tTtr? . i . 1 i1 in.'',' .. " tnnBBIHS' STARCH POLISH An Important dis- corery, by which X every family may rgire their linen that beautifal fin- ish peculiar to fins Ask your Grocer, lit . . .Jt 4 A.' . J. B. DOBBINS, Philadelphia, Pa. DEALER IN Tinware & House Faraishing Goods MANTELS and GRATES fcy WHOLESALE and RETAIL. 4B Particular attention paid to -ROOTING AND SPOUTING. None but first class hands employed. Call lor the BARLEY SHEAF STOVE. oct29 t Receive! AT T3E- China Palace OF A LOT OF ELEGANT SUITABLE FOB WEDDING PRESENTS. anlO I JUIG0E1AT0R Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the systeny ath&ts,gur bloo Antfree Dr.-SjwroRDrr62-Broadway,-N; Y. KJT0n ALE Bt ALL DBUOOI8T. " V inn I f i ft sstlasV 1 vj feiG (f . CHASi: K. JOISES, i l II SoleAg't,Charlotte,N.C. JJ Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, dsi J. BrookMd & Co, Plated Ware and ChinaSets tK-SANFOBrS en iT: L08T MANHOOD RESTORED, i Ariotimof TMiibM tmf3rodence canamg Prema ture Decay, Kerrons Debility, Lost Manhood, etc hsTing tried in valor srery known remedy; has dis oorered a simple self cure, which ha will acad FBEB to his feUow-suffcrers, address J. U. KEEVE, 43 Chatluuu fit., & Y. Bept 18 HADE HEW wmrr mm ELECTRIC Scouring POLISH. Bert In the "World. THE ONLY MEDICINE IX X1TH1B LIQUID OB DBTTOSX V That Acta at the same time ea TES LIYZR, TES 80WXLS, ABD TES KIDE5TS. WHY ARE WE SICK? BseauM w aUott theu great organs to becomt clogged or torpid, and poitonout hvmorMart tkertfor forced into tht Hood tJtOiat fhouldU expelled naturally. 1 WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, ' : LIVER COMPLAINTS, PILES, C03rPATIO2f, URINAltT DUEAlES, FEMALE WEAKS ESSES, AK9 NERTOr DISOKDEKS, by causing free action of these organ and restoring their power to throw off disease. Whj mffer Billow paini and teheat Whj tormeatod with Piles, Conatipatioa! Why frightened over disordered Kidneys! Why endure nerrons or sick headaches! Use KIDNEY-WOIlTand rejoice in health. It Is pat up In Wry Vegetable Form. In tin ' " one pwWf o( which nukes (iz quart of medicine. Also inIJld Fgno, T OeeMeev 1 tratai, lor those that cannot readtrj prepare tt. 1 r-It acts with equal efOeteney fat either f GET IT OF TOtTR DRUGGIST. ' PRICK, tl.OO WELLS, BICHARDSOX A Co., Prop's, V J(WJUen end the dry post-paid.) B7BLD0TOS, TT. M arch 27 d&wly 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. Pat's Ju IS, IIW WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, DR. BYE'S Electro Voltaic Appliances suffering from Nervous Weiineaea, Gen eral lebilitjr, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Othkt. Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubled with disease! peculiar to their sex. Speedy relief and complete restoration to health guaranteed. Tnea are the only Kiev trie Appliances that nave ever been constructed anon aelentlfle prin ciples. Their thorough efficacy has been pira tically proven with the most wonderful sneeess, and they have the highest endorsements from medical and scien tific men, and from hundreds who have been quickly and radically cured h their nse. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, givlo? 11 information free. Address, VOLTAIC BELT CO., Xarsaall, Xicfc, nlyl8 - Come and See THE FINEST SET NOW IN THE CI CY. AT WHOLESALE AMD BIT AIL 9 :1Y1 x U X lu Yo WHITE FRONT feW 6B0CEEI Bedroom Furniture WE DHESD AT, FEB. X, 1SSJ. BOVINE VIRUS. J An I itereUnjf Description. