She Charlotte b0OTtr; TBX OBSETB ioBl)lPlBTMXHT Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and with thd latest styles of Type, and every manner, of Job. Printing can now be done with iieatoeas, dispatch and cheapness. We can fur nlah at short notice,-, . , KL4HKS,BILIrHIADa, LKTTSBrHIADS. CABD3, TAGS, BXCHPTS, POSTXfiS, , programmes, h1ndbills, . Pamphlets, circulars; checks, ac SVJSSORJPTiOX BATKM: DaUy , one ysar, pott-paid, in idwmM. . . . - 88 00 Mxmontto. ......... ......... 4.00 rtewmoita.,......, ............. 2.06 OMmontt.... 75 I WgtXLT EDITrOSt Wmktv ( V soanby), to sdtSMv. -S2 00 OutoMseowtfy, Foef-jxsVt 2.10 tz mowM. ........ . ....... ; . . .. 1.01 CBARLOTTEtfvXV, VOL. XXVII; NO: 3,992. ty liberal jbatuMoaJbr ObO$. ...... - i imirrrTl j. i u win iirniii atm im i r n , , ,- . , , -,, f j , j 1 . ; i , ; t, , , - - . - : - - ' ' ' M I -M- MMM-WMMMMMM" "M .". " "" "T" " ' 8 Good 1 hmgs ! Lyons' Patent Metallic Stiffeneis PREVENTS Boots and Shoes RUNNING OVER, Wearing off at the Sides or Ripping IN THE SEAMS. Johnson's, Silk and Felt Molts PREVENTS ' RHKUMATIC BAMP. COLDFEST. BUNKI0N3 AMD CHILBLAINS. PEGRAM & CO., SO LB AGENTS. Janl "Excellent Tonic, Alterative snd Dtoettc.''--Medical Association, LyrMirg. TV"' - j; . "Used with great benefit In Malaria sod Dlpb- hio n a v nnmn U Tt . fta. - 'Successtully used in dytpepsls. ehronle du. rnoea and scroiuia." nui. a. kww, "invaluable as a nervous tonic" -Hop. L u oRsmmimmiirtM a rrroDhrlactlc m malarial dIstrlcts."-D. &. Fslrexv it v., W. 0. . "Restores debilitated systems to health. T. C. -Adapted in ebrorrie diarrhoea. scrofula, and dyspepsia' Geo. T. Harrison, M. J- 'Succrasful in diphtheria and neuralgia"- F Neese, M. D., N. C . , ' ,.. -Excellent for certain diseases, peculiar to wo man tmt l 3 Unnrmtn. M. Ya. 1 WrornnMepn? neadache, sk and ner- T0." Rev. K. C. Dodaon. 'TJsed with CTWtbeneflt tepwslfcllov m'tedtofcrortosiid d of digestive Most valuable remedy known for female dis eases." Jno. P. Metteaur. M. D . L. I. -Ov. -: "Of great curative vtrtue'-Tho. F. Bumfold, "Beneftelal iri tnedsijgnt" rlous condlttonaM-0. M. VaiL lTOM H .ii AM r MmniiiTinn. uukim w mooth, clear, soft sad TCsy'-Miss ;'jM;n. "The prince ef mineral tonics.'' Franela GU- "Ineettmable as a tonic ;s,,gratlTfc" , ler Hetsuue. it. D.. va t ; "Kineiweuxer and bkio4 otaillet."- "VlT-naflMat to tmDTOVlng BS4SSM STt tem:n Bishop Beekvlth. of Oa. rLi,!,, i . "Invalids here find welcome ni John Harmetir late oi ia,w" L "Haa mi utit.-outhAra Med. Journal. - Pamphlets free upoa avlcatloii - WaterrsTv case. Maw and PUls. 25, 60, 75 eents. Sent post-paid anywhere.- , Summer season ef 8prlngs bealns 1st Jons. J35 ft month... Addrets -. .. ia, wa 10, roe . . vs., r w. w ; WILSON ft BURWKLL, : -J. EL MeADKN, and - rr UB. WBUTOM ft CO mar27 s. - Charlotte, KC. Skjj 00fls, CliotMns, feci -OUR- ARE ALL IN, And every one in search t PBXSXHTS for their Mends should examine our stock of Bef ere making selections. WX HAVK TH1 PBETTISST AND CEXAPXST Initial Handkerchiefs, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. Laee Collars and Fichns, To be found la the dty. T. L. Seigle & Co. dec!8 Neuralgia, Sprains, . Pain in the .Back and Side. There Is nothing more painful than these diseases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer This remedy is not a cheat lBnzlnt or Petroleum product that must he kept wj mm ore or neat so a rota aanger of explosion, nor Is it an untried experi ment that may do more harm than good. Pain Killer has been lm constant use for forty rears, and the universal testimony irom an pans 01 tne world is, it never falls. It