Stye Cljartottt bbtzvtz. HVB&OMMlOir HA TBS: DaZy, one year, potted, in advance . . . $8 00 ftixmoHth ..... 4.00 Three mot J. h 1 .2.00 One moTtih ' 71 ' WHKKL7 BDITIOV: Weekly (fn the mmnty). n tdvanct $2.00 Out the oounty, lyxtrpatd . ............... 2.10 ixmontJu..... ....... i..... 1.0E tST" Lilxrral Keduotionjbr Club. gaofe and So frttrtiwa. THE OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and wia the latest styles ol Type, and every manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can tar nish at short notice, BLANKS, BTLL-EULAD3, ' LITTXB-EXiSS, CABD3, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLKTS, CIRCULARS, CHICKS, 4c. VOL. XXVII. eHkllLOTTEC;SUNP AY, JANUARY 15882; NO. 3, m Boots an a Slices : : o : Lyods' Patent Metallic Stiffeners PREVENTS Boots aod Shoes FROM RUNNING OVER, Wearing off at the Sides or Ripping IN THE SEAMS. Johnson's Silk and Felt Insoles PREVENTS RHEUMATIC CBAMP, COLD FEET, BUNNION3 AND CHILBLAINS. PEGRAM & CO., SOUS AGPNT3. janl TO THEB I GIVE HEALTH. "Excellent Tonic. Alterative and Diuretic." Moriiai iiinMitliin t.vnphhure. Va. "Used with great benefit In Malaria, and Dlph- thorla " a V nnmti M Tl.. f- - "ueiBtuiiv used in drsDensla, chronic d!ar-I rhnpn nnd f ria Prof. 8. Jackson. M. D., "TTivntnrlhle na A. nervOUS tOnlC." Hon. L O. Hi(.omrhniid as a DrODhylactlc In malarial 11atplna1 ' T D Tolm M II .N.O. "Bestpres debilitated systems tP heajth." . C. 'Ada'niMi in chronic diarrhoea, scrofula, and (tyspepsia.-Geo. T. Harrison, M. P., H. T; "Successful in diphtheria and nenfalgla.'W. P. K a U Tl VP. Sxcsnentforwrtata dlsaHses peculiar to wo wn." Prof. 3. 1. Hoorman. M. D., Va 'Prompt in relieving headache, sick and ner-. "Usui with irrent benefit la dTSDepsla." J. Mo--J Rnlnh M Tl Ta . "bulled to bronchitis and diseases pf digestive (inrano J V UnutrMtm. lif. O.. Al&. "Most valuable remedy known for; female dls- Mui Tnn D Uattanrt. V Til T. D. . " "Of great curaUTe virtue." Thos. F. Bomf old, i &i a. Mo.- -M "Beneficial in uterine derangmenrand mala- rinnionniiH.ii.n Iff Vail Iff. T- Onto. . "Chnrmtnv nn th MtmDlexlon. - making IS Xmnntk .1... - n P M loft M.. Of 8. C . 'tstinDle8 4 tonto.aitf Stera"- W- wr ucuulre, M. D vs. - . - lr"Finp appetiser and blood purlfler."-a Fisher, "Verr hAneflnlal tn lmDTOvlna reduoed 87 - tern" m.hi.i af.It ' - 'irr.DnlM. , n mnia anil hnUh-M BCV. . 'V4 Hr MM". r vw-w ; . xzm ioia Anil saVsalAriTiriA and ni John Hannon. lat of La., now of Richmond, Vv Has real merit wSoutlwn veL joarnaj. Water. $4 ease. Mass and Pills. 25, 50, 75 Summer season ef Springs begins 1st June. 930 v monta, -Address - " 4 ' ' ' 78 Main &L. Lynchburg. Va. P.O. Box 174. - BOLD BY 1 WILSON ft BUBWKLL, , t, J. H. McADKN, and -' Good Things ! V5i ijii ,, roar27 . , . - k Charlotte, N.C 88 (Q0&s, tHotMug, Sec. ALL- WILL BE SOLD AT GREAT SACRIFICE, TO MAKE BOOM FOB SPRING PURCHASES. We Mean Every Word of This -AND- Only Ask an Inspection to Convince You. T.L.Seigle&Co. mejfttcat. Neuralgia, Sprains, . Pain in the Back and Side. There Is nothing more painful tlran these diseases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cored by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. This remedy la not a chon Benzlna or Petroleum product that must be kept from fire' or heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor is it an untried experi ment that may do more harm than good. Pain Killer has been In constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world is, It never falls. It not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieves pain almost instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, it Is sate In the hands of the most inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Pact Eillkb would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried it think: Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn., says : aooui a year since my vue became subject to severe suffering from rheumatism. Our resort was to the P aix HiTiLw, which speedily relieved her. Charles Powell