alp fibartott bstrotr, BUBSOHiniOlT RATB8: PaHy, ow ytar, jn$t-vaid, in advance. ...... 98.00 frizmorUJ , 4.00 Three morU.'m . . . , ...... B.0 One month t. 74 WKBKL7 BDJIIOlf: Weekly ( the county), in advance u -92.00 Out nf the county, Potispaid, 2.19 iznwnthi .,... 1.05 ' Liberal Rkut1onJbr Ctubt. Hvn CSaafls. Mines! : o : : o :- Lyons' Patent Metallic Stiffecers PREVENTS Boots mi Shoes RUNNING OVER, Wearing off at the Sides or Ripping IN THE SEAMS. Johnson's Silk and Felt Insoles PREVENTS RHEUMATIC CRAMP. COLD FEET, BUNNI0N3 AND CHILBLAINS. PEGRAM & CO., SOLK AGENTS. Jaol TO THEB I GIVE HUAXTH. "Excellent Tonic, Alterative and Diuretic." w ana Diph. r "Successfully used W dyspepsia, chronic diar rhoea and scrofula." Prof. 8. Jackson, M. D., imlv. Fenn. M f r "invaluable as a nervous tonic" -Hon. l w 1 rw "Recommended as a prophylactic In malarial d!strlcta."-D. B, Falrex,M. D.. N. 0; . . "Restores debilitated systems w uwuu. . . ir rv th "Adapted In clironlc diarrhoea, scrofula, and dyspepsia. ' ueo. x. Bamouu, T D ' "Successful In diphtheria and neuralgia, -w.f. Vk ir tv vr H Excellent for certain diseases peculiar to wo men." Prof. J. 3. Moorman. P- . 'Prompt In relieving headache, lie and ner- 1 1 T. 1". TnilaAfl "Used with weat benafit la dyspepl.M-J. Mfl- "aSlted tobronohltta and dlseaaes of aigesttv. .. v n U.nn If W At R "Most valuable remedy known for feaiale dis-eases."-Jno. P. Metteaur, M. D, L. L. or ratifMv virtue." Tboa. F. BunHold. "Benenclaimnterine derangymw and aala rlous condlUonSu"-. M. Vail, K.D., Ohio. "Charming on the complexion making u smooth, dear, soft aad hw."-M1m ItjOf J B. C. "The prince of mineral tonics. "-FraBcU GU- "nelomaSeM m tonlo and altoratlve."- -ter Mebulre. M. D Va-' : .k.- "Fine appetizer and bleod potlner.,'H. Fisher, "Very beneficial ' V tmprcvtafV redo '1 tern." Bishop Beck with. at-Ga. : . f- -i - .. "Invalids here imd vfeleome and hwlta." v. John Hannon, late of La now of Blehnsend, Ta "Has real merit. " 6outhrn aed. Jousnsi : . Pamphlets free, 0fO apptlcaBoj-; r Water. 94 V ease. Mass and PUla. 2. St. "8 cents, gent post-paid anywhere. . '. -q- Sommer season ef Springs begins 1st S. 9o monfli. Address i.n A. M. DAVUS, Preset of tte Coy 78 Main St, Lynchburg Va., P. 0. Box 174 WILSON BUB WELL, J. H. McADEN, and L-B-WBISTOli o - 9 Sail VOL. XXVII. gs (Sodas, SKntbttig, ftci TO-DAY ALL WILL BS SOLD AT GREAT SACRIFICE, TO MASS BOOM FOB SPRING PURCHASES. We Mean Every Word of This Only Ask an Inspection to Convince Yon. T. L. Seigle k Co. Blrjfttjcal. RheumdUsm Neuralgia, Sprains, .Pain in the. Back and Side. r There Is nothing more painful than these diseases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. This remedy is not a cheap Benzine or Petroleum product that must be kept away from fire or heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor Is It an untried experi ment that may do more harm than good. Pain Killer has been In constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world Is, It never f al Is. It not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, It Is sale In the hands of the most Inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Paw Killer would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried it think: Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn., says : About a year since my -wife became subject to severe Buffering1 from rheumatism. Our reaort was to the Pain Iillik, which peedily relieved her. Charles Powell writes from the Sailors' Home, London : I had been afflicted three years with neuralgia apdyloient spasms of the stomach. The doctors at Westminster Hospital gave up my case in despair. I tried your Pain Killxb, and it gave me immediate relief. I have regained my strength, and am now able to follow my usual . occupation. O. H. walworth. Saco, Me., writes : I experienced immediate relief from pain In the side by the use of your Paim Ctihb E. York says : I have used your Path Kn-ueu for rheumatism, and have received great benefit Barton Seaman says : Have used Pain Killer for thirty years, and have found it a never-failing remedy for rheumatism and lameness. Mr. Burditt writes : It never fail to give relief in cases of rheumatism. Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : From actual use, I know your Pais tCtt.t. is the best medicine I can get. All druggists keep Pain Killer, its price Is so low that It Is within the reach of alL and It wfll save many times its cost In doctors' bills. 25c, 50c and $1.00 " a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence R. I. sept itwsept pet : INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Iiosaof appetlte,Nansea.bowels cosftve-. Fain in theHeaq.witto a dttU sensation in r-m " TV '.--L'A.1 1 IJ tne oaoa part, xain unaer vno ingmuw oa part, fullness ess after eating, with a disln Zii J lTZi -n of body or mind, Irritabiuiy oC temy r. Iiow pirtta, Iiosa of memory, witn a ieenng ox nwug uip lected tome datyeariness, Pissmess, Mntterina? of the Heart. Dote before tne eyes, yellow b kin. Headache. Bes tiers'. ness at night, highly ooloreaPrtno. IF TEZSZ WABJTTJf GI ABI TJITEZXBXB, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUIT'8 FILLS especially adapted to nch dose effects sneh a change TuTT'S HAIR DYE. ObaT Haiot Whisk srsa changed to aOtossr Klici bv a. siDarle annlteaUon of this Prx. It hnparfs s natural color, acts InstanUneousiy. Sold .--. KHIUnottt. i an many of too fceit meat, dnei known are con fclnnl in PaikcraGlnMr Tonic, into a wedicuw af suck varied power, as -TtlAJt V.hIH A the, ' BestHsalthAStrearf - Hester aver-vseo of iheiStssnajBoweh, T...HM T !wM a Xlulneva. Hair ; Baisami tafT NSwrSlTt. mu, th. meverintoxicatefc Hsmt iiiniirui mmTTHTTr1 1 "' cc uo vncmisisl a. ... . . i r i T"v 1 1 eet22 Chew only the brand f loDaoaV known as Tha Oiq uaxen sucaek THK old Oaken Backet, The Iron-bound bucket The moss-covered bucket, - That hung In the welL . ' -s - rer a -JinflSTbt- Charlotte. N. O, Sole Agent Liberal terms toaeaiers. I Winter Goods a , y OrngajiBtarer mm Pj zpreas on reeernrro u &AJ&Ltf will sulM VaU , aBftkatef 1 I rill I III . I"r i in jm i I 1 Ti 1 r II , ' " l ' V . " - lajlp CHARLOTTE, N. SATURDAY OBSERVATIOIfS. A Prof. Oonnlng, up in Michigan, is lecturing on "After Man, What?" A Fort Wayne editor, who has been there, rises to remark that It is gen erally the sheriff or. some woman. Two hundred and fuy widows pay taxes at Vir ginia. Nevada, eentlemen who feel that they could enjoy the earnings of a departed husband will put this in their memorandum-books. Jones (to family ::phystclan) "Hello, Brown. Make many calls New Years!" . Brown (protas-siocallj)-"No, I called the day after." Considerable alarm is felt for the safety of Ml son. It is thought he is lost Anyhow, something very remarkable has happened In which he is im mediately concerned. He dld't take out seven patents yesterday. Honistown Herald. It there are amy graduates of '81 yet unprovided for, we batten to inform them that the woscester base-ball nine is looking for a cultured third-baseman. One who can profanta in Greek and San skrit preferred. New Haven Beglster. A Sunday school teacher in Albion, N. T., asked her class the question. ''What did Simon say?" "Thumbs upf" said a little girt A Main street lady remonstrated with a green girl who had washed a table dish in a wash-basin. Bhe nearly convulsed the whole family by replying: "Well, mum. but I claies the basin agin afore anybody washes In It" LeBoy Times. The best sermon in the world never yet : recon ciled the proud man, trying to curl his feet up and out of sight under the pew. to the painfully obtru sive and evident fact that the wife of his bosom had used his blacking brash to palish the kitchen stove. Hawkeye. We often hear of a woman marrying a msn to reform him; but no one ever tells about a man marrying a woman to reform her: "We men are modest, and dont talk about our good deeds much. Plalnneld Bulletin. BIB. A It 71 FIELD'S RESOLUTION OF INQUIRY. The following is the resolution of in-i quiry in full In reference to the alleged abases in the sixth collection district of this State, introduced in the House of Representatives, Tuesday last, by Hon. R.F. Armfield: Whereas it appears from the report of the Commissioner of Internal Reve nue for the year ending Jane 30, 1881, tnat there are more licensed distilleries in the sixth collection district at North Carolina than in any' other collection district in the United States, aridthat it costs the Government ,tq qqIIcc -the internal revenues in said district' the sum of $268,324, and for per diem of storekeepers and gaugers the sum of $211,437, while the total revenue col lected in said district amounts to only $449,455; while in the fifth collection district of .North Carolina, which ad joins the said sixth district, it costs only the sum of $106,502 to collect $1. 