. - v . f- . . ' - ' ' '" ' "v " - . - -4-. . - . v I sMssssMseMSsssssssssssssBsssssswseMssssJsssssss I , .1 nrL. .- " "1 7Tm ' 0 AmivmX 5 4' I 1 HI il Si V r i II'"'. ! f . ; B I I HDHH - . ' VM' m ST 1 WT M W W KZ. WW-WW W WT W ft Mi ' , M. A. SW - - - I BOT i SSS1 S ) V mw A mioses.- KM. A. 71 fU r Ami W V ArJPJ 4Je- ... I ' C " - . w ' ' . DOBBINS' STARCH POLISH. J. B. DOBBINS, An important dis covery, by which every family may eire their linen that beautiful fin- isli peculiar to fine laundry work. Ask your Grocer. Philadelphia, Pa. OLD MADE HEW WITH MAKES Looking Glasses M UI1 T L . ;.ms.Tv Pane D01 S'Af ELECTRIC Scouring POLISH. Best in the World. ASK YOUR GROCER lje !)arl0tit bserorr, SATURDAY, JAN 14. 1882. A DISPUTED TREASURE. . ' : e : ;. . AS UTH KTIC ACCOUNT PF 1 rs 1 ' " W.W.WOOD,HaniiMiirer,linston.lI.C. 1 CHAS. R. JONES, Sole Ag't.Charlotte.N.C. J.Bea GENERAL FEED DEALERS -AITD- I O N ION MERCHANT MERCHANT no m J OMU1SS CHARLOTTE, H. C. S, WE HAVE' NOW ON BAND : JUST RECEIVED, ONE.CAR LOAD MViipiaMea 1 QQQBa3HEL3 0F EW THITE C0RN- BARRELS OF PEARL GRIT3. 25 1 1 1 2 CAB LOAD BRAN, CAR LOAD d)RN and PEA MEAL MIXED, CAR LOAD PATAPcCO PATENT PROCESS FLOUtt. CAR L0AD3 TIMOTHY HAY, AND - WILL GLADLY QUOTE PRICES -TO- BOTH THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. tw Respectfully soliciting a share ef your patronage, we are respectfully, decl8 A- J. BE ALL & CO. DEALER IN THE ONLY MEDICINE 15 EITHER LIQUID OS DRT FOKX I That Acts at the same time on TEBLIYEB, TBS BOWELS, Am THE K1DMT2. WHY ARE WE SICK? Because we allow these great organs to become cloaaed or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the Mood W that should be expelled naturally. WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, PILES, CON9TIPATIOX, TJRHfABY DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKJJE88E8, IJ AND NEEVOUS DUOKUCUb, by causing free action of these organs and restoring their power to throw off disease. Why gaffer Billons pains and aches! Why tormented with Piles, Constipatlomt Why frightened oier disordered Kidneys! Why endure nerrons or sick headaches! Use IilDNEY-WOItTami ryoice in health. It Is pnt up In Dry Vegetable Farm, In tin cans one package of which makes six quarts of medicine Also in Liquid Form, Tery Com trated, for thoee that cannot readily prepare it. tFTt arts with equal efficiency in either form. M GET IT OP TOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, I.OO WELLS, BICHABUSU i,o., rrop's, fWill send the dry post-paid.) BUKUSCTOS, Tt. 1 a March 27 d&wly COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF 1,200 Acres Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, Tinware & House FurnishiDg Goods MANTELS and GRATES f& WHOLESALE arjd RETAIL. Particular attention paid to -ROOFING AND SPOUTING. None but first class bands employed. Call for the BiRLEY SHEAF STOVE. OCt29 w :ok VALUABLE LANDS. BY VIRTUE of a decree of the Superior Court of the county of Mecklenburg, we will sell at public auction, at the court house - door, In the dty of Charlotte, on Monday, 16th Day of January, 1882, the lands which were owned by the late Mary M. Wallacn. THE HOME PLACE, 4 miles from the oty or Charlotte, on the Lawyers' road, contains 408 acies, with a large Brick Dwelling House, good bams and other improvements. THE ALLEN PLACE, contains 267 acres, is 4 miles from the city, adjoins the Home Place, and lies between the Lawyers' road and the Monroe road. THE WYNENS PLACE, on the Potter road, con tains 133 acres, adjoins the Home Place, and is aooui ine same distance rrom me city. THE WILSON PLACE, on the Lawyers road, 6 miles from Charlotte, contains 322 acres. THE BRUMLEY PLACE, on Reedy creek, 7 miles from Charlotte, contains 97 acres. We will also sell a valuable Gold Mine, In Un ion county, near Matthews', known as the Henry Phlfer Mine. The Home tract; the Allen tract; and the Wilson tract, each, will first be offered In lots and then as & whol This sale is