LOUAL MATTERS. SUNDAY, JAK 15, 1882, HOME CHIPSETS. , SOCIETY DIRECTORY. MAaoisrio; ;:. -'.''-. mixAirx Lodo Na 81, a. . 4 a. M. -Regular meeting every second and lourtH Monday nights. Exoxlsiob Lonea No. 261, A. F. ft Ju M. Beg alar meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. Charlottb ' Chaptkb Na 89i BY 11 M. Begulat meeting every second and fourth Friday nights. CHAKLOTTX COMHAJiDAHT Na 2, K. T. BegnlSJ meeting every first and third Thursdays. OF DHL. K sights ot Honob. Begular meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. . HZ. OIF IP- -kstohts o Ptthias. Eegular meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock, p. m. atlla souic Temple Hall. X. O. O. 3T Chablottk LodgbJNo. 88. Meets every Mua 1ay night ' MXCKLKKBtTBO DECLARATION LODGB NO. 9. Meets every Tuesday night Dixi Lodoi No. 108. -Meets every Thursday night. Catawba Rivxr Encampment Na 21. Meets lrst and third Thursday nights in each month. index to New Advcrtiaeuwn - LeRoy Davidson Bojal Baking Powder.' Uargraves & wilhelm- Just Bccelved. s. vvhybiew To trrlaters. Prof. JuilaoO ticbultz -Musical. Walter Brem For Baie. FinnK Hnlder For Bent Opera House, January 18th Meeting of the Gour.od Club Tuesday night tgrihe stock of the. Baltimore and North Carolina mine was , quoted Fri day at 1.65. . , t - - ' ' i ; t"The law - gives one year for re demption to persons ' whose land was sold for the taxes of 1881. .The time ex pires i shortlyafter which the land will be sold by the county. ' ' - l tfTThe News-Observer says a pleas ant hop was given Thursday evening in Raleigh, complimentary to Miss Bella itosentnar and Mr. Henry Berwaoger, of this city, who are visiting friends in Raleigh. The Cliorcben ToDay. Young Man's Christiah Association Devo tional exeiclses In the afternoon at AM o'clock. St. Pktkb'8 Cathotjo Chubch. Services In the rooming at lOHfe o'clock, and In the afternoon at a o'clock, by Key. L. P. O'ConnelL St. Pktkb'8 Episcopal Chubch Services to the morning al l 1 o'clock, and in the evening at 7 o'clock, by Bev. J. B. Cheshire, Bector. Sunday school at 3Vi o'clock. Kibst Pbisbytebiih Chubch. Services In the mnrnini; at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 7 by Kev. Dr. A. W. Miller, pastor Sunday school at 8V o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing ai 7 OClOCK. ' fitroND Presbyterian Church. Services In th miirninir at 1 1 o'clock, find In the evening at 7 o'clock, by Bev. N. M Woods, pastor. 8unday School at 4 o'clock, j Trton Stbebt (M. E.) Chubch Services In the morning at 11 o'clock, and in the evening at 7 o'clock, by Bev. J. T. Bagwell, pastor. Sunday school at 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting at 7 yt Wed nesday evening. tat.vart Misrton Church fMiTHOMST.) Ser vices In the morning at 1 1 o'clock, and in the eveninir at 71 bv the nastor. Bev. J. W. Wheeler, Hnndar school at 9 a. m. Class Meeting at 4 p. m. Associate Reformed Prksbttkrian Chaptl. Fervices in the morning at 1 1 o'clock, and In the f venine at 7 br Kev. W. T. waller, pastor, oun- d;iy school at 0 o'clock. Colored Prksbttkrian Chubch. Services In the Hliernoon at a o'clock and In the evening at 7Wi by Bev. Mr. Wjche, pastor. Bund ay school at 1 1 o'clock a m. BUSINESS OTICE. your k, v,-,., , ..t,.,. .'uJiyr, JnlianX).chaltz. late professor institaitnrtfie new Cnatom ASuc-1 f $ew qyorlr Conservatorf of The annual supper giTeabytheGou- IJie repntatfon, will 'open a select class nod Club Friday night '&& the? Metro- J jL Wr knA instrnmental t music in politan Hotel in this ? dtytf thotigh Jtia Jharlottea 1p first entertainment of the kind attempt- teachers.. .As this gentlenian; comes edby the ciuVdeserves tatanjpromi- th the best xecommendations from nently with the .social events of the 0f country, we hare no city. .In response to limited number I doubt he will do well in Charlotte., He of invitations issued, quite a number, I .nnnnnflflment in this morn- DniflTFRv llllllhHW Kocaeaier, . i ater, Hot Amateurs, sead year name 7 : ' ... i in addition: to the inernbers of the club, gathered in the parlors of . the Metro ; poUUn, wWch had been secured for the j occasion, where a porUos of the even I ing was spent in social Intercourse, in I injrs Obssbyeb that will give Informa tion to those interested. Rot JUtlilf :PB0HULTZ, Lately Prefewor of tt Hew York amaervatory" of Muilo, win teach a selectolajsot . TOCJLL an4 IKSTH1JJLENTAL MUSIC BfOdal coarse for teachers. VSZESEF,Ml wferences. AddreM him at MeSmlUvs MusM Bouse. Janl5 lw ...... lipwtorCsarUM - : In the Superior Court Friday and' BTMr. Joe Solomons, who has been terspened yocal and Instrumental SWffiff .SSJ FOR SALE. can off dutv for Rftverai mnnt.hn nn iwnnf. I music bv members of the club and in- ONX POKT. v ilso, a good saddle horae Ci and see,' WALTXttBBXX. or a severe niness, win to-morrow re- i turn to Messsrs. Wittkowsky & Ba- ruch's, where he will have charge of the clothing department. dTThe time allowed by law to mer- j chants to take out privilege license has expired. In several counties indict ments have already been found for a failure to comply with this law, and it ! might be well for those who have not yet attended to this matter to do so at once. t tTThe Morganton Blade of the 7th reached this office yesterday 14th. Unless the paper came round by way of Texas it has traveled at the rate of about 17 miles a day, in view of which fact we would suggest that the editor might have his "devil" to go out afoot with his mail matter, as it; would "ex pedite" delivery. tSFThe practice of refusing mutila ted coin has only very recently taken effect in Baltimore. Charlotte wasone of the first places in the country to re fuse this class of money at face value, and the result was that nearly all the mutilated coin of the place was bought up at a reduced rate by speculators and taken to Atlanta and other places, where it was passed for full value. . "Griffith some time ago bought a patent rat trap for the jail, and though it gave him considerable trouble to get it paid for, it has done its work well The latest catch is reported to have been three large rats, and nine little ones about an inch or so long though the trap was not baited. He says he can account for the big rats getting caught without bait, but thelittle fellows how they got in is what pesters him. FOB RENT. importance was tsactedV jOne jury case; was tried Friday,.Daougherty ya. Sprinkle;:andXft' Terdict given for the j VMtArdav a decree W&i filed in tnO I I hr In mur nf n? maldence. Xach ymsroym. , i wusi in yuo, . itoui eonuoxHUHe w anrlur and others. This is an Old SUlt. 1 Possession Immediately. having been in court for a number of TssTt isl IBS jaaiS lw PBJLNX fiNTDXB. vited guests. The musical programme for the evening was made np of choice selections, which were; irenderwl: in a manner torreflect the ' highest credit t)n those taking part l feature of the evening's entertaininlkl. And Jie marked attention which1: was given du- rlnfirthA rftrirlAHno ;Ott fMTeral Dieces I years, t. ,m. a 2'aaLa ;m'nWfA I TABterdav being appeal day, the thefineeffecfcothe;music The fol- greater vart of the time was consumed lowing was the pogramme 0 hearing motions. . -ErnahiiEatrumentalea sUre vsted by by BUlemaMrs. levey apdMi An- Yesterday morning between mid nie Dewey. .1 - c ''' nfcrhhand dar the rear door of Mr. J, The Mexican Nightingale, by.TaOlo Duncan's grocery store on East Trade pQR SALE OR RENT. GOUNOD. tVHX Gotmod Ctab will hold an Important meet- X lng at the residence of Capt. John Wilkes, next Tuesday night, the 17th. -; , janxo it a. w. BAuva, w Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! A ro rnii inatirrtod at nlcrht and broken of rest by a sick child sufferiou and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? It so. KO at onw and get a bottle of MBS- WINSLOWS firviTmNn syrttp. It will relieve the poor little siifTorT immediately depend upon it : there Is no mkinitA Mhoiit. it There is not a mother on earth who has ever used It, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the n,th nnrl relief and hnnlth to the Child. ODerat- lug like magic It is perfectly safe to use In all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and