-. - I 800k viua Soli gxiutinQ TEX OBSXBTXB JOB DXPABTMXNT Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job- Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can fur nish at short notice, BLANKS, BILL-HIADS, UnrXBrKKACS, CARDS, TAOS, BXCKTPT8, POSTKBfl. PBOflTUMTHTtfl, HAKDBTLLa, PAMPHJJTa. CIBCDLAB3, CKECKS, Ac SVBHOUIPTtOH RATR8: miZj, orte year, jxjtt-vaid, in advance 58 00 pix month ' ...... ....................... 4.00 fjrefmudhM..., 2.00 Onemoidh 75 I WtSSXT EDITION: ' K&V 0 V county), in advance .'. . . .82.00 Outdfthetounty, to&patd . ...vv. ....... 2.10 iimcmiht I.OB liberal MOu4tionJr Cflufit. VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE, N. 0.9 SUNDAY JANUARY 22, 1882. NO. 4,005. . Btfti tlrn OSoofls. TO-DAY vD - ALL I WILL BB SOLD AT 5 GREAT SACRIFICE, TO MAKE BOOM FOR SPRING PURCHASES. We Mean Every Wori of This -AND- Only Ask an Inspection to Convince You. T. L Scigle & Co. Good Things 1 -: o : : o : Lvonsi Patent Metallic Stiffeners PREVENTS Boots and Shoes ' -FROM RUNNING OVER, Wearing off at the Sides or Ripping IN THE SEAMSw Johnson's Silk and Felt Insoles . PREVENTS RHEUMATIC CRAMP. COLD FEET, BUNNIONS AND CHILBLAINS. Neuralgia, Sprains, ; Pain in the. Back and Side. v There Is nothing more painful than these diseases; hut the pain can be removed and the disease cored by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. This remedy is not a cheap Benzine or Petroleum product that must be kept away from fire or heat to avoid, danger of explosion, nor is it an untried experi ment that may do more harm than good. Pain Killer has teen in constant use lor forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world Is, It never f ai Is. It not only effects a permanent cure, but it relieves pain almost instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, It Is safe In the hands of the most inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Pais Killer would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried it think: Edgar Cady, Owatouna, Minn., says : About a year since my wife became subject to severe suffering from rheumatism. Our resort was to thaf-UH Kiina, which speedily ralievwJ her. Charles Powell writes from the Sailors' Borne, London; J had ben afflicted three roars irith nenralfria and violent spasms of the stomach. The doctors at Westminster Hospital gave up my case In despair- I tried your path Ktt.tct, and it gave me immediate relief. I have regained my strength, and am now able to follow my usual eocupation. 0. XL Walworth. Saco, lie., writes : I experienced immediate relief from pain in the side by the use of your Paxn tttt.t.h E. York says: I have used your Pats Etlleb for rheumatism, and have received great benefit Barton Seaman says : Have used Pain Ktt.t.to for thirty years, and have found It a nevtr.ailing remedy for rheumatism and lamfmansi Mr. Burditt writes : It never fail tqgive relief in eases of rheumatism. Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : From actual use, I know your Vaxs g" T.m Is the best medicine I can get. All druggists keep Pain Killxr. its price Is so low that it is within the reach of all, and It will save many times its cost in doctors' bins. 25c, 50c. and 81.00 a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, f?. I. sept dAw sept pet. PEGRAM & CO., TOjjgpS SOLS AGENTS. janl pMscellaueotts. His INDORSED BY ft AND 1 ;- THE GBEATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPTOM3 OF A TORPID- LIVER. Lowof appetlte,Nauaea.bowels costive, Pain in theHeaa.witb. a dull sensation in iVia baek part. Pain under the snoulder blade. fnllrs after eating, witn a H QI DUU w WWW clination to exertion Irritability of tetrm ar, orhaving '&Me ddtyearins. yiness. fffertV. g At the Heart. Dots Before tno uJav VIa falHn, Headache. BesUess. ness at night, highly colored Urine. and Dipn-1 duoed. "Bxcellent Tonic. Alterative and Diuretic. Medical Association, Lynchburg, ya. "TTart with erreat benefit In Malaria therla." 