T DOBBINS. STARCH POLISH, An important dis covery, by which every family may give their linen that beautiful fin PW it I ish peculiar to fine laundry work. Ask your Grocer. J. B. DOBBINS, Philadelphia, W.W.WOOD JanjiEtiirer.WMoiil.C. n V RICHMOND EN GRAVING CO.f CHAS. R. JONES, SoleAg't.Charlotte.N.C, SSUscetuttteous. GENERAL FEED DEALERS -AN'D- COMMI8SION MERCHANTS OMMISSION MERCHANT CHARLOTTE, H. C. WE HAVE NOW ON HAND : JUST EECETVED, ONEICAB LOAD J YW ' V If ' 1 000 BIJSHELS 0F NEVF wnTE coen- 2 BARRELS OK PEARL GfllTJ. 2 CAR LOAD BRAN, i CAR LOAD CORN and PEA MEAL MIXED, A 1CAR LOAD PATAPSCO PATENT PROCESS FLOUR. 2 CAR LOADS TIMOTHY HAY, AMD WILL GLADLY PTE PRICES -TO- BOTH TEE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE Respectfully soliciting a share ol your patronage, we are respectfully, Jecl8 A. J. BE ALL & CO. A. A. 9 DEALER IN Stoves, Heaters, Raies, Tinware & House FurnishiDg: Goods MANTELS and GRATES WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Particular attention paid to ROOFING AND SPOUTING. None but first class hands employed. Call for the barley sheaf stove. oet29 Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. rOB SALE BV ALL DRUGGISTS, ami 8 deod eow ly. ,CJ.? onlZ. tne Drand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket. lue THE .old Oaken Bucket, The Iron-bound bucket, The moos-covered bucket, That hung in the well1. -..-CHAS. R. JOJfES, . uiarwue, it. v.. sole A tent Liberal terms to dealers. g Br' UBeaMCo, m - MAKES Looking MADE SEW Glasses OF WITH Fans1 ELECTRIC Scouring POLISH. Best in the World. ASK YOUR GROCER Pa. Xi&ttlllXUZOVLB. IN EITHER LIQUID OR.DBI FORM That Acts at the same time on P TEE LIVER, TES BOWELS, WHY ARE WE SICK? Because we allow these great organs to I become clogged or torpid, - and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the Mood that should be expelled naturally. S3 WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, N LIVER COMPLAINTS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, URINARY R J AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, fSj by causing free action of these organs and g restoring their power to throw off disease. W n. .nir.. Vllinni mini anil .-.? Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! fey u hy frightened oier disordered Hiuneysi rl Whr endure nervous or sick headaches! Use KID NEY-WORT a racf ryotc in AaA. It is put up In Dry Vegetable Form, in tin I cans one package of which makes six quarts of I medicine. Also in Liquid r onn, Tery Coneen t rated, for those that cannot readily prepare it. CWlt acts with equal efflciencj in either form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, $1.00 WELLS, RICHARDSON & Co., loop's, (WUl send the dry port-paid.) BCm.nCTOJ, TT. E March 27 d&wly mil 1? ALSO, A LARGS LOT OF C- -H- -R--0--M--0- -S- AT WHOLESALE cr RETAIL. E. M. ANDREWS, AT WHITE FRONT. dec2 DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, LAMP GOODS,- SEGARS, TOBACCOS, Ac, He. JU3T RECE1VID: A PULL AND SELECT LINE OF i Perfumeries and- Perfumery Cases. Cologne Bot tles. Ac. Toilet Powder Rouges... Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Brushes of ail kinds, Combs, and a full line of all goods usually found In a first-class Drug Es tablishment Careful attention given the preparation of pre scriptions. I trust the public will, as heretofore, extend me a share of their patronage, are will in every In stance be given the preparation and dispensing of all tueaidnes foff which aemands are; made, and satisfaction in every In every instance gua-anteed, by W.-P, J1ABT1N. Ag't, CO. dec23 BINGHAM SCnpOL, MEBANEVILLE, N. a, is PHE-EMtHEHT Among Southern Boarding Schools for boys in age, numbers and area of of patronage. Messina; ehib U ota mile from Barracks for young men of ' small means. The 176th session be- f gins January 11th, 1882. lor oata-. logue giving lull particulars address - . Uu. lb BtNGHAH. dec!7 tf Superintendent Greensboro Femstle College, Tm spiCDg Session ( 1X8,2 will - 11th Charges per session of twen j weeks: Hoard (exclusive of lights Buou uuuithj. ouu. -Axira sraaies uuzjn moderate. For paitlculats apply to , ; T. M. JONES, declS tf President OLD - n mm on atw I Ml 