l - 4 SooR ana go grtuttwa SVKtiORTPTlOJf RAT Kilt ' jytfv,orticar,pot-i)aid,indJKmoe.,. ...... 88 00 pixmontfi ......... 4.00 Three moxtt!.... ' 2.00 THX OBSZ&YXB JOB DXPIBTUZST Haa been thoronghly repplled wttli wery needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and eveiy manner of Job Printing caa now be done wltu neatness, dlspatea and cheapness. We can for nUh at snort notleflv BLINKS, BTLL-HIADS, ' - LSTTKB-HIADS,C1BJ)3, TAGS, BTCHPTa, F0STEB3, PROQltUaraS, HA1TDBILLS. I v morUh 7 WVEKLI BDtTTOW: ffeeldv (p) IA owny). in mUcmm. ...2.00 Outt)wrfy, fwtiw'. 2.10 jx mowift. ......... .. ...... .. 1.0S li&erat RxkutionOr Chit. YOL. XXVII. NO. 4,002. PAMPHLBTS. CmCULABS, CHKCK3,4o. S 8 2 I H Stxjts aii fi Allocs -:u: :o: Lyons' Patent Metallic Stifleners PREVENTS Boots aidSEioes "FROM- RUNNING OVER, Wearing off at the Sides or Ripping IN THE SEAMS. Johnson's Silk and Felt Iasolts PREVENTS RHEUMATIC CBA.MP, COLD FEET, BUNNIOKS AND CHTLBTjAINS. PEGRAM & CO., SOLE AGENTS. janl fgtiStZllVLUZOVLB. 'fr .-it?;? TO THIB I Oiva. HEALTH1. irir..ii.n Tmii. litenflvA end fJluretio." ""Used with' great benefifrln lialaila and Dlph- ViaHo a V rhinnA 'ML D.. QB. ' "SuccesBfully used In dyspepsia, chronic dl ar- rhni anil rnfula." KOL D. jaCKSOU, MX. u., TTrtle Dain TnvftlimhlA AH A nAnrOQfl tOlllC." HOT. L U VAfnlo Venn , i health." T. C. Mercer, M. D.. Ind. . Adaoted in chronle diarrhOBa, scroruia, and dyspepsia." Geo. T. Harrison, M. v., . x. "Successful in diphtheria and neuralgia. vt j r J.P- 'Excellent for certain diseases rjeeullaf to wo- mfn."-Prot J.J. Moorman, jl . v.. ya. "Prompt In reljevlnf headache, sick and ner- United to bwnohWs and diseases ,of digestif , orrana'W. t. Houghton, aMostTaluable remedf knownfor female dls-eases'-Jna P. Metteaur. M. D . L. P-'... "Of great curative Tlruie.- Tho. P. Bumlold, "Beneficial in uterine WPJS? ; i ... . m a u Vail 1 TV. Onto. . - smooth, clear soft aad rosy." Miss t,of B.U "The prince of mineral toniee. traaels GO Sttmawe m. tonie A attwatiTe."-:m j ter Mebulre, M. D.f Va. rv :. . ; : "Fine appetiser and blood purlfletB--H. luner. "Verr Deneflrtal to Iniprovmg a ledoeed sys tem." Bishop Beekwlth. ml Oa. ' - tlIi,i.p-- Johii Hannon. U oll.now ! Wfhd,yv "Has real merit. "--outhm nea. wunia. Water74 V easeTTMass and Pills. 85, 80 78 wjii w. sent pOBtrVOiu uwuo.. - . - avoer Summer season of Springs begins 1st June. 3o v month. Address - " .. ...i-. A. M. JJAVLBJ, rrer vi 78 Main St, Lynehburg. V - . MILD BY Yitr.uixuti WILSON ft BUB WELL, J.a MeADEN, and L. B. WRISZON CO.. mar27 - , CbadDttfttKC;' Aram sCa ua TO DAY ALL- WILL- BE BOLD AT GREAT SACRIFICE, TO UAEB BOOM TOR SPRING PURCHASES. We Mean Every Word of This AND Only Ask an Inspection to Convince Yon. T. L Sciglc & Co. Neuralgia, Sprains, . Pain in the .Back and Side. There la nothing more painful than these diseases; bat the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. This remedy la not & ehean Benzlna or Petroleum product that must be kept away from fire or heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor Is it an untried experi ment that may do more harm than good. Pain Killer has been In constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world Is, It never f al Is. It not only effects a permanent cure. bat It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, It Is sale In the hands of the most Inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Pais illxr would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried It think: Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn., say?: auoui b year since my mie Became soojeci to severe suffering from rhsnmstism. Our resort was to the Pam Krem, which speedfly ralievad hm Charlcs Powell -writes from the Bailors' noma, Lonaon: I had bean afflicted fhreeyaszs wlfh neuralgia and Tiolent spasms of the stomach. The doctors