LOUAL MATTERS. SATURDAY, JAN. 21. 1882. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. ' Phaulwx Lodge No. 81, A. J. A. M. -Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. Ktcslsiob Lodsx No. 261, A. F. & A. H. Beg gar meeting ever; first and third Tuesday nights. raABLOTnt Chaftkb No. 89. R. A. M. Begular meeting every second and lourth Friday nights. rHVKLOTTK COMMANBABT NO. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. SZ. OF H. kmghts ov Honob. Regular meeting every ,econd and fourth Thursdays. OF F- jsssssi ssadwasss. Bonlc Temple Hall. I. O. O. Charlotte Lodgk No. 88.-Meets every Men day night. MKCKLENBtTBS DSCLARATTOH LOG NO. ft Meets every Tuesday nlghL Drxnt Lodg No. 108. Meetsievery Thursday nigbt. Catawba RmtR Encampmknt No. 21. Meets lrst and tn,rd Thursday nlghta In each month. index to New Adveritnerocii 9 M. Howell Dressed Poultry. HUMMERS NOTICES. ttoAt CHIP LETS, rorty Tears' Kxptrleiee of an OK Nine. Mrs Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup Is the prescrip tion of one of the best Female Physicians and Nurses in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never-falling safety and sue by millions of mothers and children from the tleb'le Infant of one week old to the adult It 'Erects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind fti ic regulates the bowels, and Rives rest, health and iomfort to mother and child. We believe It the best and surest remedy In the world, in all (vises of Dysentery and Diarrhoea In children, whether it arises from teething or from any other Tmse Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac-elmlle of Curtis & Perkins, Is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all medicine dealers. 25 cts a bottle. Hayesvtlle, Ohio, Feb. 1 1, 1880. I am very glad to say I have tried Hop Bitten, and never took anything that did me as much good I only took two bottles and I would not uke S 1 00 for the good they did me. I recom mend ttiero to my patients, and get the best re sults from their use. C B. Mxbcxb, M. D, Bedford alum and Ikon SFBisea Watkk ajtd Mass. The great tonlo and alterative contains twice ss much Iron and fifty per cent, more alum inum than any "alum and iron mass" known, just the thing for the "spring weakness" now bo general. Sold by all druggists of any standing, prices reduced one half. mayll- t A FAULTLESS FAMILY MSDICINS. "I have used In my family Simmons Liver Regu lar, prepared by J. H. Zeuln & Co , for the last dgbt or teli years, and fonnd It to supercede any thing recommended for chills, fever and ague. I iiavti given up calomel, quinine and all other mer ciMiil treatments I give it to my children, from ooe year old to those of twenty-five years old. It is all you couli wish In a family. Please use my name as you wish. Very truly. K. H. TJRBANK3. Crawford county, ta." m A Ken Haven minister of the gospel told one of his deacons that he was constantly hearing a loud sound, which kept him awake nights. Since using Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills, hi hearing has become normal, and his nerves are steady and true. Coughs. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" will allay irritation which induces coughing, giving often times immediate relief in Bronchlili, In fluenza, Hoarseness, and Consumption and Asth matic complaints. Rheumatism In Its worst form, has never been known to fall to yield to S. S. S. when taken as directed. It never falls to cure. SEE HEBE. You are sick; well, there Is Just one remedy that will cure you beyond possibility of doubt. If it's Liver or Kidney trouble, consumption, dyspepsia, debility. Well's Health Eenewer is your hope. 81. Druggists. Depot, J. H. Mciden, Charlotte, N. C. To promote a vigorous growth of th hair, nse ii r- color to gray natr, tchlug cl the scalp. remove dandruff, and cures Dr. N. L. Galloway, Monroe, Ga.. says: 8. 8. 8. stands without a peer, the profession will have to acknowledge It a specific for blood diseases. Hero &&vtZKtiszmzut&. 