O HAS, B. JONES, EdiUr Pwpm IXSTKRMD AT THB POBT-OTTICT A CHAMXyftl, N C, AS flOQWD-CLAS8 MATTIB. 1 SATURDAY, JAN. 14, 1882. The small-pox is spreading rapidly in Altoona, Pa. Havidcra'a areument to tee jury sounds a good deal like a noose to Gui teau. Confederate bonds sold yesterday in Charleston in limited quantities at $4 per 01,000. Over here he is known a3 Oscar Wilde, but over there among the Lon doners he is a regular h'Oss car. The last census says that Georgia has more negroes in it than any other Southern State, and many of them are doing well. i i w A correspondent of the Italeigh News and Observer advocates the erection of a monument to the late Judge Geo. W. Brooks. ss ' 1 Miss Caroline Richings-Bernard is lying ill with small-pox in Richmond, Va., and physicians entertain but little hope of her recovery. From the tenor of our exchange re ports we should say thai tbe most abundant article in North Carolina about this time is mud. James F. Wilson, who has just been AiAnhfid to the United States Senate fr-nm Tnwa. is a devoted friend of Blaine. We don't hear so much about the land agitation in Scotland, and yet the Scotch tenants are quite as persistent as the Irish. Bishop Cain, of Texas and Louisiana, a colored man, has sued the Galveston and Houston Road for having been re fused entrance to a first class coach. He claims $20,000 damages. It turns out that the two checks, one for $1,000, the other $500 which Gui teau received from Brooklyn and New York stalwarts proved to be bogus, sent by practical jokers. . . The galleries of the House of Rep resentatives in Richmond have been indefinitely closed in order to prevent their being made a loafing place by the idle colored men of the capital. Dr. Bliss thinks he ought to have $50, 000 for his services to President Gar field, and the other physicians $25,000 oh Thfiv would have rendered the VUVUI - I same services to a private individual for one-tenth of these figures. i i i A meeting of Kentucky ministers will take place on the third Wednes day in February, at Lexington, to take steps for the suppression of whiskey production and consumption in that State. The court of appeals in Kentucky has more work than it can do There are on the docket 1,271 cases, and the Louisville Courier Journal remarks that litigants stand a good chance of dy ing of old age before their cases can be decided. The National Board of Health is pre uarine a statement of the mortality in the country by small-pox during 1881. Thus far Philadelphia reports between 1,200 and 1,400 deaths, Chicago 800 or 900, and New York 000 or 700. After a brief career, the Baltimore Times has passed into the hands of an assignee for the benefit of creditors. It is a right easy thing to start a daily paper but not quite so easy to keep it running. i i s Oscar Wilde will never know the truly beautiful inwardness of the North American search after the secret of life until four schooners of Cincinnati beer meet and bow to each other be neath hi, white satin vest. KAISER WILLIAM. Kaiser William has raised a breeze in Fatherland by the autocratic style of his recent rescript, the tone of which seems to have been a surprise to his subjects. Bismarck is said to have inspired the document, and persuaded the old gentleman, who is in his 86th year and in the nature of things cannot wield the scepter many years longer, that the people were enjoying too many privileges, and his Kaiser ship too few. The Premier has never been entirely satisfied since the elections over there rather went con trary to his wishes and expectations, and a majority of the members of the Reichstag elected who were opposed to his particular way of running the state. They say he has been mad ever since. He threatened to resign then and re tire to private life, but reconsidered that, it seems, and concluded to remain and get even with his opponents by persuading the old Kaiser to take an advance position and assume an aggres sive attitude. The result will be, it is thought, a parliamentary battle to re sist the encroachments by the crown. It is probable that it may lead to even more serious results than this, judging from the expression of opinion by the press, for the people are not disposed to submit to the royal claims and pre tentions, in which they see the work of the imperious Premier, who would ride rough-shod over those who differ from him, and is regarded as an enemy