m si C HAS, K. JONES, Ediutr A ProprlwUMr t - (Kbtuxd at thb PoR-Omox at Cfusurm, . C. 48 BBOOHP-CLAflB MATTXH.1 SUP AY, JAN. 8, 1882. Mil. BEST "BUSTED." We have it from an entirely reliable source that Mr. Best and his Boston syndicate has failed to meet the first payment for the lease of the Atlantic & North Carolina railroad, due on the 1st day of January. It is understood that he asked an extension of time until yes terday, and up to the very latest ac counts he had not been able to raise the money. Our informant tells us that all his employes have left him, because he cannot pay them. The idemnity fuud of $50,000 deposi ted in the Paciflc Bank of Boston, if it ever existed, wa3 lost by the failure of that institution, as announced some weeks ago, and the Midland scheme, hitherto on paper only, vanishes into very thin air. We suggest a wake over the Best-Boston fizzle, and nominate Goyernor Vance as chief mourner. fact that his case has lately grown des perate, and often he makes frantic ef forts to Influence the jury by transpa rent stories about the condition or bublic opinion. Aeain, he is calm and self-satisfied, talking with easy confi dence of his acauittal. But he is grow ing more nervous in his manner day by day, and at the culmination of the case, when a verdict is renaerea, l anticipate such an outburst as will cast into shadow all of his previous demonstra tions. If he hangs, he will not do so passively. He will fight hard to the fast, and there will be some awful spectacles. THE BATTLE FOR THE SPOII.3, Our advices from Washington lead to the conclusion that there will be some pretty lively scrimmaging done between the opposing Republican fac tions in this State over the federal of fices, the fight for the collectorship in the 5th and 6th districts, promising to be especially lively. In Xhe 5th there are at least a half dozen aspirants for Collector Everitfs place. Among them some who, it is said, were on his bond, and would now like to take his scalp. As he was a very active Sherman man when John was figuring for support be fore the Chicago convention met, and got his appointment over Wheeler who was removed at the personal request of Sherman, the presumption is that he is not in first-class standing with the pres ent administration, which is not under many obligations to Mr. Sherman. It is alleged though as far as we know there are no charges of improper con duct in his administration of the office that he has given offence to some who were formerly his friends by his rpne DUrham Tobacco Plant now abrupt manner and disposition to run pears as a semi-weekly his own way. it STATE NEWS. Ladies, lentlemen,flVlisses, Boys and Children CANNQ FAIL TO BE SUITED IN Statesville Landmark : Bents in this place, which have been very low of late years, are advancing somewhat under the influences of the boom which tl e town has enjoyed this season. On Monday, -December 26th Messr?. fial. Rrown . and Henrv Morrison. Of Shiloh township, were running a horse ;TTE guafaiifoa thatesety past pt SHOES we sell shall be found Just as represented, and snail allow no house to give you better goods than we do Tor the r. n 11 1 i u w aj . 1 1 u w nun iv 1 w 1 1 1 - . . ... . - - . - . . jwo w'.jHvn" 1 VJlIiii. I monex. Our stocs has been carefully selected with a view 10 tne wants 01 au classes 01 customers, and comprises a iuii line or beautiful and seasonable OUR STOCK QFBOOTS AND SHOES FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE. There was a falling off in the Chinese immigration to California the past year. The number arrived at San Francisco was 14,767, while 8,178 returned to China. The revenue received by France du ring 1881 exceeds the estimate by 217, 000,000 francs. Eight prisoners confined in the Hills boro jail overpowered the jailer Wed nesday night and escaped. ap- Kansas is trying the experiment of cotton production. One planter ginned and shipped 100 bales last year.and it is reported of excellent quality. This fact, and the presence of thousands of negroes who were raised in the cotton fielcTs, it is thought, will stimulate the effort in that State and carry the pro duction to surprising success. A petition is in circulation in Rich mond, Va., asking the city to appropri ate $20,000 to purchase a lot and erect an industrial institute where the indus tries of the State may have a fair representation, and in which young mechanics may receive higher instruc tion in their respective callings. This is a good move and should be encour aged. A London paper edifies its readers with the statement that the Irish revo lutionary party iu Ameiica has been collecting Colorado beetles and ship ping them to England to destroy the crops. Between