03i tiST, Another skating rink will 1)6 opened next week. 1ST Court house circles fail to far nish news items or amusement to court spectators. IW The text date taken at the opera house is February 3d, by Oliver Doud Byron and his company. ISFSue Adams, the colored woman shot recently by Martin Orr, is said to be suffering very little from her wounds. tW Miss Carrie Watts last night gave a german at the residence of her father, Capt. Harrison Watts, complimentary to her friends. tSPMe&srs. Brem & Mdbowell axe having a handsome sign painted on the side of their hardware store, which will add much to the appearance of the building. VST Remember the meeting to be had this afternoon by the relief association. It is very desirable that a good attend ance be had. A notice appears else where. tW The Home and Democrat of this week contains a communication on theatre-going that is full of good sense, the writer of which evidently views the subject from a practical standpoint. tJTThe superior court yesterday was all day engaged on the case of David son vs. McArledge, taken up day be fore yesterday, the conclusion wf which has not yet been reached. tSFNIght before last a thief drew the staple of the stable door on Mr. Walter Brem's lot and carried oft a sack of corn. Nothing else was dis turbed. The loss is perhaps 92.50. tefGood Health" for January, a neat little publication containing much valuable information, edited by Dr. H. P. Gatchell, of this city, has just been issued from The Observer job rooms tSTThe city has been on its good be havior for the past several days. In fact many of the old "disturbers" that in bygone days gave much trouble to the guardians of the peace have disap peared from the community. KW A "young blood" from the coun try, mounted on a fine, fleet-footed horse, yesterday afternoon gave an ex hibition on the principal streets of the city that surpassed anything in the way of horsemanship and mud-splitting that has been seen here lately. He made a tour of the city before being captured, but was finally run in. The Skaiiug- Risk. Messrs. Hargraves & Wilbelm have become the owners of the skating rink in the basement of the Smith building, and have decided to make it a perma nency for the winter. A large lot of improved skates have been ordered, and the hours for skating have been fixed as follows: Every afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock, and every Tuesday and Fri day night from 7 to 9, for ladies and gentlemen. Ladies are not charged for the use of skates. The rink will be in charge of Mr. B.F.Tipton, i Reported Engaged. A correspondent of the Greenville News, writing from Baltimore under date of January 15th, gives the follow ing bit of gossip about a young lady well-known in Charlotte: "Amongst the rumored weddings soon to 'come off is that of Mr. Frank Baker, -son of the wealthy glass manufacturer of this city, to Julia Jackson, daughter of Gen. Stonewall Jackson. It is also rumored that they will reside in a handsome house purchased for them by the father of the reported groom, on Eutaw Place." Xlarrlage Thursday Night. Night before last, at the residence of the bride's mother in this city, Rev. Dr. Theo. Whitfield, assisted by Rev. Mr. Nelson of Shelby, united in marriage Miss Lila, daughter of the late J. M. Springs, and Rev. Theo. Ebbletuft, pas tor of the Baptist church at Fayette- ville, N. C. The bride is a well known young lady of this city, where she has a large circle of relations and friends, the good wishes of whom she will carry A Successful Debate The meeting of the Library Associa tion last night was one of great suc cess. The debate which waa looked forward to with much anxiety by the participants, came off with scarcely a flaw, in spite of the large and imposing audience, and the difficulty of talking on one's feet, which always confronts the ntvice and pats him to it to collect his scattered wits. Much of the credit for the success of the occasion is due to the skilf ul manner in which the president, Rev. J. T. Bagwell, manipu lated it, and the sympathetic bearing with which throughout he inspired confidence in the young orators. The committee of judges appointed to decide