LOCAL HATTERS. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 1, 1882. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. fiABOUlO. tuaim Looes Na 81, A. F. A A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday night. KXCKLAIOB LoDOB No. 261, A. r. ft A. M. R0 ular meeting every first and third Tuesday night. OHABLom Chaftxb No. 89. R. a. M. Regular meeting every second and tourth Friday nights. Cblajuttt Coioi axdaby Na 2, E. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. TZ. OIB EC. KirieHTS or uohob. ueguiar meeting eeond and fourth Thursdays. OP I- KinoHTS or Ptthias. Regular meeting nights Dnt and third Wednesdays, 7 o'elook p. m. at Ma onlc Temple HalL I. O. O. P. CHAXurrn Lodsi Na 88. Meets every Men day night. UjICKLXKBtTBS DSCLA.KATIOH LODSI Na Meeu every Tuesday night 1- Dm" Lodsb No. 108. Meeta'every Thursday night Catawba Rrvas EifGAXPrarr No. 21. Meets lrst and third Thursday nights In each month. IdAcx to New AdTartlaenienta, K. D Latta ft Bro - Great closing out sale. T. T. Smith Public Notice. HBrrUon Watts Postponement C. M. Btberedge Crockery, 4c, cheap. y B Kuffla -Dividend Notice. Attention, Independents. Br Hanson's Skin cure.. A. M Howell -Dried Sugar Com. 4c. He turn your mpty Cracker Cans to LeBoy Davidson. JB SINES NO 11 CAM. . Bothers! Mothers I! Mothers it! tee you disturbed at night and broken of your test by a elek child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? II so, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSL0W8 SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little guflerer Immediately depend upon it : there is no mistake about it There Is not a mother on earth who has ever used It who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, ope rat ine like magic It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and Is the pre arintlon of one of ine omest and Desi physicians and nurses In the United States. 25 cents a bottle. Sold everywhere. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and In discretion of youth, nervous weakaeas. early decay 4M of manhood, Ac, I will send a recipe that will cure jou. FREE of CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. gent a self -addressed envelope to the Rsr. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station D, New Tork City Lydla E. Plakham's Vegetable Compound, the jrrMt medicine for the cure of all female com- ninints. is the greatest strenathener of the hack. stomach, nerves, kidneys, urinary and geilal or cans of marTand woman ever known. Send for circular to LydU R. Plnkham, Lynn, Mass. BinroitD Alum ahd I boh 8 prism Warn urn Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains twice at much Iron and fifty per cent more alunv tnum than anv "alum and Iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggists oi any standing. Prices reduced ono nail, mar 11 tf ?tvo &dtjjcvttsemetits. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomeness More eoonomlea than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test short weight, alum or phosphate jowders. Sold only In cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDBR CO., nov23 New York. LeBoy Davids on. Sole Agent Charlotte, IT. C DIVIDEND NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY, 1 Secretary and Treasurer's Office, Company bbops, N. C, January 81st 1882. ) rpHE Directors of the North Carolina Railroad -L Company nave declared a dividend of 6 per cent three per cnt payable 1st March, to stock holders of record on 10th February next; and three per cent on 1st .September, to stockholders of record on 10th August next The stock books will be closed from loth February to 1st March, and from 10th August to 1st September. 1882. P. B. BUFIfIN, febl lm Secretary. HIRAM SIBLEY & CO, Will mall ntKZ their Cat.' logue for 1889, ontainiag at fall desoriptlT Prle- List of Rower, Yield and Gardes) Bulbs, Ornamental Onuses, and Immortelles Gladiolus. Lilies, Bases, Plants, Qardea Implements. BeamttfoUj 111ms trsied. O rer lOO pagas. AddreM , ROCHESTER,N.Y. i CHICAGO,.!! 