C 4.8, tt. JONEM, ISditot A JririMtr LSsnaiD at thu Poer-Omai a ohahlctt , . 0.. AS 80OSP-CLAB8 MATTXB.1 FRIDAY. JAN. 6, 1882. The small-pox ha made its appear ance in thirty-seven places in Illinois. The total indebtedness of the district of Columbia is $21,892,850. The Khedive of Egypt has subscribed $400 to the Garfield Memorial Hospital fund. It is rather early to be working up the Tilden boom. As Uncle Samuel is a young man he can wait. James Gordon Bennett has gone to St. Petersburg to confer with the gov ernment as to the relief of the crew of the Jeannette. PROCEED, MB, OUTH. Mr. Orth, of Indiana, gave notice in the House of Representatives yester day, that he proposed to submit for the consideration of the House, a proposi tion to change the present method of appointing the members of committees. As now constituted the committees are practically speaking, the creatures of the Speaker, who appoints them, and- who has the power thus, if he so desire, to control in a great measure the legis lation of Congress. If he be in favor of or opposed to the passage of any par ticular acts he can . so constitute his committees as to get favorable or un favorable reports, the report of the com mittees having much to do with suc cess or failure of proposed measures As a point in the way of illustration: The committee on elections is compos ed of men who it is said are in favor of throwing out several of the Southern BIO JOBS Looniivo IIP All the indications from Washington point to big jobs looming up in the present Congress. The new navy talked about, the Mississippi river im provement scheme, Eads' Panama ship railroad, the Florida ship canal, and the various other schemes suggest ed, all have much in them foremen of speculative turn. Each will want some of Uncle Samuel's cash and the total asked for will run up into the hun dreds of millions. It is estimated that the Mississippi job alone will csll for about $300,000,000, which will offer a pretty good opening for enterprising speculation. Each one of these jobs already has its particular ring to baek it, push it and carry it through, and they will be supplied with all the ne cessary means to further their schemes. We do not wish to assert in advance that they are going into the lobby to discussion was finally closed with the expression of opinion from the Chair that the only way to get bills property before a committee was to present them in open house. ' The House at 1 :40 p. m. adjourned until Monday. Sknate. The Senate was called to order by the President pro tern, Mr. Davis. The Chair, submitted petitions from the bar of Rbckford, 111, for the organi zation of a Court of Appeals, and from the bar and Judges of the courts of Marion county, Indiana, and bars of Terrehaute, Madison, New Albany and Evansville for an additional circuit judge in the Seventh Circuit. Hills were introduced as follows : By Jones, of Fla, to regulate the ap pointment of sail-makers in the United States Navy. By Anthony: To promote the effi ciency of the Navy. By Vance : Directing copies of official letter books of Executive Department of State of North Carolina to be iurn ished to said State. By Maxey : To increase the efficiency Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys and Children CANNOT FAIL TO BE SUITED IN OUR STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE. . . ...... .nnAhnnco tnrfravou better goods than we do for the .. t RTTOH3 we Mil shall be toned Just as represent ana ma money. Our stock has been carefully selected with a view to the wants of all classes goods, of the very best quality and al! grades, from the flnertFienca Kid Button Boot to the Heaviest Brogan ' suit you and at the lowest possible prices, you cannot do better than at our store. of customers, and comprises a full line of beautiful and seasonable If you wish to get your boots and shoes to fit ve ns a Mil. A. E. RANKIN & BkO.. Central Hotel Block. Trade Sm ot. sepl3 Democrats elected to seats in the pres. therein throw their lucre about loose, of the Signal Service of the Army. The Baltimore Sun wants that city to get up an industrial exposition for 1892. With ten years ,to manage the preliminaries she ought to be able to get up a pretty good show. Brevet Major General E. A. Cair, in command of troops at Fort Apache, Arizona, who wa i reported dead, rises to emphatically contradict the report, which was news to him when he heard it. There is a surplus of $2,500,000 in the New York State treasury, which is said to be the result of