,e CtyaUrtte bBtrotr. O tt AS, tU JONES, Editor fc , ilatuum at raa Post-Oiticm at Charlotw, N 0., AS SBOOgP-CLABB MATTKB.1 FRIDAY. JAN. 13, 1882. A SiiltillT niSAPPMEllEnSlON, The Raleigh News and Obseryer, and the Greensboro Tatriot, noting the ru mor published in this paper of the fail ure of Mr. Best and the Boston Syndi cate to meet their first payment, accord ing to agreement, on the lease of the Atlantic and Nortn Carolina Railroad misapprehend the position of The Ob server, if they suppos we are "mak ing merry' over the failure of such a "great enterprise." The fact is The Observer wishes all such enterprises well, but doubts the ability of Mr. Best to carry any such attempt to a success ful issue. We have no confidence in his professions nor in his ability to do what he nretends he can do. If that road is ever built from Goldsboro to Salisbury it will be by some one else, and not by Mr. Best, who thus far ha3 been distin guished only by the abundance of his promises, and by his utter failure to carrv them out. His proposition to build the Midland road was based on the contingency of getting possession of the Western North Carolina Rail road and be stands about as much chance of doing that as he does of going to glory in the flesh. As a warm advocate of internal im provements in the State, and in favor of any and every work which tends to her development, we would rejoice to know that Mr. Best had the capacity to stfrry out the schemes he projects, and realize one-half the hopes he has inspired in those whose confidence he gained, by assurances which he has not made good. If North Carolina depends upon Mr. Best for a road that will con nect her moiintais with the sea, she will, we fear, wait a long a very long time. We assure our worthy cotemporaries that we would much rather chronicle the completion of such a work than its failure, and will be glad to learn that we have been mistaken as to the ability and intentions even of Mr. Best. or twenty years of active hie we have been battling for North Carolina and North Carolina s interest, and we point with pride to the record of our lire-work, lnere may be snort com ings but they are errors of the head and not of the heart. Because we do not see success in an adventurer like Mr. Best: because we have had the manliness to say just what we thought, and what the people will all find out after a while, there are 'those who would decry us. The building of a grand trunk line through the State, to connect the Wes tern portion of the State with a sea port of our own is an idea worthy of the ambition of any man, but to-day it is theory merely. With the North Car olina Railroad and the Western North Carolina Koad in working order as they now are, the business man who would put his money into another road between Gold3boro and Salisbury, would be little better than an idiot. It might be patriotic.but railroads are not built these days out of patriotic senti ment. The North Carolina Railroad cost four millions and the Western North Carolina Railroad has already cost six millions 01 dollars; six per cent on this sum would be six hundred thousand dollars, to say nothing of running expenses. Does any sane man suppose for an instant that a line projected and built as a competing line to these roads would ever pay a dollar of dividends ? On the contrary it could not pay the cost of operating it, to say nothing of interest on its cost. No legislature would ever dare to vote dollar towards its construction, nor Would any good business man ever in vest a dollar in it. If these be facts then why not brush away the thin veil of pretention put up by Mr. Best and his friends to hide them until the time comes to unload? If to do thi3 be "jaerry making" then we do not under stand the power of the Englinsh lan guage. Aye, more, "It this be treason, make the most of it." iney have a way of letting a man aown easy in Chicago. When a promi nent citizen got drunk at a wedding, and, being called on for a speech, rallied the father of the bride because he didn't have his other family residing on the east side present at the wedding, and so kicked up a perfect hades of a time, the papers said merely that "the re marks of Mr. Jowls were somewhat in appropriate." A strong pressure is being brought to bear upon the President by promi nent Republicans and tjournals of the South, especially New Orleans, to have the present Secretary of the Navy, Hunt, retained, the claim being made that he is a representative of Southern Republicans m the broadest sense of the word. The hanging of Guiteau cannot be an immediate matter, as most people seem to think. Under the law he can not be hanged until thirty days after the opening of the next term of the court. This will not be until the 4th of April, and