gcrcm trod grlutittg TBJt OBSEBVEB JOB DEPARTMENT Hu been thoroughly supplied with every needed SUBSCRIPTION SATSS: rtxmnrrfte ...... gO YhreemoiU?. w One month - ' WUMKLY EDITION: want, and with the latest styles ot Type, and eye 17 manner of Job Printing can now be done wltn I neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can tor man at short notice, I BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, LETTEB-HEADS, CARDS, TAGS, BECETPTS, FOSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS, CmCXTLABS, CHBCKS, 2.10 CHARLOTTE, N. C.vtto AY JANUARY 27,1882, NO. 4,009. l.OS VOL. XXVII, X yflflflf Afl Jfl rffYTT rSl - Iflm 111 III III III U U VI H LAil K II I III I I" " I - . .. . v - """'"if ' - M - . r-r ; ' ; TT IE WILL SILL -DRESS GOODS- at ve.y low prices. Our g8 GlsrthiuQ, I TO-DAY light; ALL Lab', Miw mums M ? Winter Gw FANCY HOSIERY WILL BB SOLD AT GREAT SACRIFICE, will be kold cheap to clo9e them out splendid stock of We hare a CAEIPETTS, whi h we propose to close out very cheap. Arte r KIO ULoViSi. ask tor LACES as lorANY THING you want In our line. iar LADIES, TO MAES BOOM FOR SPRING PURCHASES. We Mean Every Word of This AND Ijgr You are cordially invited to Call AL mm lmiiiii Only Ask an Inspection to Convince You. T. L. Seigle & Co. u. mrfltcai. jnn-:rt gouts anfl gftozs : o : : 0 :- Lyons' Patent Metallic Sl'eners PREVENTS Boots and Shoes -FROM- RUNNING OVER, Wearing off at the Sides or Ripping IN THE SEAMS. Johnson's Silk and Felt Insoks PREVENTS RHEUMATIC CRAMP, COLD FEET, BUNNION3 AND CHILBLAINS. EWumdUsm Neuralgia, Sprains, , Pain in tne .Back and Side. 1 There is nothing more painful than these diseases; hut the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of. Perry Davis' Pain Killer. This remedy is not a cheap Benzine or Petroleum product that mast be kept away from fire or neat to avoid danger of explosion, nor is it an untried experi ment that may do more harm than good. Pain Killer has been in constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts ot the world is, It never falls. It not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, It Is safe In the hands of the most inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Paut Killer -would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried It think: Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn., says : About a year since my wife became subject to severe suffering' from rheumatism. Our resort was to the Pain Killxb, which speedily relieved her. . .. Charles Powell writes from the Sailors' Home, London: . . I had bean afflicted three yean with neuralgia and violent spasms of the stomach. The doctors at Westminster Hospital gave up my case in despair. I tried your fAXS Killib, and it gave me immediate relief. I hare regained my strength, and am now able to follow my usual occupation. G.H.Walworth. Saco, Me., writes: I experienced immediate relief from pain In the side by the see ef your Pain Kii.i.sb. E. York says : I have used your Patw Ktltjeb for rheumatism, and have received great benefit. Barton Seaman says : Have used Pain Hxllib for thirty years, and have found it a newer-J 'ailing remedy for rheumatism and lameness. Sir. Burdltt writes : It ntver fail to give relief In cases of rheumatism. Phil. Gilbert. Somerset. Pa., writes : From actual use, I know your Pain Ktlleb is the beet medicine I can get. All druggists keep Pain Killer. Its price Is so low that it Is within the reach of all, and It will save many times Its cost In doctors bills. 