LOCAL MATTERS. home chtplets. FRIDAY, JAN 13, 1882. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. MA802NT1G. khaxajtx Lodok No. 81, A. K. 4 A. M. -Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. Excxlsior Lodok No. 261, A. F. A A. M. Beg gar meeting every Dfxt and third Tuesday nights. Chablott Chaptxb No. 89. H. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday ntgbis. CHA&LOTTE COICMANDABT NO. 2, K. T. BegUUU meeting every first aud third Thursdays. IKI- OIF Knishtb of Honob. Regular meeting every second and (ourth Thursdays. Knights of Pythias. -Regular meeting nights RiA and thlTd Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. at Ma sonic Temple Ball. I. O. O. IF1. Chakloto Lodge No. 88. Meets every lion day night. Mkckuknbubg declaration Lodgk Na 8. Meet every Tuesday night. Dixrx Lodgk No. 108. Meets every Thursday night. Catawba Ritor Ehcampmint Na 21. Meets lrst and third Thursday nights in each month. i mi ex to New Advertinenwii m Wilson 4 Burwell D:ugs. Ac. HUM NESS NOI'ITE. Mothers! Mothers 11 Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken ol your rest by a sick child suffering aud crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If so. go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WLNSLOWS SOOTHING 8TRDP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately depend upon It : there Is no mistake about 1L There Is not a mother on earth who has ever used It, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operat ing like magic. It is perfectly safe to use In all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and Is the pre scription of one of the oldest and best physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. THK DRUNKARD Is a burden to himself as well as to his friends; but, since Intoxication becomes a disease, It re quires a remedy of no unusual activity. Those who have taken Simmons Liver Regulator declare that It sets the liver in action and Invigorates the system in such a way as to destroy the craving for strong drinks. The shaky, nervous and distressed should resort to the Regulator as a tonic to arouse tie torpid liver to action, to regulate the bowels and remove the feeling of general depression and wl h It the craving for liquor. EST Lawrence Barrett plays Hamlet at the Richmond theatre to-night. E3TA decided improvement in the comfort of the opera house has been made by the addition of a storm door to the entrance. tSfT" It is believed that rents range higher in Charlotte than in any other town in the State, and notwithstanding the dull season and short crops of last year, the prices have in some instances materially advanced for this year. tST To the committee, Mrs. T. S. Clarkson, Miss Addie Williams and Mr. J. A. Solomons, acknowledgement is made for an invitation to be present at the annual supper to be given this evening at the Metropolitan Hotel, by the Gounod Club. 4 tW It is a burning shame that pas sengers are compelled to debark at the Air-Line depot in mud shoe-mouth deep, and that the mail matter is often through necessity thrown upon the ground, where it becomes wet from the mud and water. A comfortable car shed is an absolute necessity, but the railroad has never been able to see it in this light. When the stock of the company is 83 above par it seems that the concern might be able to turn a few dollars loose in the way of- making its passengers comfortable. yes- The ladles who sometime since were unable to CO out, having taken Lydla E. Pink ham's Vegeta ble Compound are quite recovered, and have gone on their way rejoicing. Dr. C. W. Benson, of Baltimore, ML, prepares a skin cure that Is the best thing for skin diseases ever known. It cures eczema, tetter, ring worm and all rough and scaly skin diseases in the short ,t time. Sold by all drugsUts at $1 per pack- JOSH BILLINGS HEARD FROM. Newport R. L, Au. 11, 1880. Dear