to liberal government. SILK CULTURE IW THE SOUTH. The subject of silk culture has at tracted more or less attention in the South within the past couple of years, and in a few localities where it has been attempted it has met with considerable success. In Louisiana, we believe it has been undertaken by French and Italians, who are gratified at the suc cess they have met with, and are con fident of reaching rich results for their venture and labor. We are under the impression also that the possibility of producing it profitably in this State has been fully demonstrated. Many years ago there was quite a fever in some sections of the State and many acres of mulberry trees were planted, but for some reason the fever died out and so did the silk worm and the trees. Since then there has been no systematic ef rort made to revive that industry, though some farmers have for years raised a limited quantity, from which the girls of the household get tneir pocket money. As an addition to the other branches of farm production this might be added without any risk nor much expense, and be made to yield a handsome result for the outlay made. While if pursued in a small way the product to each individual would not be much, in the aggregate, if many engaged in it, it would amount to considerable and would lead perhaps to the establishing at central points of manufactories for the spinning and weaving of the silk, and this, by fur nishing a ready home market, would have a tendency to encourage and en large the cultivation of it. Enter prises of this kind from small, unpre tending beginnings grow to be grand industries. There is no good reason why the South may not in time, in ad dition to being the great cotton-producing section of the world, also be the great silk-producing section. - IS HE INSANE 7 Whatever the opinion of the court or jury before whom Guiteau is being tried may be as to his insanity, there is no small number of people who be lieve him to be so. Col. Reed, one of his counsel, spaaking of an interview with him a few days ago said: "I am astounded at his mental condi tion. . I have .never before, since the trial began, seen him alone, anal never before felt such a firm conviction. The man is a lunatic He received me, of course, as his friend, and in discussing his case, there was no occasion for dis simulation, yet I left him, after three THE GUITEAU iiTTRlCTION- BAIN AND SLUSH ROBS HATE HO TEH- FOB THE CROWD. OUR Davldfo Continues His Arsramcnt and Excoriate tbe "Remover." Washington, Jaauary 13. Rain and. alush had no terrors to-day . for those who had secured tickets to the trial. At an early hour the court room was crowded, and at 10 o'clock possibly 200 pontons were patiently waiting upon the outside. . . . , Upon the opening or tne court, uui- Ladies, Gentlemeni Misses, Boys and O uaren CANNOT FAIL TO BE SUITED IN STOCK BOOTS ANL SHOES FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE. W Mtt.ofanclofiStomen.m4 eompruw . full line of Mwalol ud mmubl. money. On stooK nas Been cuuuuf iiv , . ---.---.--.- RANKIN & BRO., Central Hotel Block. Trade Ptrpet. "In mntiPA tn mvBAlf ana hnni-ft' interview, thoroughly persuaa- Ttavirio-A I desire to sav that I received ed that, despite. the evidence of learned a letter yesterday severely denouncing experts, the man's reason is dethroned. I pushed him with qaestions almost to the verge of cruelty. I tried to depict the enormity of his crime and endeav ored to reach his conscience and discov er if he were alive to any feelings of remorse, if he ever dreamed of the aet Davidge and my remarks against him were based upon that. X have found out, however, that I was mistaken, and that Davidge is a high-toned, Christian gentleman and a sound lawyer. I de sire, therefore, to withdraw anything I . i ! T 1.111 A. A, . S W A. said azainsG die a buu euwrwuu mo Tbe Blff.ee Win r Erer Uad Owensville, Ky, January 13. On Monday night the planing mill, saw mill riat. mill and woolen mill of W. W. G. Tucker & Co, West Liberty, Morgan county, were burned. Loss placed at 625,000. The mills were ido finest in the mountains and the fire the or of its attendant consequences, but I game opinion of Col. Corkhill, however, ever known in the mountain could not elicit a single expression h am satisfied I was wrong about Da- I Soon of Kentucky. j . A movement is on foot in Chicago for a mass meeting at an early day, to give expression