179-183 tatt Main St, 200-206 Randolph. St JUST GO TO PERRY'S and see what CHOICE FRUITS He Las for New Year's' Dinners,-. and how very cheap he is selling Toys and Fancy Articles FOR NEW YEA.B'S PIIESEKTS. dee81 " AT HDNTERSYILLE! kQOK IIERE ! VaTl istanil aolllnv A.-J1 and flus.no. nhiuh WO have on banTand will try to always haven so 70u can cone and get It when it suits yetu We HI have four or bts kinds, aa von can take TOUT choice. We will be glad to ship to any station on the road, lend in yew orders and remember ene thing, we do not Intend ta imdarsold In the same brands or same goods, and don't you forget li nespecuuny, . . BJLBRB & DEBR. 20 d8t 8t HuntenvOie, N. C 0 BOMB CIIIPLETS. EFThe ice of night before last was the heaviest that has been seen in this section for a long time. t&The bullion assays at the mint in this city amounted to 87,766.57 for the month of January. EF""Acroa3 the Continent" was played to a full house in Greensboro Saturday night. Eff" Tickets will be placed on sale to morrow morning for the Oliver Doud Byron Combination Friday night. t3T"The county finance committee composed of Messrs. T. L. Vail, R. M. White and J. F. Orr, will meet to-day for the transaction of business. EyWhen everybody is of the same opinion about the condition of the pub lic roads it is useless to try to get up a discussion. The supervisors are as dumb as gate-posts, so far as the public knows. tSTThe prices of wood, and almost every other article that is brought to Charlotte by wagon, would just now make a Gould or Vanderbilt squirm, to say nothing of how a poor man turns white when he Bees his supplies getting low. B3FIn the Arizona Star of Jan. 5th, Col. D. B. Rea is prominently mention ed in connection with some of the mining interests ef that territory. Col. Rea was formerly a citizen of this county, having removed to Arizona from Providence township some ten years ago. tSTP. B. Ruffin, secretary and treas urer of the North Carolina Railroad Company, in accordance with the ac tion of the board of directors at their meeting in this city last month, gives notice this morning of the payment of 3 per cent of the dividend declared, payable 1st March. tWlt is stated that last week an in dividual while in Charlotte purchased a 25lb. sack of flour, lOlbs. of sugar and some other small articles, and attempt ed to take them home in his wagon. When near the Jewish cemetery the wagon tilted, throwing out the whole lot, which disappeared in the mud and have never been recovered. t"Mr. Collier Cobb, of Chapel Hill, the author and publisher of a school map for North Carolina, is in the city for the purpose of introducing his map. the third revised and corrected edition of which is just out. The map has met with much favor throughout the State. tW There will be a grand domino hop given at the Central Hotel on Thursday evening, February 2d, by the old batch elors. All members of the Pleasure Club are invited without further notice. We think the old batcbelors have made up their minds to show that notwith standing the short crops and other ad verse circumstances, there is life in the old town yet. tSTAttcution is called to the fact, as advertised uflicially elsewhere, that all freights for the Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio division of the Charlotte, Co lumbia and Augusta Railroad Company, which is the new designation ef the late Statesville and Charlotte road, will be received and delivered at the Cahr- lott,Columbia & Augusta freight depot. Freights now on hand will be delivered as usual from the old depot at the foot of Trad street, for to-day only. The Cleaned Club The Gounod Club held a very inter esting meeting Monday nlgnt at tne residence of Mrs. Morgan, and notwith standing the very unfavorable weather there wa3 a full attendance. Some im portant business, the nature of which will soon be made public, was transact ed, and several new members