00 snjfl Soft Sttttttttfl ( MVMMOIUMIOH BATK8: p,Vwr;Pt4i&. inidwnce S8 00 Vzms moot A. ...,..-.- 2. at THE OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT Baa been thoroughly mpBlted with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type. od every manner ot Job Fifntlnt can now be done with neatness, dttpatch and cheapness, we can tm nlsh at short notice, BLANKS, BHIrHlADS, LETTER-HEADS, CABD8, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, FBOeBJJOBS, H1HDBILL8, PAMPHLETa, CIBCDLAB8, CHKHB, One month. WfMlLT MD1TI09: nut .. Pmhptfd 2.lt XfNOMM tar- lSr Milk far WhtM. 1.0S VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE, N..0., WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 1, 1882., NO. 4,013. 0 O50afl WE WILL SELL -DRESS GOODS- at Tetrow prices. Our FANCY HOSIERY Win be told cheap to dose them out We nave a splendid stock of vn.i.h vn tmmM ta eloaa out Terr cheat). Ask lor Kll ULOVIta. ask lor LACKS, ask for ANY THING you want lu our Une. LADIES, You at cordially Invited to Call. ALEXm i HARRIS, Jan28 Soots and &Uats Wfc! : o : : o :- Lyons' Patent Metallic Stiffeners PREVENTS Boots and Shoes FHOM- RUNNING iOVER, Wearing off at the Sides or Ripping IN THE SEAMS. Johnson's Silk and Felt Insolts PREVENTS HHEUMATIC CRAMP, COLD FEET. BUNNIONS AND CHILBLAINS. PEGRAM & CO., SOLS AGENTS. janl .Tr IO THESS I Or'B H-EA-LTH- "Excellent Tonic, Alteradre and Dluretla" Medical Association. Lynchbure. Va. "Used with great benefit In Malaria and Dlph- "Tnnfnnhl aa a nArTOUB tOnlC UOO. L U "Recommended as a prophylactic in malarial districts."-", B, Kalrex, M. b.. N. O. Kesvores aeuuitaiea systems to uoouu. . "Adapted in chronic diarchy scrofula, and ajspepsia;" oeo. T. uamson, n.w,n.i. "Successful in diphtheria and neuralgia. J. P. ' vvWi OA. JL.t V. . "Excellent for certain diseases peculiar to wo- mn l ---, T T UitMinan 1-f Tt V k fejilPJ! nw "suited' to bronchltU and diseases of dlgeetlre rt reran a H t W f Fi A lk "Most valuable remedy known for female dU eiiges." Jno. K. uetteaor. n. v., i. . , . "Of great euraUre Tlrtue." Thos. F. Bumfold, "RAn-fllul l ntarin. r1nnMmMit Slid llll&lBr rli., ..... aa ir n.il UT T rtlifA Is GU ' Tilt' ''unweMfttonle and ajtarattw." un- M"fn jeqif 4 Wood poiiflir--H. FIshM, MUaWLaa4il la Inamalilfl sfe. ff-aHrU-Bs-f f' XVaKrll John tiannon, late of ta now of ftlehmond, Ya, "Han ml merit" ftoutb-rn Med. Journal. Water 14 1 ease. Maat and Pills. 25, 60. 75 enta. Sent post-paid anywhere. . 8ummer season of Sprtngs begins 1st June. $35 V month. Address . , . A. M. DAVTI3, Pres't of the Co., 78 Main 8L, Lynehbor Ta., P.O. Box 174. ,, , , SOLD BX WTL80N 4 BUaWXLL, Lies', Misses & Children's Fall I Winter Goods "uccpafiilly used In dyspepsia, ehronle dlar tha and stuftn''r?roL ft Jackson, M. D., M. nVM.MJMtt aUU L.B. WBISTOMftOO xi. sieauan, ana FROM TO-DAY -ALi WILL BE SOLD AT GREAT SACRIFICE, TO MAKE BOOM FOR SPRING PURCHASES. We Mean Every Word of This AND Only Ask an Inspection to Convince Yon. t. l. seigie & c. Neuralgia, Sprains, JPain in the .Back and Side. There la nothing more painful than these diseases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use ef Perry Davis' a Pain Killer. This remedy ia not a cheat Brailnn or Petroleum product that must b kept way from fire or heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor ia it an untried experi ment that may do more harm than food. Pain Killer has been In constant use lor torty yean, and the universal testimony trom an parts of the world Is. It never falls. It not only effects a permanent cure, hut It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, it Is sale In the hands of the most Inexperienced. The record of cures by the use of Pact Killxb would All volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who hare tried it think: Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn., says : Auont a jear mncm my wiia Dec&rue cuDjeci to irnn suffering from rheumatism. Our wort wm to the Paw - n.i.ttn, which paedily relieved her. Charles Powell writes from the Bailors' Home, London : I hd beB afflicted three yean with neuralgia . andjnoleatspaemaof theatemach. The doctors at Westminster HopitJ gTe np my case in despair. I tried ycmrPAT Xn-LIB, and it gxa me Immediate relief. I hare regained my strength, and am now able to fallow my usual occupation. O. H. Walworth. Saco, Me., writes : I experiencea immediate relief from pain in the aide by the use of your Pam Kti.i.tb. 2. York aays: I hare used your Patjt Ktlixb for rheumatism, and have received great benefit Barton Seaman says : Haje used Paw Ktlleb for thirty yean, and nave found It a rr -failing remedy for rheumatism and lameness. Mr. Bnrditt writes : JkZV.faiu. toftfTe relief in eases of rheumatism. FhlL OUbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : From actual use, I know your Paw Kn.m is the best medldne I can get. All druggists keep Pain Killxb. Its price Is so low that It la within the reach of alL and it will save many times Its cost In doctors' bills, ase., 60c and 81.00 a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietor, Providence, R. !. sept dw sept oeL FDtLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AN THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. AND THE GREATEST MEDICAL TR1UWPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER Xioss or appetne.a nuaoa, puwgm uun y p, V.!n in tfieHeftiwith a dull sensation in tn theHed.with a dull sensati the back parP am unaartne noi vSSi er Wj juUnewlfter eatfaxy. wigmffln. o.H nation to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low spirits, Lose l aHth .Vuilni nf h a. vine near lected some duty, weariness. Dizameea, Ffuttering of the Heart, Dots before tEe nomm'mt niryVit hiahlv colored UrineT' s. Yeuow omn, t eaaacne, JveauteaB- IF THESE WARimrGS ABE UVEESSEB, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTT'S PILLS are especially adapted to ach esiei.one dose effects such a change Thar Iaereavae the Appetite, and cause the body to Take on Fleah, thus the system Is BOrtabi. and by th etrTonle Aetlqupfl th niaresuve wrnna, mtearuiwr awu vop"r TDTT'S HAIR DYE. Obat Haib or Whisk ebs changed to a Olosst Black by a single application of this Drx. It imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Bold bjrDruggiata.er aent by ezpreaa on reeaipt of 1. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. Tr. TlilTi HAKL'AL mt TalaaMe lafDnuttaa tm f CmAU Baerista wUI auU4 VUMX am aBUcatlaa. Feby. 23deodAwX r i n i drake, , Stillingia, and many of the best medi cines known are com bined in Parker's Ginger I Tonic, into a medicine of such varied powers, as to make it the greatest BestnealthAStreBftiJ RMtprtr EreB JHftt, 1 If Yurts iOieuavon, $lplcssnessj & diseaesif O-ie WW, r P ' 1 Lungs, JjverS Kidneys, ' . . . i!,, i:inirer iLsiences 1 .A JSJ FJV?WaJ?KW " " & Go,-. Gheniiits, N. Y, VaL j ai ,. lanra SaVlBr Barhis Dollar Sna. ST CHARLES HOTEL. HEADQUAETEKS FOE DEtrMMEllS. 8TATXSVLXLS.N.a THIS ?ouMhasDDeenle dt aars. wx -w zrrr ix)mmouivu aivw w ? t . Mi. Mri.ll. la enltaHwd- (2) arKers A Xtoaceti Household Hints. In icinsr cake. diD the knife freauent- ly ia water. A littlfl pin per rrat into sansam meat improves the flavor. "Ritatv r1naAf. and rrtniw in ft hnnaa should be thoroughly inspected once a weex. In roastincr meats do not salt before putting into the oven, as salt extracts the juice. If your coal fire is low. throw on a teaspoonf al of salt, and it will help it very much. In warm weather put your eesrs ia cold water some- time before you are ready to use them. Lemons may be kept fresh a loner time in a jar of water, changing the water every morning. A trim fART. for amra is tn Hrnn fhom in water, and if the large end comes