therefore the date of Gui teau's execution cannot po3sibly take place until the 4ih of May. Henry C. Spaulding, who was famous once as the inventor of "Spaulding's glue," found himself in the New Alba ny, Ind., lock-up the other night for drunkenness. He says that he sold the right to manufactnre the glue to a con cern who made a round million, but he got nothing out of it. The debt of Great Britain heads the list of national debts for size, that of the United States comes second, and the debt of France ranks third. The United States is the only nation that is engaged in paying off its debt, with the serious purpose of doing it, too. About 813,377.155 has been paid out for the construction of the East River bridge at New York, and about 6600,- 000 more will be needed. New York idiots have been going wild over Oscar Wilde, the boss aes thete, ... . r- . ..... .SSfrA to F. P. Rice and R. H. Richards, of Atlanta, for $25,000. They will organize a joint stock company and start a ootton factory, usinz the buildings for that purpose. Out of the 500.000 immigrants who landed at Castle Garden, New York, the past year, 143,000 settled in the State of New York and the city, and 36,000 in Pennsylvania. Fddie Goosey, went with his sister Nellie and another sir! skating, near u Brookfield, Mass., last Sunday. The ice Drose anaiMiaie neroicuy loss ms iub iu trying to save the girls, drowned. They were all The Atlanta Constitution says: The progress of the temperance movement in Georgia is .not fanatical, but is quiet and persistent, slowly making j ground and retaining every position once gained. Col. Marcellus Thornton, of Atlanta, Gsl, married a rich North Carolina widow, and is now aspiring to pilot the independent movement down there. The exhibition fever seems to be contagious. The city of Macon, Ga inspired by the success of the Atlanta exDosition. is talking of getting up a grand art exhibition. Parnell's friends are trying to have him released from prison before the meeting of parliament. One case of small-pox has developed at Cbattanooga, Tennessee. The appearance of small-pox at Chat tanooga is scaring up Atlanta. Small Grain. Raleigh Mews and Observer. Speaking with Mr. McGehee yester day about the results of the Atlanta Exposition and the noble snow our State made there, he said it was in truth cause for pride. But said he, though the Department of Agriculture feels such pride in tnis, yet there is an other bit of its work the past autumn which has been even more prolific of good results. In response to an inquiry aa to.what this good bit of work was, Mr. McGehee said that early in the au tumn, seeing the work of the drought with the crops, the department issued a circular in which the necessity for put ting in heavy crops of small grain, par ticularly wheat, was strongly urged upon the farmers. They were told that these crops would supply necessities and that they should be sown up to the last moment. The press of the State took up the idea and repeated the ad vice. Now as a result we have one of the largest if not the largest grain crop ever sown in the State. In many coun ties the increase, as compared with last year, is two, three and four hundred fold, while some counties actually re port it a thousand fold. Wheat was put in the ground up to the last availa ble moment. This was the case iu nearly all parts of the State, and where the work of the drought bad been the worst the largest crop has been sown. The reports further indicate that the small grain crops look well, and the in dications point to an abundant harvest next year. Cotton fields were sown down in the grains, and in some coun ties very large areas of cotton lands are now green with wheat and oats in vigorous growth. In traveling twenty miles in North Carolina, at any given space between Raleigh and Charlotte, a traveler sees more wheat than m the course ot a day s journey through boutn Carolina and tieorgia. What Paul Eat, Chicago News. Madame rises at 9 o'clock, and during her toilet exercises her voice on the chromatic, or indulges in bits of favor ite arias, with Signor Nicolini running an opposition concert in the adjoining suite. A lunch is served in their dining room at 10 o'clock, with a menu of eggs, toast, fruit, hsh, tea and wine, Breakfast follows at 12. Rare porter house, cut extra thick, chops, fruit, cof fee, wine, buckwheat cakes and lettuce salad make up the bill of fare, which is served, like all her meals, in courses For dinner, turtle soup and biscuits. spiced turkey, roast beef, a couple of salads, fruits and three kinds of wine sustain life until ten o'clock, when a very light supper of entrees and coarse bread is taken with wines. When she sings dinner is taken at 3 instead of 7 p. m and after the opera, not later than 