)t Charlotte bsmjtr. ftUBsoRrPTroir rates: Patty, me year, pod-void, in advance 88 00 ftizmont? 4.00 Three nxnJh. 2.00 one month 75 WSBKLY EDITION: Weekly (In the tounty), in advance $2.00 Out of the tounty, tott-paU 2.10 iz months 1.05 tW liberal Rtduetionftyr Uiubt. ! Stroll SJtafl Soft iKitlttttB. IHX OBSXBTXB JOB SSPABXHXKT Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and with the latest stjles of Type, and every manner ol Job Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can tar nish at short notice, BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS, CARDS, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, 4C VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 11,1882. NO. 3,995. W bv IKtBSUr.i;. 9n CSoafls. 3 oot& an ft Alices : o : : o : Lyods' Patent Metallic Sfcers PREVENTS Boots and Shoes -FROM- RUNNING OVER, Wearing off at -the Sides or Ripping IN THE SEAMS. Johnson's Silk and Felt Insolts PREVENTS RHEUMATIC CRAMP. COLD FEET. BUNNIONS AND CHILBLAINS. PEGRAM & CO., SOLE AGENTS. anl TO THEB I GIVE HEALTH. "Excellent Tonic, Alterative and Diuretic," Medical Association, Lynchburg. Va, "Used with great benefit in Malaria and Dlph-therla."-8. f. Dupon. M. D.. Ga. la 'Successfully used In dyspepsia, chronic diar rbpea and scrofula,?? fof- a Jackson, ml D., "Inyalnable as a nervous tonic," -Hon. L C. "Recommended as a prophylactic in malarial dl8trlcts.'-D. B, Falrex, M. 1)., N. O. "Hestores debilitated systems to health. T. Mercer, M. D., Ind. . . ,. "Adapted In chronic diarrhoea. scroTnia, ana ujspepsia:" Geo, T. uarruon, "Successful in diphtheria and neuraujla. J. tr. V n M . J Excellent for certain iUscrms peculiar towc- uin froi. J. J. Moorman, jo. .. "Hrompt In relieving beadaehe, sick and ner ' Used with great benefit in dyspepsia, "W. c- 'iSuiWto broncbiassnd dlseasw of dlgestlTe PJrrA.wop- Ala. .f . eageg'-jno. P. Metfeaur, M. D.. L. L, D. ''OtVU .''o,J. Bumtold. ay., jut), ."Beneficial In uterine derangement and mala- r mil. .... .. n mm vr mf T nnul ..TV. "ions." w. in. bjl tt smooth, clear, soft and rosy."-Ml i. Th Prtnce of snlneral tonics.,, Franels Qui "Inestimable as a tonic and alteraUre." mv 'Kine appetlier andloo'purlllei.w-H.Il, "Very beneficial tn Improving- a redueed sys- cin. OISDOD BeCKWIUL CI , . ... - , "Invalids here find welcome sjhMlth."-Ber. Jflhn Hnntinn lata nt T . niM of KlChmOflO. ia "Has real merit," 8outhrci Med. Journal. D 1- . a i .4 A Water. S4 V case. Mass' and PUU.25, 60. 75 teh,. C, . I . a t. . Summer season ef Sprincs begins 1st Jtme. ISO r A.M. DAVTIS, Prai't of the Co.. 78 Mato 8t7lebtUTfcVa P. O. Box 174 Good Things ! WILSON BUB WELL, -. i. H. McADEN, and v n DiDfdvnv a- VI gtt Goo&s, CJlotWua, tcti -BAY -ALL- I WILL BE SOLD AT GREAT SACRIFICE, TO HAKE ROOM FOR SPRING PURCHASES. We Mean Every Word of This AND Only Ask an Inspection to Convince Yon. T. L Seigle & Co. BXedicat. laWeumdism Neuralgia, Sprains, Pain in the Back and Side. There Is nothing more painful than these diseases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cored by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. This remedy is not a cheap Benzine or Petroleum product that must be kept away from fire or heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor is it an untried experi ment that may do more harm than good. Pain Killer has been In constant use lor forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world la, It never f ai Is. It not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, It Is safe In the hands of the most inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Patw Killer would All volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried It think: Edgar Cady, Owatonsa, Minn., says : About a year since my wife became subject to severe suffering', from rheumatism. Our resort was to the Path Killer, which speedily relieved her. Charles Powell writes from the Sailors' Home, London: I had ben afflicted three years with neuralgia and violent spasms of the stomach. The doctors at Westminster Hospital gave up my case in despair. I tried your Pain Killeb, and it gave me immediate relief. I hare regained my strength, and am now able to follow my usual oocupation. a. H. Walworth. Saco, Me., writes : I experienced immediate relief from pain in the side by the use of your Pain Kii-i.tb, E. York says : I have used your Paiw Kiliee for rheumatism, and have received great benefit. Barton Seaman says : Have used Pain Ktt.mtb for thirty years, ana nave found it a never-failing remedy for rheumatism and lameness. Mr. Burditt writes: It nnrrfaiU to give relief tn eases of rheumatism. Phil, Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : . From actual use, I know your Pals Killed la the beet medicine I can get AH druggists keep Pain Killeb. Its price Is so low that it Is within the .reach of all, and it will save many times Its cost In doctors' bills. 