t)g t)orloflt gDbgen?cr C OAS, R. JONES, Editor A Proprietor llimiD aT IBB POBTOmOB aT GBUSLOfflt N C.. Afl 8BOOHD-CLA8S HATTBB.1 SUNDAY, JAN. 22, 1882. There was insanity in the families of two of Guteau's jurors. There are 478 newspapers and period icals published in Boston New York and Boston have both abandoned the idea of a World's fair in 1885. A ship load of Norfolk ,Va., the from Ireland potatoes arrived at other day, directly Col. John D.Cameron, formerly of Durham, will associate himself with the Asheville Citizen. New York merchants contend that bminess is on a solid basis, and that the condition of the country is sound. Unwelcome news comes, that the Chesapeake oysters are failing. It is said they are diminishing both in size and in quantity. According to London Truth, the hy podermic administration of morphine is fast becoming one of the prevalent vices of civilization The New Jersey Senate declined to pass a resolution on the death of Gar field until the clause declaring Guiteau sane was stricken out The attempt to get a true bill found against the man who sent the postal card to Senator Vance, in which he re ferred tq Mahone as a 'd d dog," has fallen through. The Philadelphia Record charges that during the past twenty years a system of petty stealing has grown up in Har risburg which is a disgrace to the State and to both parties in the State. Senator Fair lives in Charles Sum ner's old quarters at Washington. He is the richest man in Congress, and per haps the richest office-holder in the world. His leisure is devoted to the study of finance. Peter Mankins died at Little Eock a few days ago, age 111 year3. He had voted for every Democratic Presiden tial candidate from Jackson to Han cock, 80 we know where he has gone. The periodical bill has been intro duced in the Kentucky Legislature to remove the capital from Frankfort to Louisville. But Louisville don't think she could get it and says she don't want it if she could It required one thousand cars to car ry exhibits to the Atlanta exposition, but two hundred were sufficient to take away those which remained unsold. Nearly everything, except the heavy machinery, found a purchaser. The remains of Park Valentine and wife, the young couple who were killed in the Spuyten Duyvil railroad acci dent, were buried at Bennington, Vt, Monday, the four ushers at the wed ding acting as pall-bearers. The Hudson River Railroad Compa ny, seized with an economic fit, dis charged a flagman at a curving cut in their road, and thereby saved $30 a month; but shortly after eight valuable lives were lost amid great horror and intense sufferings, and three trains were wrecked Raleigh News and Observer: Major Charles Price is credited with saying at Washington that he would not under any circumstances accept a Democratic nomination for Congress. Whatl nev er? Hardly ever. Generous Major Price. Declined with thanks but not offered. The proposition has been made in Congress that sixty millions of paper fractional currency shall be printed for the use of the people, in denomina tions of ten, twenty-five and fifty cents. The argument in favor of this scheme is that there is need of such currency for the accommodation of people who wish to send in letters sums less than a dollar. A young man giving his name as R. E. Minshew, from Goldsboro, in this State, wa3 picked up in a stupid state of intoxication, on the street in Savannah, Gi, Friday morning. He had in his pocket a check for $1,000, $245 in cash and a fine gold watch and chain. He said he had also a purse containing $75 in gold which had been either stolen or lost. He was a respectable looking German apparently about thirty years of age. Papers have recently been filed at the Patent-Office, at Washington, for a new process of glass manufacture, the inventor claiming to be able to pro duce colorless glass, or glass of any color or shade of colored desired, and that he can do this with any glass mak ing plant now in use. "Very large sums of money have been spent by manufacturers in experiments looking to the production of a perfectly color less glass, and if this has been accim- plisnea ine inventor nas a fortune tone within his grasp. The dlsirlct attorney of New York city refused to receive favors from the New Tork Central and Hudson River railway company In the way of a year ly pass. When sent one recently by ChanceyI. Depew he returned it by Ma nrivate secretary, with the follow ing message: I will accept no favors from' rauroaua w , w fixa tions, or from individuals, while I am In office." Mr. McKeon said to a re porter, "nor will I permit any of my assistants to do so. If members of the legislature would refuse ; passes . they would come home less frequently, and attend more faithfully to the duties that the people Intrust to them."