Sip l)arlottt bBtrotr. C a AS, R JONES, Editor A Pprrtl IxnMn at m P08T-0m0B it CHABLOTTB, N C. AS 8OOro-CLA8B MATTXB.1 TUESDAY, JAN. 31, 1882. The funded debt of 668,139,916.3 Philadelphia : rvimnnisnrv vaccination has bee: adopted in Iowa. ThA nnmiiation of Rome has in creased 55,808 since 1871. Raltimore is talkine up the Chesa peake and Delaware ship canal. Thftrn a 35.000 more women than men in Philadelphia. New Orleans has the reputation of Being the worst taxed city in this coun try. m The project to start an ice factory at Greenville, S. C, is in a fair way to succeed. Tt is stated that General Grant wilH visit. th South about the first of. March. Gath sats that some of the Washinj ton lawvers characterize the Guiteart verdict as an outrage. The receipts of the Denver, Colorado postoffice, have increased from $530,C in 1879, to $2,000,000 in 1881. The is another "mud cut" boom it Raleigh. There is talk of changing tt name of Favetteville street to "Ml Gut." While the Mormon question is cor incr nrominentlv to the front there! an 'larmine increase" of divorces Connecticut. As Sergeant Mason didn't get his work in on Guiteau perhaps he woulC like to serve as haneman. This woul give him shorter range. They have another political crisis inj France. But how could the averagf Frenchman be haDDV without a crisis' of some sort? Cannon, the Mormon delegate froi Utah, threatens to unmask the amoui of several Drominent Congressmen if thev ODDOse his admission into tl j - i r House. The new apportionment bill reporte by the committee to the House whi bases the representation on 320 mer bers, gives North Carolina an additioi al member. Wilmington Star: "We regret to sc that the South continues to lead in matter of commercial failures. Tl excess is great and reveals a fin arte condition that is anything else than i couraging." The Chinese manufacture 730,000,1 yards of cotton cloth annually, and only hand looms. Machinery has yet found its way into the Celest Empire. This world of ours is quite a wealt planet. Its income is estimated at th teen billions a year, its debt is thoug to be ten billions, and its capital is na approximately at eighty-five billions; A delegation of Dakota people is Washington urging the admission the southern half of the territory int the Union as a State. They claim population of 200,000, and 40,000 voters Mobile Register: "British papers se-j verely criticise the conduct of ths Gtti- teau trial. It is very satisfactory, how-j ever, to know that tbis country haa never produced a Jeffreys." Guiteau thinks if his friends wilj send in plenty of money to engage first class counsel, with the Lord's help, oi which he is confident, he will ge through, but he don't seem to rely upoi the Lord alone. An American who recently visite Oberammereua. where the Passio Play is represented every ten yea: found Pontius Pilate,Nicodemus, Judai Iscariot, Barabbas and several cent rions sitting in Herod's beer saloo: smoking pipes and drinking. Boston Globe: "We would like to see Oscar Wilde 'tackle' a dish of Bosto: baked beans. Let him try it as a sub-' stitute for lilies, and he may be thi agent through whom our NewEnglan dish can be raised to the high dignit; of sDstheticism." The South Carolina Legislature h nassed a bill regulating the railroad within the State,and creating a railro; commissioner, at a salary of $3,000 pe? annum, who is to exercise a gener; supervision of all railroads doing bu; ness in the State. The Chicago Times thinks it is calc lated to freeze Iceberg Sherman to tl very vitals to behold the way in whic his devoted Ohio supporters in 1880 at looking toward Blaine for 1884. As Presidential aspirant, Mr. Sherman is trifle deader than General Grant. Greenwich, Conn., has a vaccine fac tory, which send3 its products all over the world, having customers as far away as Japan. Calves are hired from the farmers who report that inocula tion benefits rather than injures the ani mals, and business is very brisk this winter. There was a banquet in Toronto the other night, with speeches in favor of Canadian independence. It did not break up till 4 a.m. A dispatch to a Montreal paper says: "Some of the party refused to stand when the toast of 'The Qneen' was being drunk." An exchange thinks "perhaps they CUUlUlt l. Richmond State: "Last week a house painter living on Broad street was sud denly taken with all the symptoms of small-pox. He vaccinated himself, and then sending