at Westminster Hospital gave tip my ease in despair. I tried yonr Paik Ktt.t.kh, and it gave ma munecuaie reuoi. x nave regained mi strengui, ana am now ante to xouow my i ooouDanon. G. H. Walworth. Saco, Me., writes : I experienced immediate relief from pain in the side by the nee of yonr Pact Kii.t.sb, E. York says: I have used your Paw Kxltxr f or rheumatism, and have received great benefit Barton Seaman says : Have used Past Kn.T.w for thirty years, and have found it a ner-fiUng remedy for rheumatism and lameness. Mr. Burditt writes: It wMrAili tqgive relief in cases of rheumatism. Phll.Qllbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : From actual use, I know your Pact Fp ' t Is the best medicine I can get. AH druggists keep Pais Killxk. Its price Is so low that It Is within the reach of all, and it Trttt save many times its cost in doctors bffla 5-50.and SX.0O a botOet PERRY. DAVIS SON, PropHeton, ProvlfecncG, R. I. septd&w septaoet ..: r INDORSED BY ; PHYSICIANS, CLERuYMtrl, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YWPT0M8OF A TORPID LIVER. TaanremtitHtin.TO'anMa.bawahi eoitlve. Pam in tb.eHead.with a dull sensation in the baex part. Pain under the shoulder-. riliuie. fullness after eatins. r.withadlsln- clinatlon to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low spirits. Xjosa of memory, wun a leeurtg oi narimt uef lected some duty, weariness, Dizxiness, lected some duty, weariness, Pteaineea. VTnt&irtnanf tne Heart. Dote before the eves. Yellow skin. Headache, Bestless- neu at nifiHt. highly colored Urine. XTTEmWASHIHGSlBIXrirHZIDZB, SERIOUS DISEASES Will SOON Be DEVELOPED. TUTT'8 PILLS are especially auapteu to suen easea.one dose eneets suenacnangra Tl.7 teweMeibe Appeilte, wim tt TUTT'S HAIR DYE. ri.'.irn.n.wiin m hanraf to a OLOSST Black by a single application of this Tra. It imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. .Soil biSrwgeiits J Mnt by express on receipt of f 1. OfftaStf 3 Murray SU Hew York. af Bt TTTr BUSrAb sf VehJaMe IafSraattaa sas k . WOwart Bmalssi wtB be auU fBXi easHtett ff nby439deodtrl manV of the best .: JnM kaowa are convl bined in Parkers winger I Tonitvinto a medicine I of such varied dowws, as I T - to. make it the greatest I Ttlivwl Ptmfiar and the I BestHoalth AStrearthl ' Bsiterr Ever Used. I -J ft cures Kheamatma, I Seeplestness, & diseaeul - ef the Stsaach,- Bowdi,! lAmgvIiverft Kidneys,! Parker's flair 4 JQHU1MU WMH 1 "" . . CX. V. I HI Mm fTluk lmn.twinnd bucket. - The rnoas-coverea oacan, . That hung in the well. - - . rrrifl. R. JONES. - Charlotte, N.C Bole Agent fjber&l terms to deaiera, CeiUyttwaod ef tobaeee tacwn tATb. almost bv its dodrs, Mid WU1 give COm! mVommmmJmj Wlfg&W HT oidenfeocaet - p peUtionJto freights.rv r . Brunswick, :iii :r .: I T'ha ffn minain MississiD ftrom .-DOWPSEND BT REaLSTXRgD PATIEKTCE. BOBBXS WALLTJiacB. Behold how patiently the year -Awaits the coming of the spring! Through frosty winter, chill and drear, We feel the days are drawing near To set the trees a bloaseming. . And in the bitter pinch of old, --' We know that June, with rosy glee, Agam high carnival win hold, , And scatter wide the green and gold Of Nature's lavish ebarUy Why should we then.at heart repine, - Though tempests overflow the sky? Since summer suns again win shine And bring the scarlet columbine . ; The palaee of the butterfly? Life has Its winters, cold aa those That drop their mantles on the plain. But through the failing of the snows; . We rive la memory of the rose And trust that it will bloom again. With Time's long patience let us bear : . The chill of grief, life's sere distress, "Since hope outlives the darkest care. And In the springtide we shall wear Again the flower ef happiness. THE MILLS TO THE COTTON RAPID PROGRESS OF THE CHARLESTON FACTORY. Good and Economical TToikTbe iHlU to be Ready for tbo Next