I! i i; ?! 1 P 1 I O UA8. K. JO.M Em, Editor St JProprisMr XOTKBID AT TH POBT-OxTIC AT CBABIXITB, N Cu Skookd-Clabs m attxb.1 SATURDAY, JAN. 28, 1882. Tt is said in (laonria that Gen. Gar- trell will be the independent candidate for Governor. Justice Hunt has been retired and can now go on and draw his pension right along. The assessed value of the increase of property in the city of Galveston within the past year is $2,000,000. The South Carolina Legislature passed a resolution to adjourn on lOtih of February. has the Mr. Scoville says that when the ex citement of the trial is over Guiteau will become ;i raving maniac. The Greensboro North State asserts positively that "Hon. David A. Jenkins will be appointed collector of the sixth district." Jury packing has become so common in the city of Chicago that the Bar As sociation has fcbeen compelled to take the matter in hand. Moral Boston last year shipped two thousand barrels of rum into Africa, and some red shirts to the little savages, through the missionaries, as an offset to the rum. When 03car Wilde speaks a 63thetic smile (whatever that is) sDreads his countenance, and he faint AT "just too sweet to live." Cholera, yellow fever, and theChag iei fever, among the employes on the Lesseps Isthmus canal, are giving a great deal of trouble. Many of the en gineers have died. Baltimore business men have organ ized a manufacturers' aid association, with a capital of $1,000,000 to encourage manufacturing enterprises in that city. This is amove in the right direction. An Indiana Republican has taken for the subject of a discourse to the Hoo siers: "Can a Democrat get to Heav en?" That depends upon how much he associates with Republicans. Chicago is making herself very active on the woman question. Virtuous Chicago. Perhaps after getting through with the much-married Mormons she will revise her divorce records. The jury of inquest on the Spuyten Duyuil railroad disaster have found the brakemen, engineers, conductors and management of the road responsible for the disaster, and this opens up a fine case for damages against the company. The jail and the penitentiary, like death, level all ranks. The Tichborne claimant picks oakum in an English prison in a gang with two negroes, and his fellow-convicts regard him as no less a fraud than the Court of the Queen's Bench did. saMs- - Lawrence Barrett and other trage dians have been attending the Guiteau trial at every opportunity. Their ob ject is to make a study of the assassin, probably for a correct presentation of his character when the great tragedy of the death of Garfield shall be drama: tized. The Raleigh News and Observer says: "It is reported here that Judge Ralph P. Buxton had been appointed Judge of the United States District Court to fill the vacancy created by the death of Judge Brooks. This needs confirma tion, but we think it highly probable." Raleigh News and Observer: "Gen. Clingman expresses the opinion that North Carolina needs a good shaking up in her politics. Perhaps the General still has hopes of possible preferment, but we suspect that the popular feeling is that younger men are more in accord with public sentiment." m Lynchburg News: The scheme pro posed by the News of a railroad through the Southern tier of Virginia counties to the Ashe county (N. C.) line, was fa vorably commented on yesterday. It is believed by practical business men to be, the most promising enterprise that can occupy the attention of the city or the counties interested. Mr. Scoville says that he will file a motion for a new trial on the ground that the verdict is contrary to the evi dence, and he will also allege that the jurors read newspapers while the trial was in progress, and held conversation with outside parties. If his motion is overruled he will take an appeal to the court in banc. " Mr. Scoville says he is satisfied that the jury made their verdict over a week ago. H thinks the charge of the court was one-sided and strongly against the prisoner. Mr. Reed, of counsel for the defense, says Judge Cox made the strongest speech for the prosecution. Notwithstanding the ver dict he still thinks the prisoner insane, and that it will be an outrage to hang him. There were two ballots taken by the jury, the first being eleven for guilty and one blank. The time they were out was mostly consumed in read ing the indictment. Hailroad Project In 9Iiitstippl. Jackson, Miss, Jan. 27, 1882. The House has under discussion a bill to incorporate , the Paciflic Railroad Company. The act to incorporate the Mississippi Railroad Company has nassed the Senate. The railroad eommit- remorted favorably, on several other railroad bills. Resolution was adopted in House and in Senate yesterday in structing representatives of State in Congress to oppose Cowden's canal scheme. There is some talk of calling a constitutional convention. Xw more of Use Murder era on Trial. rrNrnrNTWATr. Jan. 