not only effect & permanent cure, but it relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Being; a purely vegetable remedy, It is sale In the hands of the most inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Pacc Kills would fill volumes. The following: extracts from letters received, show what those who have tried It thlnkt Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Wan., says : AiKn jvmr una my true cocam raojeo to imn ufferiag- from tiMumatina. - Qnr wort tu to the gun Kifctaa, which meedilr nUevadhap. Charles Powell writes from the Bailors' noma, London : I had bees afflicted three yean irifbaeonlgi and riolent ipeanR of tha Btomach. Th doctor at Weitantaiater Hospital gave up my cue in despair. I tried your fin KrLuta, and it gave me hnTuediata relief. I have regained my strength, and am now able to follow my usual oocnpaMon. O. H. Walworth, Saco, Ke., writes : I xperiericed immediate relief from pain in the tide by the um erf your Pain Kn.i t E. York says: I hat ueJ ronr Patb Kh.utb for rheumatism, aahsrexWYedgrTiSififlt, Barton. Seaman says i"B HJ used ViW l&XSS for thirty years, ?i P? found it ft mtr-Hling recueay fo rheumagam and lameneam, Mr, Burdltt writes : JknZVZlaiuJclZi b caaee of rhenmttism. PhUJSUbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : XTom actual use, I know your Paw Kn.i ra is the beet medicme I can get. All druggists keep Paw Ktllxr. its price la so low that It is within the reach of all, and it will save many times Its cost In doctors' bills. 85c, 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors, Providonco, F?. I. sept dAw sept a ocU, , , Ty TP'TT'-S INDORSED-BY - physicians; clekqymeu, and the afflicted everywhere. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE, SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. lioasof ai ,lTansea.bowels oostlTe, PaintntheHea .with a dull sensation in the back part, Pain under the shoulder? blade, fullness after eating-, with a dlaln cliuation to exertion of body or mind". Irritability, of tempi of temper, Low spirits, Xi with a feeling of haying- n i duty, weariness. Dtosini . j.l rr n.ilt..i IiOBS or memory. 1 lected some ne- Fluttering: of the Heart, Dots before the suets- RlSEAStS WaiSOON BE DEVELOPED. '8 PT1X8 are especially adapted to eattt.onedoM effects uhachangT ' of feeling aa to Mtouiah the sufferer. They aereswe the Apgtattta, and cause the , bear to Tstke mm FleeJs, thus the tysUm is , iaoMalieS,anSbyt , ana or utetriwsiae aeueniOD we t b S cents, is Matrrmy U, H.T. ( Wgnute daced. Price : TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Obat Hub or Whisk ras changed te a Otossr ; Black by a single application of this Dra. It -Imparts a natural color, acta Instantaneously. Sola by Druggists, or b1 as press on receipt of f 1. Office, 30 Murray St.; New York. C Sn TCTTS SASCAL ef VahnMa fajnaafle aag h IMal SMslBt U1 ae salW nit aeaUcattea. lebyr,28deodwl ' ! MM mm Cioger, Bucha, Man dralce, Stilliegia, Jad many of the beat SaedU cinas knowa are com bined in Parker's Ginger Toaic, Into a medicine of cuch varied power, aa to make it the greatest lilood Funher and toe ; BettnealtkAStreagthl jieeterer Kver uses: It Parlcp.r'R. Sleeplessness. Stdiaeaeis ef the Sttnnach, Bowel Half Bal: ungi,.iJTeTi aererintoxlcates. riegaay & Co.. Chemists. M. J SSfcaaitl rim. Xarge Brtef Bnyteg DoHar SoetXt lOTARTlilWC . i .. W ISCOVERM! LOST VWAKHOOD RESTORED, j ' Avietbnia'Tonthfnl nnalllLF51, tare VT Wf-LjT.TlZ SrerTstoplejelf EUIS VvSTtoDowPififtrets. sddiess J. 1L BVE 8etl3 lew lis Goods iffiys eyes. Yeuow mm, tteaaacne, me neas at mgnt, mgniy ooarea Vr?we mm aWiseftaSBbBni