frc CEImvIotte (Dftsgyirey. " LOUAL MATTERS. THURSDAY. JAN. 12. 1882. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. PHALANX LODGK No. 31, A. . 4 A. M. -Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. RXCXL8TOB Lodok No. 261, A.T.4A, M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. Charlotte Chajptsb No. 89. B. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights. Chaxlottk Comjhandaby No. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. SI. OP ZE3I. Knights of Honor. Regular meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. Kl. OF !P Knights or Pythias. Regular meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. at Ma sonic Temple Ball. I. O. O. IF1. Chablott Lodgb No. 88. Meets every Mon day night. MXCKLXNBUBS DECLABATIOM LODGI NO. 9. Meets every Tuesday night. Dixxb Lonox No. 108. Meetsevery Thursday night. Catawba Rivkr Encampment No. 21. Meets Irst and third Thursday nights in each month. Index to New AdrertUemfn Repoitof the Condition of the Merchants and Farmers' National Bank. L"Koy Davidson Centennial Howe Scales. Tbos. H. Haughton Kbr Sale or Rent. K. H. Glover -Kor Bale or Rent IIIKilNR) notices. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so. go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'3 SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately depend upon It : there Is no mistake about It There Is not a mother on earth who has ever used It, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and rellefand health to the child, operat ing like magic. It is perfectly safe to use In all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and Is the pre scription of one of the oldest and best physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. COMPLICATIONS. If the thousands that now have their rest and cmifurt destroyed by complication of liver and kidney complaints would give nature's remedy, k ldney-Wort a trial they wou.d be speedily cured. It acts on both organs at the same time and there fore completely nils the bill for a perfect remedy. If you have a lame back and disordered kidneys use it at once. Don't neglect them. Mirror and Farmer. WHY WEAR PLASTERS? They may relieve, but they can't cure that lame b;u k. for the kidneys are the trouble and you want a remedy to act directly on their secretions, to purify and restore their healthy condition. Kid ney Wort has that specific action, and at the same tlm- It regulates the bowels perfectly. Don't wait to Kt sick- but get a package to-day, and cure jo'ir-elf. Liquid and dry sold by all druggists. liermantowu Telegraph. THE DRUNKARD Is a burden to himself as well as to his friends; but, since Intoxication becomes a di-ease, it re quires a remedy or no unusual activity. Those who have taken Simmons Liver Regulator declare that it sets the liver In action and invigorates the system In such a way as to destioy the craving for strong drinks. The shaky, nervous and distressed should resort to the Regulator as a tonic to arouse the torpid liver to action, to regulate the bowels and remove the feeling of general depression and wi h It the craving for liquor. The ladles who sometime since were unable to go out, having taken Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegeta ble 'nmpound are quite recovered, and have gone on their way rejoicing. Dr. C. W. Benson, of Baltimore, Md., prepares a skin cure that is the best thing for skin diseases ever known. Ic cures eczema, tetter, ring worm and all rough and scaly akin diseases In the short est time. Sold by all druggists at $1 per pack- JOSH BILLTNGS HEARD FROM. Newport. R. L, Ai. 11, 1880. Dear Bitters I am here trying to breathe in all the salt air of the ocean, and having been a suf ferer for more than a year with a refractory liver, I was Induced to mix Hop Bitters with the sea gale, and have found the tincture a glorious result. I have been greatly helped by the Bitters, and am not afraid to