015,229, and in the fifth collection dis trict of Illinois it costs only $23,470 to collect $11,495,131; and Whereas it further appears from said report that the per diem of storekeep ers and gangers in said sixth collection district of North Carolina, to-wit, the ; said sum of $211,437 is almost twice as much as is paid for the same class of officers in any other collection district of the United States, and is three or four times as much as the average paid for that class of othcers m all the dis tricts of the United States, and the to tal cost of collecting internal revenue in said sixth district of North Carolina is more than three times the average cost paid for the same purpose in all the collection districts or the united States; and Whereas it is openly charged Dy the newspaper press of the country, and is generally believed by the people of said sixth collection district or jn ortn uaro lina, and widely over the country, that the extraordinary cost of collecting in ternal revenues of said sixth collection district of North Carolina is caused by frauds against the Government, perpe trated, among other means, by the mul tiplication of small distilleries, with the knowledge and encouragement of the internal revenue officers of said sixth district of North Carolina, many persons having three or four small dis tilleries on the same farm, with the same ownership, with their kindred or dependants in charge as storekeepers and gaugers, irom whom, witn tne run knowledge and consent of the said rev enue officers, they exact a large part of their daily wages paid by the Govern ment, some of them boasting that they exact enough in this way to pay for all the gram they use in distillation ; ana Whereas many other flagrant frauds and abuses are commonly charged and believed to exist in said sixth district of North Carolina, and to be practiced against the revenue laws of the United states oy tne omcers in caarge in saiu district, to the great loss of the Gov ernment in its revenues, and to the scandal and demoralization of the peo ple of said sixth collection district of North Carolina: Therefore, Resolved. That a committee, to con sist of five members of this House, be appointed by the Speaker to inquire and report to the House concerning the said alleged abuses practiced by the officers of internal revenue, or Dy otner nersons. in the said sixth collection dis trict of North Carolina, and concerning all other abuses practiced in said sixth collection district by internal revenue officers, or others, which abuses relate in anv wav to the internal revenue or the United States or to the conduct of internal revenue officers ; and said com mittee shall have power to sit during the sessions of the House, to go in a body to the sixth collection district of North Carolina to take testimony, if they shall deem it necessary, or to send a sub-committee of two members, to be appointed for that purpose by the chair man. The committee, or any sub-com mittee appointed by the chairman as aforesaid, shall have power to send for persons and papers, to administer oaths, and to emnlov a clerk at a pay of not more than $4 per day, to examine wit nesses under oath. Mr. Houk, Republican, objected to the consideration of the resolution, characterizing it as a political stump speech, but it was finally referred, to. the committee on ajs and, means; Mr. Houk, however, insisting- on accom panying it on the record with theol lowing epistle from Mr. James E. Boyd, United States District Attorney for the Western Distriet of North Carolina; RuTiT.usTiATin. Nohth Carolina. January 10. 