: j . f f. -f: i.e. t 3 1 V LOtfAL MATTERS, SATURDAY, JAN. 7, 1882. SOCIETY DIRECTORY, PHMHX LODex No, 81. A. V. A A. M. -Ramlar meeting every second aud I ourth Mmt audita. KXCBXBTOH LODQX NalOL Lf.ti. HB uitu woeuug mi ant iua uura rueeaay ny r OUBLOm CB1FRB Na 89. B. A. H Besular meeting every second and fourth Friday night. CBABUnTBCOKlUjnDABT No. a. K. T. Becular meeting every Aretand third Thursday ' K.OPH. Kxism or. BoifOB. Besular raeeOitc ever second and fourth Thursday. ' 3Z 0331 3? Khiqhts ot Ptthias. Begulw meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. at Ma sonic Temple Ball. I- O. O. iB1. Chablottx Lodqx No. 88. Meets every Mon day night. MXCXXXKBUBO DWJLARATTOH LODrNO. S Meets every Tuesday night. DiZTJi Loses No. 10a MeetoVirery Thursday night. Catawba . Rrrm iHOAimanrr Na 21. Meets lrst and third Thursday nights In each month. Index t New AdTeniMwea s C. A. Hlgler -Strayed or stolen. W. B. Mott -A Card. 8olclde and Dysaesala. . ' " A most remarkable cure (or dyspepsia. "Wen Health Kenewer." The greatest tonic, beat Ml. nous and liver remedy known. St at drogglata. Depot, J. EL MeAden, Charlotte, N. 0. ) n - Who Is Mra. WtaslawT As this question Is frequently asked, we will sim ply say that she Is a lady who for upwards of for ty years, has untiringly devoted her time and tal ents as a Female Physician and nurse, principally among children. She has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous class, and, as a result of this effort, and practical knowl edge, obtained in a lifetime spent as nurse and, physician, she has compounded a Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It operates like magic giving rest and health, and Is moreover, sore to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this ar ticle, Mrs. Winslow Is becoming world-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do rise up and bless her; especially Is this the ease in this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing Syrup are dally sold and used here. We think Mrs. Winslow has immortalized her name by this In valuable article, and we sincerely believe thous ands of children have been tared from an early grave by Its timely use, and that millions yet un born will share ha benefits, and unite In calling uer diossbo. no mower nas niscnargeq ner amy to her suffering UtUe one, In our opinion, until she nas given u we Denent 01 an. wmsiows sootnini Syrup, Try It, mothers try It now. Ladles' Ylai tor. new xorK-wy. boia Dy all cents a bottle. druggists. 28 WM TILL TOD PLAINLY that Simmons Liver Regulator win rid you of dys pepsia, purtty your system, enable you to sleep weii, prevent malarial diseases and give you a brisk and vigorous feeling. It acts directly upon trie liver and kidneys cleansing, purifying. Invig orating aM fortifying toe system against dlssass. It will break up chills and fever and fever and prevent their return, and la a complete antidote to all malarial poison yet entirely free from Qmnlne or calomel. Try it, and you will be astonished at the good results of the genuine Simmons Ltrer Regulator, prepared by J.U. Zeilln ft Co. A lady from Oregon writes: Dr. Benson: I think you should be presented, with a chariot of pun gold, for your Celery and Chamomile Pills having proved such a blessing Id thousands of sufferers with sick and nervous headache, neuralgia, nerv ousness and dyspepsia. JOSH BILLINGS HKABD FROM.. Newport. B. L, Aug. llj 1880. Dear Bitters I am here trying to breathe In all he salt air of the ocean, and having been a suf ferer for more than a year wtth a refractory liver, 1 was Induced to mix Hop Bitten with the sea gale, and have found the tincture a glorious remit. I have been greatly helped by the Bitters, and am not afraid to say so. Tours without a struggle. Joan Lydla K. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound will at all times and under all circumstances, act in harmony with the laws that govern the female system. Address Mrs, Lydla K. Western Avenue, Lynn, , Mass.. for circular. Pink ham, 238 To promote a vigorous growth of the hair, use Parker's Bair Balsam. It restcea the youthful color to gray bair, remove dandruff, and cures tcblng tt the scalp. fjlew tXtJcrttscmeuis. Absolutely Pure." strength and wholesomeneu More economical than the ordinary ilnds. and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of tow test, short weigiu, aium or pnospnate powoera. bom only I cans. BOYAL BAKDiG POWDKB CO., nov28 New York. LeBoy Davidson, Sole Agent, Charlotte, N. a Ho iff Goods. THE CHOICEST COmOW FANCYIGOODSi AND Silverplated Ware, mi eihlLi.eUTln Cnarlctte, at the "--china:palace- -or- ; J. BROOPIELD & CO. Our Rbvk la mm-Kat In all Its branches. And everything will be exhiblted.fiCall early and avoid n ana get nrst cnoice. . Chins Tea and Dinner Setts. Chamber Sett, vasea, Cologne betts, Cups and Vugs, kpergnes, lques and Fran Plate. Blsane ITgure, Wrtttnt ucsics,Bmoklng Setts, Toy JWario, toot cnesw i -and Banks. Vancy Baskets and Work Stands, I and acqaainUncea. Japanese Boxes and Trays, the finest collection ot ; - voi ib, tfanxs. Bobber .Balls, Chimes, aussai i-ope tChorcb notices Vyiaj. ' ' 4t CTA UtUe toiuhiQs would be sppre elated jolt t this time, M it has been very scarce to tar this year. GTYesttrday wu one of the dull and dreary days which contributes nothing in the way of local news. tSTlt wenld be impossible to find a dirtier looking town than Charlotte,or a more disagreeable ene to pedestrians. ESTThe special term of the Superior court ordered by the Qorernor f or this county will open next Monday, Judge Bennett presiding. tSTJoe Murphy, one of the best Irish comedians in the country, and a great favorite in Charlotte, has been in At lanta this week. tSTJoe Foster, colored, was fined t& and costs by the mayor yesterday morn ing for abusing a little white boy at Wadaworth's stables. tWA. little son of Mr. J.T.Julian, who resides on Sixth street, yesterday fell from the banisters of the front porch and broke his left arm a little above the wrbt ITThere is comparatively little moving by the residents of Charlotte at the end of the year perhaps less than in any ' place of its size in the country. KTRev. Dr. Bernheim, who has been in the city for a few days, left yesterday afternoon on the South train, and will make an extended tour of the South and West In ithe interest of his magazine, "At Home and Abroad,1' which is published monthly from this office. t3TA reporter of a State paper in an issue several days ago, remarked that it was "too cold to hunt up local items." the readers of newspapers take no such excuses. It is never too cold, too hot, too wet or too dry for the reporter, and he is expected to go, and not only go, but gather news, whether it Is to be had or not. All this and much more is ex pected of him. BTIn yesterday's Observes it was stated that Constable Orr arrested the negro woman Emeline Wilson. We understand the arrest was made by the coroner, though Mr. Orr had the war rant in his possession at the time. It is also stated that John Wilson, the father of the ebild killed by Emeline Wilson, who is also wanted, was in the city yes terday, but the officers failed to over take him. t5TThe Janitor of the First church was thrown into a murderous state of excitement yesterday morning by some one telling him that a complaint had appeared in The Observer about the coldness of his church Sunday. He made a break for this office, but his agitated manners caused inquiries to be made by his friends, when he was told that the complaint had been made about the opera bouse and not the church. His informant had not read correctly. Eleetlvs) f Officer. The Charlotte Chamber of Commerce held a meeting Thursday evening at which the following officers were elect ed for the ensuing twelve months : President Gen. T.F.Drayton. 