infernal machines and Colorado beetles these Irishmen do manage to keep some English editors terribly worked up. The beetle mode of attack is something new in -warfare. During the past season the Missis sippi river has been open from St. Paul to the Gulf from April 30 to January 1, a period of 244 days, and the closing, which occurred Sunday night at St Paul, is the latest ever known, with one exception that of four years ago, when the closing was delayed by mild weath er until January 4. The high-toned and moral city of Bos ton ha3 introduced a glass election box, - the object of which is to prevent swin dling at elections. By and by we shall begin to believe that the Bostonians are really not much better than the balance of mankind. the office in his own wav. It seems that he is in ill health, and not always as smiling and urbane as it is thought, public officials.ought to be. As he is chuck full of push, perseverance, and not deficient in self-confidence, he will not surrender at the bidding, but will tug it out till crushed and driven to the wall by the stalwart forces. But perhaps the most interesting set-to will be for the collectorship of this, the sixth district, which Dr.Mott has resigned in favor of his friend T. N. Cooper. This is a sort of a tri-angular affair, the leading participants being T. N. Cooper, II. C. Cowles, and David Jenkins, more familiarly known as "Honest Uncle Dave." It seems that Mr. Cooper worked his tricks so noise lessly and successfully as to secure the appointment before his competitors were fully aware of what he wa3 doing, but when they found it out they suc ceeded in stopping his progress and now have him in chancery where the heavy work begins. Cooper, Cowles and Jenkins, with their backers, are all in Washington and have their sleeves rolled up for active business. The opponents of Cooper say that his appointment through the agency of Mott is a mit up job. and while it will give Cooper a fat, and a very fat berh, will still leave the political power of the district in the hands of Mott, who is said to aspire to Senatorial honors in the event that the State be carried by the Republicans. Cooper as collector, and the appointee practically of Mott, would be a very useful man to his friend in that position, for the sixth district is no small institution and handles lots of cash, with lots of loose change for campaign purposes. We will have f ullerjdevelopments ere long and probably some very interest ing ones. It is said that about 2,500 negroes have left South Carolina for Arkansas, nearIng the end. BEGINNING TUB ARGUMENT IN THE GUITEAU CASE. It is generally believed in Washing ton that ex-Senator Sergeant, of Califor nia, will be Secretary of the Interior, but that Kirkwood will hold on till af ter the senatorial election in Iowa, which takes place in the latter part of the present month. Mrs. Leonora Horn, of Peru, Nebras ka, is the preprietress of a head of hair which measures (the hair, not the head) sixty eight inches in length, for which she has refused $500. Exactly how many bushels of hair-pins it requires to keep it tucked up is not stated. Senator Jones' resolution to enquire into the location by State officers of swamplands in Florida, may produce developments. Those swamp lands have recently been coming to the front as afield of large-sized speculation. The freight and passenger earnings on the main line of the Richmond and Danville Railroad for the third week in December were $11,600 over the earnings for the corresponding week of the previous year, an increase of 60 per cent. Dr. Newman, General Grant's Wash ington pastor, has left the Methodist church and accepted a call from the Madison Avenue Congregational church in New York. WII.tr DID HE In his pass with Scoville yesterday in the Guiteau trial, Judge Porter, of the prosecution, let his temper run away with his judgment, when he petulantly exclaimed : "This farce, which has so lonsc been enacted by the counsel for the defense must now stop; if not re buked by the court it will be by others.'' Language like that on the street might not attract attention, but from the mouth of the leading counsel for the prosecution, it is singular, to say the least of it. Whether he had reference to the organization of "avengers," who have so frequently sent their epistolary respects to Guiteau since his confine ment in jail, or to the followers of Judge Lynch, who have not been alto gether satisfied with the progress of the trial under Judge Cox, we do not exact ly know, but itlooksvery much like a threat, and one that very ill be comes one occupying the posi tion in the case that Judge Porter does, whoj representing as he does, the Government, ought to