Gov. Cornell's free use of the veto power which nipped a host of jobs which usually drew largely on the treasury. It is reported that they are going to shorten Guiteau's fare. He has been living like a fighting cock up to this time. Instead of curtailing his pro vender it would be better to curtail the farce going on in that court room. Colonel Jonn A. Sloan, now of Wash ington, D. C., who was Captain of the Guildford Grays during the late un pleasantness, is writing an interesting history of the part his company played on the field of strife, for the Greensboro Patriot. The raising of frogs for market has proved profitable to some sections and now Col. Dalton, of St. Louis, proposes to establish an alligator ranch in Louisiana, and thinks he will make lots of money on the hides, which are in demand. ent Congress and giving the seats to contesting Republicans; while the com mittee on ways and means is composed largely of high-tariff men, and will re port favorably on measures looking to a high tariff. It is a well known fact that much of the legislation of Con gress passes with little or no discussion, or fails to pass, on the strength of the favorable or unfavorable reports of the committees, the average congressman lacking either the intelligence or the in dustry to investigate the merits of the question for himself, and Deing govern erned by the statement of the case as made by the committees. Perhaps it would not be reasonable to expect that all congressmen should be well inform ed on the many questions that come up for consideration considering the number of bills introduced and the varied subjects they refer to. The cau cus is all-powerful and the committee is first-cousin to caucus. Hence we see the vast power which rests in the hands of the Speaker, while the formation of the committees is as completely in his hands as they are now. If Mr. Orth can remedy this thing he will do a work of much more import ance to the country at large than the so much talked of, but far distant civil service reform, of which so much is said, and so little that is said is meant. Give us good, square, honest, intelligent committees and perhaps square, honest legislation will not be difficult to secure. Proceed, Mr. Orth, and launch your proposition. and turn virtuous congressmen from the path of rectitude by the hope of gain, but we do incline to the opinion that if money should prove effective in overcoming real or imaginary opposi tion to these jobs that it will not be wanting as a persuasive influence on such as may be susceptible of such in fluences. The jobbers are on the warpath, and it will be a good time for Congressmen to go slow and feel their way as they go, and look out for the gentlemen of the lobby whom it is dangerous to fool with. The City of Denver, Colorado, has sprung up as if by magic. But a few years ago wild herds grazed upon its site, and now it is one of the most at tractive and best appointed cities on the continent, and can show some as fine churches, school houses and public buildings as the large Eastern cities can. During the past year $4,000,000 were invested in public buildings. Of the 1,022 inmates of the peniten tiary at Philadelphia, only ten are me chanics, which is a decidedly good showing for the mechanics. CONGRESS. Garland offered a resolution instruct ing the committee on finance to inquire into the propriety of refunding to par ties who paid for protection under trade mark legislation the fee requir ed by the act of Congress touching that subject, which was decided by the Su preme Court of the United States in trade mark cases to be unconstitution al and to report by bill or otherwise. Adopted. On motbion of Kellogg, the Secretary of War was directed to transmit copies of any and all papers relating to repairs or improvement of the Mississippi river levee in front of the city of New Orleans. Additional bills were introduced, as follows: By Conger: To confer a positive in Dlace of relative rank on officers in the Corps of Engineers, of the United StRtes itfavy. Upon completing the routine mora ine order, the Senate at 10:50, by a vote of 24 to 10 adjourned until to-morrow. Saloon keepers in Palestine, Ind., do business under difficulties. One kept by two Germans was blown up with dynamite a few nights ago, which makes the second blown up for the same parties within the past three months. In view of the exodus of colored la borers from south Carolina the Green ville News suggests that it. is a good time for the farmers to set about se curing white immigrant labor, against which it seems there has been more or less prejudice heretofore. General Albert Pike of Arkansas, who is said to be the highest ranking mason in the United States, is seventy two years old and stands six feet four inches in height. lie is a native of Massachusetts, butabout half a century ago migrated to Arkansa?, where he has since resided. The folio wing table shows the com parative number and amount of fail ures for the past five years: Amount Year. Failures of Liabilities. 