made subject to the ratification and approval of the Court. Terms: One tenth cash; balance In two equal installments at one and two years, with security and interest from date. Deeds and Plats can be seen at the law office of Osborne & Maxwell, Charlotte, N. C. Parties desiring to examine the property will ap ply to 8. H. FARROW, at the Brick House place. MAXWELL; Commlss'nrs. December 1, 1881. w-tds-dally4c if7 "Lffo) itfraEtATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purines tRe blood. A Book Sent free. Dr. Sanford,-i 62 Broadway, N. Y. JTOB SALS BY ALL. DRUGGISTS. ugHrdeod eow ly. BINGHAM SCHOOL, BSTBUSKKD IS 1793, MEBANEVILLE, H. 0., PEE-EMIHEHT. Among Southern Boarding Schools for boys In age, numbers and area of of patronage. Messing club Mi of a mile from Barracks for young men of small means. The 176th session be gins January 11th. 1882. For cata logue giving full particulars address Ma, tt. BINGHAM, decl7 tf Superintendent. Greensboro Female College, QREEN3B0B0, K. C. THE Spring Session of 1882 will : begin on Wednesday, January 1 1th. charges per session of twenty weeks: Board (exclusive of lights and washing) and tuition. In full En glish course, J76.0U. Extra studies moderate. For particulars apply to declS tf . ' , ; . , , f , chow onlv the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken ly theb Bucket THE old Oaken Bucket, The Iron-bound bucket The moss-covered bucket. That bung in the well. CHAS. B JONES, Charlotte, N. C Sole Agent Liberal terms to dealers. f . ..a..- - . t JONES. President; ... I. STARTLINCtttHS DISCOVERY! " LOST 'MANHOOD RESTOSD. 1 A viotim of youthful imprudence causing. Prams tore Decay, Nervous Debility, It Manhood, etc-, haying tried in vain every known remedy, has dis covered i simple self cure, which he will send FREE to his fellow-sufferers, address J. II. BEEVES, 43 Chatham St., A. Y. Sept 1 tr klB S.crf Mf th'IMrt !Wmv iMSTv if -tfci tileUl 4Md niabSaltdca Corernmsnt. ;.- a nc In a tl rnqotr. r. : "y. Washington, D. C, January 9.! M. H; Clark, of Clarksville, Term., who Was acting treasurer of the so-called Confederate States of America, when the collapse came, has written letter, under date or January oui,wepre( sentative House, of Tennessee, in which he sets forth the facts about the treas ure lost when Jeff Davis was captured. Mr. Clark says: "As I am in a position to know all the facts, I think it not improper to state them as briefly as lean. I left Bichmond, Va ,the night of the evacu ation on the special train containing the president, his staff, his caDinec ana many other government officials, being at the time chief and confidential clerk of the executive office. The party reached Danville the next day, where the government offices were partially organized, remaining there until the 10th of April, when news of General Lee's surrender was received. The next move was to Greensboro, the headquarters of Beauregard's little army; : "A stay of some days was made there, and as the railroads had been cut In many places south of us by the Fede ral eavalry, who were still raiding to the southwest of our line of travel, I made up a train of wagons and ambu lances for the use of the party, for which General Beauregard gave a carte blanche order on his quartermaster and commissary aepartmems, wim wmcn train the party proceeded to Charlotte, N. C. General Beauregard also ordered up the small cavalry division under Oaneral W. C. P. Breckehridge. as an escort, to which President Davis de murred possibly for the reason that he did not want the small force in front of General Sherman weakened to give him personal protection but finally consented, as it gave protection to his following, which was composed partly of helpless civilians, but even then avoided the road taken by his escort. "After a stay of about a week at Charlotte, where we heard of the as sassination of President Lincoln, the route was to Abbeville, South Carolina, reaching there the 3rd of May. At