SooR acufl ion grtnttttfl. 8VBH0RIPT10S RATES: ixaly, one year, postpaid, in advance ... $8 00 six month 4.00 THE OBSERVER JOB DEPABTMENT Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and with the latest styles ol Type, and every manner of Job' Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can fur nish at short notice, BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS, CARDS, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS. CIRCULARS, CHECKS, 4& Three moiJ'ix 2.0 One month 75 WJtKKLY BDJTT01T: Weekly in the eounty), in advance .$2.00 Out (he eounty. Post-paid 2.10 izmonths 1-05 ry Liberal Reduction for Chit. VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY JANUARY 12, 1882. NO. 3,996. l)e dtjarlottt Dbsener. m II II Drtj CScrafis. Hoots anfl .Shoes IT : : : o :- Lyons' Patent Metallic Stiffened PREVENTS Boots aol Shoes -FBOM- RUNNING OVER, Wearing off at the Sides or Ripping IN THE SEAMS. Johnson's Silk and Felt Insolts PREVENTS BH SUM A TIC CRAMP. COLD FEET. BUNNIONS AND CHILBLAINS. PEGRAM & CO., janl 1 t l W TO THEE I GIVB HEALTH. "Excellent Tonic, Alterative and Diuretic," Medical Association, Lynchburg, Va. "Used with great benentin Malaria and Dlph-therla."-8. F. Dupon, M. D.. Ga. ' "Successfully used to dyspepsia, chronic diar rhoea and scrofula." Prof. 8. Jackson, M. D., Univ. Perm. . , m T r ;:lnyaluable u a nervous tonic," -Bon. L u. "eecojmrieBded as a prophylactic to malarial dlstMcU."-D. R, Falrex,M.I..N.O. "Restores debilitated systems to health. T. c. Mercer, M. D., Ind. . Adapted in cnronic aiarrocea, bcivium. dys psia.-" oeo. t. uwraon, ja- - T D iiurfni n inhthorin. and neuralafla. J. r. Neese, M, D., N. C. , Excellent lor certain oiseB pwuu" " n."-ProL J.J. Moorman, M. P.. Ta. Promnt in "relieving headacHe, SK ?nus-Bev. K. a Dodson., , T . 'Used with great benefit to dyspepsia." J. Me- RWiidto'bronohltuand diseases of digestive organi."-J. F. Houghton. M. D., Ala. "Most valuable remedy known for female dis eases." Jno. P. Metteaur. M. p., L. L. D. "Of great curative virtue." Thos. F. Bomfold, M. D., Mo. - , "Beneficial to uterine derangement and mala rious conditions." G. M. Vail, M.D., Ohio. "Charming on the complexion. maKing u smooth, clear, soft and rosy." Miss Mot S. U. , "The prince of mineral tonics' Francis Wil liam, M. D.. N. C. . "inestimable as tonte and alterative." m tor.Staj. M. D.. Tt. , n Wfm, ft. iwb appewizer ana uiwu inuum. - ' fery benefiolal to Improving rednoed sys- tem:' T luvanas nera nna weioome ananeauu. John Hannon, late of La., now of Richmond, va. "Has real merit. "-8oaum Med. JoomaL Pamphlets free, npo appllcatloii. A -K ater. S4 ) ease Mass and PUIS, 25, 60, 75 ce"ts- Sent post-paid anywhere, Summer season ef Springs begins 1st June. .935 V month. Address , , A. M. DAVEES, Pres't of the Co., -78 Main St, Lymhburg. Va., P. O. Box 174. a it r. v WILSON 4 BURWELL, J.H. MeiniCV. mi Goot H ! ' TO-DAY ALL- WILL BE SOLD AT GREAT SACRIFICE, TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING PURCHASES. We Mean Every Word of This AND Only Ask an Inspection to Convince You. T. I, Seigle & Co. (aWeumAism Neuralgia, Sprains, Pain in the Back and Side. There la nothing more painful than these diseases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. This remedy Is not a cheap Benzine or Petroleum product that must be kept away from fire or heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor is It an untried experi ment that may do more harm than good. Pain Killer has been in constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world Is, It never fails. It not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieves pain almost instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, it Is safe In the hands, of the most Inexperienced. The record of -cures by the use of Pain Kiixkb would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried it think: Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn., says : About m year since my wife became subject to severe suffering' from rheumatism. Our resort was to the Padt Killek. which speedily relieved her. Charles Powell writes, from tha Bailors' Homo London : I ha been afflicted three years with nenmlgl apdyioleBt spasms of the stomach. The doctors at Westminster Hospital gaye up my case in despair. I tried your Pazn Killer, and it sts me immediate relief. I have regained my strength, and am now able to follow my usual oocupapon. 