1st Vice President W. C. Morgan. 2d - " Geo. II. Brocken- brough. Sec and Trees. R. N. Tiddy. Directors S. A. Cohen, W. W. Pe- gram,W. C Morgan, Chas. R. Jones, Walter Brem, M. C Mayer, Jno. L. Brown, D. M. Rigler, Wm. BitterhofE. I Tt Soperinieadeaer t thm BUat- The next Republican fight which will be of local interest to this city will be for the superintendency of theCharlotte mint Rumor has it that a petition is in circulation urging the appointment of Mr. R. M. Korment in place of Col. Cowlea, who has been resting quietly in the position for some time past, and that it is getting a large number of sig- . natures. It is now in order for the Cot. onel to start' t subscrlptIon" list, but it maybe that "petitions go for naught with the powers at Washington. ' aawS-MMSXwZflHrtBfsttfiMgeXMCeSHtMWMM lllwfcwg) Da ftftLCWltxtSK ; Rev C H. Pinkney Northrop will to morrow be consecrated at the cathedral in Baltimore as Bishop of North Caro lina, The Sun ofjthat city says the oc casion promises to be one of the most notable affairs of the kind celebrated In-that city for some time. Pontifical high mass will be said at 11 o'clock, during which Archbishop Gibbons will perform the ceremony of consecra tion. Right Rev. John L. Xeane, of Richmond, will, in the absence of Bish op Lynch, Charleston, who Is indispos ed, delivers the sermon. It is expect ed that all the bishops of the province of Baltimore, and several from other provinces, will be present. The greater portion of the clergy jf the eity and vi- tinlty, as well as the students of the seminary of SL Pulpice, win also be in attendance. The music win be Beetho ven's mass In C, with a full choir nnder the direction of Prof . Joseph Weruig, and a complete orchestra. The nvaievtwM DaMfwairauacsj, Mr. Thos. Baskin, who so myste riously disappeared after leaving Man- ' roe last Friday, has not yet' been heard from, or any trace of bis whereabouts discovered. He was teen at about eleven o'clock on the Friday night of hU dlsairpearanceby a party living at I or neir Monroe, and his mule was found at hlsc home in Providence township the next morning. ' It Is certain that Mr. Baskin bad a considerable sum of cash on his person at the time of his disappearance, and his friends in this city are firm in the belief that he has been murdered and the body eoneeaiecL Hgg he met with n accident on the aV . ha -would ' have ' been found, as there has been a general search made otthe section of country through which be .would have passed had he returned home, and fo far the disappearance re mains a mystery, the only explanation of i which t that he baa either been murdered and the traces of the crim covered nnlbrVthathe has left the country under circumstances that caai (n un wise be exnlained or ms menus M v ., m - w ' - t IXIlIlIIlTraiTx TinZ!OAPII j JANUAM6, J882 Wu.MiatMMH. W. CL iSnlrtta til wwwiUi"rmtot at S2t. Boslnnnn: attained t2M; good aaratned auiu, - Tar tteaay at g-i.vu. una arpennm Mr. W. IL, Chick, ofnnentai painter of Charlotte, has receny flfflsn: ed a neat piece' of repairing in the Catholid church of this dty. The fres- eoing and- finishing: of ; the interior of the church was done by the Kraegera. of Baltimore, and since the completion of the work one of the timbers of the buflding decayed causing the plaster ing to give way the full length of the piece. The repairs have been made in Fstlto orlnS maIi tManMjsgi eeei a vfl&M- mnnh rmAi. I ilv S8.2S. Wheat- ouMi .iiiiq, mm mm ..,vwwyv ihmvii . fj QUlet and ClOSUC 'firm flOOtl upon the workmanship of the Job, and I thsmtiAUjm tTSasiS; He. TT.