27 A special from en yesterday to try .bins the GiDDons muruoi, u v" begin to-day. IffiEihTvK 4le. IN CONGRESS. THE SEXATE DlSCltsSE suebihan bilu HIE The House Receive Private Bill, and HeiM-'-. i Few Adjouoia Till Monday Washington, Jan. 27 Senate. The Senate, at 1 o'clock, resumed the consideration of the Sherman three per cent, bond bill. Sherman moved to amend so asto make the bonds redeemable at the pleasure of the government at any time after January 1st, 1887. After discussion the amendment of Davis, of West Virginia, striking out the time features of the new bonds and making them payable at any time at the option of the government was carried. Ayes, 38; noes, 26. An amendment offered by Harris to provide that the .new issues shall be three year bonds was adopted. Ayes, 33; noes 26. An amendment offered by Sherman allowing the subscriptions for new bonds to be mad at postal money order offices, upon postmasters giving addi tional bonds, was agreed to. Sherman's amendment as modified to rovide for three year bonds was then ost. Ayes, 25 ; noes, 36. The Senate then took up Vests amendment which makes the proposed issue of $200,000,000 of three per cents, the sole basis for an increase of circu lation by any national banks now in existence, or for the circulation of any national bank hereafter established. Pugh submitted amendments modi fying the provisions of Vest's amend ment, as follows: First, Making more emphatic the Erovision that it shall apply only to anks hereafter organized or increas ing their capital. Secorfd, Striking out the proviso which forfeits the charter of the na tional bank if it keeps bonds on deposit after they have ceased to bear interest. Third, Making sections 5,159 and 5,160 of the revised statutes which Vest's amendment re-enacts, apply only to new three per cents. A discussion followed, participated in by Hill, of Georgia, Plumb, Beck and Hawley, when it was agreed to defer the vote until the amendment as proposed to be amended together with the sections repealed and re-enacted thereby, could be printed. Upon this agreement the bill was informally laid aside. Pending a motion for ah executive session Butler introduced a bill for a public building aWireenville, S. C. Re ferred. Ferry introduced a bill granting pen sions to certain Union soldiers and sailors of the war of the rebellion who were confined in so-called Confederate prisons. Messages from the President were read transmitting, in further response to the Senate resolution of December 13, a report from the Secretary of State embodying the purport of a recent tel egram from the special envoy of the United States setting forth the condi tions of peace presented by Chili, also a further response to the Senate reso lution calling for the correspondence touching the modification of the Clay-ton-Bulwer treaty. Referred to Com mittee on Foreign Relations. The Senate, at 4 :20, after an execu tive session of 30 minutes, adjourned until Monday. The following is the full text of the Davis amendment: "That bonds herein authorized shall not be called in and paid so long as any bonds of the United States heretofore issued bearing a higher rate of interest than three per centum and which are redeemable at the pleasure of the Uni ted States are outstanding. The last of said bonds issued under this act shall be first called in and this order of pay ment shall be followed until all such have been paid." House. The committee on census to-dav agreed to report to the House with a favorable recommendation, Rep resentative McCord's apportionment bill with certain amendments, one of which is that the total numberof mem bers in the House shall be 320. Townsend off ered a resolution calling on the Secretary of the Interior for in formation on file in his department relative to charges that the Mormons are inciting the Piute and Navajo In dians in Arizona to outbreak and law lessness. Adopted. The Speaker proceeded to call com mittees for reports of a private nature. Under this call a few private bills were reported and placed on the calendar. The House then, at 12:40, went into committee of the whole, Townsend, of Ohio, in the chair, on the private calen dar. At 4 o'clock the committee rose and the House passed a number of private bills. Caswell, from the committee on ap propriations, reported the postoffice ap propriation bill, and it was referred to the committee of the whole. Randall, of Pennsylvania, inquired whether the bill would be called up for action, aa there was a great desire among many members to investigate the bill pretty thoroughly. Caswell stated that he would call it up on Wednesday next. Prescott, of New York, from the committee on census, reported the ap portionment bill. Referred to House ealendar, Colericb, of Indiana, presented a mi nority report. Same reference. The bill last named was made the special order for Tuesday next. The Speaker laid