Soofc nub aotj grlntitis. TEE OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed I SUBSOMFnoif RATKS: JxtilVt year, pout-paid, in acivtnoe 88 00 ;Mxmonlh , ., 4.00 ImreerrioiJh....;. 2.04 tone rnontA "Jg 1 TTBKKLT BD1TIOH: want, ana with the latest styles of-Type, and every manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can tar. nlsh at short notice, BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, LETTEB-HEADSrCABDS. TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSHES, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS. CmCDLABS, CHECKS. Ac WeeOu (fn tht scanty), in mimrm'. , .82.00 Post-paid . ......... 2.18 mwrwamira , it. month i.oi IST Liberd Kxluctionbr Cfeos. ' , VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY JANUARY 8, 1882. NO. 3,993. Charlotte bstrwiv vjrj&ej j .: All" Erg (Soafts 9 iSoots anfl Alices -:: :o:- Lyods' Patent Metallic Stiffeners PREVENTS Boots aot Shoes -FROM- RUNNING OYER, Wearing off at the Sides or Ripping IN THE SEAMS. Johnson's Silk and Felt Insolts PREVENTS RHEUMATIC CRAMP. COLD FEET, BUNNI0N3 AND CHILBLAINS. PEGRAM & CO., 80 LE AGENTS. Janl TO THEE I GIVE HEALTH. 'Excellent Toplp, Alterative and Blu?eUs. edic&l Association, Lynehburg. Va; '' 1 ' aUsed witgftatbenefitUn Materia and piph- rbpsand scrofula," Prof. 8. Jackson, M, D "invariable as a nervous tonic" -Hon. L C. T .. 1 T" 'Recommended aa a prophylactic in malarial dlitrlou." D. R. Falrex, M. D.. V. O. "Restores debilitated systems to health." T. C. f . U T "Adapted In chronic diarrhoea, scrofula, and dyspepsia.-" ueo. t. Harrison, ju. . . Rnrvwiuftii in rtlnhtherla and neuralgia." J, P. "Excellent for certain diseases peculiar to wo men. "Prof. J. J. Moorman, M. D.. Va. 'Prompt In relieving headache, slcfe and MX f cms,"Rey. E. C, podspn. .,, flised wlt Ke4f bent In dspepsU.,,'- Mq- 'titd'brochltUand diseases of OlgestlTe oraana." J. K Boughton, M: D., Al. . , "Most valuable remedy known for female dis eases. " Jno. P. Metteaar, M. V., L. UD. "Of great curative virtue." Thos. F. Bumfold, M D.. Mo. "Beneficial in uterina derangement and mala rious conditions."-. M. Tall. M. D., Ohio. "Charming on the complexion, making It smooth, clear, soft and rosy." Miss M-, of 8. C. "The prince of Mineral tonics." Francis Gil liam, M. D.. N. a A. "inestimable as a tonic and alterative.- nn ter McOulre, M. D., Ta. . , ... "Fine appetizer and blood purifier." H, Usher, M. D.. Ga, "Very beneficial In Improving a reduced sy- John Bannon. late of La., now of Richmond, va. "Has real merit." Sou thorn Med. Journal. Pamphlets free, upoa application. Water. 84 V ease. au and PUla. 35. 50. 75 cents. Sent post-paid anywhere. . Summer season ef Springs begins 1st June. 835 V month. Address A. M. DAVrXS, Pras't of the Co., 78 Main St., Lynebburg. Va., P. O. Box 174. snLD BY WILSON ft BUBWELL, J.H. MeADSN.and L. B, WBidTON 4 00., mar27 Charlotte, N. & Good Tip ! FROM TO-DAY -ALL- ter WILL BE SOLD AT GREAT SACRIFICE, TO MAKE BOOM FOR SPRING PURCHASES. We Mean Every Word of This -AND- Only Ask an Inspection to Convince Yen. T. I, Seigle & Co. taWmfcsm Neuralgia, Sprains, . Pain in the .Back and Side. There Is nothing more painful than these diseases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. This remedy is not a cheap Benzine or Petroleum product that must be kept away from fire or heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor Is it an untrlnd experi ment that may do more harm than good. Pain Killer has been In constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world is, It never fails. It not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, It Is sale In the hands of the most Inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Pact Klllib would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried it think: Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn., says : About a yeur alnoe my wife became (abject to Mrere offering' from rheumatism. Oar rerart was to tne Path, which ipeedily relieved her. Charles Powell writes from tht Ballon' Home, London: I had beui afflicted three