garcrlt nua gofc gvitititxfl THE OBSEBVEB JOB DEPABTMKNT Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can fur. nish at short notice, BLANKS, BTXiL-HKADS, LXTTXB-HSADS, CARDS, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLET 8. CJBCTJLARS, CHECKS, Ac. m . vnnnlhA. . . - 1.0 Or month .......,. im VVBKLY BDirror: WttMlv tfn ounu). n atomm , 2.00 Out if the PQ1 818 VOL. XXVII, CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY JANUARY 29, 1882. NO. 4,011. Ct)orbttt b0tncr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: pailVi or year, postpaid, in advance. ....... $8 00 ut mnrJh 4-00 fltu CSacrfls WILL SELL -DRESS GOODS- at ve j low prices. Our FANCY HOSIERY Win le told cheap to close them out. aiilendld stock of We haves .... , i. .... r.r .MM tt AlMA (Hit VBrV CfaeflD. Ak mm .. ask lor LACKS, ask for ANY- THING you want In our line. fW LAMBS, IfT You M cordially invlled to Call ALE) jiin-jrt gcrots anfl gfaozs : o : : o : Lvoejs' Patent Metallic Stitas PREVENTS Boots and Shoes -FROM- RUNNING OVER, Wearing off it the Sides or Ripping IN THE SEAMS. Johnson's Silk and Felt Insoles PREVENTS RHKTTMATIC CRAMP. COLD FEET. BUNNIONS AND CHILBLAINS. PEG RAM & CO., SO LB AGENTS. Janl ffri&tzllVLUZtms. &yZU. A8 TO TI1Z2 I OIVB HEALTH. "Excellent Tonic. Alterative and Diuretic." Medical Association, Lynchburg. Va. "Used with great benefit in Malaga and p.ipn- tsnrla Q V Ttnrtnn W Tl . fta. ' "Mil t. nJu in rivanflnatA. ChTOBlO dlftr- rhoea and scrofula." ProL 8. Jackson. M. V., Pniv. Penn. "invaluable as a nervous tonic" Hon. L C. owler, Tenn. roDhrlactle In malarial rtlatrln.. II TV D IT.Isav WT . N O. "Bestores debilitated systems to health. T. u Mcroor If Tk . In1 "Adapted in chronic diarrhoea, scrofula, and djspepaia.-" Geo. T. Harrison, M. D., N. T. "Successrol in diphtheria and neuralgia." J. P. Nepsp, M, p.. x. 0. "Prombtlnteljenf headache, ick wd ner-YPUS-i'-Aev. K. C, podMn. D uudwith treat benefit to dyspepsia."-!. Ito Italph, M. D., Pa. . "Suited to bronchitis and diseases of digestive ergansj. Tt, Bougbton, M. D., Ala. rMost valuable remedy known for female dls-eaes."-Jao. p.Metteaur. M. D., L. L. D .. Of rrcat curative virtue." Thos. F. Bumfold, D., Mo. , "Beneftetal in nterma derangement and maia rloug condlUons." . Tall. M. D., Ohla. "Charming en the complexion., making K mooth, clear, soft asd ro7."-Mls8 1L, of a .ft "The prmce of s&lneral tonics."-Fraicia Gll llam.M. D..M.C.' , "inestimable as a tonic and alterative. n- wrjulra ,M. ..Ta. jm r"??rrMBolal l hnprovlag a reduced sys- "L-MMp Beeawttn. er ua. "Invalid. m- J Mbrni mnA fcjmlth BeV. Jba Hanen. late at La new of Klchmond, Ta Lafc', Misses & Children's Fil UNDER HARMS "Hat real merit." fioutharn Bed, jomraai. Pamphlets frae, ooa appUcaUom. Water. 4 V eaM.Kas and Pills. 3i, SO. Ti eenu. Seat pwt-pald anywhere. . - . Susamsr taqson ef Springs beglms 1st fan. $35 V month. Aidses . . A. M. DAYIXS, Preat of the COj 78 Main 8C, Ishburg. Va., P. a Box 174. BOLD BT WILSON BDBW1LL,' , ' fa MeADKN, and mar27 Chariott8.ll.fA 9B Otosds, (50tMtig, &c; TO-DAY -ALL WILL BE SOLD AT GREAT SACRIFICE, TO MAES BOOM FOB SPRING PURCHASES. We Mean Every Word of This -AND- Only Ask an Inspection to Convince You. T. L Seigle & Co. nicxXtcal. Neuralgia, Sprains, .Pain in the .Back and Side. There Is nothing more painful than these diseases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. This remedy is not a cheap Benzine or Petroleum product that must be kept away from fire or heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor is It an untried experi ment that may do more harm than good. Pain Killer baa been In constant uso for forty years, and the universal testimony from an parts of the world Is, It never f a Is, It not only effeota a permanent pure, but it relieves pain almost Instantaneously, Being a purely vegetable remedy, It la safe tn toe bands of the most inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Pact