1S77 8,872 6190.669,936 1878 10,478 234.3S3.132 1779 6,658 08,149,053 1880 4,735 05,752,000 1881 5,582 Sl,155,9:32 The arrivals of immigrants at the port of New York fromthe first of January, '80, to the middle of Decem ber, '81, amounted to 419,120, an increase of 112,804 over the same period for the previous year. It is stated that they paid the steamship companies $2,500, 000 for transportation and brought with them 9,000,000 in money. A3 a preliraanary to the proposed leg islative rai l on the Mormons, perhaps it would be well for some of our moral ists to turn their attention to the sub ject of divorces, which are becoming alarmingly frequent in the courts of some of the Northern and Western States. The anti-polygamists should get their own marital relations in good shape before carrying the war into Mormondom. General Grant says he is satisfied that the court-martial which convicted General Fitz John Porter nineteen years ago on a charge of disobedience of orders at the second battle of Bull Run did him great injustice, and will interest himself in hav ing General Porter restored to his former rank in the army. The attempt has been made before, but the Republican politicians threw their weight against it and defeated it. Gov. Colquitt, according to the At lanta Constitution, will not contest for the United States Senatorship in that State against Senator Hill, but that pa per is satisfied that Mr. Hill will be op posed by an independent candidate. It learns that a programme has been made by which independent or republican candidates will be run in every county for the legislature, as they were in Vir ginia. In the mean time Mr. Hill, who is a powerful and agressive speaker, wil not be inactive. Philadelphia Times: Two or three Ohio ministers have recently been dis covered in the pleasant indulgence of kissing other people's wives and daugh ters. Strangely enough considerable disturbance has been made about it, and it threatens to revive the old discussion as to what social privileges a minister really has, and what is the difference be tween a pastoral kiss and a paroxysmal kiss, and a whole lot of things like that. With winter Just fairly set in and a Stalwart administration in full blast at ; Washington the country is very poorly r?pared for this. GETTIXU BEADY FUR BUSINESS. The Southern Pacific railroad company is preparing for business, and proposes to establish a line of ocean steamers be tween New Orleans and Europe for the double purpose of carrying freight to Europe and immigrants back, tofore California's wheat had voyage to reach a European market, but now steam bears it across the con tinent in a short time, and steamers in eight or ten days lay it down in Liver pool or London, not more than half a month being required from the time it leaves the elevator at San Francisco and Sacramento till it i3 deposited on the wharves on the other side of the ocean, This practically places the Pa cific States in a position to enter as competitors in the market with the States of the upper Mississippi, and gives them a wide litld. It will be to the interest of the railroad company to carry such freights at the lowest figure they can afford, and they can do it at a low figure, as they propose to load their ship3 and cars on return trips with im migrants they propose to secure and lo cate in the section through which the road runs. We may expect before long, to see lurg9 numbers of immigrants thus landed at New Orleans, and the tide which has been running to the Northwest turned to some extent to the Southwest, reaching over to the Pacific, a territory which presents inducements to settlers, and is rich in many respects- In fertility of soil, salubrity of cli mate, abundance of timber, and other desirablo features it far excels the North West, with its hot summers, cold winters, and numerous other draw backs. The completion of the Southern Pa cific marks an epoch in the business life of the section which it penetrates, and is the beginning of an era which will