DOBBINS' STARCH POLISH. An important dis covery, by which every family may give their linen that beautiful fin ish peculiar to laundry work. Ask your Grocer, J. B. DOBBIN3, Philadelphia, Pa. Xisccllaneotis. GENERAL FEED DEALERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS OMMISSION MERCHANTS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. "WE HAVE NOW ON HAND : JUST RECEIVED, ONE.CAR LOAD 1 ()()() Ba3HKL3 0F NEw" WHlTB CORN. 2 BARRELS OF PEARL G SI V3. 2 CAR LOAD BRAN, CAR LOAD CORN and PEA MEAL MIXED, 1 CAR LOAD PATAPSCO PATENT PROCESS 1 FLOUR. 2 CAR LOADS TI5IOTHY HAY, AND WILL GLIDLY PTE PRICES -TO- BOTH THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE Respectfully soliciting a share ef your patronage, we are respectfully, decl8 A. J. BE ALL & CO. L it. GASTON, DEALER IN Tinware & House Furnishinff Goods MANTELS and GRATES WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Particular attention paid to ROOFING AND SPOUTING. None but first class bands employed. Call for the BiRLEY SHEAF STOVE. ,oct29 I j3 P INVIGORATOB Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. rOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, ami 8 deod eow ly. Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket THE old Oaken Bucket, The Iron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket. That hung In the welL CH AS. B JONES, ChurinttA. N. fi-- flnU iwnt. Liberal terms to dealers. -s W.W.WOODJ V RICHMOND EN&RAVINSCO.P ff CHAS. JONES, 11 SoeAg't,Charlotte,N.C. JJ i J. Wit Co., Stoves Hea ters Ran DuSWOBD'S th ft MAKES Looking MADE Glasses Biff nor WITH Pans fine ELECTRIC Soouring POUSH. ASK YOUR GROCER Best in the World. THE ONLY MEDICINE IX EITHER LIQUID OR DRY FORM That Acta at the same time en TEE LIVER, TEE BOWELS, A'iJD TEE EIDEE7S. WHY ARE WE SICK? Because we allow these great org am to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood that should be expelled naturally. j H WILL SURELY CURE M KIDNEY DISEASES, I , LIVER COMPLAINTS, Mptf.M. mNKTTPlTIOV. rRIVAHY DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, AND SERYOU8 DISORDERS, by causing free action qf these organs and restoring their power to throw off disease. Why suffer Bilious pains and aches! Why tormented with Piles, Constlpatloa! La Why frightened over disordered Eidneysl Why endure nerrout or sick headachast Use KIDNEY-WORTawi rejoice in health. It is pat up In Dry Vegetable Form, in tin 1 cans one package of which m&kea six quarts of I I medicine. Also in Liquid Form, Tery Conaea-I trated, for those that cannot readily prepare it. I tylt acts with equal efficiency In either form. I QET IT OF TOUK DRUGGIST. FTUCE, L.O I WELL8, RICHARDSON A Co., Prop's, l send the dry post-paid.) BTT2LDGTOS, TT. March 27 d&wly Coffins and Metallic Cases, ALSO, A LABGX LOT OF C- -H--K--0--M- -0--S- AT WHOLESALE or RETAIL. E. M. ANDREWS, AT WHITE FRONT. dec2 DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, LAMP GOODS, SEGARS, TOBACCOS, Ac, Ac. JUST RECEIVED: A PULL AND SELECT. LIlfE OP Perfumeries and Perfumery Cases. Cologne Bot tles, Ac Toilet Powder Rouges,-Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Brushes olail kinds, Combs, Ate., and a fall rlneef : all goods nsnally f ound in - -a first-class Drug js tabllshmsnt Careful attention given thn preparation of pre scriptions. I inut the public will, as heretofore, extend me a suarevi ujeirvai'vuBKe. ware ww in every la stance be given the preparation and dlspenstngfof all medicines for which demands are made, aid PMABVIX. Agt, c6j 11 J dec23 MEBimynijeFir. oj. f Among Southern BoardlDg -Schools for boys in age, numbers and area of of patronage. Messing club 14 of a mile from Barracks ior mnfHii of small means.- The 176th session be- , . f iuowuuuory mn, land, jrer eaia ogue giving foil particulars address - . "4. MAf. B.BIXGHAM, deel7 tf i ; . . Superintendent GMra3B0Bd.KG . ,.,i-. f -.. TBS Spring Session ef I&82 IrQI begin on - Wednesday, : January 11th. Charges pr session of twenty Atra 14 no 7.ti,1i..1m f lfo'kfrtf and washing) and tuition, in full En- gnsn course. 