home for a change of clothing, not daring to go himself for fear of commnnicating the disease to his family, he repaired at once to the pest-house, and in four days was dead. This was true, self-sacrificing heroism, and the set is worthy of being recorded in letters of gold. NO SO STB AUG E, Afrffi AJLL. A committee of North Carolinians roprose to celebrate on July 2.1884. the tercentenary of the first English ettiement on American soil, made on ioanoke Island by Sir Walter Raleigh. bis settlement was a failure, the set irs being destroyed either by disease the Indians, and when Raleigh again id Roanoke a visit he found nothing t deserted huts. With the quantity centennials and bi-centennials com- g around, it seems strange that these orth Carolinians should have chosen 'ailure to commemorate. New Or- Times-Democrat. hy, that's another evidence of the did streak that runs through the erage .North Carolinian. Moscpeo- e don't do the fair thing aoout tms lebrating business, so they only select little scenes in which they can cut swell to celebrate, thereby leaving impression that they never busted any of their undertakings. Better x it some and centennials will not be monotonous and one-sided as they e. And then, even u it was a failure, !iy shouldn't we spread a little over Our friends up in the wooden ham, fioden nutmeg and missionary-ram iction of this moral vineyard celebrate the landing of the "Pilgrim Fathers" i at Plymouth Rock, when they didn't intend to land there at all, but did so by f accident, because they couldn't help it, 1 and were probably sorry ever afterward iff CdNGflEfe. . Bat little Done in rathe Hee ? $t Washington Sen ate. J an. ; SO.-- A communication was submitted from the secretary of the treasury transmit ting a letter from Collector Robinson in relation to the difficulty of obtaining search warrants for the discovery of Bmuggled goods in New York. House. In the house a number of bills were introduced and referred, amongwhich were the following: By Wheeler, of Alabama, to grant land to the State of Alabama in aid of the Warrior & Tennessee River Rail road Company. By Oates, Alabama, requiring the Supreme Court of the United States . to decide all cases predicated on contracts r breach thereof, coming within their jurisdiction, according to the law of the place where the contract was made or was to be performed. Edmunds from the Judiciary com mitttee reported favorably with an amendment on the Senate bill, re-establishing the court of commissioners of the Alabama claims, and the distribu tion of unamroDriated moneys of the Geneva award. He remarked that the committee was not. unanimous as to any of the recommendations of the bill, but as to some things it did not recom mend it was unanimous. The com mittee recommended the payment out of the money received from 'Great Britain of losses bv what are known as exculpated cruisers and nothing else. The committee, though, were unani mous against war premiums, etc. and a majority were of the opinion that in V ll r J u r surance companies were not entitled to VI when they discovered the character of I m reii0f. . ,tne country ana tne unsociaDieness oi e people, that they ever landed there. n't it quite as much the thing for us to v ft rate a "failure" as it is for the so il, a. as i f i ?- . row d descendants of these Puritan im- ants to celebrate an accident that ived some other section of the dis- ion of being the landing place of aforesaid "Pilgrim Fathers," and era, too? By right the landing bt to have taken place somewhere and consequetly they who now m all the honor should sing low and rout on too much style about it Jut was it a failure ? These settlers le to Roanoke to settle, they did set- and that settles it. Many of them er left the country and are there That's evidence that they settled, gentlemen who had taken up esteads before their arrival settled e of them and gave them fee sim- es to a certain amount of real estate hich they have occupied ever since. thers were of a social disposition, and ing the free, easy, rolicking life of eir new acquaintances, renounced legianceto Great Britain, took out turalization papers and became citi- ens, threw away their grotesque for- ign attire, rouged up according to fashion, donned the regulation feath- rs, blanket and tomahawk, quit igno ble toil for bread and went out like lords of the wild to seize upon what A they saw. From these a good many of (j the internal