upon the merits of the discus sion, consisting of four ladies and four gentlemen, after a spirited consulta tion, took a vote and were found to be at a tie f our for "Eloquence" and four for the "Sword." A deadlock ensued, and the decision was deferred to the house as the last resort. After a rising vote it was found that a majority were in favor of the sword, and so it was decided. Personal. Rev. J. A. Hartman, of Chambers burg, Pa is in-the city, and will preach at the Lutheran church to-morrow, morning and evening. He is stopping at Mrs. Shannonhouse's. Rev. Joseph E. Carter, of Wilson, N. C, arrived in the city yesterday and will preach at the Baptist church to morrow. Capt W. T. R. Bell, of the King's Mountain High School, was registered at the Central yesterday evening. Mrs. G. D. Bernheim, of Mount Pleasant, is in the city, visiting her daughters Misses Lisette and Florence. While here Mrs. Bernheim will undergo medical treatment for an affection of the eyes, from which she has for some time been a sufferer. She is stopping at Mr. W. H. Bailey's. i I m I i i Pal Ice Heaqnarterat Why is it that Charlotte, with a pop ulation of nearly ten thousand and a fine police force, to look after the inter ests of the city, cannot afford to have an office for police headquarters, where at short notice an officer could be secured for an. emergency V In every city of Charlotte's importance this is consider ed an absolute necessity, and it may be considered as such here. When an offi cer is wanted it is never known exactly where you can find one, which is no fault of the police, as they are left to hang around street corners at their will when not on their rounds. We would suggest as an improvement on the present condition of things that a slate be hung to a lamp post on the square where calls can be left, so that when the "cops" wish to know whether all is quiet along the line they can just step up to the slate, strike a match and in terview the entries. Tile OvfpnJUaa va.ifr"e;vi, The Orphan's Friend says that the to tal number" of orphhM admitted into Oxford Asylum to December 1st, 188L was 528 ; number reported last year 138 ; admitted since last report 60 making 188 present during the year. Adopted during the year 4, died 1, dismissed 43? leaving on the roU .140. Of the total number dismissed -about 80 per cent, are doing welL prospering in their la bors, and useful to the State. Those who fail to do well art generally , those who ran away, or whose relatives inter? fared with their progress. The general health of the children has been remark, ably good. List vf Latter Remaining in the post office at Char lotte, N. C for the week ending Janu ary 9th, 1882: Albert Adler, Miss M. N. Alexander, Mr. Mill Berpire, Anna Burgan, Miss Hattie Bennett, Learj Brice, Kizzie Banks, Miss Altie Brown, Prof. J. W. Beggs, S. Bacon,. H. L. Creighton, J. E. Carpenter (2), J. H. Cautrt 11, Mrs. M. Canthier, Mrs. M. B. Coleman, Miss Lizzie Davidson. Joseph Dickson, Miss Maggie Davidson, Amos Goes, Cbas. A. Green, Miss Galway, colored, John Goins, .Miss M. J. Galloway, W. H. Gra ham, Anna Hanson, Jno. R, Hood, Green Icard, Mrs. Matilda King, Miss M. J. Keener, E. H. Lee, Jno. A. Lefler, Jno. Lone, Anthony Morris, . James Marks, Minney Moore, R.M.McLure, Caroline Neeley, Mrs. M. E. Oliver, B. a Pegram, A. R. RatcliffeV Chasi1 1. Rogers, Mr. Remsen, attorney-at-law, Elam Roberson, Henry Sanders, R, H Shields, Martha Tune, Bishop Thomas A Blch Gold nine Border.; ' We learn that some northern capltaist and A. W. Graham and Capt. Jones, of Hillsboro, have opened a gold mine' on the lands recently purchased from Rev. R. -A. Patterson, .who resides, near: White Cross, Orange, county. Some time ago they purchased a small piece of land from Mr. Patterson, for which they paid him $2000, and agreed to pay him one fourth of the proceeds from the mine. ' They went to work , and in a few days they discovered that they had a regular bonanza on their hand. The ore was found to be very rich, and the company then offered Mr. Patterson $c00 for his fourth interest The offer was refused and. the company are now digging up the yellow metal in large quantities. 