LOUAL MATTERS. THURSDAY, JAN. 5. 1882. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. PBAuuix Lodgs No. 81, A. . ft A. M. -Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. KXCXLBIOB Lodqj No. 261, 4. F. ft A. M. Reg olar meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. Chablottb Chaptxk Na 89, K. a. n Regular meeting every seoond and f ouitb Friday nights. Chajuxjttm Ooioiamdabt No. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. TZ. OIF1 H. Kinesis of Honob. Regular meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. TZ. OF 3P KneBTS of Ptthia& Regular meeting nlghta first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. at Ma sonic Temple Hall. I. O, O. 3T. CHABiiOTn Lodge No. 88. Meets every Mon day night. MXCELKKBUBQ DCLA RATIOS L0P8X Na ft Meets every Tuesday night. Dim Lod&i No. 108. Meets'every Thursday olght Catawba Rtvxb EHCAKPianrr Na 21. Meets lrst and third Thursday nights in each month. Index tm New Advrertiaenien Wilson ft Burwell For Bent. W. T Waller Notice. M. Schloss Auction To day. opera House, January nth. Hargraves ft WilhelmRubbers, Ac D. P. Hutchison- For Rent. Opera House. January 10th. Richard N. Ttady Annual meeting. Meeting of the Guonod Club this evening. Suicide and Dyspepsia. A most remarkable cure for dyspepsia, "Well's Health Renewer." The greatest tonic, best bu llous and liver remedy known. SI at druggists. . Depot. J. H. McAden, Chatlotte, N. C. Who is Mrs. winsiow r As this question is frequently asked, we will sim ply say that she is a lady who for upwards of for ty years, has untiringly devoted her time and tal ents as a Female Physician and nurse, principally among children. She has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous class, and, as a result of this effort, and practical knowl edge, obtained In a lifetime spent as nurse and physician, she has compounded a Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It operates like magic giving rest and health, and Is moreover, sure to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this ar ticle, Mrs. Wlnslow Is becoming world-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do rise up and bless her; especially Is this the case In this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing 8yrup are dally sold and used here. We think Mrs. Win alow ha ImmnrtallzMi her name hv this in valuable article, and we sincerely believe thous ands of children have been saved from an early grave by Its timely use, and that millions yet un born will share Its benefits, and unite In calling her blessed. No mother has discharged her duty to her suffering little one, In our opinion, until she hns given It the benefit of Mrs. Wluslow's Soothing Syrup. Try It, mothers try It now. Ladles' Visi tor. New York City. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. IIO HE CHIPLETS. WK TELL YOU PLAINLY that Simmons Liver Regulator will rid jou of dys pepsia, purify your system, enable you to sleep weii. prevent malarial diseases and give you a brisk and vigorous feelii'g. It acts directly upon tae liver and kidneys cleansing, purifying, invig orating and fortifying the system against disease. It will break up chills and fever and fever and prevent their return, and Is a complete antidote to all malarial poison yet entirely free from quinine or calomel. Try It and you will be astonished at the good results of the genulife Simmons Liver Regulator, prepared by J. BL Zellln ft Co. A lady from Oregon writes: Dr. Benson; I think you should be presented with a chariot of pure gold, for your Celery and Chamomile Pills having proved such a blessing to thousands of sufferers with sick and nervous headache, neuralgia, nerv ousness and dyspepsia. JOSH BILLINGS HEARD FROM. . NjtwpoBT R. L, Au 11, 1880. Dear Bitters I am here trying to breathe In all i he salt air or the ocean, and having been a suf ferer for more than a year with a refractory liver, I was Induced to mix Hop Bitters with the sea