25e., BOe. and i.oo a botue. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, -, : Prqylti ks.-ico. R.I. sept diwseptraoet, ,-;,-,.":"'; INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Iiosaof appettte,yanjsea.bowels costive. Fain in tneHead.with a dnll sensation in t tne Daea V1A ill Pain tinder the ahoulder- ess after eating, with a dlafn iody or mind, Irritability oc temperJ hoy spinta. Iiess Sfmemoi.withaieelinBrof navinrBeg- leciedsorne duty, weariness. AJigginesa. Fluttering of the koarVAJOta before the eyes. yellow eitln. Headaehe.Beatless ness at night, highly colored urine. IF THESE WABjnHOS AXZ TUTHHDEB, SERIOUS DISEASES WIL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTTS FILLS are especially adapted to such cases,one dose effects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite, and cause the body to Take tm Flesh, thus the system Is Ho&rlshed.and by tbeirTonleAeCloBentbe DlcesAlve Oramna. Heynlfr arepro dncedTTtTlee 25 cents. 8a Msrray t, M.x. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gbat Haib or Whisk Jtae changed to agwasr BlaOC by a single application V this Dp. It UoparU a natural color, acts InstattUUebBjly. Sold bj Druggutts, or aent by express on receipt ol 1. Ofiflco, 35 Murray St, New York. Cn TI'VT'S aiM-'AI. W Talaahl Utatmrnatm umt s33viv eby.' adeoilAwl "' " ' .-.i;-t-:- .- :.. lajBBfaagwHWMiwaiii - Gicser, Bochtt, Man-; . drake, Sdllingia, and many ol tne Dea meK cine, known ate 'f&fr' bihed in farkefs 6f?r eiuc nto a roecficiBe pfsucq varied powers, as to make it the gicapa 4)luwl PurifiM and ilia " BestHealthAStrettFth . Hasten Ever Cs4. It cures Rheumatism, Sleeplesaness, & d'ueaesi of the Stomach, Bowd Longs, Liver & Kidneys, Balr Balsami Bitters, Giager Eisencea and other Tonics, as tt sever intoxicates. Hiacox lac. Kwwblatenrtmtae C,QemUu,N.Y, B-rtm Boyfaic DolUr Bm. OCt22 SI Mil Ibl im-a i j DISCOVERY! . ..aaitiftfthbrSTflBED. i LOST wii"j " j 1T-S2ii.. TO Winter Goo is a OBSERVATIONS. The hr and wherefore: "Love is bUnd.and that Is how they manage to keep right on with the gas turned aown. DiuyriBiuKi iu tan is, icinonLcu ibit derson, "I am the brains of the firm." "No won- aer, inen," saia og, "inat ine nrm is so iamuiar .with the Insolvency Ceurt." Boston Transcript. Base calumny: There Is no troth in the reDOrt that a Common Councilman. aYter reading the legend, "evening dress," on his invitation to the French reception, proposed to go tn his shirt sleeves. - Boston Commercial Bulletin. ; , An editors advice The editor of a cltv agricul tural Journal, who knew less about farming than he did about anything else, told a subscriber, who wrote asking "how to get rid of stumps," to go to any respectable dentist, and nt to take gas unless his lungs were sound and his heart all right Norristown Herald. The President'has developed the hlehest Quali ties of constitutional statesmenahlp,'' were the words that little Mltttades Marrowfat read from the paper he was holding and then added: "What aoes us mean, popr "it means, my boy," ex- lained Mr. Marrowfat, "that the editor is preba iy a postmaster and feels agreeably disappointed that he hasn't been turned out" Brooklyn Eagle. I TEAKS or iNTEB BsST. Capt DeLone. of Arctic fame, was an officer-boy at $3 a weefc in New York twenty years ago. Duridg 1881. 1.611 horses were imrx)rt- ed at New York for breeding. There were also 442 cattle, 300 sheep and 10 jacks imported. Total value $481,564. Water pinrsRa wata lft. tmt. of t.hA reckoning when grants were made for tuts zuu,wu,uuu acres or. tana reservea by Texas for use in developing her re- RnnrnA. and nnn. t.hrtnorh the hnnVa' in dicate that there are 1130,450 acres still etc, tnere is a aenency or over 2,000,000 acres. The application of water power to the generation ef electricity for lighting purposes nas oeen successfully carried. out in the town of Godalming, Surrey, England, this being the first time in wnich such motor has been applied in that country. The electric light is to oe employed in all tne streets and pub ic Duiidings or tne town, a small in candescent light being used in the anes and by-ways. In the Franco-German war the Ger mans lost over 40,000 men by disease or the casualties of battle. It is to be re membered that every one of these was a picked man, in the full vigor of life, wnen he ought to have been adding to the wealth of the county and raising up a family to strengthen the State. Be sides the cost of the war, the volunta ry contributions amounted to $12,000,- 000 in money