admitted. Within the past two months there have been seven new members electsd, and the condition of the organization, financially and otherwise,i highly satis factory to its members and friends. Cswtle ! the Golden Rule. Last night a Castle of the Golden Rule, the objects of which have been heretofore explained in these columns was instituted in this city by Friend Tuttle, Deputy-Commander at large. The order is a new.iastitution in this sec tion, but the effort to introduce it in this city met with a beginning of 17 charter members. The following officers were elected or the term ending June 3uth, next: P. C Dr. R. J. Brevard. C. Col. Chas. R. Jones. V. C . M. Martin. F.&R.S.-H. A. DeaL T. T. W. Allison. P. J. C Eagle. M. at A. W. D. Stone. H. O. Banks, W.T-S.14. Bigham. S. C. C. Smith, Trustees. W. P. Fraaler, M. Martin, R. Brewer. Destitution We are assured by the president of the Relief Association that there are many cases of destitution among the worthy poor of the city which call for assistance at once. There were seve ral gentlemen appointed by the associ ation to solicit aid for this purpose, nut go far the responses have amounted to almost nothing. To meet the urgency of some cases debts are now being per sonally contracted by soine of those who are engaged in assisting tne poor, in order that bread may be naa Dy these unfortunates, 'mere are many jn the pity now whp are without bread or wood, and seems inac mere statement of this faqtsnomaoe sufficient to stimulate those who pos sess plenty to contribute towards the relief so much needed. The destitu tion seems to be about equally divided between the white and colored, and while applicants are constantly coming but little can be done towards reliev ing thPir necessities. It is terrible to be -'wiibtuV fue in wjntif, but when ibe jack of bread is added the situation becomes more terrible. Monroe, Mich., Sept 25. 1876. Blrs-I have been taking Hop Bitten lor lnflam- matlon 01 lunaeys auu omuum. S2hJfi doctors failed to do. The effect) J Hop Bitters seemed like magic torn. Ooiarad Bill Bllae Salt 7eclded. We are informed that the case of Fred IL Stith et al vs. John F. McKee etals,asuit of ejectment against the Conrad Hill Gold and Copper mining company, of Davidson county, was tried at the special term of the Superior Court for that county, on the 26th, 27th and 28th of January, and the court de cided that the company's title inlaw and equity was perfect, and gave a ver dict in favor of the company on all the points asked for in the pleadings. The amount involved was very large. Claelng- Bmle eI Clotntnsr. . D. Latta & Bro. announce a clos ing sale of clothing to the readers of The Observer this morning, in an ad vertisement which is calculated to im press every individual who will take the trouble to look over it. Unless one has kept up with the advance in the demands of merchants engaged in this particular line of goods, the mind fails to conceive the large and beautiful stock of goods which are annually sold out to make 100m for the stock appro priate for the succeeding season. Semi annually the Messrs. Latta offer their goods on hand at a sacrifice in the spring and fall. In the spring to close out their winter stock, and in the fall to sell out the summer goods. In the clothing business especially this is in cumbent upon the live clothier, who has made his profits on the earlier sales, and who now sells at a sacrifice, in or der to invest the money in spring goods, on the principle that "a nimble sixpence is better than a slow shilling." Bar gains may be expected, and we predict a prodigious sale, because the goods are on the shelves, and they are to be sold. Tne End Mat Yet. A correspondent of the Mining Re view gives some information which will no doubt lift a great load from the minds of the believers in Mother Ship ton prophecies, etc. The writer says: "The age of the planet is measured by the amount of coal in the basins under the grand prairies of the