yean with neuralgia pdYiolent spasms of the stomach. The doctor, at Westminster Hospital gare up my case in despair. I tried your Pais Kilt, a a, and it gare me immediate relief. I hare regained my strength, and am now able to follow my usual oocmpation. G. H. Walworth, Saco, Me., writes : I experienced Immediate relief from pain in the Side bv the naa at ynnr Pint tu rn E. York says : I hare used your Padt Kxlixb for rheumatism, and hare received great benefit Barton Seaman says : Hare used Pain Kruxa for thirty rears, and hare found it a nr -failing remedy for rheumatism and lameness, air. BurdlU writes : r,J-,'"ZV;ailitogircTeat in cases of rheumatism. Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : From actual I use, I know your Pais Killks la the best medicine I can get. All druggists keep Pact Killxr. Its price la bo low that It Is within the reach of all and it will save many times its cost in doctors' bills, USe., 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Provldcnce, R. I. sept d&w sept oct. TOW'S INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Less of appetlte.lTansea. bowels oostive. Pain in theHead.with a dull sensation E a. sataa a-aa Mvavwu tt ia aw w the back part. Fain under the shoulder' blade, fullness after eat tiM.vrtthadan of body or mini Low spirits, lyQi Arritabiuty oy temper. Ijow SBiriw. -bOM of memory, with a feeling of hajing nef jected some duty .weariness. Diaalneia. Fluttering of the Heart. Dots before the eart. Dots before tne g J t 1 : eyes, Yellow Bkin, Headaohe, Hestless nesa at night, highly oolored Urine. IF THESE W ABHHT OS AXE OTTHEESXB, SERIOUS DISEASES W1U SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUtTS PILLS are especially adapted to such esii,one dose effects saeh a change of f e.llnc as to astonish the auffere. rease ipmii)(, ana cans. in. enf Is ufarhliMlniikv tBeiTaie AlltlateoH tb. Stweds'TPrlceg ceuta. fe starty Bj.w. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Qbav Haik or Whisk kbs changed to iOwut Black hy a single application Of this Dra. It IroparU a natural color, acts Initantaneoasly. Sola ey DruggisU, or sent by express on receipt of f 1. Office, 30 Murray St., New York. Dr. TUTTS aARCAI, f Valaable Isfmatlaa saS a CwM Reeelpte wul be auU4 ran w aaaUceUea. Faby. 28deodwl - Cfineer. fetaht" Man- or tne pest mea known are com ltd hi Parker's Glnrer ionic into a medicine of such varied Dowers, as to make it the greatest mood further awl tM DestHsalth AStrsarth Boitertr Ever VsM It cures Rheumatism. Parker's Hair Balsam. The Bast Ctauust, and Keat KeaniWsl Hair Draa- Sleeplessness, & diseaess of the btunacn, Uoweis, Lunes. Liver & Kidneys. & is entirely different from Litters, Ginger Essences and other aoi btg. Xmr fall, to mtm ta evCTwraxrat' youthful oolor to grior xx. wncmisi "iEur .a1 i BVyhtr Dollar Bin. s TARTL1NC DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED, i A victim c youthful imprudence caiisingPrems fan Decay, jtervcaa Awauny, sasjm. Tr JSSiTstapJ. ifiWeh he will sendFBnB V tut feDCW-Suneie!.. wmw 9. . . Fall Win Goods tS.M. X. 43 uuuJiam . a. peptlQ OBSERVATIONS. I notice that von always sit at roar wife's left. Mr.Miggs." "Tea." frankly returned Mlajs, "that the side her glass eye is on." uuiiim nvt. Mm naii, wju vnwemm. wvv are apt to shed teats. Waterboro Observer. Mr. DamU Uvea in Illinois. He is not a very prominent citizen, bat his name la a "household word." This chanaeabie weather: "Come on. boys." cried Bagbaefs son. yesterday morning, "lefsgo down to the pend. with our skates. If it ain't frezen so we can skate, we can go in swimming." Boston rose A Sooth End man advertised for the' meanest dog in the city. Bis idea was that people are so fond of their own dogs that they wouldn't bring a single animal to trim. But he lost his bet. Thou sands called, each bringing his neighbor's dog. Boston rosu KD1TOH1 AL. SHORT STOPS. The Richmond Whig has entered up on its fifty-ninth year, and is vigorous in its championship of readjusterism. The surplus storage of petroleum in the oii region of Pennsylvania is