writes from the Bailors' nome, uraoon : i AM.oeen amictea three Tsars with nenraurla and violent of the Btemach. The doctors t Westminster Hospital rare uo mr ease In despair. I tried your Pain Btt t n mi it gare me immediate relief. I have regained my Btrejyrth, and am now able to follow my usual ooctroatkm. O.H.walwoj I the from Dain in . York say s: I have nsed voitp P a rw tn f o rhermiatism, an4 have vnvdwwl umi Barton seaman says : iiave used fAxw Kn.l.TO for thirty ana nave iouna n a nevtr patting rem tot Mr. Burditt writes: It never fail to oive relief In nm nf riMuiiiiMmn- mild mrnflnwH PhlL Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : rrom actual use, I know your Pain JCilixb is the best medicine I can get, - All druggists keep Pact Killxk. its price Is so low that it is within the reach of all, and it win save many times Its cost in doctors' bUla 25c., fiOc and 81.06 a botQe. , PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, : .s-".':: , . . FrovlJonce, R. !. INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TfflUEiRH QFaTHE AQE. SYMPTOMS OF A : TORRID LIVER. Iiosiof appetlte,wanaea.oowei8 oosnve. Pain in tbeHead.witb. a dull sensation in the back part, Pain under the shoulder- blade, fullness after eat tog, with adisi clinati on to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper, Ikw spirita. Xjobs of memory, witb. a feeling of hajing neg lected some dnty,wearinesB, Dlaglnesa, Fluttering of tbe Heart. Pots before the eyes. Yellow BMP. Meadaone. gestlesar ness at night, highly colored Urine, IF THESE WASSJSQS ABE TT5HXXDEB, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE 0EVEL0PED. TTJTTS FILLS are especially adapted t aeb.eases,oiie doae effects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Xnerease the Appetite, and cause the body to Take on Vleeb, thus the system is BMSirtalied, and by thetrTsale Aetle oathe Dlgeative emn.bflroUwStlikr8PTO duced. Price iB cents. a Warray tw W.Y. T'S HAIR DYE I air oc Whisk bbs changed to a aiflssr V alnule jippTication Of this DTK. It a natural etAar, acts InsUntaneousiy. .Bol' ueeiata,oc sent bv cxpresf on receipt vi i. OfYlG. 35 Murray St: New York. a Dft fTTrTS KAICALaf Talol.Iaftjf-iaUa . f CfSa JUMista wUI h mMSbStUf fa aiU(4-. i" f. Owger, iSuchu, Man! ::;. 4irace, : euuicgia, ana many pf the best medi cines known are com bined in Parkcr'sGuiger Tonic, into a tnedkane of such varied powers, a to make it the greatest TtfanA Punfier and the BestrfealtaAStnagth ; Ksstortr lirr usv-a, . It cum jUietunatisin, Elceplegsne5( ft dtseaets cfitn? BoWeU, fc- i,.: .. - 1.UUCS. AAver. K viancvi. air - paisarn gjT NrrefWto fkt avefiatoxtea, ftscox .V. IM. " Chew only the brand of tobacco Known as The Old oaken Bucket. - ; , THITold Oaken Bucket, , , -The tron-bound bucket, ; : r The moss-covered bucket, "-r?.-, . That hung in the welL " ' ' "" rtrlft n 'JONXd. ;C ' - CharlottB.N.CMSoleAgenV Liberal terms to dealers, ;. t . , fa TUT BLACK I lmoarU RAILROADS. BepreeesttatlTe Kokesost Reeolsttiaa te Dectue lrtstiia Iinde Fswf eitesl. , Washington, January ll.The fol lowing la a copy of the joint resolution introduced in the House to-day by Rep resentative Robeson to declare certain lands heretofore granted - to railroad companies- forfeited to the United State?, and to restore the same to the public domain and . open the same to seuiera; f - , r-. -1 - Be it resolved, eta, That the grants of public land heretofore made to cer tain railroad companies and to certain States, to aid f in the construction of roads and railroads for the benefit of certain corporations ' named; in the schedule hereto appended, so far as the same have not been 'earned by the ful filment of the conditions of said grants, be and the same are hereby, declared forfeited, and shall revert to the Uni ted States and be open to settlement as are other public lands. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior within days from and after the pas sage of this act ts cause public notice to be given by advertisement that the reservations made for the benefit of said companies as in the said schedule hereunto affixed be and the same are vacated, withdrawn and annulled, and that said lands are open to settlement, and that entries thereof and therefor will be received at the, land offices in the several districts ih Which said lands are located on the terms and conditions prescribed- by law; 1 --- i i The schedule referred, to in the reso lution enumerates the, following rail roads, together with .' the. , estimated quantity of land granted to each; . Aores. Gulf and Ship Island..... Alabama and Florida.. .... Coosa and Tennessee Mobile and Girard Coosa and Chattanooga. . . Alabama and Chattanooga (formerly Northwest and Southwest Alabama and Wills Valley Railroads.. Pensacola and Georgia. . . Florida, Atlantic and Gulf Central . North Louisiana and Tex 652.800.00 419520.00 132,480.00 840,880)0! 150,000.00 8972000 1,568,729 87 183.15399 as (formerly Yicksburg Sbreveport and Texas Railroad) 610,830.00 JNew Orleans, Baton uouge and Vicksburg St. Louis and Iron Moun tain Little Rock and FortSmith Detroit and Wilwaukee... Houghton and Ontonagon (formerly Marquette and Ontonagon). . . North Wisconsin (formerly 3,800,00000 640.000.00 1,009,296.34 355,420.00 552,515.24 St. Croix aud Lake supe rior and branch to Bay field 1,408,455.69 Wisconsin Central(former- ly Tortage, Winnebago and Superior).. 1,800,000.00 St. .Fauiand .Facinc, su Vincent extension (for merly branch to Red River of the North) 2,000,000.00 St. Paul and Pacific, Brai- nerd branch (formerly branch to Lake Superior) l,4T5,0OOX)O Hastings and Dakota 560,000.00 Oreeon Central 1,200,000.00 Atlantic and facific : 42,000,000.00 Texas Pacific 18.000,000.00 Northern Pacific 47x100,000.00 New Yobk. January 1L Mr. Tel- er's resolution calling iibon the Inte rior Department for copies of the de cision of ex -Secretary Schurz concern ne the Northern Pacific land grant bas been made the occasion of an attack on Mr. Schurz and his paper the Even ing Post, by the .Express and Mau in return for the Post's criticisms of the elevated railroad financiering by Cyrus W. Field. The Post in an editorial his afternoon says, after reviewing the matter: It appears, therefore, that 11 Mr. Schura had been in error in his un derstanding of the law that error was auDDorted bv the ODinion of the Attor ney uenerai, wno was consulted oexore the decision was made: by Congress, ' -f . 1 1 m which during two sessions permitted the decision to stand and to be acted upon ; by the majority of the House Committee on Pacific railroads, which reoorted concurrence in it ; by the De partment of Justice, which recently. gave an opinion affirming it, and by President Arthur, who ordered it to be f urther acted upon. Moreover, the de cision of the most important point- namely, the forfeiture of the land errant was by no . means peculiar to the Northern Pacific. There were sev eral other cases before the department of land-grant railroads that bad railed to comDlv With their conditions, and they were ail deemed, as mey naara ' . a a J . A be. wbetner tne aecrecary iiKea it or not in accordance with the well known decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of Schnlenbura and Harriman, that a land errant was not forfeited unui we ior- feitnre should be expressly declared by Congress or upon proper proceedings by the Attorney General of the United States in the courts." FOIS GOLDEN SAND. Which Lie at the Bottoms of our mountain Streams, Atlanta Constitution. Prom a' gentleman who was in the citv vesterdav the Constitution learns of the success which has attended the experiments with the vacuum dredging 1 1 1 :i l i uA una t wni uu was uuiil tut wura uu 1110 Chestatee river. It will be remember ed that this boat was built for raising the gravel from the beds of the riyers and for wasning me sanq ana separa ting the gold from it. The questions to be decided were s Could the gold be found in paying quantities in the sands 01 tne river oeaa r ana couia nio buuu be lifted into the boat