to the popular disap proval of polygamy. Perhaps it would be in place to make a few remarks on the multiplicity of divorces for which Chicago is celebrated, while they are resolving. An editorial in the Greensboro North State, states that Mr. T N Cooper was offered the marshalship of the Fifth District, now held by It. M. Douglas, but declined, preferring to take his chances for the collectorship of the Sixth district, which is a better thing for which he is making a fight, backed by Dr. Mott. STRAW BONDS. As an illustration of how the star route swindlers carried on the straw bond game, it was developed in a Wash ington court last Wednesday when eleven cases of the straw bondsmen were called up, it turned out that out of bonds given, aggregating over $8,000,- 000, there wasn't actual value enough found in the eight millions to buy a spavined horse. It seems there was a gang of men, who were paid a small consideration for going on these bonds, and who would make affidavit that they were possessed of certain property, large tracts o'f land, &c which upon investigation proved to be false, the parties making such affidavits owning no lands nor anything else of value. One of the accused parties who had gone on bonds to the amount of over two millions, representing that he was a large land owner in Georgia, didn't own an acre. There must have cer tainly been a big screw loose some where in the postoffice department when a game of this kind could have been played so long and so successfully. that piTfin the most hardened crimnal, if sane, might be expected to give utter ance to. He said to me with the great est earnestness, 'The Lord will put words into your mouth with which to convince the jury, and I shall be acquit ted. I have no money now, but I shall earn 8100,000 within a month after this trial is over, and I will then give you $50,000.' The smile which accompan ied the last remark was so unnatural that it chilled me." J. B. Randall, the brilliant Washing ton correspondent of the Augusta Chronicle, who attended the trial re cently after a vivid pen-picture of the prisoner as he sits in the dock, says: "I never believed it before, but a close scrutiny of the man convinces me that be was a madman a monomaniac when he shot Mr. Garfield, and that he is a madman now. It is true that he occasionally exhibits astonishing pene tration of sophistry and that, in smart ness of retort, he is often too much for the prosecuting lawyers; but notning is more common than an almost pre ternatural acuteness on some subjects manifested by the insane; and the famous Dr. McFarland, whose testi mony was not permitted, cites the case of a patient under his charge who contributed tbe most lucid brilliant and logical articles for a New York Super, but who was as mad as a arch hare otherwise. In some persons the hallucination exists in the direction of self-slaughter, while in others it is the apprehension of being murdered, where no danger is present The father of this man was insane beyond a doubt, and before his birth his mother was temporarily aberrated. His enormous self-conceit and lower passions con spired to increase the congenital and organic lunacy. The vehement ha rangues he makes and the startling in terruptions are not assumed to coun terfeit craziness. They are, in my opin ion, painfully, horribly, dramatically real. Just as he made no preparation or effort to escape the consequence of his crime, so he now turns vengefully on his devoted brother-in-law when that unhappy but constant friend seeks to prove him insane now as well as at the time of the assassination. The com mon impression here is that he will be condemned to death, because the jury fear violence at tbe hands of the mob in case they consigned him to an asy lum instead of the gallows, although the latter fate would not be near so re volting to him as the former. Tbe wretches who send him ropes and dev ilish messages are equal to the task of attempting the murder of a conscien tious juryman who would vote against his execution, although if he be insane, as some of the highest and purest men in the land believe, nothing would more tarnish the American name than his sentence of death on the gallows. This may not be a popular view of the mat ter, but it is my firm conviction against my former prejudices. Until I saw, heard and studied the miserable crea ture I believed him to be at least sane enough to