LOUAL MATTERS. - THURSDAY. JAN. 10,1882. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. jvcA.aoisricj. I HiXAKi Lougi No. 81, A. . & A. M. Regular meeting ever; second and fourth Monday nights. Exczuuob Lodgk No. 261. A. F. A. M. Beg clar meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. Charlotte Chaptxb No. 89, B. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nlghta. . Chablotti Cokkamdaby. No. 2. K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. TZ. OIF H. Ksi8htb oif Honob. Regular meeting every cond and fourth Thursdays. IKI- OF IE3 KMI6HT8 of Pythias. -Regular meeting nlghta first aud third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. at Ma sonic Temple Hall. I. O. O. IF". Chablottk Lodgk No. 88. Meets every Mto day night. . mkoklknbttbo Declaration Lodge Na a Meets every Tuesday night Dixit Lodge No. 108. Meetsevery Thursday night Catawba Rivkr Encampment No. 21. Meets lrst and third Thursday nights In each month. index to New Advertioeineii a. J. Beall & Co On Hand. HUMttES NOTICES. Hayesvllle, Ohio, Feb. 11,1 88a I am vrry glad to say I have tried Hop Bitters, and never took anything that did me as much good. I only took two bottles and I would not take $100 for the good they did me. I recom mend them to my patients, and get the best re sults irom their use. C. B. Mebcbb, M. D. Bedford Alcm aitu Iboh Sfkikss Watkb and Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains twice as much iron and fifty per cent, more alum inum than any "alum and Iron mass" known, Juttt the thing for the "spring weakness" now so feneral. Sold by all druggists of any standing, rices reduced one half, may 11 tf m - A New Haven minister of the gospel told one of bis deacons that he was constantly hearing a loud sound, whleh kept him awake nights. Since using Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Fills, his hearing has become normal, and his nerves are steady and true. Coughs. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" will allay Irritation which induces coughing, giving often-tlmes immediate relief la Bronchitis, In fluenza, Hoarseness, and Consumption and Asth matic complaints. Ill' i BIS HERE. You are sick; well, there Is Just one remedy that will cure you beyond possibility of doubt. If It's Liver or Kidney trouble, consumption, dyspepsia, debility. Well's Health Benewer Is your hope. $1. Pniggtsts. Depot. J. H. McAden, Charlotte, N. C. To promote a vigorous growth of the hair, nse Parker's Hair Balsam, it restores the youthful color to gray balr, remove dandruff, and cures tchlng rf the scalp. Dr. N. L. Galloway, Monroe, Oa.. says: 8. S. 8. vti nas without a peer, the profession will have to acknowledge It a specific for blood diseases. Jlcw JVtlxTerttscmetxts. Absolutely Pure. Thia powder never varies. A marvel of purity, stre gth and wholesomeness More economical tnan the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Bold only in cans. ' UOXAliijAJUii.rUWIJHUO., nov23 New York. LeBoy Davidson, Sole Agent, Charlotte,' N. C. FOR SALE. A Good store house and lots, at Matthews', N. C. The house is two stories high, with seven I rooms up stairs, and basement,! suitable ior residence as well asl business. Matthews' Is one of the growing towns In the State, and has ust now a nourishing school ana gooa cuurcn privileges. This property will be sold at a bargain to a bona fide purchaser In the store house Is a stock of General Mer chandise, purchased lu?t fail, which will be sold wi n me premises. R. BOSTON WALLACE, Janl 8 dlt w2t Matthews', N. C. ON HAND. Tarkeys , Chickens, Ducks, Cranberries, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, HONEY, IRISH and SWEET POTATOES, at S. M. HOWELL'S. Janl8 NOTICE. ON Monday, the 18th day of February, 1882,1 will expose to pubic sate at the courthouse, in Charlotte, an undivided half interest in a tract of land in BerryhUl township, adjoining Unas of