center of the continent; by the amount of ore in the iron mountains and hundreds of knobs, hills and ridges of iron ores ; by the vein system of the hundreds of basins in the lead fields of the upper and low er Mississippi ; by the veins grouped in families that form the great silver and gold belts of thi Nevada and Sierra Madre. Think of the Appalachian chain, with its mineral belt from Maine to Alabama yet barely touched ; of the silver fields of Central Mexico only mined on the surface. In 1878 1 passed an iron mountain in Central Mexico as large as the Pilot Knob in Missouri, and seventy miles to the nearest ranch That mountain of ore was bared to the same sun as shone upon the builders of the Pyramids of Egypt, and has waited all this time and must wait, possibly, a century to come. Think of the iron mountains of Wyoming of Lake Su perior! The world is yet in its salad days ; the north or south pole has not yet been discovered ; Dr. Kane found beds of lignite up to 75 degrees north ; the Platonic or great year has only de scribed one-sixth of its orbit, and that has taken 4,000 years." Heal Estate Transfers. Below will be found a list of the transfers of real estate made in the county during the month : C. B. Wellford to T. M. Carr, land. C. B. Wellford to J. P. Carr, land. W. W. Phif er to W. J. Eddins, city lot. W. A. Brown to B. F. Brown, land. A. G. Brenizer to W. F. Williams, city lot. F. S. De Wolfe and J. E. Brown, as signees to S. R. Reid, lot at Matthews. A. H. Cochrane to W. H. Robinson, two tracts land. A. G. Hunter to C. L. Gribble, land. C. E. Grier to P. C. Grier, land. R. Barringer to P. S. McLauchlin, city lot R. A. McNeely and wife to Cupid Moore, land. J. R. Johnson and wife to Solomon Jamison, land. L 1 i T" aoiomon uamiHou anu was ioj.x. Lattimer, lot near Davidson College. Trustees of Davidson College to J. N. Thompson, lot at Davidson College. T. E. Parks to J. B. Alexander, land. J. V. Bost and wife to J. M. Dove, and. J. J. Goi mley to Sarah F. Davidson, land. J. McLaughlin and wife to W. E. Crowell, land. J. R. Baker and wife to school com mittee of district No. 28, school house site. Henry Shipp and others to school committee of district No., 33, school house site. Rufus Johnson aftd wifetoS. J. John son, lot near Charlotte. Oscar J. Orr to C. A. Withers, land. A. B. Gillespie to J. M. Dove, land. Manliua Means and wife to J. A. Mc- Lure, land. R. J. Frazier and wife to J. H. Baker, land. J. C. Treloar and wife to Maggie L. Irwin, city lots. A. S. Harter and wife to J. A. Dun can, land. J. G. McCorkle and wife to G. A. Johnson and wife, city lot. The total number of deeds, chattel and land mortgages registered during the month of January of this year is 261 against 135 for January of last year. The increase is very nearly one hun dred per cent, and is the largest month's business in this line that has ever been done previously. There can be little doubt that by spring a larger amount p,f property will ho under mortgage tiian has ever before been, the case in the county. 0bbs- -"bV"-"-""""--- To always protect the weakest parts is a duty and it Is especially the duty of thoee whose longs are being weakened by the constant wear of cough ins to nrotect them by using a soothing remedy, iuch asbc. Bull's cough syrup. Frtoe 26c s lei Qi Three months nave passed since I Quit taking 5. a & ; I am eared: am certain a & a. did It J. a Tanart. telegraph operator, Salamancla, M. Y. i nrm m rials' anv chemist who tndson bottles ot 8. 8. 6 . any aiaivin of one hundred bottles of. 8. a 6 , any mercury, stance. iodide potassium, or any mineral bud- mi - Dene me more goal than lareka. or Hot Springs, after having tried both. Says J. W.Bld, NewDort. mc. sDeaalng of benefit derived from a.aa inm era omv hair adoaUr recovers its youthful color and lustre b (toe use ot Parker's Hair Balsam, an elegant Ing, admired f Its purity and rich perfume. Marrlaajee In Jsmaaxy, The marriage license record for Jan uary shows tnat thirty-two couples were married in the county during the month, of which eighteen were white and fourteen colored, the whites, for the first time in many months, showing the preponderance. The following is the list: whites. P. P. McLellan, Amanda Yandle. 