Bitters I am her trriDg to breathe In all the salt air of the ocean, and having been a suf ferer for more than a year with a refractory liver, I was Induced to mix Hop Bitters with the sea gale, and have found the tincture a glorious result. I have been greatly help;d by the Bitters, and am not afraid to say so. Yours without a struggle. Josh billings. Penonal, Col. Frank Coxe left the city terday afternoon for New York. Rev. J. H. Tillinghast, of South Car olina, was registered at the Central yes terday. Col. Wm. Johnston has gone to Wash ington for the purpose of ah ! that's it. Dr. Dick Norment has taken the war path that leads to office by way of Washington, never to return until he can do so with a scalp dangling at his belt. Hon. W. M. Bobbins, of Statesville, was in the city yesterday. Maj.P. J.Sinclair, of Marion, has been in the city several days. To promote a vigorous growth of the hair, use Parker's Hair Balsam. It resto-es the youthful color to gray hair, remove dandruff, and cures tchlng of the sc:i!p. JXciir cltrcrttscroetiis. tfROYAL KWill J Li( ol Letters Reinainiug in the post office at Char lotte, N. C, for the week ending Janu ary 2J, 1S82: Jj Auguitini, Alice Brady, Ed Bur- ris, Lee Barne3, Lula Black, Susan Barnes, Sallie Carnes, Malinda David son, Sarah Dixon, A H Freeman, An drew J Gwynn, Henry Gwynn, Mev land Grase, Alex Harris, Mrs A R Hill, Chalmus Hall, Maria Hardy, Wm B Hayes, Ellen Johnson, Warner D Jones, Mrs J T McConnoll, Susan Mahue, Jno E Moore, C H Peake, J S Perkin, Mrs M A Pharr, A G ttarasons, A L Rob erts, A C Scott Jno Templeton, col., Octavia Triplet, Mira Thomp3on Mil liard Washington, Milly Wither3poon, Wade Walker. When calling for any of the above say advertised. W. W. Jenkins, P. M. Absolutely Pure. Thi powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. , nov23 New York. LeBoy Dav'dson. Sole Agent, Charlotte, N. C. THE NEW DRUG STORE, Corner of College and Trade streets, (Wilson & Black's old stand.) IS NOW OPEN. Parties oes!r!i g Fresh and Reliable Drags Kill do well to give ns a calL J;in4 tf CDONOGHUE, H4ND & CO nst Reeeivec. AT THE - China Palace No Doubt ft it. "Would it not bo well for all persons intending to throw away a dollar on a theatrical performance, which can be of no possible benefit to them, to reflect that the money thus uselessly spent could be well used in the relief of the necessities of some of our worthy poor at this inclement season of the year? The above is from the Home and Democrat of this week, and we just wish to rise and remark that there is a difference of opinion as to whether the atrical performances are of any possi ble benefit to the people who are in the habit of going to see them. Ib is taken that by "theatrical" is meant every thing of the kind covered by the term, and here is where the issue arises. There is no better way for the young student of Shakespeare to catch the spirit of the great author's masterpieces than by seeing an interpretation of them by such men as Booth. McCul lough, or Barrett. Besides there are many light pieces put upon the boards in Charlotte that furnish amusement, just what people especially young peo ple -win have, which are entertaining, and more free from suggestions of im morality than are many street inci dents that may be encountered right here in open day. We are not inclined to champion the atricals generally, but it seems that the moral lesson the Home and Democrat would teach theatre-goers could be giv en more appropriately to the exceeding ly large number who are throwing away day after day their dollar for whisky, or for a purpose even more de grading, if possible, than whisky drink insr. as the amount spent by this class largely overtops what is squandered on theatricals. The Richmond and Daorllle and the StcamtAlp Lines. The Baltimore Sun of Wednesday says there have been rumors afloat in that