LOUAL 31 ATT KItS. ! WEDNESDAY. JAN. 11, 1882. IIOillE CHIPL.ETS. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. I'baxaax Lobok Na 81 , A. . & A. M. -Regular neetlng every second and fourth Monday nights. Kxcxlsiob Lodoi No. 261, A. F. 4 A. H. Beg alar meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. Chablottb Chaptxb Na 89, B. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights. CHABLort Commandabt Na 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. HZ. OF n. Kmishtb of Honob, Regular meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. 3Z. OF IP Khigbtb of Pythias. Regular meeting nl&hts first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. at Ma sonic Temple Hall. I. O. O. F. Charlotte Lodge Na 88. Meets every Mu day night Heckuenbubg Dsolabatioh Lodob Na 6. Meeis every Tuesday night. Drxa Lodge No. 108. Meets'every Thursday night. Catawba Rivkb Encakfkfnt Na 21. Meets lrst and third Thursday nights in each month. Index to New Advevtlaetwen wm. 8. Eagle -To the Public. Wanted a furnished room. BUHIHE NOTICES. WK TKLL YOU PLAINLY that Simmons Liver Regulator will rid you of dys pepsia, purify your system, enable you to sleep weil, prevent malarial diseases and give you a brisk and vigorous feeling. It acts directly upon the liver and kidneys, cleansing, purifying, Invig orating and fortifying the system against disease. It will break up chills and fever and fever and prevent their return, and is a complete antidote to all malarial poison yet entirely free from quinine or calomel.- Try It, and you will be astonished at the good results of the genuine Simmons Liver Regulator, prepared by J. H. Zellln 4 Co. A CHEERFUL ST. VALENTINE'S DAT. A novel, but certainly interesting, form of Val entice has originated in sending a dollar or two dollars to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La., be fore the 14th dav of February next, when the 1 41st Grand Drawing of the Louisiana State Lot tery takes place under the management of Gener als . T. Beauregard, or Louisiana, ana juoai . Early, of Virginia. A lady from Oregon writes: Dr. Benson; I think you should be presented with a chariot of pure gold, for your Celery and Chamomile Pills having proved such a blessing to thousands of sufferers with sick and nervous headache, neuralgia, nerv ousness and dyspepsia. Who is Mrs. Wlnslow ? As this Question Is freauently asked, we will sim ply say that she is a lady who for upwards of for ty years, has untiringly devoted her time and tal ents as a Female Physician and nurse, principally among children. She has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous class. and. as a result of this effort, and practical knowl edge, obtained In a lifetime spent as nurse and physician, she has compounded a Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It operates like magic giving rest and health, and Is moreover, sure to regulate the bowels. In consequence of this ar ticle, Mrs. Wlnslow Is becoming world-renowned as a benefactor of her race; children certainly do risn ii n and bless her: esDeclallv Is this the case In this city. Vast quantities of the Soothing 8yrup-J - uiK jura t3TDr. T. C. Smith) is having im provements made in his drug store. tW Claire Scott played Lady of Ly ons at the opera house in Winston last night tSTThe box sheets for Pixley will be open at the usual places this morning. fT Annie Pixley, the best soubrette that has ever visited Charlotte, will be at the opera house to-night. t2TThe absence of music and fire from the opera house last night put the audience in a splendid mood for pre senting a most mournful aspect be tween the acts. tW Several of the boys yesterday weakened on the Barrett business last night When it becomes necessary to add carriage hire to tickets, it is enough to cause a fellow to weaken, unless he has a barl. 53T Yesterday one of the cotton men of East Trade got a rope and