Dr. I. J. Sloan, 8. & Hoover. W. L Hoever and others, known as the McConnell place, now the property of L Monroe Reed, deceased. The whole tract contains one hundred acres, well watered and improved, and produces good cotton, corn and wheat. TVrms: Fiftv dollars cash : balance of purchase money on nine months credit, purchaser giving bond and security for purchase money. W. R. BERBVHILL, Adm'r, Janl7wtds of L Monroe Reed. IMPORTANT m. n ii! l n .:t 10 WnerS 01 NIMH rropertV. PARTIK8 owning lands on which Gold. Copper, silver or Mica is found In Daring Quantities. communicate at once with the undersigned, par tlculai as to locality, situation and transportation. bend average samples by mall or express, pre paid, to COLOKADU, Central Hotel, Charlotte, N. C. Janl7 8t ballsbury Watchman copy. - THE HEW DRUG STORE, Corner of College and Trade streets, (Wilson ft B' ack's old stand.) IB NOW OPEN. Parties desiring Fresh and Sellable Dregs fill do well to give os a calL j jan4tf 0DCH HUE, HAM) A CO THE existence of small pox as an epidemic In man uwdnm mAkMlt Ml datV to H&Bln UDZe nnnn n.11 mir Mttrtmn Out dutv of vaccinating. OUT dull Inlntwmnu with all sections Of the COUntfT exposes as to Its contact Don't wait until this i pestilence is in our midst to take steps to prevent j its spread. I nave ordered vaccine matter and ask our physicians to use it In vaccinating those , ' who are not able to pay. let this matter bar the prompt attention of every housenoia . , r. a. DewoLVS.. HOMB CniPLETB. tSo far the only cases of small-pox known in the State axe those at Win ston. Business men have not been un duly rushed since the first of the year, and the average clerk rejolcetb. tEev. Dr. Geo. Patterson, of the Southern University, has been in the city for a day or so, the guest of Piatt D. Walker, Esq. tlfAKttle surprise was manifested yesterday at the manner in which "Cit izen's'' touch sent the city government to arms. It to muddy, though, and no mistake. (ST All resident young men who ex pect to attend the ball on the 24th inst, and who are not members of the Pleas ure club, can secure tickets of admis sion by calling on M. P. Pegram, Jr. tSTln the account of the arrest of several colored people for stealing from the freight car3 of the Air-Line road, which was given in yesterday's paper, the name of one of them was given as John Wilson, when it should have been John William?. We make this correc tion in justice to John Wilson, who is considered an honest and upright man. Released on Bail. Yesterday an investigation was had of the case against Martin Orr for shooting Sue Adams, an account of which has been given heretofore, and on the evidence of the attending physi cian, who pronounced the woman to be in no danger from the effects of the wounds inflicted, Justice Waring ad mitted Orr to bail, the sum being fixed at $300, for which a good bond was given late in the afternoon and the prisoner was released. Ditched. The afternoon train on the Air-Line from Atlanta was blocked on the way by the ditching of a freight train which obstructed the track. Inquiry failed to elicit particulars. Nick Roberts' Humpty Dumpty troupe, which was billed for the opera house in this city last night, wasto have arrived on that train, and consequently failed to put in an appearance, much to the disappoint ment of the fun-lovers who put up their nickels" on Nick. t The opera house is engaged for Pauline Markham to-night, but whether Nick Roberts will remain over and take the boards to-morrow night or give us the jump we are not yet advised. Not in ( but-loitc. The Louisville Courier-Journal says: 'Bishop Wightman, of the Methodist Church Soutti, ia dangerously ill at Charlotte, N. C." Evidently the item was taken from The Observer, but the Bishop is not in Charlotte, nor was it so stated. It is to be presumed that Bishop Wightman is at his home, as he has been sick for some time past. Perhaps the