la the pre scription of one of the oldest and best physicians and nurses lh the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. The ladles who sometime since were unable to go out, having taken Lydla K Plnkham's vegeta ble Compound are quite recovered, and have gone on their way rejoicing. Dr. C. W. Benson, of Baltimore, Md., prepares a skin cure that Is the best thing for skin diseases ever known. It cures eczema, tetter, ring worm and all rough and scaly skin diseases In the short est time. Sold by all drugst-U at $1 per pack age. To promote a vigorous growth of the hair, use Parker's Hair Balsam. It resto-es the youthful color to gray bair, remove dandruff, and cures tchlng cf the scalp. Tbe Two Orphan. Next Thursday flight, the 19lh, Miss Pauline Markham, supported by the Fifth Avenue Theatre Company, will appear at the Charlotte opera house in "The Two Orphans." The star is said to be very fine as Louise, while the sup port is first-class. Of Miss Markham and the play the New York Star says: "The feature of the evening, however, was Pauline Markh;im. Iler welcome the first night was an ovation, and, re ports to the contrary notwithstanding, she proved to be aa slatuesquely beau tiful and attractive as when she first appeared, to show us how good nature could be to a woman when it chose. Old a3 is "The Two Orphans," its pre sentation by Miss Markham and the Fifth Avenue Company, gave the best of satisfaction to a very large audience. Miss Markham, with her marvelous beauty of person, and a knowledge cf the stage learned by long experience, gives to Louise an unusually fine delineation. 03M Reltgiou. Noten. Rey.N. M. Woods, the pastor of the Second Presbyterian church.will preach his first sermon as pastor to that congre gation this morning, He will also oc cupy the pulpit this evening. Rev. Mr. Bagwell, the pastor of Tryon street Methodist church will preach this morning on "The causeless- ness or tno sinner s nawea w vuu. Absolutely Pure. Thl powder never varies. A marvel ol purity, strength and wholesomeness More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphatepowders. Sold only in C ani BOYAL BAKING POWDER CO., nov23 New York. LeHoy Davfdson. Sole Agent, Charlotte, N. C it Received AT TBE China -Palace Text: John 15, 25. At 1H P-m., on "The unfolding of the great mystery." Text: Eph. 3:9-11. No services at the Luthean church to-day. The Presiding Elder, Rev. M. L. Wood, will fill an official appointment at Calvary church to-day. The Concord' Circuit Methodists contemplates building a parsonage in that town. Chester Bulletin: Rev. G. D. Bern- heim, D. D., preached at tne iresDy terian church in Chester last Sunday morning and at the Methodist church at night Ilis sermons were splendid and were enjoyed by large and atten tive congregations. A protracted meeting iin progress at the Baptist church in Shelby. The newly consecrated Bishop for North Carolina, II. Pinckney Nor throp, will to-day be duly installed in his responsible office at St. Thomas' church, Wilmington. Quite a large number of clerevmen from other dio ceses are expected to be present on the occasion of tbe installation. It is un derstood, we believe, that Archbishop Gibbons will pfficiate in the installation ceremonies and that Bishop Keane will preach the sermon. Bishop Northrop will have bis residence in Wilmington. The following is an extract from the sermon delivered by Bishop Keane in Baltimore on the occasion of the conse cration of BishofrNorthrop : "It is with fear and trembling he (the bishop elect) accepts the high office to. which he has been raised, for he knows he must one Giorza Mrs. W, C. Morgan. Chiming Bells of ,Long Agri-quartet Messrs. Bl air, Myers, Bacon and Mc- Lauchlin. .....; Instrumental solo Galopr-lifcrs. Car penter. -. .: ? ir. ,, The Old Sexton bass solo Mr. O. W. Badger, At the conclusion of the musical ex ercises those present were invited to supper, which was spread in the large dining hall of thei ibotei. - Here" was found the crowning success of 4.he un dertaking, at the Jables presented an appearance that could only be given by