25c, 50c and SI.OO a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence R. I. sept dw sept a oct. The following exquisite poem, by WlUlam Pitt Pammer, was some years ago prooouncea oy of the most eminent of European critics I K be the finest production of the same length In our language: From the quickened womb of the primal gloom. The sun rolled Diaca ana oare, 'Till I wove him a vest for his Btblop breast, rt fh thM.rfi nf mv smlrlen hair: And when the broad tent of the armament Arose on its airy spars, I Denclled the hue of Its matchless blue, Ana spangiea 11 ivuuu nuu dwu I painted the flowers ot the Eden bowers, And their leaves ot living green, And mine were the dyes in the sinless eyes Of Kden 8 virgin oueen; And when the fiend's art in the trustful heart TTot faatAnAri It mortal SDAlL In the silvery sphere of the nrst-bom tear To the trembling eann 1 ieu. When the waves that burst o'er a world accursed, Their work of wrath had sped. And the Ark's lone few, tried and true, Come forth among tne aeaa: . With the wondrous gleams of my bridal beams, As I wrote on the roll of the storm's dark scroll, God's covenant 01 peace. Like a pall at rest on a senseless breast, N1rtit7fl fimaral ahftiloor slrtt. Where snepherd swains on the Bethlehem plains. Their lonely vigils kept; When I flashed on their sight the heralds bright, Of heaven's redeeming plan, As they chanted the morn of a Savior bom Joy, joy, to tne outcast man. Equal favor I show to the lofty and low, On the lust and unjust I descend; E'en the blind, whose vain spheres roll to dark ness and tears . . , Feel mv smile, the best smile of a friend. Nay, the flower of the waste by toy love is em- Dracea, An the rose hvthe trarden of kings; At the chrysalis bier ef the worm l appear, And lo! the gay Dutwrnys wings. The'desolate morn, like a mourner forlorn, Conceals all the pride ot her charms, ... Till I bid the bright hours chase the night from her flowers, And lead the young day to her arms; And when the gay rover seeks Eve lor nis lover, And sinks to her balmy repose, I wrap the soft rest by the zephyr fanned west, In curtains 01 amoer ana ruse. From my sentinel steep by the night brooded deep I gaze with unsjumoering eye. When the cynosure star of the mariner Is blotted from out me skt ; And guided by me through the merciless sea, Though sped Dy me nurncane s muss, Hlcompasslonless, dark, lone, weltering bark, To tae naven nome saieiy ne uriugs. I waken the flowers In their dew-spangled bowers, The birds In their chambers of green. And mountain and plain glow with beauty again, as they bask In their matlnal sheen. O, if such the glad worth of iny presence to earth, Though fitful and fleeting the while, What glories must rest on the home of the blest, Ever brtght with the Dlety's smllet OBSERVATIONS. News rftca; A convention of tf colored men ot Georgia is soon to meet in Macon. A spoke factory haa been established at Hickory. Grove, Prince William coun ty, Va. Th widnw of the late Hon. Wm. 0. Rives died at her residence in Albe marle county, Va., on Monday, aged 80 years. . Tr T,nvn has been arrested in Cal houn county, W. Va charged with big amy. There was a heated debate in the German Reichstag over the imperial rescript. nha'rlea .Teremius, a baker, of New ark, N. J., was found tarly yesterday morning in the street frozen to death. John C. Knox, formerly a t judge of the Pennsylvania supreme uourc, is now an insane pauper in an asylum at Norristown. The board of health aCRIcbmond, Va., reports only two -Jleath from small-pox in tnat city iaswee JmMmtb were thirty-five new eesdurjsftg the s ame period. Because of some doubt as to the le onitt.v nf th former election of United States Senators Wilson , and McDilK both houses of the Iowa Legislature yesterday ratified their previous action Dy anotner iormai Daiiou Fire .at Lancaster, Pa. Lancaster, Pa, Jan. 28. The , most destructive fire; that ever visited city started early this morningin the stor ing depot of the Enquirer publishing Co.'s building on north Green street, The fire quiekly