revenue officers are de yscended. In fact their progeny is quite numerous, if we may judge of the amount of scalping done and the way t-Via nrartsVirtnrt rin rra n rmn (ho TO1trin V on sundry occasions, but especially about election time. They don't scalp t. precisely in the same way, it is true, - nor whoop quite the same whoop, but X that cornea from the changes caused by the blending of different nationalities with their peculiar customs and modes of doing things. We don't think there is any doubt about the settlement being a perma- ent thing, although Raleigh found othing but the deserted huts, which deserted simply for the reason they who had occupied them had urther use for them. That only that the huts were a failure, and 't propose to celebrate the huts. even if it was a failure we are esponsible for it. We furnished anoke, a place to land, plenty of m and a good healthy climate, and they failed it wasn't our fault. The fact is New Orleans is putting on scallops over her proposed bi centennial f the discovery of the mouth of the ississippi, just as if it was the first mouth that had ever been discov- ed. Let her have her mouth celebra- and let her big talkers puff La Salle uch as they please, but we insist an equal right to oriole and cele- te, if we so desire, the tri-centenary the settlement of Roanoke, and per- uate the memory of the first immi- ts who chose to land at a Southern rather than at Castle Garden, has had a monopoly of the busi- ever since. Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys and C Idren CANNOT f AIL TO BE SUITED IN ; OUR STOCK Of OOTB AND SHOES FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE. 1 - . . .a a nVall m11a Hnan tl fffvA inn HattAfl oaai fltan a Aj v. "TTTi gaanbltee that eveir pair of 8HOK3 we sen enau De rouna jusi aa represtiuiou, mu Buau ' " " lul w monej. Our itock has been carefally selected with a Tiew to the wants of all classes of customers, and comprises a full line of beauUful and seasonable goods, of the very best Quality and all grades, from the finest French Kid Button Boot to the Heaviest Brogan. If you wish toget your boots and shoes to suit you and at the lowest posBlble'prtces, you cannot do better than at our store. Give us a call. A. E. KAINKJLN & 15KO., Central Hetel Block . Trade Street. sep!8 CURE it Garland. Hale and Hoar save notice of amendments. The bill and amend ments were ordered to be printed sep- aratelv The Senate at 1 :45 took up the three per cent, bond bill and Fugh's proposed amendments were accepted by Vest as a modification of his proposition. The question was upon an amend ment offered by Hawley allowing banks to retire their bonds deposited tor cir culation in amounts not exceeding $5,- per month and only upon thir- tv-davs notice. Debate was continued until 3:55 when without reaching the vote, the Senate went into executive session ana at 4 30 adjourned. By King, of Louisiana, for a survey of Black River. Louisiana, looking to the improvement of the greater bends therein bv means of cut oris. By Robertson, of Louisiana, defining the powers ana amiss or ine mississipp River commission, authorizing an ap propriation of land and material for the improvement of the Mississippi and its navigable tributaries, prescribing the manner of assessing damages and pro viding punishment for acts in hind rance of such improvement. Burrows, of Michigan, from the com mittee on appropriations, reported the consular and diplomatic appropriation bill, and it was referred to tha commit tee of the whole. It appropriates 31, 198,530, being $12,425 less than the amount appropriated last year, and $11,675 less than the estimates. It is accompanied by a voluminous report, which gives a short description of every place mentioned in the bill. Briggs, of New Hampshire, from the committee on postoffice and post roads, reported a resolution calling on the postmaster general for information as to removals and appointments in the postoffice department since March 4th, 1881. Adoptea. Williams, from the foreign affairs committee, reported back a resolution calling on the President for all corres pondence between the State Depart ment and the United States minister at St. Petersburg relative to the expulsion of American Israelites from Russia and the persecution of Jews in the Russian Empire. Adopted. Neal, of Ohio, from the committee on civil service reform, reported back a resolution calling on the Secretary of State