coloraao, against Charles Li. Davis, the actor, for 822.000. which she claims is due her as back salary for four years' service. Lavis claims mat it 13 a disck mailing scheme. A Frenchman arrested at Berlin on suspicion of being accessory to .the as sassination or the Czar or liussia will be surrendered for trial. Since th8 anti-socialist law was pro- malgated in urmany, jnree years ago, 225 socialist societies have been dissolv ed and 758 socialist publications sup pressed. Mrs. Matilda Dallas Wilkins, the last surviving child of Alexander J. Dallas, died at. her residence in Philadelphia Tnursday, aged 82 years, bue was a sister of Vice-President Geo. M. Dallas and the wife of United Senator and Secretary of War Wilkins. Gen. Terry has ordered a detachment f the second cavalry from Fort Custer to Terns JLandlng, on the Upper Yel lowstone, to protect the Northern Pa cific engineers and ' the construction company in their work : from the ma- e . 'rwwTtt x . ill 1 a ranains; tjrowa. xae uwps wiu go mio cantonment at thatplacefor the winter. Willis Hockaday. a colored t barber, has been arrested at .Louisa, Ky, for the murder of the Gibbons children and Miss Thomas last Friday night The theory of the detectives is that Gibbons, the father 01 the children, was the mur derer, and that he has drowned himself in the Ohio river. This theory is Dased partlv onthe fact that a skiff was stolen up the JCanawha river before the crime was commuted, and a man was seen riding down the river in it. A White Htm Romance. A writer in the Paris Figaro tells a romantic story-concerning Miss Emma Thursbyv While she was singing, la Stockholm, Sweden, a sudden storm came, updone, evening, andrwhen she left .the concert hall, a servant attired in elegant livery bowed to her and in formed her that bis master bad ordered him to place his carriage at her dispo sal. Miss Thursby hesitated, but the carriage was there, with two handsome white fiorses attached, and , finally she entered ; it .f with the person attending her. While she remained in Stock holm the same elegant equipage was al ways at the door at her disposal. She went ta . Copenhagen. The first even ing, as she Was about to leave her hotel tor the concert room, the same horses and carriage and servant were at the doorawaitingher. She traveled through Sweden and Norway, and, stopping at the principal cities, found in each the mysterious equipage. At length she was about to return to Paris, and but three days were to pass before she should quit Scandinavia. Then she re ceived a call from Mr. X, the owner of the carriage and the employer of the servant who attended it After the matter was explained ononis part and her thanks had been expressed, "Ma demoiselle," said he, "will you do me the honor to beconie my wife?" Miss Thursby replied that it would be im possible, and, in explanation, said that on leaving her parents she had prom ised two things. The first was never to sing in a theatre or become a mem ber of an opera company, and the sec ond was that she would not marry any but an American. The first promise she bad kept, afrd the second, notwith standing the circumstances, she would not break. "And you are not an Ame rican," she added. Mr. X. reflected a moment, and then asked, "And if I be come an American ?" "In that case," was the reply, "I can act my own pleas ure." Two days later Mr. X. returned to make his adleux. Said he, "To-morrow I depart for the United States. I hope with the credit at my disposal to become promptly naturalized as an American citizen. I shall then return to Paris to realize the fulfilment of your premise to be my wife. A Grotesque tn HorriMe Scene The imagination of the most sensa tional of French romance writers nev er conceived of a scene more grotesque aad horrible than was witnessed in Jersey City, N. J Monday last. A small pox patient escaped from bis home in a delirious condition and died in the streets. Two drunken men, sup posing ate