tale. and have found the tincture a srlorlous result. I have been greatly helped by the Bitters, and am not airum to say so. Tours without a struggle. Josh billings. Lydla 15. Plnkham's Vg -table compound will at all times and under ah circumstances, act In harmony with the laws that govern the female system. Address Mrs. Lydla It. Plnkham, 233 Western Avenue. Lynn, Mass., for circular. To promote a vigorous growth of the hair. it restores Parker's Hair Balsam. color to gray balr, remove tchlng cf the scalp. use the youthful dandruff, and cures Jcm &&vizxttezmzuts. tThere will be a meeting of the Gounod club this evening. See notice. tT Police circles are reported, te be exceedingly quiet general good order prevailing. tW A considerable number of David son College students passed through the city yesterday on their return to school. The merchants are very dilatory in making their purchase returns, as also in the matter of taking out privilege licenses. Sale of City Property. The property sold last Monday, be longing to tbe Harty estate, and front ing on Tryon and Church streets, com prising four lots, was purchased by Mr. J as. Harty, Dr. Gibbon and Mr. Jas. G. McCorkle. Mr. Harty purchased the lot containing the brick house, and also the lot lying Immediately in the rear, for the sum of $1,925. -Br. Gibbon, for the other lot fronting on Tryon street, paid $325, and the lot immediately in rear of thij was bid off by Mr. Mc Corkle for $275. mm i I I i an Tbe Ejectment Salt. Justice Waring yesterday gave a de cision in the suit of Danidson vs. Kauf man, in favor of the plaintiff. It ap peared to the satisfaction of the court that a new contract had heretofore been made for each year, and it is under stood that the case was decided on this point, together with the evidence of verbal notice to vacate. Mr. Kaufman appealed to the Superior Court, giving a sufficient bond, and will continue in the house until the case is heard in that court. COUNTY BUSINESS. Personal. Miss Levie Skinner, of Winnsboro, S. C, is visiting Mrs. Shanonhouse of this city. W. C. Kerr, Slate Geologist, is at the Central. Mr. B. S. Pardee, of the New Haven (Conn.) Palladium, is in the city. Prof. J. R. Blake, of Davidson Col lege, was registered at the Central yes terday evening. Mr. H. Morris, whose departure from the city was announced in Tues day paper, was detained in the city by the sudden illness of his little child. which we are sorry to state, died yester day morning. The parents, with corpse, I . f i . , . a -- V a j leituii liib tuiernoon train yesterday evening for Richmond, Va. A Providence Farmer RtiaainaT. Information has been received in this city to the effect that Mr. Thos. Baskin, a young farmer of Providence town ship, ha3 been missing ever since last Friday eveniog, and it is the belief that he has been murdered. On the dav mentioned Mr. Baskin wont to Monroe to sell some cotton, as is supposed, and after transacting his business, left that place for his home, and nothing has since been heard of uiin. A telegram to Col. J. Y. Bryco, who is an uncle of the missing man, s,ij s that thorough search had failed to reveal anything of the man's wherabouts up to Wednesday at 12 o'clock, and it i3now the opinion that Mr. Baskin was murdered and rob bed and the body concealed, as there seems to be no reasonable excuse for his continued absence. Mr. uasKin was an unmarried man, about 25 years old, and resided in this city witn col, Bryce some seven or eight years ago. Every effort is being made to find the missing man, and if he has been murdered the body will no doubt soon be discovered. Absolutely Pure. This powde r ne ver varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesttneness More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In Cans. KOYALBAKUNttrOWDXRCO., nov23 New York. LeBoy Davidson. Sole Agent, Charlotte, N. C. Attaching the Great Seal. A considerable commotion occurred in the office of the register of deeds yes