be one of the last even by inference to give encouragement to the mob, and this is the only effect tht such language, un der such circumstances, could have. The man whom he is prosecuting is in the hands of the law, on trial for bis life and whether we incline to the opinion that he ought to be hung or not, he is entitled to the full protec tion of the law, and men who are plead ing for the enforcement of the law as Porter is, should be the last to invite the mob to its violation. A twelve-year old boy in Burks coun ty. Pa., was recently arrested for plac ing obstructions on a railroad track. That boy would make his mark in Tex as. The board of estimates for New York city has cut down the appropria tions for the. departments for the cur rent year nearly 82,000,000. The sum allowed to run the city is $29,412,831. The sooner the Democratic party of New York boots John Kelly out and his Tammany faction with him, the htterit will be for the Democratic party. The literary society of Bennet Semi nary, colored, at Greensboro, publish a little quarterly to advance the cause of education among the colored people. The United States begins the new year with a public debt of $1,785,491,717, or about $1,000,000,000 less than the maximum amount reached by the debt in H865. The Florida Central railroad extend ing from Jacksonville to Lake City was cold Friday to Edward Reed, represent ing an English company, for $395,000. i i Cincinnati's tax levy for 1881-82 is $2 22 on the $100 valuation. The total valuation of the county, is $199,108,000; and of the city $167,404,000. The deaths from scarlet fever in New Yoflc city "were trjple and from diph theria double last year what they were the. year before. GUITEAU. The Washington correspondent of the Charleston News and Courier, writi ng of the Guiteau trial and the possible re sult concludes his letter thus: Guiteau himself has succeeded in puz zling most people by his conduct. It has been the queerest combination of blunders and shrewdness, transparent tricks and idiotic interference ever seen in a court-room. There has been coherence or system about his demon strations at all. At times he has made excellent and pregnant suggestions to his counsel, and again has said and done things which any sane man would know were fatal to his theory of insan ity, ne has raged over petty slights jgnureu imuug evidence against and him, laughed at his counsel's efforts and then anticipated and ruined their points by his interjections and abuse. Thousands f instances can be found in the testimony where he did these things, raging at times, again sulking, and then smiling with pride and pleas ure. Entirely without a settled plan, his interjections made with the rapidity of lightening and utterly without pre paration, yet always earnest and fluent, it is difficult to imagine that he has been shamming. There is no method in his madness. He has stoutly declared that he ceased to be insane after the shooting. That woould seem to &e A SUICIDAL ADMISSION, yet it is only one of fifty which he has made, all tending to injure his case. That of itself might be considered part of a deep plan were it not that he at times has really helped his counsel by shrewd advice, not only openly but Privately. It is a very singular case, but think, the man's words, actions and appearance in Court comprise the most conclusive- evidence of his insanity which has been presented. Probably the jury won't think so, in which case there will be some of the most sensa tional scenes which can be imagined; Guiteau will not take conviction easily. He is not "the stuff that martyrs are made of." He will make a fearful racket Lovers of the horrible and gro tesque may prepare,in such an event,f or a surfeit of sensations. He has sharp ness enough at times to appreciate the Doors closed on the Crowd bat the Se lect Find Seats -ladles Bring their Persuasive powers npon the HL&r elia.1 -A Scene between opposing Counsil, During which Cinltenn drops In a few Itemarks. Washington. Jan. 7. "None but members of the bar, members of the press and those who are engaged upon this case will be admitted to-day," was the announcement at the outer door of the court room this morning. Every avenue to the courtroom was carefully guarded and even the police men on duty indicated that the day would be one of unusual importance in the progress of the trial. A number of ladies succeeded in per suading marshal Henry that they were either members of the bar or press. Such would be the natural inference as seats reserved for the legal fraterni ty were quickly filled with ladies. There was a fair representation of the bar, though by far the greater part of the audience was made up from the gentler