dead man to be in the same condition as themselves, only a little worse; picked the body up, andupport ing it-between thenv walked it to a police station two blocks distant NEW TUB'S BRINGS GOOD MSOLUTION8. The idea of a thorough reformation commenc ing with a Hew Tear In all affairs ef life, is as eld aa Idea as the world Itself; but when the year eleaes. a retrospective glance always tells oftaten -Hens net carried out - Te those wis have thought it wise to delay aa essay of fortune's favoritism by sending one or two delfers to JL A. Dauphin. New Orleans, La., In Hme for the 140th Drawing of the World-famed Loalslana State Lottery, before Jan nary 1 0th, the idea must come: "delays are dan-j geroua,' " i f ITEMS OF INTEREST. " An examination of the lists of the successful candidates for the British army reveals an almost total absence of young men of rank, and it is thought id some circles that the army will lose caste on this account jThe expenses of the United States Government for the year 1882 will be 0325,555,963.53. If-yeu want to be in metaphorical hot water all the pime, speak the truth. You will wish you were a born liar a thous and times a day: 32x-President Hayes is one of the speakers engaged for the Grand Army encampment at Cincinnati, in January next He will respond to the toast: "The rebels; we measure their value and sincerity as friends by their des perate valor as enemies." Mr. Beswell'Smith, publisher of The Centyrju haajust performed a generous act rare in the annals of business. He not only gave $5,000 In Christmas gifts to those whom he employs, but distrib uted among the leading members of his literary .and business staff 010,000 . in Century stock, a stock which, as has al ready been stated, is exceedingly valua- i France is already making prepara ns to celebrate the centennial of her featest revolution that of 1789. At exsailles the court in which was held e memorable sitting is being fitted up as a memorial, and in a number of townSiCelebration societies are being formed. THE PROTECTIVE POLICY. A Waate ef 779,000,000 on Cotton Alone. From the Columbia Register. ' Another great obstacle, and akin to the rest in our way, is the protective policy .which has been fostered by the general government greatly to the cost of the SouO. This policy has almost eaten -up our seed corn, so as to leave us in a crippled condition fearfully hobbled by a great national policy. From 1829 to 1860 inclusive, there were four periods. The first of these ended in 1833 with a high tariff; the next went from 1833 to 1840, a 4ow tariff period ; from 1841 to 1847 a high tariff pre vailed ; from 1847 to 1860 inclusive we had a low tariff. The average rate of cotton in New York market (we quote from Latham & Alexander) was : First period, high tariff 10.36 Second period low tariff. ..12 50 Third period, high tariff. . . 7 94 Fourth period, low tariff. .11 30 It wHl be thus seen that the average price obtained for cotton in the high tariff periods was 9.15 cents, and in the low tariff 11.90 cents, showing a difference of 2 cents per pound in favor of prices in the low tariff periods in the course of thirty-two years of cotton production, or a ' whole genera tion. This, then, may be pretty con clusively accepted as what the South sinks in the money value of its great staple crop under the present onerous tariff. From 1865 to 1880, inclusive, six teen years since the war, we have made 70,826,738 bales of 400 pounds weight If we havo sunk 2 cents per pound, there was wasted on each bale of 400 pounds just 011, and the cotton produc ing States have, therefore, sunk in their vast cotton production since the war, and which has been resurrected under every obstacle, over 0779,000,000. Not only this, we have paid largely increas ed prices on . the protected goods of Northern manufacturers, amounting to possiDiy as much more. mum I 1 i A President's Savings. Washington Letter. : 1 The incredible assertions of