TuTT nun I JUins,Uyer leya ami tmrnttossi 5?ffe;a?JtIS aeverintejdeatealScel eiithMle COSirfiDEBATE StJBVITOaS ASSO CIATION F NORTH CABOLIPfAC At a meeting - of the execntire com mittee held in the city of Raleigh, on the 15th inst, the foUowinjr code of by J laws was adopthgg OI me jSBOCiauon. - . I BYIAWST At, Ttoaid in collecUnir and rreservinirj toe material for trutntui History or the late war between the Confederate States an4 the United mtespt;AmerTJ ica: to honor the tternofy.of bucomil thfrties orjirieniship afnonjg hose who exSjnfedej-ate officers. BftidmrH and aailors of .North Carolina. I do associate Hourselves. together,' and do adopt for our government the fol lowing code of by-laws: . : . ":-1 ' , 1. The name of this! organizaUbn shall be tha -"CJonfederat Survivors Association of North Carblina." . v fs ? 2. The officers "Of ithia association shall be a president, one vice-presideat lor eacn uoncressionai aistrici; ana, twofot the Strite at lare; a secretary and treasurer, and. an execuuve com-1 mittee of five r members to be appoint ed Jay the president, and charged with i the duty of managing the affairs of the association. .The said officers shall Bold for one year and until their successors are cnoaen " ; , 3. Persons who served nonoraoiy in the army or navy of; the: Confederate States,- or . who were honorably; dis charged therefrom, shall be eligible to membersnip in tins association. u 4. ADDlication for membershfp mar be made to the secretary in accordance with a printed form to do preparerx dx him under the -direction of the execn ti ve committee : and said application shall be accompanied by satisfactory proof of - honorable service ; and the military record of each member shall be briefly copied by the secretary in a roster to be kept for that purpose. The secretary and treasurer shall also per: form such v other duties aa ordinarily attach to such offices and submit a re port when required Dy tne execuuve committee. 5. The annual meeting shall be neld on Thursday of jthe State Aericulthral Fair, in the city of Raleigh,' or at suck other time and place as may be select ed in general meeting. 6. Persons eligible to membership in this association, resident in any county of the State, may organize themselves into a county society, in aid of the gen eral purposes of this association, and may adopt such regulations for their government as may be suitable and convenient, and report the same to the secretary of this association 7. A form of badge to be :worn by members may be adopted by the execu tive committee, but the use oi tne same by individual members shall be entire ly optional. k 8. No change of these by-laws shall be made except upon a two-third vote of the members present in general meeting. The following address was issued : Raleigh, N. C, Dec 7, 1881. To the Confederate Soldiers and Sailors of North Carolina: Comrades: At the late reunion of old Confederate soldiers, held in Ral eigh on the 13th of October last, the following resolutions,' amongst others, were adopted: Resolved, That a permanent organi zation of the ex-Cbnxedertfta soldiers and sailors of North. .Carofina be made under the name and 4tyoXThe So ciety of ex-Confederate SojdietS-and Sailors of North Ouplfiai Resolved, That the officers or the so ciety consist of a presidpnv ten vice- presidents (one trom eacauongression- ai district and twp fro , the State at ! large) and 4 secretary,; Who shall be treasurer. Resolvent, That the president appoint an executive committee of five to man age the affairs of the society during the first year, of which he shall be chair man, ;r : Resolved, ThaUiepnJiy