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Thinking it w,ould interest the pub lic to -know 4ioiv bavinWvirua is ob tained, a Plain TDealer-tepresentative visited Dr. J. Pettet at his vaccine farm on Matfleld street, in East Cleveland, was coraiany receiveu auu buuwuwuk the 2ta?m and stables, the IJoetor ex plaining as they went. Everything was arranged in the most convenient manner possible and kept in the best of order, "Doctor, if it Is not a secret, will you please explain jour method? pf propa gating vaccine jvirus ; t . S ? . ? Dr.TPettet replied : "Darhsg the first four years of my vaccine experience I used heifer calves exclusively, select ing the best I could find. I found con siderable difficulty in getting proper supplies and in feeding them. After considerable study of the subject I fillftd a atabte withnewjnilch cowswith which to iucklej tnein.i Thi J soon found impraclicaDlevitoutflrsi vac cinating the eoWtr&r&salf es, nf thus I gtadaally 8bondOn0d tbe fcsefcf calves almost entirely, and for'the last six or seven years have used milch cows al most exclusively. This I believe to be the natural seat of the disease. I be lieve the use of calves, especially if top young, results in the degeneration of the vaccine disease and the destruction of what is known among propagators as a strawbery excresence. My person al process is very 'simple. In order to secure ail theyaccine when mature, and to be able to make neat work, the most available, parts of the milk gland and adjacent to it are shaved closely and sponged off clean. Then, with a sharp lancet, the surface is covered with small scarifications like this i i about an inch apart, giving a chess board appearance, thus: : i i r i i i i i 1 1 i i i i i l 1 1 t l 1 1 i i 1 1 i i Into these little cut surfaces a small quantity of warm fluid lymphy, taken direct from an Animal in the next stall, is then gently but thoroughly and per sistently rubbed until the operator is satisfied that the operation has been successful. The animal is then re moved from the operating stall and placed upon an elevated platform with proper accommodations and allowed to remain comfortably situated until the disease reaches its critical stage, when she is again placed in the operating stall. This is generally seven days from the time of the first operation. At this time the points of insertion of the vaccinia has been swollen and elevated and have assumed the appearance of a blister with a small brown spot in the center, which-is depressed. The Cover ing of this blister or vesicle is then punctured or even - removed. This crives onoortunitT to trather the limpid contents of the vesicle upon small ivorv sDatulas very similar in size and shape to a common pen-knife blade. The serum or vaccine lymph, as it is called continues to be secreted for some time afterward, and finally the secretion becomes thickened and gum my, clogging up the vessels and drying down into what is known as scale crust or scale. This is hard and firm enough to remove in from four to eight days later, at which time it consists of hair epithelium, cell membrane and other foreign material, in addition to the small quantity of dry lymphy. For this reason you see how much better the ivory points (as they are called) should be considered." "Do you produce more than one scab on a cow? 'I usually raise from six to twelve, and in exceptional cases even eighteen ; l n Kin uuo am ixicu. "Does the inoculation always 'take' on the animal?" "The inoculation does not always take, but my failures in this respect are decreasing each year, so that failures are with me now very rare (excep tional);' "After a cow has once been inocula ted is it afterward capable of producing virus? If so, after how long a time?" "This is a hard qustion to answer. With eleven years' experience, I am still in doubt, but am inclined to the opinion that the animal is only partly susceptible to the disease after the one inoculation. I am of this opinion be cause I have given some animals re peated trials and with great care, and nave been successful in every attempt if the first one was a failure. I have never tried upon one where the first operation was successful." "What is the effect of inoculation upon a cow? Is it rendered unfit to give milk during the working of the virus in its system T "About the fifth day she becomes slightly feverish, winks