Killer would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried it think: Edgar Cady, Owatonna, llinn., says : About a year since my wife became subject to severe suffering' from rheumatism. Our resort was to the Pain Kills, which speedily relieved her. Charles Powell writes from the Bailors' Home, London: I had been afflicted three yean with neuralgia and violent spasms of the stomach. The doctors at Westminster Hospital grave np my case in despair. I tried your Taw Killer, and it gave me immediate relief. I hare regained my strength, and am now able to follow my usual b occupation. . H. Walworth. Saco, Me. , writes : I experienced immediate relief from pain in the side by the use of your Pant E. York says : I have used your Paxit Kills for rheumatism, and have received great benefit. Barton Seaman says : Have used Path Ktllxb for thirty years, and have found it a nntr-failing remedy for rheumatism and lwrnfinfifin. Ur. Burditt writes : It never faxU tqgive relief In cases of rheumatism. Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : From actual use, I know your Pais Killer la the best medicine I can get. All druggists keep Pain Killer. Its price Is so low that it is within the reach of all, and it will save many times Its cost in doctors' bills, 25e 50c and 81.00 a bottle, PERRY DAVI3 & SON, Proprietors, Providence, &. I. sept d4w sept A oct. TOTTJS FILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPTOM3 OF A ORPID LIVER- a vrrire H te .Transe a.t owe la oo ativ e, Hn in Ep6geaa.with a gun i i l w - I ii ll z in in flieBead.with a ami sensation in huna: majt. Fain under the shomder- tlade. ftwness after eating, with a dwo- cUntian to exertion of body or IrrttfttiUiiy rf temper. Low pints. lm of memory, with a feeling of hayinsr neg leated, some duty, weariness. iJlszineas, STutriag of the Heart. Dots before tho cVeg, Yellow Skin. Headaohe, Kostless? peas at night, highly oolored Urine. TT THESE WAESTJf GS ABE URUEEDEB, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. Til 'ITS FILLS re especially adapted to uch dose effecU each a change of feeling at to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetltf, and cause tbf iLi:.4)rnktti. Tliextilatr atoejs are pro- dBced. ' Price ffi cents. 35 Murray Sj., y,v T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE, . TT . . nWuTrTlu nhfLflfffHl to a O LOSSY Black by single application of this Dyk. It ll&arts a natural co.or, acts Instantaneously. Bold by Drnggisu, or uot by express on receipt oi ,i n OR Mi irrnv fit., ilataf Vo-V r. ttirrs ItiNtAL f Valuable IafbraaUaa aaa h CmM BMripto wUl b. buU4 ran apUcaUw. Feby. 28deodawl M'-t" Omger, Buchu, Man drake, Stillingia, and many of the best medio cine, known are com bined In Parker's Ginger Tonic, Into a medicine ef such varied powers, as to make it the greatest TUrwvl Purifier and the Bestllealth AStrsagth Bestorer Ever usea. It cures Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, k dUeaeas of the Stoaiaeh, Bowels, t . v:j Parker's Uelr Klleom, &isentire!vdiffcrentMm' "a" ""'eiM; Pitted 68ieet Essonces fflJrlSySZ and other Tonics, as tt tSrSuuuuS meverintoXeTkiscox it color to gray br. & Co., Chemists, It. X. lecmitlilM. large SaTteg-Bnynia-Paw Baa. etaa Chew on! the brand of tobacet tocfw as Tin 014 Oaken Bucket THT5 old Oaken Backet, The iron-bound bucket. The moss-covered bucket, That hung In the welL CHA8. B. JON1W. Charlotte, N. Ut bow w- Liberal terms to dealers. I Winter Goods BABY'S GRATE. JtTLIA M. SUHK. Chicago Tribune. 