say so. , Yours without a straggle. Josh Billings. To promote a vigorous growth of the hair, nse Parker's Hair Balsam. It restores the youthful color to gray hair, remove dandruff, and cures tchlng of the scalp. Absolutely Pure. r u powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wbolesomeness More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. uui ajli uajlumu ruwDJsu uu., nov23 New York. LeRoy Davidson, Sole Agent, Charlotte,! N. C. list Received AT THE China Palace -OF A LOT OF ELEGANT Plated Ware and GhinaSets: fcTJITABLE FOB . Brook WEDDING PRESENT?. anlO nOME CHIPLETS. Pixley plays in Colombia to night. JELasSatarday night thieves en tered the smoke house of Mr. D. K. Sing, of Berryhill township, this coun ty, and carried off about 100 pounds of meat. EThe western section of the State has been having very heavy rains, while Charlotte has had just enough to keep the mud reduced to the consist ency of brown soup. E3The occasional snaps of sunshine yesterday had a perceptible effect on all animated nature. Even the mules on the street relaxed the usual rigidity of countenance, while a large dog gave a manifestation of his joy by galloping around the square in front of a tin pan. t3fThere has been much said about the large hats worn by ladies to the op era house and other places of amuse ment, but the cart-wheel hat has its counter-nuisance in the "too too" young man who must needs disturb a whole dozen people in his efforts to get out as soon as theeiid oi ecah act is reached J. C. Freoland, a citizen of Char lote township, died of pneumonia at his home yesterday morning about nine o'clock. The funeral will be preached at the residence of the deceased this morning, and the burial will take place at Sugar Creek church to-day at 12 o'clock. The deceased was about 28 years old, and leaves a wife and two lit tle children. Death of Hint. Heller. From a Newark (N. J.) paper it is earned that Mrs. Hellen Wyatte, wife of Mr. L. B. Heller, died in that city on the 5th inst. Mrs. Heller was a sister Mrs. R. G. Spraeins, of this cityt was a highly esteemed lady, and was in he thirty-second year of her aeg. Yekterday'ii Court. The first jury case set for yesterday was that of Elsie Britton vs. the Atlan- a and Charlotte Air Line Railway, be ing an action for damages. The morn ing was taken up in hearing testimony, and the afternoon was consuned in the opening argument of Mr. Pittman for the plaintiff. Mayor'at Court. Two cases came before the city court yesterday morning, the first of which was a pluin drunk, the party being a stranger in the city $2 50 and C03ts. The other case was against Daniel Mann, white, for the offense of drawing a pistol on a little boy some five or six years old, and making him kneel down and say his prajers. The offense was committed on :t Sunday some two months ago, but Mann succeeded in keeping out of the way of the officers until the other day. lie was fined $5 and costs for using profane language on the Sabbath, and required to give bond for his appearance at court to answer a charge of carrying concealed weapons. Suspicious. Lizznrds and snakes continue popu- ar as designs for bracelets, and neck aces, and it is said that one of our young men has ordered a circlet for the tiny waisl of his intended. It is to be made in the form of a snake, of pliable gold and enan.eled in green, with em erald eyes. Two curled needles were put in the serpent's mouth to rep resent the fangs, and this is the suspi cious part about the affair. In olden times men were assassinated by Judas- es who wore a ring with a poisoned claw, and when the wearer shook hands with his enemy he could, by a dexterous movement, scratch his palm with the poisoned claw and produce a speedy and horrible death. It is not he intention to intimate that the nee dles in the circlet have been dipped in po.ison, but the design hasja decidedly green-eyed look about it, and was no doubt