more freely and eats less. About the ninth day the milk decreases in quantity and remains thus for about two or three days, dur ing which time it seems to be much richer in cream. Otherwise I have not detected any change in the milk. About the thirteenth day the cow seems to be well, and begins to eat freely and fat tens rapidly." "What quantity of virus can be ob tained, or is generally obtained from one heifer?" "I have never made any careful esti mate, but Dr. Wilde, of England, who has, gives the average as 200 points to each calf. The cow being the natural seat of the disease, gives considerable more, besides having more ground upon which to plant." , . -; "Is any breed of cattle better than another for the propagation of vaccine virus?" "The finest milkers are the best for my use. One of my friends who is in the same business prefers Jerseys. I prefer Ayresbire and Durhams, some thing which has a large, square, flat surf ace above and adjacent to the ud der." W J-! U ' j. "From what extent orcountry do you receive applications fex virus?" "China on one side, England on an other, Central America on another, and British Columbia and Canada on the north, Texas and every approachable corner within these boundaries." 1 Whst doe your business indicate as tq the prevalencejof small-poxln this bountry iwimpated; wHlyaat years?" 1 uO not vniuK zvmenuir uas ever ue f ore been visited with such a scourge of small-pox.? "InJiQW mny J011 PrePare vaccine virus? "Ana will you please describe eachrmanner of putting itjup and the various transformation the ifndrffoes Trom tbo vtime it is T - . P a S . Alt 11. cow s uaaexv.muu it i8 ab8orbed into the bum hi thoroughly in a drying closet ,ar& t f through vaccmauon, lexpiaiBiBg nm f preparation of 'points packagee,retc ? :!The ivory lancets, after being.: aried These, are patinQ,laieled envelopes, pn twM6h are mark.thtf Agister pf 'each rbint" Oontatftied .therein? Thd - twin ts that Jiave beeo-'dipped from-thd lymph f twos animalsvare caliX and re soia in packages oi ten ror m.. oome are again recapped, laoeiea AAana sold in packages of five for 81. The XX are warranted for five days as packages only. The XXX -are, each, j warranted separately liur ,twb' weeks. after pur chase. Havitig a heavier cdatirig they keep their vitality fcngr, V When' vac cine becomes Old it: Seems to1 dip, so to speak, aadj Ittr use produces no effect or, if any acts, "very, slowly,.' it 'sometimes being two Jbt three weeks : before its presence 5 becomes-khown. Quills are prepared f of; being charged; the Rus sian quills seem to be he finest. On ac count of the, inconvenience in hand ling, preparing, shipping and using quills, i only put them up to order and in times of leisure,; Capillary tubes of fluid lymph are filled direct from the animal, and hermetically sealed at once. On account of their unreliability, I have not prepared any, for about six years. I have here about 10,000 empty ones, you see, which will never be fill ed. The dry scab is cut in small pieces and hermetically sealed in glass tubes. This I abandoned some years since, on account of its unreliability. Solid dry scabs are carefully cut up into pieces weighing one, two or three grains, and mounted on gutta pereha plates at 81 per grain. Many are sold, but these are now being superceded by dry pulveriz ed crust, which is much more conven ient; and also much more to be depend ed upon, being second to points only. This form is the latest improvement and is giving excellent results. The course of vaccine disease ought to be well understood by every physician, but I find there is still much ignorance upon the subject even among well in formed physicians. During the first three days after; ' vaccination there ought to be little or no result apparent except such as ' follows; the Use of the knife.