before the House a message from the President transmit ting a further response to the House resolution of the 24th inst, a report of the Secretary of State embracing the purport or a recent telegram from the special envoy of the United States, set ting forth the conditions of peace pre sented by Chili, also a communication from the Secretary of the Navy in an swer to a resolution of the House, call ing for information in relation to cer tain lands and harbors known as the Chiriqui grant. Referred. The House then, at 5: 05, adjourned until Monday. Respite Asked For New Orleans, La., Jan. 27. A number of gentlemen have interested themselves in the case of Augusta Davis, condemmed to be executed to morrow, and are making an effort to in duce the Governor to grant a reprieve for a few days. The Governor took the matter under advisement, and pro posed to see District Attorney Finney and Judge Roman, before whom Davis was tried. A Legal Point Settled ffith Pistol: New Orleans, Jan. 27. A Winona special says it is reported that Judge Wm. Price shot and killed Capt.King Turner at Chester, Miss., on 24th. Tur ner land Price were both lawyers of high standing in Winston. Adifferance arose it is understood about some triv ial matter in the course of a trial in which they were on opposite sides. mills Burned at Petersburg-, Petersburg, Va., Jan. 2.. The Basin Mills, owned by H.F. Merritt, were entirely destroyed by fire this morning together with a large quantity ed at about 810,000; insurance 86.000. uugm oi me nre ib uq&uowb. A. GREAT OBLIGATION. "I am Indebted for my life," says Judge F. If. Brooks, of Columbus, (is., "to Warner's Bate Kid ney and Liver Cure." Loti of 150,o6d. Philadelphia, Jan 27. The loss by the fire last night at KeyStone hub, spokd and wheel works at 174, 176, And 178, Canal Street, was 6150,000, partially insured. PREMATURE LOSS OF THE HAtB Maybe entirely pre rented by the use of BUB NETTS COCOAINE. No other compound pos sesses the peculiar properties Men so exactly suit the various conditions of the human hair. It softens the hair when harsh and dry. soothes the Irritated scalp. It affords the richest lustre. It prevents the hair from falling oft, It promotes Its healthy, vigorous growth. It Is not greasy nor sticky. It leave no disagreeable odor. It kills dandruff. Burnett's Flavoring Extracts areknwn to be the est. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH JANUARY. 27. 1882 PRODUCE. Baltimore Noon Flour a shade easier; Howard street and Western super $4.50$5.00; extra $5.25$6.25; family Stt 0$7.): mills, super S4.260S6.25; extra S6 60S6.25; family S7.6oa87.76; Wo brands $7.00; Patapsco family $8.25. Wheat Southern a shade better; WAtam miiet and easier: Southern rd $1-48 o- 81.45; amber Sl.46e8l.47; No. 1 Maryland-; o. 2 Western winter red spot. January $1,420)-81-4244; February $1.42Vfe$l-42to; March 1.45tta$1.45; April SL4rJ1.47. Cora Southern Quletand steady; Western steady; South era white 80; do yellow 71. BALiTJfORB Night Oats easier; Southern 503)62; Western wmie 510)62; mixed 6061; Pennsylvania 60 5i Provisions firm; mess pork $18.75. milk meats -shoulders and clear rib sides, packed 1VQi 1 0. Bacon -shoulders &i ; clear rib sides 11; hams 183131. Lard refined 121. Coffee firm; BJo cargoes ordinary to fair 8Vhm- Sugar- steady; a soft 9fc- Whiskey quiet, at $1.18381 19. Freights quiet Chicago Flour steady and firm. Wheat moderately active and higher; No. 2 Chicago spring $1.34tt$l-84ttfor cash; Sl.34ttSSl.3448 for February. Com unsettled and generally lower, at 6Ufe614t for cash; 61tt for January; 61V for February. Oats quiet and weak, at 4346 for cash. Barley $1.04- Dressed hogs nominal, at $7 50. Pork In fair demand, but lower, at S18.20 for cash and January. Lard - unsettled, hnt irftnnrallT lower, at SI 1.25 for cash and Jan uary. Bulk meats steady and unchanged; should ers $6.60; short nD $u 45; snort wear w.ou. Whiskey steady and unchanged, at $1.18. Nrw Tom Southern flour unchanged and quiet; common to fair extra S5.503$7.00; good to choice do $7.10 $8.00. Wheat unsettled, cash lots a shade easier, and closing heavy and depress ed at inside rates; ungraded red $1.31ffi$l.50; No. 2 red, January $1.476$1.47; February $1.473$1.48Vit- Cora cash lots very strongly held, and closing dull and weak; ungraded 87Q 72; Southern yellow 71; No. 2, January 10VQ 70; February 70Mi71. Oats lower and more doin In options; Mo. 3. 