Stye Ct)arbtU bBtrorc. 8UB80RIPTIO RATES: PaHy, one year , pottpaid, in advance $8 00 fXz month '4-00 Three mont h .. 2.00 Cme month 78 WtEKLT EDlTfOSf: Weekly (in the eounty), in advance 82. 00 Out if the county, Post-paid 2.10 ix month 1.05 jg?- Liberal Reduction for Clubt, or0k and Soft Irlntiwfl. THE 0B8EBYER JOB DEPARTMENT Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner 01 Jod printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can fur nish at short notice. BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, LET TUB-HEADS, CARDS, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS. CIRCULARS. CHECKS, Ac. VOL. XXVII. charlotte; n. c,, Saturday January u 1882. NO. 3,998. 3 Hoots a? C hoes Goot 111 HIS ! C&0ods, Xotlttttfi, Sec. TO-DAY ALL Fall 1 Inter Goods WILL BE SOLD AT GREAT SACRIFICE, TO MAKE BOOM FOR SPRING PURCHASES. We Mean Every Word of This AND Only Ask an Inspection to Convince Yon. T. L. Seigle & Co. Blcjfttcal. : o : : o : Lyons' Patent Metallic Mum PREVENTS Hoots an d Shoes FROM RUNNING OVER, WeariDg off at the Sides or Ripping E'rf IN THE SEAMS. Johnson's Silk and Felt talts PREVENTS RHEUMATIC CBAMP. COLD FEET, BUNNIQN3 AND CHILBLAINS. PEGRAM & CO., Iaveum(ftism Neuralgia, Sprains, Pain in the. Back and Side. There Is nothing more painful than these diseases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. This remedy la not a cheao Benzine or Petroleum product that must be kept away from fire or heat to aroid dancer of explosion, nor is it an untried experi ment inai may cio more narm than good. Pain Killer has been In constant use for forty years, and the unlTersal testimony from all parts of the world Is, It never f a i I s. It not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, It Is sale In the hands of the most Inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Pact Killer would nil volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried it think: Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn., says : Auout a year since my wiie oecame uDject to severe suffering from rheumatism. Our reaort was to the Paxh Kai.m, which speedily relieved her. Charles Powell -writes from the Bailors' nome, London : 1 naa Deen amictea tnree years witn neuralgia of the stomach. The doctors Hospital rove m mv case in ur Fain Kitxir, and it gave and violent at Westmins: despair. I tried vour me immediate rSUel. I hare retrained my strength, and am now able to follow my usual occupation. G. H. Walworth, Baco, Me. . writes : I experienced immediate relief from nam in fha side hv the me of todf Pais Kti.i.m. E. York sayg : x nave usea your rim ktxlsr ror rneumaaam, and have received great benefit Barton Seaman says : Have used Path for thirty rears, and have found it a never-failing remedy for rheumatism and iLTnnflwi. Ur. Burditt writes : It never fail to irlve iHf fn Raw, nf rlunimiilnn. Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : From actual use, 1 know your Pais is the best medicine I can get. All drugglsta keep Pain Killer. Its price Is so low that it is within the reach of all and it will save many tlme3 Its cost in doctors' bins. 85c., 50c. and si.oo a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SOU, Proprietors, ProvidDnco, R. I. sept d&w sept oct. SOLE AGENTS. anl mm s.wW rjrr.'JJa INDOR8ED BY -,V' , -.pi"--!..- . .. ... . :.vr I jrr AND TO TilEB I GIVB HEALTH. "Excellent Tonic, Alterative and Diuretic." Medical Association, Lynchburg, va. "Used with great benefit in Malaria and Dlph- thorla ' a If THinnn. M D.. Oa. 'Buccessruliy used in dyspepsia, chronic diar rhoea and scrofula." Prof. b. jacKSon, Jn. u.. Univ. Penn. t , . Irwalnnhln a nftrvoas tonlC. HOO. 1. L. Fowler, Tenn. . , . ' Becommended as a prophylactic in malai Mtrntm Ft Tt D TflllWT M ft . N. O. "Bestores debilitated systems to health." T. C. ArinntAri in rhronifi diarrhoea, scrofula, ana dyspepsia.-" Geo. T. Harrison, M. D.. N. T. "Successful in diphtheria and neuralgia. - Nuu M n V C Excelient'force'rtaln diseases peculiar to wo rn mi. "Prof. J 3. Moorman, as. va. "Prpmpt in relieving headache, sick and vnna II Ham V O TwTtfATl ifH i)th crrpnt haneftt In dTSDeDSla." J. Mc- Balph, M. D.. Pa, . M-. "ttulted to bronchltu and diseases of digestive ftroona T V tytioKtr1 Iff TV. AlfL. "Most valuable remedy known for female dis eases. " Joo. P. Metteaur, M. D L. L. D. "Of great curaUve virtue." Thos. F. Bumfold, iu, a( juu, "FunpflpiRi in ntarin deranirement and mala rious conditions." G. M. Vail, M. D.t Ohio. Charming on the complexion, making "Tha nHnA of mineral tonics." FraneiS Gil' 11am, M. D., N. C. "inestimable as a tonic and alterative." Inr Mm.i.Ib. ur n v .. i . . .. .Vb. me appetiser ana Popa nunnpr. in reauoea bjw J. P. ner- PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN. AN THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Iiossof appetite.lTanaea.bowela costive, Fain in theHead.with dull sensation in the back part, Pain under the shonlder blade, fnHnesa after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low spirits, Jjoia of memory, with a feeling of haying neg lected some dPty-weariness. Digainess, OTufle3ngof the Heart. Pota before the eyes. Yellow Skin. Headaohe. Restless ness at night, highly colored urine. THESE WASSUTOS ABZ UJS1LIXDEB, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTJTTS FILLS r especially adapted to dose effects saeh a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite, and cause the body to Take on Flesh, thos the system is noorf alMrtl, and by thelrTeale Aetlonon ths Digestive Orsans, Kpilar atoels arepro duced. Price 25 cents. 3J3 Mrry t, W.T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE, Okat Haib or Wkiskkbs changed to a Oiobst Black by a single application of this Dyk. it Imparts a natural color, acts InstanUnepasiy. Bold by Druggists, or sent by express on of 1. Office, 35 Murray St., Now York. CDn. TCTPB MAS C At T Valuable lafaraattoa ft Feby. 23deod4wl TE918 OF INTEREST. Mr. Alexander Stephens will be 70 years old on the 11th of rebruary, 1882. The Emperor of Prussia is 85 years old and wants a stronger government The value of property assessed for axation in the United States in 1879- 80 was 6836.89 for every man, woman and child. A very useful receipt for removinpr spots from furniture is, four ounces Of vinegar, two ounces of sweet oil, and one ounce of turpentine. Mix well and apply with a flannel cloth. The total value of real estate in New York city is $455,383,600, a gain of. $18, 013,500 over 1880 The value of per sonal property for 1880 was $202,092.- 400; for 1881, $210,130,300, or a gain of $8,037,000. There is a Charier Ross case at Oconto, Wi&, the kidnappers secreting a little son of Capt. Dickenson, and de manding $i, ooo. A search-was at last accounts being made for the boy. The father, though wealthy and not nenuri- tray, positively refused to pay the black mail. The fast mail between New York and Washington was detained a few days ago by a novel cause. WhileTunning at full speed the bell rope was energeti cally pulled and the train stopped. Postal regulations require an explana tion of any delay of the fast mails, and it appears from the oflicial correspon dence on the subject. that one of two eiepnants in a car had amused himself hy pulling at the rope. The real estate valuation in Boston is $455,392,000 an increase of $13,000,000 in the last year. The personal property valuation is $90.130.000 an increase of $8,000,000. The whole taxable valua tion is $639,462,000 a gain of 26.000.000. the largest gain observable for many years. The increased value of real es tate in the city attracts attention. It is said that the transactions in real estate last year were large, manv capitalists disposing of stocks and bonds and in vesting in lands and buildings. it un- ' Ginser. Bochn. Man drake, StiUingia, and many of the best medi cine known are com bined in Parker's Ginger Tonic, into a medicine of such varied powers, as to make it the greatest Ttlmvl Purifier and the BcstHoalthaStreaftk Restorer Ever Uses. . It cures Rheumatism. Sleeplessness, & disesess of the btoaoacn, eoweis, T 9.V.A . Uoik WoiO'jm" ft Urarirel different from . "very benefictal In Improving a . "IniraliBia hau UnH mImiitim and health." BeV. John Hannon, late of La., now of Bicbmond, Va. "nas real merit. tsouinern taoa. wwuiuu. WaterrMa ils. 25, 60. 75 OPT! t. Clan, nnn, rntA AnraIOM Summer season ef Springs begins 1st Jon. 9do v momn. Address - Main BL. Lvnehburz. Va.. P. O. Box 174. - 8LD BY : WILSON ft BUEWILL, J. H. MeADEN, and mar27 Charlotte, K. C. Parker7 'iKlr Dfwi. ana otnev owes,.as Vct falls t roi ton tat never intoxicates. tUscox I color u pay aw. . &. Co., UKnnisU, XH. X. Urn, taxi 1 Ihw. Urg SaTlag Duylpf DolUr Blaa. ' oet2' Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Backet THE old Oaken Backet The iron-bound backet, A The moss-covered backet, . . That bung in the weu, ' mis. R. JOKK& . Charlotte, N. C Sole Agent if Liberal terms to dealers. Railroad Balldlug in North Carolina. Balelgh Hews and Observer. There is a great fortune fro N. Caro lina. Her resources are numerous and boundless, and for the development of these resources the railroads are doing an important part. Every new line constructed contributes largely to this Jl 1 A. 1 T ueveiopmenc, ana we Deueve tne year iz win