Crop- i Charleston News and Ceurler. ' There is a proverb amonp- mill men which savs that once a mill reaches its first story the work of building is more than half done. The truth of this is ex emplified in the rapidity with whieh the work , on the new mill of the Charleston Manufacturing Company is progressurg, : ,; , ... rne ions iana laoonous wora: or fil ing has ben completed and the, first stories of .the main building and picker room axe hot only completed ' but " the walls are rapidly reacmng up aooye tne Becdnd story.' The first floor f of which so much piling was deemed necessary is eleven ieew in tue ciear atuiu utxr iu ceiling. The ceiling is supported by three xaws. nl . massive umDer -puiars twenty-six in each row an eatHSHplIFar fourteen inches square, j These rest up on bases of brick built upon concrete foundations and support , twenty-six huge timber girders fourteen by sixteen inches, which run across the room from east to west, and which are firmly fas tened by iron stauncheons and bolts. On these are are laid the floors for the second story of the building, two in number. The under floor consists of a well seasoned four inch plank, on top of which will be laid a transverse noor or one and one quarter inch plank. The material xisea in me construc tion of the building has been selected with care, and is the very best that can be procured. The cost of handling is diminished to the lowes figures by -reason of the facil ities which the site of tue new lactory possesses. A side track runs out from the main track of the Northeastern and Charleston and Savannah roads. This is within a stone's throw of the facto roy and the intervening marsh be tween the main track has all been con verted into terra firma. The material is unloaded from the train and worked up in the work yard thus made by fill ing up the marsh. As has been stated, the work on the Charleston Cotton Mill may be consid ered as over half finished, the most dif ficult and tedious portion having been completed, and the question or a man ufactory of cotton within sight of the fleecy fields, and within Yiew of the ocean, will be solved at a very early . e. . .' a . ! . The building, it is tnougnc, win nave the roof on it by the first of October next, and by the time the crop of 1882 reaches the market tne Dusy songoi tne spindle will be heard abroad in the land. A NEW ENTERPRISE AT AT.UAJNTA WHAT IS EXPECTED TO COME OF THE PURCHASE OF THE EXHIBITION BUILDINGS STEAM CHEAPER THAN WATER. In an interview with a reporter for the Atlanta Constitution, the purchas ers of the Exhibition buildings state that they propose to organized new factory if the proper arrangements can be made. Mr. H. L. Richards, one of the purchasers, says : There are twentv-nve men reaoy now to organize a joint stock company of a halt million dollars capital to com mence manufacturing in these buil dings. The land on which the build- inga stand in ugietnorpe pars, ueionga to the city of Atlanta. Before we in vest any more money in machinery we will have to make some arrangements with the city for the land on which the buildings inside the park stand." Mr. Richard inters, a wen Known I capitalist, is reported assaying: . wl Will SUDSCriDO to a cotton iacwry, with such men as Rice and Richards, and it will do more for Atlanta to get nnftfactorv. such as vou speak about than anything thatcan be done." "It has been oemonsirateu, saiu ax. Peters, "that steam, where coal , can be had for three dollars per ton, is cheaper than water power. We have the heal thiest climate in the soutn.and weoniy need to start the ball and Atlanta will have one hundred thousand inhabitants in less than ten years." Mr. IT. T. Tnman. another capitalist, said that he was willing to join a good company if proper titles could be ob tained lor tne iana in ugiemurpc jraia, but that he was not willing to invest money in machinery and take a lease. I told a man. said JVir. loman, . a month nan. that T would raise 60 per cent, of the stock for a good cotton fac tory here. We must demonstrate what - . , . 