spread through the en tire building and it was completely de stroyed. The lost on the building and contents estimated $100,000. aw D, MY GOOD WOMAN, Why are you so out ot sorts, never able to tell folks that you are well? Ten to one It's all caused In the first place by habitual constipation, which no doubt finally caused deranged kidneys and liver. The sure cure for constipation is the celebrated Kidney-Wort. It la also a specific remedy for all kidney and liver diseases. Thousands are cured bv it every month. Try It at once. Toledo Blade. urchased Mr, Bush's Skates and Fixtures, We will conluct the We will conduct the - SEATING RINK Particular Notice. Alltthe drawings will hereafter be under the ex clusive supervision and control 01 ukjnkkaij u. T. BEAUREGARD and JOBAL A. EARLY. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE SECOND GRAND DISTRI BUTION, CLASS B, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1882. 141st MONTHLY DRAWING. As it has ben heretofore. Ladles will be admitted every evening, and on Tuesday and Friday nights from 7 till 11 o'clock, free of charge. The charge for gentlemen same as before. We have ordered A LOT OF NEW SKATES Par X tpress, and will have them In a few days. The bast oHorder'wlllibe maintained. -w -v I rnrncfana ; Stafo T.nfniT7 flnmnaTiTJ enna were Bummonea uerure luo puiwc 1 uvuioiouu uuitu uuntij vuuiuau t HARGRAVES & WILHELM. ' O Patf "Whnt, sor?" "Did yez lver see a winter lolke this?" "lis, sor." "Last summer, sor." New Orleans Picayune. A Texas Judge knocked six months off a ninety nine years' sentence In order to show the prisoner 3 friends that he was willing to give him a chance. Augusta Chronicle. If the Hocsac Tunnel doesn't pay any better than It has been uaylng Mr. Hooac threatens to pull the whole thin up by the roots and sell It for an umbrella scabbard. When asked why it doesn't pay he always replies: -I can't see through it." Home sotiunei. He slipped quietly in at the doo'. catching sight of an Inquiring race over the sialr rail said: 'bor rr t,o law, my dear; couldn't get a car before." So the cars were full, too," said the laay, and further remarks were unnecessary. Boston Com mercial Bulletin. Syracuse has a female architect." Norrlstown hasn't a female architect, but sbe has more then one designing woman.-Norrlstown Herald. "Cisar smoke puffed In a man's face by another man is assault aim uancij, - iudee. if that Is the case, cigarette smoke puffed anywhere in one's -neighborhood should be con sidered murder In the first degree. We have many times been an unwilling listener to the ' said she" and "said 1" narrations in pub lic conveyances and elsewhere; but never knew an instance where the "said IV' didn't say all the smart things and the "said she's all the stupid and vicious ones, or where the "said l's" dot come off victorious in the end-Boston Transcript. a...t. TTnnr Kind the Indian educated uniu he can utter his war-hoop In Greek and scalp his victim in Latin. Tbe best Mend 1 of the Indian Is the man who lets him remain as God made him Detroit Free Press. Two ladles who had been to hear Minnie Hauk were seated in the horse car. Said one: "How do rou UkTCarmen?' " -I think -Carmerf perfectly lovely," replied the other. And tbe conductor ; and driver the great silly creatures, swelled out like a Mir et inflated frogs, and they have since taken to hair oil, dyed moustaches, patchouly-scented pket-handkerchlefsand allsorts of egregious vanmes. miuo lausuotvv ------ ---- temretedby William Hnaaespeare, ""ai we mortals be!" Boston Transcript. anthnritiea vesterdav ana lniormea that no nublication must be made con earning the movement of troops. Lord-Lieutenant Cowper, replying to a deputation of the Dublin corporation to-day, said he regretted that under ex isting