city for several days that the Clyde syndicate, which controls the Richmond and Danville Railroad system, have been figuring to make an alliancjwith steamship lines, so as to establish per manent connection. The Central Rail road of Georgia, as i3 known, has its steamship service, and the Clydes hold the balance of power in the York River and one or two other water lines that connect with their railroads. A Rich mond & Danville official, in conversa tions aid that the matter of water con nections has been informally discussed, and he believes it will be settled the current year. The syndicate wants water communication between its roads and the North, ete. Traffic alliance is now had, but the Clyde policy is to con trol 51 per cent of 100 in the stock of corporations it meets in trade compact ; 49 per cent does not please the Clydes. The reports have named the old re liable Merchants and Miners' Trans portation Company of Baltimore, with its dozen steamships and $2,000,000 of capital stock, as the corporation which the Clyde syndicate would like to buy their way into. Mr. George J. Appold, president of the steamship company and one of its large stockholders, re cently, in answer to direct questions as to how much of truth there was in the statements that the syndicate were figuring to control his line, said: "There is positively nothing feasible in anything that has transpired. I do not like to talk about it, because some of our people might believe there is really something in the rumors afloat. Mr. Clyde called to see us and asked if an amount of the stock a large amount could be bought. He was told that we are not so positively wedded to the old line that some price .would not buy its control. Almost all property can be reached at some price. Mr. Clyde was given a price, a good price, I assure you, and that is all there is for me to say. There has nothing feasible transpired." IIunterITIrerii. At St. Peter's Episcopal Church night before last, Mr. C. L. Hunter and Miss Pickette, daughter of Col. Wm. R. Myers, M ere united in marriage in the presence of a number of invited guests and the immediate friends of the con tracting parties. The Rev. J. B. Chesh ire, rector or St. Peter s Church, per formed the marriage ceremony. The following were the attendants: Miss Sadie Smedes, of Raleigh, and Mr. W. R. Myers, Jr. Miss Bessie Myers and Mr. Robert Dunn. Miss Lucie Dillanl and Mr. Baxter Myers. Miss Anna Scales, of Richmond coun ty, and Mr. Alva Springs. Miss Julia Davidson and Mr. Jo. Sol omons. Miss Hattie Rawlinson, of Rock Hill, and Mr. R. A. Myers. Miss Li la Springs and Mr. Brevard Springs. Miss Mattie Orr and Mr. LeRoy Da vidson. Miss Emma Drayton and Mr. T. C. Rankin. Miss Lelia- Young and Mr. Eli Springs. Mis3 Bettie Conrad and Mr. David Bronson. A handsome monogram formed of the letters H. and M. was made of dif ferent colored flowers, and suspended over the couple, the work of some unknown friend. The groom is the son of the late Dr, C. L. Hunter, and ha3 been a resident of Charlotte for a number of years during which time he has justly enti tled himself to the high esteem of our citizens, while the bride is one of Char lotte's favorites, and is universally lov ed for her many good qualities of mind and heart. After the performance of the cere mony the officiating minister presented the bride with a handsome prayer book bound in white, the one used in the ceremony. The couple left on the train going south Wednesday night, to visit rela tives of the groom. Index to the Weather The theory has been advanced by those who claim to have been paying some attention to such matters, that the first twelve days of the year control the weather of the twelve months in the regular order ; that is, if the twelve days of the first of the year, or any number of them, are rainy, the whole twelve months, or the corresponding numbers of the