c r kind.This was the price or a successful war, waged by the most economical of nations. Texas, the largest State in the Union, has an area of 203,290 square miles, and itiode Island, the smallest, has l,0So square miles. Nye county, Nevada, is j the largest county in the Unitedbtat.es, covering 24,000 square miles. Sioux county .Nebraska, contains 21,070 square j miles. Oregon also has several large counties Grant, Umitil'a and Lake containing respectively 17,500,11460 ond 12,000 square miles. Presido, with 12,500 miles, is the largest county in Texas. The smallest county in the United States is New York, state of New York, and it has the largest popu lation. The largest of the territories is Dakota, with 147,600 square miles, and the largest county in any of J,he terri tories is Chester county,- Montana, with 36,500 miles. The Blackburn-Burbrldge fjootro- Yerey. Washington, Jan. 8.-r-The feud be tween Representative Blackburn and Gen. Burbridge, of Kentucky, is still in progress, and an additional chanter of the correspondence has been made pub lic. Under date of December 27, 1881, Mr. Blackburn wrote a letter to Gen. Burbridge, in which he said: "1 wish you to understand, sir, that l have never sought to re-open the issues of the war, nor have I ever at any time spoken unkindly of any officer of the United States army unless his acts put him beyond the pale of civilized war fare in the twilight of barbarism. .Nor will I consent to employ harsh lan guage or severity of criticism toward . .i . . my opponents in mat struggle save under the circumstances stated, uut, sir, after careful consideration, allow me to say that, in spite or your special plea that a number of distinguished gentlemen whom you name approved our conduct, (who in so doing must ave acted without a full knowledge of the facts,) whenever circumstances re quire or 1 may be called upon to speak in regard thereto, my statements shall be consistent with the truth and those heretofore made by me." To this Gen. Burbridge responded in a letter dated January 4, in which he reviews bis -own military acts while in command in Kentucky, and says that they received the hearty approval of all Union men, and were planned in strict accordance with orders from Sec retary Stanton and Gen. Sherman. He adds: "It ia to be regretted that in passing sentence upon me as the officer to whom the execution of orders for the suppression of guerrillas was en trusted you failed to include in your denunciation the guerrillas them selves." Gen. Burbridge then cites va rious murders alleged to have been committed by guerrillas within the de partment of which he had command, and says: - "If your district was dotted over with graves ' it was for snch acts as these. As I informed you in my previous let ter, not a man was put to death by my order without first having been tried and convicted by a regularly organized court-martial." He concludes with an allusion to the alleged attempt to intro duce vellow fever into the northern cities by means of infected clothing during the last year of the war, but does not mention the name of the per son who was charged with having sug gested this mode of warfare. A number of dispatches and letters from Mr. Lincoln, Secretary Stanton, Gen. Sherman, Gen. Scofield and other nersona in authority are cited to snow that Gen. Burbridge acted within the scope of his orders when the acts were done which Mr. Blackburn says pot him -beyond the pale of civiliiKd wan fare.". V M' ' -f H'i New York Stock market. "Mtcw Yrmit. Jan. 10. The stock mar ket opened of 1 per cent higher for tho (TonarAl lut. than vpsterdav's closintr a notations, the latter for Bichmond & Danville, while Louisville ce JNasnvuie sold down per cent In early deal ings adecline of HlM. per cent was recorded, in which , Northern Pacifie preferred led. Subsequently a recovery of M1J Per cent place, the lat ter for Louisville jMasnvuie The C. o. c. & opening. L advanced 1 per cent from An Attempt to Bnrn s Town. Tan 1ft- A Xewa Abl lene special says the nstLCceesful ate tempt was made at an early hour this morning to bum tne soum Biae oi wio Tha flamps wAre extinguished Litht iiamiML An rnrmirv is now being held. Suspected parties are un der surouance. ' STRIKING LAGER BEER. The Strange Result which Followed Drilling; for Oil. Near Franklin, Fa., Real & Son have drilled a number of wells on leased ground. A short time ago they located a well on the summit of a very steep hill, known as the "Point," which rises, from the bank of French creek in a very abrupt manner. The rig was built and .everything worked well for about a week, when the drill had penetrated about 500 feet At this point the drill struck a crevice and