ex-President Hayes as to his limited savings from his salary in excuse for his declin ation to contribute to the Garfield monument fund have not added to the respect or regard entertained for him here. Mr. Hayes, like any other citizen, has a perfect right to contribute or not contribute to the Garfield monument fund or any otherfund. But when he attempts to excuse himself for declin ing, by intimating that he sayed little or nothing out of his Presidential salary, the case is very different It is not generally known throughout the country that, in addition to the salary of 050,000 per annum .paid the Presi dent appropriations are regularly made by Congress covering all expenses for furniture, light, fuel, ice, conservatories, clerical aijd servants' hire, repairs, &c, for the Executive Mansion, and that consequently all that the President, ex pends of his 050,000 per annum is ' for the personal expenses of himself and his family and the provisions which are consumed upon his table. The bulk of the provisions are obtained from the commissary department of the army at contract price, which is at all times fifty per cent less than retail market prices, and the wholesale -manner in which Mr. Hayes took advantage of this was the subject of severely ironical com ment in army circles during the whole period of his four years in the White House. The enrbstone brokers of Washington have no equal for grasping covetousness, but there is not one of them who would not gladly have given Mr. Hayes $30,000 a year to take his salary and pay his expenses. .Gold Ifnggete. Salisbury Watchman. Mr. Atlas Kirk exhibited to us, Tues day, three beautiful gold nuggets from the Parker mine in Stanly county, in which be is interested, together, weigh ing seven ounces. The Parker is a well known mine, and has yielded quanti ties of free gold. It is on a part of the same ridge on which the Crowell mine is situated, the ' Dest mining property yet discovered in Stanly county, a large portion of which is believed to be rich in minerals. - - " "The melancholy days have come, the saddest of tne year," because of the great Increase of suf fertne induced by eelds. eoucbs. asthma, cte.. all of which Dr. Bull's eough syrup will promptly cure. "I DON'T WANT A PLASTER." said a sick man to a druggist, "cant you give me something to cure me?" His symptoms were a lame back and disordered urine and were a sure Indication of kidney disease. The drujrgtst told him to use Kidney-wort and hi a short time It ef fected a complete core. Save yon tbese symp toms? Then get a box or bottle to-day before jou become Incurable, it Is the cure f safe and sure. Knoirllle Republican. . . v. HUMBUGGED AGAIN. I saw so much said about the merits of Hop Bit ters, and my wife who was always doctoring, and never well, teased me so urgently te get her some. I concluded to be humbugged agatn: and I am clad I did, for in less than two months' use of the Bitters my wife was eared, and she has remained so for eighteen months since. I- like seen- hum bugging. H. T.. 81 Paul, tPloneer Press.) Banfoau itn axd Iboh SFBikes WiTltin Hasb. Tb gteat tonic and alterative contains hrlaa as stuck Iron and Cftj per cent more alum- taum than any "alum and Iron mass" known. Just the thing for 'the ."spring weakness now so general., Sola by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half. ' . , ' V mayu n The sunshine of many a happy home has been turned into aarx aespair dv tne aeatn 01 lorea ones caused by neglected colds. Dr. Bail's eough syrup has saved Innumerable lives by Its timely use. as 1 1 Ma-s PBXHATUBX LOSS 01 THB HUB Maybe entirely prevented by the use of BUB SETT'S COCOAINE. No other compound pos sesses the jecullar properties which so exactly suit the various conditions of the human hair. It softens the hair when harsh and dry. It soothes thejrrltated scalp. It affords the richest lustre. It prevents the hair from falling off. It promotes Its healthy, vigorous growth. It Is not greasy nor sticky. It leave no disagreeable odor. It kins dandruff. Burnett's Flavoring Extracts areknwn to be the est gatettt Uttjextictttjes. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. rtft Ju.lt, 1S7 WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, Electro -Voltaic Appliances suffering from NerconsWealtnesses, Gen eral Debility, less of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Oram-. Causes, or to any one afflicted with Bheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paral.rais, gpinal Difficulties. Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also womkn troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. . Speedy relief and complete restoration to health guaranteed. Tbeee are ane only Electric Appliances that have ever been constructed upon scientific prin ciple. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven- with the nest Wonderful snecess. and ttiey have the blarhest endorsements from medical and sclen tiflC men, and from hnndreds who have been quickly and radically cared b tbelr use. . Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, givlD all information free. Address, VOLTAIC BEIT CP., aTaiTt, Mich. Inly 18 GREAT GERM DESTROYER. PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. PITTING OF SMALL POX Prevented. SMALL POX ERADICATED. Ulsters purified and uOCUOue Gangrene prevented and eured. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvey cured In short Tme. Contagion destroyed. Sick Rooms punned and made pleasant. Fevered and 81ek Per sons relieved and re freshed by bathing with Prophylatlc Kluld added to tbe water. Bon White Complexions secured by Its use In hathlnff Tetter dried an. It is perfectly harmless. For aore Throat it is a sure cure. DIPTHERIA , PREVENTED Impure Air made harm less anu punned py sprinkling D a r b y's Fluid about - To puriry the Breath. Cleanse the Teeth, It can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Burns relieved instantly. Cholera dissipated. snip f ever prevented Dy us use. In eases of death In the house, It should alwRys be used about the corpse it will prevent any unpleasant smell. Removes all unpleasant . ouors. An antidote for animal or Vegetable Poison, Stings, &c. Dangerous effluvlas of sickrooms and hospi tals removed by its use. Yellow Fever Eradicated. In-fact It Is the great Disinfectant and Purifier, J. H. ZETXLff & CO, Kanuiacturlng:Chemlst3, Sola Proprietors, dec North Carolina Railroad. . CONDENSED SCHEDULES. THAnra bomo bast. Date, Dec 18, 1 No.-55 Dally. No 61 Dally. No. 53 Dally. Leave Charlotte, Salisbury. 4.80 6.17 8.00 R18 10.10 11.80 7.40 pm 8.30 am 6.80 am 8.10 pm 1O.02 pm 12 05 am 12.15 am pml Arrive Greensb'ro Leave Breensb'ro Arrive RDanrille Leave N.Dan rllle pm 7.86 a m pm pm 10.00 am 12.21 am am am 10.16 am Arrive Richmond, Leave Greensb'ro Arrive Raleigh,... Leave Balelgh.. Arrive Goldsboro' o.oopm v.tu a m 1.62 pm 2.17 Dm 4.20 p m Ko. Bl -Connects at Greensboro' with R. D. B. R. for all points Bast and West, via Danville and Richmond, also with train for Raleigh and uviasDoro. No. fo Connects at Greensboro' with R. A D. R. B. for all points East and West, via Danville ana juenmona. Ho. 68 Connects at Greensboro' with R. A D. B. B. for all points East and West, via Danville only. TRAINS GOING WBST. SCARLET FEVER CURED. Date, Deo. 18, '81 No. 54" No. 50 No. 52 Dally. Dally. Daily. Leave Goldsboro' 12.20 p m Arrive Raleigb.. 12.40 pm Leave Raleigh, . . 4 00 p in Leave Richmond, 12.07 pin lf.25 pm " N.Banvllle 7 48 p m 6.80 P m 7.85 a m Arrive Greensb'ro 0.80 pm 8.80 pm 880am Leave Greensb'ro 9.85 pm 8.40 pm 985am Leave Salisbury,. 11.15 pm 10.87 m 11.22 a m Arrive Charlotte,. 12:40am 12.26 - m 1.05 pm W. N.C BA IL ROAD. 6OIN0 WKST. NO. 6fr-Dany. Leave ftrAAn nhnm. O KI n m Arrive Kernersvllle. , 11.07 p m Arrive ttaiem ...11.50 pm HO. 62 Dally, except 8unday. Leave Greensboro 10.00 a te An Ire Kemersville 1 1. 00 a m Arrive Salem.. 