940-uu. extra studies moderate. Fer particulars apply to . . :, " ; ' T. U, decl8 tf JONISj . President OLD I MAI jma n lintel r-ii 13 r 1 a r f mm i." tir urw WML sri)t fii)arloitc Wbsmti: TUESDAY, JAK. 3, " A FAIR SHtiPMeUDESS. Tlie BtmanM ( a Beaaiilol ruua deiubtsa 4Mr aad l?ubr Mmer FroA the Sao Francisco Express. ' , A reporter ot the Express learned from Mr.- James Holt, : ot (joiicno, tne particulars ot : historj tnaV properly handled would make the web . arid woof of as romaatic a noyei as was evr ntLen. It is the story of a beautiful eirl who voluntarily leares all th& Xnx- uries ana eieKaudca ul uwuium home in Philadelphia to follow a lover to the wilds ofJCfxas . Blanch Thomas was the only daughter .of parents who lavished upou her all that wealth could purchase. Her dresses from Worth, her equipageb, her brown stone house on Chesnut street, were the euvy of manv and the ambition of a few. Her father took her with him to Paris, where she soon became the rage in the American colon there. Mauy ad mirers had aspired to her hand many wealttiy noblemen had offered them selves in marriage, but all in vain. When Dressed by her father for an ex planation of her conduct she reluctant ly acknowledged she was in love, and had been since her childhood, with the son of the manager of her father's coal mines, near Pittsburg. This so enraged her father that he forbade ber even to mention the young man's name again and unthinkingly told her she most select some eligible party within six months or cease to be his daughter. Thinking him to be in earnest, and knowing him to be a man of his word, the roor eirl packed up a few clothes, and, taking what money she had in her purse at the time, took passage on an outward bound steamer for New York. Arriving there she telegraphed to her lover in Pittsburg, who did not even stop to change his mining clothes, so afraid was be that he would miss the fast express that was to carry him to the object of his affections. There was a auiet little marriage at Grace Church the next day and the spoiled child of fortune was the wife of . A Ml a brawny, muscuiar miner, .nor much thought and a great amount of planning it was decidedfto come to Txas and tere build for themselves a home. He pre-empted and purchased land and speep in Taylor county, built a house of two small rooms, and while she cooked, washed and attendeh to the humble -avocations of household drug ery he looked after the sheep and cul tivated a few acres of land. A year of perfect but quiet happiness passed by, when the husband broke" his leg and the work of watching the sheep de volved upon the wife. One afternoon, as she was walking toward the house in her simple country dress a party of gentlemen rode up and one of them was her father, who had been search ing for his daughter since her departure from Paris. Calm reflection had taught him that her's had, after all, been the better choice, and he was only too glad to recognize in, her husband a son-in-law. He persuaded them to give up their home in Texas for a time and re turn with him to Philadelphia, mica en & ii. Loudon Times. A well-known German manufacture1, of mica wares, Htrr Raphael of Bres lau, now makes mica masks for the face, which are quiet transparent, very light, and affected neither by heat nor by acids. Tbey afford good protection to all workmen who are liable to be in jured by heat, dust, or noxious vapors, all workers with fire, metal and glass melters, stone-masons, etc. In all kinds of grinding and polishing work the fly ing fragments rebound from the arched mica plates of the mask without injur ing them, These plates are fixed in a metalic frame, which is well isolated by means of asbestos, so as not to be at tacked by head or acid. These masks allow the turning of the eyes in any direction, and, as against mica specta cles, they affort the advantage of pro tection to the whole face. In certain cases the neck and shoulders may also be guarded by a sheet of cloth impreg nated with fire-proof material, or by as bestos sheets attached to the mask. The interval between the mica and the eyes allows of workmen who have poor eye-sight wearing spectacles, and of workers with fire or in melting opera tions wearing colored glass spectacles under the mask without fear of break age of the glass, mica being such a bad conductor of