months, will also be rainy. If this rule holds good for the present year there is little probability of next summer being a dry one. So far there has not been a day of sun shine in Charlotte during the year. mm m i n lfelghbrhM4 Metes. The Times says the burnt district in Wadesboro will soon be rebuilt, sub stantial brick houses taking the place of the wooden structures recently de stroyed. There is to be a cotton factory built at Center, in Stanly connty, at an early day, some $40,000 having already been subscribed to the capital stock. An effort is being made to have built at Wadesboro one or more cotten factories. Last Monday municipal elections were held in Rock Hill and Chester, S. C In the former town John R. Allen was elected intendent, and John S. Chamber was elected to the same office in the latter. Rock Hill has special legislation by the general assembly of South Carolina preventing the sale of liquor in that town by prohibiting the issuing of license. W. F. Raiford & Co., of Fayette ville and Laurinburg, have failed for $6,000 or $7,000, with assets amounting to some $3,500. October -November FINANCIAL. New Yob.' 11.80S.82 11.623 63 4.81 Exchange, Governments firm at ifflfeo higher except extended o s which are c lower New 5's, 1.02U Four and a half per cents, 1.14 roar per cents, 1.18 Money 53 State bonds dull Bub-treasury balances OolcL. $75,862,000 " " Currency.... 4304.000 01000 In light demand and slightly higher: Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 Alabama Class A, small Alabama Class B, 6's Alabama Oast C 4's. Chicago and Northwestern Chicago and Northwestern preferred, Erie East Tennessee Georgia. ... Illinois Central... Lake Shore Louisville and Nashville Memphis and Charleston NashvWe and Chattanooga New York Central Pittsburg. -, Richmond and Allegheny Richmond and Danville Bock Island Wabash, 8c Louis ft Pacific. Wabash, St Louis & Pacific preferr'd Western Union. CITY COTTON MARKET. 80 961 1.28 1.884 4m . 14fc 1.68 1.82 H 1.33 1.83 5 1.88 1.83 86: 6 781A Omci or Tax Obsebtxr, ( Chablottb. January 18, 1882. f The market yesterday closed quiet at the follow ing quotations: Good Middling. 111k Strictly middling, ill Middling. 11 Strict low middling 10 Low middling. 104b Tinges.. 9ViQm Storm cotton 6Qtf Sales yesterday 43 bales. AT COST ! AT COST. AT COST. HAVING JUST TAKEN I fTKD I HAVE ENTIRELY TO EHUJ C3HE STOCK ON HAND, AND IN ORDER TO BXDUCZ IT I WILL OFFER UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, ALL GOODS UNRESERVEDLY AT COST. IONS Ssai Hiseeff) decSO lm THE- mm I SCALES Coffee drinkers should read the advertisement n another column headed "Good Coffee." MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH JANUARY 12. 1882 PRODUCE. Baltix OBX-Noon -Floor unchanged ;Howard street and Western super S4 25S$5.00; extra $5,253- 84 f0a)$5.25; extra $5 50&86.25; family S7.SO- CT87.75; mo Dranas 7.uu; raiapscoramiiy .-!&. Wheat Southern Arm: Western dull and steady: Southern red S1.88S1.42; amber S1.42f2S1.45; No. 1 Maryland ; No. 2 Western winter red spot $1.40 asked; January S189UfJS1.8W February S1.183S1.181A; March SI. 43iasi. April 81.4533 1.4514. Com-Southem white, steady; do yellow, dull and lower; Western easier and dull; Southern white 77; do. yellow 700)71. BALTMORx-Nlght-Oats steady: Southern 50S58: Western white 61 53: mixed 50S51; Pennsyl vania 50353. Provisions unchanged; mess pork $18.25. Bulk meats shsulders and clear rib sides, packed 74fe9 Bacon -shoulders 8V2; clear rib sides 10; hams 123131. Lard re fined 1214. Ooff quiet; Elo cargoes ordinary to fair 90) 1014 8ueAr steady; A soft 9 Whls- key-Quiet, at si.i7txi.i7V9 irreignts ami and unchanged. Chicago Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat in fair demand, but at a lower rate; No. 2 Chicago spring 81.27381.28 cash; 81.27 Jan uary; Si 28 February. Com In fair demand, but at a lower rate; 