Courier-Journal is in the same predicament that a citizen of Charlotte is in relation to his Church University. Although possessed of much information on State and general subjects, when appealed to for the name of the city in which his Church University is located, he was as com pletely at a loss for an answer as if he had been asked who Cain's wife was. Change of Gauge of the A., T. dc O. Railroad Quick Work. Pur some time past arrangements have been making preparatory to a change of the gauge of the Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio Railroad from 4 feet 8 inches to 5 feet, to- conform with that of the Charlotte, Columbia & Au gusta ioad. Tuesday night at 8 o'clock Capt. B.R. Dunn, engineer maintenance of way of the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Railroad, and Capt. J. J. Gormley, superintendent of the Atlantic, Ten nessee & Ohio road, left Charlotte on a special train, carrying thirty-one sec tion masters and their forces, who were to be distributed '.along the road to do the work. At 2i o'clock yesterday morning this train started south from Statesville, behind the regular passen ger train, and at every third mile post a stoppage was made and six men were dropped, thus giving four men to each mile of road.the forces working in opposite directions. Before day light yesterday morning the special train re turned to Charlotte, having placed the whole force, and at 7 o'clock the work of changing the gauge was commenced. At 1.45 p. m. the last spike was driven and the work completed, the whole line of 48 miles being changed in the exceedingly short time of four hours, averaging the work of the different forces. Yesterday morning at 10 :30 o'clock a road train from the C C. and A. was sent out from Charlotte to collect the tools and forces, and at 3:30 p.m. this train arrived in States ville, and returned to Charlotte in time for the passenger train to go out on schedule time yesterday evening. The change was made under the im mediate supervision of Capt. Dunn, assisted by Capt. J. J. Gormley, and the systematic manner in which the ar. rangements were made reflects the highest credit on these gentlemen. It is safe to say that the change was made In the shortest time on record, as every mtnesnoi UetaU had received the most careful at- HDUOQ ucioie cue wuis. was wuiuiouu- ed. As proof of this fact it may be stated that the train from Statesville came in yesterday morning on time over a 4 foot SV4 inch gauge, and went out yesterday afternoon on time on a five foot gauge. The rail of the leftside going west m a 9 A i i it. was changed, ana is is stateu mai, me change was made on 1 miles of road in 45 minutes. The engines of the road will at once be sent to Columbia to te changed to the wide gauge, and at an early day the passenger and freight cars will also be altered to conform to the wide gauge. This change will at . present in no wise affect Charlotte, but will enable the road to ship freight throught to StatesvilU Iwithout handling in this "The thoughtlessness of people is so great to re gard to watcnruiness against coias, cms., wwh f m fiw thA wnnriiirrnl mimttve cower of Dr. Bull's cough srrap we should shudder at the fate "'Coffee drinkers should read the advertisement In another column newrai . -ww vuuoo. i n ailkoad matters; An Important Pnphaae The Atlaii 1 Ue aud French Breai Goboled p by a Syndicate. .7 . V The Baltimore Son of Tuesday says the Norfolk and Western and Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad Companies and capitalists in their interest last week bought a controlling interest in the Old Dominion Steamship Company, which runs from New York to Norfolk, Peters burg and Richmond. The news was first made known on Monday. The Norfolk and Western was formerly Mahone's Atlantic, Mississippi and Ohio Railroad. It runs from Norfolk to Bristol, Tennessee, 408 miles. Mr. George F, Tyler, of