imt Qbetrvtt. .rmmrnlt I! A TUB: fXjlfiiVX1" " atnaid. in dwce . $.v,mtv"-i mftu 4,0 ....-' ' U" BDJTfOg: e., tnmAtmm 1 it .-DRESS GOODS- at vejf.low prices. Our FANCY HOSIERY te close them out W have a Will be sold cheap splendid stock of CIBPETTS, . r,aA t close out very cheap. Ak yS?LW ANY- for KlU uijj ,0u want Id our Ue. i cordially Invited to Call ty You A :u: :o: Lvons' Patent Metallic Stiffens PREVENTS Boots aed Shoes FROM- RUNNING iOVER, Wearing ff it the Sides er Ripping IN TELE SEAMS. Johnson's Silk and Felt Insolts PREVENTS BHKDMATIC CHAMP. COLD FEET, BUNNIONS AND CLgLAtHS. PEGRAM & CO., SOLE AQKKTS. Jul TO IMS I IVB HBAETK. "Kieellent Tonl, AlterstlTe and Diuretic" Medical AssoclaUon, Lynehbure. Ya. "Uged with great beneQt to Malaria and Wpn- ' Buccesstiflly used In dyiperpsla, chroale dlar fnoea 'ana'icrofola,,,,J-?roL B. Jackson, M. D., Pnlv. pfna ''Intaluable as a nerroos tonle." Hon. L u bowler, Tenn. ' J "Hecommended as a prophylactic n malarial rJlstrlot r t v.i ia n n n. '' Kestores debilitated systems to health." T. C. Mercer, M. D., Ind. . . Adapted In chronle diarrhoea, scrofula, and a7spepsla:"-Geo. T. Harrison. M. D., N. Y. v successful In diphtheria and neuralfla, J. r. N'ese. M, D., N. C. "E'uoilent for certain diseases pecU? towo- " i.ii "oi. j. j. oormsnrM- v.. ya. TromTH tn itAvfrnr hmnAnAhi. aick and ner- E-CDodson. ., ' iph, m. d.. Pa. "suited to bronchitis and diseases of digestif Breaiig.j j Roughton, IL D., Ala. j Mum valuable remedy known for fsmaltdls tases."-jt0. P. Metteanr. M. D., L. L. D. M D., Mo. "Benefielal in oterm deraiinment anl aaala "ous conditions." . H. Tall, H. B., Ohle. ' Charnint n the complexion, making K mooth. eler, sefl aid rosy." Miss M., of a C. 'ro. H. u..k: . ..fresflrfJabli tnu and alterative." an rr.Srut.f.!il.,Ta. -ELIUfaat, 1).. Ga. o "Verj benenetal lBarovtf a redueed sy- m. amass Becswun, t us. SSIW2lJ?sai? II ents. 8et MBt-pald aayvkeas. 8ustnMi seaseet 8pHnii pesjUu 1st Js. J85 W month. Aadvsa ., Tt i.T Aj M. DAYTEg, PTest of the Cea 78 Main St., Lynrttbarg. Ta., P. O. Box 174. BOLD BY WTXBOK k BTTByXLL. J. H. MoADEK, and ' . L. B. WBISTON ft CO, . nar37 Charlotte, R. Oi a inn. sill L'lfocwita's Fall Winter Goods mm ill MM uniiiii Gil nngs ! inmnaa nw and aicente ana aeaiu. ner. b Haiem. r4te4La.,o f Klshmend, Ya "Ban mi umtaW: ithTn Had. JoaraaL VII II 1 1 I (Tl III III III HI II 1 II I I III 111 III Ml II III III 111 III III ni ffl III n IvCaa SSStpf tV AAjA A - Tl " f ii i '"a i v y sr w vm, i a 1 rwi srt IBs w m am a i i h xm m i m -A. . iAnAiif'MMflaiiMmM-wmAJ in ill ii til in in ill ii ill hi ill ill ii ii in in in ill ii ii ill M u ir i (nirrv i tannl Jll 11 I VI til tl 111 III 111 III III III III III III III 'til III Mil a HI-;. ff II . II II Am 11 III II II f .... ' ii ii hi r.i i-i ni hi w i it ii ivni. iv. ii niu in lit lit v r- ii ui ui ii ii in u VOL. XXVII. TO-DAY AL1 WILL BB SOLD AT GREAT SACRIFICE, TO MAKE BOOM FOB SPRING PURCHASES. We Mean Every Word of This AND Only Ask an Inspection to Convince You. T. L Seiglc & Co. Neusalgia, Sprains, .Pain in the .Back and Side. There 13 nothing more painful than these diseases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. This remedy is not a cheap Ben tine or Petroleum product that must be kept away from fire or beat to avoid danger of explosion, nor is It an untried experi ment that may do more harm than good. Pain Killer has been in constant use for forty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world Is, It never f al Is. It not only efTects a permanent cure, but it relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, It Is sale In the hands of the most Inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Pain Killkh would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried it think: Edgar Cady, Ow-atonna, Minn.,- says : About a year since my wife became subject to esTere mfferingr from rheumatism. Our resort was to toe Paxn, which speedily reUered her. Charles Powell writes from the Sailors' Home, London : i naa neon afflicted tnree years with neuralgia and violent spasms of the stomach. The doctors at Westminster Hoenital nn mv case in .Bpaei nuter despair. I tried your PArwkn.LiB, and it gave me immediate relief. T n&vA nwiinM m v strength, and am now able to follow my usual occupation. O. H. Walworth. Saco, Me., writes : I experienced immediate relief from pain In the ride by the use of your Paui E. York gays: I have used your Padt Kuxzb for rheumatism, and nave received great benefit. Barton Seaman says : Have used Pats Ktt.t.ct for thirty years, and have found it a never-failing remedy for rheumatism and la-mATiAaq, Mr. Burdltt writes : It never fail togive relief In cases of rheumatism. Phil. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : From actual use, I know your Path Kn.T.Tnt Is the beet medicine I can get. All druggists keep Pain Killkb. Its price Is so low that it is within the reach of all, and It will save many times lta cost in doctors' bills. 25c, 50c and 81.00 a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors. Provfcfd ?!. r. sept d&w sept a oet. TOTES PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLEROYMEH, AN THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. AND THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE ABE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Xfosa of annetlte.Hansea, bowels costive, n tttTTa.d.witAi dull sensation in iadt im back part. Pain under tno nouiaer blade, fullness ess after eating, with a dlato- clination to exertion of body or mlng. Irritability of temper. iMwninw, n of memory, with a feeling of naming neg lected some duty, weariness, uiaaineaa, TTnttering of the Heart. Dots before the eyes. Yellow Skin. Headache, Kestiess pesa at night, highly colored u rine. XF THESE WABNTJTGS AXE TJ1THEEDZB, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTJTTS TILLS especially adapted to such dose effects such a change of feelinc as to astonish the sufferer. Thay Increase the Appetite, and causa the TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Obat Hai or Whisk ibs changed to aOLoasT Bile by a single application of this Dy. It Mparts a natural color, acta Instantaneously. BoU by DrnggisU, ex tent by express on receipt of Sl- Oftlce, 33 Murray St., New York. Dr. TCrrS SUHtAL f Vslmble Ifwrj.atto h DSkl KMlpt wUI bo suUmI FBKB ssjilWaita-uf Feby. 2Sdeodawl Ginger, Buchu, Man drake, Sullineia, and many of the best medl rin known are com bined in Parker'i Ginger Tonic inte a medicine af suck varied sowers, as to make it the greatest T.lanJ Piiriflar aad the BcitHsaltkAStrcngth ltostarkr Ever ussa. It cans Rheuaiatisi, Sleeplessness, Jc dl of the Staaisth, tfowefc . Parker's rHafr Balsam. Luns. Liver ft Kidnevs, ftiseatirelv different iron uS-rJZ1? d-KET- ft jwtkful Ur tm gnj Uir. AO., Chemists, N. Y. nmr fmii, v. mm turn mctct aw jjct w-h Sc sad 1 Jjuf BgyjnfUaiiar mm. ect23- ST CHARLES HOTEL. EEADQUAETIES POB DBUMkEES. 8TATZSTELLX, N. C THIS house has been leased for a term of yean by Mrs. Dr. Beeves, whose Intention Is to Keep a sicwy nrarwuM mnw ii"' Commodious sample rooms on first and secona floors. '.- . .. T&eratioiwgeo!thATubl JS JAUIVJL strand colored Lichu Danced and In Asia until it has reached Japan oi Moubt ntiSSirHr S JLS rTT APT .fYPT!?. "NT n Tm?QrAr TiW. ' " -4 i1' A Man Before whose weary JEyeu Strange Colored Light Danced and Flickered. Leadvllle Chronicle. - That there is at least sufficient latent heat in the snow- to prevent death from freezing while entirely- surrounded by it, Tanfc White, or this city;' who re turned a day or two, ago from along trip in the Indian country, is willing to testify. In the course of his homeward journey Mr. White bad an experience which all the mineral wealth of Lead ville could not attempt him to repeat. It was on the Grand river, wherethe snow had recently fallen to a great depth. The weather was somewhat murky when he started to return, but he relied upon a tolerably good prairie and that unknown quantity termed good luck to get back before the snow had fallen in any great quantities. In both of these he was sadly-deceived, as the freezing flakes which began to fall on the second day out soon- obliterated everything save the most bold and readily recognized landmarks. On the fourth day he was lost in the storm and at last found shelter in a lit tle lump of cottonwood trees, the thick ness of whose branches in a measure protected the ground. The night had turned bitterly and intensely cold and to his dismay he found that in his tramp his match safe had fallen from his pocket and was not to be found. For an instant it seemed as though nothing but a frozen death awaited him, for he knew well to spend that night where he stood or even to tarry there motionless any further length of time would surely be fatal. Already the colored lights that are