hang; but I do not think o now, and there are not a few of Mr. Garfield's church members who share that opinion. viriern hut riffht on Corkhill.' Davidge resumed his argument and the review of evidence. He showed by the evidence of J. W. Guiteau and other witnesses for the defence the fallacy and absurdity of Scoville's pet theory that the Drisoner was an imbecile. Af ter his opening speech Guiteau remain ed a quiet listener for an hour. Da vidge having used some pretty strong language in alluding to Guiteau, such as "this unspeakable liar," the prisoner retorted: "O, youare making all that fine talk for money," following it up with frequent comments such as, "that happens to .be false," "that isn't true," and similar expressions. Davidge pass ed to the examination of the prisoner himself ; his appearance upon the stand : what he had said, and what capacity of intellect he had shown, proving con clusively that what had gone before had all been . sham and hollow fraud. Scoville had dilated upon his morality and had asserted that a lack of intellect was his failing; on the contrary he had shown upon the stand wonderful mem ory, logic, reasoning and intellectual ability likewise. As the defence had claimed for him virtue and morality, the prosecution had availed themselves of their right to show the contrary, and what had been the results. He had been shown to be such a monster of corruption, deceit, depravity and wick edness that the country looked on with a shudder. "That might have been the case." shouted Guiteau, "in July, but it isn't the case now. If you, could see some of the letters I have been receiving you would see that a good many people think I am one of the best and great est men in the country." Continuing. Davidge skilfully and with wonderful effect reviewed that portion of the testimony bearing upon the prisoner s moral cnaracier as evi dence in his past life. "All this time," said the counsel, "no one accused him of insanity. In the estimation of his friends and his family region A Doable Execution. St. Loins, January 13. Thaddeus Boberand Wm. Ward, colored, were executed in the jail yard this morning. Ward died in 6 minutes and Bober in eleven. In 15 minutes the bodies were cntdown and taken to the morgue. Ooalltr and efficacy considered. Dr. Ball's cough gyruD is wltlmut exception the best coa4h prepara tion in the market, frlee 25a a bottle. A. S. Lenfesty, ot Atlanta, Ga., says: S. S. 8. eared me of a violent case ol Scrofula, whlfch had tailed to yield to all other treatment S10.000 wonld not purchase from me what 8. a 8. has effected in coring me of Malarial Hheu matlsm. Archie Thomas, editor of the He publi can, 8pringfield, Term. JOB PRINTING. BOOK BINDING. STEAM POWEE. FAST PRESSES. GOOD WORKMEN. Tn iMinnAfftlnn with thfi rmhllatlOn Of TEB OB' bxbvxb, and the establishment of one of the larg est, most complete, ana most uwivugiu jr cuuiyycu li -fltS t SJS M BURGESS NICHOLS, ILL BMfteua KIK9I I FUME BEDDING, &C. a nrui ldoi o Cheap Bedsteads, AKD LOUKQtS, Parlor & Chamber Suits, coirnai off iu came main. x. 6 vut nun mm, x.c. W. T. BLACKWELL & CO. Durham, N. C. HanufsctureM of the Original and Only Genuine Tc for merit la based j fact that a chemical i TOBACCO Our claim analysis prdves that the tobacco grown in our section is better M adapted to make aGOOD JPUltK, jqj satisfactory smolce than ANY fcj OTHER tobacco grown in the p world; and bcinjj situated in fjj the HEART of this fine tobacco section, "WE have the PICK ofj ihe offerings. The public ap- J preciate this ; hence our cales j j EXCEED the products of ALL -the leading manufactories com- bears the trade-mart; of Ihe Hull 1 Mar 22 ly 1 A 11 A.l - A ne was sane enougu lor an iuo irausuu- ffAfffmn tions of life, but when his hand is red TQTJ P KlNTING HOUSES Uhhlw1 inH Antramd. law claims VJrf ojV441 him as a sacrifice on the altar of justice we first hear of his insanity." In the South, the proprietor has just added a com plete BLACKBURN'S ANSWER.. BOOK BINDERY AND TBE LAST CRAZE The biggest fool craze which' has struck this country for some time is the excitement over the aesthete Oscar Wilde, the last imported sensation from abroad. Oscar is immense and has been sarcastically designated by matter-of-fact people who have not much sesthet icism in their souls, the champion ass of the age, but he is not half the ass that the herd of asses are that follow at his heels, and