by the vacuum DrocessY The trial of the boat was made last Saturday on the Chestatee river near Martin's ford. The test com mencedat elven o'clock and lasted for three hours. The boat raised the sand at the rate of from two to four tona everv five mtnutea. . Tills sana was rapidly washed automatically in sluice boxes and the cold collected in quicksilver. As the Tesult of the three hours worK tnere was secured two nun- dred dollars worth of cold. The ex pense was not more than twelve dol lars. The send was found to po rich, and - it is said there is enoue' the rivers ot Geoxa to keep fifty boats husy for fifty years.; Much excitement; it is said: nrevails about LUhkmega on account of the new method of i obtain ing gold. A ne company wmon is pusn incr the matter will beain the oonstruo- tion of a number of other boats at once. - Impotence of mind' limb: or vital funcUon. ner-; vous weakness, sexual ; debility,' cured br Wells' Health Benewer. S I at droggjsta. - Depot McAden, Charlotta; N. -rr?T"' :4 , a L. VeBrlde. of UcBrtde at Co., Crockery Mer- ehants, Augusta, Oa, saysr B. 8. B. cured my Catarrh after the best medical skill ot the U S. bad laued. ' j . - ' '"" " j " ' sO ' ' r" ' Coffee drinkers should read the advertisement In another column headed "Gooc Coffee." ltAIfD-GBANT Tho Tremble mis JEaaaa Abbott Saw Cmnacsl hyjEtolnf VaGlatated Net on St Louis ispeelatf Emma Abbott, the songstress, spent to-day, in SL Louis, much against her wxu, iuu reuoivcu mo attenuun ox sur geons : lor Beverai hours, two weeks ago Miss ADDoit appeared in - Chicago, and became so alarmed at the presence of small-pox that she determined to be vaccinated. To adorn the sharelv arm of a prima donna with a plebean scab would simply be outrageous, and the public would not for an instance tol erate it. The next question that natu rally occurred to the Chicago physician was "where then?" That was the seri ous point, and the - problem -required several days discussion but finally Miss Abbott and her husband decided Uiat the prima donna's left leg should receive the vaccine. Singular enough the. attendihgt physician applied the Virus above the knee, where the large muscles' of the hip are easiest affected, anff-where a, hurt of any kind is sure to interfere with.pedestsianism. Of course, Miss Abbott ws cautioned not to exer-. cise Vlierself unduly, nor In all the rc mantic episodes of her repertoire should she forget her vaccination,' ; ! - i . , ; Slt ' X . xitet . leaving, uuicagu - uie Aouott company followed the Kellogg com pany in a series of one-night - stands throughout the minor' cities of Minne sota. The rapid traveling and frequent appearances of Miss Abbott naturally had au exhaustive effect, and her "vac cination" became greatly inflamed and verv nainf ul. Finallv. on Fridav even ing last; she and her company opened the new opera house at . lijariugton, Iowa. On this occasion Miss Abbott appeared" in the mad scene from1 "Lucia and an act f romu ra Diavowx , The rapturous applause of the immense) audience, the beautiful surroundings,! and the situation generally caused her to forget that she had a "vaccination," and she permitted herself to be carried away bv the emotions of the scene. Tbat.night there was great inflamma tion and soreness m t be damaged limb. The company left Burlington Saturday morning, intending to reach Louisville this evening. At St Louis Miss Ab bott's condition was such that it was deemed best to remain in the city and consult medical men. By a course of treatment lasting all day the limb was so far restored to its normal condition that the journey to Louisville was re-sumedito-night. The doctors say it was a decidedly bad-looking leg when they took hold 01 it this morning. The Texas Jackass Habblt Texas Slftlngs. His avoirdupois is about twelve ponds, and his ears measure, from tip. to tip, about sixteen inches. He does not burro w-in the ground. - lie lies un der cover of a bunch of prairie grass but is very seldom found, at home, his office hours being between' Sunset