1882. TItca-r Str? The statement which has been made in some of the newspapers of the state in relation to me expenses attending the collection of internal ravADiiA TATAR in vonr district does vou f initiation. herjuiAA thft whole-facts are not given. One who is well ac quainted witn tne circumstances, can very readily see how the government loses nothing by the apparent increase in the expenses of collecting in your dlstrigc . . a fan? wonm tm western Norm liar olina (which is included in the sixth 4iafi-it van nnied throiiirhont the country for the almost innumerable Violations oi tne internal revenue laws mrst within ita limitJLiHordea of I wuiuumvu . -- - - - th fiMArti nf the mountains ana other portions of the district were brofjghtas defendants and witnesses in criminal prosecutions to the terms of the United States cbnrts at Statesville and.Ashe ville, and the expenses incurred by the ! Government in- tne prosecutions oi these people were simply enormous. The only way whicn sbgested'itself to maxe a cnange in cms state ot : affairs was to put it within the power of the poorer classes to operate distilleries un der the law.- - This plan Was adopted, and the capacity req aired of distilleries, was so reduced that men of small means could manufacture legally. This has had the effectto put an end in a great degree to illicit distilling in your district, and consequently to re duce very much ithev expenses of the courts incurred in the prosecutions of violators of the law. I have not.made a careful estimate, but I am satisfied that the expenses of the Federal courts at Ashe ville and Statesville are reduced within the last two or three years more than one-half J Then, on the other hand, the increase in your expenses is the pay of storekeepers - and gaugers, wha be came necessary Wheri the number of legal distilleries was increased. "When the capacity was reduced a great num ber of those Who had been operating rbldckade distillers" became, 'mstiMra under the law, and this, of course, re quired a great increase in the number of storekeepers and gangers Mahytof these distilleries arejoperated on a very small; scale,- but -all of them pay ex-; penses, ana tne Government loses noth- ng. . ' -' The' product of these distilleries has ificreased the collections, but the'ex- pense of officers to attend them has in creased the expenses. I have thought ii ouiair to you sena youtms state' meiitl.:ttjir',in,lnr' bosition as Ufiited States' attornev for, the western district l nave had an opportunity to know the pnt-A" i 1 1 1 T I f il I. Imia. jlovvb, oxiu nuab x.Tfiivo is tx uo. , I The statements which have , been made are calculated to mislead those who are not fully informed as to all the facts. Very truly yours. J as. E. Boyd. Dr. J. J. Mqtt. '. a , ; NO CONFEDERil E ASSETS. J. P.BenJamla Velle Wbat he Knows . About Confederate Bond. New York, Jan. 20. The following has been published here today: Temple, Losdok; Nov. 28, 1881. My Dear Barlow : 1 have yours of the 15th Inst., and rhave no objection whatever to give you an tne miurmauon l possess on tne subject of Confederate bonds, which some speculators on the stock exchange have made the subject of inquiry, on a rumor sedulously spread abroad that there are vast sums deposited in the Bank of England and elsewhere in Europe. The Confederate government never had but two means Of raising money in Europe ; one was Dy- the ex port of cotton, all of which was con signed to the house of Frazier. Tren- holm & Co., of Liverpool ; the other was by a loan effected through Messrs. Gr anger & Co., and Schroder & Co., the proceeds of which were all received by Colin J. MacRae, financial agent of the government. At the close of the war the United States government claiming the right to receive the entire assets of the Confederate government instituted suits against Frazier, Trenholm & Co., and against Maciiae. After determin ed and protracted litigation Frazier. Trenholm & Co. were driven into bank ruptcy, as their whole business was de stroyed, and their credit broken by the apprehensions created in the mercan tile world of the result of the enormous claims hanging over them, when they really owned