1 1 tV 1THE ONLY MEDICINE! fl IN EITHER LIQUID OR.DBI FORM I Coffins and Metallic Cases, - FRIDAY, JAN. 6, 1882. : 'KEW Yk'AR CHIME. Listen I listen! do you bear them Hear the fcweet, tamlliar chimes? Does not memory eudear tbem For the sake of bygone times ? Come, bright hope, aud swell the burden of their song to hearts forlorn ; Joyfumess should be ther guerdon On this dark midwinter morn. Listen! listen! Let them waken Vanished moments, li you will; Steak of pleasure long forsakeu. Broken faith regretted still; Conjure up the dear eld places, , Blot the Intervening years. Till we look on phantom faces Through a sadden m st of tears. Listen! listen! but no longer Lost in dreams that enervate; , As the merry oln grows stronger, Let it cheer and animate. Be the clarion to call us Forward where our lot Is cast, So. whatever fate befall us, We may meet it well at last Listen! listen! through the pealing Ot the chimes that greet the tear, Echoes noi of ewth are stealing, ' Angel voices I can hear, Bousing notil r passions, giving Men and women Impulse new, Listen! life Is worth the living, If we make it brave and true. STATE NEWS. Wilmington Star: The remains of a lady of Smithville were disinterred a. few days ago, for some purpose, when it - was discovered that, though not a particle of flesh remained on the bones, much of the silk fabric in which the body was airayed for burial,-, arrant thirty-years ago, wiia still in a. state .of perfect preservation, t ,A niece , of. the lady in question reinembers all about the dress in which her aunt was inter red. - - Asheboro Courier: 14 mariiage license sold week before last. Asheboro has the whooping cough. The roads weie never worse. "The abundance of rain has made them al most impassible. Raleigh News and Observer: Skat ing may now be enjoyedVas the ice is firm and smooth. The State Treasurer issued sixteen drummers' licenses during the month of December. Many wagons were yesterday haul ing ice, the average thicKness of which was about three inches. Between $300,000 and $400,000 in old bonds were yesterday received at the State Treasury for exchange. Notice had been received last week from the senders and tenders of bonds had been accepted before January one. During the year 1881 there were few er fires in Raleigh than during any twelve-months since the war, it is said, while the loss was not heavy. The city had a continuation of its usual good luck. A correspondent, writing from Tar- boro yesterday, says that the snow of Sunday was a "real old-fasnionea one, and fell for nine hours, carrying one back to the winter of 1857, with its famous snow. There will be some de lay, in consequence of the snow fall ancLthe freeze; in the work on the Sea board and Raleigh Railroad. Snow fell on Friday as far east as Elizabeth City. Sunday's snow-storm was limited in area, none falling up Noit i, beyond 4the Virginia liae, or West beyond the Blue Ridge. At Statesville the fall was about three inches, at Greensboro, five, at Raleigh, seven, and at Tarboro over elgnt, at Kinston about four. There was no snow at Wilmington, though there were trost and ice. FIXING THE YEA K. Various Incidents by Which a Wil neiilday Remember an Event. Detroit Free Press. In one of the Justices' Courts the other day, in a suit for malicious tres pas in entering upon and removing a fence, one of the witnesses was asked "Did you help build that fence?" "I did." "What year was it?" "Well, let's see. It was the same year my orotner-in-law bad bis leg broke in a wrestling match at Dearborn." "Well, what year was that?" Let's see! It was just six months af ter we found the Duggan boy drowned in Sabin's well. That was that was in eighteen hundred and " "Can't you remember?" "Why, yea, I ought to. Let's see. That same summer that we took Dug- gan s boy out of the well Tylers second girl started to run away with a tin ped dler, and we caught them just theother side Dearborn. I squared off on the peddler and knocked him eighteen feet into the bushes. "But what year was it that you built the fence?" .. . "Why the same year that all this happened, or maybe a year before or after. If I culd only talk with my old woman a minute I could ge it exact." i -now r