Ab beville the train of the treasury de partment reported, it having followed a HiflWPTir. Una of travp 1 under the pro tection of the small force under Admi ral Semmes, who had guarded it faith fully, keeping all its valuables intact This was the first time we bad met, and at Abbeville the trains, escort and all, came together. Admiral Semmes asked to be relieved of his voluntarily assumed duty (which had been neces sary, as General Stoneman's cavalry had several times struck points within ten or fifteen miles of these different trains, moving in the main on parallel lines), and the train was placed in charge of the cavalry General Basil Duke's command and ordered fa Washington, Ga. V "General Trenholm, secretary of tha treasurv. had been left some distanc back, auite ill. and at Abbeville, t President appointed Postmaster-Gen1 ral John H. Reagan acting secretary the treasury. The treasurer, Mr. J. Herndon, had been lett at Greensboro, N. C with a moderate military chest for the use of the army there, the spe cie, mainly Mexican dollars, and amounting to $40,000, according to my recollection. That night, the weather being hot for day traveling, the presi dential party also left for Washington, Ga, arriving about sunset on the 4th of Mav. As soon as we arrived Mr. xtea- gan, acting secretary of the treasury, asked the president to appoint me act ing treasurer in place of Mr. Herndon, who had been left At Greensboro, N. C, the treasury since that time having been in charge of the bureau offcers. I had some time before received a staff appointment, with the rank of captain. "The president made the appoint ment, Mr. Reagan drew up my com mission, and President Davis affixed to it the last official signature he ever made. I, of coarse, preserve it as a nrecious relic. The entire treasury was turned over to me-, and 1 spent a day in filliBg the requisitions of the actintr secretary. I settled with the depositors, who had followed with the train some all the way from Virginia; I paid off the naval brigade, through Postmaster Wheeless, of Nashville; paid off the troops who were near us, through the proper accredited officers ; burnt millions" of bonds and currency in the presence of Secretary Reagan and General J. C. Breckenridge, secre tary of war; turned over to the Vir ginia bank officers the specie which be longed to the Virginia banks, which they had never been able to obtain from the treasury for want of proper officers to deliver it. One of my last acts was to turn over to Major Moses, a Confederate States agent, 840,000 in silver, mainly bullion, which the presi dent had ordered to be used in furnish ing subsistence to the paroled soldiers who were passing through to their homes, thus relieving them and the dis tressed country through which they were passing. MI took proper receipts for all my payments, and with the whole treasury disbursed, except an insignificant sum, in company with the acting secretary, I left Washington about eleven 'clock at night, with a small escort given us by General Duke, which we shortly dismissed, and joined the president's partynext morning about day-break. There I again took charge of my tfain, and on the morning of the 6th Presi dent Davis heard of the danger to his familv. who were traveling some dis tance ahead, from marauders in search of horses. He decided to take his staff and a few attendants and join them, the train to proceed to Florida the in tention, as understood, being there to take boats to Cuba, and from there to thetrans-Mississippi department. As I was more likely to be captured with the train than, with the mounted party, in order to provide means iorxne trans portation: fo Cuba, I called the staff to gether and paid Colonel F. R. Lobbuck, A; D. Cyformer governor of .Cexas); Colonel William Preston Johnston, A, D. C.; Colonel John Taylor Wood. A. D. C.j and Colonel (whose name I forget, but a naval officer) each $1,500 in English sovereigns . to, be used in huTinsr boats or other expenses, and took their receipts in due form. . Hav ing a bag : which still contained about $3,500, 1 placed it in the saddle bags of Mr. Reagan.