sex, The court room was filled and with probably the . best representative audi ence since the opening of the trial, in point of standing and intelligence. Mr. Davidge opened the argument upon the law points and was followed with the closest attention. The jury were told by the judge that they might be excused for the day, but they preferred to remain and hear the arguments. The prisoner assured his counsel that he would not ask to take a part in the legal arguments to-day, but he should insist upon making "any com ments he should deem necessary, to set them right on either side. As the argument progressed, Guiteau pretended to read a letter, but in reali ty followed Davidge with the closest attention. The few interruptions which he made were unnoticed by the counsel, save when Guiteau called out, "I didn't know the difference between right and wrong. I had no choice ; if I had 1 would not nave oone it. To this Davidge said, "we will come to that by-and-by." The firs.t sensation of the day was caused by the reading of Judge Davis', (N. Y.) charge to the jury in the Cole man murder case. Judge Porter relieved Davidge and read from a newspaper slip. Scoville, with some impatience, ob jected to any more snch dramatic ef forts on the part of Judge Porter, in tended for effect upon the jury, and in sisted that he (Porter) might as well read a stump speech to the jury. That he (Porter) knew that it had no bear ing urjon this case. "Of course he knew it, shouted Guiteau." And more than that the jury decided the case di rectly against the charge of the Court." Judge Porter repelled the intimation and insisted that this farce which had so long been enacted by the counsel for the defense mustrnow stop; if not rebu ked by the Court it would be by others. Judge Cox ended the dispute by say incr that the matter read was undoubt edly authority ; its applicability to this case could be commented upon by coun sel at the proper time. As Davidge resumed, Guiteau again shouted, "I want to get this thing right, before the jury; everyone knows all about that Coleman case. The jury gave a verdict against that charge, and this prosecution knows it well." The effect was electrical, when Da vidge, in a most deliberate and earnest manner said, "your nonor, tnis man was for three weeks held up to us as an im becile, and now listen to him he not only knows the difference between right and wrong, but he understands fully the law of the case. Guiteau: "Transitory mania, that's my case, I don't pretend I'm insane now. 1 ve got as gooa a ueau as you or Porter either. Scoville's a fool though. I repudiate him and his whole theory of defence. All I want is two hours before that jnry, and I can set this thing all right." The scene was a lively one for a few minutes. Judge Cox rapped for order, and soon Guiteau subsided, and Da vidge continued without further inter ruption to the end of his argumept. Col. Reed addressed the Court in re ply to Judge Davidge, and confined his argument to the consideration of two questions: first, the definition laid down in the revised statutes of murder and manslaughter, under which if malice be not proven, he contended the crime would be manslaughter. Second, the application to this case of the question of reasonable doubt, in connection with the plea of insanity. Col. Reed conclud ed at a quarter past 2, with a perora tion, in which figured glowing allu sions to the latitude of liberty, and the far-reaching impartiality of the law un der our free institutions. Mr. Scoville, upon being informed by the Court that the prosecution were entitled to opening and closing where both, parties prayed instructions, called attention to the fact that the prosecu tion had made one argument to which the jury had listened this morning, and would nave the same advantage Mon day, while the defence (probably it was merely accidental, like Mr. Davidge's cold in the morning, which allowed Judge Porter to air bis eloquence be fore the jury) must be content to dis cuss these questions in their absence. A lively and somewhat sarcastic col loquy between the counsel ensued. The Court did' not think any reflection upon the prosecution was intended by Scoville, and put an end tothe dispute by telling Scoville to proceed with the argument Scoville critictee.d severely the course of Judge Davis in ,the New York case just decided, in going out of his .way as ne ((scoville) said to render a decision that might be made use .of .in ,the trial or ttuiteau. - Yes," called out the prisoner, "and the jury in that case went oat of their way to rebuke Judge Davis." Scoville bad not Concluded his argu gumentat 3 o'clock, and the court ad journed until Monday. horse broke artery