- In : this be has set an - example that it ...m fnr nfhAr officials, lesis- W0U1U Vv W V ; w . .. lotrtM Kf. to follow. T pawiy . . ' . : i YOUTHFUL DEPBAVITT, ' The death of a fourteefl yer-old Rirl from delirium tremens in the city of Philadelphia a few days ago has elici ted considerable comment from the press of that city and several homilies on the social evils oi! the city of Broth erly Love. The Timed 1 says: "Here is a mere child, at an age at which our homebred girls have scarcely laid aside their dolls, not meeting a vio lent death suddenly ,but actually known among her associates for nearly two years, as the coroner's inquest showed, as a common drunkard. And the worst of it is that hers was not an isolated case. It must be rarely, no doubt, that children so early sink into hopeless de- Dravitv. but go down into the same wretched quarter any day or night and you will see sights that will sicken you, of boys and girls scarcely out of in fancy following close in the footsteps of the drunken and vicious men and women who are their only guardians. And this is right here in our own fair city, and we go about our business as though such things aid not concern us Sometimes, when we hear of a case of bodily suffering, our hearts are touched and we pour in our contributions libe rally : but the helpless ones who are going down to a fate worse than cold and hunger, worse than death, should appeal with a thousandfold more force not to our purses only, not only to our sympathy, but to the earnest, helpful endeavor of all good men and women. Surely there must be some way in which these poor children can be reached." There is not a city in America, we might sav in the world, of which the same might not with truthfulness be said. In all our great cities under the very shadows of the churches are the abodes of lawlessness and vice that ought to put our civilization to blush. And yet in these very churches are large sums of money annually collect ed to carry the gospel into heathen land save to the souls of savages, while Worse than heathen are growing up at our doorsteps. As the Times remarks, "surely there must be some way in which those poor children can be reached ;" surely there ought to be if there is not The gallows, the penitentiary, the jail, are the shame of our civilization, and the "society that neglects its chil dren and lets them grow up in ignor ance and vice is responsible for the gal lows, the penitentiary and the jail. Society ignores the child of poverty or misfortune ; friendless, guideless he is left to work his own way through our unfeeling world. He is lured into the haunts of vice, learns to steal, to drink, to murder. Then outraged so ciety seizes him, jails him, hangs him. The neglected, abandoned child be comes the wicked outlaw for whom fri ions and scaffolds are built How much better and more creditable to our Christianity and our civilization it would be if the millions that are an nually spent in watching, prosecuting punishing and feeding criminals were spent in looking after and caring for the unfortunate outcasts from whom the criminal class mainly comes, and for whom nobody seems to care. Go into the back streets of any of our great cities, see the thousands of human - beings huddling together in filthy abodes, in poverty and squalor; children hungry, ragged and naked; parents ignorant and many of them dissipated, barrooms in close proximity, and see how society encourages the growth of criminals; see what a fine field there is for missionary labors and the investment of the funds that go to carry the light into the dark heathen a nds. There are streets in New York city within a stone's throw of the spire of St. Paul's church that are, morally speaking, as dark as the most benight ed corner of Africa, where the gospel i3 quite as little preached, and yet the good christian people of that city seem to be oblivious of that fact There is need of some one to carry the light into these dark places, to look after the poor, helpless, neglected waifs that are born and bred in them, and lead them out of the surroundings where such contaminating influences prevail, before their souls are stained, their moral senses blunted, and they enter upon ine roaa mat leads to tne prison and the gallows. THE DEFENSE CLOSED. The defense of Guiteau closed yester day with the reading of a speech by Guiteau, which was permitted by Judge Cox, the District Attorney having with drawn his objection. This speech was simply a rehash of the publications Guiteau has given to