Philadelphia, is the president. The Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, of which Mr. J ohn M. Rob inson, of Baltimore, is president termi nates at Portsmouth, Va. The Old Dominion SteamshipCompany,of which Mr. N. L. McCready, of New York, is president, continues with the Seaboard and Roanoke, the Norfolk and Western, the Chesapeake and Ohio and the Rich mond and Danville Railroads, the last mentioned at Richmond. It is under stood the object of the Norfolk and Western and Seaboard and Roanoke in making the purchase was to protect themselves against the expected move ments of Messrs. Wm. P. Clyde & Co. It will be remembered we stated a few days ago that Messrs. Wm. P. Clyde & Co., had made an offer for a controlling interest in the Merchants and Miners' Transportation Company, of which Mr. George J. Appold is president, and which has lines from Baltimore to Boston, Providence, eta, touching at Norfolk. The offer of Messrs. Clyde & Co., was not accepted, but the price at which it could be bought was stated, and in this condition the negotiation is at present. Hearing of the intention of Messrs. Clyde & Co, to buy the Mer chants and Miners' line, which affords an avenue to Boston, etc, for the. Nor folk and Western and Seaboard and Roanoke Railroads, those two com panies, supposing that the next move of Messrs. Clyde & Co. might be to get hold of the Old Dominion Steamship Company, and thus cut them off from New York as well as Boston, they at once bought up a controlling interest n that line, as stated. As the Old Do minion line connects with theiiich mondand Danville Railroad at Rich mond, the Old Dominion will there fore be used to counterbalance the pow er of Messrs. Clyde & Co. in any future steamship purchases they may make. The Old Dominion Steamship Com pany owns anout niteen steamers, some of which are very handsome, and all of which are good sea boats. A special dispatch from Abbeville, South Carolina, to the Charleston News and Courier of yesterday, says a meeting of the board of directors of the Atlantic and French Board Yajley Railroad Company was held at Abbe ville, Monday night, to consider a prop osition from Messrs. Child & Oliver, of New York, to construct the entire line of that road from Edgefield Courthouse to the North Carolina line through Eastatoe Gap. A contract was closed witn mese parties, me coiiumous 01 1 ... . . . ji m which are that thev are to commence I on the 1st of September next and com- plete the entire road . by the 31st of December, 1884. The contract was entered into after a week's negotia tions in Abbeville, Judge Cothran act ing as legal adviser for the railroad m et v company. Messrs. unna , uiiver went to Trenton Tuesday to enter into a similar contract with the Aiken, Trenton and Edgefield Railroad, which is to form part of a through line to the Kentucky system of roads. The Edgefield, Trenton and Aiken road and the French Broad Valley road, after consolidation, are to be consolidated with a road in North Carolina to con nect with the Morristown and Cumber- and Gap road at Morristown, Tenn. The completed rod is to constitute, an independent line connecting Cincin nati with Louisville and Nashville and with the seacoast of South Carolina. The line of road in North Carolina is to run down the west fork of Big Pig- M . k SV . eon River to Morristown, xennessee. Messrs. Child & Oliver represent a syndicate of New York capitalists who have ample means to construct every foot of the road. The construction of the line is now considered a certainty and interested parties are greatly elat ed at the prospects. The Moore County Mill Stones. : Mr. J. E. Taylor, of the Taylor manu facturing company, formerly of this city, but now residing in Westminster, Md, was in the city yesterday, and a few facts relating to the business or the company, which is making a spe cialty of a North Carolina product, were obtained