a sure fore runner of death by freezing began to flicker beyond hia eyes and he felt that he must take desperate chances for ex istence. It was then that it occurred to him that he had read somewhere of the la tent heat in the snow, and the last re sort of freezing men. He did not stop long for deliberation, but began, with benumbed fingers, to burrow in the huge white bank ahead of him. In a few moments he had excavated a hole of considerable size, and, drawing his blankets tightly around him, he crept in. After a short time his body began to grow more comfortable and his hands regain their sense of feeling. Then he grew sleepy, but dared not close his eyes, fearing that it was the stupor of freezing that he felt. At last without knowing it, he fell asleep and did not wake until next morning. He had passed as comfortable a night as if he had a roof over his head, and, save for his frost-bitten fincrer tiDS. which had been exposed, he was uninjured by uis uiguir in me snow, jie resumed tne tramp early in morning, and toward tne close of the afternoon was much re- teved to strike a camp of surveyors. STATE NEWS. Raleigh News and Observer: There are now 197 students at the Universi ty. A young man in Durham is happy. Louisiana He has drawn S500 in the State Lottery. Raleigh's dog census has just been taken and the result shows a pouula- tion of 2,700 canines of high and low de greemostly low. Governor jams yesterday received a telegram conveying the information that Gus Williams, the negro who was the ring-leader in the not at Plymouth last month, had been captured after four weeks constant search. Williams was arrested on a Saturday during the riot, was liberated by the other rioters, was again arrested on Wednesday and released. A State reward of $300 was offered for his capture. He was found at Aurora, a village in Piralico coun ty. nigh roint rioneer : mere is not a vacant store or dwelling in High Point, but we have citizens ready to build. Any one wishing to move here will find plenty of work and find a house ready tor them at short notice. The survey of the Winston & Fay etteville Railroad, has been completed from this place to the factories in lian dolph county, and it is expected that the work or grading will commence shortly commence. ScerlHe Wants the Jurore Examined. Washington. Jan. 30. In the Crim inal Court this morning the court fixed upon Friday next as the day for hear ing arguments upon the motion for s new trial for Guiteau. Scoville called attention tolithe fact that one of the affidavits in support o: the motion had annexed to it a copy o the Critic. The allegation was that during the trial that paper had been read by the ju ry. It bore on the margin woac pur ported to oe tne signature or iour ju rors denied that they saw any newspa per, or put their names upon any news DaDer durine the time they were em pannelled. He thought it important to cross-examine the turors in connec tion with their admission that they had dnrinor that time eiven their auto graphs to various persons. He asked that the jurors be produced in court, or that the court appoint a commission to take depositions, and tnat ne De auow ed to produce further testimony as to the genuineness of the handwriting. The District attorney said he did not intend the iury should he put on trial That the irentlemtfn who filed the affi davit and purloined the paper had al ready been bound over for forgery in the Distriot. He would show tnat tnis was a clever attempt at forgery; The Court said he thought he would avail himself of the discretion of the court and Question parties making af fidavits and sueeested to the District attorney that the jurors be pre on. j; riaay. 4e Death of a French Baron. Paris, Jan. 30. Baron Jerome David, vice-president of the Corps Liegisiatif, under the Empire and Minister of pub lic works in the Cabinet, formed by Count De Palakao is dead ; aged 58. For Bronchial, Asthmatic, and. Pulmonary complaints, and coughs and colds, '-Brown's Bron chial Troches" manliest remarkable ctpaUYe pro perties. . . ' ""TROUBLESOME CHILDREN, that are always wetting their beds ought not to be scolded and punished for what they cannot help. They need a medicine having a tonic effect on tne kidneys and the urinary organs. Such a medicine is Kidney-Wort. .It has specific action. Do not fall taget it for them. Exchange. PREMATURE LOSS Or THE HATB ' Maybe entirely prevented by the use o BUR NETT'S