heat. Where the mask has to be worn long, it is f onnd desira ble to add a caoutchouch tube with mouth-piece for admission of fresh air; the tube passes out to the shoulders, where its funnel-shaped end (some times holding a moistened sponge) is supported. - The mask has a sort of cap attached to it for fixture on the head. A Ple Propeller A Boston man is constructing a pro peller with a view of capturing the prize offered by the Erie Canal Com pany. She is built like an old-fashioned scow, and is 61 feet long by 80 feet beam. She draws two feet of water amidships. The bottom is V-shaped from stem to stern, and has five keels aft of the centre, running out to the stern. Forward of the centre the five keels extend 1 feet. On the forward deck is placed an upright high-pressure boiler of 15-horse power. Just behind this is the engine, which has a large fly wheel, 4 feet in diameter. On the deck is a large air-box, extending almost across the boat, from the under side of which four square tubes run down per pendicularly into the water. A large fan is placed on the air-chamber, and the air is forced directly downward in to the water between the five keels. The propelling power is given to the boat simply by the air rushing between the keels and pressing the water out at stern. When in motion the air rushing out gives the boat the appearance of a stern wheel propeller, although she leaves no perceptible wake. The boat easily makes five miles an hour, Ilow te Sleep In a Sleeping- Gar Chicago Hotel Reporter: 1. Get a berth in the fore part of the car. This is because the pure air comes in at the front end and windows and goes out at the rear end and windows. I always take the front upper berth. My reason for taking the upper berth is because it Is freeljr ventilated and away from the hot pipes. 2. Have your berth made up head toward the engine. This will keep all drafts of air from your head and prevent taking, cold. If the car is very tight, put a lead: pencil under the window at your feet in case of lower berth: or in case of the upper berth; open me nina sxy window at your feet. - TS III." Saw SI Fix vonr nilW in on nrnAr nf tr, berth, and vour feet in the other, tir nirtn 'nH w isTTC. iaying-crosswise. you . will . not roll in youroexui, r , - A Small Fax Care 1- Mr, Bernard;1SWcm7 wtrfcas.ju8i iiueu an engagement, at ' tnc 'Acaaemj or Musicj mis cuy met a reporter tne other day and iravehira the following receipt, which be said was a sure tura for small pox: Take five cents worth of cream of.tertay nd put it into a pint of water, stir it lib artdJirive the patient a tablespoonf ul of the mixture every four hours. "The same- aese twice aday will act as a preventive to personsixi atfendr ance upon the sice, witfe toe arxive, Mr. Slocum says hft.haa.jroxked.flcores 2 or cases in igiana j Baehpsaika. ., ! Vsti ttndilp MmntAfa mim J! jiflt nrfniW AfTsi tlons, snMrUng, frequenter difficult urination, and kidney diseases. Si at druggists. .Depot, . J, H. McAden, Charlotte, N. C r , . " ; SHI P RlILROAD, . Captain TVllllama, Wbo ur , Veyea ihtelieate Acroas the tut bsau 'Ma-to'.liaywn-i 't v , ( New Orleans Times-Democrat ' Yesterday a representative ot the Times-Democrat, had the pleasure of imeeting Capt, J. t, Williams, the engi neer who surveyed tne proposed route of the Eads ship Tiilroad across the Isthmus of Teuuan tepee Capt. Williams said: "The, Isthmus of Tehuantepec is divided into three divisions, the Atlantic, Pacific and Mid dle, starting on the Atlantic side. At the mouth of the Coatzacoaloos river there is a bar covered only by a depth of fourteen feet of water, but this bar, which is of clay and gravel, can be easily removed; and that done, with a little dredging of the river in places ships drawing thirty feet of water can sail.. up. the river a distance of thirty miles to Ceiaba Bonita, where the ship railroad route, as surveyed by me, will begin. Striking southeast from here for a distance of about 48 miles, the road reaches a point near Playo, Gre nado; it then turns south and runs in that direction a distance of 86 miles, until it reaches a point near Tras Picos, at the junction of the Cbichihula and Tarif a rivers. Here it runs southwest for 