61Vfcf26314 cash; 61Vi January; 61 February. Oats In fair demand, but at a lower rate, at 4434 casn; 44 January; 44 Febru ary. Barley -easier, ai si una$i.U7. Dressed hogs lower, at 7 2ot2S7.HU. fora auii ana weak, but lower, at 817 16817.20 for cash and January; Sl7.22VkSSl7.25 for February Lard in fair demand, dui at a lower rate, ai si i.v&yU) 811.05 for cash and January; $1 12i for February. Bum meais m iair aemana. out at a lower rate: shoulders S6.40: short rib S9.00: short clear S9.2 5. Whiskey steady and unchang ed, at 81.18. Chicago At Cisurd Call Wheat easier, at $1.27 for January; SI 28 for February. Corn raster and aecunea ic uau steaay ana un changed. Pork easier, but not quotably lower. iara a ail waa uncoangea. Nrw York Southern flour fairly active and rath er easier; common to fair extra So 80386. -U); good to choice do St5.60S7.87Vi. Wheat open ed yQtea lower, but afterwards recovered mor nf the decline and closing weak at about n 1 over tne Inside rate: unemded soring : ungraded win ter ; ungraded red $1.283S1.40Vj; ungraded wbite ; No. z red and January Sl.423- 81.431; February $1.44351-4514. Com open ed 14 Hie lower, but afterwards recovered 14c of the decline and closlnx weak and unsettled; un graded B8371 : southern white 72375: do leilow ; ho. 2 ana January oytroy; eoruarj ovm-1 37014. Oats W3c lo er and fairly active and dosing firm; No. 8 60i4350te Hops firm and moderately active; leanings iza2z. uonee low grades firm and choice stock about steady and quiet, with the prices unchanged; Rio 9311 V. Sugar Arm and rather quiet; fair to good refining quoted at 7137; refined easier; -Standard a 939M3. Molasses steady and in fair demand; New Orleans . Bice lairiy active and mil. with the prices unchanged. Bosln lower and more active, at 82.25382.87. Turpentine firmer, at 541355 Wool quite firm and a good inquiry; domestic fleece 86360; Texas 143)84 Pork heavy and lower, and a moderately active trade; mess spot quoted at 817.75OS17.50; new February si7.soaiSl9.UU; middies uncnangea and dull: lone clear 914. Lard opened 7I&O10C lower and falriv active, and closing unsettled, at $11 253811.80; January $11.173811.25; Feb ruary SH.253Sll.82vt. Freights to Liverpool margti arm. COTTON. Galveston Firm: middling lllxc; low mldng IlUe: rood ordinary lOtttc: net reeelots 883: ktoss 1.745: sales 10.033: stock 104.933: exports coastwise 4.887: to Great Britain : to conti nent 1,046: to France . Charlotte Produce market. JANUARY 11. 1882. BUYING PRICES. Cobh, perbosh'l 85 MXAL " 90 Whsat, " Bxams, white, per bushel 1.25a.50 Pxas, Clay, per bush. 90al.00 Lady, " 1.50 White, " 76a80 Floub Family 4.25a450 Extra. 400 Super 8.75 Oats, shelled 55a65 Dktkd Fruit Apples, per lb. 41&a6 Peaches, peeled 15a20 " Unpeeled 7al0 Blackberries 8a5 Potatoes Sweet 75 Irish. 1.00 Butt kb North Carolina. 20a25 Boes, per dozen. 25 POTTLTRY Chickens 20&25 Spring 10al2i Ducks 20 Turkeys, ner lb 8 Weese 25a80 Bkst, per lb., net 6a6 Mutton. Der lb., net Pobk. " " 8a9 SELLING PRICKS WHOLESALE. Bulk Mkats Clear rib sides 101s COFFKK Prime Rio 14al61 Good. 1216 8UQ.K- White lOaim Yellow 7a9 Molasses Cuba 32a85 SutrarSrrun 35a50 Choice New Orleans 50a80 Common 40a45 Rat t Uveroool fln l.OOal.25 coarse 85al.00 Whiukev Corn, rwir arallon 81.75a2.00 Bye, " S2.00a8.00 Apple, per gallon. $2.00a3.00 Peach, 2.50 Wins, Scuppernong, per gallon. 81.50 RETAIL. Chxksk 20 Lard. Derm 15al6 Tallow, per lb i8al0 Bacon H. C. hoc round lOall Hams. N. a 18 Hams, canvassed. 15al63fe Ric 8al0 Apples, Northern, per bbl 8.25a.50 mountain, o.w Mackerel No. 1. . 