put down at 30,000,000 of barrels. There were were 198 ocean steamers wrecked in 1881, with a loss of 1,459 lives. Of these vessels 141 belonged to Great Britain, 15 to America, and the remainder to European and eastern nations. Hon. Clement C Clay of Alabama died near Huntsville in that state last Tuesday in his 63d year. The Atlanta Constitution says there is no longer any doubt that a new poli tical movement similar in all respects to the republican resurrection in Vir ginia is on foot in Georgia. Chicago has almost entirely abol ished the custom of offering wine to callers on New Year's Day, and as a consequence more young men retire sober. The coming Jay Gould hails from Maine according .to a Chicago paper. He is an enterprising young man who bought up all the pews in a church and then created a corner by getting up a religious excitement, during which he closed out his investment at a profit of $500. The Government printing office is an expensive institution. It cost last year to run it $2,215,939, while the revenue wad $193,000. Some of the Missouri towns are com bining finance and temperance by levy ing $1000 tax on saloons. They asseit this that will not only raise revenue but promote temperance by raising the price of drinks so high that the indul gence hi them will be limited. Elison has taken out 250 patents. The Greensville (S. C.) News accords to Oscar Wilde the distinction of being the champion jackass of the world. The Augusta Chronicle claims for Georgia the best free school system in the South. Augusta Chronicle: What .Georgia needs most in the next decade is rest from political excitement. More- work in the field, the mine and the workshop will bring an abundant harvest to our people. This is true, not only f "tiecr gia, but of the entire South. Judging from the amount of atten tion the Georgia papers are giving the question, the independent move must be making some headway in that State. The destruction of American forests 13 attracting some attention. It is said that at the present rate it will not be long before the American people will have to depend mainly on coal for f uej, fsmwasr lacbemi It Council. . New York. Jan. 7. The first regu lar meeting of Tammany Hall General Committee for 1882 was aera last night. There was a large attendance. Con. gressman P. H.'Ducto temporarily pre sided. ; The following were elected per manent officers for the year: onairman. Senator Thomas Boydi treasurer; John. J. Gorman; tecretarmi nomas V Gilroy, Joel A'. Stevens arid J. B. Mc Kean. Senator Bdyd,lXiFGra4y, and F. B. Treanenas was expected, spoke in defenceof theirwsitionm the alliance, and contestants were: lieartuy applaud ed. Resolutions were adoptm Approve ing and sustaining theioeittott-ot the Tammany Half Senators and assembly men, recommending the election by the people of States Court Judges and Police Justices of this city, and that the tenure of office of the latter &h,ould be four years; and denouncing Mayors Eli, Cooper and Grace for their at tempts to remove from office various heads of departments. A resolution was also adopted, asking democrats at Albany to urge the passage of a law providing for the election of heads of departments and school omccrs . e Straw "Lnmber." From the Mechanical Engineer. The somewhat starting prophecy ia hazarded tba.t4ln. ffittire lumber will be off Straw 1 instead , wood. Experi ments already instituted show that it ia possible Inake: wood'' or a substi tute from straw, of & , tensile strength surpassing ordinary building woods. This material is capable of being car ried through all the manipulation that wood is. does not shrink, takes a High polish, and ia waterproof. In short, it net onlv answers all the purposes of wood, but is vastly better than it. There are two waste substances which have never yet been- made uroataWe to man; and these are eoal ajact.or dust rind W0M;)K''9lcnl called saw dust. If anrone can utilise these and turn them into ilnmber or fuel it will be a substantial advantage. '.;..