made him self fast to one end, while the other was held by bystanders, and at great peril succeeded in wading out and placing a danger signal in the square formed by the crossing of Trade and College sreetts. Later in the day the street force were engaged in filling up the hole marked by the flag. Special Conference. There will be a special conference of the Charlotte Baptist Church to-night to consider the call of a pastor to fill the vacancy existing in that church, by reason of the resignation of Dr. Whit field. A. full attendance of the mem bers is desired. Wlnslow has immortalized her name by this in valuable article, and we sincerely believe thous ands of children have been saved rrom an eariy grave by Its timely use, and that millions yet un born will share its benefits, and unite in calling her blessed. No mother has discharged her duty to her suffering little one, In our opinion, until she has given it the Deneni oi Mrs. wmsiow s soumiug Syrup. Try it, mothers try It now. Ladles' Visi tor. New York City. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. JOSH BILLTNGS HEABD FROM. Newport. R. L, Aug. 11, 1880. Dear Bitters I am here trying to breathe In all the salt air of the ocean, and having been a suf ferer for more than a year with a refractory liver, I was Induced to mix Hop Bitters with tne sea gale, and have found the tincture a glorious result I have been greatly helped by the Bitters, and am not afraid to say so.' Tours without a struggle. Josh billings. Personal Mr. S. B. Dodds, of Lynchburg, Va., once a resident of this place, was in the city yesterday. Mr. E. J. Allen and wife, who have been in Winston for some time past, re turned to the city yesterday. CoL Thos. M. Holt of Alamance, came up on the noon train from the North yesterday. Mr. James Joyner, for some time past a clerk in Wriaton's drug store, has taken a position with Messrs. O'Donog hue, Hand & Co., who have recently opened a drug store at the corner of Trade and College streets. It is understood that Mr. John W. Fetzer, formerly with Cannons & Fet- zer, of Concord, will come to Charlotte and keen books for Mr. LeRoy David son. Rev. N. M. Woods, the pastor elect of the Second Presbyterian Church, ar rived in the city last night, and with his family is quartered at the Central hotel. la Tronble. The editor of the Laurinburg Enter prise seems to be in trouble, and offers "a reward of fifty rabbit skins to any one who can invent a remedy to pre vent boys from talking." We do not care particularly for the reward but we would like to help our friend out of bis difficulty. . In the treatment of such cases a good deal depends upon the kind of a boy we have to deal with. For a small boy from two years, say up to ten or twelve, a tin horn acts like a charm. We have known a boy with a tin horn not to speak for two hours on a stretch, and to strictly mind his own business and attend to his horn. Horns have a contrary effect on.older people and sometimes make them very talkative. When the tin horn fails a plug about three inches in diameter driven in be tween the upper and lower teeth and securely wedged will prove pretty effec tive. But quite as effective a way and less troublesome is to present the boy with a can of nitro-glylerine and invite him to go out into the back lot and jump upon it Nitro-glycerine has been known to prevent boys from ever talking after they tackled it It is a little troublesome but will prove successful to dig a hole in the ground of sufficient dimensions, tumble the boy into it cover him over with rocks and earth and then ornament the spot with fresh turf. Boys treated in this way never manifest any disposi tion to talk afterwards. We have heard of tongue-tied boys, but we never saw one, and we don't be lieve there is any such thing. There are dumb boys, sometimes, but they are not boys in the full meaning that this word conveys. If our friend finds