- On the fourth day a small pim ple can be felt; -sometimes this cannot be discovered for two or three days later-' On the fifth day the pimple has become larger, and on the sixth day ap- pears a little round blister about the diameter of a pea. On the seventh day this has a small dark spot in the center, which gradually becomes larger, until on the ninth day the whole pocket ex cept the margin has the appearance of a scab with a hollowpoint in the center. On the thirteenth day the patient is sometimes covered with a rash resemb ling scarlet fever. This is a part of the disease and ought not to be mistaken for erysipelas nor treated by iodine or other external application for fear of the disease changing its location to some internal organ, such as lungs or brain, and perhaps causing death. This rash soon goes away of itself, leaving the patient safer from small-pox than if he had had it. The scab dries downfalls off and leaves the 'scar with which every one is familiar. In people who have once been vaccinated the vacine runs a shorter course and sometimes a very imperfect one." "How mucn virus nave you produced this and other seasons? How much greater is the demand in winter than in summer? Why does small-pox flourish most in cold weather?" "The last year, ending Oct. 31, 1881, was a very busy one for me, but from that time until the present I have sold just twice as much vaccine as during the twelve months preceding. The small-pox season generally begins about the middle of October. I suppose the reason to be that at that time the heavier clothing necessary to autumn weather is exhumed from trunks and closets where they were placed in the spring before, with perhaps some small-pox effluvium. During the even ing some friend comes in, and in the warm room the small pox is circulated around gratis, and some one gets it. The windows and doors are kept clos ed, and every one wno comes in gets a good dose, and it soon bears fruit In summer it is warm enough to keep windows and doors open, and ventila tion and safety are secured. There is another theory why we have more small-pox in winter. The early frost may chill the skin, causing the disease to start without other cause. I have no opinion in reference to the theory, but give it for study. Thorough ventila tion I believe to be the best prevent ive of small-pox, except, of course, vaccination. The country is certainly filled with small-pox thisyear.for every propagator of vaccine in the country is urningout large quantities. The new men in the business are not doing much; for in time of danger like this people do not care to run the great risk which they would have to do in buying from inexperienced men."i AM ANGEL FISH CAUGHT, Italian Anglers Haul Up a Finny Creature Somewhat Reacnibllng- a Man. San Francisco Call. An angel fish, said to be the first one ever brought to this city, was caught with a hook and line by some Italian fishermen twenty miles outside the Farallon Islands, ia very deep water, on Thursday, brought into the city and sold to an enterprising tobacco dealer on Montgomery street, where it was yesterday afternoon hung up in the window to excite the wonderment of passers-bv. The specimen is ; about three and a half feet long, has a head as large as a man's, beneath which are a pair . of winglike fins, spreading out over two feet from tip to tip, from the lower extremity of the wings they are much more like wings than fins and the body tapers off to a small tail. The back of the fish is a dark gray and brownish color, slightly mottled and studded with sharp thorn-like protuber ances; The under side of tne dsn pre sents a most curious appearance, being colored and shaped from the neck down the entire body like a human body. Thethorar is rib-marked and the ab domen is singularly man-like and the resemblance to the human organization is very remarkable. The novelty and rarity of the specimea drew to the store where it is exhibited a number of scientists; '' J Charles