'Winds of summer, O whisper low Over that mound where the daisies growl Softly and gently, O grasses, wave Over my darling's tiny grave ! Of all the bright and beautiful things That gracious and bountiful summer b.Ings, Only the brightest and rarest keep, To brighten that mound where be lies asleep. Blossoming flowers and songs of bees. Sweet ferns tossed on the summer breeze, Pleating shadows and golden lights, Dewy mornings and starry nights, Purple gloamings and radiant eyes. Raindrops dripping from emerald leaves, Fairest and loveliest earth can bestow. Brighten that mound where the daisies grow. Never the innocent baby-eyes Opened in sorrow or sweet surprise; Never to loving touch or tone Did the dimpled fingers clasp my own; Never an earthly bot or stain. Never an earthly pang or pain, Touched my darling, whose beautiful eyes First were opened In paradise 1 GTJITEAU'S MANIFESTO. Anotber "Addresa to tbe American People" -Hia Opinion of Use Ver dict and tbe Jury- Hie Reliance Still on tbe Lord. The following remarkable document from Guiteau was given to the press Thursday : "Tothe American People: Twelve men say l wicKeaiy muraerea j ames A. Garfield. They did it on the false notion that I am a disappointed office- seeker. My speech made no impression on them. I am not surprised at that verdict, considering their class. They do not pretend to be Christian men,and therefore dm not appreciate the idea or inspiration. They are men of the world and or moderate intelligence. and therefore are not capable of appre ciating the character of my defense. According to one of them, 'We all had grog at each meal and a cigar after wards, which shows their style and habits. Men of this kind cannot rep resent the great Christian nation of America. Had they been high-toned gentlemen their verdict would have been, ot guilty, because or insanity. ?The mere outward act of shooting would have been the same whatever the motive. If I had been a disap pointed office-seeker which is abso lutely false, as I prove by my papers and Mr. Brooks' testimony on July 2 and 3, the outward act of shooting would have been the same as if I bad been directed by the Deity to do it, or believed myself so directed to do it, which is the literal truth, as I proved by all my papers and talk on the sub ject. This jury had not sufficient in telligence to see that point, and entirely ignored the political and patriotic ne cessity for the act which all Christian and intelligent people see. nor this reason I am entitled to a new trial, if for no other, and w have a prodigious amount of exceptions. I want to em ploy two or three first-class lawyers to take charge of my case, The principal point will be to show the non-junsdic-tion of this court to try this indict ment, because the President diedm New Jersey. The authorities on this point are conflicting, but some of the best lawyers in America say that the predominance of authorities are against the jurisdiction of this court. I desire the court in Dane to pass upon mis question, and have no doubt but the high-toned Christian gentlemen repre senting the Washington Court in banc will give it their most careiui atten tion, to the end that if the Deity in tended to protect me from legal liabili ty herein by allowing the President to depart gracefully and peacefully in New Jersey, I shall have the benefit of the Deity s intention, l consiaer it es pecially providential in my favor, and ask the court in banc so to consider it. I have received some checks, but many of them have proved worthless, which shows the low character or tne men that sent them. I need money to em ploy counsel. There are many people America that believe in God and in my insniration. and that I am a patriot To vou. men and women of America, I " . , j ii appeal. J. a8K you m mo uamo ui jua- tice to come speedily to my relief. Come in rjerson or bv letter. If you send money, send a postal oraer or cnecK to ii. . . . a my order, vv ltn competent iegai neip I can iret out of this, with tbe Lord's help, and I am sure of that. But good law vers ao not worjs. ioi uuiuiuk. a want to employ two or three first-class lawvers to do my work before the court in banc, it l nad naa competent coun sel I should not have talked so much in court, but I disagree with the theory of Mr. Scoviue and Mr. iteea, ana it has made it unpleasant for both par ties, and has been