- He objected,; saying he was already weighted, having $2,000, of his Drtvate iunos, Drouent irom jtticn- ;nod frlmt J upon, my urging that the might neea it, ne let it remain.: ssident Davis, to ttm best of my knowIedge,had oltsome$50prtiaps lessof specie and: confederate cur renfiyV hts' private f undsd The whole tjeury.pas .tfirouglV, my hands as stir the treasure or nry disbursements of any prt of ifc:rHeieoiW3(?ly Mte receivellmyotit rodghe.fIdld not offer to pay -him anything, and he would not have received it it, I had." Co febaceoaists olSH ihtite- and rirbjxise TCjjua mencea xne 'manufacture ox -Bput, handles ad , . shuttle blocks at . .that place.; w r"& m Joe : v nartoB,CQiorea, .wwfMy. this morning . nearly opposite J udge Dick's residence, terribly mangled ana iantilated by one of tbe 7 trains going ttoYth last night, on the Piedmont Air XJne. i -JHe bad e viden Uy done his marketing 'and started -homev which was near the raUroad.aDout a mneiroiii where his body was found, as; a tourth wf a sack- of flour was found , on the track near his body.; ; Htf was cjit near-, ly fa twain just below-the waist and his legs; were found literally: cut to pieces, ltls riot known at present "which rsin killed him, as two or thTee trains .naa gone oyer the road during $he night, ' . - Salisbui y - Examiner; 1 M i. f Frank' Mominor died in this Dlace ' a ' few Aftvs ctincft. &fter a linorerinir illneS3 J-'A colored brakeman was knocked, off thetxain last Friday, near Rowan Mills, on the Western North Carolina Rail road, and fatally Injured. B99 candidates for county comml sioner, to take Mr. Davis's place. IllfflJfiELlEli r Lenoir Topic: Sixteen bands are em ployed on the Bald Knob gold mine in this county. Gold dust is legal tender in this market - We understand that there are several cases of typhoid fever near Cedar Val ley, this county. Wilmington Star ; We greatly regrst to learn than Judge B S. French: was strieken with paralysis last everiiug about 7 o'clock, and is considered by his attending physician to be dangerously ill, his entire leftside being paralyzed. Aflast accounts he was resting Com fortably and we trust that his condition may show a decided improvement this morning. Raleigh News and Observer i There is a triple execution at Wentworth, N. C, on the 13th. Two negro men and a negro woman axe to be hanged for the murder of a negro man. The immense ventilating shaft of the Penitentiaiy is now plainly visible from the postoffice corner. It is one of the largest and tallest chimneys in the South, it is said. They say the south room of the Treasury department is haunted. Years ago, somewhere betwen 1830 and 1840, a member of the leeislature. who was in jured in a struggle with the Comptrol ler, was, carried into that room to die. Since then, it is said, mysterious noises are often heard in the room. The following sheriffs yesterday set tled their taxes for 1881 with the State Treasurer: W. M. Black, Moore coun ty $6,433 SI; George W. McKee, Gaston county, $6,445 32; E. Murrill, Onslow county, $3,048 98 ; R. G. Tuttle, Caldwell county, $2,711 35; S. N.Taylor, Surry county, $4,031 48 ; T. A. Watts, Iredell county, $8,049 64; J. S. Johnson, Rock ingham county, $7,449 74 ; D. D. Suttle, Cleveland county, $5,308 6T; A. M. Church, Wilkes county, $3.128 76; Sheriff of Sampson county, $5,311 36. Goldsboro Messenger: A large num ber of able bodied colored men are leaving here for the turpentine sections of Georgia and South Carolina. We have no special objections to their leaving, although it is calculated to de moralize the labor system, yet we do to their leaving their fannies bo often become a charge upon ie county. uEham Recorder: Since the first of January 1879. there has been collected stamp agent at office, two mil Irons ftpe hundred and eighty thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars for tobacco stamps, xnis is more rev- than two Northern States Wearafma. Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quins, Sore Throat, Swell ings ano Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. . Vol Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jacom Oil a ti safe, sure, simple and cheap External Boniedy. A trial entails. trot the oomparatlTely trifling euUay of 60 Cents, and every one suffering with! pain eon nave cheap and poeiUve proof Ot its daunt. . ' ', Directions In Eleven languages. BOLD BY ALL DBTJQQIBT8 AST) DEALERS 1 nr icBDionrE. A. VOGEIiER & CO., Baltimore, Md., 17. B. A QW!W.l? ; .. enue which ation annually receive large pay inVtwenty years. appropri- TflE SCOFFER'S ELOQUENCE. Bev. W. J. Robinson, member of North Ga, Con ference, says: Have taken a a a for a clear case of f crema? eruption bas disappeared and lam Well. SOMETHING EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW. There exists a means of S6 curinfr a soft and brilliant Complexion, no matter how poor it may naturally be. Haffan's Magnolia Balm is a delieate and harmless arti cle.Trhich instantly removes Freckles, Tan, Redness, Ronghness, Eruptions, Vul- ar Flashings, etc., etc. So elicate and natural are its effects that its use is not suspected by anybody. Wo lady has the right to present a disfigured face in society when the Magnolia. Balm is sold by all druggists for 75 cents. North Carolina Railroad. ;-' COKDENSED SCHEDULES. TRAINS GODJO SAST. Pate, Dee. 18, '8 i No R5 Daily. No 51 Dally.. No 53 Dally. lave cnorlotte. BaUsbury. Arrive Greensb'rol Leave wreensb'ro Arrive N. Danville Arrive bichmond. Leave ereensb'ro Arrive Balelgbm Leave KaltUch... Arrive Goldsboro' 4.80 pm 8 30 am 6.17 pm 5.30 am 8.00 p m 7.86 a m &18nm 7.5Ham lO.lftpmllOOOam Leave N DanvllleJ 1 1.80 p ml 10 15 am 7.40 a m 8.55 p m 0.50 a m 1.52 p m 2.17pm 4.20 p m 8.10pm ln.02 p m i205am 12.15 am 12 23 am No. SI Connects at Greensboro' with R&D. B. B for all points East and West, via Danville and Bichmond. also with train for Balelgh and Goldsboro. No. 55 Connects at Greensboro' with B. & D B. B. for all points East and West, via Danville and Richmond. No. 53 Connects at Greensroro with ft. a u. B. B. for all points East and West, via Danville only. TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, Dec 18, '81 No. 54 No. 50 No. 52 y Dally Daily. Daily. Leave Goldsboro' 1 2 20 p m Arrive Baleigh,.. 1 2.40 p m Leave Baleigh, 4 00 p m Leave Bichmond, 12 07 pm 1 1 .25 p m " N.Danville 7 48pm 680pm 7.85 am Arrive Greensryro PSOpm 8.80 pm 980am Leave Greensb'ro 9.85 pm 8.40 pm 9 85am Leave Salisbury,. 11.15 pm 10 87 m 11.22 am Arrive Charlotte,. 12.40 am 12 25 m 1.05 pm ABKAUriFOL OneAN, tl e "MOZAKT,"newBtvia No. 12.000. 27 stops, lo full sets Golden Ton sue Bed8, SOLID WALNUT Highly Polished Case. ew and valuable Improvements lust ded. Stool, book, music. Boxed and delivered nn board cars here, price ONLY alXTY DOLLARS Net Cash, eatisractlon guaranteed In every par ticular or money refunded after one year's use Every one sold sells another. It is a Standing Auvertuemenc order at once, jvoin ng saved by correspondence. My new fuctory Jmt completed capacity 2,0u0 lnstrunients ev.-ry 26 days, verc' latest i.toor-savtng wood-worKlng machinery Vas4 e-tpltal enables me to mnnufacture better g tods for less money than ever Address, or call upon DAimkL F. BEiTTY. Washington New Jersey. 1882, with lnnivprl li.tflr. est table, calendar, etc. Sent to any address on receipt on two Thekb-ckn,' .-tamps. Address Va A KL K8 R. BIRKS 48 N. Delaware Ave. fhlla. AGENTS WANTED AT ONCE to sell the Life and Complete History of THE TRIAL OF GUITEAU. A sketch of his erratic career and FTTT.T. TTiTno-ff o' the strange scenes and utabtling Disclosure ui mo uiaij utj ui"3i uusur auu remarKabie In tbe annals of crime, well Illustbated w in sell immensely. Agents outfit fitc. Terras to aee'nm UberaL Address HDBBABD RkYis Publishers, Atlanta, Ga DIARY FREKK, 2 Jan. 22 Com e and See N. W. N. C KAIL.RO AD. 6Q1NQ WEST. NO. 50-Daily. Leave Greensboro. ..... 