terday, but on entering it was found to be nothing more than a gathering of the ring to assist 'Squire Maxwell in at taching the seal of bis office to the sher iff s abstract. The seal was brought forth, and while- Sheriff Alexander, Chairman Vail and Clerk Cobb held the thing together, the register, after soak ing the margin of the document in wa ter to get it in condition to receive the impression, inserted it in the instru ment and clutched the lever. For the space of a minute the gravity of the scene was agonizing to behold, but when the lever was brought up and the work finished, a smile of triumph pass ed from face to face. The regis ter handed the document to the report er for inspection, and after a critical examination the impression was found, and it resembled one that might be made with the stroke of a shoe hammer. This seal is one of the antiquities of the court house, and i highly prized by the keeper. Goods. Proceeding of the . Cammlasloner , v Yesterday. The . board of commissioners met yesterday and completed the business of the January sitting. An order as passed allowing W. N. Alexander, coroner, the sum of $2450 for holding an inquest over the body of James Wilson, colored. This sum, added to 'the pay of the Jarrons, brings the cost of the investigation up to a little over $50. The sum of. $50.40 was allowed Sher iff Alexander for jail fees for the month of December, 188L Other claims for various county ex penses were allowed by the board. J. H. Barnett was appointed a school committeeman in place of Smith in Pineville township. The following names were drawn as Jurors for the February term of the Inferior Court: - H. M. Hargett, M. L. Davis, Samuel B. Grier, J. C. Eagle, J. C Newell, A. Mcintosh, T. L. Alexandor, John Brook field, A. M. Donaldson, J. S. Alexander, J, F. Pierce, A. J. Hunter, T. C. Smith, A. McCoy, F. H, Dewey, W. L. McCon nell, J. A. Knox, R, H. Fields, E. A Sample, Wm. Todd, J. A. Elliott, M. N. Yandle, S. E. Howie, H. C. Hubbard, A. Hoover, A. A. Alexander, J. E. Blackr H. C. Smith, W. M. Mills, B, C Miller. The following were drawn as Jurors for the regular term of the Superior Court, beginning the last Monday in February: First week L. Berwanger, W. M. Herron, A Campbell, R. B. Alexander, R. A. Coffey, G. F. Overcash, W. E. Ardrey, A Childers, J. W. Estridge, B. J. Fuhderburk, J. F. Hargett, B. F. Brown, W. M. Alexander, W. H. Neil, A. H. McCombs, R. M. Ranson, H. McWhirter, S. E. Linton, J. F. John ston. W. W. Ward, R. A. Brady, C. B. Todd, I). A. McCord, W. C. Harris, S. A. Jordan, S. L. Hoover, W. A. Williams, J. H. Griffith, J. W. Swaringen, J. M. Wilhelm, J. D. Watte, H. D. Smith, W. R. Solomon, J. M. Grice, R. H. Alex ander, S. A. Cohen. Second Week F. F. Walker, P. C. Ferguson, G. M, Wincoff, W. C. Gra ham, W.B. Williams, Z. A. Hoovris, R.C. Montgomery, J. M. Barnhardt R. A. Freeman, J. McKerns. L. M. McLen don, W. N. Alcorn, W. H. Farrior, J E. Caldwell, E. O. Johnston, John E. Oates, A. W. Ludolf, W. G. Garrison. Third week S. B. Christenbury, J. S. Henderson, J. C. Dowd, J. H. Caldwell, a P. Elliott, H. B. McLean, J. Y. Wed- dington, H. P. Helper, P. C. Wilson, J. C. McAulay, Ed. Cunningham. W. G. BerryhilJ, W. G. Christenbury, G. W. Sloan, C. S. Slurgeon, R. C. Bell, L. M. McAlister, H. G. L. Ilea. The board settled with M. E. Alexan der, sheriff, for all liabilities due by him to the Slate, and a statement thereof, which is given below, was forwarded by him to the State Auditor: STATS TAXES COLLECTED FOB TUB TSAR 1831 : General fond as per abstract of listed tazables. less tax on incomes Included below, including delinquents lor the years 1879-'SO-'81.... S4.100.65 General fund as per schedule B and u, less 01 tne pur chase tax, on dealers In splritous, vinous or malt liquors, ana on mercnanu and other dealers Included below, U,472.65 S5.578.60 SPECIAL TAXES. Insane Asylums and Institu tion Deal and Dumb ana Blind 6.989.78 Penitentiary 8,177.16 Interest on State Debt, 8.812.60 18.979. Total gen'l and spec'l taxes, 1 9,553. 