19 miles, the Niltepec road on the Pacific plains, and from there the dis tance to the Pacific lagoon is only ll miles. "The length of the road from deep water to deep water will be 116 miles. "Capt. Eads estimates the cost at 875,000,000 to $100,000,000, but that is a rough estimate, as no complete survey has yet been made. In my opinion, a complete survey will reduce that esti mate very materially." "What particular advantage will a ship railroad, such as Captain Eads pro- Bses, have over a ship canal such as e Lesseps is at work on T "Well, sir, in the first place it can be easier built, and in the second it can be double tracked, if necessary, so that ships can be run from ocean to ocean without any delays, such as will occur on a canal where one ship must wait for another to pass." Capt. Williams thinks that Captain Eads plan is a feasible one, and that the ship railroad will do all the work that is expected of it. He also states that if the present ship railroad bill in troduced in the Senate by Senator Vest, of Missouri, is passed, work will be com menced on the Isthmusjwithin the next three or four months. He will leave for Mexico on the steamship City of Merids, which sails to-morrow morn ing. ARTHUR AND BLAINE. Cl renin. tun ca nxder which tho Sec retary of State Itelg-ued. To correct certain misstatements which have been made in regard to Mr. Blaine's withdrawal from the Cabinet, the fol lowing statement has been furnished for publication : "On the 22d day of September, imme diately after President Arthur had tak en the oath of office administered by the Chief J ustice of the United States, a full meeting of the Cabinet was held in the Vice President's room in the Capitol. At this meetiug every mem ber of the Cabinet tendered his resigna tion in writing. On receiving the sever al letters President Arthur said it would be agreeable to him to have the Cabinet remain in position until after the regu lar meeting of Congress in December. Three weeks afterwards Mr. Blaine ad dressed the following letter to the President: "Washington, October 13, 1881. My Dear Mr. President: When I put my resignation in your hands on the 22nd September you intimated your wish that all the members of the Cabinet should retain their places until the meeting of Congress, in December. As Secretary Windom's expected return to the Senate may precipitate a vacancy in the treasury department in a few days, I have thought it might also ren der an earlier reconstruction of your Cabinet desirable to you. In that event I trust you will not be embarrassed, at least so far as I am concerned, by your Previous assignment of a date for with rawal. It will be entirely agreeable to me to turn over the department to my successor on any day that will prove most desirable and convenient to your self. I intended to say this to you yes terday, but from pressure of other things forgot it Very respectfully, "James G. Blaine." "In a personal interview following this letter the President repeated the request that Mr. Blaine should remain until December. There was never at any time the slightest misunderstand ing between the President and Mr. Blaine about the fetter's retirement, and their personal relations continue, as they have always been, entirely friendly and cordial." A Dare-Devil f tlio Ueerg-la tain. noun- Griffin News. There are few men in Georgia, prob ably, who have given the officers more trouble than Jack Pugh, and we doubt if any one has ever been more success ful in eluding them. Catch him and surround him as they would, he always managed to slide out from under their thumbs. Long, lank, lean and wiry, and possessed of unusual activity for one of his build, be has kept up his dare-devil career with the fearlessness of a border ruffian. Pugh will fight a circular saw, it is said, and has never been afraid to meet the best armed officers, always be ing raady and on the alert. His wife, too, is a tough customer when on her muscle. Some time ago one Rawls said something te her about Jack at the house, when she took up a board and with true Amazonian courage cleaned him completely up, making him bite the dust in a jiffy. Pugh says he hasn't slept inside of a house in three years. If