Wolcott Brooks informed the Call reporter sent to make the fish's ac quaintance that the one brought in by the Italians is a very rare specimen. It ,has heretofore been scientifically classed, but not generally known as a personal acquaintance, so to say, by even the most favored few. Mr. Brooks stated that the squatina, speaking of it in a friendlv manner, is a habitue of very deep water, where it pursues the very pleasant pastime of feeding on flounders and soles. Unlike San Fran cisco's bon vivantes the squatina is never forced to accent a slice ot ;stUr- eofLfOtasiOle and pay two bit for at Yefcltbe: squatina appears capaweof mastering even a whole sturgeon, Hav ing a true fissure mouth; fracturing its enormous! head from the two joints where its ears should have been set. ! : A IJouUlana Ca teat Csm Dlamiaacd WtisTmrciWvw Tr 1 Thft TTnilSQ f AUAAU U A VAi tlOUa va . . w committee on elections to-day unani mously dismisasedthe contest of Lanier against ini from the fifth . district of Louisiana.,. This leaves King in undis puted jjosloroee "Vr wv onnn WOMAJTr Why are yen to onto! sorts, never able to UMn that yon ire wur Ten "ES.-KSK. the first place by aMtftoal eoBsapj. The sure euro for consUpatlon is t.Xr all Kldhey-Wort It is also a specific wmedy. lorau kldnty and liver diseases. .Thouaai are owed mww - r . . - FBXMATDBX LOSS OT THE HAIB Vn ha smtlwlT nnmnM t ttaA USA of BUH- . " . , . HITTS COOTAlipL Tfo otner eorr.ponna possesses- the peculiar properties Mob bo exactly teiltttatarlDus conditions of the human hair.'' B BOftenetae hair when harsh and dry; . soothes the irritated scalp. It aCords the richest lustre," It preyehts Che hair from railing oO. It promotes ItB healthy, visoroos growth, it is not greasy nor sticky-'' It teate no disagreeable odor. It kills dandruff. Burnett's Flavoring Extracts areknwn to be the est ;; " - TBOUB LESOMB CHILDREN, that are always wetting their beds onght not to be scolded and punished for what they cannot hfl p. They need a medicine having a tonic effect on the kidneys and the urinary organs. - Bach a medicine Is Kidney-Wort, It has specific action. Do not fan to get tt for them. Exchange. To promote a rigorous growth of the hair, use Parker's Hair Balsam. It restores the youthful color to. gray balr, remove dandruff, and cures toning cf the- scalp. AN ALABMLXG SPREAD OF SMALL FOX. The most potent remedy to stop the spread of this great scourge is Darbys Prophylactic Fluid, which is ready for use at all times. Persons are liable at any moment to "catch" the disease, and should Bet the Fluid at once and use It freely about, as places cannot be Infected where the Fluid Is used. Persons attending the sick or In other ways exposed to the disease will be protected by Its free use DB..G. W. BKKSON, of BALTIMORE, MD., In the course of his practice discovered what how are renowned in medical practice, viz: a combina tion of Celery and Chamomile In the shape of Pills. They are used by the profession at large and constantly recommended by them. It Is not 8 patent medicine. It is the result of his own experience in practice. They are a sure euro for the following special diseases, and are worthy of a trial by all Intelligent sufferers. They are pre pared expressly to cure sick headacte, nervous headache, dyspeptic headache, neuralgia, paralysis, sleeplessness, dyspepsia and nervous ness, and wlu cure any case. The Doctors great remedy for 8kln disease, called Dr. Benson's Skin Cure Is exceedingly valuable and greatly sought after by all persons who have skin diseases or bad complexion. An excellent toilet dressing. Sold by aU druggists. Price 50 cents a box. De pot, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By man, two boxes for SI or six boxes for $2.50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMOR8, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISIASES OF HAIR AND SCALF, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLE8 and TENDER ITCHINOSonaUpartaof the body. It makes the akin, white, soft and smooth; removes tan and freeaues, and is the BEST toilet dielug In 'I'H u WOBXD. Elegantly put Tip, two bottlea in one paokage. oonainting of both internal and external treatment. All first class druggists have It. Price $1. per package. CHA8. N CRITTKNTON. 