from him, which are worthy of note. This company made a fine display at the Atlanta:Exposition, and received an award on their corn mills and engines, the former of which are made of the celebrated Moore county grit, and are fast gaining a reputation throughout the country for thetr excel lence and superiority over all others. In making the award the committee state that the corn mills are "entitled to all that is claimed for them," which is saying much. The company during the last month of the exhibition sold fifteen of these corn mills, which num ber is about all that can be turned out by the company in a month. Mr. Tay lor states that the efforts put forth by the company at the exposition have met with very gratifying results, as is evidenced by the increase m the de mand for their mills throughout the Western and Southern: States! a fact which we take pleasure in noting for the reason that while the gentlemen engaged in this business are Northern men, the material used is a: home pro duct, and the success attending its in troduction can but add to the already increasing manufacturing interests of the State. The company has a branch bouse in Charlotte for the sals of their. mills and engines, and we are assured that the business has been entirely sat isfactory at this place. , ;i ; 1 iT : II I II ; ' . The greatest effects have sometimes the small est cause. Life is constantly sacrificed br neglect of coughs and colds, wnena sac douis ox vs. cuu i ouugu sjnty wvw """ - ; . 8. & a cured me of Catarrh after all other treat merit had failed; you can recommend It as a sure cure. u v oums, ureeucwHe, mu. Censrlrrttri. Arrangements have just ..been com pleted for a cocking main to take place between Charlotte r and -Augusta, Ga. The affair will take place at Hamburg, S. C on the 14th of February, and it is said, will be one of the largest disputes that has ever been had in that section. 500 in Cnan Prize, Messrs.Hiram Sibley & Co., of Roches ter, New York, whose advertisement appears in another column areispecially desirous of . obtaining all information calculated to fit them for the most in telligent of their many customers in the South. TO this end they are offer ing $500 cash in prizes for the best es says on gardening in the Southern States. These essays must come from those practically acquainted with all the conditions affecting the subject; and the decision regarding their respec tive merits will be made by well known and admittedly competent judges. Full particulars can be obtained by address-' ing'Hiram Sibley & Co Seedsmen, at either Rochester, New York, or Chica go,IU. Rainfall. To show how much mud a judicious mixture of a little water and dirt will make, we give the rainfall as taken by the signal officer in this city since the first day of the month. A great many may be of the opinion in the absence of a record that we have had a very rainy spell, when in fact the rainfall has been comparatively light, being about suffic ient to make two or three respectable summer showers. With a few excep tions' the record shows pretty much the same average as that in other portions of the country. The following shows the amount of rain in hundredth parts of inches for the day s given : 1st. .27 2d, 3d and 4th,. .00 5tn.. .04 6th .-. 13 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. 11th. 12th. 13th. 14th. 15th. 16th. 17th. .03 .03 .06 .48 .05 .35 .27 .00 .10 .55 .68 Total inches, 3.04 A V AULTLKSS FAMILY MEDICINE. "I hare used in my family Simmons Liver Regu lator, prepared by J. H. Zeilln ft Co., for the last eight or ten years, and found It to supercede any thing recommended for chills, fever and ague. I have given up calomel. Quinine and all other mer curial treatments. I give it to my children, from one year old to those of twenty-five years old. It is all you could wish In a tamliy. Please use my name as you wish. Very truly, E. H. UBBANKS, Crawford county, Oa." Rheumatism In its worst form, has never been known to faU to yield to S. & 8. when taken as directed. It never fans to cure. When your child begins to show a Scrofulous Taint, or If you knew your blood Is affected, take a 8. a, and give It to the little sufferer. Coffee drinkers should read the advertisement n another column hsaded "Good Coffee." When the system lias been filled with Mercury 8. 