12 Taxes to be applied to the ajment of Interest on anda of the State in ac cordance with Bectien 6 of Chapter 98, Laws of 1879, as iouows: On incomes 233. R2 On merchants, 2,802.51 Three-lourtns or tne pur chase taxes collected on wholesale and retail deal ers In spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, 179.18 Z.710.Z1 Total general and special taxes ana raoa to pay in terest on bonds of the Kate CREDITS: By amount allowed by coun ty commissioners ior over charges, Ac. on 102 acres luid and 4 town lots and personal property, as per minutes of said commis sioners, 27.88 22,268.88 27.88 22240.45 1.112.02 21,161.43 38.00 21, 12a 43 8.00 The merchant of Venice I&at Nlgnf. Shakespeare's plays on the modern stage are always interesting, but few of them are more so than the "Mer- chantof Venice," presented at the Char- lotte opera house last night by the Frederick Warde company. The char acter of Shylock is a difficult one, but it may fairly be said that Mr. Warde has thoroughly studied all the details of its popular presentation, and that lie puts it on the stage admirably. His acting when he was informed that the sen tence of the court was that be should become a Christian, portrayed all the feeling of a lost and ruined souL sacri ficed to save a moiety pi his earthly pos sessions, because of love for his du cats, and at its conclusion he was called oilvef plated -ware, nis support was fainy good. Mr. iViailUU OO AUWUtVi AHA JUfc Vujj Gratiano, and Mr. Outram as. Bassanio, acted well the characters of the poet, and Miss Elmore as Portia was charm ing. Nerrissa and Jessica were better than usual.. On the whole the play was well put on the boards, ancT it is to be regretted that a larger audience did not greet them. This was probably owing to the inclemency of the weather. The performance of the evening con cluded with a two act adaptation of Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew, with Mi. Warde as Petruchio and Ufa Elmore as Katharine, 'abated by the oner memDers or me company. Gross am't of State taxeo. Less 5 per cent, commis sion allowed sherm, Net am't of State taxes due bv sheriff. Add for sta lonery furnished county ior the year 1881... Total am't of taxes and stationery By am't allowed sheriff for settling, (mileage and per dlem.) Net balance of taxes in cluding stationery, due by sheriff... Add for pupil in Deaf and Dump and Blind Asylum. $21.178 43 This closed the business coming be fore the board, and an adjournment was had until the first Monday in February. 21,158.43 20.00 TEURIFIC EXlI,OHOPr. timber, it is not known which, striking him in the left breast, the result of which cannot yet be determined, but the physicians think no Internal injury of a serious nature was inflicted. At 8 o'clock last night his condition was such as to cause no apprehension of a serious result. Mr. Wisenberry's in juries were less serious, he having only sustained a slight wound inr the fore head, supposed to have been made by a piece of timber. y The gauge on the engine registered 120 pounds of steam at the time of the explosion. , The rebound threw the en gine backward some twenty-feet, run ning the tender through a door and in to the blacksmith shop, though the en gine remained on the track. An engine belonging to the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusts road had its head-light blown off and the cab broken. The head-light was also blown from an en gine of the Richmond and Danville road, and three stalls in the round house were torn to pieces, and the great er part of the roof over them blown off. A portion of the bell of tbe wrecked engine is reported to have been thrown into a shanty car several hundred yards away. In the confusion it was Impossible to arrive at a correct estimate of the ex tent of the damage to the company's property, but those competent to judge say that $3,000 or $3,500 will cover the