concocted by the donor with the deliberate intention of poisoning some other young man, by scratching his arm instead of I. 3 palm. Inexcusable. Yesterday morning's edition of The Observer failed to get off on the morninar train North, owing, it is air legec, to the mail carrier (whose busi ness it is to take the mail matter to the depot,) being drunk and failing to call at the postoffice for the mails. And notonlv TnE Observer, but every other parcel of matter that should have gone North, was left lying in the office, and thus delayed, perhaps to the serious i i injury oi many, wnen mere is no reasonable excuse to be offered for the delay. Such negligence should not be tolerated by the postmaster, for aside from the disrepute it is calculated to bring the administration of the office into there is no telling wnat injury ana loss business men are liable to sustain by such delays in the transmission of important papers. The route agents are not expected to shoulder the mail bags and march to the depot with them, but it is stated that one of them attempted to hire a wagon yesterday morning to carry the mails to the train- but was unable to do so on account or the short time allowed. n: -i nn w Miirlt- f ias Pixlftv. the charmine little ac tress, last night played to one of the finest audiences or me season, oiucb v.Dt. artnpnranr.n here last winter she uti r t has we helieve. somewhat improved in cleverness as well as flesh. The parts oil well sustained. .Lawara m- nott, as Yuba Bill, especially giving a strone impersonation of the manly m?norf rhA frontier, while ttaipn .wet a ... -W-V 1 UliUt V aV W T - more played the villain in a manner that would be hard to improve upon. -uMii;m t KhAlrinn as Judee Bees- winger was a typical representation of ye JHStipe of olden time, and the rendi i.: oiMicmtiv cmvA ere at satisfaction ,1UU ?Vfc.AW O O . to the audiepee, While the transform ation of Mliss from the harem-scarem u),f if ih mining camp to the gen teel graduate of the seminary is rather sudden, and not entirely uwmuuwiu. the fuel is forgotten by reason of the ... M A. 1 4- happy termination onne piuu nnndltlon of the blood. 18 8,. will .jure any blood in ita wont iorm u uuuu f Knrthfla.Con a Bra ear case ofm?erupUon has disappear an I am irelL m eating of Director The boaroYof directors of the North Carolina Railroad Company met at the Central hotel in this city yesterday. The only business transacted of interest to the public was the declairing of a dividend of six per cent, which will be payable 3 per cent, on the 1st day of March next, and 3 per cent, on the 1st day of September. Conscience money. Day before yesterday a gentleman approached a prominent railroad man in the city and handed him a silver dollar, remarking that he wanted to pay the railroad the sum of 80 cents. When the r. r. man asked what the payment was for, he was informed that about five or six years ago a certain individual had made two trips over fhe railroad, the fare for which was 25 cents each way, and that on each of the trips the party gave the conductor the slip and escaped paying fare. Recently the man made a calculation of the interest on the amount he had beat the road out of, and adding it to the principa.1, placed the sum in the hands of a friend with the request that it be paid over to the road.. Inquiry revealed the fact that the party has recently professed a change of heart and entered a calling in which it would not be at all consis tent to beat even a railroad, and it seems that the regeneration has reach ed further back than the day of its tak ing on. Gone to Washington. Postmaster Jenkins left the city several days ago for Washington, whither he has gone on post-office busi ness strictly, and thre is no one after his place just now, either. We make the latter statement, as it is generally believed when an official picks up atid suddenly makes a trip to headquarters that some outsider