8. JP. Dupon, M. D., Ga. . A. "Successfully used ln dyspepsia, chronlo diar rhoea and Bcrofula." Prof. 8. Jackson, M. D., Univ. Penn. . . Wnn t n Invlnahl M A neiVODS t0niC."-H0n. 1, Fcbminendedas a PrpPhyctlc In malarial dl8trlcts,"-IX B, Falrex, M. D., N. o. Restores debilitated systems to health. -T.t. "Sucow8ul lidlpbfheria audeualg1al,,-J. P. Mfpi toi TOflu'-Prot J. J. Moorman, JL D., Va. "Prompt , in jellevtaf headache, sl and ner- vous."-fov.B:C. D9cn.. -i1-a.i.i ug. 'IJsed with great benattt In dyPPl BXidtobfonchltUnd diseases of dlgesttyi: organs.M-J. F. Boughton, f-ai- di. Most valuable,, remedy known for female eases'-Jna P. Metteaur, M. D., L. L. utald; "01 great curative vtrtae.'!-Thos. . Bumrow, M"fen7nclat to &rmtjlennwent wuHbt nous conaiaons. -i, ,. Charming on me cumpicjiv,. ""r smwtbTclear, toft aad T087."-Mli JM8.a "The prince o( mineral tonics." Jfrancu ?u 11am, M. D., N. C. i1mw m, 'inestimable as a tonlo and .alterative. ter Mcbulre, M. D., i.-:M'Mt'2mm jt Usher. "Fine appetizer and bleed purifier.'';-H. naner, flMol 1 imnrovInJt a Mduoed Xs" hod -HO' niative iimm. Besmiar sweu w" TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray Hair or whisk ebb cmww"-' Rint br single application of this Dva. It impart, a Satural coVoj, acts iMtaneoualy JrTi5T. n.ri.tm. ar Mnt bv czurew on receipt of II. OB8GBVATIOKS. Epitaph for a carp n ter: Passed to the higher plane. Cornier-Journal. I Wrien a man ts about to be told a secret he shuts the door. When it is a woman she opens the door to be su"e no one is listening outside. rrencn Fun. Xsculanlus nractlced medicine even when an In fant, which rave rise to the song "M. D. la the Cradle." Clndnn&tl Saturday Night. Counsel for prisoner: "Did you see the prisoner at the bar knock down the deceased?" Pat: "Ho, ylr Honor; he was alive when I see him knocked down. Detroit Free Press. The papers all over the country have been ridi culing the big hats worn by women in the theatre. We had said nothing upon the subject, tor the hats we have seen oner noimng u De emargea upon. Lowell Citizen. . We look forward anxiously to the day when the sMthAtle erazA will take the form of naste-Dot In sanity. We've got two we desire to sell for old Etruscan vases at a ruinously low figure ay $5,000 for the pair. Sew York Commercial Advertiser. New Yorkers meditate a new line of steamers which are to make the trio to Europe In six days. This is pretty quick ocean traveling; but until a line Is started that will beat a cable dispatch America's defaulting bank cashiers will not feel sate. Norrlstowa Herald. Darwin, In his new book, estimates that there are in gardens 68,767 worms to the acre. This tallies with our count when we were digging gai- den and didn't care a nickel about finding worms; but when we wanted bait for fishing, the garden didnt pan out a dozsn worms to the acre. They nau au emigratea 10 me garaen 01 some outer fellow who never goes a-fishlng. Norrlatown Herald. . Illiteracy. Wilmington Star. The census of 1880 shows that there was 7 per cent, of whites and 1 per cent, of colored in the United States who could not read. Here are the sta 8tistics for the South. They show 'the per cent, of illiterates : White. n r-Colored. , No. Pert;t No. per cL 111,767 16 321,680 10,763 13 30,420 128,934 15 391,482 214,497 15 133,895 58.951 12 259,429 53,448 11 319,753 192,032 22 271,943 69,577 15 310,071 216,227 18 194,495 123,812 10 192,520 114,693 13 315.660 75,237 12 10,139 Look at North Carolina and then say you are not ashamed of the facts giv en, jn oc only does jm ortn uaroiina ieaa in illiteracy amomg the whites, but behold how great the distance. Tenn essee, her daughter, is five per cent. better off, wniistotner states are iiom fifty to seventy-five per cent, in ad vance. Will our leading men remain satisfied with such a disgraceful ex hibit? One of the old original tnir teen