do a memoraoie vear in this particular. Gov. Jarvis, in opening the State fair last fall, predicted that before tne fair opened in 1882 more miles of railroad iron would be laid in the State than in any one year of her past his tory. It begins to look like his predic tions were about to be verified. The Governor yesterday received the con tract made by the commissioners with the New lork and Southern Railroad and Telegraph Construction Company, for the purchase of the State's stock in the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Rail road, ana lor tne completion or the road. This contract is duly executed by the New XTork company, and the Governor has called , a meeting of his council for Tuesday to consider it. That it will be approved we do not doubt. It is carefully drawn, and the State's interests are guarded at every point. No one opposes, and everybody wants it adopted and the work is to go ahead. Governor Jarvis' entire admin istration will be notable for the pro gress made in our internal, improve ments. It was while he was Governor that the Blue Ridge was pierced and the road carried across the mountains. Since then Asheville has been reached, and now Pigeon River and Warm Springs are substantially connected with the outer world. In a few months we have reason to think car's will be passing from Tennessee and Kentucky through Asheville to the east. The Lenoir and Chester Railroad is pro greasing slowly but surely. It is partly graded along the entire line to Lenoir, and it is promised that the cars will soon be running to Newton. The road entering the State from the Northwest is nearly completed from Johnson City to Cranberry. It is expected that it will extend down Into this State. The Wadesboro and Cheraw Railroad has been built : the Oxford road ; the branch to Chapel Hill ; the branch to Scotland Neck; the Norfolk and Eden ton the Jamesville and Washington ; the nar row gauge to Leaksville: the Milton and Sutherlin and the Wilmington and Tarboro are ail completed, or will be shortly. In the extreme west the Marietta and North Georgia is rapidly approaching Murphy while the Rabun Gap road, passing from Seneca City through Macon and Swain counties, is located and partly under contract, while Mr. Best s road is graded to Smithneld. Last year 149 miles were built in North Carolina. This year it will probably be more. Truly, it would seem tnat uovernor jarvis term as Governor will be known in history as a period notable for the development of our resources, and for great progress in our railroad improvement. 1TI. Gaunbeita's Resignation. Not to be behindhand in comparison with his rival at tne bead of the tier man empire, M. Gambetta has precipi tated a crisis in French politics by an nouncing that he has decided to tender his resignation in case his proposal for tne re-establisnmenc of the scruun-ae liste system is rejected by the Cham ber of Deputies. There has been much grumbling in the party to which the premier belongs, and much criticism of his appointments. The coldness with which his advent to power has been re ceived by his own adherents - has been much remarked upon, ana it nas doubt less occurred to the ex-dictator that to make them feel the fear of losing their only passible leader will create the pro per degree of warmtn. liamoetta can do without the party better than the party can do without Gambetta. . He Ds a person who unites in his person the elements of character, name and fame, which, even apart from political office, render him in a special sense the- first man in France. He is doubtless con scious of his Dower, and in order to show his lukewarm supporters that his leadership rests on something more than official station, he is anxious to bring matters to a crisis at once. To hold office with a vacillating and un friendly majority, as other French min isters have been content to do, does not suit M. Gambetta. His position with regard to the Chamber of Deputies, however, differs from that of Prince Bismarck in relation to the Reichstag in a notable point, that in advocating a revision of the constitution M. Gam betta has the country at his back, while the Prince has to face a public almost universally hostile to his projects.. That the Frenchman should choose the pres ent moment for testing and denning his power may, in view - of recent occur rences in Germany, be considered sig nificant: ' .-'"?