a great damage to rtiT defense. Judge sorter says i am right, and I agree with him, although he has abused and vihhed me ourage- ouslv. when I had no alternative save to answer bacu, wnicn 4 uiu iu my diet cannot be enforced until July in any event, and probably not until Sep tember. I give myself no anxiety on awmnt of the verdict. I hardly expect ed an acquittal 5 the most I expected was a disagreement, and then 1 propos d to test the Question of jurisdiction in the court in banc. It is purely a legal question, and if the opinion of some of the best lawyers at the American bar is sustained by the banc, it will end this case. I can get a hearing of thig m ADril. I make a special anneal to the ladies of America to come to my rescue, Some of them have written me delight ful letters, and I ask each and every nn nf them to respond to the extent of their means, and see me in person if possible. I return my sincere thanks for letters and sympathy. You ladies believe in God and my inspiration, and that I have really saved tne nation great trouble and a great expense, to wit, another war Last spring Gen. Garfield had. tne ReDiiblican party in a frightful condi tion, and it was getting worse every hour. To-day everybody of sense is sat isfied with General Arthur's adminis tration, and the country is happy; and prosperous. Only good baa come nom General Garfield's removal, which is conclusive evidence that the inspira tion came from the Deity. He has re peatedly confirmed my act since July 2: therefore let all persons quietly ac quiesce in the expressed will of the De ity I am God's man in this matter just as truly as te despised Galilean was God's man. They said he was a blasphemer, a glutton, &c., and it seem a a nmaii thine for His acquaintances vni THm-hut His death stirred the T-fotVi nf-t.hA Almiehtv. and he got even ui thm fnrtv vears later at the de struction of Jerusalem, A. D. 70, and Tin win cat even with the American nsnnu it a hair-of mv head is touched. UnA vindicate me:, if the nation VIWW . ' f Alia in hlnnd. Mere physical death is nothing to me. Under the law I cannot be executed in til .Tulv. I may dieadoz- :i ftmaa hafnrA then, bo I have no trnnnin ahnnt that I shall not go be fore my time. I had rather be hung, so far as physical death is concerned, than die from a painful illness or meet with a jwilroad or steamboat accident. I hardly think I am destined to be hung, and therefore giro myself no trouble on that, but am anxious to have my character and inspiration vindicated. To that end I need help, as herein men tioned. My friends need 'not be asham ed of me. Some people think I am the greatest man of the age and that my name will go into history as a patriot by the side of Washington and Grant. Charles GtriTKAtr, TJ. S. Jail. Washington, D. C, Jan. 26. 1882." Extension of Cotton Culture. N. C. AGRIC3TJXTUBAL Ex. STATION, Raleigh, Jan. 25th, 1882. The rapid development of the cotton culture and its extension into new fields is the chief cause of the increase in the trade in fertilizers. The census returns show that the cotton production in North Carolina has more than doubled itself during the last ten years. The acreage in cotton increased 8 per cent, last year. This is due almost entirely to the use of fertilizers; In middle and Piedmont North Carolina, the regions recently invaded by cotton, phosphates are absolutely necessary to make a pay ing cotton crop, for two reasons: First, To make the cotton ripen early enough and regularly. These regions are outside the normal cotton country, but with the help of the super-phosphates cotton has marched 40 or 50 miles further up the country, even up the slopes of the Blue Ridge itself. Second, To sustain the fertility of the lands. By strengthening their lands the farmers of these regions are put ting the cotton culture upon a perma nent oasis, cotton has thus by artifi cial means been made a staple of these sections. When these means