9.51 p m Arrive KernersvlUe. 1 1. 07 p m Arrive Salem... 11.50 pm NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 10.00 a m Arrive Kernersvlile 1 1.00 a m Arrive' Salem. 1 1.80 a m GOING EAST. NO. 51 Dally, except Bunday. Leave Salem 7.30 am Arrive Keraersvllle 8.04 am Arrive Greensboro 9.00 am NO. 53-DaJly. Leave Salem 4.30 pm Arrive Kernersville . 5. 1 0 p m Arrive Greensboro rrfC.. 6 80 p m Pnltoaii aeepins Cars Wittiont Cliange On .Train No. 51. between Atlanta and New York, via Danville. On Train No. 55. between Augusta and Wash ington, via Danville. On Train No. 58, between Atlanta and Washing ton, via Danville. On Train No. 50, between New York and Atlanta via Danville. On Train No. 52. between Washington and Au- ensta. via Danvl le. On Train No 54, between Washington and At lanta, via Danville. S-Throueh Tickets on sale at Greensboro' BaleiKh, Goldsboro'. SalU-bury and Charlotte, and minclDal nomts south, southwest, west, ronn and East. K r Fmigrant Bates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the southwest, address. a. rurji. General Passenger Agent decSl Richmond, Va. NOTICE. PURSUANT to a decree of the Supe:ior Curt of Mecklenburg, 1 wl 1 sell at Public Auction at the court house In Cnariotte, on MONDAY, THE 27TH OF FEBRUARY, 1882, (being the week of Superior Court.) that valuable lot or parcel of land lying between the Intersection of the J orth Carolina Bflllroad track and Trade street, adjoining the P M. Brown lots and others, now known as the Butler property. Besold because or putchhser at late sale railing to comply. Terms m cash; balance on 6 ar.a o montns credit, with interest Title reserved as security for balance. K. iJAKttiaiiiiti, dec24 d oaw tds Commissioner. W. PI. CHICK, Having removed to the shop, on Tryon street, over the Independent Hook & Ladder Truck House, is now ready to receive orders for HOUSE, SIGN and ORNAMBJSTAL I'AijNTiiNU, sucn as GKAIUTNG, Guilding, KalsomiDing, Frescoing, fa. s 8? ID. NEPAL AWARCE9 l.r.k,Wa,rrinted the best and cheapest, indispensable to every or,Seli;PreservaUon ;' bound in lull eiltOO pp.contams beantif u steel e-ngraTinsrs, 125 prescnp twos. Dries cinlir iti os o . ' maU I illostrateH end now AHHi. p.T.j ,i ITS POPULABITY UNPAEALLELED 130.000 SOLD ! ark Wanted to ftimniv the wonderful and increasing demand tor by far the best, most popu.ar and cheapest PRICE &n ONLY 5) This work is pbofusely illustrated, tells th entire thrilling story ot his eventful life and tragic death: has been critically revised and anoroved hv one of his most intimate personal friends; has far outsold all other editions because the best and cheapest, and our terms to agents are the most liberal of any. Superb Steel Plate Portraits Free' Outfit 50a For proof of excellence, saleabllltv. success ot agents and terms adires at once, nUcDAaD BKOS., I"UbS., Pbila. LIFE OF GARFIELD a i t it L CHICiCEBIMG PIANO. anted our PIANOS THE HIGHEST AWARDS oTS in tbe GREAT WORLD'S FAIR In LONDON, 1851 ; at tne ukeat exposition in PARIS, 1S67; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION in CHILI, 18T5; and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION in Philadelphia, 1S7C. All persona wish Ids' to purchase (or ex amine) instruments are respectfully in vited to visit oar Warerooms. Send for Circular and Price List. CHICKERING & SONS, 130 Fifth Avenue. N.Y. I 156 Tremont St., Boston, DecHO dSw4w Janfi tf JUST RECEIVED. Infferaoll'a Tribal tm the Peaceful BmioI Use Urare, Mr. and Mrs. George O. Miller buried a babe in the Washington Congress ional Cemetery a few days ago, and be fore the little white coffin was lowered to the grave, Robert G. Ingersell deliv ered the following address : My Friends: I know how vain it is to gild a grief with words, and yet I wish to take from every grave its fear. Here in