i , "Why. I was building the last half of that fence when she washooke3Lby a COW, and Shed hunt UP t.hfl man yrhn owned the beast and hit the date square at i j n - i uu tut) uesu. It was decided to let the exact date remain in seclusion. The Reception Ordealt Philadelphia Times. - Could the millions Of statesmen that dot the fertile fields of -the Republic stand at any coign of vantage in the : White llouse during what is called the President's New Year's reception, many a flight of bees would be let loose, from these several aspiring statesmen's bon nets. When we bear in mind the re pugnance that most men feel at making or receiving a call and think of the President standing in a babel of confusion- from early morning ntil mid night, -with both bands worked like pump handles by a moving apparition of bowing, smirking, scrutinizing citi zens in rank from the Chief 'Justice to the obscurest citizen, it must-be admit ted, as Gen. James recently pathetically put it, that power has its strongest charms chiefly in the imagination. Gen. Grant used to say that week's battle wasift hair the? ordear;to him that a general reception was, for, though arbitrary rules be prescribed, there is ho law -r amenity that a social mob is bound to respect For a : week at least the Presiden t will imagine that he has been run. through a threshing machine. Still Otrdltnr the Olebe Within a few months the enterprise of a British cable company will enable the American cretary -of. State to communicate with; his ministers at Lima and Santiago by telegraph. ; The CSfitnaSoTxtrr'-Anreriean' Cable company have their steamships already loaded with cable and on the way to Callao, where - they wittrrive about February"!. .The cotnpany have so licited the goad liflfce ot Our . navand orderihave be'eEk4Bi(i'edtA''il0P0i0c squadron ilKiit sisui3?hwe mMmmrw Yera Cruz on the Gulf of Mexico south to,GtzacoaIcvther thetftftfeailhS along the r coast c' Ge&tralahd.iBOirth AmericaeoBnetiett-48ma the lines of the-jWpst Coast of America; 3aJ&lft O)mpaiii mimut will give us direct communication with most of ;thP Soth Ameriajcapitals. j FAt)ED 3RAT HAIR !graiijia-recovers' its ' youthful color nd lustre by the use of Parker's Hair Balsam, an elegant dressing, admired for its purity and rich perfume. . Gold and silver , in paying quantities .have been discovered: near the town of liiiicoln, Nebraska It is stated that Sarah. Bernhardt is to receive 20,000 . ..po'cmUs ;for; her en casement at SfcFeterabar& : . - : " 1 P King HumboltTisnbt pleased aVth Kindly interest wmcn tiiam.afK. up en$y shown in th affairs of the ,yat-' A grejat meeting of ; landowhers -was IiaM Ti Afcliri:- :Taesdiav:'tb ttrotest Against the inannei in: which; the laud act has bfte1 ?w m misxrea 1 - ' . . ' The city jariditofi f ; Ne wark, .N. . J, was rn4iete;d Tuesday, in eight counts, fol forgeryibi 1 warrants,, and plead guilty. !. V - i". At Pine Orchard, Florida, Tnesday, Abraham Wekins, in a fight killed his step-father, Oliver. Francis, by ripping him opea with a knife, and then shot him twice after he fell. In-a fight at av saloon in Auburo, Tenn., Taesdity nigbW Cartrel Bethel shot and killed Arfdrew Fouston and Charley: Odelt, and: mortally wounded Bad MeAdoov : ! : -; Mayor liowj in; bis message to lb.e' Brooklyn bpard-of aldermen, Tuesday, stated the dfcbt of that City to be $38, 174,421.41. The interest charge rnnninjr against the city on account of .the East river bridge debt alone is $1,500 tt day. On New Year's Day near the town of Louisiana. Mo.. John Morgan Shaw k was shot and killed by his brother, Marshall Shaw, in a quarrel oyer, the division of r lheir. father's property, John had some time before that shot and killed his brother Perrin. In the - latter part of December in Montgomery county, Mo., John, Tom, Ive and Albert Kin?, in a brawl, killed a young: man named Nelson. "'On the night of the 31st a crowd cof citizens gathered . about their, hdnse; shot and wounded bid Mrs. King, killed aMrsV Austin, killed one and wounded an other of the King boys. ' ; 'Mr. Thomas' Cv Acton, the new as sistant United States treasurer, at Tfew York city, entered upon the duties of his office Tuesday. A count tf the money