the public, basing- his justification on the pretense of in spiration by Deity, to remove the Presi dent, a power which he could not resist, which impelled him to commit the deed, and of which he was an irresponsible agent. Monday probably Judge Porter will close the argument and will ex haust all the resources of his talent to tie the knot around Guiteau's neck.' In the address of Mr. Scoville to the jury he created a sensation by turning from the direct line of bis argument to charge the existence of a conspiracy to hang Guiteau, and to hold Arthur, Grant, Conkling and their sympathizing stalwarts intellectually and morally re sponsible for the act of his brother-in tt- v, 1 1 :i2 j Z:iuu?? uuio uuDi usuuiwb uj uiiuiy, ouu inu.i uo uiu ouu vv imyi. uueuua m uia broad assertions, but it was a shrewd line of argument to show that Guiteau, worked up to a degree of excite ment by the contest then pending, lost his mental balance and became insane. This is really the only way-to account for the sudden development of the in sanity that led to the act He showed probably more temper than judgment in holding Arthur, Grant and Conkling morally responsible for Guiteau's crime, and his remarks in that connection would fit better in a stump speech than in an argument to a jury, but it must be remembered that Scoville stands al most alone in the defense of a man who has few friends In the fifty millions of American people, and that he is pieaamg for the life of the brother of lis wife, who ; clings to 'er wretched brother with a devotion that only awo man can show. Scoville has had a diffi cult, an unpleasant and a thanklessork and he has done it well ahd bravely. CAN' ft DUrfBOFjft Referring to the Tisit of CoL Ston and Capt Price to Washington, as reported by the correspondent of The Observes, and the rumor that Captain Price was laying his wires to run for Congress against Mr. Armfield, the Statesville Landmark takes occasion to remark: The publication above referred to affords - the opportunity of saying a word about the political status of this district The district is largely ; Demo cratic. Last year it went largely against prohibition. Three-fourths to four-fifths of the Democrats in it voted anti. They did this because of their opposition to the principle involved in the Question. But if these people would not endorse a heresy last year they win put up. witn no iooiisnness now. xney nave no warm nests for hungry politicians who mavcometo them riding hobbies and seeking to arouse their prej udices. They voted against prohibition and would do so again, but they will not elect to office a Kepuoiican or a nungry omce-nunter of any other type, simply because he was an anti-prohibitionist The next member of Congress from this district will be as he has been for years, a Democrat He will define himself clearly on the stump us opposed to any furtner agitation of this proniDiuon business ; as in accord with the policy of the Democratic party in State and nation, and as opposed to Republican ism, its teachings and practices. No jackass can masquerade over this dis trict in tne sfcin or a lion without tne ople finding out exactly who he is. e may call himself Democrat inde pendent Manoneite or what not but however well the people mar like his anti-prohibition opinions, if his speeches and promises do not square with Dem ocratic doctrine in other respects he will be elected to stay at home. Mark that I The voters of this district may be plain people but they are too sharp to be hoodwinked by Republican bosses with whom politics is a trade, or by any or ineir auies wnose god is an office. The Mormons are said to hold a balance of power in Washington. Where an unlimited supply of money would not soften the palm of ah antag onist, they have unnerved him by un mistakable intimations of a personal and private nature. The Mormon church has, for years, kept an accurate record in detail of the private life es pecially at Washington of every Sen ator and Representative, and it is this record which has given the Mormons such tremendous and fatal power at Washington for a quarter of a cen tury. A Canadian journal has figured that the population of the United States in creases more, every five years, than that of Canada has increased since the be ginning of settlement there. If Cana da is anxious to increase in population as the States do, let her annex and be come one of them. THE NORTHERN PACIFIC ROAD. Secretary Klrkwoed Send tne Senate Decisions) and Papers Concerning It. Special Dispatch to the Times. Washington, January 19. in re sponse to a resolution of the Senate passed one week ago Secretary Kirk- wood submitted to the Senate to-day the decisions, papers, etc., relating to the jsortnern racinc itaiiroaa Company which were in his department and the report or tne commissioner of the Gen eral Land Office on the subject The report showed the patents for lands in the Olympia district, Washington Ter ritory, were issued on April 8. 