this world, where life and death are equal kings, all should be brave enough to meet what all the dead have met The future has been filled with fear, stained and polluted by the heartless past. From the wondrous tree of life the buds and blossoms fall with linen ed fruit, and in the common bed of earth the patriarchs and babes Bleep side try side. Why should we fear that which will come to all that is ? We cannot tell, we do not know which is the greater bless ing life or death. We cannot say that death is not a good. We do not Iknow whether the grave is the end of this life or the door of another, or whether the night here is not somewhere else a dawn. Neither can we tell which, ; is the more fortunate the child dying in its mother's arms before its lips have learned to form a word, or he who journeys- all the length of life's uneven road, painfully, taking the last slow steps with staff and crutch. " VwMt amwIa Antra na MT K o,n imtx V OtotT every coffin "Whither ?" The poor bar barian, weeping above bis dead, can answer these questions as intelligently and satisfactorily as the robed priest of the most authentic creed. The tearful ignorance of the one is just as consoling as the learned and unmeaning words of the other. No man, standing where the horizon of a life has touched a grave, has tiny right to prophesy a future filled with pain and tears. It may be that death gives all there is of worth to life. If those we press and strain against our hearts could never die perhaps that love would wither from the earth. May be f.hia rmmnn fata tread from out the paths between our hearts the weeds of selfishness and bate, and I had rather live and love where death.Is king than have eternal life where love is not An other life is naught unless we know and love again the ones who love us They who stand with breaking hearts around this little grave need have no fear. The larger and the nobler faith in all that is and is to be tells us that death, even at its worst is only perfect rest. We know that through the com mon wants of life tbe needs and du ties of each hour their grief will lessen day by day until at last this grave will be to them a place of rest and peace almost of joy. There is for them this consolation : The dead do not suffer. If they live again their lives will surely hn a pood ail mw We have no fear. We are all children 4f the same mother and the same fata awaits us alL; We, too. have onr reliflfiom and it is this: Help for the living, hope for the dead. 'l PBSHITOBI L06S OT THE HAS Kay be entirely prevented py the ne of BUB- NXTraOOCOAINX. No other compound pos sesses the peculiar properties which so exactly uit the various conditions of the human hair. It softens die hair when harsh and dry. It soother I iUMimtatedicaip. lt sjtords the richest taalie. It prevents the hair from falling ofL K promotes Its healthy, vigorous growth. It Is not. greasy nor tacky, tt leave ne disagreeable odor. It Mils ? aaiHxrunv - - Burnett's llAvoring Xxtracts areknwn to be the est . .. -THE FINEST SET JpLOBIDA ORANGES and LEMOIsS; also on band Turkeys, Geese, Efgs and Cranberries, Buckwheat Flour and New Orl ans Molasses. dec23 S. M. HOWELL. I, M I i iSfll J63-SEND FOR CIKCUXARS.-EJL OF- Bedroom Farm ore i NOW IN THE CITY. A LARGE STOCK OF FURNTME AT WHOLES ALB AND RETAIL E. M. ANDREWS, WHITE FRONT. janlO FRAMES. -:0: A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT GOOD GOFFEE. Everybody wants it, but very few got It, because most people do not know how to select coffee, or it is spoiled in the roasting tx making. To obviate theso difficulties has been our study. Thurber's package Coffees are selected by an expert who un derstands the art of blending varieus fla vors. They are roasted In the most perfect manner (it is impossible to roast well In small quantities), then put In pound pack ages in the bean, not ground,) bearing our signature as a guarantee of genuineness, and each package contains the Thurber recipe