1m a perfectly tenable and economical remedy we cordially recommend Dr. Bull's eoufh syrup. Price 25o a bottle, lor sale everywhere. . Coffee drinkers should read the 'advertisement H another ootnmn beaded "ood Cofflee." When the avatem has hum fined with Mrenrr a 8. & should be taken to rid the body of Its every , effects, tt la a complete antidote. AT COST! AT COST. OJLYINQ JU8I TAJEXN A1 1 ' . I fXKD t BATS XNTtBXL! TP i Jfl&ifj o I2E STOCK OH H1HD, iKS IS OBDXB TO BZDTJCS IT 1 WHJiOFlKBUimLrDBTHXSIIOTICK, ALL GOODS UNRESERVEDLY AT COST. decSO lm ' -ON HAND. Turkeys, Chickens, Docks, Cranberries, BUCKWHEAT fLOUfi, DKB88XD POULTRY XVK&T SATtTaDAT, -IT- S. M. HO WELL'S. an21 . EmilineToms, Jim.Thomasson, R. C. 1 T rTMTtMV II 1. 1? I T..l. T;mW.A;n. THi&a XV Ttmiio u " U il 1J Kl I 1 u U U I Lizzie Young. "JTer chants Leaving Cbarlotie.' "We hear that there will shortly be a heavv desertion of Charlotte by a num ber of the prominent merchants of that place. Wittkowsky & Baruch will leave for Baltimore, where they will open out in business, while Messrs. Brown & Weddington. SchifE & Grier, Morris Bros, and Latta & Brother, will go to Richmond. This will be a,pretty sharp thinning out. but there will still be a few merchants left" The above item is from the Concord Sun of vesterdav. and but for the fact that the firms mentioned are among the most solid and successful in Charlotte, we should not think it worth while to give a contradiction, but the matter-of fact manner in which the statement is made is calculated to alike in jure Char lotte and the business interests of those mentioned. Messrs. Brown & Weddington, when questioned about the matter yesterday, gave the reporter to understand that thev were negotiating for a honse in Richmond for the purpose of establish ing a wholesale hardware business in that city, but this would not necessarily close their business house in Charlotte; in fact, it is our opinion that these gen tlemen are doing a business here of sufficient magnitude to warrant the as sertion that they have no intention of abandoning Charlotte at present. So with her to her new home. 1 far as Messrs. Wittkowsky & Baruch The couple left on the 10 p. m. train concerned, the report is simply ab- When calling for any of the above please say advertized. W. W. Jenkins, P. M. At Haae avud. Abrwad few Febnutrr The February number of this first- class Southern magazine has just been issued and is, as usual, well stocked with original matter, in prose and poet ry, from the pens of some of the best writers in the South. This monthly is now an established institution ; and we are happy to state upon the authority of the editors themselves that Its pros pects were never brighter, and it is con sidered a financial as well as a literary success, we trust tne igooa people or Charlotte will come forward and do their part towards increasing its cir culation in this city, which wB hope will long be its headquarters. Below we append the table of contents for February, 1882; from it the public can judge of the literary treat placed before It. The story for St Valentine's Day is written by a lady of Charlotte, and is well worth a careful perusal. We are also requested to state, in this connec tion, that the recent election of Dr. Bernheim to the Presidency of N. C Col lege will in no way affect the interests of At Home and Abroad, with which he will still continue to be connected, editorially and otherwise. His work for the College will not commence un til June next; meanwhile he will take an extended tour through Georgia, Florida and the Southwestern States, canvassing for the magazine. Even af ter June, he will travel and work for it, in connection with his presidential labors. The magazine will be found on sale at Tiddy'a and Eddins' bookstores, in this city. The Forecast of Patrick Henry ; The Frozen Heart; You and I; What is Love? or, -The Angel in the Cloud;'' In the Highlands; "Walk in the Light;" "Judge Not;" Florida Sketches Tampa ;" AuRevoir! The Cherokees in North