1 .25 " Na 2 1.00 " No. 8 75 Codfish 15 Cabbagk. rer lb. 4a5 TEE.1T WORE THE BLUE RIBBON -AT THE- nternational GottonExBosition Atlanta. -TELLS- Your Weight, Height. Age, Residence, Position, &c. (DdDMJE amull ME Report of the Condition 01 TBS Merchants and Farmers' National Bank, -THEM AND LOTS OF middling 11 e; net receipts Hock 52,1 14; exports eoast- Court Proceeding. In the Superior court yesterday morn ing counsel in the suit of Elsie Britton, colored, against the Air Line Kailroad Company concluded tho argument, and the case was giyen to the jury. This was a suit brought for the recovery of $3,000 damages from the railroad on ac count of the plaintiffs having been ex pelled from a passenger car of the de fendant company. About three years ago on a certain occasion an excursion train was run over the road with sep arate cars for white and colored people. The plaintiff, with several other col ored people, on boarding the tram, en tered a car occupied by whites, filling the onlv vacant seats remaining. An OF J. Brookfield & Co., Area of I'onniltit, A recent census bulletin gives the aresis of the several counties of this State, the total of which is put down at $48,580 square miles. The following are A. I .nn Alamance, 430; Alexander, 300; Al- employe of the railroad ordered them leehanv. 300: Anson, 500; Ashe, 450; to go into the car occupied by colored Beaufort, 720 ; Bertie, 720; Bladen, 900; people, which they refused to do. Brunswick, 950 ; Buncombe, 6) jiiurKe, tef seyeral wnite ladies entered the car J ?L and were unable to obtain seats, when ueu.ow, ' avVyj. , aa Tit- onnat a naMAnmr that tawba. 370: unaiaam, ouu; vuciuaw, iu u uoa "j r, 500: Chowan, 240; Clay, 160; Cleave- the defendant and her colored compan land, 420; Columbus, 750; wniwuu; ions ejected, which act was done by 1 ;uld Dcnaiiu, vw , vuinmv, w , Nosfol- Firm; 1.&4l:nos wise 1,744; sales 1,071; exports to Great Britain ; to comment . Baltucobs Steady; middling lltte; low mid dling 111A; good ordinary lOVi: net reo'ta ; cross 290: sales ; toek 56.471; export coastwise ; pinners 220; exports to Greet Britain 1,000; to continent . Bootoh Dull; middling 12o; low middling llftc;good ordinary 1 (Hie; net receipts 1,014; loss : saies : tioca o.bzu; exports 10 treat Britain ; to France . WrLirrsoTOH Firm: mlddilne lllAc: low mid dling 11 1-I60; good ord'i 10 8 16c; rec'pts421; cross ; sales - ; stock 14,288; exports oast wise ; to Great Britain 2,288; to continent . Philadelphia Qniet: middling 12Vfccs low middling 1 1 Vao: good ordinary lOlfo: net receipt 70: gross 874; sales ; Spinners 200: stock 1 5,884; sxporu Great Britain 2,000; to continent at Charlotte, In the 8tate of North Carolina, at the close of business, Decmber 81, 1881. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts. 8 860,526 95 Overdrafts 2.062 18 TJ. & bonds to seenre circulation.. 200,000 00 Due from approved reserve sgrts, 26,200 2s Due from other national banks. . . 8.403 5 1 Due from State banks & bankers. 2,847 24 Real estate, furniture and fixtures 19,200 00 Premiums paid 8,000 00 Checks and other cash Items, 858 02 BUls of other banks 1,744 00 Fracnonai paper currency, nick ! and Denntas . 84 06. Specie 8,250 00 Legal tender notes, 2,000 00 Vaitamnttnn fnnri nrifh trAnaiiittF of U. a (5 per ct of circulation) 9,000 00 Total 8843,678 19 LIABILITIES: ranltel otaoV TM in S 200.000 00 Surplus fund 40.000 00 Undivided profits 6.846 98 National bank notes outstanding. 180,000 00 Dividends unpaid 8,956 00 Individual deposits subject to check 90.284 14 Demand certificates of deposit. . . 10,638 46 Time certificates of deposit . 85,288 85 Cashier's checks outstanding 7,946 97 Due to other national banks 9.507 44 Due to State banks and bankers, 1 .47 80 Notes and bills re-dlscounted, .... 52,786 05 8643,676 19 State of North Carolina. County of Mecklenburg, ss: I, J. B. Holland, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best ol my Knowiage ana Denei. J. B. Holland, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this, the 1 1th day of January, 1882. & N. G. Butt, Notary Public Correct Attest: J. H. MOADXN. 