in the New York sub-treasury is now being made by a committee of treasury officers appointed by Secretary Folger. They will handle about 800 tons of silver, ' ($26,000,000.) $57,000,000 in gold, $5,000,000 in United States notes and silver certificates before they get through with their work. At the meeting of the retenue com mission recently held in Philadelphia, State Treasurer Butler called the at tention of his colleagues to the import ance of the collateral inheritance tax and its comparatively large returns. The total amount collected in that city during the past year is reported by State Appraiser Parevost at $457,233, 30, of which the sum of $61,224.60 was collected during the last quarter. The city receives five per cent of this money and ttje commonwealth gets the rest. ' ' : RKeeting of i be tin yat Lef ion. New York, January 5. At a meet ing of the military order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, held last night at Delmonico's, a letter from Mrs. Garfield was read, acknowledging the receipt of the obituary resolutions pass ed by the commandary on the decease of the late President. After routine business was transacted a formal re ception was tendered Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock, acting commander-in-chief of the order. The dinner was partaken of by 150 guests, Henry Slo cumb presiding. Gen. Hancock thank ed his comrades for the honor paid him. The festivities were prolonged until a late hour. Claimants for a Fortune. Robert H. Given, of Chicago, one of the claimants to the vast estate of the late John Burnside, of New Orleans, has arrived in Philadelphia. He claims to have sufficient data to substantiate the claim that his grandmother Pru dence Burustde, was a sister of the dead millionaire. Another claimant is John Burnside Wilson, of Philadel phia. Mr. Given established the rela tionship existing between himself and Mr. Wilson, who will share equally in the distribution of the vast possessions of which John Burnside died pos sessed, estimated at8,ooo,ooo. New York Stock Market. New York, Jan. 5 n a. m. The market opened irregular but in the main a fraction lower than vesterdav s closing prices, Metropolitan elevated seiimjrdown -a per cent while Rich mond and Danville advanced 24 per jcent. In early dealings the market be came weak and declined l2)f per cent- Louisville and Nashville. Denver and Rio Grande' Grande, Texas Pacific ana XWruiern "Pacific preferred being most prom menu inerein. ' i t ' . ' ; X Botetourt Jury. An amusing incident occurred at Fincastle, Va., during the last term of the Uotetourt county court A iur.v 'was empanneled to try one Bolen, icnargea with an assault on j. g. Sper iryitbe latter testifying in the case. After two days' deliberation the jury returned into court with a verdict tof manslaughter. It would he hard to picture the scene that followed. The bar was convulsed, the "dead man" smiled audibly, Judge Palmer looked on for a moment in mute astonishment and then hid behind his newspaper. Dhcunlni ?6rffum( St.-LOTUS. Jan.- 5. Thn Miaaiflainni Valley cane growers' convention yes- 4- J3 I. 3 T-JS tl TTT TTJ1 A . . biuty uearu jrrox. o. ii. v uey, or, me State Universitv of Indiana, on snr- ehum culture. He was followed by C. nogarw, or xowa, wno related the re sult of various experiments in manu facturing sorghum sugar. A discus sion ensued. The afternoon and even ing sessions were taken- up with a discussion on the papers read and the general talk about cane growing, sugar making and machinery. Death of a Baltimore Sea Captain. Fort Monroe, Va, Jan. 5. Capt Raffle, of the bark Aquiduct, from Baltimore for Rio, died this morning in Hampton Roads of pneumonia. The remains were taken to Baltimore for interment The "Beautiful Snow" at Petersburg Petersburg, Va , Jan. 5. There was a heavy fall of snow here last night Sleighing is fine. The organ rolled Its notes from the growling diapason to the gentle flute; and the eongrdga tlon aocomrmntiul h iiun unni.i.ni - : vw rouuiuuw WUUIB 1U coughs scarcely audible, because they had not yet vx uio wuuuenui emcacy 01 Lr. trail 8 cooah syrup. HUMBUGGED AGAIN. I saw so much said about the merits of Hop Bit ters, and mv wlf vhn iimn to pet her some. .ir? MAtJZ .J fx ""ouggea again: and I am glad I did, for in less than two months' use of the Bitter mv ivlfn icq a n.rf i . . so for eighteen months since. Juike such hum- o- j.., ok. mu, (noneer rress.) PREMATURE LOBS or TTTTt Wire May be entirely DreventedV.ty. the use of BUB MITT'S COCOA INB. No rther mmmnBML esses the peculiar properties'iwbJcB so exactly sattthe various condltlpflspjt, the human hair. It SOftenS the hair when hnralt unit Aim tf am..