e'qnisitfliieCh essary tor aamission; iuio tne society shall be satisfactory evidence of hon orable service ln,t,he Confederate army or navy. ' " Resoivea, That tne society meet at least once in each year, and that said tneetinir be held durins ThUrsdav.of the week selected for holding the State fair, and at such other, times as the president may select . : Resolved, . That i the first- duty of the executive committee be to adopt suita ble by-laws fortne- jociety, ana nave printea loratsuiuuuou ia appiicauis an .explanatory address setting forth the objects of the organization .;' 1 . ; rTbe following - omcers were ,tnen elected tor the ensuing year : For: pres- identof thfr association, Wharton 3 Green, j Fayetteyille; yice-presidents; 1st district, W e, iwnerts; anaaistncc,1 J. K Porter ;.&rd; district, c. J. Harris; 4th district, Joseph;, J. Day is; 5th dls- trict.a B. Watson 6th, 4istrict,.T. Bennett ; Stir distrit, ,Wm.ipverman j 8th district, Theodore' I.'. TJayidson State at larire. W. F. Beasley and Sher- wood Badger; L. L, Polk, Raleigh, sec retary ana treasurer. i In discbarge of - the' first doty in posed, the undersigned executive conir mittee submit the following remarks in explanation ot the aims and objects of theaocietyt ; - .. ' v ' - ; Free from secret or mystic rites, it is nevertheless designed as a bond, of brotherhood in peace between' those who, actuated by high impulse and goodly aim in war, were banded together as brothers.- LThe bond of ; a common danger in a common jcanse is the strongest artificial tie which can bind men toorether. The association now Tesolved upon is intended to perpetuate the ties then established,, so , long as a handful of old yeterans remain. Itis a tacit proclamation to friend and foe that tbe cause, though lost,waa not dishonored; nor will the mention of it, even in opprobrious epithet, ever mantle with shame th cheeks of .those who espftusad it trustingly and upheld it faithfully. It is an earnest, too that our children alter us f will not blush at flinnant allusions to "rebellion." Were nothing more to be accomplished, this last were sufficient ' to commend it to your enthusiastic support . k: Ai; nas in iw scope tiob cuiupmuKouu preserving of the wdr record of a State which, if properly written, wouTd blacel her foremost in the front rank of her battle-Bcarred. sisters'. Xpoes modesty forbid its being known?. ; Modesty has ever been the besetting ain of; North Carolina ;' for sin v it ia In those who make hiaioriLto defraud their posterity of an ancestral glory to which they are, justly entitled fof the want of a proper self-assertion or theomlssion to claim; It further contemplates the collection and 1 preseryatton- iamong its archives and records of Inflividual, regimental, britf adi arid division instances of tlevo- tion, self-abnegation and daring.- It is, in a word, designed? to be thaBoUlot Uonoirof tne uving. as uienumoie head-slabs ofbattls4lIed graves con stitute that ot the deadV Ws trust, comrades, that the objects set forthnd which are bntpartial,will be sumcient to enlist your active co-operation in the movement; The Initial rjaoye ou the lath ;or-, uctooerwas a firrand success, tttita '-'aBtUntiS)m-'tjksgnm $unt abs iboh sprikgs v7atxb an next reunloa TnuTMayor.Uie ataXAitsAti' tbeie will be thansanfla i nrherathfSffi Were bnndreda at thfllaati I -rfc,- f h. t.