8. 8. should be taken to rid the body of its every effects, it is a complete antidote. UARKETSBY TELEGRAPH i i . JANUARY 18, 1882 ; PRODUCE. RmmbsK Noon-Flour fairly active and steady: Howard street and Western suDer S426&S4.75: extra S5.25S3.00; family 8d.2oW7.00; dty mills, super 84. 50085.26; extra 85.50S6.25; iamiiy 97.000197 .70; mo oranas 97.UU; raapsco family 88-25. Wheat Southern quiet and steady ; Western higher; Southern red Sl-88381.42; am ber 81.42S81.48; Bo. 1 Maryland $1.44 bid; No, 2 Western winter red spot ana January S1.89- tl.89; February Sl.4M6Sl.41Ui; March 17iS81.40; April 81-45ViS81.46&. Corn Southern easier; Western a shade better; Southern white 74Va; oo reuow waiv, BiiTCKOKX-Nteht-Oats steady: Southern 50 a 53: Western white 61S53; mixed 50351 ; Pennsyl vania 50S53. Provisions firm; mess . oork 818.25. milk meats shsulders and clear rib aides, packed 79tt- Bacon-shoulders 8ft; dear rib sides 10; hams 12$iai3t&. Lard rennea 124. . uonse auu; bio cargoes ordinary to fair 8 S 10. Sugar- quiet; A soft B1A. Whls key&sier, at S1.17 freights dull ana easier. CRTAAfio -Huv in sotod demand at fnll nffees. Wbeat active, firm and higher; No. 2 Chicaxo spring S1.29VI foreash and January: 81-29 for February. Corn higher, at 6H4a82Wt toe cash; 61Vi for January; 61 lot jebruary. Oats Inn er, at 48Ui tot cash and January; 43 lor Febru ary. Barley stronger, at 81-08. Dressed hogs firm, at 87.40- Pork fairly active and a shade higher, at S17.22f2Sl7.25 for cash: and January; 817.27 14 81 7.80 for February. Lard fairly ac Uve and a shade higher, at S10.95811.00 for cash and January; 811-10 for February. Bulk meats steady and unchanged; shoulders 88.40; short rib S8.85; short clear 89.25. Whiskey steady and unchanged, at 81.18. Chicago Ar Closihg Caix Wheat easier, bat not auotably lower., Corn easier at a decline of Ifec. Oats easier but not quotably lower. Pork firmer, but not quotably higher. Lard, demand latr and prices nigner, at 911.u001s11.1u 1 or Jan uary; 811.10e81i.12Wl for February. Haw Tom Southern floor moderately active and weak; common to fair extra 86.25SS.80; good to choice do S&85S7.87fr. Wheat fever ish and unsealed, opening l2e higher, but after; waras Decame weag ana jost huio 01 meaa vance. and .closing unsettled: ungraded spring S1-07S1.22H; ungraded winter ; ungraded red Slsutcsio; ungraaea wnno j a z red and January ; February.. . Corn atewo nigner, ana closing very strongr no. 2 0U)70Utt low mixed 77: No. 2 and January 69Vs69Ui; February 6970l. Oats a sbade better and moderately active Nov 848; do white 49: Na 2 and February 49. Heps-firm and trade moderate; Yearlings J222;-Jfow Yorks 20328. Coffee duU and heavy: Bio 810i. Bugar-dnll and nominally unchanged; ; fair to gooa renning qnotea at fkCDivt; rennea rainy active; standard A 9. . Molasses foreign duil and nominal; New Orleans firm and fair Inquiry. Bice steady and fairly active; Carolina and Loata iana 6tt7. Bstn-nrmy at S2.85S240. Turpentine stronger, at 55Vh Wool rather quiet but delivery strong; Domestic fleece 8660; Texas 1431. Pork- more active and a shade higher, closing firm, at Sl6-?6S1T.OO for old mess spot; 17 62MS17.75 for sew mess spot; S17.40 17.50 for old mess and January; outers unchang ed; middles quiet and very firmly held: long clear 9; short clear . Lard, opened 671fcc nigber and more active, and dosing dull and depressed, at SU 208ll.25; Feomary Sll.22W2511.25. Freights to Liverpool market swong. COTTON. Galvxstok Finn; middling Uc; low mld'ng