Carolina; Across the Atlan tic; Necessity; Ethel's Stratagem; Oceanside, or Life on the Southern Coast; "And Days and Years Come Back No More ;" Religious Department ; Current News; Choice Bits; Editorial Department LOOK HERE! TX7I intend selllnc Acid and 6nano. which we TV havs on band, and will try to always have it so yon san etfme and get it when it snHs you. We will have four or five kinds, so yon can take year choice. We will be glad to ship to any station en the road. Send In your orders and renumber one thing, we do not Intend to be undersold in the same brands or same goods, and don't you forget it Kespecuiuiy, BARKER & DKRR, an20 !3t wSt Hnntersvllle, N. C WWW EES WWW W E Ww WW KJS WW H H A V V EBB H H AA V V B HHH AAV V KB H H AAA VV E H H A A V EBB But a limited stock of mo mm AND FARMERS P W GUANO. Parties who wish to procure their supply win do well to call and make arrangements with us as WB ABB NAMING LOW PBIOX& CALL BXFORS ALL 13 GONE. MAYER & ROSS. sn20 PRIIiTERS,Si Rochester, NT Y. ' - Not Amateurs, send tout name and address to o. wuimuw, janio Absolutely Pure. Tin powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., nov23 New York. LeRoy Davidson. Sole Ajent, Chart otte, N. C NOTICE. ON Monday, the 18th day of February. 1882,1 will expose to public sate at the court house. In Charlotte, an undivided half Interest In atjact ot land in Berry hill township, adjoining tends ol Dr. I. J. Sloan, a 8. Hoover," W L Hoever and Others, own as the McConnell place, now the vru,pe'iy or i. jnonroe imwu. uowowu. - uapt contains one hundred acres, well watered ana Improved, and produces good cotton, corn and wheat. Terms: Fifty dollars cash: balance of purchase money on nine months credit, purchaser giving bond and security for purchase money. W. R. BER.BYHILL, Adm'r. anl7 w tds of L Monroe Reed. IMPORTANT -To Owners of Mineral Property.- pARTiaa owning lands on which Gold. Copper, 1 siwpp nr Mtrei u found in Daying quantities, communicate at once with the undarslgned. par ticulars as to locality, situation and transportation. Bend average samples by mall er express, pre paid, to COLORADO, Central Hotel. Charlotte, N. C. ten 17 8t caljsbury Watchman copy. over the Carolina Central for Fayette ville, which place will be their home. New liodge Knigfeua of Pytklfuu Thursday evening Col. Chas. R. Jones. Vice Grand Chancellor Knights of Pythias, in company with several other members of the order in this city, went over to Salisbury, and that night instituted a new lodge of Pythians in that town. The lodge commences work with seventeen charter members, with good prospects for an increase in numbers. The following were installed officers for the term : P. C L. S. Overman. C. C E. B. Neave. V. C.R. R- Crawford. P. J. M. Gray. M. E. J. D. Gaskill. M. F. "VV. L. Rankin. K. R. S. R. M. Davis. M. A. C. E. Mills. I. G. W. H. Overman. O. G. J. F. Pace. THE HEW DRUG STORE, Corner of College and Trade streets, (Wilson A Keek's old stand.) IS NOW OPEN. Parties desiring Fre& and Sellable Drags v ill do well to give us a ealL Jin4tf 0DC N GHUB, HAND 4 CO Mice to'k Public. .-. THE existence of small pox as an. epldemiojn many sections makes It my duty to agato uirge upon all our citizens the duty of vaccinating, our daily intercourse with all sections of the country exposes us to It contact. Don't watt unttl tnu pestilence Is in our midst to take steps to prevent its spread. I have ordered vaccine matter and ask our physicians to use it In vaccinating those who are not able to pay. Let this matter nave the prompt attention of every household. F. fl. DeWOLFB, , lanlO lw Major; The OperaHooie. We understand that Mr. H. McSmith, of the McSmith music house of this city, has secured by lease a half -Interest In the Charlotte opera honse for this year. McSmith has had some ex np.rience in this line of business, and we have no d.Qiib,t wtU do, what he can to have a superior class of companies appear here. In this connection it is aue me man agement to state that they are in no wise to blame for the manner in which the Markham company cut "The Two