circumstances it would be im possible to release the members of Parliament now confined as suspects. All the prisoners in : the jail at El Paso, Texas, with one exception escap ed, on Monday night, by digging through the iireplace of - the building, which was constructed of adobe. One man named O'Brien, held for a stab bing affray, refused to go. : Mrs. Wallace, who resides 'in Tren ton, N. J., went to see her husband, who is employed in a bakery in Brook lyn, N. Y., on Monday. She remained over night, and in the morning she was found dead in nis room, uaviug uccu overcome by noxious gases from a coal stove. The husband was still alive, but unconscious. There are no hopes of his recovery. The President will within the next two weeks send in a large majority of all the important nominations now claiming his attention. Secretary Hunt contemplates giving the officers of the navy who have been cruising in the Mediterranean during the last three years an opportunity of servinsc their country on the South At lantic station, while the officers who have been on duty within ine iropics will be transferred to the Mediterrane- ' Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000.000 to which a reserve fund of SiSS0)0O has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution adoDtea December 2d. A. u. mi v. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. It never seales 01 postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: ; . CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars Each. Half Tickets, one Dollar. : LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Caoltai Prize S30.000 1 Capita Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize 5,000 2 Prizes of S2.500 6.000 5 Prizes of 1.000 5,000 20 Prizes of 500 10,000 100 Prizes of 100. 10,000 200Prlzesof 50 10,000 500 Prizes of 20 10,000 1,000 Prizes of 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of J300 52,700 1 H Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 ; 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 ' ' C. C. D. A, AND an. fools ITEiTIS OF IN TEH EST. Xae Frcif on in Situation. EXTRA S3SSION. Laurenburg Enterprise : The reseems to be a division of sentiment among democrats a3 to the expediency of call ing an extra session of the Legislature of this State. In view of the fact that the next legislature of North Carolina will be anti-Bourbon and Republican, we think if by the action of Congress thn rWHstrifitine of the State be neces sary, it would be advisable for an ex tra session to be called to do that work. If left to tne new legislature, the districts will be so divided as to strengthen the republican . party, and give the odd congressman to the repur licans. "A stitch in time saves nine. The opposition to an extra session, we notice, comes from the class of demo crats who never, under any circum stances, apprehend tne triumpn 01 tuo republican party in the State. We do not feel so secure. In fact we are one of the many who think a change in the character of the Administration is inevitable. 1857 Prizes, amounting to $110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid, ifnr further information, write clearly, elvlna full address. Send orders bv exDress or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mall, addressed only to M. A DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. orM A. DAUPHIN, 127 La Salle Street, Chicago, Ills., The New York office Is removed to Chicago. N. B.-Orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt attention. The nartirailar attention of the Public is called to the fact that the entire number ot the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing Is sold, and conse quently all the prizes In each drawing are sold and drawn ana paia. Ian8 Everybody Has Discovered THAT NORTH CAROLINA HAS THE LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE IN THE SOUTH. The McSmiili Music House PEGRAM & CO., TOTS SOLE AGENTS. Janl nSt!T:..,i TO THSS I OIV8 HEALTH. "Excellent Tonic, Alterative and Dluretic"- Medical Association, LTTl;btHII,vJu nd Dinh "Used with great benefit in Malaria and mpn rhoead scrotula."-PTOf. a Jackson. M. D.. Univ. Penn. ...itni 1 c "Invaluable as a nervous um - Fcomemendedas a r-Plactic In malarial aisincis." it. K-.ih T. c. UnClS." It. a, raiic. hnh " 'Restores debilitated systems to heaitn. Mercer. M. D., loo. "Adapted In chronic r. m XI fljsnepsia." oo. ; "v"'J:i. scrofula, narrlann. M. D.. N. x. and P. BTKfu"l KWmSk Tind aenralgla." mr?."Ji -if.iJThil S and ner- IMDORSEttBT-rr-- PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, i IRD THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHtRE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPIDJ.IVER. blade. fallneM after eating, wltn a dialn-vn-.in .rtAn of boav or mind. Tritftttilitv of temper. Low spirits. Loss Tmemorr.witheeW 1 n rmTu.4 TTains. xtf towv w A-Rimi-OS ARE TJKHUDZB, SERIOUS DISEASES Wttl SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTrTT8 FILLS are especially adapted to tmnWaa m to astonish the sufferer. TUaTlacstlaT tbe Apstetlto, wd cause the iV toTsTke om TlefiTthM the system is Zmm by thetrTTeBie Action on tbe dVcSdT Price & ceota. fe Mnrrmy St., N.Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. 8?lbyIruggi8U, or Mnt by express on recei of 1. Office, 30 Murray St., New York. . tttTS aiRCAI, ef Vll! Ifenstto sa4 Eeby. 28deodl Senator Hoai 'a recent dinner to Jus tice Gray cost $1,000. T?r.nnv Pipmont. of West Virginia, drops the Wheeling Intelligencer a line to say that he feels quite comfortable after reading nis oonuaiy iu mau other journals. piffaHnrc. Pa . ia Dushinff ahead. Last year 521 new buildings were erected, at a cost oi over ?n,wu,wu, tenements. The live stock interests of Kansas are rapidly gaining ground, the increase of value of farm animals from 1880 to 1881 having been $7,oou,uuu, uespit tuo slaughtering of animals worth 16,250, 000 more. It is said that the cost of the asd tabula disaster to the Lake Shore road, five vears ago, is two million dollars, and some of the suits ior uam not ended yet. The Spuyten Juyvil calamity will cose tne new iuhv r.ral a tremendous SUPP- There are now 70,000,000 standard sil ver dollars in tne treasury, aim 000,000 in silver ceruncaiea uuwwuu- lng. Henrietta Straese, a German woman of Chicago, ate some raw ham at a wed ding in that city a snort wiuo agw. wu she developed symptoms of trichinosis. and Friday last aiea. Xiiamiuaoiuu after death revealed tne presence of 40,000 of the parasites in one square inch. r a xrQ VrvrV lp.tter savs that a com- Danv has been formed to drain the vast f TTiaiarinna and swamp land between jersey , ZTX reaching back to the Palisades, with a :. QQrtincr thereon cheap dwell ings for the industrial class that are at n.ont nnmnplled to live apd 016 in In the City of Louisrllle, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1882. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act ot tne uenerai as- semDiy oi a.encucKy. The United States Circuit Court on March 81, rendered the following decisions: 1st That the commonweaim umtriuuuuu uvw pany Is legal. Qri Tla drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Bead the list of prizes for tne JAKTJABY DBA WING. fa rn 1 Prize..... 10 Prizes, $1,000 each, 10.000 20 Prizes, 500 each 10,000 , 100 Prizes, 100 each 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each fS'RRn 600 Prizes, 20 each JS'S&Si i nnn Prizes. 