are known it is no longer a matter of surprise that JNortn jaroiina took the hrst premium on cotton at the Cincinnati Exposition and ranks third in the production of cotton per acre among the cotton States proper, next to Texas, the greatest cot ton State, in order of total production. COST OF THE INGREDIENTS OF FERTILE ZERS. The condition of the markets is con siderably changed since last year, owing chiefly to the shortness of the fish catch. Ammoniates have steadily advanced. The slaughter houses of the West have Deen drained of all their oflal. and ni- rate of soda, hitherto too expensive for use as a source of nitrogen in low-grade fertilizers, has become generally used. A great majority of fertilizers next sea son will contain nitrate of soda. While it is an excellent application to spring crops, I doubt whether it will take the place upon our worn, porous, Southern soils of the animal nitrogen and ammo nia salts. I fear that we shall see crops suffer late in the season for nitrogen. The sources of nitrogen have" cost, at points like Baltimore and Norfolk. about as follows: Sulphate of ammo nia 5c and nitrate of soda 4c. per 0., blood $4 per each per cent, per ton. fish scrap the same. These prices are for ton lots for cash. To get the value of these things in North Carolina. freight must be added to these figures. This makes ammonia cost 25c. per lb.. an advance of six cents over the price ast year. With the sources of nitrogen at these prices, our farmers are vert- wisely turning their attention to the utilization of all available nitrogenous materials on their farms, buying simple acid phosphates and potash salts, which are still reasonably cheap, and making composts. The sales of acid phosphates the coming season will be far greater than heretofore, while, fortunately, the large importations of German potash salts will supply the country with pot ash at low prices. bouth Carolina phosphate rock has advanced slightly. As much as $9.25 has been paid for it per ton in the crude state. This makes the dissolved nhos- phate worth $22.50 per ton at the points named. Bone meal costs $40 and dis solved raw bone $42.50 per ton. The prices for North Carolina are thus not materially changed. The figures tor available phosphoric acid remain, there fore, at 12c. per lb. Kainite can be had, free on board, in sacks of 250 lbs. each, in Baltimore and Norfolk, at from $11 to $13 per ton. The farmers will find it an admirable addition to the compost of cotton seed and acid phosphate for cotton. It con tains common salt and sulphate of mag nesia, in addition to about 25 per cent, of sulphate of potash. It has been found to prevent the rust in cotton and to promote an early and regular ripen ine. Muriate of potash is to be had in the same markets at 2c. per lb. .rotasn will be valued at six cents per lb. in our valuations of fertilizers this season. Chas. W. Dabney, Jr., Director, TE.TIS O.f INTEREST. Orange county, Florida, has 8,000 peo ple and only three paupers. Imperial Rome numbers over 800,000 souls, by the last census. Nearly $10,000,000 was taken from the mints of Utah last year, and a bul lion product of $13,000,000 is predicted for the present year. There are nine colored men in the Mississippi Legislature, eight in the House and one in, tha Senate. A hog in Pink Hill township, Vir ginia, is seven feet long, six feet around and will weigh 800 pounds. The bonfire kindled on Epsom Downs in honor of the birth of a son and heir to Lord Rosebery was visible for fifty or sixty miles. Twenty years ago nearly 35,000 men in the British army were returned who could neither read nor write. The num ber has now been reduced to. a little over 7,000. To. avoid whatever ill results the as soeiation of pupils at .recess might have, the school board of Lincoln, Neb., pass ed an order early tms year dispensing with recesses altogether and shortening each halfday session by the space of time usually given for