has touched a spring which caused the pilgrimage. It is more likely that the visit is made with the view of securing an increase in the allowance of this postoffice for clerk hire. Shortly after Postmaster-General James went into office the amount alw lowed for clerk hire at the Charlotte post office was reduced from $2,400 to $1,759, by which reduction it became necessary to dispense with one clerkt and even now the postmaster is said to be paying a considerable sum out of his own pocket in the way of clerk hire, in order to keep the service in the office up to a satisfactory state of efficiency. It is to be hoped that Mr. Jenkins will be able to get an increase in the allowance, as it is alike due to him and to ths public service that he be given the necessary force to admin ister the offi :e in a satisfactory man ner. marriage Tuetday Night. Night before last, at 0i o'clock, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. S. V. Young, in this city, Mr. A. L. Smith and Miss Lou V. Young, were united in marriage in the presence of a arge number of friends of the con tracting parties, Rev. Dr. E. H. Harding performing the ceremony in a most beautiful and impressive manner. Miss Daisy Holt, Mr. Smith Evans, Miss Sallie Young and Mr. Herbert Smith were the attendants, with Mr. Geo. H. Brockenbrough as master of ceremonies. Among the non-resident ladies pres ent on the occasion were Miss Agnes lairston, of Baltimore ; Misses Addie Avery and Sallie Erwin, and Mrs. Waightstill Avery, of Morganton; Misses Ella Holt and Cora Williamson, of Alamance ; Misses Gibson, Hender son, Allison, and Goodson, of Concord; Miss Hattie Beckurts, of Louisville, Ky., and Mrs. Burton, of Lincolnton. The bride and groom are two of Charlotte's most popular young society people, and carry with them into their new relations the best wishes of a very arge circle of friends and acquain tances. The display of presents was very fine, and the supper magnificent. The newly-wedded couple left by the morning train yesterday for the east ern part of the State, where a season will be passed with relatives and friends of the groom. A Uandnomo Tribute. Rev. N. M. Woods, who was recently called to the pastorate of the Second Presbyterian church of this city, re ceived a testimonial of the esteem in which he was held by his former church, which we publish below. Mr. Woods was formerly pastor of the Presbyterian church in Galveston, Tex as, and the cause of his removal was the health of Mrs. Woods, whose phy sicians pronounced a change of climate absolutely necessary. His ministra tions at the Galveston church were of short duration, but that his loss was re gretted by his people is evidenced by the following resolutions, taken from the Galveston News, which were adopt ed after he annnounced his intention of changing bia location: WhereaH. This church is called UDon to unite with Rev. Neander M. Woods in asking the Presbytery of Brazos to dissolve the pastoral relation he at present sustains to us ; and Whereas, xne state oi aeaiiu oi mis. Woods makes it imperative that she should live in an interior dry climate, and is the impelling cause for asking this dissolution; Resolved, l. That we nereoy unite with Mr. Woods in his request to the Presbytery. 2. That in doing this we desire to ex rronnr unfftiffned sorrow at the ne cessity which calls for it, our deep sense or toe loss we sustain uy me withdrawal of Mr. Woods, after his brief labors of a few months among us, in the midst of his usefulness, in Aninlraninff the zeal and interest of our members, and building up our church. 3. That we are called upon as a church to humble ourselves before God, and with meekness ana iaitn suomit to una mysterious providence. 