up A.1 mej are not iresn. Hams wraniwl in thirtk- brown nanr and packed in a barrel of wood ashes in the cellar, will keep all summer. To test nutmegs, prick themwith a pin, ana if they are good the oil will instantly spread around the puncture. Bar soap, when first bought, should be cut in so nam niftru and rmt. In strirv place. It lasts better after shrinking. All fisb ftkin ahnnlri bA wftanftri rfriaA thoroughly, cut in small bits, and put in a box or paper bag to use in settling NEWS NOTES. The new French cabinet has heAn An nounced. M. de Freycinet is Dremier and M. Leon Say minister of finance. A dispatch from Irkutsk states that Engineer Melville, accompanied by the At . I a W . captain oi ine steamer A.ena, nas gone to the mouth of the river Lena to search tor Commander DeLong and the miss ing men of the J eannette. The members of the "Club National." composed of young French Canadians ainhated with the liberal party, at Mon treal, have unanimously passed a series of resolutions in favor of full inderjen- dence for Canada, and asking the libe ral party to make that principle a plank in the platform. A gang of eight youths, rancrincrin age from 16 to 22, Saturday, brutally as saulted an old lady, 60 years of age. named Bridget Callaghan, near Shenan doah, Pa. Chas. Willis and Henry Sheeb have been arrested on suspicion that they belonged to the gang. Dispatches from New Haven, Conn.. state that Blanche Douglass has made a confession, giving damaging testi mony against the Malleys in connection witn lue deatu of J enme Cramer. A vouns man named Tp.e. of VVVnt, Middlesex, Butler county, Pa, on Satur day, while on a hunting expedition, met two young lady acquaintances while in the woods, and without provocation fired two shots, wounding both ladies. A brother ot one of tne voung ladies. named Allison, started in pursuit, and Lee, finding arrest inevitable, commit ted suicide by shooting himself. John Horan was awakened early Sunday morning by a burglar breaking into his room, situated on the second floor of a tenement house in New York city. He got out of bed, when the burg lar took fright and jumped out of the window on to the hre-escape, but miss ing his footing, he fell to the ground and was Killed. ie was recognized as Thomas Hutlon, aged 23, known to the police as a professional thief. Bronze medals hava been struck at St Louis for the delegates to the Chi cago convention of 1880, who through the 36 ballots steadfastly voted tor uen. Grant. These mementoes are repre sented to be 2 inches in diameter, 3-16 of an inch in thickness, and weighing nearly a pound. On the face is a pro file head of Gen. Grant surrounded by a wreath, and on the reverse side will be inscribed the name of the recipient. A New Orleans telecrram savs there is a break of 100 feet in the O'Brien j levee at Tropical Bend, a little above the quarantine station, but on the op posite side ot tne rivr. Tne country for two miles back Is said to da innnda- ted. Chief State Engineer Richardson uuea not anticipate any serious uuuuie i from this crevasse. A break in the 3 a. a. : . 1,1 Mi.qaiaa.nn. Iavaa at Dalta. Louisiana, is reported, and the water is flooding the aajaceni country. In the progress of an investigation into the conduct of Dr. L.awler, quaran tine physician at San 1 rancisco, who had enforced the vaccination of immi 'rants before landing, it was testified dv the mate of the British steamer Marv. which brought 676 Chinese from Hong Kong, that the ship's pbysiciani had made pretence of vaccinating the Chinese before leaving port, but one of them told him that there was no vac cine matter in Hong Kong, and that thev had gone through the form with mucilage. Mourning; Weed Uufau.Iua.ble. London Truth. Mourning i3 going out of fashion in England. A widow's is the only bereavement that must according to the canons of society, be symbolized