1880. for 3,016 acres opposite a portion of the road constructed by the Northern Pacific Erevious to 1875. No patents for lands ave been issued for the 475 miles of said road constructed, examined and ac cepted in 1880 and 1881. Commissioner McFarland, in his report to Secretary Kirk wood, says he knows of no deci sion in any actual case presented de claring the grant to the Northern Pa cific Railroad lapsed which has been re versed Dy the Secretary of the Interior, and he does not know of any opinion of the Attorney General in the premises. TY - M 1 m .... ne iurnianes a copy or a letter written to Secretary Schurz in Mav. 1879. bv Commissioner Williamson, submitting to the Secretary the question whether or not the grant had lapsed, and he also refers to an opinion rendered by the Attorney General October 26, 1880, "on similar questions relating to the At lantic and Pacific Bailroad land grants. Tne communications were referred to the committee on railroads. A Big Fire at Atlanta (500,000 Worth of Property Destroyed Atlanta, Ga, January 21 A fire broke out about one o clock this morn ing in the five story candy and cracker factory of E Black Owing to lack of water the flames gained rapid headway and soon spread to all the adjoining buildings and seven buildings were de stroyed, ana tne losses on slocks and buildings will aggregate half a million aonars The principal losses are as follows : Joseph E Brown, building, $38,000; insurance $20,000 : Marry J ackson. buil ding, $20,000 ; insurance $16,600 ; Wilson House, owned by Benjamin Wilson. $25,000; insurance $12,000; W W Simp- Bon, ounaing; insurance not Known; Mrs ME Kinney, building, $100,000; insurance not Known; Blacks candy ana cracKers escaoiisnment, loss on stock $75,000, insurance $60,000; How ard Wood & Company, tobacco stock. $20,000; insurance $11,000; John Stev ens, groceries, stock $2,000; insurance not known ;Ii Cohen & Company, liq uors, stock $25,000; insurance not frown; John B Merchant, groceries; stock and insurance not known : Camr bell and Johnston, liquors, stock $4,000, insurance 2,000; wuJSefi Comany, soaps; stock $3,000; no insurance; A Haas & Company, provision brokers; loss slight; Bradstreet's commercial agency occupied the Brown building, ana xt u uun ana uo, occupied tne Jackson building, both destroyed; I mere were many otner smaller losses. : The fire was not subdued fervours, 1 auring wnich time it had full sweep at cut uiuiuiugs m uia juuaiicy wnere iqd fire originated. Weather. Washington, Jan. 21. Middle Tenn nessee and the Ohio Valley rain and snow, followed by partly cloudy and cumer westerly winds, mostly irom west to north, and higher barometer' on Sunday. Gulf. Colder north to west winds, higher barometer and fair weather, preceded by local rains in the eastern portion. South AtlanticOccasional rain, followed by clearing weather, north west to south-west winds, higher barometer and lower temperature. : A WORLD Of GOOD. Dae of the most popular medicines now before , tne AJnerlean public, Is Bod Bitters. You see it eremstnere. People take It with good efreet. It builds tfeem 01v.lt Is not ss pleasant to the taste as some othef Bitters, as tt is not a whiskey Wnk. It (s more like the old-fashioned boneset tea, that has done a world of good, u you -doir t feel Jost Bght,tryHopBltters.-NunUws., ; .i CTT ; TLTXSftHOSQUITOZS. .. A 15c box of "Rough on Bats" will keep a house free from flier, mosquitoes, rats and Aloe, the an tra season. Druggists. Att AilllC&til SeUtettifa t. ,v - - RicttfteftD, Va Jan. 2l The Dis patch on Thursday published an article from the Philadelphia Telegraph re garding the strange proceedings of the legislature in connection with the small-pox panic. On the same day Del egate James A.Frazier,of Rockbridge, arraigned the Dispatch for the publica tion, saying, in the course of his re marks, "for long years itls well known whenever the Dispatch wants to say anything particularly mean of those who happen to differ from the editor, it goes out of its way to copy articles, thus avoiding personal (responsibility.? Prazier's remarks were published in the Whig yesterday, and wis morning the Dispatch republished the paragraph above quoted and supplements it with the following sentence: "We have only to.say that Jim Frazier is a liar." An ticipating that a breach of the peace would certainly follow