-"t- NEWS NOTES Gov, Cameron, Wednesday, vetoed the biil passed bv the kLegislature Uf Virginia, to ratify the consolidation Of tne Kiclimonu ana soum western .rail road Company with, the Virginia and umo harrow uauge- aiauroaa compa ny, under the name ftod style of the iticnmond. ana Louisville naiiroaa Company. ; r . . Three persons in Cincinnati were poisoned by being vaccinated with im pure virus. The census of Paris; taken on the 18th of December, shows a population of 2,225,900. against 188,-80Oin 1876. Large Quantities of Irish potatoes are being exported to America. Small-pox has made its appearance in Dover, the daughter of a Wilkes barre, Pa., clergyman, wno witn nis family is visiting the State capital, having been attacked with the malady Wednesday. Every effort is being made to prevent tne spread oi tne aieease. : - A meeting of jaMsment citizens of Macon, Georgiajiraaeld Wednesday to discuss plans for a great national art L'Lfl! A 1 1 1 Jt 1. A.I A 1 - A exniDtuon to do neiu in mat piace next October. At the inauest oh the body of Freder ick Mittan, reported to have died from hydrophobia in Philadelphia, last Sat urday, an attending physician testihed that death was caused more from the fear of being affected than from tha ac tual presence of hydrophobia, and' that his death was caused by exhaustion, the result Of acute mania. Gen. Edward F, Newton, Newport, R. L, who fell down stairs at his resi dence on Monday night, died Wednes day morning. For many years he was a leading business man in Newport, and amassed a sortune. He was also one of the leading Democrats in the State, and one of the oldest members of the Masonic f arternity. He was about 70 1 years old. In the message which Gov. Cornell sent to the New York Senate yesterday he refers to the great increase in mur derous assaults as an alarming feature of the times, and commends this sub ject to the serious consideration of all thoughtful citizens. He recommends biennial sessions of the Legislature. WHY WSaB PLASTERS? They may relieve,' tnit they cant cure that lame back, for the kidneys are the trouble and you want a remedy to set directly on their secretions, to purify and restore their healthy condition. Kidney-Wort has that speelfie action, and at the same time tt regulates the bowels perfectly. Don't wait to get sick, bat get a package to-day, and cure yourself.- Liquid and dry sold by all druggists. German town Telegraph. . I I 1 i A CARD. : To alrwbo are suffering from the errors and in discretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay oss of manhood, Ae., I win send a recipe that will cure you, FHJSS of CHaBGX. This great remedy was discovered ry a missionary in soum America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Bev. JOSEPH T. IN MAN. Station D. Hew York City. FADED OB GBAY HAIB gradually recovers its youthful color and lustre by the use of Parker's Hair Balsam, an elegant dreasing,iadmlred for its puruy ana ncn perrume. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. wm BBERS ! ! WE HaYI JUST BECETVJCD A SECOND STOCK OF LADIES' Rubber,? Over-Shoes. we still have a handsome line of , Mer Flannels, Blankets and Comfortables. LADIES', GENTS' and MTSES SEE BIN 0 UMEEWEAB, TO CLOSE CHEAP. ALSO, A LABGE LINE OF DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED HOSIERY. We will offer from this date our entire stock of Iters, Walking Jackets, Dolmans and Cloaks at Cost. m CALL EARLY and SECURE BARGAINS. ElectrthVoltaicjlppliances HARGRAYES & WILHELM. .tru mm s w m mm aM,M7 WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, DR. DYE'S suffering from If ervona Weaknesses, Gen eral Debility, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Oth sr. Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troublesy Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also woken troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. . Speedy relief and complete restoration to health guaranteed. These are the only Iectri Appliances that have ever been constructed upon scientific prin ciples. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonderful Success, and they have the highest endorsements from medical and scien tific men, and from hundreds who have been quickly and radically cured b their use. ,-. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, givtD all information free. Address, VOLTAIC BELT CP., Sarthall, Kick. Julyl8 Commendable Industry. Monroe Enquirer. We bad intended several weeks ago to make mention of the commendable industry of a widow lady and her daughters, in Uuford township, as evi denced by the information given us by a neighbor. The lady in question, Mrs. Millie Nes- bit, witn tne assistance or ner two daughters, and less than ten days work of hired help, raised the past year on her farm two bales of cotton, 150 bush els of corn, 43 bushels of wheat and at threshing time had 15 bushels of old wheat on hand good crop of oats and other products in proportion, and fat tened the past fall enough hogs for meat for the family this year. A good example is here furnished by this industrious family that chronic grumblers over the hardships of life would do well to profit by. .An Indian Shot by an man. Indian Police New Orleans, La., Jan. 13. The Times-Democrat's Little Bock special reports the killing of Boss Cunningham, a prominent Indian at Muscagee, Indian Territory, by United States Indian police. Cunningham was intoxicated and had been disturbing tne peace. The police ordered Cunningham to.halt, but he threw a stone at them and turned away. The policeman fired, shooting him through the heart. Track Laying on ithe Mexican Na tional Railway. Galveston, Jan. 13. The track of the Mexican National Bailway is now completed to a point 25 miles west of .Laredo. An excursion train went out on the 10th from Laredo to the end of the track. The excursionists number ed 200 including the mayor and several prominent officials of the road. At the present rate of track laying the road will reach Lam pass some time in April, where preparations for freight tramc are being made. Preparing to Push tbeir Claims. New York, Jan. 13. The second meeting of holders of North Carolina special tax bonds was held yesterday and a resolution was aaoptea express is g intention of the bond holders to in voke the power of the United States supreme court and to request this Stajto prosecute these claims under the law wmcii allows it to maintain suitor a citizen against another State. A com mittee with power to employ counsel to i a. , : , ' . , i a. i pusn tne claims was aiso apyuiubeu. New York's Squabbling Democrats, Albany. N. Y.. Jan. 13 It has final ly been decided at an informal confer ence or Dotn wings ot tne Democracy that a eall for another caucus of each branch of the Legislature be issued to day. A caucus is to take place on Mon day evening at whicn tne Tammany delegation will be present. This action was orougnt aDoutDytne mediation of prominent Democrats of the State. Particular Notice. All the drawings will hereafter be under the ex clusive supervision and control of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. EARLY. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE 8ECOND GRAND DISTRI BUTION, CLASS B, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, FEBRUABY 14, 1882. lilst MONTHLY DRAWING. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature ior .Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of 81,000.000 to which a reserve fund of So50,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming Domilar vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State ConstltuUon adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars Each. Half Tickets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize 830,000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize - 5,000 2 Prizes of $2,500 5,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 5,000 20 Prizes of 500 10,000 100 Prizes of 100. 10,000 200 Prizes of 50 10,000 500 Prizes of 20 10,000 1,000 Prizes of- 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION PHIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 $2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 . 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to SI 10,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to wnom UDerai compensation win oe paiu. or further Information, write clearly, giving full address. Send orders by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mail, addressed only to H. A. DAUPHIN New Orleans, Louisiana, Or M. A. DAUPHIN, at No. 212 Broadway, New York. N. B. Orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt attention. The particular attention of the Public la called to the fact that the entlre'number ot the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing Is sold, and conse quently all the prizes In each drawing are sold and drawn and paid. Jau8 . POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE C. C. D. A. AND Everybody Has Discovered -THAT- NORTH CAROLINA HAS THE LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. The McSmith Music House SELLS CHICKERING & EONS, KRANICH 4 BACH, MATHUSHEK, ABION, SOUTHERN GEM And other PIANOS. MASON & HAMLIN, SHONINGER, , PELODBET & CO., STERLING, AND OTHER ORGANS. THE ONLY HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICTLY First-Class Instruments. Ask me for prices If ycu want good work, and you will never buy anything but the best. Address or call on, II. McSMITII. A Murderer Respited. Chableston, S. C Jan. 13. Jesse Barber, sentenced to be hanged at Winsboro to-day for the