-t- fflffiiWiv nnl,liAi anrf Aflllni tri ,tha firili nf Krtn t orauie recoru. -duu - iu your muiw sur tne eecmary, ju 14. roiK, uieign,-mur certiflcate oi service irom one or mor of :your cornpany officers (wherapra- ticaoie),regimeQt, Dngaae, aiviiionizQ of discharr; f tioa These will bo inscrihebnnV'rsr iDroDer heitdrffeSiin ft reeister.tobet X Tided for the; piurpbse. Company: x, cera are requesLeu u-ienu Loeir ass. anceinaidof the rank and filfof tbr respective commands. . Field; 8taffnxt general Officers of course -will not re quire it . As a matter of public ititer est, papers throughout the State friend ly to(the prdjecB will please eopytA eopr Of by-laws of the associatkHttwill be furnished at an earlv dav UDonTaT fucation. Badge of regiment wiiltbe sqppaiea to msmoere calling i or luiem at our next Teunion. raternaiivi'. i Wharton J. Green'. Presideat TJnder.the .resolution' authorizirrjtit; as above; the following gentlemen are appointed an executive committee: R. H. Rattle, Jr.,' Rv A.' StiotwelV E. B. Stamps, ThoaS. Kenan, ) ,. ... ;W,QRi;Presiaent." State papers' t)aseeopy -.. , - ita)rBie4 Hweaatsilty. . Ait curious specimen of humanity greeted our eyes .Monday morning of I Xuas as, we entered , the Exchange H6tel. there t sat talkins .eleefnllv to lanaiora ttarrison tne; strangest, speci men of human kind we ever saw His legs, were just long enough to reach the noor, one oi nis jeec was cinonea ana the other crooked and misshapen, his body was broad, and full . breasted,,, but ndt a aign of ; an arm, bis face full : and red,-intelligent, and a little' past th6 .middle age. and , a, well large shaped head, only for a wen, the size of a mans double fist that branched out froty the stem and stood lully over one ear so it seemed impossible for him to wear a hat, and yet that man who cave hl3 name as Professor somebody, living in Ohio, was happy and full of talk.:he wrote I with a pen or pencil in his mouth; told us he had helped load many a load bf hay, said he was born just as he. was, seemed a sprightly business man, spoke freely of his wife, and it seems he has a show, an educated hoe. other things that he travels with dur ing the summer, months, promised to make Reidsvilie a visit in the summer. Surely nothing is born into this world but what has its part to play in the machinery of life. God fits every liv ing thing for its place. That strange creature seemed really to be enjoying tne noiidaya. Steedmafe's Oplmloa. Gen. Steedman, of Toledo, Ohio, was asked by an interviewer: "Do you think Arthur is working to be his own successor in the Presiden talchairr "I . most certainly do, and I hope he will be the man put by the Republi cans." "Why? . "Because be is the only man whom the Democrats can beat i "How do you make that appear?" "I reason this way, andVI earnestly believe I am right. In this country there are several ' hundred thousand good Republicans who loved Garfield, and they believe in their hearts that Garfield was murdered to place Arthur wnere ne now ia, ana none ox inese wm vote! or a man who holds that office by reason of such an awful calamity. I honestly believe this to be true and am hot afraid to say so. Understand me, I do not say that the stalwarts had anything to do with Garfield's murder, but I do. say that ; down deep in the hearts of. thousands of Republicans that thought and feeling exists. Will such men vote for Arthur? Never! I repeat it, sir, Arthurwill be beaten if he is nominated, arid he is the only man Uiatthe Democratic party can beat." ' - . ' t - ; ' .. i . V.. ' : A Partns; Ileajp BeldsvLle Times. :. .,:. Mr. Eerseberg is a yoang. German ; who lately came to Milton .-from,' New -York and took : charge of - Salzman's jewelry shop. He is a frail, delicate youhjr man; but active and bold; and is a great nun ter. - ue nunta aitogetner atnhrhL has a bulleve lantenL he nins :J!i,as5 "S0 ?AW1SS?