loss. The shock was sensibly felt at the distance of half a mile or more, and those in the immediate neighborhood of the explosion-say it was terrific. THE (HOICEST COLLECTION OF FANCY GOODS ,otr exblLved in Chtrlctte, et the CHINAtPALACE A "stringy, rattling" voice and a constant dis position to expectorate, indicate indolent throat trouble of dangerous tendency. Use Dr. Bull's cough syrup in good time, and be saved much trouble and annoyance. For sale by all drug gists. AS A CTJBK FOB PI LES Kidney-Wort acts first by overcoming in the mild est manner all tendency to constipation; then, by Its great tonic and Invigorating properties, it re stores to health tbe debilitated and weakened parts. We have hundreds of certified cures, where all elte hvl failed. Use it and suffer no longer. Exchange. A MEETING OJ the Chamber of Commerce will be held at their rooms this evening at 7 o'clock, for the election of officers for the ensuing year. The an nual dinner and other matters of Importance will oe considered at mis meeting. jana anjtLLau n. iivvx. a full meeting of the Gounod Club at the residence of Ur. H. Baruch this even ing. an5 GOUNOD-SKAA ERit HOUSE.-- Today, Jaouary 10th, 1882. THE TBAGXDIAN, LAWRENCE Supported by a Stroii Dramatic Company Will Appear in BHAKV8FEABL'S SUB LI MX TBAGXDY in FIVE ACTS, entitled OTHELLO. OTHELLO, Mb. BARRETT, W Admission $1.00; Reserved seats $1.25. Can be secured at the usual places. Jan5 6t JUST RECEIVED. pLORIDA ORANGES and LEMONS; also on band Turkeys, Geese, Eggs and Cranberries, Buckwheat Flour and Mew Orleans Molasses. dec28 S. M. HOWELL. REMOVAL. I Have removed my stock of Groceries from Tryon street to the Bhelton building, on East Trade street, where I will be pleased to see my customers and friends. Respectfully, 3 an 4 w f, sun J. K RATTEBEE. NOTICE. JAMES P. HATES is In no way connected with me. JAMES C. SMITH. Richmond, Va., Dec. 1881. decSO lw FOR SALE OR RENT. A Six room house, with good yard and well of water, and a two room kitchen; ten minutes waiK oi tne puouc square. Apply to WALTER B: decSO tl WANTED. TTn'mTTirTn 11 SIS mop ibs AT COST ! AT COST. AT COST. -HAVING JUST TAKEN I FIND I HAVE ENTIRELY TOO EIUJCH STOCK ON HAND, AND IN ORDER TO REDUCE IT 1 WILL OFFER UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, ALL GOODS UNRESERVEDLY AT COST. decSO lm KE SELF-RAISING HBnnlkwDDatl IFDoDUQir fit I'-itr.sti REM. A competent book keeper of several years ex perience desires a situation In Charlotte. given. For address apply at FOR RENT. Best of references THIS OFFICE. Jan41t A ntc, large, front room over our store. Pos session riven lmnu dlatelr. an5 tl WILSON ft BUR WELL. NOTICE. ALL persons desiring teachers ceitlflcates will please present themselves on Thursday, 12th Inst., at the court house in Charlotte. This day is set apart by law; and there will b no private ex aminations thereafter under orotnary circum stances. W. T. WALLER, Jan5 dw id Co fiupt Pub. Instructions. AUCTION TO-DAY. HP HE auction sale of Furniture, 4c, to take place x at the Charlotte Hotel yesterday was postpon ed until to day at ten o'clock, at which time the sale will commence and continue until all the property is sold. M. BCHLOS& jane it , --OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY ! Wednesday Evening, January I Ith. McDonoMh and Fulford Combination WITH (EVERYBODY'S PAVOBITE) ANNIE PIXLEY M'LISS, CHILD OF THE SIERRAS. HII8S PIXLEY Will Introduce her varied selections of Songs, uuets and medleys. V Prices 75c and 81 00. No extra charge for reserved seat: for sale atMcSmlth music house Honday, January 9th. Jan5 FOR RENT. "L?RONT ROOM over entrance between Dr. Ifo- JL1 Aden's drug storB and J.T.Butlers Jewelry store A SENSATION Has often been made by the discovery of some new thing, but nothing has ever stood the test like Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Fills; their popularity and sale Is -unprecedented. They supply a need long felt and must become