11.80 a m GOIHO AST. . NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem.. Arrive Kernersvllle .-. . Arrive Greensboro. .i. . Na 53-Delly. Leave Salem.; 7.80 a m 8.04 am 9.00 a m 4.80 pm 6.10 pm 0.80 pm Arrive Kernersvllle Arrive Greensboro. Poi!m;a . On - Tram Xo. 51. benreenAn1srand Ka' Torb via Danville. . - s n- -i. On Train Na 65, between Augasta and Wash ington, via Danville. .;-.-- !) On Train Na 58, between Atlanta and Washing ton, via Danville. 1 ' .-;. 5.;:,-- ;- jy.-u . .-. On Train No. 60. between New York and Atlanta: via Danville. - .... v. . r. ... ; . ..... . On Train Ko. 2, betneeaaablngton and An gusta, vlaDaavlile. . - - v h.v. :u . .. On Train Na 54. betwe Washington and At lanta, via Danvlh. u v.-a.-.-., tar-Throuffb Tickets ' Ott' sale at anvmahnra. Balelgh. Goldsboro', Balls bury and Charlotte, and principal points 8outk, Boathwest, West, North and East For Emigrant Bates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Boathwest, address. A. FOPX, . General Passenger Agent. decSl BichMond,Va. A Job M of WAIiKIHG JACKETS, Just received, at very low prices. Another stock of LIGHT ;CL0AKISG2 lust received per Emess. We have some flue CLOAKS AND DOLMANS, To sen mom aSS&I oFBOCH1ST FBINGE3 very cheap. A large assortment of 00BD3 and TASSELS. VELVETS at Reduced Prices. . A Large Stock of Passamentries, Ornaments and Beaded Fringes, Ladies' iGenfs' Neckwear, Ladies' iGents' Underwear. Tie handsomest line of NOTTINGHAM LACES ever shown In this town. Our stock is complete, and we are offering very decided bargains to purchasers. HARGRAVES & WILHELM. CLOSIE OUT PRICES! WE WILL SELL -AND- The Remainder -OUR STOCK OF- AT REDUCED PRICES We have some JOB SUITS, one of a kind, OVERCOATS at the same rates. CHILDREN'S BARGAIN. A Word With -You This Mur Column and We Have Something to. Say ! Dim hamh m McSMITH BUT WE CAWT HELP THAT. THEY SAT WM ARE IRREPRESSI BLE; WELL, MAYBE WE ARE, BUT WHAT'S THE ODDS. We've Got a MASCOTTE in our Establishment - A GOMH mm in the CDLLM, AND STILL WE ARE NOT HAPPY. There Is trouble In our mind; we will speak it out even of it takes a whole column, and we hereto talk in capitals; WHERE'S OUR MAYOR WHERE'S OUR WORTHY ALDERMEN t WHERE'S OUR BRAVE POLICE f WHERE'S OUR BOARD OF EDUCATION f WHERE'S OUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS $ WHERE'S OUR GRAND JURYt WHERE'S --OUR JUDGES t WHERE'S -OUR SANITARIANS t WHAT -ARE THEY ALL DOING f- CAN'T THEY SEE THAT THOUSANDS 0 OLD MECKLENBURG'S " GOOD CITIZENS ARE UNEASY, ANXIOUS, TROUBLED AND WORRIED TO DEATH, TO KNO W WHERE TO BUY AND WHAT TO BUY, -THAT THEY, MAY BE HAPPY. It Is not our desire to run the City or County Government, but our ability is only equalled by our modesty, and If the people will have a new administration we will have to take the reins and do the best we ean. PROCLAMATION: WHERE AB i- Tha mtiot nanmlA of nhnrtnttA hofnv In Mrm tiaaA throncbttioee who have such wares to sell falling to sufficiently advertise them ia our cltj papers, tbe said people are wandering aimlessly through our thoroughfares, endeavoring to hunt up muslcalltles, It has seemed proper, and In the line of my duty, to publicly announce that a splendid stck of FIAJTOS. OBGAN8 and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds ean be found only at tbe McSMITH MUSIC HOUSE, Tryon Street, next to First National Bank and to counel all people, who have musie la their oul and money in their pockets, to eo forthwith and select Musical Instruments for their Musical Friends . . Given under my hand and seal, this 21st of December, 1881.' dec22 Very Desirable FROM NOW ON, of the Season. FOR CASH ONLY. which will be sold Regardless of Cost SJ OVERCOATS at and below cos-t. Call and secuie a Respectfully. lis t mi C oil, L. BERW ANGER & BRO., Leading Clothiers and Tailors. m a Tender Snbjec ii AND - Brf, nf du1 THnnna ftrtrana Anri Min!i fAnAMllr. and Happy lYIcSmith. frSMW SJilaa. 1 il it n m 1 1 y-ZuT"' 4 CbrlottejS-