4. That in parting with Mr. Woods n.. ooira Viim trt carrv with him assur ances of our affectionate regard for tm h a r.hrlstian crentleman and faithful pastor, and our prayers for him ana nis lovea ones, mi uw tr uant-keeping God may ever nave tnem : V.: hOtr Iraanincr 5. That we earnestly and cordially commend him to the Christian love and flrianno nt find's doodIo whereYer God in his providence may cast his lot m Coffee drink era should read the adrertlsement n anotner ouiuuiu uwwm vw w. The peculiar adaptation of Dr. Ball's cough syrop to so many phases of throat and bronchial dis eases has rendered this remedy Immensely popu lar. Sold everywhere. 25c a bottle. 1 FaTorable notoriety The Gooi Beputatioa oi "Brown's Bronchial Troches'' for the relief of coughs, colds and throat diseases, has siren them a favorable notoriety. 8. L. McBrlde, of McBrlde dc Co., Crockery Mer chants, Augusta, Ga., says: 8. S. 8. cored my Catarrh after the best medical skill of the U. a had failed. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH JAKTJABY 11. 1882 PRODUCE. BAiiTDfDKK Noon Flour ouiet: Howard street and Western surjer S425S5.00: extra &5.25Q)- 88.25; family S6.40r2S7.o6; city mills, super S4.60S5.25; extra S5 50Sd.25; family $7.50- tr 557. To; uio Dranas $j.uu; rarapsco iamuy Wheat Southern nominal; Western dull and a shade easier at the close: Southern red S 1.88Q)- S1.41; amber S1.42S1.45; No. 1 Maryland ; Mo. 2 Western winter red spot Sl.40St.404; January SI. 40 bid; February S1.42&$l.4lh4: March S1.44S1.44; April S1.45$1.4ruX uorn eoutnem nigner; wesiem ami ana easier; Southern white 77; do. yellow 72. BAirrxoBs-NUtht-OaU higher :Sonthern 505S: h mlTuI KAKt . Dan u wl vanla 5053. Provisions higher and nrm; mess pork 818.25. Balk meats shoulders and clear rib sides, packed 71A8 Bacon shoulders 8l&; clear rib sides 10; hams 1213Vk. Lard re fined 1214. Coffeedull; Bio cargoes ordinary to fair 9ft lOVs Suarar-easier; A soft 9. Whiskey-quiet, at $1.1 7V4 Freights dull. Chicago Flour steady and unchanged. Wheat -steady and In fair demand; Mo. 2 Chicago SDrinx St.28tS3S1.2844 cash; 81.28U. January: $1.218 February. Corn easier; 6168Vi cash; oi January; ozoozvl eeDruary. uais easier at 45 cash; 441& January; February. Dressed ogs-avui ana wean, nut lower, at xt.aviiZi.Ui. 'ork In fair demand, but at a lower race, at $17 25817.30 for cash and January; $17 87Vfe 81 7.40 February Lard in f atr demand and at a lower rate, at $11. 121381 1.15 for cash and January; February. Bulk meats easier; sfiouiaers Sri. 40: snort no 8W.U6; snort clear $9.30. Whiskey steady and unchanged, at $1.18. Chicago -At Closing Call Wheat easier, but not quotably lower. Corn steady and unchanged. Oats steady and unchanged. Fork easier and de clined 2&5& Lard easier and declined 2Vgo. Nif York Southern flour moderately active and weak; common to fair extra $5.40$6.50; rood to choice do $6.60$8.00. Wheat yiWVgo ower and unsettled, closlnz rather more steady. and scarcely any export demand; ungraded spring $1.21ft$1.25; ungraded winter ; ungraded red $1.30$l.47lb; ungraded white : No. 2 red and January $1.43J4$1.4346; February S1.45& Cora Vi& Vfec lower, and closing heavy and declining: ungraded 6771Vb; No. 3 89A- rjMift: white iv: southern yeuow ivvaTlv: graded yellow 73; No. 2 and January 69is69Vi; eeDruary iuwa tuva. uaw less active ana clos ing easier; No. 8 50351. Hops-firm for choice grades; Yearlings 1222; new Eastern 20325; new Western 20327. Coffee unchang ed and qmet; Bio P31HA. Sugar quiet and very firm; fair to good refining quoted at 7Ma75s; refined lower, but with fair Inquiry; Standard A Molasses New Orleans 53 3 06. Bice steady and fairly active: Carolina and Louisiana 5147Sa. Bosln dull and weak, at $2.871&$2 45. Tur pentine dull and decidedly lower, at 55356. wool very nrnvy neid and in good demand: domestic fleece 86350; Texas 14331. Pork unsettled and somewhat nominal and a light trade, closing firm; mess spot quoted at $16.75 SI7.75; February $17.80$ 8.00; middles un changed and quiet: long clear 9A. Lard opened 5371AC lower and less active, and closing weak, at S11.85S81 l.87l; January $ll.22$11.30; February 81 1 .35 35 1 1 . 