- the irritated scalp. Ifrafirords ttre richest lustre. It Prevents the hair from fain'ni 'ntf ft nealftu, vigorous growth. -It u not greasy nor sttoky. It tears no fflsameabfcrod it wA ' dandruff. ' ::;.' Burnett's Flavoring Extract arexnwn ivi the est ... . ; ; I . . fob HEUMATISM, i '.v:vn'"i .-jjf.- " ' Neurafdia, Sctatica, Lumbagd, Bacjcache, Soreness of the Chest, i -Gout, Quids, Sore Throat, Swell- ings and Sprains, Burns and ! Scalds, Genera Bodily - ' r Pdths;; ' Tooth, Ear and, Headache, Frosted. ; . . Feef and Ears,' and all other J i" Pains and Aches. So Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jaoom Oil safe, turc, simple nd cheap . External Jieraedy. A trial entail bnt the comparatively trifling outlay of 60 Cents, and every one suffering Vfch pais coo have cheap Ntd positive proof of its ilaima. I Dlreetioni in EIstsq Lannagea. $0LD BY ALL DSUGGIST8 AND DEALEE3 I " . nr mediohte. A. "VOGEUSR fc CO., ; ' - Baltimore, JSfd., V, 0. A, . 4ee80d6tw ly 1 i SOMETHING EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW. There exists a means of se curing a soft and brilliant Complexion, no matter Low poor it may naturally foe. Hagan's Magnolia Balm is a ! delieate and harmless arti cle j which instantly removes j Freckles, Tan , Bedn es Roughness, Eruptions, Vul- far Flushings, etc., etc. So . elicato and natural are its : effects that its use is not j suspected by anybody. No lady has the right to present a disfigured face in society when tho; Magnolia Balm is sold by all druggists for 75 cents. Ian 22 North Carolina Railroad. OOITDEflSED SCHEDULES. TRAINS GOING EAST. Date, Dec. 18, '81 No. Ro Dally. No 51 Dally. No. 53 Dally. Lea ve Charlotte, 4.30 p ro 8 30 a m 8.10pm lu.02 pm 1 2 05 a m 12.15 am 12.23 am " Salisburr. 0.17 p m 5.30 a m 7.88 a tr Arrive Greensb'ro Leave reensb'ro 8.00 p m 8.lHpm 10.10 pm 11.80 pm 7.40 am 7.5H a m Arrive N Danville Leave N Danville Arrive Richmond, Leave Greensb'ro Arrive Raleigh.. Leave Raleigh,.. Arrive Goldsboro' 10 00 a m 10 15am 3.55 p m ' 9.50 a ni 1.52 p m 2.17 pm 4.20 p ra ' Ne. 51 Connects at Greensboro' with R&D. B. B. for all points East and West, via Danville and Richmond, also with train for Raleigh and Goldsboro. No. 55 Connects at Greensboro' with R. ft D. B, tt. foe all points East and West, via Danville and Richmond. .Ha? 53 connects at Greensboro' with B. 4 D. (R. R. for all points East and West, via Danville only. TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, Dec 18, '81 No. 54 No. 50 No. 82 : i , Daily, Dally. Dally. Leave Goldsboro' 12.20 pm .Arrive Raleigh,.. 12.40pm 'Leave Raleigh, 4 00 pm Leave Richmond, 12 07 pm 11.25 pm " N.Danville 7 48pm 630pm 7.85 am Arrive Greensb'ro - 9.80 p m , 8.30 p m 9 30 a m .Leave Greensb'ro 9.85pm 8.40 pm 9 85am Leave Salisbury,. 11.15 pm 10.87 m 11.22 am Arrive Charlotte,. 12.40 am 12.25 m L05pm JN. w. n, c. railroad. fcoiMG west. NO. 50 Daily. Leave Greensboro. .:. . .'. . . 9.51 pm Arrive Eernersvllle. 1 1. 07 p m Arrive Salem 11.50 p m NO. 52 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro i 1 0.00 a m Anrve Eernersvllle 1 1.00 a m Arrive Salem. .11.80am GOING EAST. ' NO. 51 Daily, except Sunday. Leave 8alem 7.30 a m Arttre Eernersvllle 8.04 a m Arrive Greensboro 9.00 a m NO. 53 Daily. Leave Salem........ 4.80pm Arrive Kemereville. 5.10pm Arrive Greensboro. 6 80 p m Allan Sleeping Cars wiont m On Train Na 51, between Atlanta and New York, via Danville. . On' Train No. 55, between Augusta arid Wash ington, via Danville. On Train No. 53, between Atlanta and Washing ton, via Danville. 