the greatetcare, tate gad. labor, while the tnetow,-which we - we will ' hot at tempt to give, was such as to challenge criticism. The universal flew of good feeling throughout the entire party was the highest tribute that could possibly be paid to the repast. " ' Before leaving the dining. . bail Mr. Jo. Solomons, master of ceremonies, proposed several toasts, which were re sponded to as follows : ' "The Galaxy Club. ' . This toast was responded to at some length by Capt. Harrison Watts; president ef the Gal axy club. "The City of Charlotte.", Responded to by the editor of THE QpsEAVEju "The Ladiea of the Gounod Club." This toast was sung by several mem bers of the club, and as this was some what of an innovation on the regular order of toasting, the effect was electri cal to those who were not posted in the programme. - This toast was responded to in an appropriate and tasteful man ner by Mr. E. F. Young. The fourth and last toast was "The Gounod Club" which was responded to by Mr. A..W. Bacon, the president, in a few well-chosen remarks, in which he took occasion to state the object and aims of the club, and the mission it was designed to fulfill as an institution of Charlotte. " To the committee Of arrangement, Mrs. T.S. Clarkson, Miss Addie Wil liams and Mr. Jo. Solomons, much credit is due for the manner in which the en tertainment was conducted, and to Mrs. Clarkson and Miss Williams especially is the club indebted for that attention to detail which is so necessary for the success of such an undertaking, and which contribute so largely to its en joyment. There were forty active members of the Gounod Club present, and the re sult of their first attempt at an annual supper and entertainment must have been very gratifying to them, as it was to those who were so fortunate as to be their guests. The custom is well calcu lated to add much to the popularity of the club, and will aid materially in pla cing it on that high road to prosperity and permanency which it so richly de serves, and which its friends willejoice to see it occupy. , , . , A Six room house, with good yard and well of water, and a two room kitchen; ten minutes walk of the public sqra Apply to ' . WAL' aecsu a wire, TIB BKBK.tf COST! AT COST. HAVntJ JUST TAKEN --.ferT, v I JTIND I HAVE XKTIBSLT ' I Ea OT C EE ON HAlTb, AKb m ordxb to rxducs rx I will oxtxr until fubthxb nottcx, ALL GOODS UNRESERVEDLY AT COST. decSO lta - n street was forced by a 'thief, by the aid of a hatchet , and chisel. ,Xa reach the door it is necessary ; to go . through the lot In tear of Mr. Howell's store, from wlicn an alley leads to the door. Tne end of the alley is ployed .WiTrlgh board fence, under, which the- thief made an excavation nearly sufficient to allow a1 . passage of a? man's body but evidently fdr. iwant f time fair aban--doned this and tore a bdard,froin the fence. The door was not broken, and the Work, was evidently that of some one familiar with the premises! After gaining- admission; to- the -stow ' the. njbney drawer Wsis opened by the ccim btnation, where fifteen, cents. was found and taken. On opening , thesWr for business yesterday morning apiece of meat arid a-large bucket of eggs were found ttliigby the open doorand it is supposed; the thief was , frightened away before the articles could be got ten out. Thefdnly loss so far as known is the fifteen cents in cash,3 and as an offset to this the proprietor has a hatoh et; chisel and spade, whkh be is very desirous of returning to the-' owner. The tracks in the rear lot where the entrance was gained to the alley were mnfl aineiAn41v with ' d TfcJ OQ the impression of the -foot is clear and JQJJ, PRINTING HOUSES JOB PRINTING. BOOK BINDING. STEAM POWER. FAST PRESSES. GOOD WORKMEN. I In connection with the publication of Xhb Ob Sbbvbr, and the establishment of one of the larg est, most complete, and most thoroughly equipped -'KBlyJ B 1 B8 3 DAEINU POWDET3 MARRIED, On January 8rd, 1882, In Gaston county, by Bev. Abram wells, Mr. D. P. MeCord, of this county, to Miss Mattte B. Beatty, ot Gaston county. Life is short at most aad onr duty Is to prolong It Use, therefore, Dr. BuU's cough syrup for coughs, eolds, bronchitis, hoarseness, etc 8old everywhere. Price only 26e. s" HayesvOlhlo, Feb. 11. 