10 each ivvv j MILDLY, FRIENDS. Farmer and Mechanic : Mildly.f riends of the Conservative press, as rnildly as you can, in speaking of the ;Jjidepen- olloH in North Carolina. "The blood oi Martyrs ia rnzes, owu, vT. 7t - a r.nurcn. ijeu. muwo irrr 7a oo www www w ww WW WW WW w w Prom . in relieving headache, V0U.1." Bev. B.U 'voaauu. w "Used with greai oeneu ui Mc- n Pa. J. )f. KOUBmRu. m.. ise&ae of MMtiT T. T.. TJ. y. uunuoiu, lOWn eases'-Jno. B.Metteaur. M. Of : great cufattTO tlrtwB,-Tftoa, MFtewflolalinwnt s,aSD,noiS til mala- iharmin m w f'Sizrii SmTiL otrLclear. soft aed rosy."-Ml8 M. of 8. & The prince of mineral wruw. . - li m w-k l t WtoabTeaiatonte and alteraUte."- n ter Meuoire, M. Va . ; wwmg. 'Fine appeuzBi ana ntow reduced si- Una. v ltUflrtrf la ImDTOvtnt a tern. "Bishop Beekwfth, ef Ga. . tj-V invalids here find welcome and heaitb. -Bev. John HanMtetet i of IX. JSf.SSr "Hat real merit "-wuiru. Pamphlets rree, npovvi"-- . M 75 WaXerT&i tt ease. Mas and Pill. u' (f . VL'-. p si .w ab -i . t . WKa.fY., P. a box rU. m him ivrm 1 r 1 111 1 drake, Stiffinei, and many of the pt neat. Tonic intq a edicne nPtnfli varied rjowWSi M I make U. the Peatel .tiiAnJ PmJnp, and the I rjcstttsalthAStMigthl Boteir tver vm U cures Rheumatism, I SlecpkMies, fcdUeaeisI of the StoinaeVJBor T TJver & Kidney, I Xr ! rntirehr diflerent torn I Oinrer Esseacesl " -vr .11. 4- mum. ik SCVCTIDIUAKA, m tv tenement houses. Tne tirain age roor 1 eiru w 1 - believeq-tnac toe uuuai.Ms seed, or we cnureu. o-. 9 pnzea, 100 couiu not nave carneuujj. muu ands of intelligent Virginians, old Con federate soldiers, like Cameron and Brockenborough, and others we might name , if the spirit of pugnacity had not been aroused bv the fierce war-cries of the leading democratic newspa- Peitiswell to recognize that there is in North Carolina a condition of Unrest nm1 rliQArrran iTatinn. which forbids tne effective use of the -machine whip. When a party is in the flush of success, it is possible to punisn tne tatm wm per of complaint. But the democratic party of to-day needs milder measures to keep its men in line. There are thousands of young men in the ranics, who are true as steel to the South, and to Democratic principles, but who are not specially loyal to the caucus meth ods of four or five years past, lnese young men have no sympathy with dfisertthe nartv to se- cure office; but at the same time they are in a frame of mind which will not stand the crack of the whip ! WHAT A SCENE ! fiirrm nhronicle: What a scene I that must have been in Washington city, "Kernel" Johnston, of Charlotte, N. 0., (a standing candidate f or y ears for ev ery office that came along, and never nLttino- ar.vthine. and the "Hon." Maj. Price, of Salisbury, off their all-fours in the White House, renouncing their Democraoy and begging President Ar thur to take them in out of the cold I Poor fellows I tney wantiat omuea, auu 1,960 Prizes J112.400 Whole Tickets. 2; Half Tickets, 81; 27 Tickets, 850; 55 Tickets, 8100. T)n4 wna nr Ranir Tymft in Letter, ot send k-"S. 'tnTCNtT BV REQISTKRKn LETT KB OB POSTOFFICE OBDEB. Orders of 85 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Address all orders to B. M. BOABDMAN, Courler-Joamal Bund LouisvlUe, Ky., or 809 Broadway New York. JanS EEB E EE B H H H H HHH H H H H A AA A A. V V V V A A V V V EES B EE E EEE -SELLS- CHfCKERING & B0N3, KBANICH & BACH, MATHOSHEK, AEION, SOUTHERN GEM And other PIAN03. MASON & HAMLIN, SHONINGEB, PELOUBET 4 CO., 8TEBLING, AND OTnEB ORGANS. THE ONLY HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICTLY First-Class Instruments. ef- Ask me for prices If you waut good work and you will never buy anything but the beet. Address or call on, II. McSMITII. But a limited stock of M STOKE ACID- GENERAL FEED DEALERS GREAT GERM DESTROYER. PROPHYLACTIC FLIID. -iTTD- -AND FARMERS P IE -i Parker's Hair Balsam ect22 IrttflOH ft BUBWELL, Chew onlv the bran oi tobaoo. kncwatTh. 