intermission. The plan has worked well. Light exer cises in gymnastics at regular intervals prevent dullness and weariness in the pupils. Oscar is going to Louisiana. Not to wave lilies and languish over sunflow ers, however, but to see if he cannot recover possession of a plantation which his uncle, the late Judge John Kingsbury Elgee, of that State, pur chased some years . ago, but which has been an object of litigation since the death of Judce Elgee, and recovered by the former owner, Colonel Withers It is saia to De a very nanpsome prop ertv. worth t nearly $1,000,000. and of more value-than many lilies. The largest tobacco raising county of t.h country ia, said to be not in Vir ginia or Kentucky or Missouri, but in Pennsylvania, wnere tne crop lscom harativelv new. Lancaster county, in that State, produced 23,947,000 pounds in 1879 from 16, 992 acres of land. The entire crow of Pennsylvania in 1869 Was fcut 3,467,000 pounds. MY GOOD WOMAN, why are you so out of sorts, never able to tell folks that yon are well? Ten to one It's aU caused in the first place by habitual eonsupatioii, which no doubt finally caused deranged kidneys and liver. The sure euro for constipation Is the celebrated JUdney-Wort. It is also a epeetflo remedy for all kidney and liver diseases. Thousands are cured by it every month. Try it at once. Toledo Blade. TEBBIBLS LOSS OF LITE. Millions of rats, mice, cats, bed bugs, roaches, lose uieir uves oy collision witn "Hougn on uats.' ooiu dj uruggisis, 10c. coffee drinkers should read the advertisement n anotner coiumn neaaed "Good COffee." Particular Uotioe. ! AH the drawings will hereafter be under the ex- MlnalnM avaBaa a r m oi . SiUwrrision ana control oi GENERALS G. x. oju.uax.uAixLi ana JUBAL A. EARLY. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TOWiSik?PBTUNB SECOND GRAND DI8TBI- "uiiua, ULAflB a, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1882. lst MONTHLY DRAWING. Louisiana State Lottery Company. incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of 81,000.000-to which a reserve ftmd of $650,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise mad a Par of the present State Constitution uuyicu .LtweuiOOT za, A. II. 1B7H. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings wiU take place monthly. ,J ileI2!'8SUe8 01 Postpones. Look at the foUow ingfdlstributlon: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 1UU.UUO Ticfcets at Two Dollars Each. Tickets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize... 1 Capital Prize: 30,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 in onn 2 Prises of $2.500 5 Prizes of J..000....? 20 Prizes of 500 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of 500 Prizes of ,000 Prizes of 100.. 0 10,000 ?0 10,000 10 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 82,700 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to $1 10,400 Responsible corresDondlne asrent wanted at ail points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid. Kor further Information, write clearly, giving full sddress. Send orders by exDress or Reetstered Letter, or Money Order by mail, addressed only to M. A. DAUPHIN, ftw OrlAana T.fl or M. A. D VUPHIN, 127 La Salle Street, Chicago, Ills., The New York office Is removed to Chicago. N. B. Orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt attenUon. Tie particular attention nf the Pnhiin u nailed to the fact that tbe entire number of the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing is sold, and conse quently all the prizes In each drawing are sold and drawn and paid. jams POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE In the City of Louisville, on -7 TUESDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1882. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As- semDiy 01 a.entucay. The United States Circuit Court on March 81. rendered tne following decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany is legal. 