rush to the public halls to pay their money to hear him orate on his pet hobby In fact he is not an ass at all in our opinion, for he is tak ing in the lucre while they are paying out the cash and dancing attendance on him. He will slosh around the coun try, get well paid for his lectures, be worshipped by fashionable idiots, stuff his purse with money, go back to Eu rope and have a very high opinion of American ass-thetes. A Great Deal of Talk on ter. Washington, D. C Jan. 12. The following letter and card have been furnished for publication : House of Representatives, Washing ton, D. C, Jan. 9, 1882. Gen. S. G. Bur bridge, Sir: Your letter, dated January 6, was handed me last night, and is, I find it, with accompanying documents, given to the public in this morning's nrints. I presume it was intended for the public as its reception and my own must have been simultaneous. How, sir, it is only with the personal phase of the issue, so far as it regards myself, that I can deal, and, as you have aban doned that, I felt no longer any interest in your communication. As to your insinuations in regard to the yellow fever, which you so gratuitously throw in to distract attention from what had been said of yourself, all I have to say is that if with the proofs of which you profess knowledge, and of which I .am ignorant, and which you regard as am ple, your courage ever enables you to IormuiatQ uw cuargo uu uewmq to- 0 ... T-T-TTVTrTvr-YT-l sponsible therefor, then will there be POSTER PRINTIIN (jr. ample time leu me to give it consiuera- ttespectiuiiy. Both Fori'isp ird Domestic, Ju3t Received, 8t DrJ.H.McAdeii's Drnff Store vABATOGA 'ICHY, Ruling Department, Capable of executing the very best class of work at short notice, uia magazines, newsyoyero, w other books rebound In handsome style, and at rery low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And wo of this class, ruled and bound to order We are prepared to furnish close estimates on every description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOB A SINSATION Has often been made by the discovery of some new thing, but nothing has ever stood the test like Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills; their popularity and sale Is unprecedented. They supp y a need long felt and must become a household remedy. Just think to be cured In a few weeks of these terrible nervo us troubles and awful suffering from blck Headache, Neuralgia and Dyspepsia, and the nervous system put In a natural and healthy condition, destroying the pos sibility of Paralysis, Angina Peotoris and sudden rionth. which is cam lnz off so many noble men "and women la the full tide of life and useful tmo cimniA rftnftdv of Extract of Celery Seed anrt chamomile Klowers. combined In the lorm of niiu. ts a boon to humanity. It has saved the lives of thousands ot nervous, headachlng chll in nr RphoaU and out everv vear No nerv- r.iw nnraon or sufferer from Headache, Neuralgia, Dysi-epslaor Paralysis whl do themselves Justice until they. iry inem. Sold by aU druggists. Price B0 cents a box. De pot, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By malL two boxes for $1 or6lxhoxes for 82.50, to any addres?. From Saratoga Springs, N. Y. A new water re sembling ine imported vicny. Kecomniended as an antacid cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, flatten Natural Mineral Water, Becommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forms of dyspepsia. A1SO, CASES CONGBES3 WATBB, 10 CASES BOCK BBIDGE ALUM, 10 CASKS BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINAR! - AND The small pox was brought Chattanooga, Term., by a tramp. into The Langley cotton factory at Au gusta, Ga., has just declared a semi-annual dividend of twelve and a half per cent, which is a practical refutation of the assertion that cotton factories in the South won't pay. And this is but one of the factories which pays an an nual dividend of twenty per cent, or more. There was wit as well as truth in the declaration of Representative Cox that a Territorial delegate should have his votes counted instead of his wives to determine the question of his election. Congress ought to deal with polygamy; but there is no use in going about the bush to deal with it by indirection. The Raleigh News and Observer in forms us that the rental for the Atlan tic road has been paid, and that Mr. Best is not busted, and hopes that we will not