115 Fulton street. New York City, sole agent lor Dr. C. W Bensen's remedlt s, to vtbom all orders should be ad dressed. UBS. LYDIl E. PIHIBIH, OF LTSH, HISS., LYDIA E. PI NIC HAM'S VEGETABLE COKPOUNP. Is a TVaUlry Oire ferall laaae IVUIVI IVwaJalala ae4 WmImM aeeesasaea ItMrWil Vaat Utwa. II wUI cure enUroljr lb ot FNe CVm- plelnta, all orartan rMe, UanatKM aad CKer. Uon, Tallin a4 lUam-nK, anvl Ue consequent Spinal WmIdom, and U jwrUcuUrty adajted to tae Chang-e or Ufa. It will dissolve ana nel tumors from the vteros ta an early stage ot twUjw- The tendency to caa Oeroui humors thre It oherkd rery speedtty hy its nse. It remoTea falntnoss, flatulency, destroyaaU eraTtna; for stimulants, and rellert weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nsrrous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplesanoss, Depression aad Indi gestion. Thai feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently oared by Its use. It will at all times and under aUolroumatances act In harmony with the laws that gorern the female system. Tot the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound Is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. MX CHAM'S VEGETABLE COM POCNDls prepared at S3S and t Western Arenue, Lynn, Baa. Price L Six bottles f or S. Sent by mail In the form of pills, also in the form of losengea, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. pinkham freely answers ail letters of Inquiry 8end for pamph let. Address aa aborts. Mention tAis Paper. Ho family should be without LYDIA K. FIKEHA1FS LrvTJt PTLL8. They cure constipation, biliousness, and torpidity of the lirer. gs cents per box. sT Said by all Druggiata. For Yon, Madam, TTlioso complexion betrays some humiliating imperfec tion, Trhose mirror tells TP5 that you are Taimed, Salloir and dlsflffiired in conntenance ! or hare Eruptions, ; Itoiighness or unwholesome mpleon, say Haffiui'iIgn0Wa Balm. a deliehtlnl litticle, producing wfieh no observer can, detect, cSwri soon becojnesjper. mSentifthelI ta fndidonsly nsco, ; loila Balm yf TsT A "R V TTX?T?T? for 1882, with XJJlJ1X Is T AXEjVj improved Inter est table, calendar, etc Sent to any address on receipt of two Thbxb-ckh hfAMPs. Address CHaKIUKS b. hirks. 48 N. Delaware Ave. Phlla. BOOKS ON BUILDING Painting, Decora- address, enclosing three 8-ceut stamps. TV 31. X., 1 94 Broadway, New York. 5heJ!AwdrreA?2IB teal Work, warranted the best and cheapest, indispenaable to evorr manntitled "the Science of lire orelfreaemtioa ; bound in finest French muslin, embossed, ioll giltOO ppweontains beaatifnl steel engra-nngs, 12i prescrip. 1 tl,f?. PJ10 ai-25 ent by mail . MmnlA aend now.Addraes PeabodTMnd. THYSELT. 1 leal Institute or Dr. W. H. PAR. K.ER, No, 4 Bulfinchst. Boston. OVR. CONTINENT A KEW ILLUSTRATED LITEEAET WEEKLY JOURNAL,- NEITHER POLITICAL HOB SECTARIAN; Conducted by ALBION W. TOUEGTCK. anthOTof "A Fool's Errand," etc., assisted by Daniel G. Brlnton and Robert 8. Davis. 