47Vb Hops-steady and demand moderate; Yearlings 20)22; New Torks 2028. Coffee very quiet and prices nominally unchanged ; Bio 81A810. Sugar moderately ac tive and easier; centrifugal 7ia8; fair to good refining quoted at 7fcffi7Vi: refined steady and quiet; Standard a 8. Molasses foreign un changed and quiet; New Orleans unchanged and quiet, and quoted at 65S)75. Bice firmly held and fair Inquiry. Bosln unchanged, at S2.87W 6$2 42Vt Turpentine dull and easier, at 65. Wool firm and fair Inquiry; Domestic fleece 86a50; Texas 148)31. Pork-dull and mnsettled and rather easier, at $17.25 lor old mess spot. Middles dull and unsettled and prices nominally unchanged: long clear 9Va Lard opened strong er, but afterwards became wea and declined, and closing heavy, at Sll-85SI1.40; all the year 8ll.30SSll.35. Freights to Liverpool market steady. COTTON. Galveston Firm; middling llc; low mid dling 1 lUc; good ordinary 10c; net receipts 820; gross ; sales 762; stock 95,763; ex ports ooastwlse ; to Great Britain ; to continent : to France . Weekly -net rec'pts 7,358: gross 7.496; sales 3,892; exports coastwise 216; to Great Britain 2,797; to continent 2,204; France ; to chan nel . Norfolk Steady; middling ll4e; net receipts 8515; gross ; stock 42.242; exports eoaat- wlse ; sales : exports to Great Britain ; te continent . Weekly net rec'ts 15,226; gross ; sales 4.542; coastwise 8.027; Great Britain 1,087; channel ; continent 1,970; France . Baltmobi Quiet; middling ll'fcc; low mid dling 114ft: good ordinary lOVi; net 1018 ; gross 680; sales ; stock 57.635; exports ooastwlse ; spinners ; exports to Great Britain : to continent . Weekly net receipts 830; gross 2,543: sales 842; spinners 772; exports Great Britain j coastwise 1,771: continent . Boston Steady; middling 12c; low middling llc; good ordinary 10c; net receipts 553; Soas 1.859: sales : stock 9,470: exports to real Britain ; to France Weekly net rec'ta 4.292; gross 7,792; sales ; exports to Great Britain 4,525. WmnKQTON Steady ; middling HVfcc: low mid dling 11 l-16c; good ord'y 103 16c; rec'pts 3.269: gross ; sales : stock 8521; exports ooastwlse ; to Great Britain ; to continent . Weekly net receipts 8,869: gross ; exports coastwise 1,766; to Great Britain 2,828; to con tinent . Philadelphia Quiet; middling 121fcc; low middling lUfcc; good ordinary 10V:; net receipts 892; gross ; sales ; spinners : stock ; exports Great Britain ; to continent Weekly net receipts 1,927; gross 8,687; sales ; spinners 1,660; coastwise : continent 160; to Great Britain 2,400; stock 15,756. Bavahkah -Steady; middling 1114c: low mid dling 1044c; good ordinary 10o; net receipts 2.719; gross : sales 2,600; stock 93,629; exports ooastwlse : to Great Britain ; to France : to continent 220. Weekly net receipts 1 5,634;gross 15,574 3ales 10,600; exports to Great Britain 4.576; France ; coastwise 9,945; continent 1,470. Nxw Orleans -Quiet; middling llfec; low middling 1H4C; good ordinary 10c; net receipts 8,878; gross 4,729; sales 11,250; stock 874.326; exports to Great Britain ; to France ; coastwise ; to continent . Weekly-net receipts 18,142; gross 21.921; sales 80,200; corts Great Britain 29,182; chan nel ; coastwise 2.05&: France 4.302; continent 4,449. Mobile -Steady; middling llVto; low middling llic; good ordinary lOVbc; net receipts 278; gross 278; sales 1,000: stock 40.66; exports coast ; France ; to Great Britain ; to continent . Weekly net receipts 8,99ft; gross 4,009; sales 6,800; exports to Great Britain ; coastwise 6,03; Fian -. Mjevfhis Quiet; middling lllfce; net receipts 811; gross 883; shlpfienU Wl; sales 1,350; stock 85.868. ' Weekly net receipts 8,21; gross 8,718; ship- Augusta Quiet; middling 11c; low mid dling I0c: good ordinary 10c; receipt 806; shipments 8,527; sales 766. Weekly net rects 2,271; shlpm't 8,527; sales 4,315; spinners ; stock . Chablkstom -Steady; middling; 1 15fec: low miauling llVhc; good ordinary 104tc; nei receipts 788; gross ; sales 600; stock 75,729: exports ooastwlse ; to Great Britain ; to continent ; to France ; to channel !9: Weekly net receipts 6.B27: cross : sales 7,500; coastwise 8,882; continent 1302; Great Britain 2,716; to France . Nxw TORK-Qulet, firm; sales 187: middling up lands 12c; middling Orleans 121Ac: consoli dated net receipts : exports to Great Britain : to Franss : to continent : to channel . Weekly net rec'ts 8.608: eross 84.111: exD'ts to Great Britain 14,566; France.267; continent l.ozu; saies 4,owo; siock bzoyjuu. Momtooieebt Firm; middling lllc; low mid 1084c; good ordinary 10c; receipts 1,002; ship ments 894; stock, present year, 9,926; stock, last yar, 8,529 ; sales 991 Maooh Quiet; middling lOtbc; low middling lOSfcc; good ordinary U3dc; receipts 712; sales 809; stock, present year, 10.917; stock, last year, 9,848; shipments . Coudkbub tiu'et: middling 10c; low middling lOtoc; good ordinary 9lfec; receipts 2,200; ship ments 2,800; sales 465; spinners 200; stock 21,323; ex. Great Britain ; coastwise . Nashvtllb Steadv: mlddllnsr 1114c: low mld- 10kc; good middling 9c; net receipts 650; shipments 1,758; sales 804; spinners 28: stock, present year, 18,080; stock, last year. 11,466. Post Rotal, 8. C Weekly net receipts 750; stock 8,822; exports to Great Britain ; coast wise ; sales . Pbovtdxnci, R. L Weekly net receipts 895; stock 6,000; sales 1,100. Selxa, ala. Dull; middling 111 c. Weekly receipts 657: shipments 11,763; stock, present