- firm, at g&50 hard; f&75 foryeOowdlp; S&OO steaoy; prune white for virgin Inferior. Com 81883, mixed 78am nf uulet; Howard sUeet vast it is now difficult to discover that break ever existed,'- x-' I em fam- steadri Bouthem red e. I atary- wratet rea aS1.40: Jannarv Sl9aS1.40: and steady; eouu- iarv iLszMi Sl.44: AprU Sl.46. Con fitgner; .western taaetxv while 76; do. yellow 70 . -Oaoiet:8eaUien47O50; 'uiwi. ,111,1 vimoi nuiuvr Provisieas aulet: mess nork meaui-SMUiaers i i watte vanla d&dfiO. 17.76. smlk HarsUr m YlxYlsrisw , The poetnaater at thia place has re ceived a postal card which gves the information that one : :W. A. DavisVat Orlean, Fauquier county; Virginia; re cently shot jand killed Leonidas Trip--lett, in cold blood, and that attif being arrests Davis made his escape; :$ It is supposed that he has gone or will go West, and a large, reward is offered for his arrest . Tbe,murd9rer is described I si.oi Bay-rcratsi.w as being s young about years ot.age, with thin visage, rea cheeks, light blue eyes with grayish cast, receding cMb, two gold plugs in his front teeth with one corner broken off, light wavtag jjiair, smooth face, weight about 14y pounds, height about 5 feet 9 inches." MOcvKte gargoea otdJaary r higher and firm: A soft .aTfUTw Vrelgha $6,250- PreasaaM4 Omamw The Concord Register says the state ment made In an issue of The Ob- SEBYEBthis week to the effect that many mortgages given for fertilizers purchased hi that town had not been registered is pronounced gauzy. - The information wasgivenaa received, and while one firm may be out or the aim- culty.it does not necessarily., follow that the rest of the dealers are. The information was received from a gen tleman who is in a position to know much in relation to the question, and we will wager eur next big turnip that the statement is not void of truth. The Library Mt At a meeting; of the Library Associa tion of Tryon Street Methodist Church held last night it was decided to offer three prizes to the three members secu ring the largest number of books for the Association, the articles to be given and their value to be fixed by a committee which was appointed for the purpose. Readings were given by members of the Association as follows: Miss Louis Wriston,MThoujhts of the Past;" J. B. Berthune, "Energy and Adversity A. a Hutchinson, "The Old rear;" J. H. McClammon, MDeuglas and Marmion;'' Miss Gray, "The Bridge." . The want of a quorum prevented an election of officers last night for the ensuing term, and this action was post poned until next Friday night. and dear rib Backed 71MMM Bacon -ahoulders 81: near ro sues iuvi; aama izm&dism. iara fa nned lztj. ixaiti weax; gao to tatreoiOUi. 8ug-htBnr wusKey-rSMaay, at si.17Ui tS.loase.4a Wheat-active, arm and higher; Na 3 red winter $1.40. Corn active demandand higher; Wo. a mixed 71. Oats -strong and higher: No. 2 mixed '49Va ' Bye atwmger, at j k roK firmer. atSlLda Bulk oulet: ahoulders a&25aSSJiR: eleav- ribs $8.efiQ)$&75. Baeonfirmr shoulders $7.65: nbaaiaas; eiear Siaso. WhtekeyQmet at $1.10; eomMnattna ealea of finished goods 835 barrels on a basis ot $1.16. Sugarquiet and unchanged; hard 9Af2)l(ni; Mew Orleans CM O- a. Hogs sieaay ana arm; eommon ana ngnt .uuccso.u; pacKmg ana nutcners k Becelpts 5.780; ahlpments 1,800. CxaoAeo-VlenT steady and tmehanged. Wheat ettve. firm and hUStar: Ko s aJemza ante $t.27ttjl.a7VI cash; $1,371 January; Mo, 8 do Sl.le. cm nMMerately active and higher; regu- 63tt; fresh mk eaah; 621062 Jarraary; rsected MatftWH. Oets-oulat and weak, at fvm oaaa; 44 January; 44Jrebruary. Dressed ogs strong, lotBiee nigner, at si.B&ecg'j.ba e aeove and aixber. t S17.UOO-, nd Jannarv. Lard modaratalv as-1 BTB., DDK nnv. BL ml 1 ATlmmrTlMw 1 1 II emUUt UU1 January; $Tiri7iSSl 1.20 February. Bulk meats ill lav l atiAnMaM ma 1 A. alia wlkwO OA. .Wam . """'WJ Vioig UVf nmt UV SX9e7V SUM. etoar $8.10. Whiskey acQre,ann and higher, a ei.io . Maw IOBS-8outhem Soar steady and trade light; w nur extra aootrsoou; goea to SaeSOSSOO. WhasA-uaetUed and tA Alba lawar. aftantaida MOMiamd from ttiedepune and advanced about Ue." and closing who ion mi i nil BDrmaT mi.KEaii. graded winter ; tmcraded red aiSttl ungraded whtte : Mo. a red and January 501a. Hons in moderate demand and nnehano. 