- ;SRw.WttJr - rC night during the freshet he wasin'Ban vllie where he had gone horseback, for medicine for his wife. and returnihtr about midnight he was caught this side I of the river at MUton, the night as dark as oitch. and the swollen river jaflrinc? anq . roiiiDg in iroat 'i ne Alan river there is about two hundred yards wide. He called and called to : the ferrymfthi but the river was too bold and the night too dark to go to him.' So he de liberately dismounted, took off his oyter coat and teed it to the saddle, put his speotaoles in his pocket, and mounting nis,, norse leapea .recklessly into tne river. Fortunately he-J knew'1 how. to swim the horse . by keeping nis head turned up stream, and remarkable to say, made the-trip, atrikihgthe bank on the other slue all right. He seems to think nothing of ft: says he has ewam seven miles at one , time in hia life. But, it , was . a most daring; and dangerous venture.. . ; ' ; : - : ;' . , ; r.4."!".1 . avemtai Vader PecatistS- OtamHStSices Monroe Express. ; rf " . '' , ''" Mr. Joseph Terrell, the son of Mr. J. AXAa aos iM VPs. - ajcsuh' vicvsh tunuouipi met his death, on Thursday, the 22d of December, under the following pecu liar circumstances : A little child had just been buried in the graveyard, at Philadelphia church, and Mr. Terrell, with a number of t other;, personal was engaged in enclosing, the grave to pro tect it. It seems that he 'was .'carrying a couple ot poles, onon each shoulder, when be waa.;trippd by some; . brush, nd f ell, his head or neck striking "upon one o the nolea and.the other vole striking biro upon the head, dislocating his neck.; ? He was dead before the per sons who were working .around him eot to hiraJlr-Teirell was about 25 years of ageq H&r had, been! married about two yearsvnd leaves a wife and one I child, besides many friends and J aAfaftAai tn manrn. hia lnoa ' " v. . , f Tf-U .T ?.'!.! Jl .''t a. steatrsUaUsis; PaJsiBictlasi -JlCTEsoNViiJLX January; 6.-"An - ar plication? was made; last night to the United States Cirouit court on behalf of Francis Tfaske, of rNew York: for anMnjanctioir-restrainlng th; sale to dar ol the .Florida Central Bailroad. under b decree ofj the Supreme Court of 1 the United SUtea .;if!.; - 1 -l ? xne-mouon waa.TOiswa ,ny wayne MacVeaK&and ,C P Willaw t or the lutoh bondholders, who hold the de cree. -Judge SeUle denied, the motion without leavinT the bench and the sale Von mass" known. Just the thtnglor the prlng weakness" how so Enerau. aoiq dt oruggisis w any sumamg. rxicwreauceapue nair. . ! r , , . , - Kidiiullu. Hew.ulck, compleU core 4 days, urinary aflw ttons, gmarHbg, frequent or difficult nrinatkm.. and kidney diseases. 81 at drusgistB. - Depot, J. B. AteAden, Charlotte, N. C. n ; ,-: v;g i i ist m saai To tail who i are suffering from the errors and In-J ! youth, nervous weakness, early decay discretion oi 08S of manhood. &c I wlir send a redm that swui core you irKUOiCriaitUJS. This great remeoy was uiaooverea or a missionary in uouui America. Bend -a self-ddre88ed envelope tc the Bxv. ; JOSXPH r. INMAN, station D. New York aty. A 4 ' t ' m i '( , .; As, Ixteaiei Pepularlty-Kaeh Tear Flats tUBrown,s Bronchial Troches" in new localities, In various part of the vrorld. Tor relieving coughs, colds aal throat diseases, the Troches-have been proved reliable. : : . Jia ir ISM ye iwiLL' iksoiitta' is daystrial, ElectroVoItaic. Appliances sttffertng from Nervous Weaaxneasea, Oen ral lillty. loss of nerve force or visor. or aay disease lesulling from Abcsks and Othkt. CatrsBS, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Faralrsis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or liver Troubles, Lame Back, Jiup . tdres, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. ' Also womkn troubled with diseases peculiar to '-their sex.