mourn. Nay, verily, we shall not, but shall rather rejoice to see Mr. Best do bis best, which thus far has consisted mainly in promises do so. In Europe there is one soldier to ev ery 110 of population. Ia the United States we have one soldier to every 2,000 people. The area of the United States is almost doable that of Europe, but we have only 17 Inhabitants to the square mile, against 145 in Europe. In such facts as these will be found the reason why 700,000 men and women found their way across the Atlantic to our shores in 1881. A company of Northern capitalists, at the head of which is In man of New York, will build another cotton factory at Augusta in a short time. The capi tal of the company will be $500,000, with the privilege of increasing it to $1,000,000. Twenty-five years ago the city of Al bany, N. Y., with a population of 57,- 000, consumed 350 pounds of opium and 375 ounces of morphia annually. Now with a population 91,000, there are 3,500 pounds of opium and 5,500 ounces of morphia sold every year in that city. Sixteen out of twenty-one Massachu setts cities report smaller debts than one year ago. Among these is Boston, ! whose indebtedness is $24,548,046.60 against $20,668,459.41 at the close Of 1880. This is a movement in the right direction in which, in these prosperous times, all cities should share. Mr. Henry D.Hyde, of Boston, Mass., is reported in "The Gospel in All Land," as having said in a speech made before the American Missionary Asso ciation recently at Worcester, Mas&, that, "In all his traveling South he had never seeen a white man doing manual labor" t Mr. Henry D. Hyde is either blind, or a great liar or a great ass. If he could or would have seen, he might have witnessed thousands of white men per forming manual labor An attempt to establish the whipping post was defeated in the legislature of Tbe Case ! tbe Ashland Finda Catletsburg, Ky., Jan. 13. Court officers say the grand jury will close their investigation to-night or early in the morning, and the trial or the Ash land murderers will begin at once. An affecting interview took place between Ellis and his wife to-day. She entreat ed him not to implicate Craft and JNeal if they were not guilty. He solemnly assured her that his confession and statement were true and said he was ready to die and would tell the whoie truth. It is thought that JNeal is about to confess. The prisoners will be con fined separately hereafter;' A'Wlfe-klller 8winr Rtjnquski, Ont, Jan. 13th. Morcau, the French, Canadian, who killed his wife in September last, was hanged in the jail yard this morning. The fall was 9 feet and death instantaneous, the neck being broken, and the bead near ly severed from the trunk. His body was cut down two and a half minutes after the fall, the trunk bleeding pro fusely. The Cumberland Hirer onjn Boen. Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 13. It has been raining for the past week and the Cumberland river is rising rapidly, a rise of 5 feet within the past 24 hours. Back water has driven two hundred families from their houses. Hundreds of acres of ground within the city are under water, and mills and factories have been compelled to close. It is still raining and more damage is ex pected. ' i in Virginia State Officer Elected, Richhonp, Va, Jan. 13. The gen eral assembly to-day elected the follow ing: Secretary of the Commonwealth, W. E. Blair: Treasurer, D. Ritvly; Register of the Land office. John M. JiocKenDrougn; superintendent of Pub lic Printing, R. Jr. Walker; Supt. of Public Instruction, K. R. Farr; by a strict party Tote, they being nominees of the Readjuster caucus. tion. J. C. S. BLACKBURN. A CABD TO THE PUBLIC. Washington, D. G, Jan. 12, 1882. A correspondence between Gen. Steven Q. Burbndge, formerly of Kentucky, and now a citizen of Pennsylvania, and myself, begun by him, has through his instrumentality been obtruded upon Dublic attention. I regret this but not because I have any reason to fear the judgment of the public on tbe questions involved. For the soldiers of the Union army who respected thelaws of honorable war fare l have no reelings duc respect ana appreciation of their manhood. Gener al Burbridge is outside this pale by reason of atrocities well known to the people of Kentucky, which have justly made him an outcast from the state where honorable men have buried in honorable reconciliation the animosi ties of that unhappy