a household remedy. Just think to be cured In a few weeks of these terrible nervous troubles apd awful suffering from Sick Headache, Neuralgia and Dyspepsia, and the nervous system pat in a natural and healthy condition, destroying the pos sibility of Paralysis, Angina Pectoris and sudden death, which Is carrying off so many noble men and women In the full tide of life and usefulness. This simple remedy of Extract of Celery Seed and Chamomile Flowers, combined In the form of pills, is a boon to humanity, it has saved the lives of thousands of nervous, headachlng chil dren In our schools and out every year. No nerv ous person or sufferer from Headache, Neuralgia, DysDepsiaor Paralysis will do themselves Justice until they try them. Sold by all druggists. Price 50 cents a box. De pot, 106 North Entaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for 81 or six boxes for 82.50, to any address. for rent to a good tenant jans sc D. P. HUTCHISON. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE la Warranted to Cur IOZIMA, TITTERS, HUMORS, Rubbers Rnbbers! INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEA8ES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCSontnpwtaaftb. body. It make, tbe .kill white, .oft and nnootlx; removes tan and freokiM, and la the KEST toilet til cilng In THB WOBU). Elegantly put up, two bottle, in one package, ooneinting of both internal and external treatment. AH first elaaadrnggiata have it. Frloetl.perpackaga. We have just received a BBS. LYDIA L PIHKR&H, OF LYNN, MASS., -OF B10K1LO I- Our Stock Is complete In all Its branches, and - everything will be exhibited. Ca 1 early and aveid the rush and get first choice, n . . China Tea and Dinner etts. Chamber Sea, vases. Coloene Mtts. Ciros and Mnsa. Kpenmss, Plaque and Fruit Pistes? Bisque Figures writing .;, leBk 9, 8nioK fng eetts: Toy Planes. Tool Cheats Snd Banks, Fancy Basket and Work Stands, apanese Boxes and Trays, the finest collection of pons, jsanas, uunner Bail and Toys, tc, Ktc Cecil . is, Chimes, Musical Tops i Extended Fepalarlty.-Xaeh Ttar Flas "Browa'a Bronchial Troches" In hew localities, la various parts of the world. For relieving eougha, colds and throat diseases, the Troches have leen iroTe4 teliaWe. . , Two Men Injured, a Locomotive Tora to Piece a,n& Portion of the Roonnd Uontte Wrecked. Shortly before seven q'clock Uat night a terrific boiler ejpJogJoa occur eel n the round house of the Air Line yard p. thi city, by which one of the Richmond and Danville locomotive engines waa torn to pieces, a portion of the round bouBe wrecked, and two oth er engines standing near by slightly damaged. The hostler had fired up the engine preparatory to its taking the fast mail north from this place at 8:10 o'clock, and had just left the cab a few minutes before the explosion occurred' Mr J W Whltsett, who has charge of the engines and yard at this place, and Mr. John Wiaenberry, a machinist in the shops, were engaged in patting a bolt in the cover of one of the driving wheels when the accident occurred. They were only about four, feet .from; the point where the - bxiHer gave way, and, their - escape from instant death was miraculoni, as. the boiler was tortf to pieces and a portion of the round house wrecked, the heavy timbers of which ' literally covered the ground around the men. Mr. Whitsett sustain ed a slight cut on the back of the head, and an injury from a piece of iron or Second Stock cf Ladles', Genta' and Misses RUBBER ; OVER-SHOES. We still have a handsome line of 8HAKEB FLANNIL9, BLANKET 3 and COM- N FOBTABLM. Ladles', Gents' asd Misses MERINO UNDERWEAR to, 'os cheap. Ajpo, a lare line of DOMESTIC and IMPORTED H03ISRY. We wnl offer from this date' our entire stock of ULSTERS, WALKING - JACKETS, DOLMAKS and CLOAK 3 Caf at Cost Call early and secure bargains.. Hargram & WUhelnt, LYDIA E. PIN KH ARTS VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cure far all Ueea Pafaifnl Onfliliti aad WeakaeatM ae