all his exploits in evading.the law and swindling the government were dished up in dime-novel style it would make the hair of the average boy stand wild ly on end. Being an illicit distiller of the ardent is not his only reputation. He is said to be a clever counterfeiter. Beating- tbe Catling The Gatling gun and the mitrailleuse have been beaten by a newly invented field piece with which experiments were recently made at Govern ors Is land. The, piece is composed of two barrels, enclosed in a "water pocket," and weighing, with the carriage, five hundred and sevtnty-one pounds. The fun discharged at the first trial two uhdred ordinary United States cart- rmges or iony-ave can ore .in twentv aHffTAa Unit nt.' tnfr t-ti ttmt "" " r"JW uiaiuium t" area nve Jiunarea nou in one miuute and ten seconds. A hattrv of these guns' would be proof against any; attacking party,. r 4 i ' Refiulaf; tp Ordain a Colored nan. . BAtrptOBK, Dec. 80vTha standing commUteer bf the ; Episcopal Cborch in Maryland nave declined to rmmund tototdraat4n M Cv Bishop; .of Balti more, xnentiir colored graduate of the General TheologicaUSerninary i New York. TheTeason for Uiis action Is not made public.' vsm- ; . when jea.aaye thing to de. tin ttf 'Ann vhAn roa save a eougn te cure, eure 1 Bull's cough. simp, the safest aad It, by using Dr. 1 pescmaoe. J i. 1. GABXk. ' To all who are suffering from ihe errors and ta dlscreUon ef youth, Mroo veaka8e.earir decay oss of manhood, t&v-l will send a recipe that will curt you. rail of CH11GK, This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South.' America. Send a - self-addressed- envelopon to the Bxv. tOGFH T. IKliAN, 8tatton p, Kew York City. iitll REMEDY. i vi.!.i FOR RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil s a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the oomparatiTely trifling ouUay of 50 Cests, and eTery one goffering with pain can hare cheap and positire proof of its claim. Directions in Keren Xangnages. BOLD BY ALL DBUGGIST8 ABD DEALERS nr HEDionrs. A. VOGElER & CO., SattUnor, Md,, U. 9. X. dec 80 1 w It 3 SOMETHING EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW. There exists a means of se curing a soft aiid brilliant Complexion, matter Low poor it may naturally be. Hagan's Magnolia Balm is a delicate and harmless arti cle, which instantly removes Freckles, Tan, Bedness, Bonghness, Eruptions, Vul gar Flushings, etc., etc. So delicate and natural are its effects that its use is not suspected by anybody. fto lady has the right to present a disfigured face in society when the Magnolia Balm is sold by all druggists for 75 cents. 1 Jan. 23 North Carolina Railroad. 00NDENSED SCHEDULES. TRAINS GOING KAST. Date, Dec. 18, '81 No. R5 No 51 No. 53 DaflT. Daily. Dally. Leaye Charlotte, 4.80 pm 8 30am 8.10 pm ." Salisbury. 6.17 P m 5.30 a m 10.02 p m Arrive Greensb'ro 8.00 p m 7.86 am 12 05 am Leare Hreensb'ro 8.18pm 7.58am 12.15am ArriTe N Danville 10.10 p m 10 00 a m i.28 am Leare N.Danvllle 1 1.30 m 10 15 a m Arrive Richmond, 7.40 a m 8.56 p m Leave Greensb'ro 0.50 a m Arrive Balelgh. . 1.52 p m Leave Balelgh,- 2.17pm Arrive Qoldsboro' 4.20 p m No. 61 Connects at Greensboro' with R&D. B. R. for aU points Sast and We.t, via Danville and Richmond, also with train for Balelgh and Goldsboro. No. 55 Connects at Greensboro with B. fc D. R. B. for all points Bast and Went, via Danville and Blchmond. Ho. 53 -Connects at Greensboro' with R. A D. B. B. tor all points Bast and West, via Danville only. - TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, Dec. 18, '81 No. 54 No. 50 No. 52 Dally. Daily. Dally. Leave Goldsboro' 12.20 pm ' Arrive Raleigh. 2.40 p m Leave Balelgh, . . 4 00 p m Leave Richmond, 12 07 pm 11.25 pm " N.Danville 7 48pm 680pm 7.35 am Arrive Greensb'ro 0.80 pm 8.30 pm 9 80am Leave Greensb'ro 9.85 p m 8.40 p m 9 35 a m Leave Salisbury,. 11.15 pm 10.87 m 11.22 am Arrive Charlotte,. 12.40 am 12.25 m 1.05 pm !V. W. If C. RAIL, BO AD. 6Q1NQ WK9T. Na 50-Dally. Leave Greensboro 9.51 ptn Arrive Kemersvllle. 1 1.07 p m Arrive Salem 11.50 p m NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 1 0.00 a to Arilve Kernersvilie 1 1.00 am Arrive Salem. 