11 :30, bouillon soup, a pair of chickens. baked potatoes, salad with French dressing, claret, Roquefort cheese and crackers with French prunes. The Spanish beauty is as fastidious as tal ented, and will suffer nothing but the choicest viands, served in first-class style. Solid silver, cut glass and the finest hand-painted French china fur nish her table. A centre niece and in dividual bouquets of fresh flowers are supplied by Allen at every meal. Two private waiters serve her, and like the two sentinels who guard her door, are attired in black broadcloth with swal low tail coats, white vests and satin ties. ITI 11 ton's Water-Poirer. Chronicle. Milton's water-power cannot be beat en in the State, and the water-power of T1 TT 1 . 11 i juanvme, v a., bo mucn taiKeu auoui, holds no comparison. Live men with capital could make this town the Low ell of the South. As this is the age of capitalists looking around for places to erect factories for manufacturing pur poses, they would do well to come here and look around. We are within seven miles of the Richmond and Danville Railroad and have a narrow gauge road running to it. Nominees by the Beadjunter Caucus. Richmond, Va., Jan 12. TheRead- juster caucus last night nominated the following State officers: Second Audi tor, H. H. Disson, present incumbent; Secretary of Commonwealth, H. C. Elam, editor of the Whig, Read juster organ; itegitter of Land Office and Superintendent of Public Buildings, George Brockenbrougb, present incum bent; Treasurer, Thos RIevely, Rock bridge county : Superintendent of Pen itentiary, 6. C. Williams, present in cumbent; Superintendent of Public Printing, R. F. Walton, present incum bent. Massey refused to acquiesce in the caucus rules in the matter of audi tor of public accounts and that office was passed by for future consideration. Weather Middle States winds shifting to northeast and southeast with increas ing cloudiness and rain dr snow, slight changes in temperature and falling ba rometer on Friday. South Atlantic and East Gulf, Ten nessee and the Ohio Valley threaten ing weather and rain, easterly to south erly winds, falling barometer, stationa ry or slight rise in temperature. West Gulf rain followed by partly cloudy weather, warm southerly to colder northerly and westerly winds, falling followed by rising barometer. 8kln diseases Indicate an Impure condition of tbe blood. 8. 8 8, will core any disease of the blood In Its worst form If taken as dlrected.j FEDERALLAW-MAKEES I DISCUSS THfi CCBBEXCT QtTES- TlOIf, Bat Reach no Conclultn lllore Bllli Introduced to Repeal the internal Heremue, kc., tfcc, Washington. Jan. 12. Hotjsk. Robeson, New Jersey, from the com mittee on rules, submitted a reports in creasing the membership of the follow ing committees: Ways and Means, 15: Judiciary to 19: Bankinst and Currency to 13: Com merce to 19; Agriculture to 19: Foreign Affairs to 15; Military Affairs to 15; Post office and Post roads to 15; lm- VUlVU CsjtlvL A W IV I A lnU provement of navigation of the Miss ississippt River to 15; Invalid pensions to 18; War claims to 15 and Accounts toll; also for appointment of a com mittee on Inter Oceanic Canal and Foreign and Inland transportation, to consist of 13 members to which shall be referred all measures relative to these subjects ; also to amend the rules so as to refer the committee on Im provement of navigation of the Miss- issippi xviver, wiumi uinttcia roiauva thereto under rules, the report was laid over for one day. The House went Into committee of the whole on the census deficiency ap propriation bill. The committee at 3 o'clock arose and reported the bill to the House, when it was passed without division. It appropriates $540,000. On motion of Upson, of Texas, a resolution was adopted calling on the Secretary of War for copies of all cor respondence, endorsements and recom- meudationd in his office relating to the expenditure of the appropriation for the acquiring ox sites and the erection of posts for the protection of the Rio Grande frontier. Payne, of Pennsylvania, introduced a bill to repeal the tax on bank depo sits and the stamp tax on bank checks and to reduce the tax on the circula tion of national banks. Referred. Prescott, of New York, Introduced an apportionment bill providing for 319 representatives. Referred. Browne, of Indiana, offered a resolu tion calling on the Secretary of the In terior for the following information : If all pensions arising from the war of the rebellion shall be adjudicated with in seven years, determining June 30th, 1888, and if at the end of that period the survivors of the war with Mexico and their widows shall be pensioned at the rate of $8 per month, what ap propriation will be required annually to pay pensions during the next 25 