9 ee i . afl..3 we have been saying, ne couunueu, -that there is money in manufacturing in the South. If we wait for others to come here and do it it will never be done. We want cotton factories, cotton-seed mills, plough factories, and all kinds of factories, that will increase our population and? add to the value or. every dollar s worm o property in city. ANOTHER MILL IN MISSISSIPPI. Col. Walters. Gordon, of Alabama, one or tne -projectors oi meuoorgia Pacific Railroad, has purchased the Stansbury cotton mills, located at Car rol ton, Mississippi. The papers! were all signed at Carrelton on Wednesday, the 4th instant, and Colonel Gordon paid the purchase money cash.1 The property is saiu u do one oi iuoi xuuob valuable in the South.- The building is amsumificefiE brick structure, built Up on the modern plan, and it is said that if the machinery was . moved out a regiment of men could, be onueo in tne main room. There are two powerful Corliss engines and a large lot of ma ehinerv in the building. The building and machinery originally cost 8210,000. The Georgia Pacific Railroad wilMn rt roved bonanzas for the owners. The one at Wesson pays 26 per-eent. m l dends, and the stock is worth over 800, I Those a Enterprise and .Natcheg are said to pay as weiK une go won s lacvo- menseiy prontawe, ana tne -ssocx in them, as almost a tmiversal islei Is away above par; i TJus.iset unnatural, either wherethe-oattoh is TCo4ucedis tba proper . piacw to raanuiacjrarej ir Enough cotton, is made near.CjUTOUtoxi to suDnly .the stansbury mills, arid sales for the: manufactured fabrics aa be made without going outrOf jthe tate. :'"'THb cWEROSFliMliVL&( : The YorkviUft , & 'ClEhduirer; says: vv e were Dieaseu to receive a chuou Tuesday from J. AVDeaVEsq-t one of the stockholders in the Cher okeeTalls , Manufacturing , Compahj,' on' Broad River3ear . Black's: Station.,-in'-this county. 7 Mr., Deal .reports. Yry patis- tactory progress witn, rtnis .enterprise. are now f putfihg xln.; the ; tnachihery, and, with no untoward delays wjll be in full operation in from four to six weeks; This rnUI will start withooa spindlesi which will afterwards be increased to 4g000, floor room haying been, brovided for that number, and it Is also contem plated to add looms to the spinning ca pacity of the milL , : . : THE ROCK HLLL ANT) FORT MILL FACTO" RIES. The Rock Hill Herald says a factory Wltn B Capital StOCg: OI COU.VWia oemg axitatea at n ort miu, x ors county. At ia saiu vuo matter is receivms tuo buti- ous attention of men who, if they . put their shoulders to the wheel, have the money and vim to bring the enterprise into existence. r It is stated by the Chester Bulletin that another factory is to be built in Rock Hill, adjoining the present - one. A large part of the stock has been sub scribed by Northern capitalists. BUBIEDGOLD, A Straight sttory Thro Feather their Neet The Rrotber Treasure ' Hidden tn Oconee. Charleston News and Cou ler. v Columbia-! an, lal The following in teresting story about the Confederate gold; has j ust been related to me by al prominent and thoroughly reliable gen tleman or oconee county wno is now in Columbia: Mr. William Dickson, who lived in Oconee county at the close of the war, and who subsequently moved to Dalton, Ua, where he died two or three years ago, gave to a prominent citizen of Pickens county, shortly after the war, some very interesting facts about the disposition of a large amount of the Confederato treasure which has recent ly been so much discussed through the press of the country. Mr. Dickson informed the gentleman to whom 1 nave referred tnat within a few days after the capture of Mr. Da vis