year, 9,110- Rokk, G a. Steady; middling lllfec; low mid dling 10c; good ordinary 9c. Weekly receipts 838; shipments 2.068; stock 8.156. OOWABATTVX COTTOK STATnCXXT. Net receipts at all United States ports daring week 90.173 Same week last year 24.0&6 Total receipts te this date .... v 8,661.777 Same date last year 8,919,270 Exports for the week 95,701 Same week last year 1 09,403 Total exports to this date 191,628 Same date last rear 2,485,88 Stock at all United States ports. ' , 1 49,660 Same time last year 867,627 Stock at all Interior towns 198,z03 Same time last year 161,774 Stock at Liverpool 631,000 Same time last year 473,000 Stock ioX American afloat fer Great Britain Sam time last year 208,000 461,000 LlVXBPeoL -Noon Quiet ; middling uplands miaaung oneans twa: Bales 8.0O0: soecu unon ana export ouu; receipts 10,700; Ameri can 7300. Uplands low middling clause: Jan uary delivery 6 ll-16d; January and Febuary 611-16d; February and March 811-16d; March and April 6d: April and May 6 13-16d: May and June 6 27-32d; June and July 6 29-82d; July and August 6 16-16d; August and September Future! dull. LIVXBFOQL COTTOK CIBCULAB. This week's circular of the Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association, says: "Cotton was in limit ed request on Thursday. There was more Inquiry and the market was firm. For American there was moderate demands and prices reduced Vfed. Bea Island was in poor reauest. Futures were ginet and fearless, and declined ftd on Monday but have since recovered. Sales for the week 48.600 American 86,000 Speculation. 1.940 Export 2.900 Actual exports 8,000 Forwarded from ships' sides Imports. 89,000 American 64.000 Stock 631.000 American, 454,000 Afloat 296 000 American 208,000 FUTURES. Nxw Tori -Futures closed firm. Sales 159, 000. January 12 09O.12 February 12.lia.12 March 12.88.89 April 12.8001.00 May 12.7901.00 June. 12.98a.94 July. 1805Q).06 August - 18.1501.16 September 12.650i.00 October 1.888.89 November; 11.7874 December The Post's Cotton Market Report says : "Future deliveries opened 4 to 5-100 lower: lost another 2 to 8-100 and then advanced 7 to 9-100, namely 1 to 2-100 above yesterday's cleelng prices. The third call displayed a fair demand at a trifling de cline." FINANCIAL Nxw Tobx. Exchange Governments fairly firm New 5's, Four and a half per cents, Four per cents, Money, State bonds -moderately active Sub-treasury balances Gold.. " " Currency-. 4.84 1.02 1.14 1.181 483 875.697.106 4.602,960 Sfocxa. 11 A M. The market opened strong and 16)2 per cent higher than yesterday's dosing prices, the Richmond ft Danville and Illinois Cen tral being most prominent therein. The Canada Southern opened at a decline of 2 per cent In early dealings the market sold up iOtii per cent, the latter for the North Western, after which a re action of per cent took place In the general list, the Bio Grande, Lane snore ana western Union leading the decline. Stuoxb Closed generally strong: Alabama Class A 2 to 5 82 Alabama Class A, small 81 Alabama Class B, 5's 1.01 A Inhama Class C. 4's 84 Chicago and Northwestern 1.80 Chicago and Northwestern preferred, 1.40 Brle.T. 40A Kajtl Tennessee 15 Georgia. J-67J4 Illinois central. i.oovt Ijike Shore 1.1 zW Louisville and Nashville 96Vfe Memphis and Charleston 79lfe Nashville and Chattanooga 844 New York Central 1 8 1 ntmourg Richmond and Allegheny 82 Richmond and Danville 2. 1 1 Vi Bock Island 1-83 Wabash, St. Louts Pudfie. 8614 Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific preferr'd Western Union. CITY COTTON MARKET. Office or Tax Obskbter, I Chablottx. January 28, 1882. f The market yesterday dosed firm at the follow ing quotations: Good Middling. 11 Vi Strictly middling, 11 ft Hiddung. uu Strict low middling. lllfi Low middling. 10" Tinges 91AO)94 Storm cotton eQd RECEIPTS FOX TSX WKEX ENDED FRIDAY, 27th. Saturday 29 bales Monday 52 " Tuesday 97 " Wednesday lno " Thursday 20rt " Friday 149 " Total bales 699 Gkarloti Produoe mctrket JANUARY 27, 1882. BUYING PRICES. Cobs, pertusbi . 85 90 Wheat. " Beams, white, per bushel 1.25a.50 Peas, Clay, per bnsh. 90al.00 wljfe, ' .';,,",';.'..',,.'.'!..'.'.! 7580 Flottb Family 4.a6a450 Extra.. 400 3.75 R6a66 Super Oats, shelled Dries Fkutt Apples, per lb. Peaches, peeled.... Unpeeled. Blackberries Potatoes 4Ua6 15a20 4a8 8a6 75 1.00 20a25 17a20 Sweet Irish Butter North Carolina. . . . . Boos, per dose ru Pouutbt Chickens Spring Ducks Turkeys, perm Geese Beet, per lb., net.... 20a25 16a18 20 8 25aS5 6a6 8a9 Mutton, per lb., net. Poke. " .. R. H. JORDAN. DR. JOS. GRAHAM. -WE HATE THI3 DAY- OPENED AND HAVE NOW ON SALE A NEW AND COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH DRUGS, mm TfHLET ARTICLES, &C. -WHICH WE- RESPECTFULLY INVITO OUR FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY TO CALL 1SS EXAMINE -AT OUR STOWS 0N- Tryon Street, Opposite Eiias & Cohen's. PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Prepared