1 ed, Ox1ee--tmcnanged prteer Bio 9VkbUVi. j pugarrary ssroegiy nera ana aemanei uur; rair to gaw reniung quocea at i t-iotx i v-io; rennea nigner ana strong; BtSndard 'A 8.: Molasses foreign unchanged and aalets Mew Orleans 6iiffi- o BJoe-teexly and demand moderate. Boaln--nrm.atS2.87ka$2 45. Turpentine quiet and about steady, at SB. Wool firm and mitet: uumeaue neeos aoaou; rexas uaai. rorc sugBtiy m Duyenr favors middies ami and weak; long dear 8Uj9dl. Lard - opened a shade lower, afterwards recovered and dosed 7ttdt0ema-her and strong, at S U.25e$l I.QO. freights to Uver- IIWIIIWHI IUIO. COTTON. eALvgwTOXt-QoJet: mtddUna- lllbar law mld'n lie: good ordlnan lOlae: net receipta. 1.671: ' ; aales 1,647; etoek 105882; axporta wise : jo ureal zwsjn t id earns. nent i to nance Weekly net rac'nts 18 2a: rroas t A.fl7fl: sates $.787; exports eoastwlse 670; to Great Britain i,zih; v) conunent ; nanee i,zu4. MOSTCLK -Steadr: satddnna- IlUe: nat raeelnta gross ' ; ewes t8. ; te continent - Weekly net lecls 061: exports ; exports te Great Britain 12.080: gross : sales 3 998; coastwise. 9 422; Great Britain 12349; cnannet ; continent ; France s,b9U. BALTnroxa Quiet; salddllnc II Me: low Mid dling llig; good ordinary lOVe; net rac'ts SOS; .iu. saiae suu: stoex no.usi; exports te ureal exports rarcbaee fer SckMl It is understood that the school com mitteemen in some of the counties have been purchasing charts, globes, etc, under the supposition that they are em braced under the head of school furni ture. It is said that their authority to make sueh purchases is very doubtful. Whenever the school committeemen make any such purchase, they ought not to give the order on pe county treasurer before the articles are deliv ered, for perhaps they may never be de livered. It is very true that such an order on the county treasurer, no mat" ter whether accepted by the treasurer or not; no matter whether endorsed by the seller of the goods or not; no mat ter whether or. not in the hands of an innocent holder, who may have paid much money for the order, cannot be legally and lawfully paid if the school committeemen ought not to have given it, or if the goods are not delivered ac cording to contract. Ample protection is afforded the funds in the hands of the treasurer, who is not justified in cashing such an order if it ought not to be paid. But in cases where such an order, is issued improperly, the person receiving it from the committeemen may sell it to some unlucky man, and. having gotten his money, may let him whistle. We merely wish to call at- tention to the fact that orders on $ county treasurer are hot always legally toed for the money: They are not commercial notes, drafts or bills of ex change, and if not good in the hands of the original holder, are not good in the hands of any purchaser or subsequent holder, no matter how much money he may pay for them. 800: -:sDinners main t te continent- Weekly net reets 3.890: gross T.062: sales 750: nmneri 578: exsorti Great Britain 4,994; eoastwlse 922: continent 1,000. BoaruM-BuU: salddnnai 12s: lew saMdlmw I ic; gooa eromary uate: net rsierpei l.wsa; grass 8,084: .anise : stock 5,195; exports s Weekly net reels 10684: cross 18.114: i axpons w ureai anam b&vj. WnJnxaTDM---rtnn: gawdllmt 11 She: lev mfd- SUng 10 1510a; good ord'y 10 1-1 8c; reCptoeoS; te Great Britain i to eontmeni Weekly net reeelpts 2.888: gross - : exports eoastwlse 8.078; te Great Britain ; to eon- nneni iabq. . Phtt pajmA Steady ; iddlmg 12e: . low jBtddimg 1 lc: good ordinary lOtfee: netreeetpte i; gross 172; -I 84a: aaiee : SDtnnsrs j exBons Great Britain-; toeonttnent WuMs - - M mmtr. sm c iVJ A . 