Orphans" Thursday night. It was un derstood before the performance com manntA that the company intended leaving for Wilmington at 1030, but a promise was exacted by the manage ment that the piece should not be cut, whieh pr emise was. not Kepi. xk fraud ou the audience to act thns, and but for the miserably poor rendering we have na doubt the company would have heard a protest. As it was, every one was glad to escape. a. a B cored me of Catarrh after all (otoer trea rnenthlaUed; rou can recommend Was sure SJoT a a Bun Greencastle, ind. surd. No other house in the State en joys a larger tradelor better reputation than theirs, and they understand too well what it requires to gain the ground they occupy here to abandon the field after they have reached their present success and prosperity. Messrs. Latta & Bro. have no inten tion whatever of leaving Charlotte, and so far as we are informed have never expressed themselves in a manner to warrant the statement made by the Run. Thfiv have established branch houses at other points, but Charlotte will continue to be business headquar ters for the firm. fiMessrs. H. Morris & Bro. left Char lotte the 1st of January, not for Rich mond, but Tarboro, where they already had a successful business established. The extract from the Sun conveys the idea that there is to be a general stampede of business men from the city, when nothing of the kind is thought of by the parties named. It is rumored that Messrs. SchifE & Grier are considering the feasibility of a transfer of their business to Richmond, but we are not at all certain that this moye will be made. Some of the members of the firms mentioned feel that an injustice has been done them, and it might be well for th San ta be sure that such state ments are correct before giving theni nubllcltv. The party giving the infor mation was evidently ignorant of what he was reporting, or was actuated by a desire to injure Charlotte's reputation as a business centre. 'gov fpttt FOR SALE OR RENT. TEX Ben and commodious residence boot by H. T. Butler, on Tryoa street, mat beyond the track of the A. T.4 0.B. B.OO. Good bargain. Apply m Jantatf Aseot- A. Six room noose.- with A' rood yard and weill at water, and a two room kitchen; 4n mlnnlM mllr ot t.lia IHlhltC HnilAre. Annlv to WALTER BREM. decSO tf Ajrresure of Peaelosisw To the Xdltar ol The Observer. That crmat ininnitv the Act 01 Con gress granting arrears of pensions was not paasea wiliiou ypputuuuu v. m careless ignorance,, as seems to be thought by some wno are now discuss ing it in the newspapers and elsewhere. It is true that nobody knew then, or indeed knows yet exactly now many millions or hundreds of millions will h A-rr.rnfttAd from the Treasurv under iv. sslsh firaMfta for sale or rent. AA AO IK. USUU V v va J auwaa " . . m v w a I rlea away dv puruiiua aemagogism. It was rushed through the House under a suspension of the rules by men anx ious to pander to what they supposed was the soldier sentiment. The vote upon it will be found on page 48tf4 of the Congressional'. Record, 2nd session, 45th Congress, where it will be seen that myself and colleagues from this State in the House all voted against it, except two who were absent. It also appears that the Southern Democrats &-&pbuSas 2riirto?a Fqr sale or rent. or aoagea; uiat uie uui; jnuiiuwu members voting against it were Demo crats: and finally that of the majority who passed it me larger pan were re publicans. Whatever Senator Beck may say of the careless manner in which this bill was allowed to pass the Senate, it was strenuously opposed in f ho TTnna- narticularlv bv the Southern Democrats, who predicted then that it A would be found m the end one of the most recklessly improvident and waste ful measures ever passed by the American Congress. Kespecuuiiy yours, Wm. M. Robbins. SUteaville, Jan, 19th, 1882. ILIEiDy ILDavMgdPim We Pay Special Attention -TO THE- RETAIL TRADE And have a large and well selected Stock adopted for this BRANCH OF OUR BUSINESS, To which we give our personal attention. We have received a full supply of for rent. SQTJIBBS' MEDICINES, TWO