1880. I am very flad to say I have tried Hop Bitters, and tiATAr took anvthin that did me as much rood. I only took two bottles and I would hot take SI 00 far the rood they did me. I reeom mAnd them to my paUeaU, aad pet the best re. suits from their use. C. B. Mkbckb, M. D. A WOULD Of GOOD. ' On of th moot notmlur mpdlcinefl now before tYi inMlMui mmUa.-Ia Ran Bittera. Ton see.lt everywhere-, JPeople take it with good effect. It builds them up. It is norts pleasant to the taste as some other Bitters,- as It is not a whiskey drink. It Is more like the old-fashioned boneset tea, that has done a world of good. If you don't feel Just right try Hop Bitters. --mmai new . -OPERA HOUSE.: Wednesday, January 18th, 1882. 1882 SEASON -1882. The original and only . NICK ROBERTS NEW rlUHPTY DUHPTY AHD EUROPEAN SPECIALTY TROUPE ! ! ! Tit the Sooth, the proprietor has Just added a cqnx piete . - BOOK BINDERY j :, ' ' AMD Ruling Department, Gamble of esacutms the very best class of work at ihoit notice. Old magazines, newspapers, law. or other books rebound In handsome style, and at very low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CTJBBXNT, And work of this class, ruled and bound to order We are prepared to furnish close estimates on every description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OT WOOD TYPE FOB POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get thel. DATES and POSTERS printed here in as attractive a manner as in New York. , . We have a very full supply ot type for prmtlng, at short notice and In first class style, KKIK1TH lull IHB BUflUUILBi wunx. And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments In stood shane will do well to give us a trial. We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work la as free from defects as It is possible to make it IS THE BEST. ILelEapy IDavn(iIlsim9 WHOLESALE AGENT. THE LARGEST, BIST and MOST COMPLETE COMPANY XTEB OBQANKKD. : Urider the personaldirection of An Onne of PrTnt' - While almost every town and city in the surronnding country is taking ac tive steps towards guarding against amall-noT. from what can be learned I Mr. N. D. BOBEBTS,....;.i-Prop,r and Manager. rharirita la rtnlni? eomDarativelv noth- ing in this direction. The mayor states 3-THREE' CLOWNS'3 that he has done all in his power in ine LETTER HEADS, Statements, oroer isooKi, ViaUlBg Cards, Ball Cards, Pamphlets matter, and the remainder rests with the citizens. Those not able to pay for being vaccinated will be accommodate froo nf pharoB. but there seems to be little inclination among this class, or among the better class, to do anything in the premises. It is an entirely, dis cretionary matter, and one which may possibly prove of the c;reate"st -importance to our citizens. Greensboro1 hai made it a compulsory duty, Durham and Raleigh are moving in the matter and it is said that the citizens of At' lanta are being vaccinated atthe rate of onehnndred.per day: Charlotte is fully as much exposed to the disease as either of the places named, but her peo ple appear not to realize this fact., Tbe Great GBIMALDX. The Only f DBOUIO. POPULAK PRICEa TbsCOmteal PEDBO. 8SAJ3 SECTJBED AT USUAL PLACEA KICKBOBZBTS' SILVER COBSEX and 0PE2A - ' QBCHBSTBA: ; , ' ; "''i ' -''.i j.S. OACSMAN, ' ' lanl5: .' . Bnsmeea Agent -OF Correct) to bo Sure. j ' The Charlotte OBSEBVEB.speaiuiktpf the Rev. E. J. Meynardie;D. p., liteon? nection with a professorship id tne day stand before the Prince of Pastors ea" bfilWant, . i i n.A UA mill Via nsVprl as I t&a Vnnor that. Tlr.MfiVnar- lOr JUUgUiUUL, UU UD " " I Uvvwubvt', ugauvn . . , - .t . . .n,,1a nnn. I (a o man nf lnttwrS. OT One 01 IDB uucu w " ' I correct r Christ so zealously looks after, Oh we J peepee;Bie. will pray that his ministrations may u . nuestion' fOr to- abundantly successful. Ve win pray , WQn)tist taf .that'the SJmbII that the example of the Saviour .ma, ifonnw be ever before him, and may tne pov ; r - l , A LOT OF ELEGAXT