1 1.662: spinners 1.562: eoastwlse : Conanent : to ureatisnnun iaz; noes i SATAintAH DaU; middling lie: low mid- Una lo&ae: cood ordinary lOe: net reeerpts 8,048; gross i j amies 2,000; etoek 114.187; mm eoasonse : so weai mnain to France ; to eonttnent . . Weekly-net recelnts 22.gi9xross 28.021 sales 8,700; exports, to Great Britain 8,881: rrance ; eoastwiae lovooz; sonnneni tssuu. www OBUuxa-Flrm: middling 'lifter lew mm io uraat Bruain : : tesranee eeaatwtse ; ueonunent . WaaUv aat aeaalnta AK.8QQ. vroas 52.491 : sales 17XX); exports Great Britain 18 818; caan- nei : ooasnnse iuev'. STaBoa Mwiounuuaui Wnrnxs-Qmst: middnng lliaet low xclddTme 10e; good ordinary leee; net melpts 1303: i- ; sales 1,000: stock 81272: exports !- ; grance : te ereat Brmua Weekly net reeelots 127: cross 7.171: sales 650: exports to Great Britain : coastwise aSjrraneer. : Iterant Quiet: i. low: 99,946. Weekly-net reeeinu&887 ahtemfarta 9.069; saws z.ouu. stock lllaet Ljuuo; AniBiBTA Ouiat: Lw"- 10ei low inn jww wwuHMf twvi -mrm.m anipasMitt 4261; sales 525. Weekly net Tec a 1.754: snisnvi,zoit satea ajs-.spmnera ; stoca- ; Very heavy guano shipments are reported to be making to points along the railroads south of Charlotte. Abridge across Coddle Creek, in Cabarrus county, gave way last Wed nesday and precipitated a wagon and two males into the stream, which was very much swollen. . The wagon con tained a colored family, of which one little child was drowned, and washed awav. One of the mules was also drowned. Concord's cotton receipts from Sep tember 1. 1881, to January 1, 1882, were 5,000 bales, and it is thought there is sufficient in the hands of producers to run the recelpU to q000. The Conoord Sun . has donned a new head-sear, and we can "look at it as an improTemenW Jule Morri colored, was kUied on the railroad near Barrlsbtug the other day, by a land slide whUe digging Mad dogs are reponea u oe pienu- Cbuxlkstoc eteadv: mtddlrng llSM: aatoduaa lilae: exerdmary lOVfce; netraeetpts groas : sales 1,000; 7U: exports nasi wise . j to weat snaun : te eonttnent---; to France ;leehannei Weekly net receipts 7.091: gross : sales 700; eoastwlse 7.0HT; eonttnent 10481; Great mtatn 80; to I ranee laso ales 849: middling Maw leads llfect laS-lec: idling un : ooosoU- aac racelpu ; experts to Great Britain to Tranee : te continent : to ehannet . Weekly-net reets 18260; tron 49284; expta to Great Britain 9,044; Franca 418; continent 180; sales 1.808; stock 8S&&4Z. Mo9T0ockx Steady; middlng lOSj; low mM 10e; good ordinary Wkf receipts 890; ship- last year, 11,900; aaiea lLiOM-Quiet: middling 10c; low middlttf lOlie; good ordinary uw; receipu eisi 679: stock, present year. 1 1 stock, Ust year. year. 10217; ahlpmants 1.114, ODtxxwjg-Oaet: middUng lOtte; low mlddlmg lOVie; good ordinary 9Uej jeceipu 148; shin. aSmu Vi4A: sates 696: aninnen n stock 27.585; ex. Great Brttaia - eoastwiae HAaamiia-DuIl: mlddDnf lilgei low 10ic; teed mkidllRg Me: net receipts t: a a 652: present year, laU78; aolnnara 1 1 ul over in Cabarros lust now. Dr. ItW fok hounds were atked in hi. Jji yard by a rabid dog, and he afterwards 1 84 aupxwaeKl5e stk ft8 17-83di rVhraan and aTareh ei042diMareh and AnrU 621-82d: inril and Mat 6 11-1 Sddi May ana June rxiaxix; &252d; July and September June and July S 18-16d-s 6 18-I6d: Ancustand i-k- gwnrea auu ana easier. , . XjTKBrccs.5 P. ML-sales of Anterioan eotton &450balea. Upundakmmlddhigelanee: Jan- nary and Vehtnary delivery 6 9-1 6d: May and Jane aaga; dan ana rfuy eis-ioa jrutures eweea firm.. , -s --' Ealee for the week American....'., fipeoulaaon.... v VV a !- Actual exsorta. rnwvdsi from ships' sides, hnporta............ ....... Stock aie a s a a aia-e H7TUBJE3. Closed firm. 88600 28,000 1480 110 200 82.000 61.000 519.000 880,000 802000 240.000 ........ . . - KWW TOKKTiitnma 800. Jannary. raoraary, March... aft Jane Jaly..... Angngf. wptember..,. Oetaber Movembes aee-eeee Sales 10 11 918.98 12.1 63.17 12.41 42 12.61 12.76a.77 12.900.91 1&O20.O8 18.123.18 12.46S.48 ll.75a.77 il8a.60 FINASCIAL. Kzw Tons. &uhanae...i. Goveramenta-etuet and unchanged new vo- ..... Fouranda-halt per cents,... Four per cents,.:.......... Money..;.. ....... State bonds-rathar dull Bub-treasury balances Gold. Biocxa Irregular and eloeed rather firm: Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 4.79ft 1.02 1.14 1.171, 53 $76,818,000 414,000 Alabama Class A, small. Alabama Class B, 6's Alabama Class c. 4's. Chicago and Northwestern. Chicago and Northwestern ntefeoed, Bast Tennessee. Georgia.......... riurafo Central.. Lake Shorn. J. . . LomsvUle and Nashville Memphis and Charieston. Nashville and Chattanooga I WW IDHMDBaj..,.., Bienmondand Allegheny. BucauoDB auu uuviue Book Island.. ....w Wabash, SC Louis a PadOe. . .'. . Wabash, St Louis A Pacific prefen'd 80 81 98 80 1.24 8914 13 1.68 1.29 Lll 96 72 841x if 1.8? LSI 85 67&) 78V JBCDdDITS 1 SIHKIDEBS V - . ... COST! AT COST. -HATING JCBT TAXXN I JTND I HATE KNTIBKLY THHHH EITTJGM STOCK ON HAlfD, 1HD IN OBDXB TO BJEDTJCB H I WILL OVTXB UNTIL FUBTHXB KOTICX, ALL GOODS UNRESERVEDLY AT COST. dec80 lm SELF-RAISING CTTT COTTON M1BXXT. octicb or Tn Obsxsvxb, I CHAXLom, January 7. 1882. i The market ifwtsiflu rlmni ontt at th tnnnmm. tag auotations; ; Good auddnna...v Strict low middling., Low middling. Tinges. . Storm ectton...... IIVj 11 10 lO&fa 10 axagurrs ros thk wxkx nrnxn trtdat, 6th. bales 4 9 18 saonday...: Monday Taeaday , weaneeaay n Thursday ., 21 "way ; 189 Total bales 197 OMavrlaHie Prdnee SXavrket. JAHUABY 6, 1882 BUYING PBICZa. Com, perbnsta'l . Wbkat, 85 90 BULKsvwhlte, per bushel 1.25a. 50 Pbas. Clay, per bnsh. 90al.00 "?f. 1.50 White. 7iun FUICB Tamny... 425x4.50 MaXlfgaV. OAia,abeUed, DaiKD VlUJlT Applea, per BX. Poaches, pealed.... unneeieo. BlsdLberrlas.. Potatqxw blab . 400 a75 65a65 4a6 15a20 7a 10 8a6 75 1.00 North Carolina on9Kn P0OMT Chtefcens. 20&25 rffi."":::-::::::-:-:::-:::: Turkeys, perm. 8 Heese.. 25ao Baxr, per In., net 6a6 Mdttoh. ner In., net Fobs. 8a9 JBoncBlkwIlnesiil; IFDcDunr Grridcile Cakes. Gri s and Farina. SELLING PBICE3 WHOLSSALX. Beta IfxAxs Clear rib lides ' Corm Fnme Bio Good 8uob White... Tallow.... Molassxs Cuba. , .... fj, . Bugar 8yrup uaoiee mow uneana... 10 14al8M 12ttal5 82a85 85a50 50a60 40845 Common. Salt Uverpool fine l.O0al.25 M eoaree 85al.00 Wuihui uom, per gauon ai.7oaz.iwj BreT v - . a2.OOa8.OO Bbaidt . Apple, per gallon i$2.00a3.og Peach. . 82.50 WrgxSennBernong, per gallon, $L50 RXTAIL. . 20 Lard. perm. 15al6 Tatxow, per lb, 8al0 StAOOBt , &.-r.r.:::::::::::::::: V Hama. aanrssssl 16al6i Bioa. 8al0 Jjkuit Apples. rTorutern, per bn . s.2ba.5u Mmntxln u , Mackerel-No. 1.. M0.& 4 e a aa - 8.00 1.25 1.00 75 15 4a5 year. stock. 12.771 Pnarr Bovau 8. C. Wekly-et recelpU 8.986: stock 986; exports to Great Britain ; eoast wlse 895, PxawifisHCS. B. L Weekly- net fecetoU 720: i stock gsuuo; aaiea ijwu I '- si- dtrerttstmcttts. ! Strayed or Stolen A Black nog, with white noae. white breast and white fraL A liberal re ward will ba atvan for hi ramrn to hla owner. jan 41 u. a. siaiiHi A CARD. IDITOB 0B8XBVXB: I seem roar paper of ths8rd Inst, ever the ilg natare of J. W. Long, a notice that I obtained a note on htm nnder false pretences. I simply say m)astlee to myself and friends thrt JLong Is at aionme, jarraary nta, itsui Jan7 j . W. H. CHICK, Baring Nnteted to the shop, on Tryon street, over the Independent Hook A Ladder Track House, la new ready to receive orders for HOU8JE, SIGN and uanAJacnxAti rAixixuiu, soon as Guilding, Kalsomioiiig, Frescoing, ic. an$tf 'gov gjettt HwLXA. Aio. at ndddlmc lie. Weekly reesipta 8701 aWpmeMa 1,646; stock, nreeent year, 10,008. ,k" t 1 - middling He; lew mid- weeavivaama the whole peck taken to the woods I eomsBatxva oorroar d Shot though they - were , highly I Ret reeeipti it an Uhttad States porta UmA t fha vAtaran hnntsr. Thai I frr3rZTllllV I , :.. . T ncord Son says six rabid