0. H. Walworth. Baco, Me., writes : I experienced immediate relief from pain In the side by the nee of your Pain Kti.t.eb. E. Tors says: I have used your Paht Killib for rheumatism, and have received great benefit Barton Seaman says : Have used Path Ktlxkb for thirty years, sua nave found it a never-failing remedy for rheumatism and lameness. Mr.Burdltt writes: J,KneZ'Zaili tK1e relief In cases of rheumatism. Phil. GUbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : From actual use, I know your Paxs Ktt.t to ia the best medicine I can get All druggists keep Pain Killer. Its price Is so low that it is within the reach of alL aiid it will save many times its cost In doctors' bins. 25c, 50c. and $1.00 a bdttle, PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providnco, R. I. sept diw sept oct. PHYSICIANS, CLER6YMEH, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lobs of appetlte.ITana.bowelroytive. Pain in theHead,with a dull sensation in the back part. Pain under the shonlder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability c temper. Low spirits, liosa of memory, with a feeling of haying neg lected some dutyeariness. pissiness, Flattering of the Heart. Dots before the eresTellqw Bkir Headaohe, Bestlesa ness at night, highly colored brine. ilmMoiSEASB WftiSOON BEOEVadPED. TUiYB PILLS are especially adapted to snon eases,one dose effects suchachange of feeling as to astonish the sufferer1. Tbey IaeriMM the Appetite, and cause the body to Take on rieah, thus the system is notartahed, and by thelrTenle Aetleoen the IMreetlve Orjpujs, eTilar Stools arepro duced. Price 25 cents. 35 Harrayat, Bf.T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray nAni or Whisk KB3 chap red. to sGLOesT Bold'by Druggiau. er nt by ezpre en receipt of 1. Offlc, 3f5 Murray St., New York. Pr. TCTT8 KAICAI. f Valuable Iafsnutlm aa h CmAiI BMeipta wUl ks suIlMl FBSX aaUcsUe. Feby. 28deodawl nfcnrh varied rjowCTS. M to nuke it the greatest lilood runner ana mo BestllMltli Strength Xtosteror ever usm It cures' Rheumatism, Parker's Sleeplessness, oiseaeu of the Stomach, BoweU, rs r i Lungs, Liver & Kidocyi,! Hair Balsami SLdL VTiJlSr other toaias it IVMUcoloctorX & Co., Chemists, i. nr. xivtvt iaji. iw mm - t i . , . I " k) a AS .U-i . Tmm Kjnriaa KnVWflr IJDIUVZtBa. mam l n-B I I HI STl DISCOVERY! LOST IBAsnwwi. T.""" rVtotim of Vouthful impruden usingm. K ervons Deriity, Lost MsoojL ete. ? Wio er Goods a Km. ...-,.1,1.1 V'fH wown are com. Uml In Parker's Gin per f r r'Tnnif InM a medicine t - 43 Chatham U EDITORIAL SHORT STOPS. The Mormons expect 1,500 converts from London next month, comprising a number of families and about 300 unmarried women. Judge Tofirgee's Fool's Errand.which was dramatised, has proved a failure, and the company which was to play it has disbanded. The stock faw passed by the South Carolina legislature was signed by the Governor on the 20th of December. Hon. Charles W. Tracy died at his home in Walterboro, S. last Sunday morning. A number of Northern papers are warm in their commendation of Gov ernor Jarvis for the promptness with which he squelched the Plymouth riot ers. Dr. Wm. H. Felton, of Georgia, writes a savage letter in the Atlanta Constitution in reply to an interview with Senator Hill on the independent movement in that State. The Senator denounced the movement as infamous and, its leaders dishonest,which brought Felton, who is an independent, to his mettle and ink bottle. Oscar Wilde, the esthete, who has re cently arrived from Europe, was born in Dublin, Ireland, and is the son of an eminent physician of that city. The Winston Leader reports three new cases of small-pox in that town, the husband, nurse and child of the woman who first had it, who is now, however, recovering. No danger is ap prehended of its spreading beyond its present limits. Richmond St atr: Mary Walker wants it to be generally known that fehe is not in favor of hanging Guiteau ; but Mary, if not a full blown crank, is at best on ly a pantuloonatic. Piuk eye is epidemic