thereafter died. From the 1st of September, 1831, to date, there have been sold on this mar ket, according to the books of Weigh master Barron, 2,142 bales of cotton. This is more than double the amount of cotton marketed here during the same period of any preceding year. Our people never complained more than they are doing now, of the condi tion of the public roads, and yet no body is doing anything for them or suggesting anything practical to be done. Year after year the roads go on from bad to worse, and yet everybody is like the Arkansas man about his house: in the summer they are good enough and in winter it is too bad to do anything for them. Rockingham Spirit of the South: The Ledbetter cotton mill in this vi cinity is nearly completed. Forty-two needs and mortgages were admitted to probate in this county dur ing the past month. A small quantity of thread has been spun at Messrs. Leak, Wall & McRae's new cotton mill in this vicinity, and it is expected that, in a few days, the mill will be gotten in full operation. We are greatly pained to have to re cord the death of John McKay, Esq., a member of our board of county com missioners, which occurred at his resi dence in this county on the 2nd inst., after an illness of ten weeks of typhoid fever, leaving a wife and three chil dren. He was a good man, faithful and efficient public officer, and his death will be mourned by a very large circle of relatives and friends. He was about 56 years of age. Asheville News: A drove of sheep were shipped last week from this place to Richmond, Va., over the Western JNortn uaronna railroad, Tney were bought in Haywood county, and is the first shipment made from this point to that market Heretofore, stock from Western North Carolina have gone to the Eastern market by way of Tennessee. goods, ol the very best quality and all grades, from the finest French Kid Button Boot to the Heaviest Brogan. if you wish to get your boots and shoes to suit you and at the lowest possible prices, you cannot do better than at our store. Give us a calL A. E. RANKIN & BRO., ser13 ' : - Central Hotel Block. Trade Street. LETTER FROM GEN. JOHNSTON. Durham Plant: Since the organiza tion of Durham county in August last there have been registered in the Reg ister's office one hundred deeds and two hundred mortgages. Our worthy reg ister has been kept very busy. Greensboro Bugle: Married, in Ox ford, Mississippi, at the residence of the bride's mother, on December 15th 1881, Mr. P. B. Barringer and Miss Georgia Shotwell. The groom is a brother of of Mr. John A. Barringer, of this city. Raleigh News and Observer: Three sheriffs yesterday settled their taxes with the State Treasurer: James R. Blacknall, of Durham, county, $6,943. 68; S. E. Koonce, of Jones, $2,076.82; Dempsey Spruill, of Washington, $2, 564,20. Henry Betling, of Guilford county, and Joshua Owen, of Martin, both col ored, were released from the peniten tiary yesterday, having served out sen tences of two years for larceny. The aggregate valuation ot real and personal property listed in Durham county, from that part of Wake em braced in the cut off, is as follows: Oak Grove township, $174,124; Cedar Fork township, 888,708. There were cut off in the former township 196 polls and from the latter 89 polls. The continued cold and disagreeable weather is causing a great deal of suf fering among the poor of our city. The Young Men's Christian Association is doing all it can to relieve this suffering. Late last night one of the distributors was out with wood, distributing to par ties who had not a stick to warm their cheerless homes. Dr. James McKee, county superin tendent of health, has vaccinated 217 pupils and teachers, at the white graded school, being not quite half those be longing to this school. He vaccinated 80 in one and a half hours with less trouble, he says, than occurs in some families of half a dozen persons, which is due to the system and discipline un der which Captain Dugger has his school. lie W&a inierepresented, and JTIade Itm Charge Against Jefferson Darin, Washington, D. C, Jan. 7. The Post will publish to-morrow morning the following important letter from General Joe Johnston : To the editar of the Daily Post : Sir, When an article headed "General John ston's narrative" appeared in the Phil adelphia Press of Dec. 18th, I wrote to the editor that the conversation on which the matter was evidently founded was not an "interview," and the article was so inaccurate that I would not un dertake to correct it. This was pub lished by him promptly. As that arti cle seems to be treated in the South as accurate, and I am charged with hav ing accused Mr. Davis of appropriating Uoniederate gold, carried through North Carolina, 1 write to deny the charge. 