it inconvenient to try any of the expedients which we suggest he might trade his boys off for girls and discover after a little while that his boys didn't talk at all, and take back his rabbit skin reward. Lydla B. Plnkhm's Vfgable Compound will at all times and under alt clicumitances, act la harmony with the laws thnt govern the female system. Address Mrs. Lydla K. Ptnxham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for circular. i growth oi tne nair, use Parker's Hair Balsam. It restores the youthful To promote a vigorous i color to gray balr, remove pf the tchlng of i scalp. dandruff, and cures fjew &aertlseiueuts. MUM Graded School The Goldsboro Messenger, in speak ing of the graded school of that town says : "It has done more, and continues to do more for Goldsboro, than most people imagine. Every day we hear of parties who are locating in our midst to share its benefits for their children, and ihey are a desirable class of citi zens, and most of them are lending their aid towards building up the city by buying property and otherwise. There is a regular "real estate boom just now, and not an empty dwelling house in the city, large or small." The item of school facilities is an important one to the better class of people, and is one of the first considerations with those contemplating settling in a locali ty. The benefits derived from our own graded school, when it is gotten under headway, will soon make themselves apparent Absolutely Pure. T a'i powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold m competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Bold only In cane. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., nov23 New York. LeRoy Davidson. Sole Agent, Charlotte,! N. C. US Reeeivec Superior Conrt Busineas, The Superior Court met yesterday morning at 9 o'clodk. The case of Davidson vs. the Second Presbyterian churoh was re-referred to the clerk. In the suit of H. G. Springs vs. Mc Whirter & Howie, a verdict was given for the defendants. The case of the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad company against the city of Charlotte was taken up, and both sides announced themselves as ready for trial. A jury was empanelled and therenpon counsel for the city ask ed permission to amend their answer, and set up a new ground of defense. After considering this his honor was of opinion that the interests of justice re quired that the amendment be allowed. Upon a statement by counsel for plain tiff that they wero not ready to try the new issue made by the amendment His honor, upon motion of counsel for plaintiff, continued the case. This is rnt thfi suit which recently came back for a new trial from the Supreme Court, but a branch of the same, and depends on the result of the other. Messrs. Jone? & Johnston', represent the rail road company, and Messrs. Burwell & Walker and J. 11 Wilson & Son are counsel for the city. Election of Bank. Officers; The several National banks of the city yesterday elected officers for the ensuing year, as is required by law. The following named gentlemen were elected as directors and officers of the banks named: merchants' and farmers', Directors. J. H. Wilson, H. G. Springs, H. M. Houston, E. MHolt, J. R. Holland, D. P. Hutchison, J. H. McAden. Officers. J. H. McAden, president; J. H. Wilson, vice-president: J. R. Hol land, cashier ; C. N. G. Butt assistant cashier; Tom Griffith, clerk. No change was made in the directors or officers of this bank. FIRST NATIONAL. Directors. R. M. Oates, J. L. Brown, S. A. Cohen, S. B. AlexandeiyB, Barrin ger. Officers R. Y. McAden, president; W. R. Myers, vice-president; M. P. Pegram, cashier; J, F. Orr, teller. No change. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL. Directors.