by vards of crape and paramatta. All other degrees of grief of the departed can. it seems, be amply expressed by bond of black crape worn round the sleeve. This state of things is, doubt less, a reaction from the two apparent luxury of woe prevaiant tin recently, but it has its disadvantages. Once on a time we were protected from the disagreeable riek of inquiring after the health of persons wno are no more oy the inky blackness of attire of their surviving relatives. It is not pleasant to remark casually and cheerfully to a young lady : "And your father is he all right r ana to De morany oowiea over by the reply, "He is dead," accompanied by a reproachful glance at the strip of blank which you have never noticed upon her arm. Surely some compro mise can.be made between the heavy black that was once considered neces sary and the sprapof crape that is now thought gumcienc. Jjpcia piuausor a distressing ind ought to, be guarded. against, ana wuiuau ave iuguiuMs finoucrh to devise some means ofadver tisincr bereavement wmcn anan do patent to ftU anflyet compatible with a becoming variety ai costume aDt co ore. Railroad Accident. T?TwTTiTmrfmTTRO- Va Jan. 31. On the Richmond, Fredericksburg & Po tim&n raiirnarl fiarlv this morning near the Potomac run the second section of a freight train collided with the rear of the first section wmcn naa oroK.u I loose, overturning the engine of the second section, wrecking several cars and serionsiv lniurinz a. ieweu, en gineer. ITBTtU OF INTEREST. Last year there was .one suicide for 5283 of the American population ; the year previous,' one to every 6800; the year before that, one to 6840. . So it seems this evil is on the increase as well as the homicidal mania. For over fifty-four years Squire BheI ton, of Aberdeen, Ohio, the Gretna Green" of America on the Ohio river, performed the ceremony for runaway couples from Kentucky and other States, making 4,000 persons happy or miserable. His successor, "Squire Beas ley, who began twelve years ago, has married 2,900 couples, mostly under age. The receipts of the Western Union Telegraph company in 1880 were near ly 613,000,000 and the net profits nearly 66.000,000. This was before the con solidation. Assuming that the actual capital invested in the lines is but $15, 000,000, a netproflt of $6,000,000 annual ly presents a startling fact, illustrating the rapacity of corporate greed. St. Louis gamblers have been playing poker with Col. Starf; a specially rich planter from Mississippi, who was con fined to his room by gout and used cards only to kill time. Pretty much all the professional men in the city went around, one after another, to help pluck so fine a pigeon, but luck was strangely against tnem, ana nnaiiy it appeared that the gout was all a sham, that Col. Starr was a shining light in the fra ternity, and that the brethren had been ridiculously taken in. The southern fourth of Alabama is covered with forests of the long-leaved pine, mixed in the northern part with much hard wood. A comparatively narrow belt of pines runs nearly across the State between latitude 32 and 33 de- frees, besides several smaller bodies urther north. The total amount of standing pine is estimated at 21,192,000, 000 feet, and the cut during the census year 245,396,000 feet, being a little more than 1 per cent, of the total supply. It is a singular and suggestive fact that Mr. Webster Wagner, who was burned to death in one of his own pal ace cars, on the Hudson River Railroad was chairman of the committee on rail roads in the New York State Senate, which a year ago smothered and sup pressed a bill introduced in that body for the better protection of life on rail ways. Should one of the Vander bilt family perish by a similar disaster. it is likely that opposition to such leg- siation would not be so actively inter posed in future. Wonderful Strength of