6 On Train No. 60, between New York and Atlanta via Danville. ? T'nNa 52, between Washington and Au gusta, via Dan vile. On Train No 54. between Washington and At lanta, via Danville. t111"181 Tickets on sale at Greensboro', Baleteh, Goldsboro. Salisbury and Charlotte, and principal points South, Southwest. West, North and East. Fir Emigrant Rates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, A. POPE, M General Passenger Agent. de31 . Richmond, Va. ST CHARLES HOTEL. HEADQUAETIES FOB .DSTJMMEES. STATESVILLE, N. C THIS house has been leased for a term of years by Mrs. Dr. Reeves, whose intention is to seep a strictly first-class house In every respect -Commodious sample rooms on flat and second Doors. The patronage of the public is solicited Juiyl.dtf. THE old Oaken Bucket, The iron bound bucket. The moss-covered bucket. That hung in the weU. v; . ' CHAS. B. JONES, EST- T.lr-1 k.L.-SK i 8019 Wft Mmllnna t mit aaOnUtmn r. . Jbuimsi iThis isrM ssBdw mYj ESSj V Sdfmwo A'MERTCix, 87 Park Cow "--mjmiaumjxrn.- ; - ' Holiday Goods. HOLIDAY GOODS ! Hare yoa seea our Uao of Beaaaral If not, call at once. We have an assortment of as fine Goods as was . . ever brought to this market PWJ3H AND , . LEATHER COVERED TOILET CASES AND ODOR STANDS. Gents' Shaving Caees, Ladles' Work Box and Odor Case combined, Baby's Case, Children's Toy Cases and Souvenir, French Plato Hand and Stand Mirrors, Lnblns, Tetlows and Colgate's Ex tracts and Toilet Waters, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, 4c., &c. Call and examine, . nov30 L. B, WRIST0N & CO. FRESH MINERAL WATER Both Foreign, and Domestic. Just Beceived, at lUtJ s ABATOGA ICHY, From Saratoga Spring. N. Y. A new water re sembling the Imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, U a powerful tonle aud strong diuretic Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathaidc and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, g CASES CONGRESS WATER, CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, 10 CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APQLLIN&RI Hnnyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN MOVELTY ! JJUNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Dosi. A wine glass full before breakfast. The Jjmct-"Bxxasf& Janoa. Baron Lleblg af firms that its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all ether known waters." The British Medical Journal ''Hunyadl Janoa. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." ; . rroj. Virchoto, 'Berlin: "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Pro. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these' writers with remarkable success." Scanzoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this. " . Pro, lander Brunton, M.T., IK B. &., London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." ,FyAtkm 8- Eoal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pullna and Fried- richshalL" . JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. a . : DON'T GO TO SARATOGA , When you can get water Just as fresh and spark img as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water In large block tin reservoirs whica we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. j H. Moa DEN, Druggist and Chemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 . Dr.J.H.McAwDrB Store CWGITS1LE JpOB the purpose of engaging more extensively and exclusively in the line of tW MILLINERY GOODS mMi the coming year, wholesale and re tail, we now offer all other lines of Goods now in our stock at very low prices to close out The stock Is large, new and well assorted, consisting of full lines of WHITE GOODS, LACES, EMBROID ERIES, all kinds of TRIMMINGS, PLAIN and FANCY HOSIERIES, GLOVFS, NOTIONS, NEC WIAB,COBSKT8 8KTBTS, (Ms, Shawls, Net Goods, LADIES and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR DRESS TRIMMING, BUTTONS, TABLE LINEN, TOWELS, DOILIES, NAPELNS,4c,in fact a com plete stock of Ladies' ariflrildrew 7ttraisMaj Goods .- - .Which we pCer wlthqut reserve at prices that will Piarantee their immediate sale. Terms of this sale wfll be strictly cash. v v. ! .. ''':. V . . 1 M,r--rPB 8TOCX OF JIILLINEBY- !r, 4. , i: .'. 7s the largest and must oompie.te of any in t : State and Is iOOTstantly- being added o as net styles and novelties appear in New York.- MIlSPrQCERY I n0V2 u ' :. '. BKAirlFUL OKOAN, the "MOZAHT," newst 'e fi No 12,000.7 stops.