40. Freights to Liverpool market steady and quiet. COTTON. Galveston -Steady; middling 1 lUc; low mlu'ne llUtc: Kood ordinary 105fec: net receipts 2.517: gross 2,569; sales 3,700; stock 104,933; exports coastwise 2,265; to Great Britain ; to conti nent : to France . Norfolk Firm ; middling llt&c; net receipts 017; gross : stock 52,018; exports ooaat- wle6l6; sales 746: exports to Great Britain ; 10 continent . Baltlmobs Steady: middling llc; low mid dling 11U; good ordinary lOVi: net rec'is ; gross 49. sales : stock 57,401; exports coastwise : spinners 158; exports to Great Britain : to continent . Boston -Dull: middling 12c; low middling UKfec: trood ordinary 10c; net receipts l.lfiftt gross 2.268: sales : stock 6,820; exports to Great Britain ; to France . Wilmington Firm ; middling- Hike: low mid dling 11 116c; good ord'y 103 16c; rea'p-sSSS; gross ; sales ; stock 10,155; exports eoastwtse 874: to Great Britain ; to continent . Phtt.adkt.phia Qmlet; middling 12te; low middling IIV20; good ordinary lOu: net receipts 124 gross 625; sales ; spinners 132' toe 17,210; exports Great Britain ; to continent Savannah Firm; middling 11 lie: low mid dling !0c; good ordinary 10c; net- receipts 1.8yi; gross ; sales 5,800: stock 99,952; exports coastwise 1.741; to Great Britain ; to France ; to continent . Nsw Orleans -Steady; middling ll&c; low middling llitc; eood ordinary 10c; net receipts 3,435; gross 3,676; sales 11,000: stock 385,592: exports to Great Britain ; to France ; coastwise 4,533; to continent 1,748. Mobile Firm;- middling llc; low middling 11c; good ordinary 10c; net receipts 682: gross ; sales 750; stock 43.55U: exports coast 1,839; France ; to Great Britain ; to continent . Memphis Firm; middling llVte: receipts 716: shipments 605; sales 1,100; stock 99,027. Augusta Quiet; middling lie; low mid dling I0c; good ordinary 10c; receipts 309; shipments ; sales 895 Charleston steady: middling 115fec; low middling llH&c; good ordinary 1034c; neireeelots 1.457: noss : sales 1.000: stock 75,323; exports coastwise 2,916: to Great Britain r : to continent ; to France ; to channel New York Dull; sales 904: middling up lands 12c; middling Orleans 12 5-1 6c: consoli dated net receipts 16,224; exports to Great Britain 5.006: to France ; to continent 1,743; to channel . Lttkkfool Noon Steady: mlddliog uplands 6 1 1 1 6d ; middling Orleans 6 13-1 6d ; sales 1 4.000; speculation and export 1,000; receipts 10,600; American 8,300. Uplands low middling clause: January delivery 6. ll-16d; January and February 6 1l-16d; February and March 6Sft8 28-82d; March and April 6 25?32d6 13-16d; April and May 627-32d; May and June 6d; June and July 6 1516d; July and August 6 31-32d; August and September . Futures dull. Liverpool -5 P. M. Sales of American cotton bales. Uoiands low mlddlluK clause: Jan uary and February delivery 6 1 1-1 Ad; February and March : March and April 6 25-32d; April and May ; May and June ; June and July 6 29-32d. Futures closed barely steady. FUTURES. Nkw Tom -Futures closed steady. Sales 99,- 000. January 11 99.00 February 14-41 March 12.491 ADrtl ..., 12.70! May ia.87i Juna 18.01 Juli T... 18.131 August 18.240 25 September J?-5g-Z uctODer i-o-u o, November . 11.65 67 FINANCIAL. Nsw York. Exchange ' Governments fairly firm New 5's, Four and a half per cents,. ... Four per cents 4.82 1.021 1.144B 1.17 633 . $75,983 4,268 Money, , State bonds-dull Sub-treasury balances Gold, currency,... Stocks Irregular and unsettled: Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 Alabama Class A, small Alabama Class B, 5's Alabama Class C, 4's Chicago and Northwestern Chicago and Northwestern preferred, Erie... Fast Tennessee 80 81 95 82 1.261 1.88 40S4 14 1.63 1.31 1.18 97Vi 73 84 1.32 1.85 86 1.80 1:82 35$ e 77 Georgia. Illinois Central. Lake Shore. Louisville and Nashville Memphis and Charleston Nashville and Chattanooga New York Central Pittsburg. Richmond and Allegheny Richmond and Danville , Book Island.... Wabash, Sc. Loots ft Pacific. Wabash, St Louis & Pacific preferr'd Western Union. CITY COTTON MARKET. omoi of The Obsebteb, ( Charlotte, January 12, 1882. 