for making good Coffee. Wo pack two kinds, Thurber's "No. 31," strong and pungent, Thurber's "No. 41, mild and rich. One or the other will suit every taste. They have the three great points, flrood quality, honest quan- tity, reasonable price. Ask your Grocer for Thurber' a roasted Coffee in pound pacli ages, "No. 34" or "No. 41." fb not bo put off with any other kind your own palate will tell you what is best Where persons desire it we also furnish the "IdeaV' Coffee-pot, the simplest, nesc and cheapest coffee-pot in existence. Grocers who sell our Coffee keep them.. Ask for descriptive circular. Respectfully, c, H. K. & P. B. THTJR3EB & CO., Importers, Wholesale Grocers and Coffee Boasters, New York. P. S. As the largest dealers in food pre prints in the world, we consider it our in terest to manufacture only pure and whole some goods and pack them in a tidy and satisfactory manner. All goods bearing our name are guaranteed to be of superior quality, pure and wholesome, and dealers are authorized to refund the purchase price In any case where customers have cause for dissatisfaction. It is therefore to the Interest of both dealers and con sumers to use Thurber's brands. Yictor Sewing; lacle Co, MIDDLETOWN, CONN. No. 8 N. Charles street, SOUTHERN OFFICE Baltimore, Md. novll d&w DO NOT FA in TO CALL AT EDDINS' BOOK STORE Plo ograph Frames, AT Van Ness' Gallery. ST CHARLES HOTEL. HEADQUAETEES POE DEUMMEBS. 8TATE8YILLE, N. C. THIS house has been leased for a term of years by Mrs. Pr. Reeves, whose Intention is to keflD a strictly first-class bouse In every respect. Gommodipus sample rooms on first and second patronage of the public Is solicited .nuyi,in. eeel8 tf ESSf BESTS of tobacco known as The DON'T DUE IN TBS HOUSE. Ask druggists for "Rough on Bats." It clears oat rats, mice, bed bugs, roaches, vermin, files, ants, insects, 15oper box. v Chew only tbe brand Old Oaken Bucket , , rpiti oM Oaken BueJreW : .X Tbe iron bound bneket ' -The moss-covered bucket. That hung In the welL CHAS. R. JONES. t .v , . Charlotte, it. a, Sole Agent, SEV MlAi OA WliiiO V UUf0, We continue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, Trade mstes. copyngnts, eie., ior tne united states, Canada. Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc. Wo have had thirty-five Teare experience. patents oetainea uiroagn us are uoticea in tne sci- intitic AVKUOAM. Thu large and splendid Illus trated weekrypaper,S20ayear,shows the Progress of Science, i very Interesting, and has an enormous circulation, laaress huhn & cu iuent swnci tors, Pub's, oi Sciitrnrio Amirican, 87 Park Sow, flew i orK. nana dook aoout patents tree. BEFOBE TOU MAKE four Holiday Purchases. We will not here attempt - to enumerate what we have t If you will call we will satisTy you that we have the finest assoitment of -HOLIDAY GOODS- ever brought to this market Call and see our Display whethtr you buy or not. A fine lot of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all desclp'.lons, Just received. Remember none can under-buy us, and none can under sell us. " decl8 "gov MnXz. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the public square in Charlotte, will be sold chean and on reasonable terms to the right kind of a purchaser. The dwelling is on a full lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine we'll of wa ter, etc. The bouse is admirably adapted for the residence of a lawyer doctor or preacher, having an admirable library or study room, built for the purpose. For further paxUculars, price, terms, etc. apply at THIS OFFICE. uly20.dtf . City Lot for Sale Cheap. THE Lot on the corner of Ninth street and tbe - North Carolina Railroad, fronting 140 feet on Ninth street and 196 feet on the North -Carolina Railroad, will either be sold as a whole or divided Into two lots of 70 by 1 96 feet Suitable either for rodldlng or factory purposes.t Apply to Jun25,tf a PHILLIPS. u r. I t 1 - v.

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