-7 INew Y0KK Jan. 7. The stock mar ket opened in the mam a fraction lower than yesterday's closing quotation, whUe Richmond, and mnvuie waS2M per cent bizher in earl v tealiniEsV--..Tne market - advanced to per cent, Northern ' Pacific--"- prefenfci Jersey Central, Micbigati Central, Lotiisviile and Nashville, Lake shore and Denver, and Rio Grande being more, prominent therein, At 11 o'clock a reaction of to l per cent took place, the latter for Northern paefflc preferred. - Befsta4lMniaaLen. . ' Citt of Mexico, Jan. ' 7 Senor Romero has refused the mission to Washington, but will soon go to tb,e United State on private Easiness. 1 War kills ttt thousands, bat a cooah Its tens et thousands: Dr. Boll's cough syrup, howerer, a waysUlsaeejicb. Price only 25 cents a bottle. ITEMS OF 1NTEBEST. Egypt, Algeria and Persia are mak ing rapid progress in the cultivation and preparation of opium. About 12, 000 cases are brought yearly to Smyrna and Constantinople, being nearly one third of the total amount thrown into the market. Since the recent fire in Philadelphia. caused by elictricity, the authorities of that city are casting about tor means of placing all telegraph and telephone -wire under ground. Miss West, the daughter of the Brit ish minister at Washington, is a pretty ana gracezut young giri-a orunetie, with a pleasant race ana expressive eyes. She is a picturesque little figure as she goes walking in her brown dress. with a quaint pose bonnett tied under her chin. Queen Victoria has an annual allow ance of $1,925,000, with the addition of a yearly revenue of $350,000 from the Dutchy of Lancaster. This raises her income from the state to $5,275,000 a year. Besides this the royal family is paid $800,000 annually, to fceep.up its dignity; so that the cost Of royalty in England is $3,075,000 yearly, with free use or palaces, par ks, etc. India possesses a coal-bearing area of 30,000 square miles; and yet twenty years ago she was unable to supply the wants of a single line of railway. Last year, however, she furnished 500, 000 tons, which was equavelent to one- half the total demand of the railways and factories in the country. When Jenny Lind was once told that some persons had paid twenty-eight dollars to hear her sing, "What fools!" she said. Thomas Hughes sent Fullerton F. Armstrong to nis Rugby colony as ed itor of the Rugbean. Armstrong, whose mother is Lady Armstrong, of Sussex, and whose brother is Sir Rich ard Armstrong, has disappeared from Rugby under a dark financial cloud. Judge Porter and Mr. Davidge are said to expect $25,000 each for their ser- yices in tne uuiteau case. Madame Patti says she doesn't like "the kind of applause that you people in America call call oh gosh : oh, yes, gosh." "Gush," suggested .the re porter; "gosh is used in connection with another word." Oh, yes, gush I don't like gush," she said. Sarah Bernhardt is not a Jewess, as generally supposed. While she is He brew in origin, she is catholic in reli gious faith that is, as far as she has any religion. By the way, it is gossip in Paris that the Bernhardt is again in an "interesting condition. Philosophy nd Big: If at. From the Boston Journa . That philosophy which secures ad vantage from disappointment is one of the best of possessions. This was ex cellently illustrated at the Patti concert on Saturday afternoon, where a young mathematician, who was unable to see anything by reason of a huge hat which was worn by a young woman be fore him, set himself about utilizing the structure in the interest of his favorite science. He observed that as he sat back in the seat, hat completely filled the stage from side to side, and taking out nis pencil and calculating that the affaii was two feet in diame terand his own position three behind it, he had the exact dimension of the singer's field of action to add to his store of knowledge by the time the en tertainment was over. So he went home serene in the conviction that af ter all his expenditure for a seat bad not been wasted. The moral of this in stance is evident those of us who pro pose to attend public assemblies fre quently this winter should immediately oegm