and sunrise. Hejsxo be found during the aay on tne open praine, wnerese ieeas on tne tender snoots or tne mesquite or sage grass, lie 13 nod a ferocious an imal, as a stranger might be led to sup pose from an examination of what purports to be his picture under the alias ot "The Texan Hare," in Gov. Roberts' book. The lack rabbit has several enemies, among them the cow boy, wno shoots mm witn nis nne: the coyote and the dog, that try to run him down, and the governor of Texas, above alluded, to, who libels him in his book. He has two ways of protecting himself against his enemies. One way is to squat when he Buspects danger and fold his ears along his sides. By. doing this hepften escapes observation as only nis back is exposed, tne color 01 which narmonizes with the brown 01 the withered grass. The other plan that he uses when discovered and pur sued, is to create remoteness between himself and bis pursuer. In giving his whole attention to this matter, when necessary, be is a stupendous success and earnest to a fault, when disturbed he unlimbers his long legs, unfurls bis ears, and goes of with a bound. He enerally stops after running about a undred yards and looks back to see n his pursuer is enjoying the chase as much as he thought he would, and then he leaves for parts unknown. There are many fast things, from an ice boat to a note maturing in the bank, but nothing to equal the jack rabbit. An unfounded rumor gets around pretty lively, but could not keep up with him for two blocks. When an ordinary cur dog tries to expedite a lack rabbit route be makes a humiliating failure of it, He only gives the rabbit gentle exercise. The latter merely throws up his ears, and, under easy sail, skims leisurely along, tacking occasionally to give the funeral procession time to catch up. But if you want to see ve locity, urgent speed and precipitated haste, you have only to turn loose a greyhound in the wase or a lacs rab it. Pursued by a greyhound he will let himself out" in a manner that would astonish a prepaid half -rate mes sage, if he is a rabbit that has never had any experience with grey hound before, he will start off at an easy pace, but as he turns to wink derisively at what he supposes to be an ordinarv yel low dog he realizes that there is a force in nature nitnerto unknown to himand his look of astonishment,: alarm and disgust, as he furls his ears and prompt ly declines the nomination, is amusing. Under such circumstances he goes too fast for the eye to follow his move ments, and presents the optical illusion of a Streak, of jack rabbit a mile and a half long, PujrllUtlc Editors. Spirit of the South. "S. Bro. Cowan, editor of the Anson Times, and Bro. Henley, editor Of J the Intelligencer, both published in Wades- boro, engaged in a fisticuff last Satur day, as we learn from our Wadesboro correspondent. The fight grew : out Of offensive allusions to each other in their respective papers. - Mr. Cowan made the attacx. using a Btick -which, however, was caught by Mr. Henley, ana tne mteuueu uiuw waraea on. t ue parties then clinched and Mr. Henley eot one 01 Mr.4Jowan,s nneers in nis mouth an bit it pretty badly, when they were separated. The- damage doue was sngnt. . - " 1 jl sm 1 "1 1 , ; . ABUtarlCAIaicI4ei.t.; If our readers have any doubts about the advantages of advertising the fol lowing historical incident should set them at rest. Just , before Blucher came to the assistance of the weary English at Waterloo an aide rode up to Wellington and enquired wnat was nis opinion of advertfsing.'i I think," re plied the Iron Duke, "that an adver tisement is a good thin:, and its value is enhanced by. an occasional notice in the local columns. Let the battle pro ceed," , . ' v ; :j A VaTOMMe IfeterletyThe 6eal Keivtatloa of "Brown's Bronchial Troches' for the relief of coughs, colds and throat diseases, has glren them a favorable notoriety. i ' WBT WXAB PLASTERS? ' : They may relieve, but they cant core that lame bade, for the kidneys are the trouble and joa want a remedy to. act directly on their- secretions, to purify and restore their healtby eondttion. Kidney-Wort has. that speeine action, and at the same time It regulates the bowels perfectly. Don't watt to get sick:, but get a package to-day, and cure yourseir. uquia and ary soia oy an German town Telegraph. ; : ks -a CARD. To an who sre suffering from the errors and In-1 oisereaon 01 youtn, nervous weaKneBB. eany aecay oss of manhood, Ac, I will send a recipe that will cure you, hXS of CHAROJB. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Bent a sen-addressed envelope w the kxt. J08JBPH T. LNMAN, Station D, New York Cttgr. ; FADID OB GRAY HAIB gradually recovers its youthful color and lustre bv the use of Parker's Hair Balsam, an elegant dressing, admired for Its PUThv ana rum perrume. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOW! i v w( : . JaMtaiSIS WE mil SEND ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, DR. D'FE'S Electro-Voltaic Appliances : suffering from Nervous Weaknesses, Gen eral. JDeMlityr,- loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resul thi from Abuses and Othht. Cauiks, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tiian,.Neuralfla,Paialyls, Spinal Difficulties, ' Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rnp ' tares, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. ' Also women troubled, with diseases peculiar to 1 their sex. . Speedy rettef and complete restoration try health guaranteed. These are the only: Electric, Appliances that have ever ' been const rueted upon scientific prin ciples,. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonderful access, mid they have the highest endorsements from medical and scien tific men, and from hundreds who have ' been j nick ly and radically cured b their use. . Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, glvin all information free. Address, VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Vica. Julyl8 Particular Hotioe. All the drawings will hereafter be under the ex clusive supervision and control of GENERALS G. T. BSAU&EGAitD and JUBAL A. EARLY. A SPLENDID OPPOETUNITT TO WIN A FORTUNE SECOND GRAND DISTRI . BUTION, CLASS B, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1882. Hist MONTHLY DRAWING. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature ior jsaucauonat and Charitable purposes with a capital of Sl.OOQ-000-to which a reserve fund of Sn50.000 has since been added. . B7 an overwhelming popular vote its franchise I was maue a part or tne present state Constitution adopted December 2d. A D. 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings Will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two 'Dollars Bach. Tickets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES: Half 1 Capital Prize 830.000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize 5,000 ; 2 Prizes of 82,500 5,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 6,000 20 Prizes of 500 10.000 100 Prizes of 100. 10,000 2UU razes 01 oU 10,000 500 Prizes of 20 10,000 1,000 Prizes of 10..... 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of S3 00 82,700 I 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1.800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to S 10,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensaUon will be paid. address. Send orders by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order bj mall, addressed only to SI. A. UAVram New Orleans, Louisiana, or M. A. DAUPHIN, at. No. 212 Broadway, New York. N. B. Orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt attention. pa to the fact that the entire'number ot the Tickets ior eacn Moothly Drawing is sold, and conse quently all the prizes ln.each drawing are sold and drawn and paid. Jan8 POPUXAB MONTHLY DRA-WtNG Of THE . In the Cltr of Loutsvllla, on TUESDAY, JANUARY Slst, 1882. These drawlmrs occur monthly (Sundays except- ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As- semDiy or aentuccy. The United states Circuit Court on March 81, rendered the following decisions: f 1st Tkat (he Commonwealth Distribution Com pany is legal. d itadrawina are fair. The Oompany has now on hand a large reserve and. Read the list of prizes for the January drawing. 