States, and yet North Carolina is fair behind her younger sisters in the race of intelligence. We hope the more intelligent editors will not cease to make war upon this shameful con dition of things. Twenty-two per cent, of the whites are as ignorant as the slaves that have been librratedtndless than $400,000 is expended annually for curing the dangerous and offensive evil. The intelligent white people should bestir themselves and demand larger and better educational facilities. When the State has been provided with the means to educate all then it will be time enough to talk about a law to com pel those to send their children to school who have neglected or refused to do so. In the mean time we must have more money. It must be had. Either the taxes must be increased so as to enlaree the school fund, or the State must obtain help from the pub lic lands or other sources. The point in hand now is the necessity of an in crease. We take it to be I too plain to require argument that illiteracy is an evil; that the evil abounds in North Carolina, and that it is the part of statesmanship to relieve or to eradicate . V 1 it. How tnis snail do none is a ques tion worthy of the most patient thought and of a most enlightened peo ple. The Star has long essayed to push on the ball of educational progrgss, and it proposes to continue its efforts irom time to time. Tlia Sltaailonn IYona, ' -. Pakis, 'Jan. 2L Lyons Branch of the Union Generale is besieged. If the concern can meet its engagements unscuiei mav oe averLeu; u. lb-iius Bourse - liabilities beyend its powers still worse may be expected. Lyon's bankers stopped payment and bankers held a meeting ; Friday evening to consider the situation. 15 (iulteavu lleflkda , HlaSpeeck and tbe - Court Adjourn. Washington. D. C'Jan. 21. In the Guiteau trial to-day the prisoner made I We win conduct the a few introductory remarks and then read his speech published on Monday last. At the conclusion of the reading tee court adjourned until Monday. 1 1 " SUFFXBIKG WOMEN. There is but a very small proportion of the wo men of this nation that de net suffer from some of the diseases for which Kldne-Wort is spedno. When the bowels have become costive, headache torments, kidneys out of fix. or tnles distress, take a package and Its wonderful tonlo and renovating power wui cure you ana give new uie. waicn Alabama Florida Georgia Kentucky Louis an a Mississippi North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia 53 47 53 49 53 49 51 .51 48 48 49 39 ITEnSOFINTEBEST. . ; The Maori Christians of New Zealand show great zeal and diligence in build ing churches. Six new churches - were finished by them during 1881, and four more are in progress. , A Scotch Baptist church is said to have been organized : in Patagonia. There are Chinese Baptist churches in Guiana, and a French one in the Ar gentine Republic. . Blackwood having accused Mr. Glad stone of coining the compound word "blood-trail tin ess," it has been discover ed that it occurs in the fifty-first Psalnu Statistics show thatwomen commit suicide most frequently, on Sunday. It is only ten years since that in France the science of geography cane to be considered of moment. At the funeral of Chief-Justice Pier pont, of Vermont at Vergennes, the preacher caused some resentment among the mourners by expressing sor row that the deceased had "never given expression to those views which are considered necessary to the Christian." It is said of the crown jewels of Eng land that when they areused by the Queen on occasions of state they . are conveyed from the Tower in a cab un der care of two , assistants. It has been suggested that they be . protected eh route by a guard of mounted soldiers. ' Still another submarine tunnel is in contemplation. It is proposed that one shall be constructed under the straits of Messina, and the Italian minister of public works has already authorized the surveys. . Messina