dogs were I rpmi Ilea as XiaTTisoarg in una uy vj oao .i sxporta FOR RENT. AdweDtng noose containing 5 rooms, kitchen with 2 roosoa, and a well of mmJ mmtmim Iti tHa vavrf wtrtitn Pimm a.lihj aaataranw 4 roams, WKna wen wet esi amtar In Ota rami and a anod cajyaMaWa, i. Possession trren immediately. - land -. J. W WABGWOBTB. I 1 tstor iamewees FOR BENT. TJinBOOW over entrance between Dr. Mc JD Aden's drug store and J.Tutler's iewelry store forienttosgoodtenani. - ' jano 6x-r-w -ar.iiuzumBU. To conrt and a ths eime tttti st antortalnlnt I Impoaalnia. Dr. Bull's eeask um pu Miaca The kidneys are nature's sluice-way w waan ouj tbnsvio tt and Toys, Xtc., ta cbcTI M.i... M.W.H atinniit taad the adverUsetccat n another eotumn wshm -www- ww. 0. , Umi dataria af onr aonatantir enanginc Doaiea. tnav do acs won nrvDeru uwuvuuw a , .v; irk., h mAmm and aa aaon aa von ana IBKB U latUUIUU.. ' wui vmvmm rmm uum auu un w. w 148J80 3 111,642 A AAA AAA . .V.-.-...;...v...- BA2S.948 in WMK..,. ............. lal.lSO last rear:. vi25&l Total exports to this dste....:..v.M M24.818 same damtasi yeaz.. a,uv,i(r fua at aU United Statea norta. 108.781 8ame time last yea.. 922421 Bteok at ai) intanor te fng. eamenme mm raar Btoek at Llverooel.'; Same time last year...t....:..i: 49.00Q Bfara- af iianrtoaa afloat far flreat .. ' ., Brnauu,..-........... ........ awwv it .i -l. - 8ame time met WU..kiiiW 851 AQ 1 WMR K A TJ HR R 13 NT -J 1 at. VJW tWaw.JL sf '0 VW -aVwM M-Wm- W V $ t town,. M,.....v 21718 .i...... -619.000 FORRENT. 1 A nto, large, front room ever onr' store. Pos- Txv'ssssion grrea musMdtately.i ijBjn6tt.if.ry. k BOBWXLL. a TLZTJ. . hulk was. - WUf'OT. x-jT-'ITJ-T I WaSimAfn 1 1MA , Iinmn and fhniw. U ennsuy euictffm u euer iwav-iwuiawnni y rvnsw. . 1 - - rTxexrwoNoon Moderate Inautry rreely sup- - plied; middling npianas o v-ioa; nuaoang onaans noB'aM wapois and dry, eiM6dt laade low 8.000; 16A00: etx ? 1 i wiiB geoa ram ana American 9, A XXv wan ei water, and a two room kitean: I elansst Jannary Up-1 ten mmnteswalk otthe 909. y deliver I Apply to . 6940dl decSOtr S3 tWAXTBB BBJLM. COME AND SECURE A PACKAGE AND TRY IT.-- Atwood's Cologne, HOYTS COLOGNX, 4711 GXBMAN COLOGNE, TTNI NATL BBTJFHES, FIKB FBEKCH EOAPS . . JU81 Jtteceivea Dy yulovih a Dunwsi.u TJT7"C9C "DTTsTTTT Is a superior remedy for all diseases of the BLADDBB. SjVjyjJL JjiiX O X U KjlX U Soldonlyby - - - W1LE0N A BUBWELL. rROUND SAGE, 0T&TBiyHwicLi.-s. T?TXT1? 'TTiTT T?rTrPT? CITT'C Jewelry Cases, Puff Boxes, Hand Mirrors P 1 lN Vj 1 11 Irlj 1 1 Xli nM Odor Casea. in all stvles and at all Drtces The largest and nicest aasortment ever t rough t to this market. WILSON & BUBWELL. TURKISH BATH TOWELS, A 11116 fUSStA UVTlD A T TXTT7 (HTDB1TED OIL). Hydrallne has been proven of the highest XI X JXkiiV.XjXlHXya value In consumption, and all wasting diseases, invariably produc ing Immediate Increase tn weight: Fresh supply ai Wilson & Burwell-s. IF YOU. WAHT ABSALLYOOOD STEEL FEN Ask your Stationer or send 85 cents In stamps for boxcontaioy ing two doses of NICKEL, Aim GILT, Of Assorted Pat- in a JVtcrtet- atchBox. Bold by all Stationers. Irison, Blabiai, Taylor x Co., SOUl AOBBTS, NSW YOBX. decSJ MUSIC ! Ty P168- fr1 fr t y 1 1 1 1 W vrt in - to forming the general Hblte ef Charlotte that lie U now forming classes and wfll grre Instructions en the following instruments: Violin, ano, amtar, cemet ana Flute, or anv sttinc tnstroment Can furnish the highest testimonials ss to ability, and have had the experience of half a century In teaching. ' Pianos anov Organs tuned and repaired and sinnnvTusn gnaraninrfi, r ' Can always be found at my Made Boom on auntn srreet, earner or om . dec20 BeaVteas,k8CB3UTl. JUST GO TO PERRY'S and see what MCE F1IS He has for New Teat's Dinners, and tow vary cheap he is selling -FOB NEW YEAE'S PP,E?ENTS: - 1 1 r"

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