-T. M Holt W. E. Holt J. H. Holt Wm. Johnson, J.S. Spencer, Jos. McLaughlin, B. M. White, J. L. Morehead, R. M Miller, H. C. Eccles, Frank Coxe. Officers. R.M. White, president; A G. Brenizer, cashier; J. M. Shelley, tel ler; W. D. Cowles, book-keeper. Mr. R. M. White becomes president of this bank in place of CoL Frank Coxe, who is placed in the directory. TRADERS' NATIONAL. Directors. J. E. Brown, A. B.David son, W. M. Shipp, J. W. Wadsworth, D. F. Cannon, P. Schiff, R. L McDowelL Officers. R. I. McDowell, president; P. Schiff, vice-president; J. H. Ross, cashier; E. F. Young, assistant cashier. The only change made in this bank is the election of Mr. A. B. Davidson director instead of V. Q. Johnson, Esq. Another An.tl4.altx .... --,. . Ever since the notice was made of the seal in the office of the register of deeds of this county, the clerk of the Superior Court has had his spinal col umn elevated about the matter, claim ing that he had the antiquity of the es tablishment and the other day, in proof of the assertion, he button-holed the reporter and led him into the pres ence of wnat seemed at first glance to ba an ice box or refrigerator, and be fore an inquiry could be made as to what it was and where it came from the information was given that in it were deposited the valuable papers, records and documents of the county After some inquiries as to the cause of the battered condition of one end of the concern, the clerk ordered his dep uty to hand over the key, so that a view of the interior might be had. The dep uty, after diving down into a wood box standing in one corner of the room, fished out a common hatchet and hand ed it over to the clerk, who solemnly informed the reporter that it was the key to the combination of the safe of the county of Mecklenburg, and in proof of this assertion that dignitary dealt two vigorous blows en the front of the safe, threw off the combination and opened the massive doors which are about 2 by 3 feet hunng on hing es made of wooden pegs, and are inhab ited by rats of all ages and sizes. All efforts to gain information of the pa tentee of the safe were in vain, as it is supposed he died long before the court house was thought of. The clerk is perfectly satisfied that the safe is all that could be desired, and that his pa pers and records are as secure in it as they would be in a common dry goods box. Lawrence Barrett aa Othello. We regret that in consequence of the inclement weather last night but a small audience witnessed the perform ance as Othello by Lawrence Barrett as our f people missed the opportunity of witnessing some of the finest- acting ever put upon these boards. There are but few1 of Shakespeare's plays that present as fine oppoitunities for acting as Othello where the confiding victim, the bold warrior, the ardent love and and jealous husband are all combined in one, and each part is a perfect charac ter in itself. There are but few actors who play Othello well, and Barrett is one of them. Endowed with a rich, full, well trained voice, which he has under complete control, with fine pres ence and graceful movement he at once impresses the audience that they are looking upon and listening to a man of no ordinary genius. His acting last night was good, su perlatively good, and his reading strik ingly fine, especially the scene at the couch before the killing of Desdemona, There is none of that strut nor stage rant about him, which sometimes spoils very clever acting. The support was good, Iago filling the bill and sustaining the character well throughout, while Desdemona also played her part well. As a whole the play was well put upon the boards and well received. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH HaHXU-Ilfmj DUdUng lltte; low middling Itffee; good ordinary lOVie; net reeelptt 664; gross : sales 1.600; stock 44,718: exports Mat 1.181; llanea ; to Great Britain 4,267; to continent 704. Mxxfhis Firm; middling lVtei receipts 447; shipments 892; sales 200; stock 98,016. AuepsTA Jlrmj middling tie; low nM Cllng lOtte good ordinary 10c; receipts 266; shipments : sales 482. CHABUBmw Firm; middling llc; low BsidaUng llfee; good ordinary lOtfcC; net receipts 943; gross ; sales 2,000; stock 77,782; exports soastwlse : to Gnat Britain : to oonttnent ; to France ; to channel Nxw Toss Easier; sales 1,025: middling up lands 12c; middling Orleans 12 6-1 8c: consoli dated net reeelpu 16.687 ; exports t o 6reat Britain 11,064; to France ; to continent 1,181: to channel . Lmncrooti Noon Firm : middling nplanda 61; middling Orleans 6d; sales 10,000; spec ulation and export 1,000; receipts 84,000; Ameri can 23,500. Uplands low middling clause: January dellTery 6 ll-18d; January and February 6 1 1-1 6d: February and March 6Hd: March and April 6 15-1 6d; April and May 6 27-82d; May and Jane 6d26 29-82d; June and July 6 15-16d; July and August 7d; August and September . Futures quiet. Liverpool -5 P. M Sales of American cotton 9,260 bales. Uplands low middling clause: Jan- nary and February dell Terr March ; April and May ; June and July barely steady. FUTURES. February and .-May ano June Futures closed Nxw Tori Futures dosed steady. Sales 107, 000. January 11 98 12.00 February I2.isa.19 March ia.4a.47 April 12.67 .00 May 12.88a.84 Jane. 12.983.99 July. 18.00a.ll August 18.20a.21 September 12.68a.65 October ll.8oa.82 November 11.65 00 FINANCIAL. Kxw TOKX. 4.81 1.021 1.14 M75 46 Xxchange Governments quiet and unchang ed New 5's, Four and a halt per cents, Four per cents, Money, State bonds fsirl afitlva. Sub-treasury balances Gold.. S75.846.000 " " Currency,... 4.812,100 Stocks Active, bat Irregular and unsettled: Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 81 Alabama Class A, small... 82 Alabama Class B, 5's 97 Alabama Class C. 4's. 801b Chicago and Northwestern 1.26 Chicago and Northwestern preferred, I.88M1 Me 40 EastlTennessee 14V Georgia. 1.0a Illinois Central. l-SOtt Lake Shore - 1.1 SU LoulsrUle and NashTUle 9745 Memphis and Charleston 73V. Nashllle and Chattanooga New York Central Pittsburg. i Richmond and Allegheny Blchmond and Danviue. Bock Island Wabash, St. Loots Pacific Wabash, St Louis & Pacific preferr'd Western Union. IB(Mr 1 SUndDIHS AT COST ! AT COST. AT COST. HAVING JUST TAXKf I FIND I HAVZ XNtlBJCLT T O'O. ESETQTC ST OK ON HAND, AND IN OBDSB TO EZDUCX IT I WILL OFFXB UNTIL FUBTBXB NOTICX, ALL GOODS UNRESERVEDLY AT COST. decSO lm CONSIGNMENT. -:L: :D:- 181 1.83 87 1.81 1.32 86Vs 68 77 1 5 bbls. Oranges, CITY COTTON MARKET. Office of Tea Obsxbtxb, I Chablottb. January 11, 1882. 1 The market yesterday closed quiet at the f ollow lag quotations: Good Middling. 1114 Strictly middling, 1 1 Vfe morning. k. 11 Strict low middling. 10 Low middling. 10 Tinges 9VkafM Storm cotton 69tf Sales yesterday 56 bales. AT TI1E Rslroad maulers. The articles of incorporation of an other railroad were on Friday recorded at the office of the Secretary of "State of West Virginia at Wheeling. It is known as the Cincinnati, Virginia and Carolina Railway Company, and is to have the following route: From Wadesboro, Anson county, N. C, run ning through Anson, Stanley, Cabarrus, Rowan, Davie. Iredell, Wilkes and Ashe counties, in that State, through Grayson, Wythe and Tazewell coun ties. Va enterine West Virginia in McDowell or Mercer county,and thence through Wyoming, Logan, Lincoln and Kanawha counties to the city of Charleston. The capital stock is $15, 000,000, consisting of 150,000 shares of 3100 each. The incorporators are Hen ry C. Hodgdon, Chas. G. Wilson, C. A. Burgess, Charles S. Williams, T. T. Un derdonk and Thomas Alcock, of New York, and O. W. Wilmot, of Brooklyn The Wilmington and Weldon Rail road Company Thursday opened bids for 2,000 shares of their stock, and awarded it to J. Harmanus Fisher & Son. of Baltimore, at $101.50 per share. Holders of about $400,000 of the $571, 000 of 7 per cent, gold bonds recently Cbioa Palace The Gounod Club. The Gounod music club, at its meet ing last