will be one of the; termini and Reggio, in . Calabria, the other. The Maxwell Tanch contains 1,700,000 acres of New Mexico land, and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe rail-j road passes through it. Tne. man whose name it bears got it by marriage and by purchasing various interests tie Has put it into an jungiisn stocK company, and a fence is being built around it, preparatory to the raising of blooded stock on a large scale. A factory will be established at New xtiSS2tiZSF&& Electro -Voltaic Appliances lif IWiasei Hsl's Skates and Fixtures We will conduct the SKATINGr RINK m 71? JSiSISS? f2!fl Ja5,wmJ? admitted every evening, and on Tuesday and Friday nights iiom 7 till 11 o'clock, free of charge. The charge for genUemen same as before We have ordered A CARD. To an who are suffering from the errors arwrla oucreuon or youin, nervous weakness, eany aeeay oss of manhood. &.. I will send a rectoe that will cure you. FEES of CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. tsena a seu-aaaressea envelope w me j&bv. JOSEPH T. INMAN. Station D. New YorkOty. Coffee drinkers should read the advertisement in another column headed "Good Coffee." A LOT OF NEW SKATES Pr Btpress, and will have them in a few days. The best of or der win be maintained. HAHGRAVES & WILHELM. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. ii i. n.i ,i; pars iooe IS, 187 WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, A Good One. Wllmlrs'on Bevlew. One of the best a.n,d. most appropnate things we have heard in a long time, occured last month in a neighboring town. t was court week, the last day of the term the court was the last in the.district.the Christmas holidays were near at hand and everybody, judge jury and officers were all in a hurry to get Just previous to the adjourn? ment of the court, Capt. Swift Gallo way, the solicitor for tne district, arose in his place, his tall figure overlooks' those around him, and poiLtmg his long forefinger in the air, in that deep sepulchral voice which he sometimes affects, he said, "May it please your Honoi .1 move that the clerk or tnis court be placed under a A Couple of Virginia Sensation. New York, Jan. 21. A Lvnchburg, Va., special states that the body of a young wpm,an named Fleishman, which was . buried about January 1st, near Pamplins depot, in Appomatox county, was taken from the grave and carried away without any clue being left as to the motive of the deed or perpetrators. Another Lynchburg special to the Herald tells a strange and doubtful story of the murder of a woman near Central depot, Montgomery county, on the Norfolk & Western Railroad, last Wednesday. On that day the wo man, whose name is not given, received a sum of money and was known to have it in her possession. She took it to her house. A gentleman occupied a room in the upper part of the building. Hearing loud and threating noises dur ing the night this man came down stairs and found the landlady lying dead on the floor of her apartment with her throat cut. The- story goes on to relate that the man followed the mur derers with a double-barreled gun and shot two persons, who proved to be two women disguised in men's apparel and who had visited the house for the pur pose of securing the money. Vacclna.tionJln Irelnnd, Vaccination was made compulsory in Ireland in 1863. and all children born after January 1, 1864, were required to be vaccinated within six months of birth; The effect of this law upon small-pox mortality was striking and unmistakable. During 1830-'40, when vaccination was scarcely practiced at all in Ireland, the average annual deaths from small-pox were 5,800 ; dur ine 1840-50. the annual deaths were 3,827; during 1350-'60, they averaged 1,272. in 1864 compulsory vaccination reduced the mortality to 854 j in 1865, to 347 ; in l866to 187 ; in 1867, to 20 ; in 1868, to lft, and in the first quarter of 1869 only three 1 oaths oocurred, while in the second quarter which closes the record before us there were none. suffering from NervonsWeakneises, Gen- . eral Debility, loss of nerve force or vigor, or sny disease resulting from Abuses and Othee Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. , Speedy relief and complete restoration to health guaranteed. These are the only Electric Appliances that have ever been constructed upon scientific prin ciples. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonderful success, and they have the highest endorsements from medical and scien tific men, and from hundreds who have been quieltly and radically cured b their use. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, glvinr all information free. ' Address, . VOLTAIC BELT CP., Marshall, gich. Julyl8 C. C. D. A. AND Everybody Has Discovered THAT- NORTH CAROLINA -HAS THE LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE TE THESE WASHDT68 ON BE DEVELOPED. mrnoi Trrrvfl m.r aneeiauy aaapvea o ncasetone dose effects sucha change of fselinsr as to astonish ha sufferer. irnaa the Appetite, and the rrTK:i vtu thna thA avaiem is iv h nut w ' ... .i.ha. and hy ihetriwuieaesiosi vn a-hIm art Murray St.; New York; ebdAwl tem." Bishop Beckwlth. ef Qs. . BeT Invalids here rd "leome a nd b?"" John Hannon, late oILa.,now rt BJchimend, va. Has eal merit" eouuwrn sseu. ( X) Parker's . timw. tsucfin. drake, StaUngta, and manv of the best medW rin. Irrvywm are COSV binedla Parker's Gteger Tonic, into a inedkaae efmch varied powers, as to nuke it the gnaiett TUood Purifier su me rtn.tnnait.k AStreniri . Bflstertr Ever Used. ' Tt enns Rheumatism, Sleeplessness ft diaesess and here the speaker turned his head and pointing bis finger meaningly u Mr. B- added "to get married before the next term of this court." xnera was general laugh all round anAt.hlead.KO Shipp poitipg his finger at Mr. B., said, Ml have already lasen iUUgeuicuu ! on him. Be inust either get married in tnirty uays ui tu tax . v. an increase or laugnier wiuuu :mum. ed to an immense shout, in which every body joined. When. Mr, is., wno, oy yuo mense favorite everywhere, pulling his foil fiffnrAfint.nfhia chair. made a very profound bow totlie Court and replied. "May it please your Honor, I believe 1 11 go iu jau. . . - : 01s;U Water Causing; Distress In. and Around Nnahvllle. . New Yoek, Jan. 2I-A Nashville Timn arjecial savs a ereat deal of suf fering prevails among the unfortunates. who have Deen oriyen i houses by high wfttr. Many are sick from exposure arid more will yet have to be sent to we nospivai lr wi0".?" weather still continues.: The Ladies Relief Society furnished provisions to day to 550; families, averaging from five to eleven souls each ? It is estima -ari-thaf. nn-! ifisa than tnree mousanu A PanlcIPrcdleted. Mrohn W.'Bookwalter, late Demo cratic candidate for. Governor of Ohio, and one of the largest and: most suc cessful manufacturers in that State, predicts that .there: will be a panic in this country Inside of eighteen months. HesaysurThere as'not a. business in this cojfnitarydayatls out of joint. The price o producaon, -of labor and materials: is ncreaaingaud will increase while tMpnwjoT'pipductg siana stui. No niail can' Itiovk ahead six months and Particular Notice. All the dra wines will hereafter be under the ex- elusive supervision and control of GENERALS Q. T. BEAUBEGARO and JUBAL A. EABLT. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A POBTUNB SECOND GBAND DISTRI BUTION, CLASS B, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1882. Wist MONTHLY DRAWING. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years bj the Legis lature lor Educational and unarrcaDie purposes witn a capital of 8i.ooo.ooo to wmcn a reserve fund of SKfi0.nno has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was maue a pan 01 tne present state uonsarauon adODted December 2d. A. D. 1 870. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the foDow- mgaistnounon: ' CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars Each. Hall Tickets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize 980,000 lCamtal Prize..... 10.000 1 Capital Prize 6,000 2 Prizes of 52,500 5,000 5 Prizes of 1.000 5.000 20 Prizes of 500 10,000 100 Prizes of 100. 10,000 200 Prizes of 60 10,000 500 Prizes of 20 10.000 1,000 Prizes of 10 10.000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of S800- $2,700 H Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 IN THE SOUTH. 1857 Prizes, aicounangitn.... . SI 10,400 this is- r -unnatural- and unhealthy state of affairs, and declares that "we are surely traveling the circle that leads to periodical panics." . . . ; Does he Think! Concord Register. Does Col Wm. Johnson think there is no Republican in the Sixth Congress ional district who has his eye upon Major Dowd's seat in Congress, who thinks he is as much entitled to the anti-prohibition boom, the Republican party is bnilding its castles on, as a man who is just f resh from the folds of the Democratic party and who comes to them because 'Mahone' set the exam ple? If the Colonel is building sucn a castle he will soon have to cry op& "gulled again." i . mmmi i . , .. Francl Bank stock. London, Jan. 21. A dispatch from Paris says : The Union Generale clos; ed yesterday 89 francs higher than on Thursday. The principal JFrench bank stocks were slightly improved or re mained steady." ' ,' : The Times tnis morning says it un derstands that the president of the Un ion Generale was obliged to apply for assistance to a leading firm of bankers in Paris, and that tne nelp tnua anora- Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid. Knr further Information, write clearly, giving; full address. Send orders by- express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mall, addressed only to M. A. DAurmi. New Orleans. La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, 127 La Salle Street, Chicago, Ills., The New York office is removed to Chicago. N. B. 0rders5addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt attention. The particular attention ef the Public Is called to the fact that the entlrenumber of the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing Is sold, and conse quently all the prizes in each drawing are sold and drawn ana paia.. an The McSml Music House SELLS CHICK KBING & SONS, KBANTCH & BACH, MATHUSHEK, ARION, SOUTHERN GEM And other PIAN03. MASON & HAMLIN, SHONINGER, PELODBET & CO., STERLING, AND OTHER ORGANS. THE ONLY HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICTLY First-Class Instruments. Ask me for prices if you want good work and you will never buy anything but the best Address or call on, POPULAR MONTHLY ' DAWTWt" TH Hair ".Balsamr&fSs C?1S3?r aad other t Hmr fall, to wlm (M sever intoxicates. Tr..i l i a j a.i' : j tr. Pamphlets free, nfO appUcattom. water. v ease, jsasa mrupX?&s 1st $85 onlli.;.AddDW .78 Main St, IdnehburgVa., P. 0. Box 174. 0QLO KY, r .WILSON ft BUR WELL, f J. H. MeADEN, and -I B. WRI3T0W & COm -rfnMj. wisfr Chew only the brand of tobacet known as The Old Oaken Bucket. ; - THE old Oaken Bucket, The iron-bound backet .- . .; : . The moss-covered bucket, A . That hung in Uw wuu. the river: An expanse ; or ten mues in ancLaround Nashvflle Is covered with water. - Most of the sufferers in the city are negroes who occupied the greater portion of the lower part of the city. a m an v as ; eight or ten in places now Ecoiirm,rr,,,Bt ..CiTX-pyMroCQ, January aWcpn cession haa been grsCntedo fthe Jexi- canSouthernitauway compnj "rJ;" settling-colontogd roadL The govramene wuirpay, iwpw:i ui"j less than 500 1 iamilleimratlbe settled during the' first Jlyeyearsand 2,000 dnrinlthenrsfc ten-yearsThree-fifths of these colonists must be Europeans. The company is negotiating for the pnrehase ol tne -AenauBgan f"" Geo, Grant's former offer for the MOf relos railroad is -.now accepted, but