014 oaken Bucket. X The iron-bound bucket. The moss-covered bucxei. That hung in the weu. CHAS. B. JONKd. Charlotte, N. C, Bole Heat. Liberal terms to dealers. 111 19 WHBIVH-n A n TT Drove a highly prontauje ouc. part ot the territory can be reached m half an hour from New York.and there is room for-the-erecttbn of 3,000 tivrell. ings. ' : '.' ' " ' " United States Consul Baker, of Bae nos Ayres, thinks that the ostrich ican be domesticated in the , United States and made.prontame.fLB uciiucp -.?k form aitnated iibbritrlS miles from Bueno y- H.many iStructions lor, in this country who may deslfe to go into the busl&esS. f aSj'M cost from $1,000 to $1,200 delivered to iuenoa Ayres, and 5,0-toda cabe keDt on 6,000. acres o- u. inrSine derived from chicks produced SSffmSof birds is from $2 000 to IS OM DeT annum. At Cape Colony rUOOOoSoO are invested in the business, J!ySSoeof-the feathers annually produced is $4,500,000- TKnnTBLX LOSS OF LIFE. Um, ,a mi, cats, bed bugs, roacheft, IbS thelflrVes by collision with "Bough on. af Sold by druggists, idu. Ttik Chablotte Obsebvek says the trouble with Southern independents is that they are all dependents. Yes, Kernel Johnston, poor, neglected man I has been depending On the Democracy nnr.il he has ztowii erey, but finding no oats he is trying to break in to the Radical stable. . Well, let him and Price go, with or without a price, and if there be any more such customers in the Democratic party trot 'em, out Away with all such patriots 1 j tu m , . ! V tuiamsvay' BTtrnt ! Albany, Jan. 26.-The ; Democratic assembly caucus met this morning; Mr. lB?ookfl behali lot the conference committee, repoTtea ibi tuo met the Tammany representative aeain last night and- had found, them determined ria the, stand they had taken, The reponi was wci tne coin uiitLcc xxiof. cMtm drinkers shsiMi read sthe advetasement n pother cSeaTed -Gooi CoSee," GUANO. Parties who wish to procure their supply will do n t. ..n u matro ftrranPPjnenLS With U3 as WE ABE NAMING LOV? PBICSa CALL BET02B ALL IS GONE. Jsn20 COMMISSION MEBCHANTO OMISSION MEBCHANTK5, CHARLOTTE, N. C. HAVE HOW OH HftHG : A FULL SUPPLY OF FrestfirpiaMd WHITE AND YELLOW COBN, PEABL GBITS, BBAN, PATAPSCO PATENT PROCESS FLOUB, -TIMOTHY HAY, AND HECKEBS' SELF-RAISING BUCKWHEAT FLOUB WILL GLADLY PTE PRICES -TO- BOTH THE WHOLESALE and BET AIL TRADE. a share ef your pXiscctlaixeous. IT 1 SMALL POX ERADICATED. Contaelon destroyed. Sick Booms punned and made pieasai. t. Fevered and Sine Per sons relieved and re freshed b y bathing with Prophylatic iuo added to the water. Soft White Complexions secured by Its use in bathing. Imnure Air made harm less and purified by sprinkling D a rby's Fluid about To rmrirv the Breath. Cleanse tbe Tetth. It can't he surnassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Barns relieved Instantly. Scars prevented. Removes all unpleasant odors. 1 PITTING OF 8MAL POX Prevemea. Ulsters purified and healed. Gangrene prevented and curtd. Dysentery cured. Wounds neaiea rapmiy. Scurvey cured in snon Tme. Tetter dried np. It Is perfectly n armless. For rtore xnroai u is a sure cure DIPTHERIA PREVENTED Respectfully soliciting patronage, we are respectfully, anl9 A. J. BE ALL & CO. Cholera dissipated. Ship Fever prevented by ltsue. , In cases of death in the home, it should alwuys be used atout the corpse-It will prevent any unpleasant smell. An antidote for animal or Vegetable Poison, Stings, Ac. Dangerous effluvlaa of sickrooms and hospi tals removed by Its use. Yellow Fever Eradicate In fact It Is the great Disinfectant and Pnrifier, FBZFABXD BT J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Manufacturing Chemlst,:Sele Proprietors.-dec4 SCARLET FEVER CURED. 2. H. Me ADEN, and L. B. WaiSTON CO. mv2T Cbariott,N.C