dropped away sev eral feet This Was a great surprise to the workmen, for sand is not struck generally until a depth of several hun dred feet is reached. However, the tools were withdrawn from the hole and the bailer was run down. It came up seemingly full of oil, and continued bailings did not seem., to exhaust the supply. They decided to tube the well, and Mr. Real gave, orders to that effect On the" following day the well was tubed without being shot They com menced to pump it and it threw the fluid out at a good rate. Noticing some thing queer about the oil, one of the men tasted it He found it so good that he put his lips to the pipe and took long gulps of the delicious stuff. First one and then another drank of the supposed oil, and finally they became what is known as drunk. The owners visited the well, drank of the fluid pumped out and were overcome. Operators came to see it, drank and were overcome. The people of the town who had heard of it went up the hill, drank and were overcome. Finally one man in the crowd, who, had tasted beer before, affirmed that the liquid was "lager." Everybody laughed at bim, but he persisted, and finally Phillip Grossman, the beer brewer, was sent for. He came and tasted it "Mine Got!" he exclaimed, "dot is mine own peer." Grossman's brewery is situated on the other side of the creek, while the beer vault is on the west side, just be neath the spot where the boring took place. The bper vault is blasted Out of the solid rock, and runs back about a hundred feet. One cask in the rear end of the vault is used as a supply cask. All the others are connected with this one by pipes, and the supply cask being sunken, is always kept full of beer. On visiting the vault, three of the large casks were empty. The supply cask had been penetrated by the- drill, and that was why it continued to pump. Grossman has instituted proceedings to recover the price of the beer. A COItPSE IN A TREK. The Terrible Death ol a Negro Hun ter In York County. The Chester Bulletin and Yorkville (S. C) Enquirer give the following facts about the terrible death of a negro hunter m i orK county: Six or eight weeks ago Jim Saunders, a colored man 19 years of age, living in the Bullock's Creek section, York county, took his gun and a dog and went hunting. That evening the dog returned but Saunders did not "Noth ing serious was thought to be the mat ter, however, until a tew days ago.when vultures were seen in great numbers in the neighboring woods. Some one be ing curious to ascertain why they were there, went to investigate, when a most revolting spectacle met their gaze. The missing hunter was found dead hang ing on a tree with one of his arms in a hole, where it is supposed he put it to catch a rabbit. His coat and gun were lying at the foot of the tree. The the ory of his death is that he had chased game of some kind, to this tree, which was hollow, and in his pursuit of it had climbed the tree, intending to support himself by a projecting limb with his right hand while reaching into the hol low with his left But it is evident thai while thus swinging by his right hand to. the limb, and his left inserted in the tree, the limb broke and his left hand was so caught in the aperture that ex trication was impossible, and to add to his torture it was found that his left shoulder was dislocated. In this con dition he died from slow starvation al most in sight of habitations, but un fortunately "In a locality seldom fre quented, while if he made cries of distress they did not attract attention. The arm which was in tne hole was broken near the shoulder, and the body was hanging with the feet almost touching the ground. The corpse was in a most nauseating state of decompo sition, tne vuitures-naving Knawed out the eyes and devoured a large portion of the upper part of the body. Death of a White Elephant . London Telegraph. 'Intelligence reaches us from India to the melancholy effect that the Siamese nation has recently been plunged into mourning by the untimely death of "His Sublime Grandeur the Court and Body Elephant of the King." Thus run the official title of the albino pachy derm, who, in virtue of his abnormal color, is the object of divine worship for the time being in the kingdom of Siam. His Sublime Grandeur, we regret to learn, departed this life in a highly sen' sational manner, fraught with irrepara ble disaster to the entire staff of his household. One morning after a hearty breakfast he went mad quite unexpectedly, ana trampled nve or his attendants to death. To shoot him would have been sacrilege. An at tempt to tranquilize his perturbed spir it by encircling him with a huge ring of holy bamboo specially blessed by the high priest Of his own