4 The market yesterday closed quiet at the follow ing quotations: Good Middling. 11 Strictly middling 11 Middling. ' H Hrrlf rtm mtrMllru. 10 Low middling. 10 twm 01a 9 Storm cotton 6W Sales yesterday 41 bales. Charlotte Produce Blaurket. JANUARY 11, 18f2 BUYING PRICES. Cork, perbush'l . OS ....a................. '.90 Slni BxAHs, white, per bushel " 1.26a.50 Peas, Clay, per bosh.. 90al.00 Lady, " 1.50 White, - 75a80 Flocb Family 4.2584.50 Kxtra..... 4.00 Super 8.75 Oats, shelled, 55ar35 Dried Fruit Apples, per Du 4a6 Peaches, peeled 15a20 " Unpeeled 7al0 Blackberries.. 8a5 Potatoes Sweet M 75 Irish. 1.00 Butter North Carolina, 20a25 Bees, perdozexL . 25 Poultry Chickens 20a25 Spring 10812 Ducks 20 Turkeys, per lb. 8 Geese 25aSO Beet, per lb., net 6a6 Muttoh, per Ox, net Pore. " . ". 8a9 SELLING PRICKS-WH0LB3ALK. Bulk Meats Clear rib sides 10 Coffee Prime Bio 14al6 Good 12al5 8uor White lOall 3 Yellow. 7a! Molasses Cuba Sugar Syrup Choice New Orleans. Common 82&S5 35a5( 50a0 40&45 Salt Liverpool fine 1.flOal.25 " coarse goal.OO WB3SKXT Com, per gallon Sl.75a2.00 Bye, " S2.00aS.00 Brandt Apple, per gallon. S2.00a8.00 Peach, " $3.50 Wlse, Scuppemong, per gallon. 81.50 RETAIL. Cheese 20 Lard, per lb 16ai6 Tallow, per lb ,8aio Bacon N. C. hog round lOal 1 Hams, N. C 18 Hams, canvassed. 15al6 mcE....?. galO Fruit Apples, Northern, per bbl 8.25a.50 " Mountain, " 8.00 Mackerel No. 1 1.25 " No. 2. 1.00 " No. 8. 75 Codfish 15 Cabbage, per lb. . . . . 4a5 Report of the Condition OF THE Merchants and Farmers' National Bank, at Charlotte, In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, Decmber 31, 1881. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts. $ 360,626 95 Cerdratta... 2,062 18 U. 8. bonds to secure circulation. . 200,000 00 Due from approved reserve ag'ts, 26,260 28 Due from other national banks. . . 8,403 5 1 Due from State banks ft bankers, 2,847 24 Real estate, furniture and fixtures - 19,200 00 Premiums paid 8,000 00 Checks and other cash Items, .... 858 02 Bills of other banks 1,744 00 Fractional paper currency, nick els and pennies t . 84 06 Specie 8,250 00 Legal tender notes, 2,000 00 Redemption fund with treasurer of U. S. (5 per ct. of circulation) 9,000 00 Total , $643,678 19 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid in $ 200,000 00 Surplus fund 40.000 00 Undivided profits 6,846 98 National bank notes outstanding, 180,000 00 Dividends unpaid 8,956 00 Individual deposits subject to check... 90.234 14 Demand certificates of deposit. .. 10,638 46 Time certificates of deposit 85.288 85 Cashier's checks outstanding,.... 7.946 97 Due toother national banks 9,507 44 Due to State banks and bankers, 1 .470 30 Notes and bills re-discounted, .... 52,786 05 $643,676 19 State of North Carolina, County of Mecklenburg, ss: I, J. B. Holland, Cashier of the above jiamed bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. B. Holland, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this, the 1 1th day of January, 188'i. C. N. G. Butt, Notary Public Correct Attest: J. H. McAdev. H. G. springs, Directors. D. P. Hutchison. Janl2 FOR SALE OR RENT. THE house and lot on B street, formerly occu pied by Thod. J. Sprinkle, Is for sale or rent. Apply to THOS. H. HAUGHTON, anl2 tf Agent FOR SALE OR RENT. rpHE new and commodious residence X built by H. T. Butler, on Tryon street, just beyond the track of the A., T. ft O. R. a. uo. Good bargain. Apply to F. H. GLOYEB, janl2 tf Agent. TO THE PUBLIC. ON last Saturday, January 7th, a man calling himself J. W. Holt, bought a bay mare from me, at my home near Snow Creek, in Iredell coun ty, and palmed off upon -me a worthless check for one hundred dollars as part payment. He after wards left the