period. I share fully the detestation of General Bur bridge and his conduct, which is enter tained alike by the Confederates and Union men in the State of Kentucky, and this feeling I have expressed on proper occasions. The fact was made known to him when he interrogated me as to my utterances respecting him. I refused to modify my language or to accept his attempt of self -vindication. I gave him frankly this answer. His response is not an appeal to usages by which gentlemen: have been governed, but an attempt to retort by counter in sult. If this course is satisfactory to General Burbridge or his feelings. I cannot complain. I dismiss him to the enjoyment of any honors he may have acquired by this effort to rehabilitate the reputation which, resting as it does, upon known facts of the shameful per sonal history, cannot be made worse by aught that I can now say against him, or improved by his own assertions of innocence and certificates of character. These are not required by gentlemen who have practiced a decent respect for the opinions of mankind. J. C, S. Blackburn. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get thei DATES and POSTERS printed here In as attractive a manner as in New Tort ' We have a very foil supply of type for printing, at ihort notice and to first class style, BRIEFS FOR THE SUPREME COURT. And lawyers desirous ot presenting their argu ments tn good shape will do weU to give us a trial. We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work li as tree from defects as It Is possible to make It ca S3 DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA. TETTERS, HUMORS, (4 en W PI LETTER HEADS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY.ERUPTION8, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITSHINeSnUPrfhe WvW. T mmkaa the ttm wmw, kh maa nwwui; ton aad fretfkiM, ami ! tha BEST toilet di ning 1n THE WOHLD. Elegantly put tip, two bottlMln on package, conaiBttng of both internal and extern! treatment. All first elaaadraggistpbave it. frioell.perpackage. Statements, Order Books, Visiting Cards, Ball Cards, MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHIH, OF LYNN, MASS., Pamphlets BILL HEADS, Deeds, BecelpfBooks, n Business Cards, Programmes magisixuies una Court Blanks In fact all kinds of printing done at short notice Special attention given to Railroad Printing. NOTEs HEADS, Circulars, Knvelorjes. Handbills. Invitations, Checks, Labels tggr SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. BOOK WORK Having a larger supply of type than most job es tablishments, BOOK WOKK has been and will continue to be a specialty with us. Huoyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! JJUMADI JANOS. TEE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Doss r A wine glass full before breakfast The Lancet "Hmmdl Janos. Baron LleblK af firms that Its richness In aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." T7ie British Medical Journal "Hunyadl Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Proj. Yvrchow, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scanzoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Prof. Lander Brunton, M. Z., F. R- 8., London. "More pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy." prof. Aieen, M. D., F. K. 8., uoyai Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pullna and Frted-richshaiL" 5 JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C Address P.O. Box 182. THE OBSERVER Charlotte. N. C A Constable Shet by Urn Auauin, Unknown 'gVBfts&ioxuxL S.B. Vahgb. W. H Baojet. Bmiwui Avon aid laoa ernsm Watx aits Mass. Th8 nat tonte and altantim amtmii lwlce as much iron and fifty per cent, more Alum- mum man any "ium ana iron mass" known. Little Rock, Ark., Jan 13. A dis patch from Morrillton sava Benj. Tread way, a constable of Lick Moun tain townhp, Conway county, was killed last night by an unknown assas sin. He went out after supper to put his stock under shelter when he was fired upon, his face and head being rid-1 died with buckshot producing instant aeam. pio ciue UJ IBS assassin. Weather. Washington, Jan. 18. Middle States rain and snow, followed by clearing weather, northwest to southwest winds rising barometer, stationary or slightly falling temperature. South Atlantic and uuir states, local rains, followed by clearing weather, . yariAble winds mostly , xrom north to sres stationary or tower temperature. . Tennessee and the fjhio Valley, rain, followed by colder, clearing weather. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice In 8npreme Court of the United 8 tales,: Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal Court, and counties of Mecklen burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Davidson. Office, two doors east of Independence fauare. may29 tf - RO. D. GRAHAM, IN the State and United States Courts. CoUee ttons. Home and Foreign, solicited. Ab streets of Tttlee, Surveys. Ac., fumlabad for com rrnrTWirTl- Orna N. R. Comer Tr Trron streets Charlotte. N.C flan. ft. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VESETABLS COMPOUND. JposltlveCute for aU Ifcoa Painful Complaints and WeaknasM ommon to oar bet female population. ' It wlh car entirely the worst form of Female Com plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and tJlcera tion, Falling and Displacements, and tbe consequent Spinal Weakness, and Is particularly adapted to tne Chancre ot life. It win dissolve and expel tumors ttom tne menu m - aa eaclv staee of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there Is checked veryspeodfly by its Use. It removes falntness, flatulency, destroys an cranny fni-attainlMita. and relieves weakness of the stomach. It Cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, depression anaiuai gestion, 1 ' ghat feeling of bearing dowa, causing pain, weight and .-v.oKn, u always permanently cured byftsuse. It win at all times and upderaH circumstances act in harmony with the laws that govern the female system. ' for the cur of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. LTDIA E. PINED AM'8 VEGETABLE COM FOTJWDis prepared at tSS and tSi Western Arenne, Iynn.tfrri Price ft. Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail in the form Sf pills, also In the form of lozenges, on ceealpt of price', $i pw DP to either. " tfrs, PWanj freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pajnph let. Address a above. Mention thU Paptr, So family should be without LYDIA E. FntCHASPS LTVER PJXLS. They cure constipation, bOlbusnesa, rA torpidity of the liver. 2S cents per box. X- Sold by all Druggists. - DON'T GO TO SAKATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when It flows from the spring at Saratoga. We reoelve this water In large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J H. Moa DEN, Druggist and Chemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night. Ju'y28 DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, LAMP GOODS, SEG1RS, TOBACCOS, &e., &e. NOTICE. Jose the) thins for the "SDrinc swakiwas now an Kentuckv. last Mondav bv a vote of 47 fff"?k ?H of " -tending, , - i rnceji reoiKKu one suuf. mayi I h tO 41. KriSL10 we8terIy wiBds and bi8he? MOR &$IST HPHS house and lot on B street formerly occu Skin diseases Indicate an ion pure condition of the blood, 8.8 8. wlU'cure any disease of the blood in its wont form U taken as directed 1. Died bv Thou. t. Bbrlnkle. ts for sale or rant. AOply to THUS. U. BAUuBTON, Jams tf Agent will 2th Inst, at the court house In Charlotte. This day Is set apart by law; and there will bs no private ex aminations thereafter' under oroinary clrcum stands 4 1 .' f . W. T. WALLER, jan diw td Co. 8upt Pub. Instructions. JUST RECEIVED: A FULL AND SELECT LINE OF Perfumeries and Perfumery Cases. Cologne Pot tles, Ac. Toilet Powder Rouges, Soaps, Tooth BruFhes, Brushes of all kinds, Combs, &c., and a full line of all goods usually found In a first-class lirug Es tablishment, Careful utteptlop fcjvep tbe preparation of pre scriptions. 1 1 rust tbe public will, as heretofore, extend me a share of th-lr pationsge. Care will In every in stance be given the preparation and dispensing of all mertk-loes for which demands are made, and satisfaction In every In every Instance guaranteed, by W. P. MARVIN, Agt, & CO. dec23 Chw only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket ' TBI old Oaken Bucket, Tbe Iron-bound bucket, Tbe moss-covered bucket. That hung In the well. CHA8, B. TONES, Charlotte. N. C. Sole At-pnt Liberal terms td dealers. NOTICE. I Signed a notes payable to W. B. MotLfor$5i'5. dated 2lst September, 1881, which note was obtained under false pretense, and I forwarn any person or persons from trading lor said note, as : do not Intend to pay it. J, W. LoNO. Mt Monme, N. C. Jans lm n

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