the study ot mathematics. A Strange Duel ia the Dark From the Little Roc (Ark.,) Gazette, When about 1Q o'clock on Friday night Chief of Police Davis was in formed that EcLNelms, Armistead's murderer, was cross the river, he row ed thither in comDanv with Mr. Hack- ett and Mr. Bodkin. In a few minutes four figures appeared upon the bank, their shapes limned out against the gleam of the moonbeams lightening up the river. Surrender." called out Chief Davis "we are officers of the law. and we want you." The two men in the rear dropped as if they had been paralysed. The man with the gun dropped it and advanced towards where the officers were standing. Just then unier uavis saw the second man mov ing stealthily away. Leaving Hackett to attend to the man who had surren dered. Chief Davis leveled his gun at the other and twice ordered him to halt and surrender. Instead of obey ing the fellow moved backward, half facing his opponent, and drew a revol ver. Quick as a flash Chief Davis fired, and Neims (for it was, indeed, he) fell upon his f aoe -dead ! Tana of Gold and Silrer. New York Herald. . The work of examining and weigh ing over 900 tons of the precious metals is now under way at the Sub-Treasury. The weighing and counting wJU occu- Ey three weeks. The examination is eing made by a committee appointed by secretary jjfolger, and comprising E. C. Graves, chief of the Redemption Agency ; H. A. Whitney, assistant cash ier of the United States Treasury office, and William B. Morgan, assistant chief of the Public Money Division. They arrived in this city on Saturday, ac companied by thirteen clerks from the Treasury department, who are to assist them in their labors. Mr. Hillho use's representative in this accounting is Mr. Sen rer, while Mr. Montague, president of the Seventh Ward Bank, assumes the same office for Mr. Acton. There are 30D, tons'bf silver to be weighed, having a value of $28,000,000, and US tons of gold, having a value of $57,000,000, be sides $5,000,000 in notes, silver certifi cates, and other securities. An Opera Hone Bnrned. . Owknsbtjbg, Ky., Jan. 7. The opera house was set on fire last evening by an overheated furnace and the flames were communicated rapidly te the ad Joining buildings. The water works prayed 9 complete failure, and the town would have been at the mercy of the flames had it not been for the steam fire engine which bad been cast aside when the water works were built, but which was now called mto action and old effective service; Before the fire was brought under control the opera honse, which was owned by A. Hill, was coroDletelv destroyed, entailing a loss of eighteen thousand dollars. Insu rance ten thousand, f , , The genttenen who essayed to serenade Kiss L. a few e renins since, should have had "clear" throats, and tbetr efforts would have been better appreciated. Dr. Bull's .couch , syrup la the best remed aztant for a "thick'' or eoncestrd condi tion of the throat and bronchial tabes, giving In- una reuer. Bediobd auix ajtd Ism Branras Watxh ajtd Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains lwlce as much Iron and fifty per eent, more amm tnmn than any "alum and Iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggisa ef any standing. Prices reduced one half. , tpnarll tf . Bicaapalha. New, quick, complete cure 4 days, urinary affec tions, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, and kidney diseases. SI at druggists. Depot, J. H. McAden, Charlotte, N. a A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and In discretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay oss of manhood, Ac., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE of CHAHGK. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South amerlca. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Bxr. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station D, New York City. - - Aa Extended Popularity. Each Tsar Finds "Brown's Bronchial Troches" in new localities, in various parts of the world. For relieving coughs, colds and throat diseases, the Troches have been proved reliable. 