for a list of all promotions, re movals, and appointments made in the consular service since the 4th March, 1877. Adopted. On motion of Dibble, of South Caro lina, Wednesday, the 8th of February, was assigned for, the delivery of eulo gies upon the late M. P. O'Connor, of South Carolina, and then, at 450, the House adjourned. rw imaib fcientlsts of To-iay agree that most diseases are caused by disordered Kidneys or Llvet. If, therefore, tne juaneys ana uitw re kept in perfect order, perfect health will be the re sult This truth has only Deen Known a snun, uuio and for years people sunerea gretu aguu; being ableto find relief. The discovery of War- ners aare juaney mm mvot - era In the treatment of these troubles. Made from a simple tropical leaf of rare value. It con tains Just the elements necessary to nourish and invigorate both of these great oigans, and safely restore and keep them rn order. It Is a POSITIVE BKlLKDY. lor all we diseases uiiu owj Vanu m the lower part of the body for Torpid Liver Headaches Jaundice Dizzlnes s Gravel Fever, Ague Malarial JKever. and all difficulties of the Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs. It Is an excellent and safe remedy for femajes Ht.wr.r. cmmanm. Tt will control Menstraation aid is invaluable for Leucorrnoea or Vailing of the Wnmh. a n mood Purifier it is uneaualled. for It cures a nmtina that VIII thfl hlAOd. This Remedy, which has done such wonders, is put up In the LABGKST SIZKP BOTTLB of any medicine upon the market. And Is e old by druggists and all dealers at $1.25 per bottle. For Diabetes, enonlre for WARNER'S 8JE DIA.BJSTIS3 CUBE. It is a POalTIVK Remedy & Jan28 Rochester, N. Y. 18 -- an BURGESS NICHOLS, ALL EIIBI t FURNITURE, BEDDING, &C. A TVLL LOO Oft Cheap Bedsteads, ' AjrsLOUHenk Parlor & CkamhMP 8n?t '1 oorma or au. dkx m kajtb. m. s mnuN W. T. BLACKWELL & CO. Durham, N. C. Itaattfctnrers of the Original and Only Genuine trade: mark. TOBACCO Our claim for merit is based I upon, the fact that a chemical J analysis proves that, the tobacco grown in our section is better adapted to make aGOOD.PURE, satisfactory smoke than ANY OTHER tobacco grown in the world; and being situated in the HEART of this fine tobacco section, WE have the PICK of the offerin'js. The public ap preciate this; hence our sales EXCEED the products of ALL the leading manufactories com bined. $$2one genuine unless ii bear 8 tJte- trade-mark of the Bull. 3 - Mar 22 ly 1882. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY 16 PAGES. Suited to Boys and Girls of from six to sixteen years of age. VOL. HI COMMENCED NOVEMBER 1st, 1881. & NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. The YOUNG PEOPLE has been from the first successful beyond anticipation. New York Even ing Post iti 2$XisjCjeIIatije0txs. -FOR SALE.-- mm OJ m mm) i mhu ! 11 L run J i rnnil has a distinct purpose to which It steadily ad- hpr that, nameiv. of supplanting tne vicious papers lor the young with a paper more attractive, as well as more wholesome. Boston Journal. For neatness, elegance of engravlDg, and con tents generally, It Is unsurpassed by any publica tion of the kind yet brought to our notice Pitts burg Gazette. , , . t , Its weekly visits are eagerly looked for, not only by the children, but also Dy parents wno are Bul lous to provide pure Uterhture lor their girls and bojs. Christian Advocate, Buffalo, New York. A weekly paper lor children which parents need not fear to let their children read at tne iamuy fireside Hartford Dally Times. Just the paper to take the eye and secure the at tention of the beys and girls. Springfield Union. SI 50. TERMS; HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, Per Year, Postage Prepaid, Single Numbers Four Cents each. The Bound Volume for 1881 was ready early In November. Price S3, postage prepaid. Cover tor YOUNG PEOPLE for 1881, 85 cents; postage, 18 cents additional. Remittances should be made by Postoffice Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss, Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the Axnress order of Harper & Brothers. - n . . nAUUI UIU J UAlUrJMt OS rmvj l aancj, Address Jan26 New York. A BLAST FROM BLAINE. Z. B. Vascx. W. H BAQJR. liver i cb ferl riend has handed us the Wilming- i of the 29th, in which the un representative of the bread brigade who presides over i gets pff some billingsgate Washington correspondent asserted that Pennypack- Cannady $100 per xonth )f collector