eeentea te ear xcbmm yepaiauva. It will ear entirely the wont form of Female Com plaint, all ovarian tronblea,lnfltrwnatlon and OTcera tton. TaBing end Pttalacements, and tbe eonaeqnent Spinal Weakneea, and to particularly adapted to the Change of life. It win dissolve sad expel tamon from the atorasfa an early (tag of development. The t-ndeney toeaa-oiaxmthnmoratheTeUchecked.verjipe-dnyliyitiue, It remove f.lntneti, flatulency, destreri H craving forattmalaati, and relieves woalrnee of the stomach. It enres Bloating, Beedaehea, Karroos Proetratlon, General Debility, SVeplawinai, Pepreavlan tad lad. ianS SALE OF BONDS. TT Virtue of aa order of the Superior Court ot xj Alamance county, in me ease oi arris Jung and. others acalnst W. J. and s Murrav and others, I will ofler for sale at the eoort house door In Greensboro, . ti, at public auction, for eas h, on Monday, the 6th day of February. 1882. at 12 o'clock M., eight ) bonds ef the county ot Car teret issued renrtiary rutn, 1880, each for 1500 due on Febnary 20th. 1880. to each of which hoods coupons are attaehed for Interest at 6 per cenb irom mgdtwuj virui, ib.o. ; - leaving runner iniormanon ean address Partlea desirtDg 1 my attorney, James lan8tds -. Esq- Greensboro. A. MeCAULIT eceiver.s na taUn et bearmg d own, eaotrng paln,eighl and hackache, Is always permanently careo ayiiiBja. It wm at aU times and under all elreomataneafaetta harmony with the laws that govern the female system. Far the enre ot Kidney Oomplainta ot etther enttM OemsenndtomBsnniaafed, - - LTVIA K. FUrCHAjra TXCXTABXJB COM" PSTJHBis meuejed at t and tat Western Avenue, Lymlfeev Frioetl. Sixbottleefor $. gentbymaU In tbe form of pffls, also lathe form of loaengea, on reeelBt of price, at per bos: for etther. lbs. Flnkhaai freely aaawers all letters ot inquiry: Send for pamph let. Address as above. Mmthm thlm Pap. Ko family Shoold be witbont VTblk M. IMlHAlFf CJVXB TOUL They enre eonstipatloa. and tonidttV' of thelfvar. SI eente per box. - Md by mU Brvggiata. -t Grriddle Calces. Gri s ant Carina. COME AND SECURE A PACKAGE AND TRY IT.- Atwood's Cologne, H0YT8' COLOGNE, 4711 GEBMAN COLOGNE, FINE NiTL BBUPHE8, FINE FEEKCH EOAPS Just Received by WILSON & BUR WELL. -1--vtt?T30 "DTTTJTT Is a superior remedy for all diseases of the BLADDER, (JOUJrEK O 15UOI1U Soldonlyby - - - WILfcCN & BTJRW1LL. GROUND SAGE, Ground Carene Pepper, Ground Black Pepper, at W1LEON 4 BUEWELL'S. Tvr-ivT-r rrATT t?mvim, OTrno Jewelry Cases. Puff Boxes. Hand Mirrors r'lINUi X VJlJUXliX LS2J C5J2AOe Odor Cases, In all styles and at all prices The largest and nicest assortment ever trought to this mantei. WILSON & BURWELL. TURKISH BATH TOWELS, A fine assortment, WILSON Just received by k BURWELL. TTTr-rvn s t ttvtt fHVDRATED OIL). Evdrallne has been Droven or tne XI X XXx1XjX1 l XL a value in consumption, and all wasting diseases, ing immediate Increase in weight; Fresh supply at highest invariably prouuc- Wilson & Burwell's. IF YOU WAHT A BKALLT GOOD STEEL PEN Ask your Stationer. or send 25 cents In stamps for a box contain- , two ing dozen of NICKEL, . GILT, Of Aaanrted Pat- vlatcd Match Box. Sold hy all Stationera. . iTlsoa, Blatmas, Taylor & Co., Bout AGKSTS, NKVT YORK. JUST GO TO PERRY'S decbM MUSIC ! 8CHMITT takes pleas ure in in i forming tbe t now forming elasses and will give instructions n the foiiovnng lnstruasents: violin, and see wtat nnnTn inoi m general pnhUe ef Charlotte that PUno, G lime, or any string instrument. highest testimonials i .tar. Cornet and Can furnish tbe as to anil i and have had the experience of half a century In teaching. Plaooa and Onrans tuned and repaired and satisfaction guaranteed. Can always be found at my Hoslo Boom on Church street, corner of 8th. Respeetfuny, mmmM dec20 ProfV B. 8CUM1T1.3 He has for New Ten's D'nners, end tow very cheap he Is selling Toys and Fancy Articles --FOB NEW YEAHyS PRESENTS. decSl vT.-'-'-'"!-1:'

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