such language, warrants were issued for the arrest of Capt W. F. Drinkard, editor of the Dispatch, and Frazier. About 11a.m. I?nnkard was arrested in his sanctum, and while in the counting room of the Dispatch arranging for some one to ac company mm to the Magistrate Frazier came in with a friend and he was placed under arrest, but said there was no necessity for it as he bad come to make an explanation. He then in the Eresence of friends so modified his pub shed remarks as to satisfy CaptDrink- ara.ana me latter tnen witndrewtne epithet of liar. An amicable settle ment having thus been reached, both parties were released from custody. Fatal Railroad Collision. Charleston. S. CL Jan. 21. A colli sion occurred on the Charleston and Savannah Railroad, about 27 miles from this city, at half-past 7 this morning. The colliding trains were No. 40, which leit nereat 5:50 a. m. to-day for Jack sonville, and No. 43, from Jacksonville hither. H. A. Fox. mail agent on No. 40 was killed, and the colored fireman is missing. No further particulars re ceived. It is supposed that a number of passengers have been injured. A relief train has been sent to the scene of the accident. A Klralasr Bargo Norfolk. Va Jan. 21. The steam barge Palermo, commanded by Robert Logan irom jnohoik to Murfreesboro. N. C with grain, is several days over aue, ana some anxiety is telt tor ner safety. When last seen she was in Al bemarle Sound with her rudder dam aged. There were five men on board captain, engineer, deck hand, cook and nreman, tne last two colored. She was valued at $3,500. Stocks Improving. Paris, Jan. 21. There has been Dar- tial recovery on the Bourse, especially for the Suez Canal, and credit fancier shares. "'lis true. 'Os pity, and Pity tls. 'tis true.'' that too many sensible people regard coughs and colds so indifferently. Dr. Bull's cough syrup cures coughs ana coias ana is only 250 a bottle. Elixir Vltae for Women Mr. Lrdla. E. Pink. ham 2H8 Western Arenue. Lynn. Mass.. has made the discovery! Her Vegetable Compound is a positive cure for female complaints. A line ad dressed to this lady will elicit all necessary infor mation. FADED OR GRAY HAIR I aduatty recovers Its (the use of Parker's tng, .admired for Its youthful color and lustre b Hair Balaam, an elegant purity and rich perfume. When your child begins to show a Scrofnloos Taint, or If you know your blood Is affected, take a.0.0., ana grre u 10 tne mue sufferer. sound repose Is so essential to good health that e reel surprised to know any one would risk loss 01 rest irom a eougn or eoia, when a Dome ot Dr. buu's cough syrup would give refreshing slum- oer. THE MEW DRUG STORE, Comer of College and Trade Btreets, (Wilson & Black's old stand.) IS NOW OPEN Parties desiring Fresh and Reliable Dregs will do well to give us a can. Jsn4 tf CDC H GHTJK. HIND & CO AT HUNTERSVILLE! LOOK HERE ! Intend selling Add and Guano, which we T T hare on hand, and will try to always have It so you can come and get It when tt suits you. We wlU hare four or fire kinds, so you can take your choice. We will be glad to ship to any station on the road. Send in your orders and remember one thing, we do not Intend to be undersold in the same brands or same goods, and don't you forget it. aespecuuuy. BARKER tc DEER, Jan20 dSt w8t HuntersrUie, N. C. HIRAM SIBLEY & CO, Will 'maU 7REB their Cats.' logne lor 188S, eontainln; iir a ran aesenpUT Slower Field. tire Price:- list of and Garden Bulbs, Ornamental Grass, and Immortelles, Gladiolus. UUes, Roses, Plants, Garden Implements. Beautifully Ulna trated. Orer lOO pages. Addreso , ROCHESTER,N.Y. CHICAGO,!!.!. 179-183 East Main St. 200-206 Randolph It www Era W W W W K B H H H HHH S I A Li V V V EES WW WW EE V K A A V v KB K WW WW W W AAA VV A A V EBB But a limited stock of -AND GUANO. Parties who wish to procure their supply will do well to call aod make arrangements with as as WE ARE NAMING LOW PRICES. CALL BrOaX ALL IS GONE. : MAYER & ROSS. DRINTEDC Not Amateurs, send your name B! W awre8- bs PIE Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys . - CANNOT FAIL TO BE SUITED IN OITH STOCK FOR THE TrrX' guarantee that every pair of SHOES we sell shall be found Just as represented, and shall allow no house to give you better goods than we do lor the money. Oar stock has been carefully selected with a view to the wants ot all classes of customers, and comprises a full line of beautiful and seasonable goods, of the very best Quality and an grades, from the finest French Kid Button Boot to the Heaviest Brogan. If you wish to get your boots and shoes w salt you and at the lowest possible prices, you cannot do better than at our sto Give us a