11.80 am GOING KAST. NO. 51 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7.80 am Arrive Kernersvtile 8.04 a m- Arrrve Greensboro e.00 a m NO. 53 Daily. Leave Salem.... 4.80 pm Arrive Kernersvilie . 5.10 pm Arrive Greensboro 6.80 p m Poltoan Sleepini Cars Wlont dale On Train No. 51, between Atlanta and Nsw York, via Danville. On Train Na 55, between Augusta and Wash ington, via Danville. On Train No. 63, between Atlanta and Washing ton, via Danville. On Train No. 50, between New York and Atlanta via Danville. On Train No. 52, between Washington and Au gusta, via Daavllle. On Train No. 54, between Washington and At lanta, via Danville. WThrouRb Tickets on sale at Greensbore', Raleigh, Goldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and principal points South, Sontawest, West, North and Bast. For Emigrant Bates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, A. POPS, General Passenger Agent. dfcSl Richmond, Va. ST CHARLES HOTEL. HEADQUAETIBS FOB DEUMMEES. STATKS vtllb, n.'c. THIS house has been leased for a term of years by Mrs. Dr. Beeves, whose intention Is to keep a strictly flrstaJass house In every respect. Commodious sample rooms on nnt and second Boors. Tbe patronage of the public is solicited. ulxl.dbL Chew onH tbe brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket, THT5 old Oaken Bucket, Tbe iron bound bucket. The moss-covered bucket. That hung In the wen, CHAS. B. JONES. Charlotte, C, Sole Agent, Jlarka. OopyilgaM t&i for tbe United Btatea, Canada. Cuba, England, France, Germany, ete.T Wi have had tUtrfy-flv Turs experienc. v paunuoktainftd through us are noticed In the SCt mmno ahiwcait. ThU large tod splendid llrus- trated.weeklypaper,f3.S0ayeaf,snowstbe Progress of Science, is verr interesting, and has an snormous clrcttlatton.. Address MUNN A 00- Patent gollci tors. Pub's, ef BciKmno iHttvuv. a? MewYork. Hand book abootPaten itreev, " j e grogs atxfl , ejfttcinese Ho HOLIDAY GOODS ! Have you seen our lino of Beautiful If not, call at once. We have an assortment of as fine Goods as was " ever brought to this market. PLUSH AND LEATHEB COVERED TOILET CASES AND ODOR STANDS. f Gents' Shaving Cases, Ladles' Work Box aad Odor Case combined, Baby's Case, Children's Toy Cases and Souvenir, French Plate Hand and Stand Mirrors, Loblns, Tetlows and Colgate's Ex tracts and Toilet Waters, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, &c, &c Call and examine. nov30 L. R. WRISTON 00. NERALWATER Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Received, at tUtl ABATOGA rICHY, From Saratoga Springs. N. Y. A new water re sembl ing l he 1 m ported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid, cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Wafer, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, CASES CONGRESS WATER, J CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARI AND Hanyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EDROPEAN NOVELTY ! pTUNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Doea." A wine glass full before breakfast The ranerf "Hunybdl Janos. Baron Llebig af firms that its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The British Medical Journal-"Hunyadl Janos. Tbe most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Prof. Yvrchovo, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Pro. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Pro. SeasmMi, Wurszburg.-I prescribe none but this." Pnf. Lander Brmton. M. D., F. B, A, London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and sornaases them in efficacy." ,?7&iA!?a Mi'2 8' Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pulina and Frled rlchshaiL" JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist, North Tryon St. CHABLOTTB, N. C DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga, We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J. H. Mca DEN, Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day er night Joly28 JpOB the purpose of engaging more extensively and exclusively In the line of Br MILLINERY GOODS -Mi the coming year, wholesale and re tail, we now offer all other lines of Goods now in our stock at very low prices to close out The stock is large, new and well avsdrted, consisting of full lines of WHITE GOODS, LACES, EMBROID ERIES, all kinds of TRIMMINGS, PLAIN and FANCY HOSIERIES, GLGVFS, NOTIONS, NEC ' WEAR, CORSETS "SKIRTS, Cloaks, Shawls, Net Goods, .,. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S ODER WEAR ' DBES3 TBIMMINO, BUTTONS, T ABLE LINEN, TOWELS, DOILIES, NArElifS.Jtc., In fact a & m plete stock of . ladies' undHhildfens 'Fur aishia Aodi Whjeh we offer without reserve at prices thatwtt Cftarahtee their lmmedUte sale. Terms of thls sale will be strlctiy cash. OTJB 8TOCK4DF MILLINERY r f ; -i si ..... ... lath largest and, mwt Complete of any In -l;U.flojutaLbeinf a4ded 1 as new styles and novelties appear to Nsw Yoik., .,. ! MRS. "P. QUERY m Tears Ms? FRESH MI Dr.J.H.McAden's Drn Store mi mm ABKABTIFPL ORG A IT, the "MOZABT," newstjln No. 12,000. 27 stops, 10 full sets boldea Ton- Sue Reeds, SOLID WAI.NUT Highly Polished ase. New and valuable Improvements Just ded. - StooL book, music. Boxed and dellrered on board cars here, price uNLY SIXTY rxLLARe Net Cash. Satisfaction guaranteed in every ntr' ttcular or money refunded after one year's use Every one sold sells another. It is a Surdity Auvertlsemsnt. Order at once. Nothing saved y correspondence. My new factory ut completed capacity 2,000 Instruments evry 26 dyg, very latest labor-saving wood-working machlner Vast capital enables me to . manufacture better goods tot less money than ever. Andre. r cuti upon DANIEL F. BElTTT Washington, New Jersey. DIARY FREE est table, cal9ndaffec. Sent to any address 0n receipt on two Thrhx-ctn' fcTAirps. Address . CHARLES EfBTRE : 48 N. Delawarp AveXPhlia. AGENTS WANTED AT ONCE to sell tbe Life and Complete History of THE TRIAL OF GUITEflU. A sketch of his errtia career and FULL HISTORY of the strange scenes and Startling Disclosckpi of his trial; the most costly and remarkable iu iha annals of ertme. Well Illustrated, win sell immensely. Agents outflt ftOc Terms to aw'ma llbersL Address HUBBARD BROS Publishers, Atlanta, (jj. ooi cam a i h??!5l.tallHP?ble ley?4 steal" eagraW." 1" "c" ?? 9 81-35 "ent by ',1L ZIZa JrrJtTu raple, 6 cents ITS POPULABITY TJNPAEALLELED 130,000 SOLD ISSsss tbe wonderful and Increasing demand ror bi far thb best, most popu'ar and cheapest LIFE OF GARFIELD SSS $2 This work Is pbofdsklt illdsteated, tells the entire thrilling story of his eventful life and traitlc death: has been critically revised and approved by one of his most Intimate personal friends: has far outsold all other editions because tbe best ami cheapest and our terms to agents are the most liberal of any. Superb Steel Plate Portraits Tree' Outfit 50c For proof or excellence, saleablllty. success ot agents and terms addres at once, HUBBARD BHOa, Pubs.. Phlla. CmCKERIMB THE HIGHEST AWARDS ITml in the GREAT WORLD'S FAIR in LONDON. 1851 ; at the GREAT EXPOSITION in PARIS 1867; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION In CHILI, 18T5; and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION in PhUadelphia, 1876. All persons wishing- to purchase (or ex amine) instruments are respectfully In vited to visit our Warerooms. Send for Circular and Pries List. CHIOKERING & SONS. 130 Fifth Avenue. N.Y. I 156 Tremont St, Boston, K --. Dec30-dAw4 TBS Fn JO-SEXD FOK. CIRCULA3&.-V. Victor Sewing lacliifle Co, SOUTHEBN OFFICE Na 8 N.; Charles street, Baltimore, Md. Bovll dw r0Cjerijcs ill Notes and Mortpf GIVEN US LAST FALL FOR G-XJA.JNTO, ARE NOW DUE, (NOVEMBER 1ST, 1881.) H" Please call and arrange the same gj RIMiMfk nov2 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. A DJBI,?ABLE residence, three blocks from fX. public square In Charlotte, will be sold eh me cheap aonabie . terms to . the, right kind of a paretraaer. ffhm Mmttntnm . i. v.. i. eomfortabte rooms, brick kitchen, fine well of wa iS.'iTe hous - admirably adapted for ibe l8iX5Sl?.LaJiw,er' d0CU)r Praacher. having Ujadmirabie librajry or study reem, built for tbe Citj Lot for THa? l2n Ht c!?,r of ani tbe Ki-tK "? B-lroad, fronting 140 feet on "n,tn treet Md i6 feet on the North Caroiiat Kallroad. wUl either be Bold aa a whole or divided Into two lots of 70 by. 106 leet Suitable either for y Wm i isiirf ami r WSE) mm Gino Guano ! !

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