be marked by a development that few of us have any adequate conception of at this day. THE IV. C. CON FKDE It ATE AR CHIVES. When Sherman took possession of Raleigh he captured and carried away a great portion of the State documents, letter-books of the Governor, etc., which were transferred to Washington where they have since remained. These docu ments have no other value than that of being a part of the history of the strug gle in which North Carolina partici pated and as such should be in posses sion of the State. When Senator Vance was a candidate for Governor he sought permission to make copies of his letters to refute the slanders that were circulated against him by the gar bled letters which were produced, but was refused on the ground that the permission could not be given with out a special act of Congress, which was not then in session, notwithstand ing the fact that garbled copies of these letters had previously been made, for which it seems no special act of Congress was required. Afterwards, we believe, while in the executive chair, Gov. Vance made a demand on the Hon. Secretary of War, Don Cameron, for a copy of the letters, Slim Attendance In the Uallerli New Tear Oreetlngv Mr. Orth rlsea to a, Qaction of Privilege Pell tloning: fr a. Court of Appeal Bill in the enate One by Senator Vance io Furnish Coplen of tbo Offi cial Letu r-tfookM of tbe State of N. C, Captured bjr the Federal Arnir. AVashingTon, January 5. House. When the House meet at noon to-day the number of spectators in the galle ries was unusually small, and tiie at tendance of members evidently fell far short of a quorum. During prayer and the reading of the journal of the Here- last day's proceedings, however, a num a lonz berof members entered and after ex changing New lear greetings with their colleagues, took their seats, giving the chamber its customary appearance of life and bustle. Orth, of Indiana, rose to a question of privilege, stating that it grew out of and effected the recent appointment of the commnteei of the House. Before stating the question specially he said: "I ask indulgence to announce that it is my purpose at an early day to intro duce for consideration and action a proposition to change the method of selecting committees. The vast and di versified interests of the country are all more or less affected by congression al legislation and this legislation as is well known is almost exclusively con trolled by the action of the commit tees. For this reason their formation assumes importance and is invested with responsibility too great to rest in the hands of a single individual however capable and honest and pat riotic such an individual may be. As now exercised it is emphatically a one man power, and such power is always dangerous and in conflict with the principles of Republican government. It is our duty to see that it may not at some future period be used to the det riment of the best interests of the peo ple. Now as to the question of privi lege. You have seen fit, sir, to assign me to three committees; namely, sec ond place on foreign affairs, second place on rules, and chairman of the committee on civil service reform. By the kindness and unwavering confi dence of my constituents I have been for twelve years a member of this House and I am now entering on my seventh term of service here. With two exceptions there is not another Re publican member who has thus long represented his people. During that time I have served as a member and chairman of the committee ob private land claims, as a member of the committee on ways and means, and for ten years as a member of the com mittee on foreign affairs, a part of such time as its chairman. With one excep tion, probably two, I am the only Re publican member who at any time prior to this session has ever served as chairman of any committee of this House. In view of this fact I submit that the Speaker in his recent action has done an injustice to me and to my constituents. For this injustice there is, however, no remedy. All that can be done i3 to protest against it as I now do for myself and my constitu ents. For reasons so apparent as to need no specification I respectfully ask the House to excuse me from serving as a member of the committee on rules 99 The Speaker: "The Chair does not understand that it is necessary for him to vindicate himself by saying any thing in reply. It must not, however, be inferred because tbe Chair does not undertake to challenge any of the statements charging him with injustice that