calL sep!8 JOB PRINTING. BOOKBINDING. STEAM POWER. FAST PRESSES. GOOD WORKMEN. Tn connection with the DubllcaOon of Tax Ob- sxbtkb, and the establishment of one of the larg est, most complete, and most thoroughly equipped JOB PRINTING HOUSES In the South, the proprietor has lust added a com pieie BOOK BINDERY AND Ruling Department, Capable of executing the very best class of work at short notice. Old magazines, newspapers, law or other books rebound In handsome style, and at tery low figures. BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And work of ttiia class, ruled and bound to order We are prepared to furnish close estimates on every description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOB POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get thel. DATES and POSTERS printed here In as attractive a manner as in Mew xonc We hare a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice and In first class style, BRIEFS FOB THE SUPREME COURT, And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments In good shape will do well to give us a trial. We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work Is as free from defects as It is possible to make it LETTER HEADS, Statements, Order Books, Visiting Cards, Ball Cards, Pamphlets BILL HEADS, Deeds, BecelpfBooks, Business Cards, Programmes Magistrates' and Court Blanks In fact, all kinds of printing done at short notice Special attention given to Railroad Printing. NOTE-HEADS, Circulars, Envelopes, Handbills. Invitations, Checks, Labels SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. m BOOK WORK Having a larger supply of type than most job es tablishments, BOOK WORK has been and will continue to be a specialty with us. Address PDJBoz:i82. THE OBSERVER Charlotte, N. C. GOOD Eft tr good x kPURlTYU LOWEST PRICES POWELL'S PREPARED CHEMICALS JK7 10 a Fa" csm Buy a FORMULA. For 3LS (520 lbs)of POWELL'S PREPARED CHEMICALS Thts.When mixed at home, makes OneTon Of SUPERIOR PHOSPHATE, equal in tlant-Iifc at4 as certain cf succeMfyl ctpg- proaacuon as many nigg pncea raoepoatea. XT V E5C.TR A No trouble td mlzi IN VJEXPENSE. I Fall direVtfons. ' Pc-wzLfs Chemicals baye been thoroughly M4t g?? WiySfSSl satisfaction, and we efier ading farmers ia cyery Staje s jreferene - Send fof Pamphlet. Beware of "imitations. Brown Chemical Co 6QLS PRPPSiiltpRS, . Manufacturer ef SAiTWPi, tip. , Powell's Tip Top Bone Fertil izer. Price only $35 a Ton, net cash. Bone Meal. Dissolved Bone. . Potash. Ammonia. And aQ high-grade FertiUang Materials. VEGETABLES vdecO TREES! DELIVERY. Flowers and Flcr Seed oTfcd tntagln my line furnished on short rice. uhW PACE "T r """"i Charlotte. OF BOOTS TALL AND WINTER A, E. W. T. BLAGKWELL & GO. Durham, N. C. Mannf&ctorerc of tha Original and Only Genuine TOE Mar 22 ly A SENSATION Has of ten been made by the discovery of some new thing, but nothirjg has ever stood the test like Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills; their popularity and sale Is unprecedented. They supply a need long felt and must become a household remedy. Just think to be cured In a few weeks of these terrible nervous troubles and awful suffering from Sick Headache, Keuralgla and Dyspepsia, and the nervous system put in a natural and healthy condition, destroying the pos sibility of Paralysis, Angina Pectoris and sudden death, which is carrying off so many noble men and women In the full tide of life and useful ness. This simple remedy of Extract of Celery Seed and Chamomile Flowers, combined In the form of pills, Is a boon to humanity. It has saved the lives of thousands or nervous, headachlng chil dren In our schools and out every year. No nerv ous person or sufferer from Headache, Neuralgia, Dysuepslaor Paralysis will do themselves Justice until they iry them. Sold by all druggists. Price 50 cents a box. De By pot, 1 06 North Eutaw streot, Baltimore, Md. mail, two boxes for SI or six boxes for $2.50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASE8 OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCER8, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCSonaUpartaofttie 'body. t makes the akin white, soft and smooth; samovea tan and ftedkios, and is tha BEST toilet dressing in THE .WORLD. Elegantly pnt up, two bottles In one package, oonnfoting of both internal and external treatment. AH first Class draerista have it. Price Sl.perpackas. MRS. LYDU E. PIHXiUti, Of LYNN, MASS., LYDIA E. PINKH ABA'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cure for all those Painful Complaints and Weaknesses se common to ear best female population. It will cure entirely the worst form of Female Com plaints, ail ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulcera tion, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and is particularly adapted to the Chans of Ufa. dissolve and expel tajnors from the nterns Is an early stage of development. , the tendency to can eerotm Humors there is checked' very speedily by fts use. K remoTe fXlntnei flatulency, destroyaoU craTlnj for stimulant', and relieves weakness Of the stomach. It Cures Bloating, Headaches, Nerrpus Prostration, Peneral Debility, pplowueas, Depression and tpdl-g-ertlon, ' . ' ."' ' N" ' ' . ' ' - That feeling of bearing down, cansing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all time and under all clrcunwfuicsa act la harmony with the laws that gorern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sx this Compound is unsurpassed, - ITMl E. FCnniAM'S VEGETABLE COM POUSTDls prepared at BS and 23 Western avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price $t Six bottles for g.: Sent by mail tn the form of pills, also In the form of lozenges, oa receipt of price, SI per box for either. Urs. Plnkhaza freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Bend for pamph ieC Address as above. Jf cation this Paper. sTotamflr should be without LTDIA E. PHTEHAITB IXVSEL PILLS. They euro sonstipatioa, Wllfrrunsss and torpidity of the liver, B cents per box. " Said hr itll Praggigta. -&L Chew only the brand rr tn.a Old Oaken Bucket." " WUMiU' TIHB old Oaken Bucket, i The iron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket, . : - That hung in the welL R. J0NK9. C, Sole Agent. IACCO r 'ivv if v" n - uuoiu voam iq aeaiers. and Cfc Idren AND SHOES TRADE. KAlNKlfN & liKU.. Central Hotel Block. Trade Strpf. BURGESS NICHOLS, ALL KINDS O FUHTUilE, BEDDING, &C. A FULL LIBS 9 (heap Bcdste&is AND LOUNGKS, Parlor & Chamber Suits, ooiroa eff axju xzxaa ca sakb. m. e xnear nun snare. CSABL0RI, K. & Our claim for merit is based fei upon tb.o fact tliat a cliemicaiy analysis proves th.o.t the tobacco grown In our section Is better pi adapted to make a G O OD.PUKE, M satisfactory smoke t3an ANYK OTKEH tobfceco grown in the p world; and being situated ial tin? HEART of this fine tobacco j section, VS bave the PICK ofP the offerin&s. Tho public ap preciatc th!s; hence our sales i' EXCEED the products of ATI. W- ; the leading manufactories com- f bined. $Nqtiz eiww unless it ' bears the trade-v.r.rf: of the Bull. m0s ana gfccdfcttics. mm i Bote Just Received, at Df J J JtfcAden's Drag Store 7-JCHY, From Saratoga Spdngj. N. Y. A new water re sembling the imported Vichy. Hecommended as ail antacid; cures dyspepain, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and stron diuretic. .Also, rn Be commended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, CASES CONGRESS WATER, I Q CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED fiPOLLINARI AND Hunyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! JJUNTADI JANOa THE BEST NATUBAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC; Doss -A wine glass full before breakfast Trt?rJ,'xm7h? Jaios. -Baron Lieblg af TZtA Medical Jowmd-"Hunyadi Janoa.- wESlSSBP1' and m08t emcacl0U3 Prof. Vvrchow, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." ..PnJ"erffer. "Vienna "I have prescribed thesewrltera wi& remarkable success!" buf ,fcanzcWii Wurszburg.-I prescribe none Prof. Lander Brunton, If. D., r. r. s.. Loidon. JOHN HTMcADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DONT GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the springat Saratoga Druggist and Chemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night. juiy2o DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, LAKP,GOOD8, SEG1RS, TOBACCOS, &c, &c. JUST RECEIVED: A PULL AKD SELECT LINE 0T Perfumeries and Perfumery Cases, cm t e, Tf11 Powder Rouges, amps. " Tooth Brushes, Brushes ofall kindsT Combs, &e., and a full line of -' all goods usually found In a first-class Drug Es tablishment scSnl.460?110 PrePrjon of pre, I frost the Diibiie will. wtnr . a share'of thfelr wtionage. Caro wUl in evtry u? satisfaction in AvrT i 7r. " - no W. P. MAByiN, Ajft, & go. decga SALE OF BONDS. BY Virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance eonntv in t, .V r0"!1. 01 and others aearnst W j DXT J"Y1B on MrS;thkAi? 'or cash. o'clitrht"'??1?! . o'clock M.VelghtV8) bSnoe of toe"counioi Ca? w1 S8peq February 20th. 1 RRrt. n.K. c ui. 1880, to each of whtoh rmnnt 20th, AMU tft?" 8lrtn farther InformaUon can address my attomev. Jnrnc. Pnvrl Ksq.; Creensboro, JanStds " MCCAULSY, Receiver. FOR SALE. 0NIW' Also. 800 saddle horse Cal . ana see. mhvudutm FRESH MINE

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