by thePedral troops, three brothers by the name of Rogers who belonged to Wheeler s calvary came to his bouse on horseback with as much of the treas ure as they could carry on their horses. What amount he did not know, but they employed him to go with his team to Washington. Ga., where they had buried more of the treasure, and bring it to their house near Mr. Dickson's in Oconee county, then Pickens district. He stated that he proceeded to Wash ington. Ga- with the Rogers brothers. where they loaded his wagon with, as they stated, one hundred thousand dol lars, and he retnrned with -them to Oconee county. They then employed him to carry their treasure to Atlanta, where they took the tram and went to Mexico. They also stated to Mr. Dickson that they had buried a considerable amount of the treasury near their house in Oc onee county and the gentleman from whom I get this information informs me that it was generally said in the neighborhood that the treasure was so disposed of, and that he himself had seen parties searching for the buried treasure. The father of the Roger brothers came to Oconee during the war; purchased a tract of land and paid about one-half of the amount nenad promised, but the family, crave ud the place, carried only a few articles of fur-1 i ! X it s T ALf mturo wub tueui, anu iciu every uiiug else in the house without making any disposition whatever ox any or it. It would now be in orderf or the Leg islature direct a thorough investiga tion of this matter, and to provide for the development of the hidden mines where the Confederate gold . has been buried. J. C. H. STATE NEW Durham Recorder :Tnere was a case of small pox reported in Durham Jast Hunaay, out on examinauon ,oy xne physicians it was pronounced measles. Iiaurenburg Enterprise :We regret to learn that Mrs. Dickson, o. Shelby, the beloved aunt of Mrs. Willie Bobbins of this town, ' and a former; resident of Wilmington, was recently, prostrated from a stroke of baralvsls.' which im paired her left side and affected l her speech. Her condition at last accounts was precarious. Wilminzton Review: A few isolated cases of pinkeye, the ne w horde disease, are said to have appeared in this city. We are sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Rudolph F. Eyden, which occurred suddenly in this city last evening. Mr. Eyden was struck with appoplexyat about 6 o'clock and died at 12, without having had one ray of consciousness during that interval. Alamance Gleaner: We are pained to announce the death of Clem. C. Curtis, which occurred last Thursday. Miss Lula, daughter of Jas. H. Holt, has been sick several days, and is now lying at the point of death. Dr. C, T, Murphy of Sampson county died at his home in Clinton on toe night of the 8th, inst, aged 60 years. He was a beloved and highly esteemed gentleman, and took a prominent part in the pontics ox nis state. Wilmington Star: The body of an unknown colored man was floating in the ri ver yesterday, by a colored : man named Simon Ashe, and towed into Messrs. Hall & Morton's dock. It is supposed to be the body of a colored mariTenorted drowned off a raft a week or two ago. The remains will be inter red this moiniDg at the expense of the county. - -. - 7'Baleigh' Kews and Observer: Gov. Jarvifl has ordered a' SDeciat term of Madison Superior Court, to bftjrin Feb. SO. No Judge has as yet been assigned to hold it - Yesterday the followinir sheriffs set- fciAri their taxed due bv their resnective counties to the State t' Geo. W. Blount administrator or Knens hi. wm sUad, Wilson, t9Ml 86; JV W. Hampr Rowan, $W163; John JL Hughes, Orange, 95J520 2.y'A'nus far tnis r year f nrtv-f onr shenirs have settled. ; i ilfo Small tTxrx itt.'3aleig as falsely reponeay nor m. uu juouMi....