1 did not use guage imputed to me. did say was that the ought to have accounted money. It is a well known prac tice in this and all other civilized coun tries that those having the disposal of public funds shall account for them. What I said on that occasion was in an accidental conversation with one whom I considered much above the class of interviewers, therefore I had no fear of publication of what I might say, and said a good deal that nothing could in duce me to say for publication, espec ially on the subject of the funds at Greensboro. That part of the conver sation was in connection with the sub ject of an application twice made by me, that part of that money should be paid to the army 1 then commanded in North Carolina, which had received no real pay for many months. Signed, J. E. Johnston. BURGESS NICHOLS, ALL IIXDI ow FURIITIIIIE, BEDDING, &C. A TVLL LIB Oe? Cheap Bedsteads, ARB LOCHan, Parlor & Chamber Suits. oomnwAunmsMiin. Mm. 6 WMT T&AM SOUR. JL C the lan-1 What I President for that W. T. BLAOKWELL & GO. Durham, K. C. Manufacturers of the Original and Only Genuine TRADE MARK. Mar 22 ly o Our claim for merit is based fc upon the fact that a chemical analysis proves that the tobacco $ grown in our soc.tio7,. is better IklAlly IVH 11 ALA - - . i satisfactory smoke than ANY OTHKR. tobacco grcTra in the world; and. being situated iu the HEART ef t'iis fine tobacco section, "WE have the PICK of the oiTcrinffs. The public ap preciate this ; hence our sales r. EXCEED the products of ALLi ; the leading manufactories com- j biaed. JyjVaic nvine unless it bears the trade-mark of (he sSuu. ' Philadelphia oystermen say that good oysters this year are scarce and hard to nnd. isccltaneotts. A NOTABLE INVENTION. Enabling: an Instantaneous message . to be Ben from a fUoTimf Train Santa Barbara Press. On September 27, through Messrs. Dewey & Co., a patent was issued to a resident of Santa Barbara, California, for a method of telegraphing from a moving railroad car. The invention enables each freight or passenger train to have its own telegraph office. Two wires are required instead of one, and these are suspended directly over the track and above the moving train. They are parallel and about eighteen inches apart. ' One wire is connected with a battery at the station from which the train starts, and the other with a battery at the terminal station. They are so suspended that by a some what ingenious arrangement light run ning wheels can run along tnem trom one end of the road to the other. The wheels are insulated from each other, but are connected with wires that pass down the roof of the car to the opera ting instrument, and through it com plete to the circuit. As the car moves. the- wheels are drawn aiong on tne wires just above it, and a constant cur rent of electricity is maintained be tween the initial and terminal stations through the moving car; Without attempting to enumerate the advantages of the invention some of the more obvious mav be mentioned. All train reports and all orders from train dispatchers will te communicated directly to the conductor and engineer while the train is in motion. Passen gers can receive and trarftmit messages at any moment during their journey without any of the inconveniences now experienced. Directors and distinguish ed parties traveling in their own pri vate cars will find it especially conve nient to have a telegraph office con stantly at hand. But the one great value of the invention, after all, will be its preservation of life and property by preventing gojlisfons. . jm. r ojmi.i. Hon Edwin W. Stoqg-bton at (be Point off Death. Njsw YoFjc, Jan. f Hon. Edwin W. Stoughton, ex-MInister toltussia, who has been confined to his house for several weeks by illness, is considered to be in a very critical condition to-day by his physician, and they give but little hope for his recovery. The Weather. Washington, Jan. 7. South Atlantic and East Gulf States, warmer southerly to westerly winds, Jower barometer, light rains and partly cloudy weather. At a recent concert, it was the subject of remark tUW in wtiat floe "voice" the singers were; in com mending hls'gQpd Judgment, the leader will par don ns for wnupeirmg tan he always recommends Dr. Bail's cough syrup for ole&ri&g and strength ening the voice. A CHEERFUL ST. VALENTINE'S DAT. A novel, but- certainly interesung, form of Val eBUDB hM originated m sending a dollar or two dollars to MA. Diph!n,New Orleans, La., be fore the 14th day of February nest,' when the 1 41st Grand Drawing of the. Louisiana State Lot tery takes place under the management ot Oener ali Q. T. Beaursgard, of Louisiana, and Jubal A. Early, of Virginia. A SENSATION