the lies, asit HisCoot .ists. w; i - Liberal terms -I fo n JOKEd. charlotte, n. floie Agent,, t rucQase has noli been concluded. to dealers - i ... ... , -,t ' made,- will renders its position mucn easier for tne time Demgv RnbacrllBsr libaratllT to tbeDenTer cuid New Orleans It ail way. : Denver, Col, Jan. L Resident stockholders of the Denver .nd New Orleans Railway, company last' night nnanimonalv voted to subscribe one miiiinn and -fiftv thousand dollars to complete the road to Pueblo. Six hun Arme thousand dollars was subscribed on the spot, each man present sub- ofrihir(? oro rata. accorainK co nis in- teeest in the road. I M L. HI ,11 Cnars;ed wltn M order, - ', X LANCiJSTEK, Pa, Jan. 21. Mrs. Bet- Til and acred 85. llvincr three miles nm fnwn .wns-fonnrl daad and terriblv mritiiflfi.ii'Wrjii Anstin. herflrrand -m nephew, was arrested on suspicion oj. murdering ner. . In the CUT Of Louisville, on; TUESDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1882. tiiam rinuvincH oeaat monthly (Sandays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General .As- nmblT of Kentucky. x ThaJmltad States Circuit Court on March al. rendered the following decisions: r ' 1st That me txmmonweaun uismuuuuu vuut- pany la legal.. 2d its drawlma are tali. The company nas bow on nana b taie nwrn) fond. Read the list or prizes toruie JANUARY DBA WINS. . .i -- e iwv 1 Prlzeis.....-... --f. .?.uw 10 Prizes, SI ,000 each. - : 10,000 20 Prizes, -500 each......... 1000 - 100 Prizes. 100 each,....-. y lOvpOO 200 Prizes, SOeach,.. ........... 10X Afwi phw - - 9( each .- 12.C 1000 Prizes,' 10 each.............. .10,000 n m oiV)Muh A nnrnYlrnstlon Prizes S2.70C 9 Frizes;, 100. " . " 'V ; " X,ofJOrTlzemJj.'v.v, . .-$112,400 WboleTiaMts. t2 j Half Tickets, SI ; 37 Tickets, . 'niumif WMunn, -sunk Draft in Letter, or send by Express. t rXJNTSEND BY-REGISTERED LETTER OB P08TOFFICE ORDER, t Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ez- pense. AuaxesaauoruerBH, : ; lLBOARDMAN.'ConrlerJournsl Bond. Lomsvffle, KyH o 809 Broadway, New York. JanS - ' - ' II. McSMITII. A. J.Bea 9 GENERAL FEED DEALERS NX)- C8 M M I S 0 M M I S S I O N I O N M MERCHANT S, CHARLOTTE, N. C. HAVE WOW; ON HANG: A FULL SUPPLY OF irginiaMeal WHITE AND YELLOW CORN, PEARL GRITS, BRAN, ' PATAPSCO PATENT PROCESS FLOUR, TIMOTHY HAY, AND HECKERS' f ELF-RAISING BUCKWHEAT ' - VLOUB WILL GLADLY QlffllE PRICES -TO- BOTH THE WHOLESALE, and RETAIL TRADE. Respectrully ' soliciting a share ef your patronage, we are respectluliy, 4 iD9 " ' . A, BE ALL 4 CO. GREAT GERM DESTROYER. DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. 1 SMALL POX ERADICATED. Contaelon destrored. Slclc Hooms purified and maae Dieasar. t. Fevered and Sine Per sons relieved and re freshed bv bar""" With Prophylatlc fld added to the watei Soft White Complexions secured by Its use in bathing. Impure Air made harm less aad purified by sprinkling Darby's luld about To Durirv the Breath. Cleanse the Teeth, It can't be suraassed. Cat wh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Burns relieved instantly. Bears orevented. Removes all unpleasant Odors. PITTING OF 8MA.L POX Prevented. Ulsters purified and healed. Ganfcrene prevented and cured. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapiaiy. Scurvey erred 'a short Tme. Tetter dried nrt. It Is perfectly harmless. tor riore Tnroat it is a sure cure ISCARLET ( FEVER P CURED. DIPTHERIA I PREVENTED Cholera dissipated. Ship Fever prevented by its use. In cases of death In lbs house, it should always be used about the corpse-It will prevent any unpleasant smelL An antidote for animal or Vegetable Poison, Stings, fec. Dangerous effluvlas or kick rooms ana Hospi tals removed by Its use. Yellow Fever Eradicate In fact it is the great Disinfectant and Purifier, FBSPABXD BT J. H. ZEILIN & CO, Manufacturing Chemists, Sole Pr piletoir dec4 A - -A

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