Insects. New York Sun. "If you want to see muscle," a natu ralist said, "take a glance through this glass," pointing to a seat before a pow erful microscope. The drop of Croton water was fairly alive with little round or oval bodies. There was nothing specially remark able about thorn : but soon a wonderful creature rolled upon the scene from a distant part of the drop. In appear ance it resembled a crystal oeu. The edges were ornamented with a delicate friuge, and the entire mass was as transparent as glass. The mouth of the bell was evidently tne moum ot the animal, because the observer saw it rush along like a scoop, and, turning down, fasten its edges to the bottom, as if to secure some minute animal that was resisting, and a second later some object could be seen passing up into the body. "if you had the strength or tnat ani mal," the naturalist said,,in proportion to your size, you could take Trinity Church by its steeple and toss it over into New Jersey. There are an imals in this drop that we can not see with this powerful glass. Suppose there was this same differ ence in size among the higher animals. Elephants would be as large as the State of Rhode Isiand. If this bell animal was as much larger than man as it is than these little creatures it is eating.Jwe would see a gigantic scope of jelly larger than the Forty-second street reservoir coming down on us, whirling in the water, and causing a suction that a regiment of men would, if in the water, be hurled and twisted and then encompassed by it. The strength of the creature can be imagined when it is known that the smallest section of the finest hair that could be cut seemed like a mountain beside it; yet the microscopic creature moved the eud of an entire hair placed over the glass. In moving about it threw aside bits of algse and mud That could be compared to the act of a sincle man striking down one of the giant trees of California, or kicking over a block of houses. 1 am devis ing an instrument to measure the pow er of these microscopic giants." "An ant can carry a weight aoonc seventy-five times its own, tne natu ralist said. "If vou had the muscle of one of these little creatures in propor tion to your size, you could lift about 11,000 pounds." Fire lu New York Among- Newspa per Offices One Life Lost and Sev eral Ottasrs Tnought to he New York, Jan. 31 A fire broke out at 10 o'clock this mording in the building on the corner of Park Row and Beekman street recently occupied by the New York World. The flames spread rapidly and in volved the entire block as tar as the Times ofhee. The latter suffered some damage ;but the fire was extinguished before doing serious harm to the Times All the other buildings in the block were practically destroyed. It is known that one woman was killed in trying to escape by the window. She broke through a canvass stretched - to save her and her head was crushed, it is supposed that other lives were lost The pecuniary loss is very heavy. In the block were a large number of offices of weekly and class . newspapers and periodicals, among which were the Scientific American.New York Obser ver, Turf, Field and Farm, Scottish American Journal. Thorn nsrm'a Rank Note and Commercial Reporter, Forest and, Stream, and Italian, Spanish,Swed- lsb. German ana Portugese weeaiy journals, and a number of advertising agencies. The buildings involved are 3,537. and 39 Park Row. Among the occupants of the ground, floor are an extensive rubber firm and a wholesale machinery and hardware house. The list of losers is very large and amounts heavv. Humors are afloat that fifteen lives have been lost but only one corpse has been found so zar. Wendell PnllUps and Civil Service Reform. Mv nlan of civil service reform would be the opposite of what they propose. I sould seek a remedy for the evils they describe in a wholly different direction from