- ' ; !' . tSpeedy relief and i complete restoration to -health .fniantnteed. t.l,iie are tbe only Klaetrle. AitliancM that have ever 'Jtieeneonstrnet! ajpon aciaitiaeprin . ,apie. i neir tuoruuKa cmcacy nas Deen prac itkilly .nroven: .'ith the- an oat wonderfal araeeeaa, and. they have the highest -enrdorseaientw from medical and aclen y title nten.ftHcl from hundreds who have Dean qnKHir ana ruaieaiiy cureu d their wee, . Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, giving all Information free. Address, ' VOXTAIO BXXT CO., Xarahall, Kidv jmji8' " : .' Cures SYPHILIS In any . stage. CATABBH. XCZXMA, OLD BOBXS,'Pm- PLXS, BOILS, or SKIN DISI AS CUBES WHEN ALL OTHER t REMEDIES FAIL1II It yon doubt, come to see ns. and we will , , CUBK YOU. ' or eharge nothing! II , Wnte for partieolara, and a copy of tbe little booh ."Message to the Unfortunate Suffering." Ask any prominent Druggist as to outstanding. BBTt 1000 REWARD will be paid to any chemist who will find en analysis of 100 bottles of S. S. 8. one particle of Mercury, Iodide of Potassium, or any ninea suosiance. . ; . BWUT fifaWlUVUM RODS , a-c i ... Auant,.6a. :(PEaSOTKJK.) Price of Small 8lsa,...iU... . S1.00 i Largs 812,..,...., .. 1.76 SOLO' BY ALL DBCQSISTS. decSl NOTICE. T UKSUANT to a decree of the Superior Court of a xieciuentmrg. l win seu at roDuc Auction at tne court noose in unanotte, on MOlfDAY, THS 27TB OF F4BBUABY, 1882, (belne the week of Superior Court) that valuable lot or parcel ot land lying between the tatersecUon el the Aorth Caroilsa Ballroad track: and Trade street, adjoining the P. M. Brown lots and others, now known as the Butler Drouertr. Resold because of purchaser at late sale falling to comply. Terms Vn rash: balance on R and 0 months erediti with Interest. Title reserved as security for! paianee, a. BaatUMUisti, . dec24 d oaw tds Commissioner. FRAMES. A SPLENDID ASSOBTMEirr -or- Frame Mouldings, k. -A Van vNess' . Gallery; rdeeJStf I- - i .': A' iX'nersons destrms' tvachers' reTUflcates will please present themselves oa Thursday, 1 2 th lust r at the court house in Cbariotti yhls day u set apart by Jaw; and there will b. na private ei amlnatlons thereafter under 1 orctnarr dreum staneea. , W. t. WALLXB.I - -. jane aawta j!ups. ruoiAsuncoons. 0F30NDS TT yirtue of an order of the Superior xj Alamance county, m tne ease oi and "otherft amnst W.: J.and 'Ai : otaers.1 wUl oflei lor sale at the court house door w MFo?da,rI Aelack aC toht.K bond a( tba"mitt laf Can teiet usoea rejoruary zucn. i ou, aaca tor suu das on" Februarv 20th . 1880.. te each . ef which bonds coupons are attached for. Interest ai 6 per cent, rrom aeoraary Ktan, .wm Partlea desiring further Information ean address my attorney, James, m. ifoyd , JCsq. ureensDero, . cs i v Jet aft UAYS TRIAL f -ht1 aa m m m ... ' . 7 I , r4VAiAUWliaii .... ... kau.. iieilll immiii in si si f t X M 55 7 a 1 K u IB r B Ml r J-J ANY 1ft. .--M M a. Bfcl-g' g 1 ograph Frames, Court Of' aivrs -unci Mmrar and 1 1)11 II w WXHAVH JUST RECEITiD A SECOND WX STILL HAVK A amekr Blankets and Comfortables. LADIES', GENTS' EMM TO CLOSE CHEAP. ALSO, A LARGE LINE OF DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED HOSIERY. We will offer from this CALL XARLT and HARGRArVES I Ion on lis is Our Column and We OUR HftftSE IS- Mo8MITH BUT WE CAN'T HELP THAT. THEY SAT WE ARE IRREPRESSI BLE; WELL, MAT BE WE ARE, BUT WHAT'S THE ODDS. We've Got a MSCOTIE ia our Establishment -AND- ft 'mm HIE AND STILL WE There Is trouble in oar mind; we will spank it out WHERE'S OUR JUATORt WHERE'S OUR WORTHT ALDERMEN f WHERE'S OUR BRAVE POLICE t WHERE'S -OUR BOARD OF EDUCATION WHERE'S OUR COUNT T COMMISSIONERS? WHERE'S OUR QtilND JURTt ,,.,;, W HE RES ' V --OUR JUDGES? ' WHERE'S OUR SANITARIANS? WHAT -ARE THET ALL DOING?