murder ol Mack Terry, has been respited for 30 days in order that a petition may be considered for the commutation of his sentence to imprisonment for life. i i i i i An Arrest for Murder A Confeaalon. Savannah, 6A., Jan. 13. Nat Moore, a negro, was arrested Here . yesterday, for the murder of Isaac Kiehler, color ed, on the night of September 18th, last. Jesse Williams eolored, sentenced to be hanged on Monday next for murder, v r a XI 1 , t At nasconiessea Lu&b ue cummiixeu mc crime. He was baptised yesterday. Theatre-goers, club-vlaltors, late .supper-takers and. patrons of the noise railroad owl-trains. should all eertainiy nave a Dotue oi Dr. uuii s cough syrup convenient uenuemen you win need it. 8. L. McBrtde, of McBride & Co.. Crockery 'ICer fthanta. AncmntA. fin., aavs: 8. S. 8. cured bit Catarrh after the best medical skill of the U. 8. had Tailed. . i DECLINE OF MAN. Impotence of mind limb, or vital function, ner- voos weakness, sexual debility, c, cured by Wells' Health Kenewer. 91 at druggists, vepot J. B McAden. Charlotte, N. C HUMBUGGED AGAIN. I anw so mnnh said about the merits of HOP Bit ters, and my wife who was, always doctoring, and never well, teasea me so urgently to get ner mnne. I concluded to be humbugged again, and I am ad I did, for in less than two months use of the Bitters my wire was curca, aua sne una nmuora so for eighteen months since. I like such hum bugging. H, T., St Paul, (Pioneer Pnbs.) ; A FavoraWa HotortetyThe Gootf Bepatatloa of frown's BronahtaJ Troches" for the relief of coughs, colds and throat disease, has given them favorable notoriety. . ,v, . Coffee drinkers should read the' advertisement in aaother column headed . 'Good Coflee.". In the City of Louisville, 00 TUESDAY, JANUARY 81st, 1882. These dra wines occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court on March 81, , rendered the following decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany la legal. 'aq. its arawmcs are ran. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fond. Read the list of prizes for the JANUARY DRAWING. ' 1 Prize, 880.000 1 Prize - 10,000 1 Prize,. - 5,000 10 Prizes, $1,000 each 10,000 20 Prizes, 500 each 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each,. 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each 12,000 innn PrizM. 10 each. 10.000 9 Prizes, $;00 each, Approximation Prizes 82, 70C Prizes; 200 " " . " " 1.80t 8 Prizes, 100 " ww 1,960 Prizes, .. $112,400 Whole Tickets. $2; Half Tickets, $1; 27 Tickets, $50; 55 Tickets. $100. Remit Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Aooress au oruers to B. M. BOARDMAN, CourierJoumal Build Louisville, Ky., or 809 Broadway New York. JanS Hardy & Brothers, (Established In 182R) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ', For sale of COTTON. LUMBER. PEANUTS AND OTHER MERCHANDISE, And dealers In PERUVIAN GUANO and other STANDARD FERTILIZERS. Make liberal cash advances on consignments. Prompt sales and quick returns. - SEED OATS ! SEEDI0ATS SEED OATS CORN CORN CORN GREAT GERM DESTROYER. DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. FLOUR t FLOUR ! FLOUR ! BAGGING AND TIES We are agents for nov25 wSm HARDY'S WHARF, Norfolk. Ya, THE WATT PLOW And will sen it lower than you can buy an othe good plow. Full assortment always on band. Call and see ns before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. dcc24 SMALL POX j ERAD'CATED. Contagion de?troed. Sick Kooms punned and made pleasan Fevered and Sick Per sons relieved and re freshed b y bathl g with Prophylatlc ""hi d added to the water. Soft White Complexions secured by its use in bathlne. Impure Air made harm less and purified by 8 prinkling Darby's Fluid about To Durirv the Breath Cleanoe the Teeth, it can t be surnassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Burns relieved Instantly. Bears nrevented. Removes ail unpleasant odors. PITTING OF SMALL POX Prevented. Ulsters purified and healed. Gangrene prevented and curtd. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvey cured In short 1 me. Tetter dried up. It Is perfectly harmless. For "ore T nroai 11 is a sure-cure. SCARLET I FEVER CURED. DIPTHERIA PREVENTED' Cholera dissipated. ship Fever prevenwa Dy its use In cases of death in tha house, it should always be used arout the corpse -it will prevent any unpleasant smell. An antidote for animal or vegetable foison, Stings, &c. Dangerous efflovias of sick rooms and hospi tals removed by Its use. Yellow Fever Eradicated. In fact it is the great Disinfectant and Purifier, FBXPABSD BT J. H. ZELLIN & CO., .Manufacturing Chemists, Sole Proprietors deel

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