little or nothing, and I think the United States ultimately re covered a few thousand dollars as a compromise. MacRae proved in his case that he had rendered full and faith ful account to the Confederate govern ment of the entire proceeds of the loan in payment of supplies and munitions of war to various commissariat and quarter masters, officers in this countiy and of coupons on bonds, but he was ready to render his accounts over again if the United States would agree to re imburse him anv balance found due in his favor. This was declined. The case is reported in law reports 8 E. G. 69. Poor MacRae, in shattered health and with a few hundred pounds, the wreck of his fortunes, emigrated to Spanish Honduras, where he sought to earn a support on a small stock farm, but he died in extremely reduced cir cumstances. The last payment of cou pons on the Confederate loan was only effected after great effort, by means of cotton sold through if razier, Trenholm & Co., as all proceeds of the loan had ion g previously been exhausted. The. united states government aiso recovered some supplies, machinery and several vessels, in fact everything that remained from the wreck, and I do not not believe that one penny is to be found anywhere in .Europe oi assets or the defunct Confederacy If anything can ever be recovered by the bondhold ers it can only be by government action in the United States, and you can judge better than I if there is the remotest hope of any such action; ,X0urs iaiiniuny, J.P.Benjamin, To 8. L. M. Barlow, N. Y. The Cape Fear and Yadkin Taller : Haiiroaa Raleigh Kew and Observer.- The Governor's council yesterday fWedneaavVmet. to consult with Gov. Jarvis in regard to the acceptance of the contract for the sale of the stock owned by the State in the Cape Fear and Yadkin vallev Railroad, to the New York and Southern Railroad and Telegraphic Construction Company. President, Secretary of State Saunders, Treasurer Worth, Auditor Roberts, Superintendent of Public Instruction Scarborough, and Attorney-General Kenan as legal adviser. The contract entered into by the commissioners on the part of the State, and signed by George M- lose, on the 22d day of Deo lssi, was reaq Dy me Attorney-uenerai who aavisea tne council that tne con tract had been dulv executed bv the said New York and Southern Railroad and Telegraphic . Construction .Corn pany, and that it was now m shape to be acted upon by the Governor and council. The contract was then con sidered, and the following resolutions adopted: Resolved, That the contract for the sale of the State's stock in the Cape Fearand Yadkin Valley Railroad Company, executed by George M. Rose, chairman of the State commissioners, and Charles Wendell, president of the New Yorktand Southern Railroad and Telegraphic Construction Company, is hereby approved. !: Resolved, That said contract be en dorsed: "We, the Governor and the council of State, hereby approve the f oresroine contract' fox the sale of the State's stock in the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad Company," and that.said endorsement be signed by the Governor and his council.' . iZesotoe&' That said contract, when so signed, be delivered to" JuTiUavA-' Grav, president of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley BaUroadCompanyj to. to by htm laid before the stockholders of . said company, : i : ? ' The cheapest method to cheat the undertaker (who is generally around when' couehs and colds - t a. a km mrA no. f 1nlla WWW h m 11 TV U always cures. JANUARY 21, 1882. The BlghesC Flood Since 47 Tlio ' Cumberland SU11 RlalBftand tavna In; Mncn IMatreea.' -' " v NAhtille; ' Tenjt:, Jan.