1 H. G. springs, v Directors. D. P. Hutchison. ) anl2 TMEE MICE THINGS -AT- LeROY DAVIDSON'S. We Pay Special Attention -TO THE- Satannah Firm; middling 1114c: low mid dling I0e; good ordinary 10c; net receipts 283; gross 2,084: sales 4,400; stock 99,396; exports coastwise 2-640: to Great Britain ; to France : to continent . middling UUc- good ordinary 10c; net receipts T?OT? RAT R OR Tt TCNT 8.460: gross 8,912; sales 8.000; stock 877.344: JF WXV vXl J-V-Lll exports to Great Britain 4,900: to France 4,174; RETAIL TRADE And have a large and well selected Stock adopted for this -BRANCH OF OUR BUSINESS, To which we give our personal attention. We have received a full supply of SQUIBBS' MEDICINES, Which for purity and excellence cannot be surpassed, for pre scription purposes, and will be used exclusively for this trade. W CALLS ANSWERED AT ALL HOURS OF THE NIGHT BY EXPERIENCED CLERKS. WILSON k BURWELL, Trade Street. 270: Davidson, 600; Davie, 300; Duplin, 670; Edgecombe, 500; Forsyth, 340; Franklin, 420; Gaston, 340; Gates, 360; Graham, 250; Granville, 750; Greene, 300: Guilford. 680; Halifax, 680; Har nett, 540; Haywood. 740; Headman, afin- Hfirtfora. 4o; nyue, xicucn, parties not in the employ of the com-1 diing ioo; goo r " I ihlnmnnta pany. In giving the case to the jury, three issues were submitted for considera tion, as follows: 1st. Was the plaintiff injured while a lot of elegakt 600- Jackson, 920 ; JTohnston, 070; Jones, on the defendant company's train? Plated Ware andChinaSets suitable fob WEDDING PRESENTS. anlO AKr. 1 onnir A9.CI: Lincoln. 270 : MCUOW ell, 440; Macon, 650; Madison, 4o0; Mar tin, 500; Mecklenburg. 680; Mitchell, 240; Montgomery, 670; Moore, 800; Nash, 520; New Hanover, 480; North ampton, 510; Onslow, 640; Orange, 670; Pamlico, 860; Pasquotank, 240; Pender, 800; Perquimans, 220; Person, 400; Pitt, 820; Polk, 300; Randolph, 720; Rich mond, 860; Robeson, 950; Rockingham, 550; Rowan, 450; Rutherford, 470; Sampson, 840; Stanly, 880: Stokes, 500; Surry, 500; Swain, 420; Transylvanw, 330; Tyrrell, 820; Union, 640; Wake, 950 Warren, 450; .Washington, 350; Watauga, 460; Wayne, 500; Wilkes, 700; Wilson, 850; Yadkin, 320; Yancey, 2d. Was she injured by the negligence of the defendant company, or its em ployes? . 3rd. To what amount was she injur- 61To the several issues the jury respond ed as follows; . 1st. That the plaintiff was injured. 2d. That she was not injured by any negVgence of the defendant company or its employes. 3rd. That the plaintiff was damaged to the extent of $1. The jury rendered their verdict late in the afternoon, ana its eneci, is w re manful ha ; to continent HS2 La- I mobils Firm : middling lifee: low middling 11c; good ordinary 10s; net receipts 239. gross 253; sales 1,200; stock 43.808; exports eoast ; France ; to Great Britain ; to continent . Mxmphis Firm; middling llfte; receipts 783; shipments 1,7 17; sales ; stock 98,073. Augusta -Qulet; middling Ho; low mid dling lOtygo; good ordinary 10c; receipts 494; shipments ; sales 1,254. Chablbctox Firm; middling 115fec; low middling llftc; good ordinary 10c; net receipt! 1,832; gross : fates 1.000; stock 72.042; exports eoastwlse 935; to Great Britain : to continent 28,083; to France ; to channel 757. NKW Tom -Easy; sales 2,047: middling up lands. 12c; middling Orleans 12 5-16c: consoli dated net receipts 226; exports to Great Britain 10,188; to France 4,174; to continent 7,915; to channel 795. LrreHPeoi Noon Steady; middling uplands 611 16d; middling Orleans 6 13-16d; sales 10,000; speculation ana export i,uuu; leosipw zo,auu; American 16,500. uplands low middling clause: January delivery -; January and February ; February and Karen 6 28-82d; March and April 6 26-S2dd; -April and May 618-16d; Max and June d; June and July 6 29-32d; July and August 0 3l-82d; August and September . ewures ssoauy. Lrmroob -5 P. M. Seles of American cotton 7.850 bales. Upland low middling clause: Jan uary and February delivery 6 1-1 