the Chair acquiesces in the views taken by the gentleman from Indiana." Mr. Orth's request was granted and he was excused from further service on the committee on rules. The regular order, being the call of committees; was dispensed with. A resolution was offered by Gibson (La.) amending the rules as to com mittee on the Mississippi levees. It gives the Committee on the Missis sippi levees power to originate appro- pnauuu oius relative io me improve ment of the Mississippi river. Hewitt of New York offered a reso- which was refused. Yesterday Senator 1? " nt had ZZZtiZrX TtS Vance introduced a bill in the Senate States an obelisk known as Cleopatra's How Gen. Sherman Talk. From an Interview In the Chicago Inter-Ocean. "The Exposition " "Yes, the Exposition, you know all about that. It is almost over now. It is a good show." "What I would have asked was, whether you believed this Exposition would help to reconcile the South with other sections?" "It didn't make any difference wheth er they are reconciled or not. The Al mizhtv will take care of the country, I supoose. and He will see to that. If the rjople of the South are not reconciled, don't see that it can trouble anybody except themselves. They will have to obey the laws of the country just like the rest of us, and i don't understand that their likes or dislikes are regarded in the matter." The Weather. Washington. Jan. 5. Indications: Middle States and Lower Lake Region, generally cloudy and slightly warmer weather, light snow or rain, winds mostly from east to south, and falling barometer. South Atlantic and Gulf States, local rains and partly cloudy, warmer weath er, winds generally from east to south, and stationary or slowly falling ba rometer. Tennessee and Ohio Valley, warmer easterly to southerly winds, "light rain or snow and generally cloudy weather, stationary or slowly falling barometer. A SENSATION Has often been made by the discovery of some new thing, but nothing has ever stood the test like Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills; their popularity and Bale is unprecedented. They supply a need long felt and must become a household remedy. J ust think to be cured In a few week sot these terrible nemos troubles and awful suffering from Sick Headache, Neuralgia and Dyspepsia, and the nervous system put In a j natural and healthy condition, destroying the pos sibility of Paralysis, Angina Pectoris and sudden i death, which is carrying off so many noble men and women la the full tide of life and useful ThiaaimniA wmedT of Extract of Celery Seed nnr! Chamomile Viowers. comoined In the form of mils, is a boon to humanity. It has saved the lives of thousands oi nervous, headachlng chil dren in our schools and out every year No nerv ous person or sufferer from Headache, Neuralgia, nystiepsiaor raraiysis win uo meuiamvea jusuuo until they try tnem. Sold bv aU drusnrlsts. Price 50 cents a box. De pot, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for $1 or six boxes for 82 50, to any address. BURGESS NICHOLS, WTi3mU sad Beta ALl KINDS 99 FU RN1TURE, BEDDING, &C. keap Bedsteads, AND LOUNGBS, Parlor & Chamber Suits. COrTOW O AU, EZXHS fi XAXB. 99. 6 WIST HUM SHEER, K. C W. Ts BlACfCWElL & CO. Durham, N. C. Manufacturer of the Original and C11I7 Genuin ijymusmm 'iS'Sfef 5 section, eecw m so mm. j. N v?3 m 53 FTP '-rC'i.UC ns Spy r Mil TO BAG GO Mar 22 ly Our claim for merit is based tj ui-on the fact that a chemical analysis proves that the tobacco Ej grown in oiir section is better-j adapteftl to nsaltc aGOOO.PtJltF fo, satisfactory emote limn ANY OTHEIi tobacco gibvn in the$ wc-ild; a ad beiris situated in! ETEAIvT or UJ.s fli;c toUacco "WE have PICK, of sales ir.;-;;-. VLSic '--' till? : lioitct- '.)'.n ITICEEIi the -product.-; oi AIA.1 - j ; th-- 'eauiiig t;iu;LUax;loi,ies coin- v !"!-i ted.- 22.': r--:v'-i .-V-. i bears the trrt?j-7.irlr. ' hj Bit Is M o ca ca DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cur ECZEMA) TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUCH 8CALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASE8 OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCER8, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCS oaallpartof the body. It makes the skin wnite, son ana smootn; removes ton and freckles, and is the BEST toilet dressing in THE WOBLD. Elegantly put up, two bottles in one package, consisting of both, internal and external treatment. AH first claaa druggists have it. Price $1. per package. BBS. LYD1A E. PINKK&M, OF LYNN, K&SS., Lyncher After the Gibbon minrderer. Cincinnati, Jan. 6. A Cattletsburg (Ky) despatch says Judge Brown, fear ing that the great crowd from Ashland would prevent a hearing of the case of the Gibbons family murderers, ordered the steamer Mountain Girl to get up steam to take the prisoners to May sville, Kv.. for safe keepioe. Ow'ing to the difficulty of getting the prisoners on board the sheriff put them on a ferry boat and started down the river. The mob took possession of the steamer Mountain Girl and started in pursuit. It is thought the prisoners will not get to Maysville alive. 