atuong the horses in Richmond, Va.; some of the street cars had to suspend operations Monday in consequence. A new law against duelling is pro posed in the Virginia legislature. It provides that every person elected or appointed to office under the laws of the Commonwealth shall, before he acts iu such offiee, t:ike the following oath: "I swear or affirm that I have not, since the 1st day of January, 1882, fought in a duel, the issue of which was or probably might have been the death of either party, nor have I been, know ingly, the bearer of any challenge or acceptance to fight a duel actually fought; nor have I been otherwise en gaged or concerned directly or indi rectly in a duel actually fought since that time, nor will I during my contin uance in office be so engaged, directly or indireotly, so help me God." Some New York men,name not given, has made Mr. ScovUle an offer of 81,000 for Guiteau's body when he dies. It is not known whether it is sought for surgical purposes or for speculation, probably the latter. There were 1,200 cases of suicide in the United States in the past year. Chicago lost 118 people in December from small-pox. . Arreavragea of Pentiooi. New Orleans Pieyune. It seems to be generally thought that the passage of the bill for the payment of arrearages of pensions was a fearful mistake. The estimate of $350,000,000, as the amount which it will ultimately take out ojE the Treasury, is probably not exaggerated.. The rate at whicfl the law is increasing tne expenditures is rftPlCl. payments were, uuruig the fiscal year, $nded June 30, 1876, $28, 257,8&5.69; 1877, $27,963,752 27 ; 1878, 827,- 137.019.08 : 1870, 35,121,4834.oy ; 088U, 50,- 777,174.44; 188 L, $50,059,279.62; ffi, (es- timatea,) $muyy,wui jeswmaipu 81QO,OQQ,0(p. There Is certainly no ob ligation resting on the nation to divide out $350,000,000 among those who have applied to De piacea on ine pension rolls, and it would seem to be quite sufficient to pay pensions from date of amplication in cases where the applicant "r r" . . j ii is successful, ine law waa, nu uuuoi, a gigantic job, engineered by, or in the- interest or, pension lawyer or buuci- tors. It ougnt 10 d repeaiea imme diatelv. Realizing tne magniiuae or me evu . 1 AS A V . ? inflicted needlessly by the law, Con crrpssman Goldsmith W. Hewitt, of Alabama, has introduced a bill which is designed to mitigate its severity, and which he things win save bzuu,uuu,uuu to the Treasury. His bill proposes to pay from death in case or death, from develooment of disability in case of wounds, and from date of qpplipation in case of disease contracted in the ser vice. It furthermore provides that no arrearages shall be paid at a higher rate than the original certificate, and that no arrears shall be paid either to widow who has remarried or to a Child Who has attained the age of sixteen at the time of the Dassaze of this bill Gen. Hewitt says that this bill is sub stantially the same as one which had been agreed upon by himself. Gen. Rice, of Ohio, and Mr. Siohocksop, of ew Jersey, who had been charged by the House committee on Invalid Pensions with the duty of preparing a bill for the just payment of arrearages of pensions. J3UL at a mgnt session wwiuu uic muao oi the first session of the Forty-fifth Congress, tbe present law was passed under suspension of the rules (gag rule) by more than a two-thirds vote. Those who voted against it, we may remark, were moral heroes, and deserve great praise The Bead J asters Caucusing Pirmwnwn. Va. Jan. 10. The Read justers of the General Assembly have T . : n nA .4 w. iA oeen in caucus tsiuce i.ou, auu wjuuibuu are still in session. The debt bill was AiannaooA hut. final ant inn on the Ques tion of its introduction was postponed, and the consideration of the nomina tion of capital officers occupied the at tention of the caucus without result. The committee appointed to investi gate 'the second auditor's office and re port to the legislature daring the ses sion of 1879-80 were prevented from so doing by the adjoiirrimentof that body, norinrrfsk tliA hiAnni&l sesssions Of the legislature, the report was delayed un til now. The report will show that ninety-three thousand oouars oi cou Mi ham hoan