fcCITABLE FOB nrttr ' and hard work that must make - ' ' , ud his life have in it tne consoiauuu k " L' ;uu' souls saved to fill neaxen wim juj. May Jesus use him for boundless gooa-: for the welfare of souls and the glory of Almighty God; May tne invine Master, who to-day places the mitre on his brow, welcome him in the kingdom of heaven, and change bia mitre into .a The Landmark says nev.u. rw xiu that icrnorance has been snown.w would suggest a reference;.; rtq French dictionary, or tfn Weteter unabridged before iskn such ques tions, as a safeguard against displaying that iirnorance which he evidently? would rebuke in others. ? , r- ? cx)MPLiCATiosa. 'it the' thousands lhat now Bave 9 . ."(;.4 ir test ana oomf ort destroyed by complication f Uver and ktte&ints.wmldt nrA i rviai inHT wuuiu uv owmna vwmjw n acts on dvui ZZ.., Tf,' tlT miff illV VU V W - lame back and dtsordOred kidneys VEDDIBG.PRESEIIT I Statesville, gave his flock a' word of re-1 J'ompieteiy -, monstrance, irx last Sunday ug w KTRflT 7m ??d ee drmkers should !EK! i - t : ' ' - .Lont I i vuwvy ...jj iuvi RifTM" ' ; . I unnttlftr COlUma UOttUOU uw wuw, OPERA HOUSE. Ol)E NiGHt OltLY 1 BILL HEADS, ,feedfc : . ueceipt JbooKs, Business Cards, . ? . . - Programmes Mafristrates' and Court Blanks ! In fact, ah kinds of prating done at short notice Special attention given to BaUroad Printing. NOTEi HEADS, Circulars, I , : Envelopes, : - HandDUis. invll We Pay Special Mention I TO THE RETAIL TRADE And have a large and well selected Btcck adopted for this -BRANCH OF OUR BUSINESS,-- To which we give our personal attention. We have received a full supply of SQUIBBS' MEDICINES, Which for purity and excellence cannot be ?nas'ed. for pre scrlpiion purposes, and will be used exclusively for this trade. ET- CALLS ANSWEBED AT ALL H0UBS OF THE NIGHT BY IXPEBIENCID CLEBKS. -tt WILSON k BURWELL, Trade Street. .f: THE FAMOUS NIW JOWSL .'.'it. -' ,. :'. ..r.i;,.'l f - fMVk 1 tr a it n A T Altl'Mfll n V -aoppoi&ng uie'dlEsied s, : . l E Labels 13- SATISTACTION GUABANTEED. Jt ; BQOK WORK' Having a larger snpply of trpe than, most Job es tablishments, BOOK WOBK has been and will eonOnuelo be a specialty with us. mm MA Address !- P.XXBOX182. THE 0BSEBVEBJi ; Cbarlotte,N.C.: In (he moit otjular plai of jtit piesent oentnTy, ',.v .tlfj tutu j mm, , j. INTHUSIAbtlCALLT GBEITED BICBOWDID OAST TO' THB'FULL BTBEUeTH 0 THE TCOKPAirXINAlCEBICA..!'; - 'r-'iww--r ftia.f-m ..;;yr. ni: rvBeserved seats SI J admission 75c and GOc Reserved seats on saleat the usual places. FARM FOR SALE. , t wm sail ww (inn MmtaJnbiff 127 aeres. lrmc X iom miles north of Charlotte, cheap to dob i mm nnrrhajwr. un tne nremises is Ing with five room, good wett, bam nd other omv kniuim, .a,ut tiimiwi in fjiouw xniit trees. - . m, tamt I. .viuttAd ta enttoo. vara, wheat, oats. lie.', and some, fine specimens of gold ore have won muas nam ihi ;"" the plantation.. v C ; ' a O. HTJHTEB.;- IF YGU STEEL PEH A riUXY GOOD Ask your Etati or send 5 cents in stamj box-coti ins two -..A)6mL ' I 1 4r 7 J wmzjy. sot NICKEL, AND GILT,; Assorted Pat- torn?, in a i.M-nei- vlated Hatch lios. r ell Btatloners. 1 'AGE5TS, KlTW YOBK. dec83 FOR rpHl ftotae and lot oa .Brtreetr f opnerly ooco- X pled Appu to janiatf edbj Thos. J. Bprtokttv to Kt iatan or semV - t Agenth m ma SNT h AVlD.LAf :DRTH &S0).3 PH NOTICE. TTATINO Qualified as Executor of the Will of M lata Mr. firiawsM Beuderson.1 notify all persons having claims against her estate to pre AntthA mtno to me within one year rrom una a2LT7 B. B. COCHRAN JC, Exeentor ol Grisnrald Jcienaerson. Hovember7th,18W. Bovll 8W ' declO.weowly TREES "B DELIVERY. TiMi am now nadv for delivery, opposite ill: Kt. alien Croose's resWeoce, on Tryon street between 5th aad 6tn. A fine totot Trees, Plants, KiMMrs and flower Seed on band for sale. Any- tning In my line furalsbed on short notice. P JUST GOTO ERY'S and see what CHOICE FITS He has for New Yeu Dinnen,Cand now very cheap be Is telling Toys and Fancy -FOR NEW YEAR'S PPE3ENTS.-decSl In anotner coiuiuH uww ; - 7' 7 anlO

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