7IRST NUMBER ISSUED FEBRUARY 1, 1882. The most distJngulsbf d authors and skilful ar tists, Dotn American and English, have been en gaged by ' OUR CONTINENT." The February numbers contain novels and stories by Helen Campbell, Mrs. Alexander, E. P Boe, Julian Hawthorne, John Habberton, R. H. Davis, etc.: poems by Oscar Wilde. Louise Chandler Moulton, G. H. Boker, Sidney Lanier, G. P. Lathrop, Celta Thaxter, etc; entertaining sketches by C 6. Ice land (Hans Breltman) D. G. Mltchen, Qke Mar- veiMemuswaia etc.; Bona papers by rresideot Porter of Yale. Eliot of Harvaid. Provost Penoer. of the University of Pennsylvania, etc; fashion notes by Kate Field; art Illustrations by Louis C. Tiffany; science by Profs. Bothrock, Barber, etc.; social etiquette by Mrs. Moulton; rural Improve ment by Hon B. G. Northrop; fun and humor by C. H. Clark, (Max Adler) "Uncle Hemua" and a host of others. Beautiful Illustrations are a leading feature of 'OUR CONTINENT." They are the finest that art can produce and equal to .the most perfect In the monthlies. Price 10 cents a number; $4 a year; $2 six montns. Mailed free of postage to any address. specimen copy tree. Newsdealers will find It to their Interest to pre sent "OUR CONTINENT" to the r customers. Postmasters are Invited to take subscriptions, Liberal commission. Book Canvassers can add largely to their Incomes without Interfering witb their regular business, by acting ior "ouu uohtinent." Write for particulars to "OUR CONTINENT," Philadelphia, Pa. A GRICULTURAL LIME :and: CARBONATE OF LIME. Bdst and Cheapest Fertilizers. Send for Circular, rnrunii nnnxnrn rooky rncnun onu i pult,n.c. THE CHICKEiHMB PIANO. THE HIGHEST AWARDS ""pfSoI In the GREAT WORLD'8 FAIR in LONDON, 1851 ; at the GREAT EXPOSITION in PARIS, 1867; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION in CHILI, 18TB; and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION In Philadelphia, 1876. All persons wishing to purchase (or ex amine) instruments are respectfully in vited to visit our Warerooms. Sendor Circular and Price List. GHIGKERIKG sons; 130 Fifth Avenue, N.Y. I 156 TremontSt Boston. Jan25 d3cw4w vtv uvwftu. North Carolina Railroad. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. TRAINS GOING EAST. Date, Dec. 18, '81 No. R5 No 51 No. 53 Dally. Daily. Daily. Leave Charlotte, 4.30 p m; 8 30 am 8.10pm " Salisbury. 6.17 p mi 6.30 a m la02 p m Arrive Greensb'ro 8.00 p m 7.86 am 1 2 05 a m Leave Hreensb'ro R18pm 7.56 a m 12.15 am Arrive N.Daneilie 10.10pm 1000 am 1223 am Leave N.Danvllle! 1 1.30 pml015am Arrive KfcLmond, 7.40 a m 3.55 p m Lrave Greensb'ro 9.50 am Arrive BaleiglK.. . 1.52 p ra Leave RaJeish 2.17 pm Arrive Golds boro' 4.20 p m No, 51 Connects at Greensboro' with R D. B. R. for aU points East and Wwt via Danville and Richmond, also with train for RaieUlh and Goklsboro. . No. w Connects at Greensboro' witn k. x v. R. R. for all points East and West, via Danville and Richmond. No. 55 Connects at Greensroro' witn k. y. R. r for all points East and West, via Danvuie only. TRAINS GOING VEST. Date. Dec. 18, '81 No. 54 Dsily. No. 60 Datly. No. 52 Dally. Leave Goldsooro' 12.20 p m Arrive Raleigh,.. Leave HaleUh. . Leave Richmond, J2.4U pm 400 pm 12 07 pm 11.25 pm 7.85 am 9 80 a m 9 85 am 11.22 am 1.06 pin " N.Danvlile 7 48 pm n Ml I n TTi Arrive Greensb'rol fl.80 pm 9.85 pm 11.15Dm 8.30 pm 8.40 p m Leave Greensb'ro Leave Salisbury, . Arrive Charlotte,. 1037 12.25 12.40 a m N. W. Tt, C, RAILROAD, 60ING WE8T. NO. 50 Daily. Leave Greensboro P.51 p m Arrive Kemersvllie , 1 1.07 p m Arrive Salem 11.60 pm NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 10.00 a m Arilve Kemersvllie 1 1.00 a m Arrive Salem 11.80 am GOING EAST. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7.30 am Arrive Kernersyltla H.04am Arrive Greensboro., 9.00 a m NO. S3 Daily. Leave Salem 4-30 p m Arrive KernersviHe 5.10pm Arrive Greensboro 6 80 P m Penman Mm Cars Witipt Mange On Train No. 51. between Atlanta and New York, via Danllle. On Train No. 55, between Acgusta Inmrm via llJinvtltA. and Wash- On Train No. 53, between Atlanta and Washing ton, via Danville. On Train No. 50, between New York and Atlanta via Danville. on Train No. 52, between Washington and Au gusta, via Danv le. , On Train No 54, between Washingtpn and At lanta, via Danvllla. r-Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro'. Raleigh, Goldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and principal points South, Southwest. West, North and East Kir