theirsIn fearless re- courseto a further extension ; of the democratic principles of our institu tions Tt each district choose its own postmaster and custom house officials. This course would appeal to the best sense and sober second thought of each district Responsibility would purify and elevate the masses, while govern ment would be relieved from the mass of patronage which debauches it Their plan is impracticable, and ought to be: ior it contravenes tne fundamental idea of our institutions, and contem- Slates a coterie of men kept long in of ce largely independent on the people a miniature aristocracy, filled with a dangerous esprit de corps. For Breicblal, Asthmatic, and Pal-nonary complaints, and coughs and colds, 'Brown's Bron- ehlal Troches" manifest remarkable curative pro perties. When the skin Is parched and freckled br strong northwest winds and the face becomes drr and scaly, it can be restored to smoothness and good color by Dr. Benson's Skin Cure. -A rjerfeet remedy fer troublesome itching and vszattons pimples. Particular Notioe. All thfl rtranrlnM mill tiawnaa. K v. ciuslve supervision and control of ORKitRiT.q . T. BJUUBBGA&D and JUBAL A. KABLY. A SPLENDID OPPOBTUIttTY TO WIN A FORTUNE SECOND GHANTJ msTP.T- BUTION, CLASS B, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1882. Hist MONTHLY DRAWING. Louisiana State Lottery Company. lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of 81,000.000-to which a reserve fund of 8650,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitution Its (5RJNT) HTNAT.W WTrvnifQ rw-rf-.. -wn , .w.u Vacwub take place monthly. 11 never scales or postpones. Look at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets atTwo Dollars Each. Half Tickets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize 880,000 1 Capital Prise 10,000 1 CaDital Prize k Ann 2 Prizes of 82,500 5 000 5 Prizes of 1.000 5,000 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of 500 Prizes of 600 10,000 100. 10,000 ou 10,000 20 10,000 10 10,000 1,000 Prizes of APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of 8300 $2,700 H Approximation Prizes of 200 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to si io,400 Responsible corresponding aeents wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid. Kor further information, write clearly, giving full address. Send orders by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mall, addressed only to Jn. A. DAUftUN, New OrlAans. 1 jl or M. A. DAUPHIN, 127 La Salle Street, Chicago, Ills., The New York office Is removed to Chicago. N. B. Orders fultlraaaftri fn .as nrl;uia urtll to. celve prompt attention. The particular attention of the Public ia called to the fact tnat the entire number of the Tickets ior each Monthly Drawim? is sold, and conse quently all the prizes in each drawing are sold and arawn ana paia. POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE In the City of Louisville, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1882. Thou amwlnm ncenr monthly (Sundays execut ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As semDiy oi nentucKy. The United States CIrcuK Court on March 81. rendered the following decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany Is legal. 'da its arawmes are iair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Bead tne use oi prizes ior ine JANUARY DRAWING. 1 Prize 880,000 1 Prize, 10,000 1 Prize, 5,000 10 Prizes, $1,000 each 10,000 20 Prizes, 600 each 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each 10,000 200 Prizes, 60 each, 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each la.ooy innn phm-h. in each. iu.uuu Q PrizAs. SHOT) each. Armroxlm&tlon Prizes S2.7 OC 9 Prizes. 200 " " " " l.SOfc razes iuu " " vvu 1.960 Prizes 8112400 Whole Tickets. 82; Half Tickets, 81; 27 Tickets, 50: 55 Tickets. 