liue: cood ordinary 10ic: net recelDts 1.416: grass 18,800; sales 717. stock 90.858; exports esastwiM 1,000; to Great Britain ; to conti nent 507: to rranoa i,bis. NomroLK Active; middling Whe; net receipts 2,272; rrrosa, ; stack 40,28; exports coast- wt l,2oe; saiea ; exports to ureas Britain 1,579: m continent- . BAT.TnroBi Steady: mlddTlnz ll&o: low mid dling 11: fooO ordinary 10VI: net ree'ta ; gross oai saiew ouu: stoea oo.osi.; expona eoastwlM ; spinners 160; export to ureat Britain to'wmtment . Boeroir-nuUi middling 12e; low middling lisnc; good ordinary 10c; net receipts 666; gross 667: alee stock 9,470; exporU to dra&t Britain 600: to France . t WnjraaTOK Firm; mMdling llo; low mld dllng 11 116c; good ordy 10816c; ree'pts 638; gross ; sales ; stock 1115; exporu oastwlM J to Great Britain -; to continent :. : -.v; : ... .. i PHiLADXLPHU'Bteady; mlddlfni 12; lew middling l lUrs; good ordinary lOfto: net reoelpu 240? cross 653; sales ; spinners 840: took 16,688; exporu Gnat Britain ; to continent Savahhah Firm; middling llhet - low mid dling 10 15-160; good ordinary 10 1-1 6e; net recTj 2,446; grow 1 rsmleo 8,900; stock 98,165; exwntsstwla -784: -to Gnat Britain ; to; Jtsnce." . , .' t to oontment . - Ww fTKUtAHB-Bteady: middling 115bc: low mldfllmg llMtc; good ordinary 10o; net receipts T82VgroM 4,766; aalee 1.050: rtOo 884.639: exports to areas ntnu ,uo: to jrrance arwlso 438; to continent-?. Mobw Finn; middling lie; low rnldmng iltte;. good ordinary 10c; net reeelpu 826 gross "tsaiee i.ow; stocx 4i,iv axpons coast 48; Franco 2,982; to Great Britain tjpeonttnen(---..f . , , Mmphb Firm ;'mlddTlng 1 1 tte: net 836; gross 872; shlpmenU 1,300; i rtock90,7W, , Apgusta Finn; middling lHfec; low mid dling ifjSAersooa ordlnarr 10c; receipts 428; abipments ialoa813. CBABiJBro---Flrm; middling llAe; low ttdttfng llttc- good ordinary 10c; set reeelpte 1.704; grose ; sale 2,000; stock 75,900; axpona eoaatwlse j to Great Britain : toconttnent i to Franoa 1 to channel NW YOBX Bteadv: BalM 'SSftr lands 12c: miiMHn orteana 12 R-l ftc: dated net receipts 16,093; exports to Great Britain ok; to jrranoa jov; to continent 507: to channel w Lyvagpeoroon-Etardenlng; mlddllngaplands 61M6d; middling Orleans 618-16d; sales 14y 000; speculation and export 1,000: receipts 14, 000; American 745. Uplands low middling dause: January delivery : January and February ; February and March 625-82d; March and April ; April and May 6d; May and June 6 29-82d; Juno and July ; July and August 7d; August and September-. Futures steady. LrnBNOb -6 P. M. Sales of American cotton 10,000 bales. Uplands low middling elause: Jan uary and February delivery ; February and March ; March and April 6 18-16d; April and May----; May and June ; Juno and July 6 15-16di July and August Futures dosed dull and easier. FUTURES. Nxw Tosk Futures closed steady. Sales 104 000. January 12 000.02 February........ 12.189.14 March...... 12.404l ApriL 12.61.00 a.... 12.78.79 June. 12.91 .92 July..... 18.03.04 August 13.14.O0 September. 12.480 October.. 11.88.85 November.. 11.67968 FINANCIAL. KW TOBX. Exchange,. 4.82 Govemmente talrly firmer, at lAc hlsher fork's, others mu ichanged. New 5's, 1.02 Four and a half per cents, 1.144 -tout per cents, Money. 52 Statt bonds-dull Sub-treasury balances Gold, $74,951,000 . currency.... i2,uuu Stocks. 11 A. M. The market ooened some what irregular, but in the main iVi per cent lower than yesterday's closing Quotations, the lat ter for the Michigan Central. In early dealings the seneral list advanced i 1 per cent, the latter for the Memphis ft Charleston. Subsequently the market fell off VifJUA peroent, the Pacific Mall leading therein. At 11 o'clock there was a slight recovery. Stocks Closed irregular: Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 81 Alabama Class a. small 81 Alabama Class B, 5's 1.00 Alabama Class c. 4's. sis Chicago and Northwestern 1.27 Chicago and Northwestern preferred, 1.89 Ms....... 414 Bast Tennessee 15 Georgia. 