Has often been made by the discovery of some new thing, but nothing has ever stood the test like Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills; their popularity and sale is unprecedented. They uppiy a need long felt and must become a household remedy. Just think to be cured In a few weeks of these terrible nerv. us troubles and awful suffering from felck Headache, Neuralgia and Dyspepsia, and the nervous system put in a natural and healthy condition, destroying the pos sibility of Paralysis, Angina Pectoris and sudden death, which Is carrying off ro many noble men and women la the lull tide of life and useful ness. This slmDle remedy of Extract of Celery Seed and Chamomile Flowers, combined in the form of Dills, is a boon to humanity. It has saved the lives of thousands ol nervous, headaching ctail dren in our schools and out every year. No nerv ous person or sufferer from Headache, Neuralgia. Dysi epslaor Paralysis will do themselves Justice uotu they try tnem. Sold by all druggists. Price E0 cents a box. De pot, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mail, two boxes for $1 or six boxes for 32.50, to any address. Everybody Has" Discovered NORTH CAROLINA DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Our EOZIMA, TITTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINOSonsUpwtaof tb body. It makes the skin white, soft and amootu; removes tan and freoJuaa, and Is tbs BEST toilet dressing in THE WOULD. Elegantly put up, twe bottles in one package, consisting ot both, internal and external treatment. All first class druggists have It. Prioetl.perpaokage. MRS. LYDIA E. PIHKH&M, OF LYNH, MASS., -HAS TEE- LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. The McSmith Music House SELLS CHICKEEMNG & SONS, KRANICH & BACH, t M1THDSHEK. ARION, SOUTHERN GEM And other PIANOS. MASON & HAMLIN, SHONINGEB, PBLODBET 4 CO., STEELING, AND OTHEB ORGANS. TEE ONLY HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICTLY First-Class iDstromeats. Ask me for prices If you want good work, and you will nevsr boy anything but the best Address or call on, IT. McSMlTII. OPERA HOUSE. --OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY! E .(aiy Ju J tit j.j 0 i it r, i r.MM v Coffee drinkers should read the advertisement in another column beaded "Good Coffee." Coffee drinkers should red tKs sdvArHBAmont in another column headed "Good Coffee." IYP1A E. PINKHAIYTS VEGETABLE COMPOUND. iBJJositiveCnre far all these Falnttol Complaints aad Weafcaeiaaa so eesajnon te. ear bi f emaie popniauon. I) frill curg enffrsly the worst form of Female Com. plaints, ail pTarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulcers tton, Tailing and Displacements, and ftie ponseanent Spinal Weakness, and Is particularly adapted to the Change ot Ula, It vlll dlssolTS and expel tumors from the uterus In an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there is checked very speedily by its see. It removes falntnesa, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cores Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling ef bearing down, Gauging pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its Use. It will at all times and under aUclrcamitances act in harmony with the laws that govern the female system. - For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compeund Is unjnrpasBedT " LYDIA E.'lfif lOTASrS' VEGETABLE COM POTOTDis prepared at S3S and S3B "Western Lxenue, Iarim, If ass. Price si. Six bottieefor SS. Sent fer mail in the form of pUls, also in the form of lozenges, tm. receipt of price, l per box for either. ' Kn. Plakhsm ' freely answers all letters of Inquiry. - Send (or pampi let. Address as abOver tinmen KM Paper. . Xo family should be without LYDIA 5. .SnTEHAlT J UVek fills. They cure eotirapaaon, biliousness and torpidity of the Uver. K cents per box. &sT Sold by all Druggists. - 6" January Hth McDoiloagh and Fi!forl Combination : (EVERYBODY'S -lAVO'siTf!), ANNIE FIX LEY r-AS- M'LISS, ; CHILD OF THE SiEnnis. MISS P1XLEY Will Intoduce her varied selections of Sore. Duets and Medleys. Prices 75c and 91. OO. No extra chafo-fl for reserved seat: for sate atMcSmJUi music house Monda-f, rfaHBsry -ftfe-' , - w s J sw-f REMOyAL. : : I Haw Temomi mj stock of "Groceries' froa. Trjon street to th r-hslton buitdiug, on East Trade street, where I will he pleased to see iny customers and friends. Bespectfully. Jan 4 w f sun J. a. KATTEBEIL Tuesday, January 10th, 1882. LAWRENCK BARRETT Supported by a Strong Dramatic Company, Will appear In 8 HA K SSPKAB VS SUBLIME TBAG1DY In FlVB ACTS, entitled OTHELLO. ?OTlTgl.J,Q,... Mb. pARRE'JJT. Admission SI. OO? Pas at vert seats St. 25 Jm be secured at the usual places. HJan5 5t