Emigrant Rates (p Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the -Southwest, address, - ' A. POPS, General Passenger Agent decSl Richmond, Va. NOTICE. PURSUANT to a decree of- tne Superior Court of -Meckleoburg, J wlilsell at Public Auction at the court house In Charlotte, on ' MONDAY, THI 27TH OF FEBRUARY; 1882, (being the week of Superior CourtJ that valuable lot or parcel of land lying between the intersection of the A orth Carortrm Railroad- track' and Trade street, adjoining the P. M. Brown lota and others, now known as the Butler property. Resold because ot purchaser at late sale falling to comply. 1 Terms Va cash; balance on 8 and 6 months credit, with Interest, Title reserved as security for balance, R. BARrilNGER, ' dec24 d oaw tds Commissioner. Pttttn.aU0ttS. JOB PRINTING. BOOK BINDING, STEAM POWER, FAST PRESSES. GOOD WORKMEN. In connection with the publication of Thh o bsbver, and the establishment of one of the larg est, most complete, and most thoroughly equipped JOB PRINTING HOUSES tothe South, the proprietor has Just added a com BOOK BINDERY AND Ruling Department, Capable of executing the very beat class of work at short ootlee. Old magazines, newspapers, law or other books rebound in handsome style, and at very low figures. w 01 BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And work of this class, .ruled and bound to order We are prepared to furnish dose estimates on every description of LETTER PRESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get the!. DATES and POSTERS printed here In as attractive a manner as In New York. We have a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice) and in first class style, BRIEFS FOR THE SUPREME COURT, And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments In good shape will do well to give us a trial. We have the most accurate proof-readers, and our work is as tree from defects as it is possible to make It LETTER HEADS, Statements, Order Books, Visiting Cards, Ball Cards, Pamphlets BILL HEADS, Deed3, Receipt 'Books, Business Cards. Programmes Magistrates' nnl Court Blanks In fact all kinds of printing done at short notice Special attention given to Railroad I'ruitlng. NOTEi HEADS, Circulars, Envelopes, Handbills, Invitations, Checks, Labels fy SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 1 BOOK WORK Having a larger rcpplT of type than most Job es tablishments, BOOK WOhK has Un and will continue to be a specialty with us. Address P.tJ.Box'182. THE OBSERVER Charlotte N. C DO IT I TO CALL AT iJBQOK STORE BEFORK.TPU MAES We will not here attempt to enumerate what we have but If you will call we will satisfy you that we bve the finest assortment of -HOLIDAY GOODS- eyer brought to this markef. Call and see onr Display whether you buy or not. A One lot of of all desrlptiens, Inst received. Remember noi e can under-bny us, and nope can under sell us. dec!8 "gov Jialc. CITY PROPERTY FOR 8AM2? A desirable residepce. three blocks from top public square In charlotte, will be sold cheap and on reasonable terras to the right kind ot a purchaser. The dwelling Is on a full lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen. fineweU of wa ter, ate. Tha house Is admirably adapted for mis residence pi a lawyer, doctor or preacher, having aD admirable library or study room, built for the purpose. iFei fttrtfcsr. putleuian, prtce, iemn. etc. apply at THIS OFFICE. 1uly20.dtf . , , . , ; ! i j ' ' ; i . - ; ' r City Lot tor Sale Heap., TBI Lot on tne eorner of Ninth street and the North Carolina Railroad, fronting 140 feet on Ninth street and 1 96 feet on the North Carolina Railroad, will either be sold as a whole or divided Into two lots of 10 by 1 08 feet Suitable either for building or factory purposes. Apply to )un25,tf 8. PHILLIPS. Your Hobday Purchases put n packages of ten and enveloped in JaniO Try i( at uuto ;

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