6d; February nd March ftd: March and April ; April and Mav May and June : Jane and Ju , Futures closed dulL rpHE house and lot on B street, formerly occu- JL pled by Thos. J. Sprinkle, is for sale or rent. Apply to iuuSi h. hau uuai ur , anl2 tf Agent FOR SALE OR RENT. THE new and commodious residence built by H. T. Butler, on Tryon street, lust beyond the track of the A., X. & O. K. u. (Jo. uood Dargain. Janl2 tf Aonlv to F. H. GLOTKB, Agent TO THE PUBLIC. N last Saturday, January 7th, a man calling himself J. w. Holt, Dougnt a Day mare irom y creel o FOR SALE OR RENT. A fix room house, with good yard and well of water, end a two room kitchen; tan mlnntaa onllr nf thn mihllft Minare. Apply to .WALTER BBEM.- dec30tf ; 400. ... : " ... frnm alllift- The Raleigh News-Observer says it is lease me r- --- iiienaieiKUiocHo v . Avan nf fhn nominal sum 01 L Asserted that Prof. Kerr aays mere ""J- nr at 1- II .nfa onri nAlflrflS I in LI1B kULeiUUOU . fVr " Si Davidson vs. Stenhouse & Gilford was qu Sa dence of 2,420 square token up, and pending Us rSlnH r. nhnVit three tionithe court adiourned IDHcOt Will via nwum wv v." I . - ' of the largest counties in tne oiaie r considera- until this mA at mi home near Snow Creek, in Iredell coun ty, and calmed oil upon me a worthless check for one hundred dollars as part payment He after wards left the county and when last heard from was traveling towards South Carolina, having naosed throunh Charlotte. The animal was a blood bay mare, seven years old, sixteen bands high, and a first-rate traveler. ThA man mi annarantlv 22 or 28 Tears Old, five feet eight lncnes high, lair complexion, light hair, without beard and very well dressed. -' I hereby forewarn any person from trading for the mare, and will pay a suitable reward for her recovery, or ior any iniormaueo was wui mkh u the arrest of the scoundrel. IF YOU A liZALLT COCD Ack your Stationer cr Eend 5 cnts la stamps fr a hox cousin Li n t r. n fi&b. MM? Steel ,! MTOTT7T I GILT,' Of Assorted Tat- f iated Match Lor. 8cld by all Stationers. ;L2 Aci3, Hz .; Yobs.. 1 decSO janll 8t Wm. a IAGLS. Snow Creek, N. C July SALE OF BONDS. BY Virtue of an order of the Superior Coort of iiaiamm (vuintT. in the ease Of AlvB Sing FUTURES. i and others juntas W. J. and A. Murray and others, I will offer for sale at the court bouse door la Greensboro, N. a; at Potc auction, for cash, on Vrmrlmt tha Ath daVOf FebnerT. 1882. St 12 1 1 ot oa J o'clock M., eight ) bonds of the county of-Car-U I terettesued Febrry ?0th. i860, each for JgoO due on Kehrnary ama. iu, vo eacu ol mra Soles 1I8, NOTICE. HAVING qualified as Bxecutor of the wui or m iat Mrs. Grlswald Benderson.1 notify all i Dersons ba fng claims against her estate to pre sent LHB ui oim w&Ullu WHO icai UU1U HUM late. a- vui;juia.riA, Executor of Grlswald Henderson. November 7th, 1881. hovll w6w Nxw ToKX-FatureB dosed easy. 000. TaiMi.n ...... .......... Febroary....... .- 12.1&-16 March ................ ..v... is !?S"S? I bonds commits are attaebed for tntexest at 6 per April... iaSnftST cent from fFebtmuToai. 1876. m . 1 11 A Mr. ADen Crouae May.......v .....i....,....". i q qk I Parties desiring further Uiformatloii can address 1 between 5th and 6th. 1upfcM...."r,"v.""""f' i;?nfA flj l mT attorney. James x. uoya. Mq., oiwibuoiv, m maA , rr I Ft II TREES I DELIVERY. August..':.. eeptember J. A. MoCAULET. Beoelrer. ' HAT Trees are now ready for delivery, opposite ill. Mr. Allen Crease's residence, on xryo between 5th and 6th. Anne lot of Trees, Flowers and Flower Seed on hand for sale. Mr. Allen Crouee's residence, on Tryon street A flne lot or Trees, riants, adon hand for sale. Any' thing In my line furnished on snort notice. dec2 T. W. SFABBOW, Charlotte. JUST GO TO PERRY'S and see what cn Fl He has for New Yeai'd D!nners.Cand hew very cheap he is selling Toys and Fancy Articles -FOR NEW TEAR'S PRESENTS.--dec81