Thursday night, instituted the n.,afnn nf liPrPRftf-r havinz an annual , mnsini entertainment, and issued have accepted the offer of the havVfiTPd noon next Friday night as company to exchange them for stock at thft time forthe institution of the new custom. The entertainment will be given fpr the enjoyment of the ciuo, and will take placent tne Meiropoiiutu wntri. The arrangements are being rapidly made, and the affair promises nar. the bonds to so in at $110. At the annual meeting November 22 it was decided to increase the capital stock not exceeding $200,000, to provide for building the Scotland Neck branch and for the company's proportion of sleep- JANUA&Y 10. 1882 PRODUCE. WrumfGTOif, N. C Spirits turpentine firm at 511&C Bosln dull;stralned S2.02&; good strained 82.0714. Tar at firm 82.00. Crude turpentine arm, at 0Z.0U nara; si uu ioryeuowaip; 90.au for virgin Inferior. Corn unchanged; prime white 81 82; mixed 78879. BAUTTJiora-Noon-Floar unchanged ;Howard street and Western super S4 2fi86.00; extra $5.25 $8.25: family S6.50SS7.25; city mills, super 84 50ffiS5.25; extra $5 60$6.25; family 87.50- (297.75; ruo Dranas sj.uu: ratapsou uumu a.2. Wheat Southern nominal; Western steady and doll: Southern redSl.8881.41; amber $1,429- $1.45; No. 1 Maryland $l.45S$1.45tt; No. 2 western winter rea spoii.u'uJi.u; .nirj 81.408)81.40; February S1.421.42; March 81.44381.45; April S1.4tfi2S1.4rtt. Corn Southern higher; western steaay ana ami; Southern white 76; do. yellow 72. BAumoBS-Nlght-Oatv higher Southern 49 52 ; Western white 51 52; mixed 49 50; Pennsyl Tanls 49S52. Provisions unchanged; mess pork SI 8.00. tsulk meats-sheulders and clear rib sides, packed 7 Via 9 Bacon -shoulders 814; dear rib sides 10; hams 12414lb. Lard re fined 121A. Coffee quiet; Bio cargoes ordinary tot air 91AQ1IOIA. Sugar- higher; A soft 9. Whisker-nominal, at 81.1 7 Vfc Freights unchanged and doll. Chicago Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat nsettled. but generally lower; No. 2 Chicago spring 81.28 cash; $1.28681.28 January; S1.2fuA6Sl .61 February. Corn unsettled and lower; 610)68M cash; 611 January; 62ia62i4 February. Oats steady and In fair demand, at 45te cash; 4414 January; 44l February. Dressed nogs in rair aemana, dui at wwer rate, at 87.55. Pork active, firm and higher, but un settled, at S17-85S1 7.40 cash: S17.87MSl7.40 Sl7.47ttQ817.50 February. lord - fairly active and a shade higher, at SI 1.20 cash and January; S11.27lb$ll80 February. Bulk meats mod erately active and higher, shoulders 80 40: short rib $9.10; short clear S9.85. Whiskey-steady and unchanged, at 81.18, ClHOmsATi Floui firmer; family $820388.40; fancy 86.75SS7.50. Wheat strong; Na 2 red winter $1.40. Com In good demand and heavy receipts hare depressed the market; No. 2 mixed 66fc66ty. Oats -strong; No. 2 mixed 49. Bye stronger, at $1-04 Barley strong, at $1.05. Pork-firmer, at 817.75. Lard strong, at $11.10. Bulk meats stronger; shoulders 6 6&; clear ribs 89e. Bacon firmer; should ers 1V; nos 1014; clear low. wmsaey nrm, at $1.15; combination sales of finished goods 1.090 barrels on a basis of $1.15. Sugar strong and higher; hard 10; New Orleans 6Q8. Hogs active and ami common and light $5 2586.50; packing and butchers S6.40S8.00. Heoelpts 5,800; shipments 105. Nxw Toax Southern flour weak and declining; common to fair extra $5.55$6.00; good to choice do S8.65&S8 00. Wheat unsettled and opening !&e lower, afterwards became firm and recovered ii4eof the decline, closing about steady; ungraded spring $1 01 ffiSl. 86; ungraded intr : ungraded red Sl.80ffiSl.45: ungrad ed white S1.29S188tt: Na 3 red and January S1.48V$1.48tt; February . Cora M44c lower, and cloelna weak and declining: ungraded 6371tt; southern yellow : do white 79. Oats-a shade easier: No. 8 50tt50tt Hops firm and.qulet Coffee steady and fairly active; Bio BS1114- Sugar firmly held and demand fair; fair to good refining quoted at 7 7-16-7M; refined strong and fair Inquiry; standard A 9. COTTON. Cnarlotto Produce market, JANUARY 6, 1882. BUYING PRICES. Cobh, perbush'l 85 Mkai 90 WSKAT. " Bsans, white, per bushel 1.25a.50 Pxas, Clay, per bnsh. 90al.00 Lady, " 1.50 White, " 76a80 FLOTJB Family 4.25a450 Extra..... 