30 DAYS TRIAL rat'a Jeae U, 187S WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, Ola, TivTygs Electro -Voltaic Appliances TO M2D3NT suffering from NervonsWealineaaes, Gen eral Debility, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Oth sr. Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also womkk troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex." Speedy relief and complete restoration to health guaraiiU'ed. "Incite are the only Electric Aiiliau-N that have ever been eonM riKMotl ujpon Helen tifle prin ciples. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically provvn with the most wonderful access, mid they have the highest endorsements from medical and scien tific naen,anl from hundreds who have been quickly and radically cured b their nse. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, givim all information free. Address, VOLTAIC EXIT CO., Marshall, Kich. JulU3 in any stage. CATARRH. ECZEMA, OLD SORES, PIM PLES, BOILS, or ANY SKIN D I B E A 8 E . CURES WHEN ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAIL!!! If you doubt, eome to see us, and we will CURB YOU. or charge nothing!!! Write for particulars, and a copy of the little book "Message to the Unfortunate SuJEertng." Ask any prominent Druggist as to our Standing. 3r$l600 REWARD will be paid to any chemist who will find on analysis of 100 bottles of S, 8. 8. one particle of Mercury, Iodide of Potassium, or mij jaiiierai suusuiuce. BWixT SPECIFIC CO.. Props , Atlanta, Ga. (FEB BOTTXJ&) Price of Small 8ije , rtf $1.00 tjacge size,.. .. 1.75 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. deeSl NOTICE. PURSUANT to a decree of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg, I will sell at Public Auction at the court house in Cnarlotte, on MONDAY, THE. 27TB OF FEBRUARY, 1882, (being the week of Superior Court,) that valuable lot or parcel of land lying between the intersection of the north Carolina Railroad track and Trade street, adjoining the P. M. Brown lots and others, now anown aa tne nutter property. Resold because of purchaser at late sale tailing to comply. Terms cash; balance on 8 and 6 months credit, with interest Title reserved as security for naiance. u. BAKdLN&ER. dec24 d oaw tds Commissioner. FRAMES. -:0:- A SPLENDID A8S0ETMENT -Off- Photograph Frames, Frame Moulifs, (Sc., AT Van Ness' Gallery. decl8 tf NOTICE. ALL persons desiring teachers certificates will please present themselves en Thursday, 12th Inst, at the court house In Charlotte. This day is set apart by law; and there will be no private ex aminations were alter under oroinary cinun stances. W. T. WaLB, jan5 daw tdj CO. Supt Pub. Instructions. SALE OF BONDS. T Y Virtue of an order of the Superior Court of xj Atamanee county, in tne case 01 aivis aung and others against W.- J. and A. Murray and others, I will offer for sale at the court bouse door in ureensooro, . u, at purxio auction. lor easn, on Monday, the 6th dar of Februarr. 1882; at 1 2 o'clock M-. eight t8) bonds of the county et Car teret issued reDmary voth. 1 80, each lor ?5uo das on February 20th. 1880. to each ef which bonds coupons are attached for interest at 0 per cent from February 20th, 1876. . Parties desirtna1 fortaer information can address my attorney, a. aoja. jssq.. ureensDozo, U ! A. JaCUAUAtSIa JanStds Receiver.?. Cures IkTixalllll B 2 3 syphilis ry? leg "mil iiis ! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SECOND STOCK OF LADIES Hxibber' .Over-Shoes. WE STILL HATE A HANDSOME LINE OF Shaker Flannels, Blanket and Comfortables. LADIES', GENTS' and MISSES ME MM ramUEIWEAE, TO CLOSE CHEAP. ALSO, A LARGE LINE OF DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED HOSIERY. We will offer from this date our entire stock of Iters, Walking Jackets, Dolmans and Cloaks at Cost. ty CALL EARLY and SECURE BARGAINS. SJ HARGRAVES & WILHELM. JOB PRINTING. BOOK BINDING. STEAM POWER. FAST PRESSES. GOOD WORKMEN. In connection with the publication of Thx Ob sxbvxb, and the establishment of one of the larg est, most complete, and most thoroughly equipped JOB