-.!:. OITTn CAROLINA ITEBIS. Spartanbure Herald : A meetlnjr of uio oirectora or tne SDarianuursr. jau- rens and Greenwood Railroad is called for next Thursday, 19th of this month, asjiiren3j. ii..v , . . , Dr. G, W, , Hemitsh. vaccinated c any patients last? Monday, lie . wast sept busy the wHole d ay, with, scarciBly: u moments intermission.; v . - Denutv Sheriff Holt savs there has been issued from the his office during uutB.yaseyear aoout iu lien waixaats . 1. ..a. 1 a. s a ii - . a.. more man the sum oi those issued the preceding years since the lien law has beenin force Winnsboro News and Herald: Mr. John Roland died at the residence of Mr. John Entzminger on the 13th inst. at the advanced jage of 84 years. He was well known to the older citizens of Fairfield eounty. ' - Mr. Walter Holly, son of Mr, K. B. Polly, who was. injured on the Spartan burg and Union ' Railroad a short time ago.has had his leg amputated; below the knee, and is now doing well. We join his friends in wishing him a speedy recovery. '- . " 1 ' I SS S ' t l. Coffee drinkers ahnnid read the advArfJiwnnif m another column headed 'Good CoOee." FADED OR GRAY HAIR gradnauy recorers its I youthful eolor and lnatm bv the nsa nf Partcnr's i jeumt j Balsam, an eleeant dreaaln.'iiui mired for its purity and rlefi perfume. 30 DAYS TRIAL rr Jim it,iB:8 WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, Electro -Voltaic Appliances suffering from KervonsWeaknesses, Gen era! .Debility, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resultin g from Abuses and Omar. Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back. Rup tures, and . other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also woken troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. Soecdv relief and comnlete restnratfon to health guaranteed. These are the only Electric Appliances that nave ever been constructed nnon scientific nrln. ciples. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonderful snccess, and they have the highest endorsements from medical and scien tific men, and from hundreds who have been qniekly and radically cared b their use. 8end at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, glvinr aU information free. Address, VOLTAIC BELT CP., Xarshan, Xich. July 18 Srjttjertes. Particular Notice. All the drawings will hereafter he rmiinr the ex clusive supervision and control of GENERALS 6. T. BXACRXGAU) and JDBAL A. KARLY. A SPLENDID OPPOETUITITT TO WIN A FORTUNE 8ECOND GRAND DISTRI BUTION, CLASS B, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1882. Hist MONTHLY DRAWING. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature lor jsaucaaonai and Charitable purposes with a capital of 81,000.000 to which a reserve runa oi wu,uuu nas since been auuea By an overwhelming popular - vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawlmrs Will take place monthly. n never scales or postpone, imx at tne follow Ingdlstributionr ; CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,00a 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars Each. Half . Tickets, one uouar. LIST OF FRIZES 1 Canltal Prize .930,000 1 Capita Prize.. 1U.UUO re , i capaai nt. 6,000 2 Prizes ot 82,500. 5,000 6 Prizes of 1.000 6,000 20 Prizes of 160 Prizes (X 200Prtzea of 500 Prizes of 600 10,000 ioa 1000 60... 10.000 20 10,000 10 10.000 1,000 Prizes of , APlXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approilmailen Prizes of 8300 S2.700 fl Approximation Prizes of 200. 