county and when last heard from was traveling towards South Carolina, having passed through Charlotte. The animal was a blood bay mare, seven years old, dixtsen hands high, and a first-rate traveler. The man was apparently 22 or 23 years old, five feet eight lueses high, lair complexion, light hair, without beard and very well dressed. I hereby forewarn any person from trading for the mare, and will pay a suitable reward for her recovery, or for any information that will lead to the arrest of the scoundrel. Wm. S. EAGLE, Janll 8t snow Creek, N. C. saga kFOn 1882 Will b maiUd nn ta ml innUnntL l tAmfamun ikwl nivtiif IV It contains fir colored plat,, 600 tnenrmn, boul M MEM, nd fuUdOTcHptlon,, price, ud directionTfcr planting j.VW t arte tit, of VcgstabU and Flown Soda. Plant. Fruit Trar. oie. Inaluable to all. ifUUgan grows Mdi wHl b foavj nore nliablt for planting in tha Stmtk than tboat Kwutani-annsrclUnaU. Wa makaa specialty of annul y l ntara, Ti' iea'ro.n and MarketlSardnm. Addma, D. Y. ''ERRY & CO., Detroit, Mich dec 16 13t FRAMES 0:- A SPLENDID AESOETMEHT OF graph Frames, Frame Mouldings, k, Van Ness' Gallery. cecl8 tf SALE OF BONDS. T Y Virtue of an order of the Superior Court of jj Alamance county, in tne case oi Ains Jung and others against W. J. and A. Murray and others, I will offer for sale at the court house door in Greensooro, H.ti, at pobue aocoon. ror easn, on Monday, the 6th dar of February. 1882. at 1 2 o'clock M., eight 8) bonds f the county of Car teret Issued February 80th, i860, each for $500 doe on February 20th, 1880, to each of which bonds coupons are attached for Interest at 6 per cent, from February 20th, 1875. Parties desiring further information can address my attorney, James X. Boyd, Esq., Greensboro, U A. JOCUaUliBI, JanStda Beeelverv Photo MdDTTS 1 SIHICIDIES AT COST ! AT COST. AT COST. -HAVING . I FIND I HAVE ENTIBELY TOO MUCH STOCK ON HAND, AND IN ORDES TO REDUCE IT I WILL OFFER UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. ALL GOODS UNRESERVEDLY AT COST. decSO lm -THE- CfflEIl 11 SCALES BLUE EIBBON AT niemational CottonExposi TELLS- Yonr Vfdglt, Height, Color of Hair, Position, &c, (DdDMIB arawl -THEM AND TIM MCE IWIM -AT- LeROY DAVIDSON'S. Atwood's HOTTS' COLOGNE, 4711 GERMAN COLOGNE. j us i ceceivea oj n COOPER'S BUCHU tfS re"dy-for lm&ZlE' GROUND SAGE, GromdCayeneFepper'GroMd!ipr T?TXTTT TTiTT TTrivp , CL7TnC Jewelry Cases, Puff Bnxes. Hand Mirrors -Tlilil IJlJLJL!il Hi OH J Odor Cases, In all styles and at ell prices The .largest and nicest assortment ever brought to this maiket WILSON & BURW1LL. TURKISH BATH TOWELS, Aflne nu,Rw,rii.b7 LTVrT A T TTVTX? (HTDBATED OIL). Hydrallne has been proven of the 11 I UliA I jlii Tj. vaiim in ennfrnmntion. and all was tine diseases, invariably Inn ttntMOiMnta IntMAait In Aihr' Vaah aunnll at. Wilson & '03.? 1011:1 'necseij 'nasui Cp .t'VJi-.' V i "lU.I.;j. A. Ni. '-110 i 0 v. - " . .v. J ;.;:r 1:00 ::o-4 sjuao ss puc3 - J SM 152IS a 000 iTO'S'i r :7A 110a il decSO NOTICE. HATING qualified as Executor of the Will of the late Mrs. Grlswald Henderson, I notify all persons haNing claims against her estate to pre sent the same to me within one year from this date. B. B. COCHRANE, Executor of Grlswald Henderson. November 7th, 1881. hovll w6w TREES I DELIVERY. H I"T Trees are now readr for delivery, onrjosite ITA Mr. Alien Crowe's residence, on Tryon street nenreen 6tn ana Otn. a one lot 01 Trees, f lants, Fiowera and Flower Seed on hand for sale. Any thing la my line furnished on short notice, deea T. W. 8P ARROW, Charlotte. ! (IKY r !-. " ' To'l JUST TAKEN ) WORE "ITwS THE- Ml LOTS OF- 9 Cologne, FINE NATL BBTJFHES, FINE FEENCH OiPS luovn a Duanjuiu highest proauc- Burwell's. JUST GO TO PERRY'S and see what CHOI FITS He has for New Yeai's Dlnners.Cand hew very" cheap he is selling Toys and Fancy Articles FOB NEW YEAE'S PFESE2S TS.-dec81 mm

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