of the port at he (Cancady) would get md let him (Pennypack- fd. We know nothing of falsity of the charge, but ien the galled jades wince, we have done the State V Tr r J a nonenc a $1,000 houl as ne aid in tram level-headed brain atively unrequited. Eiddleberger, Readjusterof Virginia, says when he takes his seat in th Sen ate if he finds neither the Democratic nor Republican party in accord with him he will organize a little party of his own and go it alone. A band of revenue men captured several illicitldistilleries and three pris oners, near Glossy Mountain, about twenty-five miles from Greenville, on last Thursday. h4s bacco manufacturers at Durham are opposed to the agitation of the re" ductionN)f the tax on tobacco. Raleigh and they raised. imported Irish potatoes, are as cheap as the home A GEEAT OBLIGATION. "I am Indebted for my life," says Judge F. M. Brooks, of Columbus, ua, "to Warner's eafe Kid ney and Liver Cure." e Asheville Citizen will be issued as a semi-weekly and weekly after th& first of February,and John D. Cameron, late of the Durham Recorder, will be as sociated with Messrs. Stone & Fur man in the editorship. An Effort to Protect Pern from De struction by Unlnr the Moral Power of the United States. Washington, Jan. 29. The Wash ington Post will publish to-morrow morning a long interview with ex-Secretary Blaine, in which the latter ex plains and defends the policy of the State department toward Chile and Peru while that department was under his administration. Mr. Blaine says that the demands which Chile made of Peru in the way of indemnity were equivalent to the destruction of the latter country. Peru appealed earnest ly to the United States to help her and sent a special envoy to ask for aid. It was the policy of tne state department by giving Peru moral support to save her from dismemberment and ruin, and in extending such support Mr. Blaine says he followed the precedents laid down by our most distinguished and conservative secretaries or tetate. as an illustration be refers to the steady influence exerted by Mr. Seward to es tablish the authority of Juarez in Mexi co. By the moral power of the United States the French were expelled, Maxi milian overthrown and the Republican Government, with Juarez at its head, restored. It would not, he says, have required as great an exertion of the moral influence of the United States to save Peru from destruction and make Peru and Chile both our friends, as it did to save tfie nationality of Mexico. When Chile shall pay e 'taken althe valuable territory of Peru tfae litter country will either fall into anarchy or be kept in subjection by a Chilian army of occupation, to be supported from Sroperty or wnicn .Feru ia despoiled, lither result, he says, will be sufficient ly wretched, and the end will be the absolute domination of English in fluence in both Peru and Chile. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice In Supreme Court of the United States, Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal Courts, and counties of Mecklen burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Da vidson. fy Office, two doors east of Independence Square. may29 tf RO. D. GRAHAM, A-TTOBIiJ-BT -A-l x.w. R. H. JORDAN. TN the State and United States Courts. Collec JL Cons, Home and Foreign, BY Virtue oi a decree of the Superior Court of Catawba county, made In the case of P. C. Hhnford and others. Dlainttffs. vs. A. M. Powell and others, defendants, at Chambers by Hon. A.C. Avery, Judge, and dated tne vm aay or January, 1 882. the undersigned, as Receiver, will sell at UD11C sale at tne UOUOn rttcuorj oi mo vavaua anufacturlng Company, on tne uaiawDa aiver, in Catawba county, on MONDAY, THE 6TH DAY OF MARCH, 1882, the following valuable property, to-wit: The Granite Shoals, In Catawba county, and the Cotton Factory of said Catawba Manufacturing company, inoatAri K miips trom the W. N. C. R. R.: 8 miles from Catawba Station on said railroad; 11 miles irom Statesvllle, and 6 miles West from Trout man's Depot on the A., T. O. R. R. ; including 87 acres of land on the South side of the Catawba River, on which Is situated the said Factory, three good dwelling houses containing 6 rooms each, and 12 cottages containing from 2 to 4 rooms each for opera'lves, a store house, stables and other out houses, bald Factory Is a building 60 feet long by 42 feet wide, two stories htgh, with an 'L" 50x20 feet, and another ' L" 90x22 feet, a fire-proor Picker House 30x20 feet situated 110 teet from the main building of the Factory. Also, the following machinery In the said Factory, viz: 1 picker, l BtJ-incn aouDie Dealer anu iayper, i a7 .inch 1 d-tnn .Tank's flat cards. 