4uu Super 8.75 Oats, shelled 55a65 Dbud Fbutt Apples, per m 4tta6 Peaches, peeled 1 5a20 unpeeiea vaiu Blackberries 8a5 Potato xs Sweet 75 Irish 1.00 BUTTXB North Carolina. 20a25 lees, per dozen. 25 Poultbt Chickens zuazo Spring 10al2tt Docks 20 Turkeys, per 8 fleese 25a30 Bxxr, per lb., net 5a6 Mutton, per S net Pobx. " " 8a9 SELLING PBICE3 WHOLESALE. Bulk Mkats Clear rib sides 10tt COFFKB Prime BJo 14al6tt Good 12ttal5 gUG.B Whjte lOalltt Yellow 7a9 Molasses Cuba 82a85 Rnmvflvmn 85a50 Choice New Orleans SQJQ Common 40a45 Salt Llyerpool fine SQ,1- " coarse 85&1.00 W H IHIt ITT Corn, per gallon 81-75a2.00 Bye7 " S2.00a8.00 Apple, per gallon, 2-00i5 0R Peach, " 2.50 Won, Scuppemong, per gallon. $1.50 RETAIL. Cbzesx - 20 Lard, per In. 15al 6 Tallow, per lb I8al0. Baooh N.Choground lOall Hams, N. a 18 Hams, canvassed. l6i63j Bica P10 Fruit" AnDles. Northern, per bbl 8.25a.50 Mnnnt&ln- 25 boxes Oranges, (ife Gilt Ite 300 mm real Si LelTSiDy HDsivMsoim Atwood's Cologne, H0YT8' coLoas ii ygssflfJ&5Bff ra nracB 01pa -No. 8. Codfish Cabbaox, per m. . . 8.00 COOPER'S BTJCHU SttlWtP Tibs. .... . n. I I n. amnnA raven Parmer, around Black Pepper, at "J"fc::::::::::::::::::: i:oo KiKUUJNlJ SAUHi, waeos.Btraimi.fi. IS FINE TOILETTE SETS, The largest and nicest assortment ever brought to this market. WILSON Buawai TURKISH BATH TOWELS, A nVni) A T T TMT7 (HYDRATED OIL). Hydra H X lJXi.-LllN H value In consumption, and a lng Immediate increase In weight Fresh supply at Wilson & Burwell's. m &dxrstteroeute TO THE PUBLIC. ON last Saturday, January 7th. a himself J. W. Holt, bought a baj me, at my home near Snow Creek, In assortment, la WILSON Mirrors rices LL. last received by BUBWXLIm January 7th. a man calling pay mare irom :, in Iredell coun ty, and palmed off upon me a worthless check tor one hundred dollars aa part payment. He after wards left the county and wnen last neara rrom was traveling towards South Carolina, having passed through Charlotte. The animal was a blood bay mare, seven years old, slxtsen bands high, and a first-rate traveler. The man was apparently 22 or 28 years eld, five feet eight Inches high, fair complexion, light hair, without beard and very well dressed. I hereby forewarn any person from trading for the mare, and will pat a suitable reward for her recovery, or for any information that will lead to th. pr,t. nf ttut jvknn,1ri,l- wm. s. Eagle, an 11 8t Snow Creek. N. C WANTED. A Famished room carpeted for three or four A months one near central pan 01 town iiw Hydrallne has been proven of the highest all wasting diseases, mvanauiy ii- OF J. Brookfield & Co., oc-to A LOT OF ELEGANT Plated Ware afldChinaSets v 1 m.x.. :i aTrania nrTA incr car eauiDment for the Atlantic Ti 7r7- CtliB The meeting dniwM gramme for the music, which will be an important feature of the tnm well-known and popular young members whose names are a guarantee that this part 01 with the nnr.A demands. The club .9 in fine condition now, and the determination has been had among its members w go w wu. the view of making it a social institu Z nf the city, in which effort they U1VM v mm - 11 part Of tne anair wui w. uyl Tall to prevent coughs, eelds, woup, etc attention which its iPrt- U to purchase with stock at par such of of the 7 per cent gold bonds as the holders would dispose of, at not exceed ing 110. The most assiduous parental attention wm fre to have convenient 8kln diseases Indicate an Impure condition of the blood. 8. S a win cure any oiseaso ui uu blood mils worst form If taken as directed. NATUBX'3 SLUICEWAY. 