2d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read tne list 01 prizes for the JANUARY DRAWING. 1 Prije $80,000 1 Prixe 10,000 1 Prize 5,000 10 Prizes, $1,000 each 10,000 20 Prizes, 500 each 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each, 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each 12.00W 1000 Prizes, 10 each lO.OOfl 9 Prizes. $300 each. AnDroxtmaQon Prizes S2.70C 9 Prizes. 200 " " " " . I.8W1 9 Prizes, 100 " 900 1,960 Prizes, $112,400 Whole Tickets. $2; Half Tickets, $1; 27 Tickets, $50; 55 Tickets. $100. Remit Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICS ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Aaaresa an orders to R. M. BOARDMAN, Courier-Journal Build Louisville, Ky., or 309 Broadway New York. Jan3 WWW KEB H H A V WWWW K H H AA V WW WW EE HHH A A WWWW K H H AAA W W KEB H H A A VV But a limited stock of -AND- GUANO. Parties who wish to procure tbelr supply will do well to eall and make arrangements with us as - WE ARE NAMING LOW PRICES. W CALL BIFORE ALL IS GONE. uEl MAYER & ROSS. ; ga0 FARMERS PBfflR DDBBTT 33 - We will offer from this date Domestic and Imported losier y in dark colors AT COST. We still have a to be sold at a SACRIFICE. Also Shawls, 1 IS- WE HAVE A HANDSOME LINE OF J Dress Goods Sis Satins Passam entries, Cords and Tassels, And everything In the Dress Trimming Line. Call our various FBOMPT ATTENTION HARGRAVES A- J . Beall & Co GENERAL FEED DEALERS -AND- C8 I O N ION MERC MERC H ANT H AN T S, M M I S S CHARLOTTE, X C. HAVE HOW OH HANG : A FULL SUPPLY OF p jpJ Everybody', Has Discovered ,,rgtfFSg&L THE ONLY WHITE AND YELLOW CORN, PEARL GRITS, BRAN. PATAPSCO PATENT PROCESS FLOUR, TIMOTHY HAY. AND HECKEBS' SELF-RAISING BUCKWHEAT FLOUR WILL GLADLY QUOTE PRICES -TO- BOTH THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. Respectfully soliciting a share of patronage, we are respectfully, Janl9 A. i. BEALL CO. CD ADHD our ENTIRE STOCK Off few CLOAKS and WALKING JACKETS Balmoral bldrta, Blankets and Overcoats a 5 soon and secure Bargains "In many other lines oi Departments. GIVEN TO ORDERS. J & WILHELM. NORTH CAROLINA LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE The McSnfi Music House MATHUSHEK, ARION, SOUTHERN GEM And other PIANOS MASON & HAMLIN, SHONINGER, PELODBET & CO., STERLING, AND OTHER ORGANS. HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICTLY Ask me for prices if ycu want good w.rk and you will never buy anything but the bcit. Address or call on, McSMI' GREAT GERM DESTROYER. PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. PITTING OK SMAL POX Prevented. SMALLPOX I ERADICATED.! Ulsters purified and healed. Gangrene prevented and cured. Dystntery cured. Wounds healed nipl'lly. Scurvey cured fa short Tme. Tetter dried cp. It is peifectly harmless. For sore Throat it is a sure cure Contagion destroyed. Sick Hooms pun lied and made pleasar. t. Fevered end Sine Per sons relieved and re freshed b y bathing with Prophylatlc iuu added to the water. Soft White Complexions secured by its use in y DIPTHERIA y PREVENTED Cholera dissipated. Ship Fever prevented by iLs use. In cases of death in thn house, It should always be used aoout tlia corpse-it will prevent any unpleasant smell. An antidote for animal or Vegetable Poison, Stings, &c. Dangerous efilnvlas oT sick rooms and hospi tals removed by Its use. bathing. Impure Air made harm less and purified by sprinkling Darby's luld aoout. To purify the Breath. Cleanse the Teeth, it can't be suroassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Burns relieved Instantly. Scars d re vented. Removes all unpleasant odors. Yellow Fever Eradicate tin tact It Is the great Disinfectant and Purifier, PBJCPABED BY J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Manufacturing Chemlsts.'Sols Prcpiletors. dec4 your Surahs Hone Satins IN THE SOUTH First-Class Instruments. ISCARLET f I FEVER 1 ?m

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