- 20. The river is rising slowly and is 62 feet 7-10 inches, on gauge, within two-feet of the rise of 1847. A large amount of money was raised to-day and committees ap pointed to superintend the issuance of revisions to indigent sufferers from ack water. Back-water from the Cumberland has submerged portions of the Memphis and Louisville road, SuTrMttHQ WOMUf. ' There is but a very small proportion of the wo men of lhls nation mat do net suffer from some of the diseases for which Kldne-Woit is speclna. When the bowels have become costive, headache torments, kidneys out of fix, or piles distress, take a package and its wonderful tonic and renovating power will cure you and give new life. Watch man. ' A CARD. ' To all who are suffering from the errors and in discretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay ess Of manhood, Ac., I will send arecipe that will enre you. F&IB of CHABGJk This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. ' Send a self-addressed envelope to the Bxv. . JOSEPH T. INMAN, 8tatton D, Mew York City. : Ulrir Vita for Women. Mrs. Lydia E. Pink ham 2H8 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., has made the discovery ! Her Vegetable Compound is a positive cure for female complaints. A line ad dressed to this lady will elicit all necessary infor mation, Coffee drinkers- should read the advertisement m another column headed "Good Coffee." 30 DAYS TRIAL SSE?5 Fat'a WE: WILL. SEND, ON, 30 DAYS' TRIAL, DR. DYE'S Electro suffering from Nervous Weaknesses, Gen eral Debility, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Oth et. Causes,; or to any one afflicted with Rheuma- m,.Keuiralgia,. Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, ' Lame Back, Rup tures, ana outer jjiseases or tne viuu organs. ii.a a v. i .. : . i .1 i . thelrsex. Speedy relief and complete restoration to health guaranteed. These are the. only Electric Appliances that have ever been conntrurtetl unon fteientifimriii. eiplea. Their thoroiach efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonderful .snccesa, and they have the highest endorsements from medical and scien tific men, and from band reds who have been quickly and radically cured b their use. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, givin? all information free. Address, VOLTAIC BSXT CP., garahall, Xioh. Julyl8 . Sxrttjerlje. Particular Notice. All the drawings will herpjiftAr Tm nndnr the ex clusive supervision and control oi GENBRALS (i. T. bAUttGABD and JOBAL ATEARLY. A SPLEITBID OPPOETUITITT TO WIN A FORTUNE 8ECOND GRAND DISTRI BUTION, CLASS B, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1882. Hist MONTHLY DRAWING. Louisiana Stale Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1868 for 2R vears bv the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable-purposes wun a capital or xi.uuu.uoo to wmcn a reserve runa oi stiftU.UOO nas since been added. By an overwhelming rxmular vote Its franchise was maae a pan or tne present state uonstituaon aaoDiea uecemDer aa. a. u. i kvh. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings Will take place monthly. It never scales or DOstDones. Look at the follow ing autriDunon: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars Each, Half Tickets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize 830.000 1 Capital Prize 10,000 1 CaDltal Prize fi.000 St PrfrAa nf SO KArt K nnn 5 Prizes of 1,000 6,000 20 Prizes of 500 10,000 100 Prizes of 100. 10,000 200 Prizes of 50 10,000 BOO Prtapjj nf an in nnn IfiOO Prizes of 10 10.000 ; APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of J800... 12,700 jir miiunouiuiuvu rn ui UU. ....... ijsuu u anproxunauoniizesol 100 900 1857 Prizes, amounting. to Si 10,400 Resnonsrble corresoondrnK asents wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid. Jror further Information, write dearly, el vine full saaress. oena oraers dt express or uemsierea Letter, or Money order Dy mail, addressed only to M. a. DAUvam, New Orleans. La. orM. A.DAT7PHW 127 ia Sane street, Chicago, vis., The New York office Is removed to Chicago. N. B. Orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt attenuon. The Darttcuktr attention nf the Public Is called to the fact that the entire "number ot the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing Is sold, and conse quently all the prizes In each drawing are sold and arawn ana paia. ans ZEE 40tli "" POPTJIVAB MONTHLY DBA.WXNS OF THB In the City of Louisville, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 31str 1882. These drawlncs occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly oi JtentnoKy. The United states Circuit Court on March 81. rendered the rouowina decisions: 1st That tne commonwealth DumDuaon uom- pany is legal. 