1 Prize,. ... : 1 Prize,... 50,000 iaooo 6,000 10,000 iaooo ,lft,000 10,000 12,000 l Prize,.... ? 1Q Prizes, l,poo eacn. 1 zu razes, 500 each. 100 Prizes,; , 100 eactt,........,...i -200 Prizes, 50 eacn,. ....... 600 Prizes, 20 each,.:.,,.,,,,... lO.OUtf 0 Prizes, 300 each, Asewadmatlon Prizes S2.70C pnxes, 00 . ; 7J 9 Prizes, loo : " r" ; - .ia. V 1 1200 Whole Tickets. 82; Half TlcAeta, SI; 27 Tlekets, istb Kg Ticket, aioa Remit Money or Bank Draft tn .Letter, or send - by JSxpress. - DON'T bssd ox RKGISTSBBD LETTER OR P03TOFFICE ORDER. Orders of S5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex panse, aaaress au orders to - . -,- i B. If.' BOARDMAW,' CourieTJoumal Build Louisville, Ky, or 809 Broadway New York. - jan8 - - - : .. " H ard y & B rot h ers; fuitiMiteta 1828.) :COMliisSION MERCHANTS, , . .' i ; Foraaleojt ' ' ' ; . ; ' f COTTON, LUMBERv PEANUTS AND OTHER . , jfEBHANDISXV ' i'.'-.Tfrf -r And dealers In' PERUVIAN GUANO and other STANDARD FERTILIZERS. Hake liberal cash advances en consignments, 1 ATOmptsaiM ana quicK returns, v.( - 1 , . HARDTS 'WHARF, , nov25 8m ' ' - Norfolk, Va, 40 th. 1 Ksrtrt7R 1 irnijiikiiiiij 01 JUST11CEIYED, ANQTKER STOCK OF TH1T VERY POPULAR AlUWdol Black Inntiag, . . - it 15c per yard. Also, some new CORDS and TASSELS. ' We have delicate shades of BUNTINGS, for evening Dresses. We are still offering bargains in Wain Jackets Dolmans BLANKETS, AND- Efl7 - WOOEaSUT GOOD The newest and most seen in this market convinced that we v, 111 HARGRAVES SEED OATS ! SEEDIOATS SEED OATS CORN CORN CORN FLOUR 1 FLOUR! FLOUR ! BAGGING AND TIES "we are stents for THE WATT PLOW And wUI sell it lower than you can buy an otbe good plow Full assortment always on hand. ' - , call and see us before purchasing. 1 MAYER & ROSS. detZl .-' Cloaks iter? Dress Goods FLANNELS, durable Dress-Shield ever RUBBERS. Call and be Rive you bargain. Truly, & WILHELM. 5esnes--.Ti .'"fi.K.j.: . 1: C. C. D. A. -AND -THAT NORTH CAROLINA -HAS THE- LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. The MeSnilli Music Hob SELLS CHICKERING & SONS, KRANICH & BACH, MATHUSHEK, ARI0N, SOUTHERN GKM And other PIAN03. MASON & HAMLIN, SH0NINGEE, PKLODBET & CO., STERLING, AND OTHER ORGANS. THE ONLY HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICTLY First-Class Instruments. Ask me for prices If you want good work and you will never buy anything but the best. t3T Address or call on, II. McSMITII. IXiscjelXancous. GREAT GERM DESTROYER. BAKBY'S PROPHYIACTIC FLUID. PITTING OK SMALL POX Prevented. Ulsters purified and healed. Gangrene prevented and cured. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvey cured In short ima Tetter dried op. It is perfectly harmless. For aore T hroat it Is a sure cure. SMALLPOX ERADICATED. Contagion destroyed. Sick Rooms punned and made pieasan Fevered and Sick Per sons relieved and re ire8hed b y bathl g with Prophrlatlc flud added to the water. Soft White Complexions secured by its use In bathing. Impure Air made harm less ana punnea Dy sprinkling' Darby's Fluid about To Durirv the Breath. Cleanse the Teeth, It Cholera dlhslpated. - can t be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cursd Erysipelas cured. Bums relieved Instantly, scars orevented. bhtp Fever prevenieu oy Its Us In cases of death in the house. It should aiwys be used a out the corpse-It will prevent any unpleasant smell. An antidote for animal or Vegetable Poison, Stings, dec. Dangerous efflavtas ot. sick rooms and bospl ' tali removed by its use. Removes all unpleasant odors. SCARLET FEVER CURED. Yellow Ferer Eradicate , In fact it is the great Disinfectant and Purifier, PKXPAEED BT J. EL ZEILIN & CO, Manufacturing Chemists, 8)le Proprietors; deal- ' ld?f " r - . fit.; (L 'St . LW'i Everybody! Has Discovered SDIPTHERIA PREVENTED

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