COCOATNE. No other compound pos sesses the peculiar, properties hlch so exactly Bult the various conditions of the human hair. It softens the hair when harsh and dry. soothes the irritated scalp. It affords the richest lustre. It prevents the hair from falling off. It promotes It healthy, vigorous growth. It is not greasy nor sucky. It leave no disagreeable odor. Tfc kltts diuidrmT. Burnett's Havering Extracts areknwnto be the -est. The Threat of a Cholera Visit. ' During the last six months, cholera has been slowly but steadily spreading in Asia until it has reached Japan on pne.border and Arabia on the other, lfr appeared in uangKop, iam, in the lat ter part of June, and cases were re ported in Chinese ports in July and August, although it did not take the form of an epidemic. The existence of cooijera in iKagoshima was announced by the Japanese government earl v in September, and the United States con sular officer were warned to keep Amer- can citizens out ex the lniected dis trict. Passing to the West, cholera appear ed at Aden, a coaling-station on the south coast of Arabia, in J uly, and was announced at Mecca in September. In November, there was a great increase of tne disease at Mecca, producing about one thousand deaths during the first week. The increase was attribut ed in part to the arrival of a large num- oer oz pilgrims irominaia: in part to the foul atmosphere - caused ty. the putrefying remains of great number of sneep which had been slaughtered near -the city. The pilgrims returning from Mecca carried the disease to Jed- da, on the Bed Sea, and to Medina. On he 7th of November,-thirtv-flve hun dred pilgrims were in quarantine . at Jedda, and twenty-five deaths from cholera had occurred among them. Medina seems to have suffered more than Mecca. The international sanitary council n a special session at Constantinople. has prepared a series of regulations in- ended to keep the disease at bay, and hus far it has riot appeared in Eevpt or Europe. It appears that the disease existed at Aden a month before either he Egyptian or Ottoman sanitary ad ministration was aware of it. Relit In? Public Officers on High Sal aries for L.ife. American Register. Judge Hunt is to be retired on a sal ary of ten tnousand dollars a year for the balance of his life. He has a good chance to live twenty years yet, which will give him two hundred thou sand dollars for doing nothing in re tirement. Quite comfortable for a rich old man. Judge Hunt came on the bench of the Supreme Court in the lat ter part of 1872, performed the duties of his office for about six years, and for the last three years he has been wholly disabled from paralysis. He still re ceives his salary of ten thousand dol- ars a year and declines to resign. By the action of Congress he is to retire on his salary in order to have the du ties of his office performed by another appointee. This is the natural and in evitable sequence of the life tenure of office. Is there vigor and integrity enough among the people to correct it by an amendment to the Constitution f We fear not. But let the question be made at once and brought before the people next fall. A specified term of office, against a life tenure with an end less list of retired pensioners on the national treasury, that is the question. Wnat say the people in their majesty t If worthy old ffentlemen are to be sup ported at the public expense after acer- tain age, let it be ascertained on prin ciples of justice who shall constitute this favored class. It certainly will not be those gentlemen of large for tunes who have been favored with high and lucrative omces till a certain age. Justice, equality and charity will cry out against this. me Important movement In Congress, American Register. Judge Geddes, of Ohio, introduced into Congress, on Monday last, a reso lution to so amend the constitution or the United States as to take away from the President the appointing power, and confer it upon a commission con sisting of two commissioners (to be ap pointed by nomination or tne president and confirmation by the Senate,) acting with the head of the department in which the appointments are required to be made, and making the term or omce of all appointees six years. This is the most important move ment which has been made in Congress for many years. It would bring about civil-service reform thoroughly and efficiently, and break down the spoils system which has corrupted