1 Asa Lee 1 8 Inch delivery drawing frame, 1 20-strand list speeder (9-lnch bobbins), 8 spinning frames, 1,056 spin dles (Brldesburg make), also spoolers, warper, Qulliers, beamers, Ac 42 new and most Improv ed plaid looms (30 Brldesburg and 12 Ward's make), with all necessary fixtures and findings, and with warps ready to start up. Dye bouse anfi sizing machinery ot the most improved style with vats and vessels complete. All paits of the build ing furnished with steam-pipes to warm the build ing, supplied with steam from a 20-horse power boiler. . AH the property, buildings, machinery, &&, In good condition and In good repair. Also, on the Northern side of the river. Imme diately opposite the Factory and adjoining the river and the Shoal, which extends across, 21 acres of land, with a fine water-power with solid mpb fminriatinn. The head of the water on tne Bouthern side, on which Is the Factory, ts about A fft For more accurate and definite description of the nroDerti and conditions ot the sale, reference Is mane to the decree in the above stated case. The terms of said sale will be 20 per cent of the purchase money In cash, and the remainder in enna.1 Installments of ft( and 120 days, bond and eopd security being required of the purchaser for the Installments. AJso. at the same time and place the under signed, as Receiver, will sell FOR CASH, the fol lowing articles of personal properly, viz: 2 mules, 2 wagons and harness, lot of dyes and dye stuffs, the riiateiial now In nroceas of manufacture, con Htstine of warns, nlalds and yarns. Also, a small stock of general merchandise, consisting pf boots, shoes, drv eoods. bacon and such other articles of groceries and dry goods as ape usually kept in a country store. JOHN L. COBB, janimrv Receiver, Llncolnton, N. C, jan24 tds Both Fort ign and Domestic, Just Received, at 1 DrJiMddeflsDri Store O ARATOGA V ICHY From Saratoga Springs, N. Y. A new water re sembling the Imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid, cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion. Is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forma of dyspepMH. ALSO, CASES CONGRESS WATER, DR. JOS. GRAHAM. Home and Foreign, solicited. AD streets of Titles, Surveys, 4c, furnished for com pensatlon. . Omoi . N. X. Comer Tr Tryon streets Charlotte. N. C IDan. 6. Acid Phosphate 400 TONS HIGH CRA&E -ACID PHOSPHATE, Containing 12 to 13 per cent Soluble Phosphoric Add. Analysis Guaranteed. WARRANTED GENUINE, Just Received. Special inducements to dealers and Uvge buyers. CI?AS. E. SMITH, Wholesale Dealer ia Guana and Cpmrnl-sion Merchant, WLinlng'ton, Ji. C. Jan20 lm FOR-SALE. A House and lot on Tryon Street, six rooms, kitchen and good water. For particulars apply to an28 4t F. H. GLOVER. -WE HAVE THI3 DAY- 10 CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALL'M. 10 GASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARI akd Hunyadi Janos Waters, THE GREAT EUROPEAN KOVELTY JJUNYADI Free De- Anna Dickinson having failed as Hamlet and Claude Melnotte, will pro ceed to wear her own clothes in future. It is stated that the African cam paign has cost the French 30,000 lives. Sswrsr Cogfirrrjeg mere liver r Washington, Jan. 80. The Senate confirmed Seth M. Sawyer as collector of customs at Apalachicola Florida. A bill was introduced in the House to-day by Houk, of Tennessee, in regard to the distribution of mail matter, pro vided that Knoxville and Chattanooga, Tennessee, and all other cities of inhabitants shall have the benefit of the f F30 delivery system. Houk also introduced a bill makincr Knoxville 4 part of tbedeliverF, orenEO iid m low on an A NEW ahd COllPLETE LTNE'QF FRESH DRUGS, TOILET AHTiCfcEBftE -WHICH WE RESPECTFULLY INVITE OUR f RIEND3 AND THE POBHC tfNERALLY TO ' ' CALL and EXAMINE -AT OUR STORE ON- JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC) Dcss: A wine glass full before breakfast. The Lancet "Hunyadi Janos. Baron Lleblg af firms that Its richness In aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The British Medical Journal "Hunyadi Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Prof. Virchow, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prqf. Bamberger, Vienna. "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prqf. Scamoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." . Prof. Lander