at all Hoars, Day and Night. Respectfully, R. H. JORDAN & GO. Jan27 FOR SALE OR RENT. rpHB new and commodious residence X built by H. T. Buuer. on Tryon street, lust beyond the track of the A., T. & U. R. O. VUb UWQ DfUgaiTi. A.PDI7 CO FOR SALE OR RENT. A Six room house, with good yard and well of water, and a two room kitchen: ten minutes walk of the public saoare. ABPljroJ? .WALTER BREST decoO tl Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys STOCK OUR FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE. "TTE guarantee that every pair of SHOES we sell shall be found ust as represented, and shall allow no house to give you better goods than we do for the money. Our stock has been carefully selected with a view to the wants of all classes of customers, and comprises a full line of beautiful and seasonable goods, of the very best quality and all grades, from the finest French Kid Button Boot to the Heaviest Brogan. If you wish to get your boots and shoes to suit you and at the lowest possible prices, you cannot do better than at our store. Give us a call. A. E. RANKIN & BRO., gepjg Central Hotel Block. Trade Pireet. -COTTON FACTORY- -FOR SALE.- T Y Virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of 13 Catawba county, made In the case of r. C. Shuford and others, plaintiffs, vs. A. M. Powell and others, defendants, at Chambers by Hon. A. C. Avery, Judge, and dated the vmoay oi January, 1882. the unoersignea, as tusumvjLB, win sen at Subtle sale at the Cotton Factory of the Catawba anufacturing Company, on the Catawba River, In Catawba county, on MONDAY, THE 6TH DAY OF MARCH, 1882, the following valuable property, to-wit: The Granite Shoals, In Catawba county, and the cotton Factory of said Catawba Manufacturing company, located 8 miles from the W. N. C. R. R.; 8 miles from Catawba Station on said railroad; li mues from 8tatesvllle, and 6 miles West from Trout man's Depot on the A., T. 10.U.B.; Including 87 acres of land on the South side of the Catawba River, on which is situated the said Factory, three good dwelling houses containing 6 rooms each, and 12 cottages containing from 2 to 4 rooms each for operatives, a storehouse, stables and other out bouses, bald Factory is a building 60 feet long by 42 feet wide, two stories high, with an "L" 60x20 feet, and another ' L" 90x22 feet, a fire-proof Picker House 80x20 feet. sltaatedllO feet from the main building of the Factory. Also, the following machinery in the said Factory, viz: 1 picker, i 86-inch double beater and lapper, 7 87-lnca 14-top Jenk's flat cards, 1 Asa Lee 18 inch delivery drawing frame, 1 20-strand list speeder (9-mch bobbins), 8 spinning frames, 1,056 spin dles (Bridesburg make), also spoolers, warper, quillers, beamers, dec., 42 new and most Improv ed plaid looms (30 Bridesburg and 12 Ward's make), with all necessary fixtures and findings, and with warps ready to start up. Dye bouse and sizing machinery of the most Improved style with vats and vessels complete. All parts of the build ing furnished with steam-pipes to warm the build ing, supplied with steam from a 20-horse power boiler. All the property, buildings, machinery, &a, in good condition and In good repair. Also, on the Northern side of the river. Imme diately opposite the Factory and adjoining the river and the Shoal, which extends across, 21 acres of land, with a fine water-power with solid rock foundation. The head of tbe water on the Southern side, ox which is the Factory, is about 6 feet For more accurate and definite description of the property and conditions or the sale, reference is mane to the decree in tbe above stated case. Tbe terms of said sale will be 20 per cent of the purchase money In cash, and the remainder in equal Installments of 90 and 120 days, bond and good security being required of the purchaser for the installments. Also, at the same time and place tbe under signed, as Receiver, will sell FOrt CASH, the fol lowing articles of personal properly, viz: 2 mules, 2 wagons and harness, lot of dyes arid dye btufis, the material now in process or manufacture, con sisting of warps, plaids and yams. Also, a small stock of general merchandise, consisting of boots, shoes, dry goods, bacon and such other articles of groceries and dry goods as are usually kept in a country store. JOHN L. COBB, January 24th, 1882. Receiver. Lincolnton, N. C. an24 tds TT A T)V T7TT7TJ for 18S2, with UJLIXIX 1 J? IX Hd Fj improved inter est table, calendar, etc. Sent to any address on recelDt of two Thkeb-ckni' stamps. Address (JMAKLJS3 K. HlttJ3. 48 N. Delaware Ave. Phlla. BOOKS ON BUILDING. ting, 4c. For 1882 eighty page III.' Catalogue, address, enclosing three 3 cent stamps, wsi. t. cuiisrotK, 194 Broadway, New York. BOLD MEDAL AWARDED the A athor. A n jw ana great Ued teal Work, warranted tbe best and cheapest, inditpensable to every man,erititled "the Science of Life or elf-Preservation ; bound in nnest rrencn mnaiin, embossed fall giltOO pp.con tains beautiful teel engrarmgi, 12a prescrip tions, price only $1.25 sent by mail . illustrated sample, 6 cents ; send now.Address Peabody Med. TTTVTT V IS1 Institute or Dr. W. H. PAR- suture or it. w . 