and de graded all branches of the public ser vice, it would do more, xc wouia re-, lieve the President from the degrada tion and pressure of the multitudes or office'-seekers, who incessantly crowd the Executive Mansion, and require all the time of the President to hear the innumerable applications and counter- applications for appointments to office, and which allow him no time to attend to the firteat interests and matters of public policy involved in the: affairs of this great nation, internal and external. And more than all this, it would put an end to the wrangling commotions of our Presidential elections, which every four years convulse-thewhole country, and disturb business affairs. Tne Mineelof ITiichlgan. Mining Record. A comparatively small, narrow part of the State of Michigan, skirted its whole extent on the north by liaise &tt Eerior, and on the south, in large part, v Lakes Miahieran and Huron, and known as the Upper, Peninsula, in little more than a quarter of a century, has contributed to tne realized mineral wealth of the country nearly $300,000,- 000 in incrot copper, pig iron ana iron ores. "Of this immense product, the iron mines have furnished nearly 8130.000,' 000. Last year, the copper product was in value about 810,000,000, and the iron about $18,000,000, making a total Of $28,000,000, while the promise for 1882, both for copper and iron. ia that the product wil$ be greater. In this issue of our Journal are announced dividends of Michigan copper mining companies, to be paid witnm a lorcnignt, aggrega ting $630,000, A Man Living- WJin 235 Descendants. Danbury (N. C.) Reporter. - Mr.Abner Mabe Says' he was born near where he now . lives, in what is known as Buck Island Hills. He is 90 years old,- has eight sons and ' four daugters. His eight sons,' though old men were in the Cohf federate army at the same time. The whole number of this old man's descendant's, through four generations, is two nundred and twenty-five, two hundred and seven of whom are'still living. The old gentle man gets about well and can do good work with a hoe, on bright days, but flays he cannot see well enough to work cloudy days, being nearly blind. The Cumberland falling-. TJiHTTirvtT.'L'E; Tenn. Jan. 30. The rinrhhAriarid river fell nine inches be- t.wflpn twelve m. Saturday and 11 p. m, vesterday. The rise in Carryforkwas I occasioned by the rams or j riaay Rev. Henry W. Bellows Bead. ' NbW' York, Jan. '30. The Eev, Hen ry W. Bellows, D. D.isdead. . ; - HY GOOD WOMAN, T f lW&mtont TTT thBifr.K"',?"" "u catwedlni I I I J 3 1 III! vTTS1?; 11 J? a speciflo remedy tor all WdDBjr and Uver diseases. housahds are rared I f f byltOTerjmontb. ;TryljatoMe.-Toleda.Bli I iTOCK OF When the sUn is parched and freckled by wrong northwest wlrids'and the face Decomes dry aad scaly, it eah be; restored to smoothness and Bped color by Dr. Bensoh'a Skin Core. A perfect remedy fer trpublssome itching and v.xations pimples. . Particular Notice. All the drawings will hereafter be under the ex m ZlS2ZiBl0 mA control of GENERALS G. T. BJCAUREGAKD and JUBAL A. EABl A SPLENDID OPPOBTUIttTY TO PTU?8ECOND GRAND DISTRI BUTION, jCLASS B, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1882. I4ist Monthly drawing. Mate Lottery Uompany. Mil w m. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purooses wun a capital of 8l,0tiO.T)O0-to which a reserve rand of Sfi50,000 haslace been added. By an overwhelming, popular vote Its franchise was made a;part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2a, A. D. 1879. . Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Look at the follow tng distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two. Dollars Each. Half Tickets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize .-830.000 ICap ktf rtoe 10,000 1 Capital Prize 5 noo 2 Prizes of $2,500 5,000 5 Prizes of 1.000- 5 000 20 Prizes of 600 10 000 100 Prizes of 100..- ... 10 00O 200 Prizes of 50 in 000 500 Prizes of 20 . 