8. W. Wallace, Mary Barriett J. R. Hayes, Emma Spratt G. H. Austin, M. J. Fulwood. A. L. Smith, Louise Young. C. L. Hunter, M. P. Myers. M. W. Sanford, Mary J. HowelL W. C. Miller, E. O. Griffin. S. C. Brown, F. V. Montgomery. M. N. Hucks, Lenora Yan Pelt S. B. Jones, Maggie Morehead. T. W. Ebeltoft Lila Springs. J. R. Wolf, Emma Robinson. W. E. Alexander, Emma Knox. B. L. Blair, Mattie Row ark. S. L. Wentz, Nancy Jordan. J. R. Evans, Maggie MeKamey. G. W. Oehler, M. J. Galloway. COLORED. Scott Barry, Lucinda Springs. Milas Grier, Delia Catbey. Ben Wallace, Mary A. Mealin. Morgan Wallace, Martha Hudson. Andrew Weeks, Hannah Torrence. Richard Hurdle, Susan A. Holt A. S. Walton, Ella Dunson. Robert Alexander, Maggie N. Wood ward. Monroe La wing, Alice McCree. J. A. Keen an, Lina Scott Jno. Smith, Alice Taylor. Geo. Fulenwider, Alice Cathey. Geo. W. Sutton, Jennie Davidson. Wm. Grier, Susan Jordan. OsUllna- tne PreTloas Question Several days ago a communication was handed to the editor, which, by some means, was misplaced. It has just turned up, and we give it with pleasure, as it is to the point and may be considered applicable to the situa tion: To the Editor of the Observer: In reply to "Citizen" we are glad to note that our worthy mayor favors "an increase of taxes for permanent im provement of our streets," also "for the paving and curbing of some of the streets, theproperty owners to pay half tne expense: .Now, u our cnarter gives the board of aldermen authority to pave the streets and sidewalks upon these conditions, why has not an ordi nance to that effect been passed ? Why has not the mayor urged the matter ? We want good streets and certainly need paved sidewalks. Let him at once call a meeting of the aldermen and push this matter. Thus far, they have only met to repeal the ordinances prohibiting the sale of liquor and of cock-fighting. It is about time that they do something in the way of im proving the streets and walks. We trust that some action will be taken at once. Improvement. DIED. At the residence of her parents, near Alexan drian, this county, on the 14th day of November, 1881. Miss Berne rarks. daughter oi A. D. & L 8. Parks. Miss Parks was lust eighteen rears old and a general favorite among her friends and neighbors. IN KSMOBIAJf. Bessie, thy days on earth are ended, And all thy troubles here beiow. Go, by angel bands attended, To thy Saviour's bosom, go. There on Elysium's flowery mount. Thy wafted soul shall calmly rest. And with transporting oys recount The many labors of the past She bad Just entered Into life. 4 A transient glimpse of earth she took; Then bade farewell to worldly strife, Without a frown or lingering look. Come where the silent dead repose, Recall to mind the days gene by! Come, think of early cherished friends, for here in death's long sleep they lie. But o'er ber grave true friendship rears A bright and more enduring shrine; Her memory lives In hearts embalmed, O, may such lasting love be mine. Remember, friends, when you draw near, a nd stand around her silent tomb, While on her dust you drop a tear, Her Bool Is In a happier home. ' 'Fair bloom the rosea o'er ber grave. Light rests the turf upon her breast, And softly let the willow wave. Where Bessie takes her last sad rest." Ibla. Dried Sugar Corn, BOOR EBOUT, PICKLED PIGS TOT, BUCK WHEAT ILOUB, AND NEW OBLEAMS HOLA8SES, -XT- S. M. HOWEL L'S. febl POSTPONEMENT. THE Galaxy Club mealing Is postponed from Thursday. FehiWrr 2nd. until Thursday. February 9th, at oe residence of Col. John L. Morehead. By order of febl HARBISON WATTS. PUBLIC NOTICE. ON and after this date, February 1 st, 1 882, all freight tor the Atlantic. Tennessee and Ohio Division of the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad Company, will be received and delivered at the present freight depot of the Charlotte, Col umbia and Augusta Railroad Company In Char lotte. T. T. SMITH, febl lw Agent I AM SELLING C10CKEM. GLASSWARE, TINWARE and NOTIONS 07 EVERT DESCRIPTION Vary cheap at the VARIETY STORE under the Traders' National Bank. Ear- VanT useful articles for housekaenera. A few pairs left of Ladies' Merino Vests at ti.ll per rworth W0Tn and eg oggel Attention, Independents. w-r att am TiArebv notified to attend a resular jl meeting of your company this (Wednesday evening, u tat o cuwa. aired. By order, A full attendance is da- Bo. CHAMBERS, . W. J. Habbisok, Secretary. febl It rresiaenu FEBRUARY 1ST, 1882. OMAMO. --OUR-- GRE&T GREAT Closing Out Sale OF m S WILL BEGIN TO"DAY. OVERCOlTd FOR WINTER WEAR. OVERCOATS FOR SPRING WEAR. MM MM U MMMM U M MM M U tf s88g TTTT I TT.TJ. A I X l, M M M U U A XXIX M M M UU BggB -B E SOL D.- A SPECIAL SALE ! A POSITIVE SALE ! For wu never carry over from Season to Season any Garments that can be sold at the proper time, If a reasonable sacrifice can accompli ,h the sale. IT DAS BSEN A MILD SKA33N THUS FAR, AND WE HAVS A Large Stock On hand. If we've erred hi Judgment as to quan tity or stfles, NOW IS THE TIME TO lectify Mistakes. PEIOE MAKES DIFFEEEHOES. The Lower the Price the Quicker the Sale. For three years our policy has been to close each season's purchase the season bought, enabling os to open FRESH NEW STOCKS. Our Customers expect It; the reputation of our House demands It If you have not bought It win be worth your while to look, for the prices WILL ASTONISH YOU. OUR $27, 928. 880 and S32 SILK SLEEVE LINED OVERCOATS will be sold without reserve at $20. OUR $22, $24 and $25 OVERCOATS at $17.50. OUR $18 and 820 OYSBCOATS at $16. This last Includes all of our FINE bktsuslbus ULSTERS and UL8TERBTTES, We have some 25 REVERSIBLE OVERCOATS In handsome patterns, marked $14, $1(1 and 817.60, which will be sold at $10. t OUR $10 and $12 OVERCOATS will be sold uni formly an 87.60. A lot of some 200 OVERCOATS, embracing the remnants oi all lots ranging In price from $Tr"? OOOOOO00) 1 9S mm W uw w w vs MooSe oo osoo oo tW 09 0000 00 to ro oo oo H WILL BE SACRIFICED. AT THE The convenient price for all only $5. This lot la on MMMM MMM MMMM MMM HM M MMM MMM MM BARGAIN! OT We shall make In this sole the LOWEST prices we have STIR offered, and what wo assert this MEAN the LOWEST prices EVER made by anybody. lar Orders from a distance am sotlcttod, and the same advantages m LOW prices will be given as If purchasing In person. The opportunity is a me one. ED. LATTA ft BRO. febl OTSRCOA 5H 5 rs 5" IB(MFg 1 AT COST. AT COST. fiATDIO JUST YAXr& I fOID I HA VI ENTIRELY TOO4 HUCH STOCK ON HARD, AND 15 OBDKS TO REDUCE IT t WILL OFFER UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, ALL GOODS UNRESERVEDLY AT COST. decSO lm W1HD0 ACID PHOSPHATE, MANUFACTURED Wando Ptepha OF CHARLESTON, S. C. THE FIRST COMPANY THAT MADE MWm FROM THE Wonderfal Phosphate Beds of South Carolina. aJIIlSrES IsTEia BEE'S OFFICE: No. 7 Exchange PEAHOIS B. HACKEE, President. JOSIAH S. BBOWIT, Treasurer. OHABLES Y. BIOHABD80H, Traveling Clerk. JanSl d-3t am w-lm One Car Load Mea dDnn (DsiipEdiDai aM BOSTON BAKED MAIS, ALREADY PREPARED FOR USE. IPlmunm IPandldlnim Canned Goods all Descriptions. Parlies HaviDg Empty Cracker Cans Will Please Return LcBlEcD)y DDavfifflsiB THE HEW DRUG STORE, Comer of CoBege and Trade streets, (Wilson ft Block's old itandj IS NOW OPE N. Forties desiring Tresb and Reliable Drags will do well to give as a call. Jonttf 0BC V QHTJE, HAND ft CO SmDHS COST ! tiff AND SOLD BY to J ASHLEY RIVER. ZFEZRIRTT Street, Charleston, S. C. and Get Fall Oats. Having removed to the shop, on Tryon street, over the buunendent Hook ft Ladder Troca House, is rream receive orders tor HOUSEj BIGN i andOBN AMXflT A L PAINTING, such as Guilding, K&HDin;, Frescoing, &c Jan28tf

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