houses, one on Graham street, the other In rear of my residence. Xacb qaca.ifci TOTKATTTBX LOSS OT THS HAIR Kay be entirely prevented by the use of BUB NITTS COCOADW. No other compound pos .uMtha Mcniiar DroDerUes hlch so exaoUy . v. rinm Mwunthms of the human hair. It HIv T t ufunatTiA hnlr when harsh and dry. . It soothes the Irritated scalp. It affords tne ncneswusH. m nrevents the hair from falling off. It promotes Us tiMitriv. vteorosi erowth. It Is not greasy nor sticky. It leave no disagreeable odor. It k sinTisinifr. Burnett's TlaTortoa Extracts arwtnwnto oe hn on Mn attnnid read the advertisement j in another column headed "Good Coffee." has four rooms, good garden and well of water in yard. Both comfortable ho Pnunislnn ImmAdl&telT. lanlO 1W JTBAWA OHIU&B. rrax honse And lot on B street formerly occu- X pled by Thos. J. Sprinkle, is for sale or rent. ily to TrJ Which for mrrity and excellence cannot be surpassed, for pre scrtSion puwes, and wiUbe used exclusively for this trade. CALLS ANSWXBED AT ALL HOURS OF THE NIGHT BY ZXPEBIXNCID CLERK3. -fiEJ WILSON k BURWELL, Trade Street Ann jama n PH(. H. HADGHTON. Agent. FOR SALE, Charlotte Belief AawocAavtlwn Thfl members of this association will meet in the Young Men's Christian As sociation room at 3 o'clock p. m. on Sat- t,tAv the 21st (to-morrow.) There' IS aesuiuwou ana BuixciiUK among our poor whicn calls for aw from our clt&ens, and the Relief Asso ciation having m past years rjeen me medium through ' which i it has t been contributed,' reorganization to- meet present necessity is now causa ior. This call is an invltattoh to every, charitable citizen to meet and partici pate in the organization and work of the association. - -: ' - wespecxiuuy, : i - - - ' John A. YouQj . ' i. Chairman. ... -January V188i. vMt . v ' '' Kdne'Wert-MCfes : thef bowels ittg"?. eteanm the bloodv and radically eoTesTrtdney I dbeTKweLlpubUlOus neadache. and pains j wWeareomsea byWdered ttvet and Udaeys. ThoBBda bare been cured why should yoe not ?J:t!ZxZZZ3 mm tan , n that it is one of S'Socessftirmed old iLnboth dry and llQald form, and its action U boeltrre and sursln eUnex.-Ilas Texas Herald. Is two stories high, with seven I rooms nn stain, and basement,! tiitAhlA for residence as well as I business. Matthews' is one of the growing towns tn tne State, and has lost now a flourishing school and good churcn privileges. , . This property will be sold at a bargain to a bona 4Sj4a wtmvihssun In the store house Is a stock of General Mer eBandlse, purchased last fall, which will be sold wl h the premises. w .TT B. BOSTON WALLACS, JanlS dlt w2t , Matthews', N. a -MUSI0AL.- -Prof. JULIAH 0. 80HULTZ, Lately a Prof essor of the tfew York Conservatory ot Music, will teach a seleCtass of . . . . VOCAL aW INSTBTJMINTALMOSia SpwcUl. coarse forliaW , SSSSS1. reiereoees, jumbwj uuu mm -Music House. Janllw ; CrorJythe bxai Wcco known as The OldOaken Bueker rpHl old Oaken Baeket, X The Unbound bucket. The nwas-eorered backet, -i ... , Tbatntmgmtteweu. & . " CSAR R. ions. , , V Charlotte, N.C8oleAgemV IV Liberal terms to oeaiersi , , of 9K.k7? IF YOU WANT A KEALLT GOOD STEEL Ask y our Stationer or send 25 cents in stamps for box contain ing two dozen JUST GO TO PERRY'S NICKEL, AND GILT, Of Assorted Pat terns, la a icktV r ioted Match Box. Sold by nil Stationers. iYison, BMemafl, Taylor k Co., Sols Agekts, New xokk. decSO 1 R VAWOB. W. tt UIUI. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneri and Counsellors CHABLOTTB, N. C ftaeoee tn Supreme Coot er tte UrJtedStates. DUDreme uoun os iwn www v Courta, and eoanOea of Meeklea burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ten, Bowan and De- . vldson. tar Office, two door east of Independence ggolre. mayw RO. D. GRAHAM, IHO8tata and DnUed 8tatea Coorts. Collee lOomL Home ead .Verelgn. soUetted. Ab eta oi nun, qui rcjs. iwnm w w POwrasrH. I. Comer Tr, Chsrtntte, M. C. Tnon trjan.. and see what C1I FilTS He has for New Teai'j DiBnersCand how very cheap be is selling Toys and Fancy Articles FOR NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS. dec 81