1 are nature's sluice way w wasn out uiv - ,K nnnMji 6UITABLS FOB The kidneys Should. r d Will no OOUOW uvo not work properly tt. jwobte nrtiou and encouragement acutw-iy where. Tnen m rr"" ffhlr aims. I SlouhMi;. "It wlirclean the sluiceway UlCillll wm I BMW. ' -- nnvirwrt ... ..f.twrn. nrockeryMer- 8. It, wwftti: .rSwk a cured my felt every- as too see Kidney-Wort WEDDING PRESENTS. S5K& ASS'SiSiSSiSu.ta.o.s-'-' VfMCM AM ww- ' - faiiea. rfTMi drinkers should read tte, advei Ti ifiother eolamn beadea advertisement Srmwlor ritoWaod tmrlfy the whole sys fVfTT llTboth W and dry.and'tt is equally efficient In enner ionn.-mucywucuw oflcmrupuon has disappeared and I am wen, G altsstoh Firm ; middling lHfcc; lew mld'ng lltac: good ordinary 10c; net receipts 828; gross : sales 1,000; stock 104,689; exports Aoastwlse 151: to Great Britain : to eonfl- nent ; to France . NoiuroLi Steady; middling llc; oat receipts 1.754: osa stock 50,517; exporuoowt. wi 943; sales 1,134: exports to ureat tmtam 5,824 : to continent . wiT.wns-Staadv: mlddllna Hike: low mid dling im; good ordinary lOXirnet rec 88: iroM sales : stoek 57.502; exporw SoaSwlMr TOO; splnaere 50: exports to Great Britain ' : to oonttnent . DnMnJkiii: middiins I2e: low mKkTrma lUbe; good ordinary 10e; net reeelpu 1,769; cross 2:458: sales : stoek 6,820; exports to great Britain -; toFranoe WhjougTom Firm ; middling llc; low mid-dTtogUl-lOc; goodord'yl03-16e: rec'pts483; ixau : sales -; stock 16641; exports oMtwlse 1 to Great Britain 1 to continent. 12e; low net receipts aais noes 875; ssies spinners iu: n 10,aO7; axpoive mvm jorivvui 1 i w wuuiui, BATAMSAa Firm ; middling Hike: low mid dling I0e: gooa onn" iS " SBWK 2 B18: arose ; sates 8yt00; stock 99.816; expjs Wwlse -: to Great Britain ; toFranoe : to exmttnent. -.. vn nsutABS-Urm: middling llw; low ferred. Address lanll H BOX 188 F. O. SALE OF BONDS. BT Virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, in the case of Alria King and others against W. J. and A. Murray and others, I win offer for sale at the court house door In Greensboro, N. C at public auction, for cash, m Honda, the th d&v of February. 1882. at 12 oiinrkM.. elsht.m bonds ef the county of Car teret Issoed February 20th. I860, each for $5u0 tn nn nhnnn 90th. lfUlO. to. Bseh Of Which bonds coupons are attached for Interest at 6 per cent, from February 20th, 1875. Parties desiring farther Information can address my attorney, James S. BoydV Ksq. Greensboro, N C J. A, MoCAULBT, lanStdr Becelrer. Tr vnrr TxrxwT" 11 1UU 11X111. A ABXAXXYGOOD STEEL PEN Ask your Stationer or send 85 oentr in stamps for a box contain lng two dosen of NICKEL. axd GILT, Of Assorted Pat terns. In a NiekOr plated Match Box. Sold by an Stationers. iTliofi, Blalmn, Taylor k Co., Sous Agists, Nxw Yobk. JUST GO TO PERRY'S and see what dec30 NOTICE. fir C-tDjJillalJ TTAVOJS qualified i exnorta coastwise : to eontlneat llSfOR 188S, WniUmlhif IliiiMfH Mlltl rdWtartt. It ortt St mUni fium, WW tfirlMt, Portia Mt,tfcll In ii Iplllil, 1 1 IliiHtiilfcr pfawthjf tTiht of VnMt Plmr Sw PitmU, TnHTnet M. bnhakto to Uv Miiifm grwn wt will W kmj wlhhl hrjlamt to Mx Si iiil It lfcw mwlin.l mriHlwiW w, mmkm i, nnhy ti niflj In gi ton. TTjtw 4 MTfct B.i n t. JUinm, . . FKBSJ CO, Detroit. Xlelw decl813t wMntor of the WQ1 of twm iat Mr firiswald Benderson.1 notify all persons having claims against her estate to pre Mntthe same to me within one year from this date. B. B. OOCBBANX. sxeentor Oi unswata nenaeiBuu. November 7th, 1881. hovll w6w TREES 2 DELIVERY. - rv Tut i. mtm iuw radf far delivery, opposite fYl r. Aiin CrotMe's residence, on fryon street - - KthanI Arh. A flnfl lot Oi TneS. flSJltS, Vmnmh and Flower Seed on nana ior saie. . ahj- thmg to my line rarateneaon snan mwo. QffCZ X. W. OTAAAvni wmwiwi Cld FRDITS He has for New Teat's Dlnners,r;and how very cheap he is selling Toys and Fancy Articles FOB NEW. YEAB'S PRESENTS.-dee8l anlO

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