- CAN'T THET SEE THAT THOUSANDS OF OLD MECKLENBURG'S GOOD CITIZENS ARE UNEAST, ANXIOUS, TROUBLED AND WORRIED TO DEATH, TO KNO W WHERE TO BUT AND WHAT TO BUT, THAT THEY MAY BE HAPPY.- It Is not our desire to run the Clt r County Government, but our ability is only equalled by our modesty, and if the people will have a new tne Destwecan. PROCLAMATION: WHEREAS: The sood people of Charlotte being In dire through those who have such wares to sell failing saia i It has people are wandering aimlessly through our thoroughfares, endesvorlng to hunt up muslcalltles. s seemed Droner. and In the line of my duty, to publicly announce that a splendid sfr-ekof rlAHUH. HKWtus ann mijmil;i, mn raiiinanin HnSTC HnnSTC. Trron street next to First national in their soul and money in their pockets, to go Musical Friends Given under my hand and seal, this zist or ueeemoer, iobi. dec22 GREAT GERM DESTROYER. PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. PITTING OR" SMALL tVA rreveniea. SMALL POX ; ERADICATED. Ulsters purified and healed. Gangrene prevented and curtd. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvey cured in short ime. Be EES Contaelondestroied. Sick Kooms purl ed and mane pieasan n Fevered And 81rk Per Tetter dried npt It is perfectlv harmless. sons relieved end 're or sore xnroat a is a sure cure. freshed by bathi g with Propbylalle fluid 1 added to the- water. Soft White Complexions DlPTttERIA I PREVENTED! secured oi its use in bath In ir. Impure Air made harm-l less ana - purineo Dy ( sprinkling parby's Tx nuia aoout. Cholera dissipated. Ship Fever prevented by can't be 'snrnassed. Catarrh relieved, and Ksuse. -In cases of death in the ' house, it should alwys be used shout the corpse It will prevent eared. - '-. Erysipelas cured; ' imrns reuerea insamuy. i nreventeu. ' - res su unpieasanti any unpleasant smell. An antidote for animal or Vegetable- Poison, sroos : efnrmas of "Sick reoms and hospi tals removed by Us use. fYeBowTefer Eradicated. ' H , -i . K . s;. . t t Disinfectant anil Parifier, I WIUIVVUi Mails l uiJUVi a '.Kit'"" . , ntSTACTft BY j. j. H.zEixii?' &;co; i IfannfactnrlBC Chemists. Sola Proprietors. CC4 " r 'I V -. n l UAilLC I -li?!: Ill t'lifTrurn iiiuanp rr li .ii r . aiv i-ir-r- ii r '.-m -M U W - aVaat m aw M. Z I . ITa Dl 1 - f V . i BB ERS ! ! STOCK OF LADIES', yer-8h.oes. HANDSOME LINE OF and MISSES 9 date our entire stock of olmans and .Cloaks at Cost SECURE BARGAINS. & WILHELM. a Tender Snbjec Have SomethiDg to Say! in the m,lMl ARE NOT HAPPY. even of IHtakesIaJwhole column, ;nd wp havejto - administration we will nave to take tne reins ana ao need of good Pianos, Organs and Music generally, and to sufficiently advertise tnem la our cuy papers, ine ui mi muug rail un iuuuu ukli ai wo atomiiii Bank and to oounsel all neoDle. wbo have music forthwith and select Musical Instruments for their Happy McSmith. SEED OATS ! SEED OATS ! SEED OATS ! CORN ! CORN ! CORN ! FLOUR ! FLOUR! FLOUR ! BAGGING AND TIES We are agents for THE WATT PLOW And will sell it lower than you can buy an othe . good plow. Full assortment always on band. Call and see us before purchasing. MAY"ER,& ROSS qg yjH, ' ill 111 Juwate .irfrcKJj;,-rJsyg ..Iff' , . ' 1 JT, j Jsi1 js AAtjiaai isl'l ljVWrgWTTB-- y A'

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