years? Referred. The House, at 3 20 p. m adjourned until Monday. Senate. The President pro tern pre sented a communication from Isaac N. Arnold, president of the Chicago His torical Society, asking the co-operation of Congress in the celebration on April the 9th, at .New Orleans of the 200th anniversary of the discovery of the mouth of the Mississippi River, by Robert Cavalier DeLa Salle. Frye reported from the committee on rules, a resolution authorizing the selecLcommittee,on woman suffrage to employ a clerk. Adopted. At 12o the Sherman funding bill was proceeded with, Mr. Garland hav ing the floor. Mr. Garland argued to show that the relation of banks to the government was that of mere fiscal agents, and that Vest's amendment was a logical and legal sequence of funding. He was not wedded to the idea of the three per cent, bond, but was willing to take the assumption of saving 61,000,000 annual ly, for what it was worth. Allison inquired for information whether upon Garland's construction of its language Vest's amendment ma king the new bonds the sole basis of bank circulation, would require the banks having Z per cents, on deposit to surrender these and take three per cents.? He did not so understand it Mr. Garland: we will try to make it broad enough to cover that. Plumb renewed his amendment so as to require the use of all funds now in the treasury for the redemption of u nited states notes in excess of 8100. uou,uuo, in the redemption of 3h per cents., sucn redemption to be made in not less than three installments, and the said sum of 9100,000,000, so left in me treasury, snail not be increased or diminished except in redemption of United States notes. He also gave notice of additional amendments, and proceeded to argue that upon anv calculation of interest the government would now lose more than it could realize by an attempt at refunding Replying to Allison's inquiry. Vest explained that his amendment did not apply to bonds held by banks now ; it merely applied to banks now ia exis tence which seek to increase their cap! tal after July 1st, 1832, or to banks which seek to go into business after that date. The debate was continued by Allison, bnerman and 1'iumD. The fact becoming apparent at 4:20 that several Senators desired to speak who had not participated in the dis cussion, the- bill was info aside until Monday. A bill was introduced by Jonas for the relief or the Mechanic s and Traders Bank of New Orleans. lij Jjidmunds, relating to a quorum of the Supreme Court of the United States, providing that hereafter a ma jorityof the Justices, instead of six, snau constitute a quorum. By Kellogg, to extend the limits of the port of New Orleans, and making an appropnation of $200,000 for the im provement of the harbor. By Johnston, by request, three bills as follows : To authorize the coinage of silver dollars and fractions thereof of full standard value upon the metric system ; to utilize the coinage of the. goloid metric dollar, two dollars and fractions of a dollar, and also the coin age of metric gold double eagles, eagles and half-eagles, all of standard value; to authorize a new metric gold coin for internal use, to be known as the stella. ne ioregoing three bills are copies or Dins Heretofore introduced in the House by Stephens, of Georgia. Brown offered a declaratory resolu tion that it is inexpedient and unwise to contract the currency ty the with drawal irom circulation or what are known as silver certificates, or to dis continue or further restrict silver com age ; further, that gold and silver coin Daseo upon a proper ratio or equiva lents between two metals and issues of paper predicated upon and convertible into coin on demand constitute the proper circulating medium of this country. Laid over temporarily. The Senate went into executive ses sion and soon after adjourned till Mon aay. Throat Cot br an Unknown A a! I. aat. Norfolk, Va., Jan. 12. Jos. A. Sicks, a prominent citizen of Norfolk, and a member of tbe firm of Joseph L. Guy & Co., wholesale liquor and tobac co dealers' of this place, late last night was seized irom penina wnue in the streets of the suburbs, by an unknown man, his head thrown back and his throat cut just under the chin. Sicks lies in a critical condition. No clue to his assailant. waMMaen4h-aaMBwnM' ' COMPLICATIONS. If the thousands tbat now bare their rest and comfort destroyed by complication of liver and kidney complaints would give natnro's remedy, Kidney-Wort a trial tber would be sDeedllr eared. It acts on botb organs at the Mm Udm and there fore completely Alls tbe bill lor a perfect remedy. It you bare a lame back and disordered kidneys use it at once. Don't neglect tbeavr-Mlrror and jrarmer. Coffre drinkers should rer.d tbe adrertlsement, in another column beaded "Good CoSee." ' THE UST ACT. A PACKED HOUSE TO WITNESS If, DArldg-e compliments the Jary nd Arffnes the Case But One Point Insanity and Ilero There la None. Washington, D. a. Jan. 12. The au dience which assembled in the court room this morning to listen to the ar gument to the jury in the Guiteau case was a large and intelligent one, which entering the room at an early hour waited patiently the arrival of the court, counsel and prisoner. The marshal gave the spectators due notice that no one would be permitted to leave until the hour for recess, and for the purpose of emphasizing his re marks fie ordered that the main door should be locked. At 10 0 clock, sharn. the jury entered and a few minutes later the court was called to order. Davldge then took his position in front ot the jury and opened his speech with a disclaimer ot any intention to make a tt speech but expressed his simple desire to render the jury what aid he could in their present solemn duty. The time had now come in this trial when the jury were to become factors. Whatever disorder or levity might have characterized the trial, there was but one sentiment in respect to the conduct of the jury. All commended their dig- nlned deportment and their patient and close attention to the evidence, and he could not doubt that, as they bad re ceived the commendation of all in the fiast, they would continue to deserve it n the future by their decision of the question before them. There is here, gentlemen, (he contin ued) but a simple point for discussion and consideration. The subject of it is insanity. The court will tell you that in this land of law it is not allowable for a man coldly, deliberately and treacherously to slay another, and then to say he had no malice. The court win ten you wnen it comes to charge you that to constitute the crime of murder the existence or malice is wholly unnecessary, and that, indeed, a crime committed is innnltely worse in the absence of that element than if it was present In the beginning of the trial (as you all will recollect) an inef fectual attempt was made in tbe direc tion of showing that the death of the President was attributed to tbe treat ment by the surgeons who attended him with so much fidelity and ability. Tbat attempt was short lived, however, and was very speedly abandoned, so tbat there is now but a single question for you to determine, and that is the ques tion of insanity. In the progress of the trial very many vague and general expressions have crept into the case. v e have heard of crazy men, of men off their balance, of insane men, and hence it was necessary to apply to the court for a clear and perspicuos defi nition as to what is insanity in a legal sense. Medical experts have denned insanity from the stand-point of medi cine, and it was necessary to have it defined from the stand-point of law. Even if the man be deficient in intel ligence it does not follow that he shall be permitted to commit murder with impunity. It takes one degree of intel ligence for a man to make a contract another to make a will and another to do any other act. But when you come to crime, such a crime as we have here, murder, "murder most foul and unnatural," the law re quires a very slight degree of intelli gence indeed, it was, gentlemen, in order to make the question perfectly clear, and to abridge your labors so far as to prevent you being led astray by the introduction of irrelavent matter that the prosecution asked the court to state succinctly what constitutes malice and insanity in legal intent. The court has spoken, and it has not spoken in any vague or ambiguous language. It has laid down two instructions for your guidance, which I will now read. Mr. Davidge read Judge Cox's instruc tions No. 1 and No. 2.1 In commenting on tbe first and second instructions, Mr. Davidge said, "that is, gentlemen of the jury, if any human being has any degree of intelligence which enables him to understand the act he is doing, and if he has sense enough to 'know. and does know, that that act is in vio lation of tbe law of tbe land or wrong; then, no frenzy, no passion, will afford any excuse whatever; then, no disease of his moral nature will constitute any excuse whatever; then, no belief, how ever profound, though the man through reason and reflection may reach the conclusion that the act is the sugges tion of, and commanded by Almighty God, will afford any excuse whatever for tbe perpetration of crime. His sole and exclusive excuse is disease of the mind, obliterating the sense of differ ence between right and wrong and ab solutely controlling the judgment and reason or the party. Thus you will see that the degree of reason necessary to make a man responsible is very limited indeed; thus you will see that a man may be here who