-lO full sets Ooloen l,)tl. true fie dA.-80LIU-WAxNDI -Highly Pollsbtnl Case. New and valuable j improvements Just ad ded. 8tool. book; music.7 Boxed-aiM delivered on board cars here, prtce-tNLY lilXTY D'llar Net Cash. Matlsfactlon-g Jaranteed in every par' Ocular or money iefunded after one yeat'suse Kverv one sold sells another. It Is a HUi:iii. lAuvertlseraent. Order at once. Noth ng saved by correspondence, sty new raccory jni completf d capacity 2.0u0 instruments every 28 days, very litest labor-saving wood-worttlng machinery Vaxt capital enaoles mi to manufacture better goods for less money than ever Andrew r call upon " DAIBL F, BE4TTY. Washington. New Jeraej. DIARY FR R R est table, calendar, etc. Pent to any address oji receipt ontwo Tbssb-ofk stamps. Address CHARLES E. HIKE-! . 48-N. Delaware Ave. Phlla. AGENTS WANTED AT ONCE to sell the Life and Complete History of THE TRIAL OF GUITEAU. 1 sketch of his err tic career and FULL HIS TOBY 0 the strange scenes and stabtlimgDisclospes of his trial; f he mot costly and remarkable in the ainals of crime: Well Illustrated, wniseij 1 nmensely. Agents outBt 50c. Terms to agents LberaL Address HUBBARD BROS.. " - Publishers, Atlanta, Ga teal Work,warranted the best and cheapest, indiapeng&ble to everr nanumtrtlad "the Soianceof Ule flf0? !" bound in Meat French mualui, embossed toll cut,900pp.containsbeantifu! twa, price onlj $1.25 sent by pail i flloatrated aample, 6 cents' end nowAddraaa PKn vj' 1 leal Institute or Dr. W. H. PAR .K.ER. N0. 4 Bnlfinchat. UostrT ITS POPULABITY TJNPAEALLELED ion nnn cni n i 8113 8011 worbagknt8 luUfUUU OULU I ABSWAMTBD U) supply the wonderful and Increasing demand for by far thb best, most popular and chsapkst LIFE OF GARFIELD SB $2 This work Is pbofdsbly tllobtbated, tells the entire thrilling story of his eventful life and tragic death: has been critically revised and approved by one of his most Intimate personal friends; has far outsold all other editions because the best and cheapest, and our terms to agents are tbe roost liberal of any. Superb Steel Plate Portraits Free! Outfit 50c. For proof of excellence, saleabillty, success of agents and terms addres at once, HUBBABD BROS., Pubs., Phlla. CHICK mm. THE HIGHEST AWARDS?? f!Sos in the GREAT WORLD'S FAIR in LONDON, 1851 ; at the GREAT EXPOSITION in PARIS, 1867; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION in CHILI, 18T5; and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION in Philadelphia, 1ST6. All persons wishing to parchaae (or ex amine) instruments sure reaped fully In vited to visit ear Wareroams. Send for Circular and Price List. CHICKERIHG & SOUS, 130 Fifth Avenue. N.Y. 156 Tremont St., Boston. J Dec30 U4w4 ;3S3seni pout cntcrjLAirs.-e Victor Sfiias lacls Go, SOUTHERN OFFICB No 8 N.; Charles street. Baltimore, Idd. . - novll dw . X 10 PALL AT EDDINS? BOOK STORE PETOBE YOU MAKE 5 1 : We will not here attempt . to enumerate what we have bat if you will call we will satisfy you that we have the finest assortment of -HOLIDAY GOODS- ever brought to this market. Call and see our Display whether ycu buy or not. A fine lot cf . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all descriptions, Just received. Rem'u.br none can under-buy us, ahd none can under sell us. decl8 'gov Jale. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks frora Ihe public square in Charlotte, will be sold cheap and) on reasonable . terms' to the right kind of a purchaser. The dwelltngis on a full lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine well ot wa ter, eta The house, is admirably adapted for ihe residence of a lawyer, doctor er preacher, having an admirable library or study room, built for the purpose. For further particulars, price, terms, etc apply at THIS OFF1CF. July20,dtf ' Lot. ; for Sale Cheap. TH1 Lot on the corner of Ninth street and the t North Caroline Railroad, fronting 14Q feet on Ninth street and 1 06 feet on the North Carolina Ballroady will either .be sold as a whole or divided into two lots of 70 by 1 08 leet Suitable either for building or factory purposes. Apply to yOW THYSELP irm j ERING ess Mm Fill. YourHoliday Purchases.

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