1.800 9 ApproxlmaUoB Prizes of ' 100 000 1857 .Prizes, atntanting to 8110,400 ReeDensrule corresDondlnsr aeents wanted at all points, to wnorn uoerai compensation wiu be para. If or further lnffermatloa. write clearly. Kivlns full address. Pend orders by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mati,- addressed only to XL A 1A UrUIN, New Orleans. La orM. A. DAUPHIN, idi UL saiie street, Chicago, ins., The New York ofa.'e is removed to Chicago, N. B. Orders addressed to' New Orleans will re ceive prompt attention. The particular attention of tha Pabllc is called to the fact that the entire number ot the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing is sold, and conse quently all the prizes la each drawing are sold and drawn ana paia. sn8 T 40 th. POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWLNO OF THR m the City of LotdsvOie. on TUESDAY, JANU ABY 31st, 1882. ThNw drnwtnffs nocnr monthlv (Sundays exceDt- ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky. The United states Circuit Court on Marea 81 rarulanwi the foDowlnar deeislona: .' 1st That the Common wealth Distribution Com pany Is legal. Aa lis arawunrs are nur. The Company has now on hand a large reserve tond. Bead the nst of prizes for tne . JANUARY DBAWTN6. 1 Prise,. 880.000 10,000 1 Prize. 6.UUU 10,000 10,000 10 Prizes, $1,000 each... 20 Prizes, 600 each,... 100 Frizes, . 100 each,... 2O0 Prizes, - 60 eaclw.. 600 Prizes. 20 each.., 10,i 10,i 12. tnnn Prizes. ' 10 each... IO.i 9 Prizes. S300 each. Approximation Prizes 82,7 OPrlaa SOO "t . , . i X w razee, ioU i" . " w 1,960 Prizes... 811200 85 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Aoareea au oruers vo . " -.i B. M. BOARDMAN, Ownlerournal ; Band ' i Loalsvaie, Xy or 809 Broadway, New York. JanS - jPSIiECEIfE, ; WWbol liacl: Banting, At 15b per yard." Also, some new CORDS and TASSELS. We have dellcatersnades oi BUNTWOa, for erenlnz Dresses. We are still cljaring bargains in Ming Jackets, Dolmaos, BLANKETS, -AND- The newest and most seen In this market convinced that we will HARGRAVES SEED OATS ! SEEDIOATS SEED OATS ! CORN ! CORN ! CORN FLOUR ! FLOUR! FLOUR BAGGING AND TIES We are agents for THE WATT PLOW And win seU it lower , than, you can buy an othe ' good plow. Full assortment alwaja on hand. . Call and fee' us before purchasing. MAYER & ROSS. 4ee24- OoakSj Mm, Dress Goois, FLANNELS, d rable Dresa-Shleld ever RDBBKB8. Call and be Rive you bargains. Truly, & WILHELM. C. C. D. A. -AND THAT- NOETH CAROLINA -HAS THE- LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. He McSmith Music House SELLS- CHICKKRINa & EONS, KRANICH & BACH, MATHUSHEK, ARION, SOUTHERN GKM And other PIAN03. MASON & HAMLIN, 6H0NINGER, PSLODBET & CO., STERLING, AND OTHER ORGANS. THE ONLY HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICTLY First-Class Instruments. Ask me for prices If yen want good work and you will never buy anything but the best. Address or call on, II. McSMITII. GREAT GERM DESTROYER. PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. PITTING OK1 8MAL POX Prevented. Ulsters purified and healed. Gangrene prevented and cured. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. 8curvey cured in abort Tme. Tetter dried up. It is perfectly harmless. For -ore Throat it is a sure cure SMALL POX ERADICATED. Contaeion destroyed. ' Sick Kooms purl ed and maae pieasan Fevered and Sick Per sons relieved and re freshed by b8T with Prophy lati Flod added to the wan ' Soft White Complexions secured by Its use. in D1PTHERIA bathing Impure Air made harm PREVENTED less and purified by sprinkling Darby's Fluid about To Durtfv the Breath. 9m Cleanse the Teeth, It ChnTera diKslDated. can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Bums relieved Instantly. Scars nrevented. Ship Fever prevented by its ue. In cases of death In the house, it should alwsys be used aout the corpse-it will prevent any unpleasant smelL Removes all unpleasant odors. An antidote for animal or Vegetable roison, 8Ungs, &c. Daneerous efflavlas of sickrooms and hospi tals removed by Its use. Yellow Fever Eradicate In fact it is the great DisinfccfantndTarilier, . PKEPAKED BT J. H. ZELUN & CC Mamifacturlng Chemists-, Sole Proprietors '-deal '. ' -' )p -'i ';"T Everybody las Disca ered teCABLET FEVER ! "cured. j

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