5 5 tmmw sessr sswr eaesass$5v.'-- -v htsshrs ssik. m. mm sm mm Cures 1 rH SYPHILIS m i O mi Xcrttertes. in any s t a s e . CATAKRH. ECZEMA, OLD SOEE3, PIM PLES, BOILS, or ANY SKIN DISEASE Particular Notice. Ai! the drawings will hereafter be uDdei the x clutivH .-u per Won and control of GEkKKaLS G. T. bs-AUKt-GAbD and JubAL A. EaBLY. DIEND 0PP0ETUNITY CURES WHEN ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAIL!!! If you doubt, come to see m. and we will CUBK YOU. or charge notbinglll Wnte tor particulars, and a copy of ttie little book Message to the Unionunate Suffering." Ask. any prominent Druggist as to our Standing. Small-Pox at Keokuk, low. Keokuk, Ia., Jan. 5. The President of the Keokuk board of health, in a let ter answering an enquiry of the health authorities of neighboring towns, con cerning the spread of small-pox here, says there is a limited number of cases confined entirely to medical students and there is. as yet, no assured tenden cy to spread among the citizens outside. It originated from an infected corpse within the medical college. There have been nine cases in all, two fatal. The medical college has been closed by order of the board of health. Failure of an Angruta Firm. Augtjsta, Jan. 5. Wallace & Crans ton, cotton factors and guano dealers, have assigned to J. C. C. Black. Lia bilities SiOO.OOO; assets in notes and ac counts $150,000. The failure was caused by their inability to collect guano debts. Planing irilll Burned. Coltjmbtjs, Ga., January 5. At three o'clock this morning the planing mills and a large amount of lumber were burned. Loss estimated at $30,000 ; in surance $13,000. Supposed incendiary. Snow in Riclimond. RiCH;stOND,VA., Jan. 6. Seven inches of snow fell here last night; tempera ture is moderating to-day. Smallpox In New Jersey. Jersey City, Jan. 5. Eleven new cases of smallpox reported in this city and HoboKen within the past twenty four hours. Coffee drinkers should read tbe advertisement In another column beaded "Good Coffee." LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. 18 a Positive Core s for nil iWe Painful Complaint and WenlniMMS whwui to our best female population. It will euro entirely the -worst form of Female Com. plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and TJlcera tlon, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal 'Weakness, and la particularly adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus In on early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there is checked very speedily by Its use. It removes falntness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression ana max- That feeling of bearing down, causing pdn. weight and backache. Is always permanently cured by Its use. It will at all times and under all circumstances act In harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either aez tola Gomnound Is unsurpassed. ITDIA K. PINEIIAM'S VEGETABLE COM POTJXD is prepared at 283 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn. Mass. Price $1. Six bottles for 85. Bent by mail In the form of pills, also In the form of lozenges, on reoaiot of price, 81 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freelv answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Mention this Paper. No family should be without LYDIA E. PINKHA1PS LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, blliousness and torpidity of the liver. So cents per box. JO- Sold by all Urueglsts. THE NEW DRUG STORE, Corner of College and Trade streets, (Wilson 4 Black's old stand.) IS NOW OPEN Parties desfrlng Fresh nni Betlable Drags will Co well to glye us a calL Un4 tf O'DONOftHTJK. HAND & CO. 1000 UK WARD will be paid to any chemist who Mill nud on anaiysU of 1UO bottles of 8. 8. 8. one particle of Mercury, Itxtlde of Potassium, or any ilmeiai substance. BYYLBT SKCLLKIU UJ.. T0pS , Atlanta, Ga. (PER BOTTLE.) Price of Small 8!ze ?1.00 Large size, 1.76 dec31 SOLD BY ALL DHUG GISTS. TO WIN A FORTUNE FIRST GRAND DISTRI BUTION, OLAja A, AT NKW UKLEaN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1SS2. 