2d its arawmn an ran. The ComDanr . has now on band a lanre reserve rand, ueaa tne nst oi pnaes ior me JANUARY DRAWING. : 1 Prise,....- ......... 830,000 1 Prize, 10,000 1 Prize, 5,000 TO Prizes. SI .000 each. 10.000 20 Prizes, 600 each... 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each, 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each, 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each, 12.UW 10OO Prims. ' 30 each. lUOUtf Q PHw. S00 each. AnnroxlmAUan Prises &.70C razes. 200 - - - 1.0UU 9 Prizes, 100 " " 900 i l.flflQPto,,-. ..aiiwoo Waote TIcsmS, t i Sait Tickets. Si ; 27 Tickets, - t-Sou; b TiCKeca, aiuu, ? n . .- T aMam am i. tT Express. DON'T SEND: BY REGISTSRKD LETTKB OB POSTOWICE ORDER. Orders of i an ana apwara, Dy xxpress, can oe seal at our ex pense. . Aoaress au oraers.W; :,,-.,. : B. EL BOARDMAN. CourlersJournal Bund IxKusville, Ky or 809 Broadway.. New York. jana Voltaic ADDliances NO. 4,004, Haw Purchase Skates aod We will conduct the SKATING- RINK nm7mlTinoofrTe -t&ftZi", Wnto and on TnesaV a day nights UUUO Ci0C 1190 tr charge. The charge tor gentlemen same as before. We have ordered A LOT OF NEW SKATES Per Express, and wtu have them In a few HARGRAVES 23: i J.Beal GENERAL FEED DEALERS -4ND- COMMISSION MERCHANTQ OMMISBION MEBCHANTO, CHSRLOTTE, N. C. HAVE NOW OH HANG : A FULL SUPPLY OF WHITE AND YELLOW CORN, PEARL GRITS, BRAN, PATAPSCO PATENT PROCESS FLOUR, TIMOTHY HAY, AND HECKERS' PELF-RAISING BUCKWHEAT FLO UB WILL 6LA.DLY QUOTE PRICES """ -TO- BOTH THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TBif)X: lyr Respectfully soUdong a share of your patronage, we are resnactfully, JanXO A. J. BEALL CO. Fresh Virginia Meal, g00lt ana Soli gritrtittfl THE OBSXBVXB JOB DEPARTMENT Has Deen thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and with the latest styles of t an manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness, mspaten and cheapness, we can fur. rush at short notice, BLANKS, BILL-HZADS, LXTTXB-EXAD3, CARDS, TAQS, BXCKIPTS, POSTKBS, PROG&AHmSL Hlwrmrr.T a PAMPHLETS. CIRCULARS, CHECKS, 4c. i Mr. Bush's Fixtores, We will conduct tho days. Tne best of or der will be maintained. &WILHELM5 's C. C. D. A. AND THAT- NORTH CAROLINA 'HAS THE LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. The McSmith Music House SELLS CHICKSRING & SONS, KRANICH & BACH. MATHUSHEK, ARION, SOUTHERN GEM And other PIAN03. MASON 4 HAMLIN, 8H0NINGEB, PELOUBET & CO., STERLING, AND OTHER ORGANS. THE ONLY HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICTLY First-Class Iostrumcnte. Ask me for prices If you want good work and you will never buy anything but the bett Address or call on, II. McSMITII. GREAT GERM DESTROYER. BARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. PITTING OK 8MAL POX Prevented. Ulsters purified and healed. Gangrene prevented and cured. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvey cured In short Tme. Tetter dried up. It is perfectly harmless. For uore Throat It Is a sure cure SMALL POX ERADICATED. ContaKlon destroyed. Sick Rooms purified and made plea oar. t. Fevered and Sine Per sons relieved and re freshed by bar" witn Frophjiatic sTisa added to the watei . 3S Soft White Complexions secured by Its use In DIPTHERIA I PREVENTED Darning. Impure Air made harm less and purified by sprinkling Darby's Fluid about To purify the Breath. Cleanse the Teeth, It can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and Cholera dissipated. Ship Fever prevented by its use. In cases of death In the house, It should always be used about the corpse-It will prevent any unpleasant smell. curod Erysipelas cured. Burns relieved Instantly. Bears prevented. Removes all unpleasant oaors. An antidote for animal or vegetable poison, Stings', &c - m Dangerous enluvias or sick rooms ana nospi tals removed by Its utse. Yellow Fever Eradicate In fact it Is the great ' Disinfectant and Purifier. FBXPABKD BT J. H. ZE1LIN & CO., Manufacturing Chemists, Sole Proprietors, dec Everybody Has Disco ered SCARLET f FEVER I I CURED

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