Bnmton, Jf. D., F. B. B., London. "More pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy." ... Prqf. Atken, AT. D.. F. R. 8., Royal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pullna and Fried-rlchshaU." Weather. Washinoton, Jan. 30. Middle States increasing cloudiness and rain or snow, southwest winds, becoming variable, falling barometer, stationary or slowly rising temperature, South Atlantic and Gulf, Tenoeesee, and the Ohio Valley cloudy weather, rain or snow, winds mostly from east to south, lower barometer and slowly rising temperatnre followed in the West Gulf by rising barometer. It Is the fashion for many people to neglect na ture's laws and blame Providence for the result. favorite thing with them is to neglect wch or cold instead ef using that unfailing means of relief, Dr. Bull's cough syrup. 25c a bottle. BED-BUGS, ROACHES, Rats, miee. anH flies, vermin, mosquitoes. In sects, Ac. cleared out by ' Bough on Rats." 16c boxes at druggists. cT Tryon Street, Opposite Ehas & Cobeu s, hnvd hiui thirtv,tlve vears' experience. I o 1 11 intifio American. JThls large and splendid tllus. trated weekly paper, is 3 .u a y ear,snows im rrogrsss of Science, 1 very interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Lddress munn JO patent Bollci- tors. Pub's, ui scientific AireaicAN, 87 Park Eow. -PBEscaipnoNs- Carefully Prepared at all Hou s, Day and Night, Respectfully, Mr. Hurlbnc Granted Leave. Washington, Jan. so. Leave to re turn home has been granted to Gen. Hurlbut, Minister to Feru. SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. r, h JORDAN & CO. On pleasant fall day some persons will thoughtlessly expose themselves as In summer, and take a severe gold. For such, - immediate of fers Itself in Dr. UWS f)Uh syrap. 26c a bot- Virtue of a decree of the Superior Court I ! win s eU at the court house in Charlotte on nunuax, a urn iui uI VIJT JTiEifUlTARY 1882, the iquo wing tracts of land in MaiTaKi were owned by the lata Creek township, which Hiss Oris wald Henderson r lf0r gent. B SAIN and NKEVE. Wells' Health Benewer, greatest remedy on earth tor Impotence, leanness, sexual debility, Ac L, at druggists. Depot J. L AtcAden. Charlotte. iA'ffi.K?,Hr: FOR SALE OR RENT. C. Q. Batcllff. Blchmond,.ya., says of a. S. S.t After the best medleal advice had failed, it cured me of a violent Blood Disease to a short time. One of our workmen was cured with 8. 8. 8. of Blood Poisoning of five years standing. Win. a. A T. W. Hoopsr, contractors, Atlanta, Ga. son and others. Persons deslrlnar to hn V convenient to marSetTaidln T SrSSLSSS 1. li. AT.VTinn.n janaB a-it w tds ConTmSsloer. rpHE ew and commodious residence A buUt by H. T. Butler, on Tryon street. Just beyond the track of the A., T. X. K. 1L no. uooa oarstun. , AV'f w V. H: GLOVER, jtojf. .: . Agent. FOR SALE &ft RENT. A Six room bouse, with good yard and well of water, find a two room kitchen; ten minutes walk of the nubile sauare. Apply to tWALTEB BRKM.Q dtcnu tr JOHN U, McADEN, - - , Ipiporting anJ Dispensing fcharniact Notth Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ting as when It flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J- H. McADKN, Druggist anu unemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, da; or night, lulyo,8 IF YCU Wr H' ATBAXXY COOD STEI'lY PEN at j A;icy--.i;rrtationor r7 j ( r f r 1 i3 t-rnts JgC W i '; yjfmsf Steel, NICKEL. dK2& terng. in n Mhtk y PU14 OM HUttlUUVI ItIscb, Blaiemai, Taylor & Co., Sole Acrrns, New Fork. tf Assorted P;iu decSd SALE OF BONDS. BV Virtue of an order of the Superior Court of ;A Usance county .In the ease Of Alvls King and others against W. . and At' Iurrayind others; I will offer for sale at (he court bouse door in Greensboro, N. a, at pubne auction, for cash, on Monday, the 6th day of February, 1882, at 12 o'clock M., eight i8) bonds ef the county of Car teret issued Yebrearr 20th, 1800, each for $500 due on -.February 20th. 1880; to each of which bends coupons are attached for Interest at 6 per ceni. trom aeDTuary zum, is to. parties desiring further my attorney. James Jang tfe Informatloacan address Bpyd. Esq.; Greensboro, - jVaTMccauley. ; . Receiver. VACCINE virus: AFresheupply of Vaccine Virus, Just received by WILSON 4 BUR WELL. Jan26

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