140th MONTHLY LliiWING. Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1868 for 2n rears bv the T,iru. lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $l,000.000-to which a reseive fund of 60,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise whs made a part of the present 8tate Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE KJJMBEK Drawings will ta'te place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the oUow !ng distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, 830,000, Each. Half 100.0C0 Tickets at Two Dollars Tickets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES: I apltJ Prize 10.000 1 Capital Prize R 000 2 Prizes of 82,500 5000 5 Prizes of 1,000 p'000 20 Prizes of 500 10 000 100 Prizes of 100. ; 10 060 200 Prizes of 50 lO OOO 500 Prizes of 20... 10'ono 1,000 Prizes of 10 10.OOO APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of 8390 .. 7nn Approximation Prizes of 200 i. 1 koo 9 Approximation Prizes of 100. . . . . 900 ONE NIGHT ONLY ! Wednesday Evening, January 1 1th. " Mctaough and Fulford Combination to have a copy of these letters made, which may, perhaps, meet with more success than his former applications; if not, we will know the reason why. Philadelphia Times: It will proba bly be discovered in the end that the Star route ring conducted its gigantic robbery under and within the forms of law. The lesson which these men learned in the process of stealing the Presidency from Tilden "under the forms of law" has been turned to ex cellent account in robbing the people through the Postofifede Department; They are as secure in the possession of their plunder as Hayes was in "the Presidency. Needle, and. tendering to his Highness the Khedive the thanks of the people of the United States for a eif t which onlv tbe oldest of nations could make and the youngest could most highly prize. Adopted. A long and desultory discussion sprang up as to the power of members to introduce bills through the petition box instead of presenting them in open house, those holding the af firmative of tbe proposition making a strong point . in ;. showing that the practice of Introducing, bills in that manner would result in a large saving of time, the ; opponents of the proposition calling attention to the danger there would be of wrong refer ence of bills iand -claiming that meas ures so .presented would laQk the esse n-! tial qualities which would attach to it if introduced in the ordinary way. The WITH (EVEBYBODY'S FAVOBITE) ANNIE PIXLEY -AS- M'LISS, CHILD OF THE SiERRAS. MISS PIXLEY Will InUodoce-toer -varied - selection? of Sorg, ( Puets and Medley s. Kr" Prices 75c and 81-00. K extra charge A nW, laree. front Toom over our gUita. Po fpr reserved seat: for sale stMeSmtth music hoflse xk-session elvan immediately. FOR RENT. A dwelllne house containing 5 rooms, xx kitchen with 2 room?, and a well of good water in the yard; within five mln-g? ares walk of public square. Also, a cot isij tage containing 4 rooms, with a well of liiil good water In the yard and a good gar- dan. Possession siren Immediately. 1an4 J. W. WADSWORTH. FOR RENT. A neat cottage on B street. D. JT. BIG LEE. Jan4 8t FOR RENT, CENTBUi HOTEJi, Greens boro, N. C , first class in every respect, and the best located bouse In the city. Terms that will Insure success. Apply scon to H. H. TaTE, (jreensooro, N. decSO lw FOR RENT. FRONT ROOM over entrance between Dr. Mo Aden's drug store ar.d J.T.Butler's jewelry store lor rent to a good tenant 3an5 8t PP. HUTCHISON. FOR -RENT. GOOD COFFEE, Everybody wants it, but very few get it, because roost people do not know: hoyf to select coffee, or It Is spoiled In theroastm or making. , To obviate" these difficulties has. been, our study. iTlurber's package Coffees are selected by an expert who un derstands tha art of blending, various fla voes. They are roasted In the most perfect minner (it is Impossible ; to ro.ast well in gmaU quantities), then put In pound pack ages (in the bean, not ground,) bearing our signature as a guarantee of genuineness, and eaoh package contains the Thurber recipe for making 1 good Coffee. We pack two kinds,; Thurber's "No. S4," strong and pungent, Thurber's "No. 41," mild and rich. One or the other will suit every taste. They have the three great points, good quality, honest quan tity, reasonable price. Aak your Grocer for Thurber' a roasted Coffee in pound pack