PRINTING HOUSES In the South, the proprietor has just added a com plete BOOK BINDERY AND Kuling Department, Capable of executing the very best class of work at short notice. Old magazines, newspapers, law or other books rebound In handsome style, and at very low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And work of this class, ruled and bound to order We are prepared to furnish close estimates on every description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions con get thel DATES and POSTERS printed here In as attractive a manner as In New York. We have a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice and in first class style, BRIEFS FOB THE SUPREME COURT, And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments in good shape will do well to give us a trial. We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work is as tree from defects as it is possible to make it LETTER HEADS, Statements, Order Books, Visiting Cards, Ball Cards, Pamphlets BILLHEADS, Deeds, RecelpfBooks, Business Cards. Programmes Magistrates' and fmirt RlanfcH In fact, all kinds of printing done at short notice Special attention given to Railroad Printing. NOTE HEADS, Circulars, Envelopes, UandbU.s, Invitations, Checks, Labels SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. mSX BOOK WORK' Having a larger supply of type than most Job es tablishments, BOOK WORK has been and will continue to ne a specialty wiin us. Address P.O. Box 182. THE OBSERVER ' Charlotte, N. C. RO. D. GRAHAM, IS the State and United States Courts. Collee ttons. Heme - and Foreign, solicited. Ab tracts of Titles, Surveys, As., furnished for eom pensatfeHL-: Omoxs N. X. eraser Tr Tmo streets' Charlotte. IK C. JJan-o. ) fi mnw U U ULliKJ GREAT GERM DESTROW. PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. PITTING OF 8MALL POX Prevented. Ulsters purified and healed. Gangrene prevented and cured. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvey cured In short Tme. Tetter dried op. It is perfectly harmless. For nore Throat It is a sure cure. SMALL POX ERADICATED, jj wrv nH Sick hooms purified and Fevered and Sick Per oviia iciievKti ami r freshed by bathl g wim iropnyiatic 'luid vvva aj lac naici. Rnft. W hi ta Pmvlovl secured by its use in HjtKir. DIPTHERIA IU-Lu lAAg Impure Air made harm- PREVENTED s ooa anu uui iucu uj Sf Fl iprlnkllng Darby's 1U1U U.UOUL To Cleanse the Teeth, It Cholera dissipated. Ship Fever prevented by Its use. In cases of death In the house, It should iilwxys be used ahout the corpse - H will prevent any unpleasant smell. ftfln't. nA anrnaoenrl Catarrh relieved an d Erysipelas cured. Rlimfi Tvllnvol inDtantlv Removes all unpleasant uuurs. An antidote for animal or VegKnble Poison, Stings, &e. SCARLET FEVER Dangerous effluvlas of sick rooms and hospi tals removed by Its use. CURED I Yellow Fever Eradicated. In fact it Is the great Disinfectant" and Purifier, a ' PREPARED BY J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Manufacturing Chemists, Solo Proprietors. dec4 SEED OATS! SEED OATS ! SEED OATS ! CORN ! CORN ! CORN ! FLOUR ! FLOUR ! FLOUR ! BAGGING AND TIES We are agents for THE WATT PLOW And will sell It lower than you can buy an othe good plow. Full assortment always on band. Call and see us before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. dec24 OV JlCttt FOR RENT. FRONT ROOM over entrance between Dr. Mc Aden's drug store and J.T.Butler's Jewelry 6tore for rent to a good tenant. jau5 3t D. P. HUTCHISON. FOR RENT. Anlc, larce. front room over our store. Pos session given lmmf dlately. Jan5 tf WILbON & BCRWELL. FOR SALE OR RENT. AS ix room house, with good yard and well of water, and a two room kitchen; ten minutes walk of the nubile sduare. Apply to WALTER BRKM. decSO tf W. PI. CHICK, Having removed to the shop, on Tryon street, over the Independent Hook ft Ladder Truck House, is new ready u receive orders for HOU8E, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, such as GBAIHTNG, Guilding, KalsomiDing, Frescoing, ki jan6tf

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