8100. Remit Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR FOSTOITICE ORDER. Orders of 85 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Address au orders to R. M. BOARD MAN. Court eisJotnnal Build Louisville, Ky., or 809 Broadway New York. jana SYPHILIS in any stage. CATARRH. ECZEMA, OLD SORES, PIM PLES, SOILS, er ANY SKIN DISEASE. CURES WHEN ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAIL!!! If you doubt, come to see ua, and we will CUBE YOU. or charge nothing! I! Write for particulars, and a copy of the little book "Message to the Unfortunate Suffering." Ask any prominent Druggist as to our Standing. tav-tl000 REWARD will be paid to any chemist who will find en analysis of 100 bottles of 8. 8. S. one particle of Mercury, Iodide of Potassium, or any Mineral suosianoe. 8WLYT SPECIFIC CO.. Props , Atlanta, 6a. (FEB BOTTLK) Price of Small Size,.... 81.00 iirge eize,.... i.?o SOLD BY ALL DRUGGJ3T8, dec81 Cures Iksioll f5 Q aar r v MEY. IDSn o We will offer from this date oar ENTIRE STOCX 0? (Domestic and flniported losiery In dark colors AT TOST. We soil have a to be sold at a SACRIFICE. Also Shawls, WE HAVE A HANDSOME LINE OF a Dress Goods, Sis, Safe Passam entries, Cords and Tassels, And everjthlng in the Dress Trlinmlw Lta CAU PROMPT ATTENTION HARGRAVES A, GENERAL FEED DEALERS - JTD- COMMI8SION MERCHANTS OMMISSION MERCHANT O. CHfiRLOTTE, N. C. HAVE HOW ON HANG : A FULL SUPPLY OF WHITE AND YELLOW CORN, PEARL GRITS, BRAN, PATAPSCO PATENT PROCESS FLOUR, TIMOTHY HAY, AND HECK EES' SELF-RAISING " BUCKWHEAT FLOUR WILL GLADLY QUOTE PRICES -TO- BOTH THE WHOLESALE. and RETAIL TRADE. W" Respectfully soliciting a sbaie ef your patronage, we are respectfully, Janl. A. i. BEALL CO. L' feL' TMTa-,-"""i . r-w--f. 1 a-M--L-.-.:-i- . '.am.w r-. T J.Bea few CLOAKS and WALKING JACKETS BalmoralfakliS BlaXuTand OrerooaEc Surahs' t Morie Safe oonjmd secure Bargains Jin many other line, of GIVEN TO ORDERS. EJ & WILHELM. C. C. D. A. AND THAT NORTH CAROLINA HAS THE LARGEST MUSIC 1101 SF IN THE SOUTH. The McSmith Music House SELLS CHICK ERING & EONS, KRANICH 4 BACH, MATHCSHEK. ARION, SOUTHERN GEM And other PIAN03. MASON A.HAMLIN, SH0NINGER, PELODBET CO., STERLING, AND OTHER ORGANS. THE ONLY HOUSE THAf SELLS STRICTLY First-Class Instruments. . t3f Ask me for prices If you want good work and you will never buy anything but the best Address or call on. H. McSMITH. GREAT GERM DESTROYER. DARBY'S PROPHYUCTIC FLUID. PTTTTNG OF 8MAL POX Prevented, Ulsters purified and healed. Gangrene prevented and cured. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvey cured In short Tme. Tetter dried op. It Is perfectly harmless, for Bore Throat It la a sore cure ) SMALLPOX J ERADICATED. Con ta don riaatmvaL Sick Hooms punned and mad pleasat t. Fevered and Bine Per sons relieved and re freshed b y bathing wim rropnyiaac rrw added In t.A at rr Soft White Complexions secured by its use to halhlnff DIPTHERIA Impure Air made harm prevented? less ana purinea uj sprinkling Darby's Jiina aoout. To ourlfr the Breath. Cleanse the Teeth, U Cholera dissipated. can't be surpassed. -Catarrh relieved and Ship Fever prevented dj Its use. . In cases of death m the cured. ErvRtnAlaa miwrf bouse, it should always be used about the corpse-it will prevent any unpleasant smelL Burns relieved Instantly. Removes all unpleasant vwn. An antidote for animal or Vegetable roison. Btlngs, 4e. Dangerous efnovias oi sick rooms and hospi tals removed dt us use. Yellow Fever Eradicate tin fact it Is the great Disinfectant andPnrifier pBSPABXDlBT J. H. ZEILIN & CO, ManufacturiritChemlJtSole PranrleMiK- Everybody Has Discovered 18CARLET FEVER I CUREDj I r i 1 t '1 i ' 1 It" I'. i I: I i' 1 r 1 1 ( i a f i" i ' r i 'a !" f ( 'l: s lit l I T.v". ' 1. I' i f M ', L i 'V 1 ill! ! I , t j U I m1 f s i; r 1' 3 1 in TM peuouasn u uw -- Jolyltt. mar27 Charlotte, N. C.

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