ages, "No. te" or "No. 41." Do not be put off with any other kind your own palate Will tell you what is best. . . Where persons desire it we also, furnish the "IdeaV' Coffee-pot, the simplest, best and cheapest coffee-pot in existence. Grocers who sell our Coffee keep them. Ask for descriptive circular. Bespectfully, &c, H. K. & P. B. THUEBEB & CO., Importers, Wholesale Grocers and Coffee Boasters, New York. P. S As the largest dealers in food pro ducts in the world, we consider it our in terest to manufacture only pure and whole some goods and pack them in a tidy and satisfactory manner. All goods bearing our name are guaranteed to be of superior quality, pure and wholesome, and dealers are authorized to refund the purchase price In any case where customers have cause for dissatisfaction. It Is therefore to the interest of both dealers and con sumers to use Thurber's brands. r 1857 Prizes, amountiag to gj io,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid, 'or further information, write clearly, giving full Address. Send orders by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mall, addressed only to M. A. liAlrtMlN ur Si. A. DAUPHIN, at D""1"- M r 212 Broadway. New York. li. is. Orders addressed tn Na rii-ioan n,m ceivc prompt attenUon. Tha particular attention of th ti.kh i -hj to the fact that the entire nnmber of the Tickets for ench Monthly Drawlns iTioW, ind eS- aeciJi POPTJULR MONTHLY DKAWTN6 OT THE In the City of Louisville, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1882. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of tbe General As sembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court on March 81. rendered the following decisions : 1 stThat the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany Is legal. 2d Its drawings are fall. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Bead the list of prizes for the JAKUABY DRAWING. sso.oon 1 Prize fi.000 10 Prizes. 81,000 each 10,000 20 Prizes, fcoo each io 000 100 Prizes, 100 each .' u 000 200 Prizes, 50 each...... Jo 000 600 Prizes, 20 each 12 OOtf 1 000 Prizes. 1 0 each! 1 o.OOO Prizes, 8300 each, ApproxiirMloi, Prizes S2.70C H Inezes. yXl 1 gi liOWl Prizes. 100 " 900 l.PBOPrlzer $112,400 Whole Tick!, g'2; Half Tickets, 1; 27 Tickets SO: BR Tickets. 8100 Heinlt Money or Bank Draft tn Letter, or send by Express DON'T SEND BY RE(iISTKKEO LETTER OR POSTOKF1CE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Address all orders to R. M. BOARDMAN, CourteisJoumal Build LnulsvtUe, Ky., or 809 Broadway New York Jau3 C. Monday, Januarf fltfiu jano NOTICE. TAMES p. HAYK3 Is In no way connected with U me. JAUES C. SMITH Richmond, Ya. , Dec. 1 88 1 . decaO lw ln5 U VILSON BURWELTj. FOR SAtli ORRENT. .A Fix rootn house, wltji gwid'yaTd rata weil Of water. nd a two room kftchfen' - ten minutes walk of the public sonar. Appiy to . WALTER BREMT dec30 tf NOTICE. ALL persons desiring teachers re Uflontes will please present themselves on Thursday. 12th 1 1st., at the court house in Charlotte- This day -Is set apart by law; and there will fea no private ex aminations thereafter under or-1 nary lreurn stances. W. T. WaLLER, ; j an5dw td Co Eupt. Pub. Instructions. SALE OF BONDS. BY Virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, in tho case of Alvla. King and , otheca, against W. JJand A. Murray ana others, I wltl-offer f of sale at Be court house .door fh Greensboro. 4. Or-, at -puWte-aoeMon for cash. on-lIotidArfte BSh darKifebtuaryj 1882, at-12 "clock ML, eight 8) bonds ot the .county of "Car teret Issued Kebn ary 20th. 1860, each for $&0 dm on February 20th. 1880, to each -at which bonds coupons are attached for Interest at 6 pet oent. frorat February 420tJf 1875. . ' Parties desiring further Jt formation can address my attorney, James JS." Boyd; " Esd;, : 'Greensboro, N C J. A. McCAULEY,- Jan3tds ESSE. Receiver. grotesstjcmal. Z. B. VANOt W. H Baiijct. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors CHARLOTTE, X. C, Practice in Supreme Court of the United States, Supieme Court of North Carolina, Federal Courts, and counties- of Mecklen burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Da vidson. UP" Office, two doors east of Independence Square. , may 20 tf RO. D. GKAUA3J, IN tbe State and United States Courts. Colles Hons, Home and Foreign, solicited. AD streets of Titles, Surveys, Ac, furnlsked for com pensatlon. ' s Offick t JL X. Corner Trv 1 1 I Trron streets Charlotte: N. d .a 3L flan. 6. J

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