1 1 rAtL No. 4 Bulflnchit. Boston. OVK. CONTINENT A NEW ILLUSTRATED LITEBAEY WEEKLY JOURNAL KEITHS U POLITICAL NOB SECT ASIAN; Conducted bv ALBION W. TOCRGEE. author of "A Fool's Errand." etc, assisted by Daniel u. Brlnton and Robert 8. Davis. FIRST NUMBER ISSUED FEBRUARY 1, 1882. The most distinguish d authors and skilful ar tist, hoth American and English, have been en gaged by -OUB CONTINENT." The February numbers contain novels and stories by Helen rumnhfl l. Mrs. Alexander. E. P Boe, Juiian ttawthnm. John Ha.bbfrton. R. H. Davis, etc. nnema h rtnmr wjwie. Louise Chandler Moulton, G. H. Boker. Sidney Lanier, G. P. Lathrop, Cella Thaxter, etc; entertaining sketches by C. G. Le land, (Hans Breltman) D. G. Mitchell, (Ike Mar vel) Felix Oswald etc ; solid papers by President Porter of Yale, Bliot of Harvard, Provost Pepper, of the University of Pennsylvania, etc; fashion notes by Kate Field; art Illustrations by Louis C. 3t; science by Profs. Rothrock, Barber, e'e; social etiquette by Mrs. Moulton; rural Improve ment by Hon B. G. Northrop; f-m and humor by 0. H. Clark. (Max Adler) "Uncle Bemus" and a host of others. BjAprrrtTL IixcajBATjOKS are a loading feature of "OUR CONTINENT." They are the finest that art can produce and equal to .the most perfect In the monthlies. Price 10 cents a number; 84 a year; 82 six months. Mailed free of postage to any address. Specimen copy tree. Newsdealers will find It to their Interest to pre sent "OUR CONTINENT" to the'r cuxtomers. Postmasters are invited to take subscriptions. Liberal commission. Book Canvassers can add largely to their incomes without interfering with their regular business, by acting for "OUR CONTINENT." Write for particulars to "OUR CONTINENT," Philadelphia, Pa. A GRICULTURAL LIME :and: CARBONATE OF LIME. Best and Cheapest Fertilizers. Send for Circular. FRENCH BROTHERS,. rf .. ' THE QH10KERING PIANO. ( THE HIGHEST AWARDS,;?? rated - - - sp viu a n n xrcs In the GREAT WORLD'S FAIR in LONDON, OS 186T; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION to 9HI?gu?875: and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION in Philadelphia, 18T6. AH yeraps frisking to purchase (or a cmine) instruments are respectfully in vited to visit ou War erooms. Send fir Circular andPriot Hit, nuinicDiiifi p. cniic 130 Fifth Avenue. N.Y. I 156 TremontSt, Boston. Jan25-d&w4" THE NEW DRUG STORE, Corner of College and Trade streets, (Wilson & Brack's old stand.) IS NO W OPE N Parties desiring Fresh and Reliable Drags will do well to give us a call. ah4 If CDC N GRUB, HAND & CO WOW CANNOT FAIL TO BE SUITED IN OF BOOTS W. T. BLACKWELL & 60. Durham, N. C. Ifsnnfactnrerg of tbe Original and Only Ccnnlns Mar 22 ly A SENSATION Has often been made by the discovery of some new thing, but nothing has ever stood the test like Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills, tbeir popularity and sale 13 unprecedented. They supp;y a need long felt and must become a household remedy. Just think to be cured in a few weebs of these terrible nerv;us troubles and awful suffering from kick Headache, Neuralgia and Dyspepsia, and the nervous system put in a natural and healthy condition, destroying the pos sibility of Paralysis, Angina Pectoris and sudden death, which Is carrying off so many noble men and women in the full tide of life and useful ness. This simple remedy of Extract of Celery Seed and Chamomile Flowers, combined In the lorm of pills, Is a boon to humanity. It has saved the lives of thousands oi nervous, beadachlng cbll. dren la our schools and out every year. No nerv ous person or sufferer from Headache, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Paralysis whl do themselves Justic e until they try them. Sold by all druggists. Price 50 cents a box. Be; pot, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for $1 or six boxes for 82 50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINOSonsHpartsofthe body. It makM tlxa skin white, soft and smooth; removes tan and freefcias, and Is the BEST toilet dressing in TH3 WOBJLD. Klegftntly pat up, two bottles In one package, oonaietins of both internal and external treatment. All ftnrt olaaa druggists have it. ttiijetl.per package. HRS ivmic bturam nPIVHU. MA&Sl. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cure for all those Painful Oomplolats and Weaknesses io common to our best female population. It will cure entirely the worst form of Female Com plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Plpera tlon, Fairing and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and' is particularly adapted to the Change of. Life, It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus In an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there is checked very speedily by Its use. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indt. gestion. -.' That feeling' of bearing' down, causing pais, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by Its use. It Will at all times and under all circumstances act in harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. LTDIA E. FINdlAM'S VEGETABLE CM , POUND is prepared at 233 and 135 Western Avenue, Lyni.Mnas, Price $L Six bottles f or IS. Sent by mail In the form of pills, also in the form of lozenges, on freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Bend for pamph- let. -Address as abore. Mention thit Paper. Ho family should be without LYDIA E. riSKHAlTS LIVER PtLLfl. They cure constipation, biliousness, and torpidity of the liver. ZS cents per box. . SS Sold by all Druggists. ."C Chew only the brand of tobacco known as The Old Oaken Bucket . . .. THE old Oaken Bueket, The iron-bound bucket. The moss-oovered bucket. That hung in the well. CHAS. R. JONES, Charlotte. N. C Sola A rent- Liberal terms to dealers, g nil mum mi TOgACGO and Cl Idren AND SHOES BURGESS NICHOLS, Wbaofe as ftal ALL KINDS or FURNITURE. BEDDING, &C. A TOLL Lin OS Cheap Bedsteads, AN9LOUNGK8, Parlor & Chamber Suits, oorroa ot au. tarn mi iajtb. M. 6 VX8T TBASS CKABLtm, H. c. Our claim for merit is based upon the fact that, a chemical analysis proves t hat the tobacco grown in our section is better oclar-lecl to inakeaGOOD.PTJllE, satisfactory smoke than ANY OTHER tobacco giowii in the world; and being eiaiated in the IIKAIIT of this fine tobacco seel ion, WE hav e the PICK of me ohermg.s. The public ap-L; precial-e this; hence our sales fr EXCEED the products of ALLi the leading manufactories com' bined. jCiSjWie $--nuine unless I bears the traJz-vuirk of the Bull. grogs anfl ptedtctufs. i H'RKSH MINERAL VVATKR ijalh Ptinigti mid Domestic, Jusi Received, at Dr. J.H.McAden's Drag Store AltiT'HJs From Saratoga Springs, N. Y. A new water re sembling (he imported Vlcny. Recommended tis an antacid: cures dyspppsU, aliis tlges tlon. Is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia. AL80. CASES CONGRESS WATER, 10 CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALl'il, 10 CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLUNARI Aim Hnnyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EDROPEAN NOVELTY ! y J UN Y API JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. A3 A CATHARTIC: Doss : A wine glass full before breakfast, TflZanc "HunyhdlJanos. Baron Lieblgaf. firms that Its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The. British Medical Journal "Hunyadl Janos, The most agreeable, safost, and most efficacious aperient water." Proj. Tirchow, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." . Vrqf. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scaneoni, Wurszburg.-I prescribe hone bntthis.' Prof. Lander Brunton, M. D., F. R. &, London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them ia2' jf plKetlerAf'etref fe lulfia11 richshalL" ' " t1? T Mr JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. a m DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark rag as when it flows from the spring at' Saratoga; e receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. j. h. Mo A DEN, Druggist and Chemist Prescription's carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night uly28 DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEHICALS, LAMP GOODS, SEGARS, TOBACCOS, &c, &c JUST RECEIVED: A rULL AND SELECT LIJTE Qf Perf unlerie8 and Perfumery Cases, Cologne Bot tles. Ac Toilet Powder Bouges, Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Brushes of all kinds, Omba, &c., and a full line of all goods usually found In , a nrstrclass Lirug Ks- tabllshment . Careful attention given the preparation of pre scriptions. I irust the public will, as heretofore, -extend me a share of their patronage. Care will in every In stance be given the preparation and dispensing of all meolilues for which demands are made, and satisfaction in ewry In every instance guaianteed. ec33 -.A.ip.W.-' SALE OF BONDS. 4 K TfSt S5,S!3F J.4ne SnPf Court of JL Alamance county, la the case of Alvls King and btbera 8Mnst..W. j.jMi A. Murray aod others, I will offer lorsatosft. the court doom door in Greensboro; K. a at prrbllc auction; for cash. p? S8 fBtwwn. 1882. at 12 o'clock M.v eight 18) bonds of the comity; or Car teret Issued February 20th. 1 860; each for Sfiua due on Kobraary 20th. 1880, te each of wjSeh bonds coupons are attached for interest A mr wntfrowPebrtMraoa. 181S.h JT op Parties desiring farther information can address my. attorney, James S. Boyd, Esq., Greensboro, N.C ;XMcCAULKY. JwWs -.v Receiver. Not Amateurs, send your name .and address to S. whibbkw, JanlS

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