10000 1,000 Prizes of 10 loioOO APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $800 82.700 Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to 8110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid. Jfor further Information, write clearly, giving full address. Send orders by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mall, addressed only to M. A. DAUPHIN, . ; New Orleans, La. or If. A. D4H PHI .V, 127 La Salle Street, Chicago, Ills., The New York office Is removed to Chicago. N. B. Orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt attention. The particular attention of the Public Is called to the fact that the entire number of the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing Is sold, and conse quently all the prizes In each drawing are sold and drawn and paid. Jan8 POFTJULB MONTHLY DRAWING OF THF In the City of Louisville, on vjsm TUESDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1882. TTiese drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act or the General As sembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court on March 81. rendered tne following decisions: 1st xnai tne ummonweaith mstnDuaon uom pany is legal. 2d its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes lor the JANUARY DRAWING. 1 Prize 880,000 1 Prize 10,000 1 Prize 5.0UU 1 rv TM.iui ru"in ...h 1 n ruin J VI A ? A I I Irt'il, ............ XV, 20 Prizes, 500 each, 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each, 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each 12,000 1000 Prizes. loeacn.... io.oou 9 Frizes. S300 each. Approximation Prizes S2.70C 9 Prizes, 200 " ' 1.80ii 9 Prizes, 100 " ' 900 1,960 Prizes 8112,400 Whole Tickets. 82; Half Tickets, 81; 27 Tickets, sou; 00 xicKets. siuu. Remit Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTEB OB FOSTOTFICE ORDER. Orders Of 85 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Address all orders to t B, M. BO A RDM AN. Courier-Jonmal Build Louisville, Ky., or 309 Broadway. New York. ana iisctllnnzavLSe W W W EES WWWW E WWWW EE WWWW E W W EBB H H A V V F.EH rl ii AA V V . E HHH A A V V EE H H AAA VV E H H A A V EBB But a limited stock of ST M0 A AND GUANO. Parties who wish to procure their supply will do well to call and make arrangements with us as WIS ARE NAMING LOW PRICKa PT" CALL BEFORE ALL IS GONE. MAYER & ROSS. sn20 iWi;ll;llitiii;i(8n Aire i i Aad everyti WHITE AND YELLOW CORN, PEARL GRITS, BRAN, PATAPSCO PATENT PROCESS FLOUR, TIMOTHY HAY, AND HECKERS' SELF-RAISING BUCKWHEAT FLOUR WILL GLADLY PTE PRICES -TO- BOTH THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. Respectfully soliciting a share ef your patronage, we are respectfully, anl9 A. f. BEALL & CO. w r t-ff cade fcrxrU atxtl 'goh gitrtitirj iVB JOB DEPABTUZNT supplied with every needed ie latest styles of Type, and every Printing can now be done with land cheapness. We can fur ies, D3, CARDS, '8, POSTERS, RASMUS, HANDBILLS, . CIRCULARS, CHECKS, Ac ted Hosiery Id WALKING JACKETS s, Blankets and Overcoats. OF 3 1 IS 11 id Tassels, Bargains ;in many other lines of Orders. 2 ILHELM. C. D. A. AND- Has Discovered -THAT- TH CAROLINA -HAS ins- ST MUSIC HOUSE N THE SOUTH. iC nou -SELLS- sTG & SONS, ANICH & BACH, MATHUSHEK, ARI0N, SOUTHERN G KM And other PIANOS. HAMLIN, pNINGBB, PELODBET & CO., ' STERLING, AND OTHER ORGANS. JY HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICTLY First-Class Instruments. sk me for prices If you want good work will never buy anything but the best. address or call on, II. McSMITII. IXiscjcIIatiecms. JT GERM DESTROYER. J DARBY'S PHllACTIC FLUID. PITTING OF SMAL POX Prevented. ALL POX Ulsters purified and healed. DICATED. Gangrene prevented and cured. Dysentery cured. wounds nealed rapiniy. on destroyed. Scurvey cured In short ms punned and Tme. Dleasar. t. Tetter dried up. Fevered' aud Sine Per It Is perfectly harmless. For tiore Throat it is a sute cure sons relieved and re freshed b y bathing witn Tophylauc wa added to the water. Son White Complexions secured by its use In DIPTHER1A j bathlnz. Impure Air made harm PREVENTED less and Durlfled by sprinkling Darby's v luid about. To purity the Breath. Cleanse the Teeth, it can't be surpassed. Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Burns relieved Instantly. Bears prevented. Removes all unpleasant odors. Cholera dissipated. snip J? ever prevemeu uy Its use. In cases of death in the house, It should always be used about the corpse-it will prevent any unpleasant smell. An antidote for animal or Vegetable Poison, Stings, &c. Dangerous effluvlas of sickrooms and hospi tals removed by its use. Yellow Fever Eradicate i. In fact It is the great Disinfectant andLPwificr, PBKPAKKD.BT J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Manufacturing ChemistSolelProprietors. dec4 If Satins iiorie mi Is TT SCARLET I FEVER I 13 cured 7

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