frAndnlentlr d is Dosed uuiio ucarv? - ; of. ; It will be presented to-morrow and Comparison mi Area. - Washington Post The census bulletin just ing the approximate areas of the sev eral States and Territorlas, contains many interesting and valuable facts, as well as mucn matter tnat is or curious interest. It is probably well-known that Texas, with its area of 268,299 square miles, is the largest, of the States, and that Rhode Island, with its 1,085 square miles, is the smallest, al though it has two United States Sena tors, the same as Texas. ; It is not perhaps so well known that Nye county, Nevada, is the largest county in the United States, covering 24,000 square miles, or that San Ber nardino, California, with 23,000 miles, is the next largest, or that California has four other counties each of them as large as Massachusetts, three that are each larger man uonnecucut, and fifteen others that are each larger than Delaware; or that Sioux county, Ne braska, contains 21,070 square miles. Oregon also has several large counties, Grant, Umatilla and Lake, containing respectively 17,500 1460 and 12,000 square miles. Presidio, with 12,500 miles, is the largest county in Texas. The smallest county in the United States is New York, State of New York and it has the largest population. In order of size the several States rank as follows : Texas... 26292 California 155,980 Nevada 109,740 Colorado 103,645 Uregon 94,560 Kansas 81,700 Minnesota. 79,205 Nebraska 76,185 Missouri 68,735 Georgia 57,980 Michigan 56,430 Illinois 55,000 Iowa... 54,475 Wiscousin 58,450 Florida 54.240 Arkansas 53,045 Alabama 51,240 North Carolina 48,580 New Yai k 47.620 Mississippi 46.340 Louisiana 45,420 Pennsylvania 44,985 Tennessee 41,750 Ohio 40,760 Virginia 40,125 Kentucky 40,000 Indiana 35.910 South Carolina 30,170 Maine 29,oo West Virginia 24,645 Maryland 9,860 Vermont 9,loo New Hampshire 9,005 Massachusetts 8,040 New Jersey 7,455 Connecticut 4,845 Delaware 1,960 Rhode Island 1,085 Tne largest of the Territones is Da kota, with 147,700 square miles, and the largest county in any of the Territories is Custer, Montana, with 36,500 square miles. The statistics of water surf ace lakes, ponds, bays and rivers in the several States and Territories present in start ling figures the extreme aridity of New Mexico and Arizona, with only 120 and 100 square miles of water respectively, and the marked contrary characterist ics of Florida with 4,440; Minnesota, 4,160; North Carolina, . 3.670 ; Texas, 3,490s .Louisiana, 3,300, and Maine, 3,145 miles of river, lake and inlet area. The total water surface of this re markable country States, Territories, and last, Dut not least, tne District or Columbia is given at 55,600 square miles, and the gross area, land and wa ter, 3,025,600 square miles, inhabited by sixteen persons and a fraction ta each mile. Tfca Pig-iron Trade. Rradstreets, As to pig iron, the case is about as follows: Last year's output was 500, 000 gross tons in excess of the previous year. If the production of this year ex hibits a like increase, that point is sate. But last year we started with 650,000 gross tons, or 732,000 net tons. From what source will this factor ne sup plied ? Then imports for the past year, as stated, were' 980,000 tons. Pig im ports have been steadily declining, and should they so continue, from what source will that factor be furnished ? As to the first point, it may be open to question whether with nearly all the available bjas.t furnace capacity en gaged, as is. reported, that an additional output oi 600,000 tons can De as readily done as was made last year over 1880. If not, we have another deficiency. Be sides, the magnitude of the demand for 1882 is not known. The extraordinary aotivity of last year did not begin until July. This year it begins with January. At the same time it must De remem bered that the unused blast furnace capacity is an uncertain element, to be determined largely by the extent of the enhancement of pig abroad. Rolling mills are everywhere crowded with or ders. Demand has not abated for sev eral months except for a few days last week. Consumptive requirements are increasing, and necessarily must while railroad construction makes- . such strides. The bulk