has been styled a crank, or off his balance, and even par tially insane, and yet abundantly responsible ror tne crime, w hat is the acv committed here? murder. Murder by lying in wait, what is commonly caned assassination. as Mr. Davidge traced the process of reasoning by which the prisoner gradually, reached the conviction that "but one little life interposed between himself and possibly a great benefit, Guiteau became restless, and for the first time since the opening of tbe court indicated by his nervous twisting about the usual preliminaries to a series of interruptions, which in this instance quickly followed "hot after," Said Mr. Davidge, no where "in the records of heinous crime do we have such plain and pointed evidence as to the first conception of the crime. In this case the suggestion came to the wretch in thenight as he was lying in his bed." "It came to me when the Lord got ready to have it," snarled the prisoner. Davidge continued, "this thought or suggestion came to him on the 18th of May. Still thinking that he might ob tain the office he sought, and keep his naoas ciean, ne made another effort on the 28th of May to induce the Presi dent" Guiteau called out from the dock, "1 woman c nave taken a foreign mission after the first of June if it had been of fered to me." Mr. Davidge apparently not heed ing him Mon the 28th of May" Guiteau: MI am talking about the first of June." Davidge, pausing a moment, "just lis- An 4--v Kim " Guiteau, sneeringly, "they would lis ten to you but your talk is so weak it is hardlv worth liatanincr to" For several minutes Guiteau contin ued to interject his comments, with the evident intention of annoying Davidge but finding he could not effect this he gradually subsided into complete si fence. Found Dean 1st Hla Red. Richmond. Va- Jan. 12. Dr. Orlan do Fairfax was found dead in bis bed this morning. He had retired insood neaitn last mgbt. ... DECLINXOfMAN. Impotence of mind Umb. or vital function, ner vous weakness, sexual. debility. Ac., currd by wens' Beaitn Benewer 1 oenewer. s i at arugguia. Depot J. L Mc Aden. Charlotte. N. - Bedford Alux Aim iboh rprih68 Watss Am Mass. Tbe great tonic and alteratrro coo tains twice as touch iron and lift dm vent, man alum inum tban any "alum and Iron juasa" known. Just tbe tblns lor tbe "spring weakness" now so renew, tsoia oy au druggists 01 any "ming. rnces reauceo uae mux. may 11 tf Ladies, Gentl&men, Misses, Boys OUR STOCK FOR THE TTTB guarantee tbat every pair ol 8H0XS we sen snau ne louna jusi as represented, ana unan mum u uuw w b"j " 8" 'r me money. Our ttock nas been carefully selected with a view to the wants' of all classes of customers, and comprises a full line of beautiful and seasonable goods, of tbe very best quality and all grades, from tbe finest Frencb Kid Button Boot to tbe Heaviest Brogan. If you wish to get your boots and sbo s to suit you and at tbe lowest possible prices, you cannot do better than at our store. Give us a call. 8018 A. a. TnfMtT. of Atlanta, fia.. sara: 8. 8. 8. cured me of a violent ease of Scrofula, wblcb bad taUed to yield to all otber treatment. tin.OOO would not ourcbase from me what 8. & 8. has effected In coring me of Malarial Kbeu matlsm. Arcnie Thomas, editor of tbe Bepubll can, Springfield, Tenn. potteries. Particular Notice. All the drawings will hereafter be undor tbe ex clusive supervision and control of 68NKKAL9G. X. bJtAUttiUABD and jvoal. a. jsaulx. A SPLENDID 0PP0ETUHITY TO WIN A FORTUNE SECOND GBAND DISTRI BUTION, CLASH B, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1882. 141st MONTHLY DRAWING. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1 868 for 2B years by tbe Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of 81,000.000- to whtcb a reserve fund of &550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of tbe present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. IU GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpone. Look at tbe follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, 30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars laco. Half Tickets, One Douar. LIST OF FRIZES: 1 Capital Prize 930.000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize 5,000 2 Prizes of 82.600 fi.000 5 Prizes of 1.000 5,000 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of 600 Prizes of 600 10,000 lOO. 10.000 50 10,000 20 10,000 10 10.000 1,000 Prizes of APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of 800 82.700 H Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prtzei of 100 900 1867 Prizes, amounting to gj 10,400 Responsible correspond l:g agents wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid, for further Information, write clearly, giving full address. Send orders by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mall, addressed only to ml. a. uxufum New Octeans. Louisiana or M. A. DAUPHIN, at No. 212 Broadway. New York. N. B.-Orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt attention. Tn part'cular attention of the Public is called to tbe fact that the entire number of the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing is sold, and conse quently all tbe prizes In each drawing are sold and drawn and. paid. Jang 40th POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE In the City ot Louisville, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1882. These drawlnsa occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As- semniy 01 Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court on March 81 , rendered tbe following decisions: 1st That tbe Commonwealth Distribution Com pany Is legaL 2d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes for the JANUARY DRAWING. 1 Prize 830,000 1 Prize 10,000 1 Prize, 5,000 10 Prizes. 81.000 each. 10,000 20 Prizes, 600 each, 10,000 100 Prizes, 200 Prizes, 600 Prizes, iuu eacn, iu.uuu 60 each 10,000 20 each 12,000 10 each. 10,00(1 1UUO irizes. 0 Prizes, 8300 each, Approximation Prizes S2.70C 9 Frizes, 200 " l.SLHi 9 Prizes, 100 " 900 1,960 Prizes, $112400 Whole Tickets. $2; Half Tickets, 81; 27 Tickets, S60: 55 Tickets, $100. Remit Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of 85 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Address all orders to R. M. BOARD MAN, Courier-Journal Build Louisville, Ky., or 809 Broadway New York. Jan3 FRAMES. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT -or- Photograph Frames Frame Mouldings,- (Sc., -AT Van Ness' Gallery. decl8 tf' Hardy & Brothers, (Established In 1828.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For sale of ' COTTON. LUMBER, PEAMJfS AND OTHER MERCHANDISE, And dealers In FEE DY IAN GUANO and other STANDARD FERTILIZERS. Make liberal cash advances on consignments. Prompt sales and quick returns. ' HARDY'S WHABF, nov25 w8m Norfolk. Va. Notice to the Public THE existence of smallpox as an epidemic in many sections makes It my duty to xgalnurze upon ait our Mittens tne duty of vaccinating. Our wir uiiOTouurse mita an sections 01 tne country pestilence Is In our midst to take steps to prevent wapread. There tfered vaccine matter tod ask our physicians to use it lnyaccirtlna hosa who ant nnt ahlo n. T - TZ . "WW t,Z,I -tX--:r.'"'- "w nave tne ytvuayn Buyukiuu vl CVCrJ BOUSenOKL . IO 1 '& D WOLFE, CANNOT FAJL TO BE SUITED IN OF BOOTS FALL AND WINTER A. E. W. T. BLACKWELL & CO. Durham, N. C. Zfumfectnrtrf of tba Origiul and Only Gonoic TOBACCO Mar 22 ly A SKNSATION Has often been made by the discovery of some new thing, but nothing has ever stood the test like Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pillar their popularity and sale Is unprecedented. They upp y a need long felt and must beet me a household remedy. Just think to be cured In a few weeks of these terrible nervous troubles and awful suffering from bick Headache, Neuralgia and Dyspepsia, and the nervous system put In a natural and healthy condition, destroying the pos sibility of Paralysis, Angina Pectoris and sudden death, which Is carrying off so many noble men and women in the full tide of UXe and useful ness, i, This simple remedy of Extract of Ce'ery Seed and Chamomile Flowers, com Dined In the lorm of pills, is a boon to humanity. It bas saved ibe lives of thousands ot nervous, headacbing cbll dren in our schools and out every year No nerv ous person or sufferer from Headache, Neuralgia. Dyspepsia or Paralysis will do themselves justice until they try them. Bold by all druggists. Price 50 cents a box. De pot, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mail, two boxes for $1 or six boxes for 82.50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUOH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISBASE8 OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCSonallpartsof the body. It makM the skin white, ioft and smooth; mnovea tan and freakiss, and is th BEST toilet dressing in THE WOBXD. Elegantly pat up, two bottles in one package, ooniriMing of both Internal and external treatment. All flirt class druggists have it. Price SI. per package. BBS. LYDIA L F1NKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA Em PINKHAsVTS VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cnre fer all Ihoae Painful Complaints and Weaknesses Meant mon teenrbest female population. It will care entirely the worst form of Female Com plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Clcera Oon, Falling and Displacement, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and is particularly adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus In an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there is checked vary speedily by its use. It removes falntness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulant, and relieves weakness of tike stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. ' I That feeling of bearing down, eassiar fain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times and under all circumstances act harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound la unsurpassed. LTDIA, E. FIN EDAM'S VEGETABLE COM POUND is prepared at 333 and 136 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price t Six bottles for $4, fentbymaU In the form of pills,, also in tbe form of jozengas, on receipt of price, f 1 per box for either. Mrs. Plnkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for p"ri let. Address as above, iltntion thi$ Taper. No family should be without LYDIA E. PHTKHAITS LITER PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness and torpidity of the liver. IS cents per box. ' MO- Sold by all Dnifiiti. -g NOTICE. ALL persons desiring teachers ce tWcates will please present themseives on Thursday, 12th insL, at the courthouse In Charlotte. This day is set apart by law; and there will b no private ex animations thereafter under oroinary circum stances. W. T. WALLER, Jan5 dw td Co. Supt Pub. Instructions. II 1 , 6 1 11 -a ? ai rAOC MARK. ijMjili l. ifij 1 Jjfl 1 and CMldren ANL SHOES TRADE. RANK IN & BKO., Central Hotfl Block . Tw rie Stivpi . BURGESS NICHOLS, ALL KINDS ef FURNITURE, BEDDING. &C. A FULL LOT 0 Cheap Bedsteads, AND LOUNQXS, Parlor & Chamber Snit west nisi nun, B.C. Ouv ckiim for merit is based upon, the fact that .a chemical analysis proves that the tobacco grown in cur section is better adapted to make a GOOD.PIHE, ecJ ish.ctory smoke than. ASY OTHER tobacco giov. n in the world; and being: si: uated ia the HEART of this fine tobacco sectiois, WT have the TICK of the offerings. The p-.itlic ap preciate thi ; I:e?:ce our sales EXCEED the products of AXJL j the leading manufactories com- I beers the trademark of tht Hull. ft grogs zuA pXcdiriuc FRESH WiUinnTi! Just Received, at DrlHMden's Dri Store From Saratoga Fprlngs. N. Y. A new water re sembling the Imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid cuivs djspepU, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Baton Natural Mineral Water, Secommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, CASKS CONGRESS WATER, O JQ CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLUNARI - AND Hunyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! H UN XADI TAN03. TBE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Doe: A wine glass full before breakfast. The Lancet "Hunyndl Janos. Baron Lleblg af firms that its richness In aperient salts surpasses that of all other Known waters." The British Medical Journal 1 'HunyadJ Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Pro. VircTuno, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scamoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Prof. Lander Bnmton, M. D., F. R 8., London. More pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." .fTpf-ken, Mp., F. R. 8., Royal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pulina and med richshalL" JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. m DON'T GO TO SARATOGA when you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from tbe spring at Saratoga. We.,"2ce,ve tms water ln lare Wo" tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. j h. Mca DEN, Druggist and Chemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night. JulT28 DRUGS, MEDICINES, CBEMICALS, LAMP GCODS, SEGARS, TOBACCOS, &c, Ac. JU3T RECK1VED: A FULL AND SELECT LINE OP Perfumeries and Perfumery Cases. Cologne Bot tles. Ac. Toilet Powder Rouges, 8oups, Tooth Brushes, Brushes of all kinds, Combs, dec, and a full line of all goods usually found In a first-class lirug Es tablishment. Careful attention given the pretaratlon of pre scriptions. I trust the public will, as beretofpre, extend me a share of thHr patipnagp. Care will ln ev 17 In stance be given the preparation and dispensing of all metflrines for which demands are made and satisfaction ln everr ln ewrv intt.n by W. P. MARVIN. As't. A Cxi dec23 Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket v THE old Oaken Bucket 1 be Iron-bound bucket. The moss-covered bucket Tbat hung in tbe well. ,CHAS. B, JONES, . vuwiumt, . v., ooie agent Liberal terms to dealers. NOTICE. T Siflo? P8' W-. B. Mott. for 8555. X dated 21st eptember. 1881, which note was obtalnAd nnrinr rlu niMn.. j r . pivTOuoDi uiu x jurwarn ni'j person or persons from trading lor said note, as I do not intend to pay it J. W. LoNU. jut. jnourne, n. u lang lm

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