1.65 Illinois CentraL 1.85 Lake Shore -. 1.14 Louisville and Nashville 97 Memphis and Charleston 80 Nashville and Chattanooga 86 New York Central 1.34 Pittsburg. 1.85 Richmond and Allegheny 86 menmona ana uanvuie l.U'W Bock Island 1.84 Wabash, St. Louis ft Pacific. 86 Wabash, St. Louis ftadfie preferrM 69 western union. - tu CITY COTTON MARKET. . Omcs of Tks Obssbtkb, Chablottk, January 19, 1882. f The market yesterday dosed firm at the follow ing quotations: Good Middling. 11 Strictly middling, 11 waning. iub Strict low middling. 11 Low middling. 10 Tinges. 99 Storm cotton 6V Sales yesterday 131 bales. fltto &&vzvtistmtuts. A J.Bea GENERAL FEED DEALERS -AITD- COMMISSION OMMISSION MSB C H ANT O MERCHANT CHARLOTTE, II. C. HAVE HOW OK HANQ : A FULL SUPPLY 07 III WHITE AND YELLOW CORN, PXABL GRITS, BRAN, PATAP800 PATENT PROCESS FLOUR, TIMOTHY HAY, AND HECKSRS' SELF-RAISING BUCKWHEAT FLO UB WEI GLADLY PTE PRICES -TO- BOTH THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. Respectfully soliciting a shaie ef your patjonage, we are respectfully, anl9 A. J. BEALL ft CO. HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. WiU mail FREE their Cats.' lorn for- 1883, containing av ' fall desorrptiT Prleo-Usf ! Flowerf Field and Garden BuIds, Ornamental Grasses ' srad Imaaortelles, Gladiolus, lilies, Botes, Plants, Garden Implements. Beantirully 111ns- . trated. Over 100 pages. Addroaa , ROCHESTERrN.Y. CHICAGO, ILL 179-183 East Main St. 200-206 Randolah St musjentjetits. -OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY ! Thursday ening, January 19 th. THE FAMOUS NEW YORK Fifth Avenue Company, supporting the distinguished star, Pauline mmi; In the most popular play ofthe present century, THE TWO ORPH AIIS.; SNTHUSIAbTICALLY GREETED BY CROWDED BOOSES. ' , OAST TO THE FULL - STRENGTH OF THE ' BEST COMPANY IN AMERICA- L-Reserved seats SI , admission 75c and 50c. Reserved seats oa sale at the usual places. -j ,anl46t - mi n i it aMea 111 I. 1 Mia rap TCOST! . dHAYlNG ' I FIND I HAVE ENTIRELY ' ' !' ;i1 ' ' . . ..i EH TOT C 3H S T O C IE 0NHlKi 1KD1H OBDEaiO REDUCE IT I WDXaFSimTJNmimTHEB NOTICE, ALL GOODS UNRESERVEDLY AT COST. decSO lm I WEILIL SIBILIL (Err n O JH) -AT- CS O I INTEND TO Colte Ste ILIE)y' ID)avfi(fllsnD, We Pay Special Meotion -TO RETAIL TRADE And have a large and well selected Steele adopted for this -BRANCH OF OUR BUSINESS, To which we give our personal attention. We have received a full supply of SQTJIBBS' MEDICINES, Which for purity and excellence cannot be surpassed, for pre scription purposes, and will be used exclusively for this trade. CALLS ANSWERED AT ALL HOURS OF THE NIGHT BY EXPERIENCED CLERKS. WILSON & B DRW ELL Trade Street IF YOU lYAHT A FEAIXT GOOD STEEL PEST Aii r our Stationer or send 5 cents in stamps for n box contain- in tvo dozen NICKEL, AND "GILT, Of Assorted Pat terns, in a NtekeJr plated Match Box. Sold by all Stationers. Mm, BlatmsB, Taylor & Cu., Sole Aoests, New Yokk. decSO Z.B. YABTOS. W.H Bulxt. VAJSTCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Oonnsellon CHARLOTTE. N. C. Practice In Supreme Court of the United States, Supreme Court oi wortn caroJina. reaerai Courts, and counties of Mecklan 1 . . burg. Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Da vidson. tyotDce, two doors east of Independence gauare. manv-a RO. D. GRAHAM, rf the State' and United States Conrts. Collee i Hons, Home Hhd Foreign, sonelted. Ah ataetsTlUe,8aryeys,&e., furnished for com .tumMtkm. - - .... Ctfiob N.S Comer Tr Tryon ttreetr CMriow.a.u iuan.0. m 7 vi xv i f AND I JfQCW "GILT, AT JUST TAKEN- e E3 UTM THE - JUST GO TO PERRY'S aud see what He has for New YeaiV DlnnersCand how very cheap he Is selling Toys and Fancy Articles IFOR NEW YEAR'S PEExENTS.-dec8 Y Store (HE FfflS JanlO lw " v , 1, Maofc

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