of business in finish ed iron is placed at prices to be named at delivery. Stocks are law in all hands, and, consumptive requirements are ex panding. The Bessemer rail mills have not reported much business recently, neither in the acceptance of orders nor in the closing of purchases of foreign railway material. Alligators' Nests. These nests resemble haycocks. They arn four feet hisrh. and five feet in di ameter at their bases, being constructed with grass and herbage. First they de posit one layer of eggs oh a floor of mortar, and having covered this with a stratum of mud and herbage eight inches thick, lay another set of eggs up on that, and so to the top, there being commonly irom one to two hundred eggs in the nest. With their tails thev then beat down round the nest the dense grass andVj reeds, five feet nign, to prevent the ap proach of unseen enemies. The female watches her eggs nntu tney are hatch ed bv the heat of the sun. and then takes her brood under her own care, de fending them and providing for their subsistence. Dr. Lutzemberg, of New Orleans, told me that he once packed up one of these nests with the eggs in a box for the Ma seum of St Petersburg, but he was re commended, Deiore he . closed it, to see that there was no danger of the eggs being hatched on the voyage. On open ing it a young alligator walked oat, and was followed by the rest, about a hun dred, which he fed in his house, where they went np and down stairs, whining and barking iiko young puppies. Deaib ! a Bos tan Editor. Boston, Jan. 11. Delano A. Goddard, . , iva.ii a. a j editor in cuiei uj- iue jwstoa Auyer tiser, died at 1.30 this morning of con gestion of the lrags. Coffee drinkers should read the advertisement in another column neaoxa -uooa wmee.- Bismarck AswaUed, Berlin, Jan. 9. In the Reichstag to day during a discussion on an interpel lation in regard to the development of the! factory laws, Prince Bismarck said the Emperor was anxious to settle the workmen's question during his life time, Herr Richter vehemently attacked Prince Bismarck, whom he reproached with dragging the name of the Emper or into the debate whenever a doubtful question was before the House. Prince Bismarck left the chamber while Herr Richter was speaking. The rescript -excited much comment in the lobby, where it was regarded as a signal either of impendingdissolution of the Reichstag or of the introduction of disciplinary measures against pub lic officials. The Reichstag will reassemble in the spring, when it will discuss the tobacco monopoly. mangleel Beyond Becosraition New Orleans, Jan. 11. A Vicks burg dispatch says : "Intelligence has been received here of the death of Ed ward Warfield, one of the largest of the planters on the Yazoo River, Sat urday morning. He was supervising manager on the place. While standing near a shaft revolving with great speed some of his clothes became fastened in the machinery and before assistance came he was mangled beyond recognition. Stolen from the Wires. New York, Jan. 11. The Tribune prints a note from John Hay and edi torial comments, going to show that the note to President Garfield about Robertson'snomination, printed in New York in February, was stolen from the wires or otherwise surrepticiously ob tained, as Garfield himself never even saw it. DECLINE OF MAN. Impotence of mind ,llmb. or vita! function, ner vous weakness, sexual debility, 4c, cuivd bj Wells' Health Renewer. $i at druggists. Depot J. H. McAden. Charlotte, N. C. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and in discretion of youth, nervous" weakness, early decay oss of manhood, &c, I will Send a recipe that will cure you, FREE of CHARGE. This great jemedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self-eddressed envelope tc the Bxv. J08EPH T. IN MAN, 8tation D. New York City . 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED- rat's Jano 13, 1876 WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, Electro -Voltaic Appliances TO MIEJKr suffering from Nrous Weaknesses, Gen eral Debility, loss ol nerve force or vigor, or sny disease resulting from Abuses and Othkt Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Pnrnlvsls, Spinal Difficulties, Kiduey or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of tb Vital Organs. Also women troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. Speedy relief and complete restoration to health eq&rftntued. These are the only Electrie Apnlinnces thai have ever beeneonstrnetcft upon scientific prin ciples. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonderful success, and tliey have the highest endorsements from medical and scien tific men, and from hundreds who have been quickly and radically cured b their use. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, givin- all information free. Address, VOLTAIC BELT CP., Karshall, Kick. Julyl8 THE- FINEST SET OF I uuiv. NOW IN THE CITY. A URGE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT WHOLESALE AND BET AIL E. M.ANDREWS, WHITE FRONT. Ian 10 Z.B. VaJfCK. W. H Binjn. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Oormsellors CHABLOTTE, N. C. Practice in Supreme Court of the United States, Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal Courts, and counties of Mecklen burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Da vtdson. (V Office, two doors east of Independence Square. may29 tf RO. D. GRAHAM, A.a?T023"33"y -4.1? IsU9l"W, IN tne State and United States Courts. CoUee ttons. Home and Foreign, solicited. Ab tracts of Titles, Surveys, dai, ftrmishsd for com pcnsaUon. OmoB3-lf.X. Comer Xc Tmm, streets Charlotte, IJ.Q,. Ulan, 6.. Come m See Bedroom T1 MFD ni?A RUBBERS ! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SECOND Rubber Over-Shoes, WE STILL HAVE A HANDSOME LINE OF Shaker Flannels, Blankets and Comfortables. LADIES', GENTS and MISSES IE MM UNDEifcWEAR, TO CLOSE CHEAP. ALSO, A LARGE LINE OF DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED HOSIERY. We will oiler from this date our enure stock of iters, Walking Jackets, Dolmans and Cloaks at Cost. t" CALL EARLY and. SECURE BARGAINS. -J HARGRAVES & WILHELM. SEED OATS ! SEEDSOATS ! SEED OATS ! CORN ! CORN ! CORN ! FLOUR ! FLOUR! FLOUR ! BAGGING AND TIES We are agents for THE WATT PLOW And will sen it lower than yon can buy an otbe good plow. Full assortment always on hand. Call and see us before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. dec24 R MM!! STOCK OF LADIES C. C. D. A. AND THAT NORTH CAROLINA -HAS THE LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. The McSmith Music House SELLS r CHICK ERING & SONS, KBANICH & BACH, MATHCSHEK, ARI0N, SOUTHERN GEM And other PIANOS. MASON & HAMLIN, SHONINGEB, PKLODBET & CO"., STERLING, AND OTHER ORGANS. THE ONLY HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICTLlCs First-Class Instruments. Ask me for prices If you want good work. and you will never buy anything but the bebt. Address or call on, II. McSMITII. ptiscetlaucotts. GREAT GERM DESTROYER. DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIOLUID. PITTING OK 8MALL POX Prevented. Ulsters purified and healed. Ganicrene prevented and cured. Dysf ntery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. 8curvey cured In short 1 me. Tetter dried up. It is perfectly harmless. Kor -ore Throat it Is a sure cure. SMALL POX ERADICATED. Conta glon destroi ed. Sick Kooms pun ed and made Dieasan n Fevered and Sick Per sons relieved and re freshed by bathl g with Pro phj lane Huia aaaed to the water. 1 8oft White Complexions secured by its use in bathine. DIPTHERIA Impure Air made harm less and purified by sprinkling Darby's PREVENTED Fluid about. To Durlfy the Breath. Cleanse the Teeth, it Cholera dissipated. . Ship Fever prevented by Its use. In cases of death in the house, It should always be used about the corpse -It will prevent any unpleasant smell. can't oe surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Burns relief ed instantly. Bears prevented. Removes all unpleasant odors. An antidote for animal or vegetsoie roison, Stings, &c Dangerous efflnvias of sick rooms ana nospi tals removed by its use. Yellow Fever Eradicated.- In fact it Is the great Disinfectant and Pnrifieiv FBXPAKXD BY J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Manufacturing Chemists; Sole Proprietors. dec4 1 i Mm ' na'1' a Everybody Has Discovered SCARLET FEVER CURED. JHaMHaMHSHSJSJBBJMBJBJBBBJBBBBI UB-WRISTONACO.. Charlotte, K.C. Sept 18