particular tern pie proved worse than ineffectual, for he broke through the ring and all but terminated the nigh . priest's career up on the spot He was then with great difficulty driven into a close court of the palace, where, after several furious endeavors to batter down the walls with his tusk, he suddenly toppled over on his side, uttered a last cry of rage and gave un the ohost Naturally enough this heavy calami ty was attributed to cnmmal careless ness on the part of one or other of the attendants-intrusted with tne sacred ei eohant's feeding. The King therefore interrogated the members of His Sub lime Grandeur s household in person with respect to their treatment of the illustrious defunct and failing to elicit anv individual confession of delinquen cy decree that they should, one and all, be punished. , , . , Having: thus vindicated propriety. His Majesty assumed the garb' of woe and is understood to be still inconsola ble for his loss. .. Mr. Blaine' Be.cent letter. St. Louis Republican. " Mr. Blaine savs in substance that the' South is growing .prosperous, and that prosperity is at once the cause - and sign of good government. This is not 5 only a confessiott Xhat thecSouth iias good and noaceable government, but the plain inference from it is that there 'is4 no reason zor any extrsonuuairj buu unnatural alliance for the purpose of effecting a change. - Solidifying: Petroleum for Transpor tation, London Times. A German, II err P. N. Dittmar, has practically solved the problem of ren dering petroleum solid. A company has been formed in Russia to work the patent when completed. The trans formation ol the substance will not cost over 3d. per 86 pounds (six kopecks perpood) whereas the casks now usedjin crease the cost of petroleum about 2s. 4d. for the same quantity (55. kopecks per pood), leakage not considered. The reporter of a St Petersburg pa per saw the product ; he says it is ot a wine color, and has the consistency of very jtiff geletine ; it can be kneeded with the fingers like wax, and is yet Somewhat breakable. A small piece of the thickness of a lead pencil and about an inch long could be lit at one end and held with the fingers. It mel-r ted like wax, and it was only after a little while, when the hot drops ran down, that the flame had to be blown out The danger of fire is considerably less than with liquid petroleum. The product can be easily liquified when required by the addition of vine gar, and the process is rapid. The vin egar in time separatesTout below and the petroletim abovo. It is not stated whether the same vinegar can be used repeatedly. " It appears that the high and low boil ing hydro-carbons in crude naptha are not affected "by the solidifying agent, in which case the costly apparatus for fractional distillation might be dispens ed with.- The advantages of solid petroleum would be peculiarly felt in regions like the Caucasus, where the naptha indus try suffers through the dearth of suita ble wood for barrels. Too Many Inducements. Bichmond State. A correspondent Of the Philadelphia Times, writes that an old farmer on Coan mver, in Northumberland coun ty, Va., once attempted to persuade him to buy a small farm there, and, by way of inducement said: "You can get thi3 land, as black as my old hat and as rich as a manure pile, for $10 per acre. You can put up a nice little house for $500. You can get all the oysters and fish you may want out of the little river without trouble. Almost any one around here will give you all the clams you want to eat if you are too lazy to plant them, and then you can buy wood and whis key respectively for $1.50 per cord and $2 per gallon. God has done all that he could for our people, and it's a para dise for idh r ." And yet he didn't buy. A Comfortable Fortune. Mr. George M. Pullman, the main man in the Pullman Palace Car Com pany, is about forty-seven years of age, and has accumulated a fortune from $15,000,000 to $20,000,000. A few years ago he bought about 3,000 acres of land some sixteen miles from Chicago, at a cost of about $1,000,000, and there com menced to build a city bearing his name. He has erected vast shops for making cars, and employs from 5,000 to 6,000 workers in wood, iron, glass, pain ters, upholsterers, &c. A Police Officer In Limbo. Galveston, Dec. 9. A News Dallas special says Police Officer John Crowd ers was arrested and imprisoned last night charged with the rape of a girl named Donnic Wiggintons. Want an Advance ot Wages. London, Jan. 9. The cotton weavers of Lancashire have decided to apply for a general advance of wages. DECLINE OF MAN. Imnotenee of mind, limb, or Tltal function, ner- tous weakness, sexual debility, 4c, cured by Wells' Health Benewer. si at druggists. Depot J. H. McAden, Charlotte, N. C A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and In discretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay ess of manhood, Ac., I win send a recipe that will cure you. FREE of CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Bend a sell-addressed envelope to tne KEY. JOSEPH T. IK MAN, Station D, New York City. Aa Extended Popularity. Each Tear Finds "Brown's Bronchial Troches" in new localities, In various parts of the world. For relieving coughs, colds and throat diseases, the Troches have been prove reliable. f?atetxt HXjejtXtjcittjes. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. Plt' Jim M, 1816 WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, Electro-Voltaic Appliances suffering from NcrvousWeakneMeg, Gen eral Debility, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Othst. Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. Speedy rpllcf and complete restoration to health guaranteed. These are tbe only Electric Appliances tbas have ever been constructed upon aelentifle prin ciples; Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonderful success, and they have the highest endorsements from medical and scien tific men, and from hundreds who have been quickly and radically eared b their use. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, giving all information free. Address, VOLTAIC BEIT CO., atarahan, Vich, Julyl8 Z.B. VAXCB. W.H BAILXT. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors ' . CHARLOTTE, N. C Practice hi Supreme Court of the United States, supreme court of. Nona uaroiina, jreaenu Courts, aad counUes of Mecklen-. burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Da-. , . , . . Eft Office, two- doors east of Lndependenee square. marzw u RO, D. GRAHAM, 117 the State and United States Courts. CoDee Bona, Home and Foreign, solicited. Ab stracts of Titles, Surreys, &c, furnished for com Omoi : It X. Corner Tr - Tifuu streets Charlotte, -------J--'- - -. '-1110.0. RUBBERS! .WE BLA.VK just received a second stock OF LADIES ' Hril)ber Over-Shoes. WE 8TILL HAVE A HANDSOME LIKE OF Shaker Flannels, Blankets and Comfortables. LADIES, GENTS' and MISSES TO CLOSE CHEAP. DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED HOSIERY. We will offer from this date our 6ntlre stock of Ulsters, Mm Jackets, Dolmans and Cloaks at Cost. CALL EAELT and HARGRAVES SEED OATS ! SEEDEOATS ! SEED OATS ! CORN ! CORN ! CORN ! FLOUR ! FLOUR! FLOUR ! BAGGING AND TIES We are agents for THE WATT PLOW And will sell It lower than yon can boy an othe " good plow. Full assortment always on hand. Call and see us before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. 0eB4 I RRHRSII U U ULlhJ ALSO, A LARGE LIKE OF SECURE BARGAINS. & WILHELM. C. C- D. A. -AND- THAT NORTH CAROLINA -HiS THE- LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. itli Music House SELLS CHICKKBDvU & EONS, KHANICH & BACH, MATHUSHEK, ARION, 80UTHESN GEM And other PIANOS. r MASON & HAMLIN, SH0NINGEB, PJJLODBET & CO., STERLING, AND OTHER ORGANS. THE ONLY HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICTLY First-Class Instruments. ty Ask me for prices If you want good work and you will never buy anything but the best Address or call on, H. McSMITH. plisjcjellaujeo txs. GREAT GERM DESTROYER. DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. PITTING OP" SMALL POX Prevented. Ulsters purified and healed. Gangrene prevented and curt-d. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvey cured in short 3 me. j SMALLPOX Q p ERADICATED. I Contagion deftroed. Sick hooms purified and made pieasan Fevered and 81ck Per sons relieved and re freshed by bathl g with Prophj latlc Huid added to tbe water. Soft White Complexions secured by its use In Tetter dried up. It Is perfectly harmless. or r-ore xnroai u is a sure cure. S DIPTHERIA bathing. Impure air made harm PREVENTED less and purified by sprinkling Darby's lauld about. To Durlty,the Breath Cleanse the Teeth, it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and Cholera dissipated. Ship Fever preventea Dy Its uae. Tn cases of death In the house, It should always be used about the corpse -it will prevent any unpleasant smell. cured. Erysipelas cured. Burns relieed Instantly. Scars prevented. Removes ail unpleasant odors. An antidote for animal or Vegetable Poison, Stings, &c. SCARLET . FEVER CURED. Dangerous effluvias of sickrooms and nospi tals removed by Its use. Yellow Fever Eradicated. In fact it Is the great Disinfectant and Purifier, PREPARED BT J. H. ZEILIN" & CO, Manufacturing Chemists, Sola Proprietors;- deA - .vv Everybody Has Discovered mar27

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